예제 #1
static void backwards_compatible_config() {
    // allow existing configurations to work with the current version of netdata

    if(config_exists(CONFIG_SECTION_GLOBAL, "multi threaded web server")) {
        int mode = config_get_boolean(CONFIG_SECTION_GLOBAL, "multi threaded web server", 1);

    // move [global] options to the [web] section
    config_move(CONFIG_SECTION_GLOBAL, "http port listen backlog",
                CONFIG_SECTION_WEB,    "listen backlog");

    config_move(CONFIG_SECTION_GLOBAL, "bind socket to IP",
                CONFIG_SECTION_WEB,    "bind to");

    config_move(CONFIG_SECTION_GLOBAL, "bind to",
                CONFIG_SECTION_WEB,    "bind to");

    config_move(CONFIG_SECTION_GLOBAL, "port",
                CONFIG_SECTION_WEB,    "default port");

    config_move(CONFIG_SECTION_GLOBAL, "default port",
                CONFIG_SECTION_WEB,    "default port");

    config_move(CONFIG_SECTION_GLOBAL, "disconnect idle web clients after seconds",
                CONFIG_SECTION_WEB,    "disconnect idle clients after seconds");

    config_move(CONFIG_SECTION_GLOBAL, "respect web browser do not track policy",
                CONFIG_SECTION_WEB,    "respect do not track policy");

    config_move(CONFIG_SECTION_GLOBAL, "web x-frame-options header",
                CONFIG_SECTION_WEB,    "x-frame-options response header");

    config_move(CONFIG_SECTION_GLOBAL, "enable web responses gzip compression",
                CONFIG_SECTION_WEB,    "enable gzip compression");

    config_move(CONFIG_SECTION_GLOBAL, "web compression strategy",
                CONFIG_SECTION_WEB,    "gzip compression strategy");

    config_move(CONFIG_SECTION_GLOBAL, "web compression level",
                CONFIG_SECTION_WEB,    "gzip compression level");

    config_move(CONFIG_SECTION_GLOBAL, "web files owner",
                CONFIG_SECTION_WEB,    "web files owner");

    config_move(CONFIG_SECTION_GLOBAL, "web files group",
                CONFIG_SECTION_WEB,    "web files group");

    config_move(CONFIG_SECTION_BACKEND, "opentsdb host tags",
                CONFIG_SECTION_BACKEND, "host tags");
static inline void do_disk_space_stats(struct mountinfo *mi, int update_every) {
    const char *family = mi->mount_point;
    const char *disk = mi->persistent_id;

    static SIMPLE_PATTERN *excluded_mountpoints = NULL;
    static SIMPLE_PATTERN *excluded_filesystems = NULL;
    int do_space, do_inodes;

    if(unlikely(!dict_mountpoints)) {

        if(config_move("plugin:proc:/proc/diskstats", "exclude space metrics on paths", CONFIG_SECTION_DISKSPACE, "exclude space metrics on paths") != -1) {
            // old configuration, enable backwards compatibility
            mode = SIMPLE_PATTERN_PREFIX;

        excluded_mountpoints = simple_pattern_create(
                config_get(CONFIG_SECTION_DISKSPACE, "exclude space metrics on paths", DELAULT_EXLUDED_PATHS),

        excluded_filesystems = simple_pattern_create(
                config_get(CONFIG_SECTION_DISKSPACE, "exclude space metrics on filesystems", DEFAULT_EXCLUDED_FILESYSTEMS),

        dict_mountpoints = dictionary_create(DICTIONARY_FLAG_SINGLE_THREADED);

    struct mount_point_metadata *m = dictionary_get(dict_mountpoints, mi->mount_point);
    if(unlikely(!m)) {
        char var_name[4096 + 1];
        snprintfz(var_name, 4096, "plugin:proc:diskspace:%s", mi->mount_point);

        int def_space = config_get_boolean_ondemand(CONFIG_SECTION_DISKSPACE, "space usage for all disks", CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO);
        int def_inodes = config_get_boolean_ondemand(CONFIG_SECTION_DISKSPACE, "inodes usage for all disks", CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO);

        if(unlikely(simple_pattern_matches(excluded_mountpoints, mi->mount_point))) {
            def_space = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO;
            def_inodes = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO;

        if(unlikely(simple_pattern_matches(excluded_filesystems, mi->filesystem))) {
            def_space = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO;
            def_inodes = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO;

        // check if the mount point is a directory #2407
            struct stat bs;
            if(stat(mi->mount_point, &bs) == -1) {
                error("DISKSPACE: Cannot stat() mount point '%s' (disk '%s', filesystem '%s', root '%s')."
                      , mi->mount_point
                      , disk
                      , mi->filesystem?mi->filesystem:""
                      , mi->root?mi->root:""
                def_space = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO;
                def_inodes = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO;
            else {
                if((bs.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR) {
                    error("DISKSPACE: Mount point '%s' (disk '%s', filesystem '%s', root '%s') is not a directory."
                          , mi->mount_point
                          , disk
                          , mi->filesystem?mi->filesystem:""
                          , mi->root?mi->root:""
                    def_space = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO;
                    def_inodes = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO;

        do_space = config_get_boolean_ondemand(var_name, "space usage", def_space);
        do_inodes = config_get_boolean_ondemand(var_name, "inodes usage", def_inodes);

        struct mount_point_metadata mp = {
                .do_space = do_space,
                .do_inodes = do_inodes,
                .shown_error = 0,
                .updated = 0,

                .collected = 0,

                .st_space = NULL,
                .rd_space_avail = NULL,
                .rd_space_used = NULL,
                .rd_space_reserved = NULL,

                .st_inodes = NULL,
                .rd_inodes_avail = NULL,
                .rd_inodes_used = NULL,
                .rd_inodes_reserved = NULL

        m = dictionary_set(dict_mountpoints, mi->mount_point, &mp, sizeof(struct mount_point_metadata));

    m->updated = 1;

    if(unlikely(m->do_space == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO && m->do_inodes == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO))

    if(unlikely(mi->flags & MOUNTINFO_READONLY && !m->collected))

    struct statvfs buff_statvfs;
    if (statvfs(mi->mount_point, &buff_statvfs) < 0) {
        if(!m->shown_error) {
            error("DISKSPACE: failed to statvfs() mount point '%s' (disk '%s', filesystem '%s', root '%s')"
                  , mi->mount_point
                  , disk
                  , mi->filesystem?mi->filesystem:""
                  , mi->root?mi->root:""
            m->shown_error = 1;
    m->shown_error = 0;

    // logic found at get_fs_usage() in coreutils
    unsigned long bsize = (buff_statvfs.f_frsize) ? buff_statvfs.f_frsize : buff_statvfs.f_bsize;

    fsblkcnt_t bavail         = buff_statvfs.f_bavail;
    fsblkcnt_t btotal         = buff_statvfs.f_blocks;
    fsblkcnt_t bavail_root    = buff_statvfs.f_bfree;
    fsblkcnt_t breserved_root = bavail_root - bavail;
    fsblkcnt_t bused;
    if(likely(btotal >= bavail_root))
        bused = btotal - bavail_root;
        bused = bavail_root - btotal;

    if(unlikely(btotal != bavail + breserved_root + bused))
        error("DISKSPACE: disk block statistics for '%s' (disk '%s') do not sum up: total = %llu, available = %llu, reserved = %llu, used = %llu", mi->mount_point, disk, (unsigned long long)btotal, (unsigned long long)bavail, (unsigned long long)breserved_root, (unsigned long long)bused);

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    fsfilcnt_t favail         = buff_statvfs.f_favail;
    fsfilcnt_t ftotal         = buff_statvfs.f_files;
    fsfilcnt_t favail_root    = buff_statvfs.f_ffree;
    fsfilcnt_t freserved_root = favail_root - favail;
    fsfilcnt_t fused          = ftotal - favail_root;

    if(unlikely(btotal != bavail + breserved_root + bused))
        error("DISKSPACE: disk inode statistics for '%s' (disk '%s') do not sum up: total = %llu, available = %llu, reserved = %llu, used = %llu", mi->mount_point, disk, (unsigned long long)ftotal, (unsigned long long)favail, (unsigned long long)freserved_root, (unsigned long long)fused);

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    int rendered = 0;

    if(m->do_space == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES || (m->do_space == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO && (bavail || breserved_root || bused))) {
        if(unlikely(!m->st_space)) {
            m->do_space = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES;
            m->st_space = rrdset_find_bytype_localhost("disk_space", disk);
            if(unlikely(!m->st_space)) {
                char title[4096 + 1];
                snprintfz(title, 4096, "Disk Space Usage for %s [%s]", family, mi->mount_source);
                m->st_space = rrdset_create_localhost(
                        , disk
                        , NULL
                        , family
                        , "disk.space"
                        , title
                        , "GB"
                        , 2023
                        , update_every
                        , RRDSET_TYPE_STACKED

            m->rd_space_avail    = rrddim_add(m->st_space, "avail", NULL, (collected_number)bsize, 1024 * 1024 * 1024, RRD_ALGORITHM_ABSOLUTE);
            m->rd_space_used     = rrddim_add(m->st_space, "used", NULL, (collected_number)bsize, 1024 * 1024 * 1024, RRD_ALGORITHM_ABSOLUTE);
            m->rd_space_reserved = rrddim_add(m->st_space, "reserved_for_root", "reserved for root", (collected_number)bsize, 1024 * 1024 * 1024, RRD_ALGORITHM_ABSOLUTE);

        rrddim_set_by_pointer(m->st_space, m->rd_space_avail,    (collected_number)bavail);
        rrddim_set_by_pointer(m->st_space, m->rd_space_used,     (collected_number)bused);
        rrddim_set_by_pointer(m->st_space, m->rd_space_reserved, (collected_number)breserved_root);


    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    if(m->do_inodes == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES || (m->do_inodes == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO && (favail || freserved_root || fused))) {
        if(unlikely(!m->st_inodes)) {
            m->do_inodes = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES;
            m->st_inodes = rrdset_find_bytype_localhost("disk_inodes", disk);
            if(unlikely(!m->st_inodes)) {
                char title[4096 + 1];
                snprintfz(title, 4096, "Disk Files (inodes) Usage for %s [%s]", family, mi->mount_source);
                m->st_inodes = rrdset_create_localhost(
                        , disk
                        , NULL
                        , family
                        , "disk.inodes"
                        , title
                        , "Inodes"
                        , 2024
                        , update_every
                        , RRDSET_TYPE_STACKED

            m->rd_inodes_avail    = rrddim_add(m->st_inodes, "avail", NULL, 1, 1, RRD_ALGORITHM_ABSOLUTE);
            m->rd_inodes_used     = rrddim_add(m->st_inodes, "used", NULL, 1, 1, RRD_ALGORITHM_ABSOLUTE);
            m->rd_inodes_reserved = rrddim_add(m->st_inodes, "reserved_for_root", "reserved for root", 1, 1, RRD_ALGORITHM_ABSOLUTE);

        rrddim_set_by_pointer(m->st_inodes, m->rd_inodes_avail,    (collected_number)favail);
        rrddim_set_by_pointer(m->st_inodes, m->rd_inodes_used,     (collected_number)fused);
        rrddim_set_by_pointer(m->st_inodes, m->rd_inodes_reserved, (collected_number)freserved_root);


    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
