BwtMergeTempFileNameSet(std::string const & tmpfilenamebase, uint64_t const id) : gt(constructFileName(tmpfilenamebase,id,".gt")), bwt(constructFileName(tmpfilenamebase,id,".bwt")), hwt(constructFileName(tmpfilenamebase,id,".hwt")), hist(constructFileName(tmpfilenamebase,id,".hist")), sampledisa(constructFileName(tmpfilenamebase,id,".sampledisa")) { }
BwtMergeTempFileNameSet(std::string const & tmpfilenamebase, uint64_t const id, uint64_t const numbwtfiles, uint64_t const numgtfiles) : gt(constructFileNameVector(tmpfilenamebase,id,".gt",numgtfiles)), bwt(constructFileNameVector(tmpfilenamebase,id,".bwt",numbwtfiles)), hwtreq(constructFileName(tmpfilenamebase,id,".hwtreq")), hwt(constructFileName(tmpfilenamebase,id,".hwt")), hist(constructFileName(tmpfilenamebase,id,".hist")), sampledisa(constructFileName(tmpfilenamebase,id,".sampledisa")) { }
void gep::ScriptingManager::registerScript(const std::string& filename, LoadOptions::Enum loadOptions) { GEP_ASSERT(m_state == State::AcceptingScriptRegistration, "You are not allowed to register a script at this point! " "Check 'filename' below to see which script was supposed to be registered", filename); m_scriptsToLoad.append(constructFileName(filename, loadOptions)); }
void gep::ScriptingManager::loadScript(const std::string& filename, LoadOptions::Enum loadOptions) { auto scriptFileName = constructFileName(filename, loadOptions); // load and execute a Lua file int err = luaL_loadfile(m_L, scriptFileName.c_str()); if(err != LUA_OK) { // the top of the stack should be the error string if (lua_isstring(m_L, lua_gettop(m_L))) { // get the top of the stack as the error and pop it off const char* theError = lua_tostring(m_L, lua_gettop(m_L)); lua_pop(m_L, 1); luaL_error(m_L, theError); } else { luaL_error(m_L, "Unknown error loading Lua file \"%s\"", scriptFileName.c_str()); } } else { // if not an error, then the top of the stack will be the function to call to run the file err = lua_pcall(m_L, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0); if (err != LUA_OK) { // the top of the stack should be the error string if (lua_isstring(m_L, lua_gettop(m_L))) { // get the top of the stack as the error and pop it off const char* theError = lua_tostring(m_L, lua_gettop(m_L)); lua_pop(m_L, 1); luaL_error(m_L, theError); } else { luaL_error(m_L, "Unknown error executing Lua file \"%s\"", scriptFileName.c_str()); } } } }
void Call::startRecording(bool force) { if (force) hideConfirmation(2); if (isRecording) return; if (handler->isConferenceRecording(confID)) { debug(QString("Call %1: call is part of a conference that is already being recorded").arg(id)); return; } if (force) { emit showLegalInformation(); } else { setShouldRecord(); if (shouldRecord == 0) return; if (shouldRecord == 1) ask(); else // shouldRecord == 2 emit showLegalInformation(); } debug(QString("Call %1: start recording").arg(id)); // set up encoder for appropriate format timeStartRecording = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); QString fn = constructFileName(); stereo = preferences.get(Pref::OutputStereo).toBool(); stereoMix = preferences.get(Pref::OutputStereoMix).toInt(); QString format = preferences.get(Pref::OutputFormat).toString(); if (format == "wav") writer = new WaveWriter; else if (format == "mp3") writer = new Mp3Writer; else /*if (format == "vorbis")*/ writer = new VorbisWriter; if (preferences.get(Pref::OutputSaveTags).toBool()) writer->setTags(constructCommentTag(), timeStartRecording); bool b = writer->open(fn, skypeSamplingRate, stereo); fileName = writer->fileName(); if (!b) { QMessageBox *box = new QMessageBox(QMessageBox::Critical, PROGRAM_NAME " - Error", QString(PROGRAM_NAME " could not open the file %1. Please verify the output file pattern.").arg(fileName)); box->setWindowModality(Qt::NonModal); box->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); box->show(); removeFile(); delete writer; return; } serverLocal = new QTcpServer(this); serverLocal->listen(); connect(serverLocal, SIGNAL(newConnection()), this, SLOT(acceptLocal())); serverRemote = new QTcpServer(this); serverRemote->listen(); connect(serverRemote, SIGNAL(newConnection()), this, SLOT(acceptRemote())); QString rep1 = skype->sendWithReply(QString("ALTER CALL %1 SET_CAPTURE_MIC PORT=\"%2\"").arg(id).arg(serverLocal->serverPort())); QString rep2 = skype->sendWithReply(QString("ALTER CALL %1 SET_OUTPUT SOUNDCARD=\"default\" PORT=\"%2\"").arg(id).arg(serverRemote->serverPort())); if (!rep1.startsWith("ALTER CALL ") || !rep2.startsWith("ALTER CALL")) { QMessageBox *box = new QMessageBox(QMessageBox::Critical, PROGRAM_NAME " - Error", QString(PROGRAM_NAME " could not obtain the audio streams from Skype and can thus not record this call.\n\n" "The replies from Skype were:\n%1\n%2").arg(rep1, rep2)); box->setWindowModality(Qt::NonModal); box->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); box->show(); removeFile(); delete writer; delete serverRemote; delete serverLocal; return; } if (preferences.get(Pref::DebugWriteSyncFile).toBool()) { syncFile.setFileName(fn + ".sync");; syncTime.start(); } isRecording = true; emit startedRecording(id); }