예제 #1
void b2Island::Solve(b2Profile* profile, const b2TimeStep& step, const b2Vec2& gravity, bool allowSleep)
	b2Timer timer;

	float32 h = step.dt;

	// Integrate velocities and apply damping. Initialize the body state.
	for (int32 i = 0; i < m_bodyCount; ++i)
		b2Body* b = m_bodies[i];

		b2Vec2 c = b->m_sweep.c;
		float32 a = b->m_sweep.a;
		b2Vec2 v = b->m_linearVelocity;
		float32 w = b->m_angularVelocity;

		// Store positions for continuous collision.
		b->m_sweep.c0 = b->m_sweep.c;
		b->m_sweep.a0 = b->m_sweep.a;

		if (b->m_type == b2_dynamicBody)
			// Integrate velocities.
			v += h * (b->m_gravityScale * gravity + b->m_invMass * b->m_force);
			w += h * b->m_invI * b->m_torque;

			// Apply damping.
			// ODE: dv/dt + c * v = 0
			// Solution: v(t) = v0 * exp(-c * t)
			// Time step: v(t + dt) = v0 * exp(-c * (t + dt)) = v0 * exp(-c * t) * exp(-c * dt) = v * exp(-c * dt)
			// v2 = exp(-c * dt) * v1
			// Taylor expansion:
			// v2 = (1.0f - c * dt) * v1
			v *= b2Clamp(1.0f - h * b->m_linearDamping, 0.0f, 1.0f);
			w *= b2Clamp(1.0f - h * b->m_angularDamping, 0.0f, 1.0f);

		m_positions[i].c = c;
		m_positions[i].a = a;
		m_velocities[i].v = v;
		m_velocities[i].w = w;


	// Solver data
	b2SolverData solverData;
	solverData.step = step;
	solverData.positions = m_positions;
	solverData.velocities = m_velocities;

	// Initialize velocity constraints.
	b2ContactSolverDef contactSolverDef;
	contactSolverDef.step = step;
	contactSolverDef.contacts = m_contacts;
	contactSolverDef.count = m_contactCount;
	contactSolverDef.positions = m_positions;
	contactSolverDef.velocities = m_velocities;
	contactSolverDef.allocator = m_allocator;

	b2ContactSolver contactSolver(&contactSolverDef);

	if (step.warmStarting)
	for (int32 i = 0; i < m_jointCount; ++i)

	profile->solveInit = timer.GetMilliseconds();

	// Solve velocity constraints
	for (int32 i = 0; i < step.velocityIterations; ++i)
		for (int32 j = 0; j < m_jointCount; ++j)


	// Store impulses for warm starting
	profile->solveVelocity = timer.GetMilliseconds();

	// Integrate positions
	for (int32 i = 0; i < m_bodyCount; ++i)
		b2Vec2 c = m_positions[i].c;
		float32 a = m_positions[i].a;
		b2Vec2 v = m_velocities[i].v;
		float32 w = m_velocities[i].w;

		// Check for large velocities
		b2Vec2 translation = h * v;
		if (b2Dot(translation, translation) > b2_maxTranslationSquared)
			float32 ratio = b2_maxTranslation / translation.Length();
			v *= ratio;

		float32 rotation = h * w;
		if (rotation * rotation > b2_maxRotationSquared)
			float32 ratio = b2_maxRotation / b2Abs(rotation);
			w *= ratio;

		// Integrate
		c += h * v;
		a += h * w;

		m_positions[i].c = c;
		m_positions[i].a = a;
		m_velocities[i].v = v;
		m_velocities[i].w = w;

	// Solve position constraints
	bool positionSolved = false;
	for (int32 i = 0; i < step.positionIterations; ++i)
		bool contactsOkay = contactSolver.SolvePositionConstraints();

		bool jointsOkay = true;
		for (int32 i = 0; i < m_jointCount; ++i)
			bool jointOkay = m_joints[i]->SolvePositionConstraints(solverData);
			jointsOkay = jointsOkay && jointOkay;

		if (contactsOkay && jointsOkay)
			// Exit early if the position errors are small.
			positionSolved = true;

	// Copy state buffers back to the bodies
	for (int32 i = 0; i < m_bodyCount; ++i)
		b2Body* body = m_bodies[i];
		body->m_sweep.c = m_positions[i].c;
		body->m_sweep.a = m_positions[i].a;
		body->m_linearVelocity = m_velocities[i].v;
		body->m_angularVelocity = m_velocities[i].w;

	profile->solvePosition = timer.GetMilliseconds();


	if (allowSleep)
		float32 minSleepTime = b2_maxFloat;

		const float32 linTolSqr = b2_linearSleepTolerance * b2_linearSleepTolerance;
		const float32 angTolSqr = b2_angularSleepTolerance * b2_angularSleepTolerance;

		for (int32 i = 0; i < m_bodyCount; ++i)
			b2Body* b = m_bodies[i];
			if (b->GetType() == b2_staticBody)

			if ((b->m_flags & b2Body::e_autoSleepFlag) == 0 ||
				b->m_angularVelocity * b->m_angularVelocity > angTolSqr ||
				b2Dot(b->m_linearVelocity, b->m_linearVelocity) > linTolSqr)
				b->m_sleepTime = 0.0f;
				minSleepTime = 0.0f;
				b->m_sleepTime += h;
				minSleepTime = b2Min(minSleepTime, b->m_sleepTime);

		if (minSleepTime >= b2_timeToSleep && positionSolved)
			for (int32 i = 0; i < m_bodyCount; ++i)
				b2Body* b = m_bodies[i];
예제 #2
void b2Island::SolveTOI(const b2TimeStep& subStep, int32 toiIndexA, int32 toiIndexB)
	b2Assert(toiIndexA < m_bodyCount);
	b2Assert(toiIndexB < m_bodyCount);

	// Initialize the body state.
	for (int32 i = 0; i < m_bodyCount; ++i)
		b2Body* b = m_bodies[i];
		m_positions[i].c = b->m_sweep.c;
		m_positions[i].a = b->m_sweep.a;
		m_velocities[i].v = b->m_linearVelocity;
		m_velocities[i].w = b->m_angularVelocity;

	b2ContactSolverDef contactSolverDef;
	contactSolverDef.contacts = m_contacts;
	contactSolverDef.count = m_contactCount;
	contactSolverDef.allocator = m_allocator;
	contactSolverDef.step = subStep;
	contactSolverDef.positions = m_positions;
	contactSolverDef.velocities = m_velocities;
	b2ContactSolver contactSolver(&contactSolverDef);

	// Solve position constraints.
	for (int32 i = 0; i < subStep.positionIterations; ++i)
		bool contactsOkay = contactSolver.SolveTOIPositionConstraints(toiIndexA, toiIndexB);
		if (contactsOkay)

#if 0
	// Is the new position really safe?
	for (int32 i = 0; i < m_contactCount; ++i)
		b2Contact* c = m_contacts[i];
		b2Fixture* fA = c->GetFixtureA();
		b2Fixture* fB = c->GetFixtureB();

		b2Body* bA = fA->GetBody();
		b2Body* bB = fB->GetBody();

		int32 indexA = c->GetChildIndexA();
		int32 indexB = c->GetChildIndexB();

		b2DistanceInput input;
		input.proxyA.Set(fA->GetShape(), indexA);
		input.proxyB.Set(fB->GetShape(), indexB);
		input.transformA = bA->GetTransform();
		input.transformB = bB->GetTransform();
		input.useRadii = false;

		b2DistanceOutput output;
		b2SimplexCache cache;
		cache.count = 0;
		b2Distance(&output, &cache, &input);

		if (output.distance == 0 || cache.count == 3)
			cache.count += 0;

	// Leap of faith to new safe state.
	m_bodies[toiIndexA]->m_sweep.c0 = m_positions[toiIndexA].c;
	m_bodies[toiIndexA]->m_sweep.a0 = m_positions[toiIndexA].a;
	m_bodies[toiIndexB]->m_sweep.c0 = m_positions[toiIndexB].c;
	m_bodies[toiIndexB]->m_sweep.a0 = m_positions[toiIndexB].a;

	// No warm starting is needed for TOI events because warm
	// starting impulses were applied in the discrete solver.

	// Solve velocity constraints.
	for (int32 i = 0; i < subStep.velocityIterations; ++i)

	// Don't store the TOI contact forces for warm starting
	// because they can be quite large.

	float32 h = subStep.dt;

	// Integrate positions
	for (int32 i = 0; i < m_bodyCount; ++i)
		b2Vec2 c = m_positions[i].c;
		float32 a = m_positions[i].a;
		b2Vec2 v = m_velocities[i].v;
		float32 w = m_velocities[i].w;

		// Check for large velocities
		b2Vec2 translation = h * v;
		if (b2Dot(translation, translation) > b2_maxTranslationSquared)
			float32 ratio = b2_maxTranslation / translation.Length();
			v *= ratio;

		float32 rotation = h * w;
		if (rotation * rotation > b2_maxRotationSquared)
			float32 ratio = b2_maxRotation / b2Abs(rotation);
			w *= ratio;

		// Integrate
		c += h * v;
		a += h * w;

		m_positions[i].c = c;
		m_positions[i].a = a;
		m_velocities[i].v = v;
		m_velocities[i].w = w;

		// Sync bodies
		b2Body* body = m_bodies[i];
		body->m_sweep.c = c;
		body->m_sweep.a = a;
		body->m_linearVelocity = v;
		body->m_angularVelocity = w;

예제 #3
void b2Island::Solve(const b2TimeStep& step, const b2Vec2& gravity, bool allowSleep)
	// Integrate velocities and apply damping.
	for (int32 i = 0; i < m_bodyCount; ++i)
		b2Body* b = m_bodies[i];

		if (b->GetType() != b2_dynamicBody)

		// Integrate velocities.
		b->m_linearVelocity += step.dt * (gravity + b->m_invMass * b->m_force);
		b->m_angularVelocity += step.dt * b->m_invI * b->m_torque;

		// Apply damping.
		// ODE: dv/dt + c * v = 0
		// Solution: v(t) = v0 * exp(-c * t)
		// Time step: v(t + dt) = v0 * exp(-c * (t + dt)) = v0 * exp(-c * t) * exp(-c * dt) = v * exp(-c * dt)
		// v2 = exp(-c * dt) * v1
		// Taylor expansion:
		// v2 = (1.0f - c * dt) * v1
		b->m_linearVelocity *= b2Clamp(1.0f - step.dt * b->m_linearDamping, 0.0f, 1.0f);
		b->m_angularVelocity *= b2Clamp(1.0f - step.dt * b->m_angularDamping, 0.0f, 1.0f);

	// Partition contacts so that contacts with static bodies are solved last.
	int32 i1 = -1;
	for (int32 i2 = 0; i2 < m_contactCount; ++i2)
		b2Fixture* fixtureA = m_contacts[i2]->GetFixtureA();
		b2Fixture* fixtureB = m_contacts[i2]->GetFixtureB();
		b2Body* bodyA = fixtureA->GetBody();
		b2Body* bodyB = fixtureB->GetBody();
		bool nonStatic = bodyA->GetType() != b2_staticBody && bodyB->GetType() != b2_staticBody;
		if (nonStatic)
			b2Swap(m_contacts[i1], m_contacts[i2]);

	// Initialize velocity constraints.
	b2ContactSolver contactSolver(m_contacts, m_contactCount, m_allocator, step.dtRatio);
	for (int32 i = 0; i < m_jointCount; ++i)

	// Solve velocity constraints.
	for (int32 i = 0; i < step.velocityIterations; ++i)
		for (int32 j = 0; j < m_jointCount; ++j)


	// Post-solve (store impulses for warm starting).

	// Integrate positions.
	for (int32 i = 0; i < m_bodyCount; ++i)
		b2Body* b = m_bodies[i];

		if (b->GetType() == b2_staticBody)

		// Check for large velocities.
		b2Vec2 translation = step.dt * b->m_linearVelocity;
		if (b2Dot(translation, translation) > b2_maxTranslationSquared)
			float32 ratio = b2_maxTranslation / translation.Length();
			b->m_linearVelocity *= ratio;

		float32 rotation = step.dt * b->m_angularVelocity;
		if (rotation * rotation > b2_maxRotationSquared)
			float32 ratio = b2_maxRotation / b2Abs(rotation);
			b->m_angularVelocity *= ratio;

		// Store positions for continuous collision.
		b->m_sweep.c0 = b->m_sweep.c;
		b->m_sweep.a0 = b->m_sweep.a;

		// Integrate
		b->m_sweep.c += step.dt * b->m_linearVelocity;
		b->m_sweep.a += step.dt * b->m_angularVelocity;

		// Compute new transform

		// Note: shapes are synchronized later.

	// Iterate over constraints.
	for (int32 i = 0; i < step.positionIterations; ++i)
		bool contactsOkay = contactSolver.SolvePositionConstraints(b2_contactBaumgarte);

		bool jointsOkay = true;
		for (int32 i = 0; i < m_jointCount; ++i)
			bool jointOkay = m_joints[i]->SolvePositionConstraints(b2_contactBaumgarte);
			jointsOkay = jointsOkay && jointOkay;

		if (contactsOkay && jointsOkay)
			// Exit early if the position errors are small.


	if (allowSleep)
		float32 minSleepTime = b2_maxFloat;

		const float32 linTolSqr = b2_linearSleepTolerance * b2_linearSleepTolerance;
		const float32 angTolSqr = b2_angularSleepTolerance * b2_angularSleepTolerance;

		for (int32 i = 0; i < m_bodyCount; ++i)
			b2Body* b = m_bodies[i];
			if (b->GetType() == b2_staticBody)

			if ((b->m_flags & b2Body::e_autoSleepFlag) == 0)
				b->m_sleepTime = 0.0f;
				minSleepTime = 0.0f;

			if ((b->m_flags & b2Body::e_autoSleepFlag) == 0 ||
				b->m_angularVelocity * b->m_angularVelocity > angTolSqr ||
				b2Dot(b->m_linearVelocity, b->m_linearVelocity) > linTolSqr)
				b->m_sleepTime = 0.0f;
				minSleepTime = 0.0f;
				b->m_sleepTime += step.dt;
				minSleepTime = b2Min(minSleepTime, b->m_sleepTime);

		if (minSleepTime >= b2_timeToSleep)
			for (int32 i = 0; i < m_bodyCount; ++i)
				b2Body* b = m_bodies[i];
예제 #4
void b3Island::Solve(const b3Vec3& gravityDir) {
	r32 h = dt;
	b3Vec3 gravityForce = B3_GRAVITY_ACC * gravityDir;

	// Integrate velocities.
	for (u32 i = 0; i < bodyCount; ++i) {
		b3Body* b = bodies[i];

		b3Vec3 v = b->m_linearVelocity;
		b3Vec3 w = b->m_angularVelocity;
		b3Vec3 x = b->m_worldCenter;
		b3Quaternion q = b->m_orientation;

		if (b->m_type == e_dynamicBody) {
			// Use semi-implitic Euler.
			b3Vec3 force = b->m_gravityScale * gravityForce + b->m_force;
			v += (h * b->m_invMass) * force;
			w += h * (b->m_invWorldInertia * b->m_torque);

			// References: Box2D.
			// Apply damping.
			// ODE: dv/dt + c * v = 0
			// Solution: v(t) = v0 * exp(-c * t)
			// Time step: v(t + dt) = v0 * exp(-c * (t + dt)) = v0 * exp(-c * t) * exp(-c * dt) = v * exp(-c * dt)
			// v2 = exp(-c * dt) * v1
			// Pade approximation:
			// v2 = v1 * 1 / (1 + c * dt)
			v *= B3_ONE / (B3_ONE + h * r32(0.1));
			w *= B3_ONE / (B3_ONE + h * r32(0.1));

		velocities[i].v = v;
		velocities[i].w = w;
		positions[i].x = x;
		positions[i].q = q;

	b3JointSolverDef jointSolverDef;
	jointSolverDef.dt = h;
	jointSolverDef.joints = joints;
	jointSolverDef.count = jointCount;
	jointSolverDef.positions = positions;
	jointSolverDef.velocities = velocities;

	b3JointSolver jointSolver(&jointSolverDef);

	b3ContactSolverDef contactSolverDef;
	contactSolverDef.dt = h;
	contactSolverDef.contacts = contacts;
	contactSolverDef.count = contactCount;
	contactSolverDef.positions = positions;
	contactSolverDef.velocities = velocities;
	contactSolverDef.allocator = allocator;

	b3ContactSolver contactSolver(&contactSolverDef);
	// Solve velocity constraints.
	for (u32 i = 0; i < velocityIterations; ++i) {


	for (u32 i = 0; i < bodyCount; ++i) {
		b3Body* b = bodies[i];
		if (b->m_type == e_staticBody) {

		b3Vec3 x = positions[i].x;
		b3Quaternion q1 = positions[i].q;
		b3Vec3 v = velocities[i].v;
		b3Vec3 w = velocities[i].w;
		x += h * v;
		b3Quaternion q2 = Integrate(q1, w, h);

		positions[i].x = x;
		positions[i].q = q2;
		velocities[i].v = v;
		velocities[i].w = w;

	for (u32 i = 0; i < bodyCount; ++i) {
		b3Body* b = bodies[i];
		if (b->m_type == e_staticBody) {

		b->m_worldCenter = positions[i].x;
		b->m_orientation = positions[i].q;
		b->m_linearVelocity = velocities[i].v;
		b->m_angularVelocity = velocities[i].w;

	if (allowSleep) {
		r32 minSleepTime = B3_MAX_FLOAT;
		for (u32 i = 0; i < bodyCount; ++i) {
			b3Body* b = bodies[i];
			if (b->m_type == e_staticBody) {

			// Compute the linear and angular speed of the body.
			const r32 sqrLinVel = b3LenSq(b->m_linearVelocity);
			const r32 sqrAngVel = b3LenSq(b->m_angularVelocity);

			if (sqrLinVel > B3_SLEEP_LINEAR_TOL || sqrAngVel > B3_SLEEP_ANGULAR_TOL) {
				minSleepTime = B3_ZERO;
				b->m_sleepTime = B3_ZERO;
			else {
				b->m_sleepTime += h;
				minSleepTime = b3Min(minSleepTime, b->m_sleepTime);

		// Put the island to sleep so long as the minimum found sleep time
		// is below the threshold. 
		if (minSleepTime >= B3_TIME_TO_SLEEP) {
			for (u32 i = 0; i < bodyCount; ++i) {
예제 #5
void b3Island::Solve(const b3Vec3& gravity, float32 dt, u32 velocityIterations, u32 positionIterations, u32 flags)
	float32 h = dt;

	// 1. Integrate velocities
	for (u32 i = 0; i < m_bodyCount; ++i) 
		b3Body* b = m_bodies[i];

		b3Vec3 v = b->m_linearVelocity;
		b3Vec3 w = b->m_angularVelocity;
		b3Vec3 x = b->m_sweep.worldCenter;
		b3Quat q = b->m_sweep.orientation;

		// Remember the positions for CCD
		b->m_sweep.worldCenter0 = b->m_sweep.worldCenter;
		b->m_sweep.orientation0 = b->m_sweep.orientation;

		if (b->m_type == e_dynamicBody) 
			// Integrate forces
			v += h * (b->m_gravityScale * gravity + b->m_invMass * b->m_force);
			// Clear forces
			// Integrate torques
			// Superposition Principle
			// w2 - w1 = dw1 + dw2 
			// w2 - w1 = h * I^1 * bt + h * I^1 * -gt
			// w2 = w1 + dw1 + dw2
			// Explicit Euler on current inertia and applied torque
			// w2 = w1 + h * I1^1 * bt1
			b3Vec3 dw1 = h * b->m_worldInvI * b->m_torque;
			// Implicit Euler on next inertia and angular velocity
			// w2 = w1 - h * I2^1 * cross(w2, I2 * w2)
			// w2 - w1 = -I2^1 * h * cross(w2, I2 * w2)
			// I2 * (w2 - w1) = -h * cross(w2, I2 * w2)
			// I2 * (w2 - w1) + h * cross(w2, I2 * w2) = 0
			// Toss out I2 from f using local I2 (constant) and local w1 
			// to remove its time dependency.
			b3Vec3 w2 = b3SolveGyro(q, b->m_I, w, h);
			b3Vec3 dw2 = w2 - w;

			w += dw1 + dw2;
			// Clear torques
			// Apply local damping.
			// ODE: dv/dt + c * v = 0
			// Solution: v(t) = v0 * exp(-c * t)
			// Step: v(t + dt) = v0 * exp(-c * (t + dt)) = v0 * exp(-c * t) * exp(-c * dt) = v * exp(-c * dt)
			// v2 = exp(-c * dt) * v1
			// Padé approximation:
			// 1 / (1 + c * dt) 
			v *= 1.0f / (1.0f + h * b->m_linearDamping);
			w *= 1.0f / (1.0f + h * b->m_angularDamping);

		m_velocities[i].v = v;
		m_velocities[i].w = w;
		m_positions[i].x = x;
		m_positions[i].q = q;
		m_invInertias[i] = b->m_worldInvI;

	b3JointSolverDef jointSolverDef;
	jointSolverDef.joints = m_joints;
	jointSolverDef.count = m_jointCount;
	jointSolverDef.positions = m_positions;
	jointSolverDef.velocities = m_velocities;
	jointSolverDef.invInertias = m_invInertias;
	jointSolverDef.dt = h;
	b3JointSolver jointSolver(&jointSolverDef);

	b3ContactSolverDef contactSolverDef;
	contactSolverDef.allocator = m_allocator;
	contactSolverDef.contacts = m_contacts;
	contactSolverDef.count = m_contactCount;
	contactSolverDef.positions = m_positions;
	contactSolverDef.velocities = m_velocities;
	contactSolverDef.invInertias = m_invInertias;
	contactSolverDef.dt = h;
	b3ContactSolver contactSolver(&contactSolverDef);

	// 2. Initialize constraints
		B3_PROFILE("Initialize Constraints");

		if (flags & e_warmStartBit)


		if (flags & e_warmStartBit)

	// 3. Solve velocity constraints
		B3_PROFILE("Solve Velocity Constraints");

		for (u32 i = 0; i < velocityIterations; ++i)

		if (flags & e_warmStartBit)

	// 4. Integrate positions
	for (u32 i = 0; i < m_bodyCount; ++i) 
		b3Body* b = m_bodies[i];
		b3Vec3 x = m_positions[i].x;
		b3Quat q = m_positions[i].q;
		b3Vec3 v = m_velocities[i].v;
		b3Vec3 w = m_velocities[i].w;
		b3Mat33 invI = m_invInertias[i];

		// Prevent numerical instability due to large velocity changes.		
		b3Vec3 translation = h * v;
		if (b3Dot(translation, translation) > B3_MAX_TRANSLATION_SQUARED)
			float32 ratio = B3_MAX_TRANSLATION / b3Length(translation);
			v *= ratio;

		b3Vec3 rotation = h * w;
		if (b3Dot(rotation, rotation) > B3_MAX_ROTATION_SQUARED)
			float32 ratio = B3_MAX_ROTATION / b3Length(rotation);
			w *= ratio;

		// Integrate
		x += h * v;
		q = b3Integrate(q, w, h);
		invI = b3RotateToFrame(b->m_invI, q);

		m_positions[i].x = x;
		m_positions[i].q = q;
		m_velocities[i].v = v;
		m_velocities[i].w = w;
		m_invInertias[i] = invI;

	// 5. Solve position constraints
		B3_PROFILE("Solve Position Constraints");
		bool positionsSolved = false;
		for (u32 i = 0; i < positionIterations; ++i) 
			bool contactsSolved = contactSolver.SolvePositionConstraints();
			bool jointsSolved = jointSolver.SolvePositionConstraints();
			if (contactsSolved && jointsSolved)
				// Early out if the position errors are small.
				positionsSolved = true;

	// 6. Copy state buffers back to the bodies
	for (u32 i = 0; i < m_bodyCount; ++i) 
		b3Body* b = m_bodies[i];
		b->m_sweep.worldCenter = m_positions[i].x;
		b->m_sweep.orientation = m_positions[i].q;
		b->m_linearVelocity = m_velocities[i].v;
		b->m_angularVelocity = m_velocities[i].w;	
		b->m_worldInvI = m_invInertias[i];

	// 7. Put bodies under unconsiderable motion to sleep
	if (flags & e_sleepBit) 
		float32 minSleepTime = B3_MAX_FLOAT;
		for (u32 i = 0; i < m_bodyCount; ++i) 
			b3Body* b = m_bodies[i];
			if (b->m_type == e_staticBody) 

			// Compute the linear and angular speed of the body.
			float32 sqrLinVel = b3Dot(b->m_linearVelocity, b->m_linearVelocity);
			float32 sqrAngVel = b3Dot(b->m_angularVelocity, b->m_angularVelocity);

			if (sqrLinVel > B3_SLEEP_LINEAR_TOL || sqrAngVel > B3_SLEEP_ANGULAR_TOL) 
				minSleepTime = 0.0f;
				b->m_sleepTime = 0.0f;
				b->m_sleepTime += h;
				minSleepTime = b3Min(minSleepTime, b->m_sleepTime);

		// Put the island to sleep so long as the minimum found sleep time
		// is below the threshold. 
		if (minSleepTime >= B3_TIME_TO_SLEEP) 
			for (u32 i = 0; i < m_bodyCount; ++i) 
예제 #6
void b2Island::SolveTOI(const b2TimeStep& subStep, const b2Body* bodyA, const b2Body* bodyB)
	b2ContactSolverDef solverDef;
	solverDef.contacts = m_contacts;
	solverDef.count = m_contactCount;
	solverDef.allocator = m_allocator;
	solverDef.impulseRatio = subStep.dtRatio;
	solverDef.warmStarting = subStep.warmStarting;
	b2ContactSolver contactSolver(&solverDef);

	// Solve position constraints.
	const float32 k_toiBaumgarte = 0.75f;
	for (int32 i = 0; i < subStep.positionIterations; ++i)
		bool contactsOkay = contactSolver.SolveTOIPositionConstraints(k_toiBaumgarte, bodyA, bodyB);
		if (contactsOkay)

		if (i == subStep.positionIterations - 1)
			i += 0;

#if 0
	// Is the new position really safe?
	for (int32 i = 0; i < m_contactCount; ++i)
		b2Contact* c = m_contacts[i];
		b2Fixture* fA = c->GetFixtureA();
		b2Fixture* fB = c->GetFixtureB();

		b2Body* bA = fA->GetBody();
		b2Body* bB = fB->GetBody();

		int32 indexA = c->GetChildIndexA();
		int32 indexB = c->GetChildIndexB();

		b2DistanceInput input;
		input.proxyA.Set(fA->GetShape(), indexA);
		input.proxyB.Set(fB->GetShape(), indexB);
		input.transformA = bA->GetTransform();
		input.transformB = bB->GetTransform();
		input.useRadii = false;

		b2DistanceOutput output;
		b2SimplexCache cache;
		cache.count = 0;
		b2Distance(&output, &cache, &input);

		if (output.distance == 0 || cache.count == 3)
			cache.count += 0;

	// Leap of faith to new safe state.
	for (int32 i = 0; i < m_bodyCount; ++i)
		m_bodies[i]->m_sweep.a0 = m_bodies[i]->m_sweep.a;
		m_bodies[i]->m_sweep.c0 = m_bodies[i]->m_sweep.c;

	// No warm starting is needed for TOI events because warm
	// starting impulses were applied in the discrete solver.

	// Solve velocity constraints.
	for (int32 i = 0; i < subStep.velocityIterations; ++i)

	// Don't store the TOI contact forces for warm starting
	// because they can be quite large.

	// Integrate positions.
	for (int32 i = 0; i < m_bodyCount; ++i)
		b2Body* b = m_bodies[i];

		if (b->GetType() == b2_staticBody)

		// Check for large velocities.
		b2Vec2 translation = subStep.dt * b->m_linearVelocity;
		if (b2Dot(translation, translation) > b2_maxTranslationSquared)
			b->m_linearVelocity = (b2_maxTranslation * subStep.inv_dt) * translation;

		float32 rotation = subStep.dt * b->m_angularVelocity;
		if (rotation * rotation > b2_maxRotationSquared)
			if (rotation < 0.0)
				b->m_angularVelocity = -subStep.inv_dt * b2_maxRotation;
				b->m_angularVelocity = subStep.inv_dt * b2_maxRotation;

		// Integrate
		b->m_sweep.c += subStep.dt * b->m_linearVelocity;
		b->m_sweep.a += subStep.dt * b->m_angularVelocity;

		// Compute new transform

		// Note: shapes are synchronized later.

예제 #7
void Island::Step(const TimeStep &timeStep)
	ContactSolver contactSolver(*this);

	// update velocity
	for (auto &body : mRigidBodies)
		switch (body.mType)
		case RigidBody::DYNAMIC:
			float dtscale = body.mParent->cphy->dtScale;

			// apply gravity
			if (body.mHasGravity)
				Vector3 newG( mGravity + body.mGravityFactor);
				body.mLinearVelocity += newG * timeStep.dt;
			// integrate velocity
			body.mLinearVelocity +=
				body.mMassData.inverseMass * (body.mLinearImpulseAccumulator + body.mForceAccumulator * timeStep.dt  * dtscale);
			body.mAngularVelocity +=
				body.mGlobalInverseInertiaTensor * (body.mAngularImpulseAccumulator + body.mTorqueAccumulator * timeStep.dt  * dtscale);
			body.mLinearVelocity *= mLinearDamp;
			body.mAngularVelocity *= mAngularDamp;

	// warm start
	if (timeStep.params.warmStart)

	// initialize constraints
	for (auto &joint : mJoints)

	// solve constraints
	for (unsigned char i = 0; i < timeStep.velocityIterations; ++i)
		for (auto &joint : mJoints)

	// cache velocity constraint results
	if (timeStep.params.warmStart)

	// integrate position
	for (auto &body : mRigidBodies)
		// integrate

		// update

	// solve position constraints, NOPE
	for (unsigned char i = 0; i < timeStep.positionIterations; ++i)
		for (auto &joint : mJoints)

	// update proxies
	for (auto &body : mRigidBodies)