예제 #1
int PMComboAction::plug( QWidget* w, int index )
    if( !w->inherits( "KToolBar" ) )
        return -1;

    KToolBar* toolBar = ( KToolBar* ) w;

    int id = KAction::getToolButtonID( );

    QComboBox* comboBox = new PMComboBox( toolBar );
    if( m_minWidth > 0 )
        comboBox->setMinimumWidth( m_minWidth );
    if( m_maxWidth > 0 )
        comboBox->setMaximumWidth( m_maxWidth );

    toolBar->insertWidget( id, m_minWidth > 0 ? m_minWidth : 300,
                           comboBox, index );
    connect( comboBox, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), m_receiver, m_member );

    addContainer( toolBar, id );

    connect( toolBar, SIGNAL( destroyed( ) ), this, SLOT( slotDestroyed( ) ) );

    //toolBar->setItemAutoSized( id, true );

    m_combo = comboBox;

    emit plugged( );

    QWhatsThis::add( comboBox, whatsThis( ) );

    return containerCount( ) - 1;
예제 #2
int TKAction::plug(QWidget* widget, int index)
  if ( widget->inherits("KToolBar") ) {
    KToolBar* bar = static_cast<KToolBar*>(widget);
    int id_ = KAction::getToolButtonID();
    KInstance *instance;

    if ( parentCollection() )
      instance = parentCollection()->instance();
      instance = KGlobal::instance();

    TKToolBarButton* b = new TKToolBarButton(icon(),plainText(),bar,name(),instance);
    // we don't need clicked() and buttonClicked(), do we?
    // connect(b,SIGNAL(clicked()),SLOT(slotActivated()));

    bar->insertWidget( id_, 100, b, index );
    connect( bar, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(slotDestroyed()) );

    return containerCount() - 1;
  return KAction::plug(widget,index);
예제 #3
int PMSpinBoxAction::plug( QWidget* w, int index )
    if( !w->inherits( "KToolBar" ) )
        return -1;

    KToolBar* toolBar = ( KToolBar* ) w;

    int id = KAction::getToolButtonID( );

    QSpinBox* spinBox = new QSpinBox( -1000, 1000, 1, w );
    toolBar->insertWidget( id, 70, spinBox, index );

    connect( spinBox, SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), m_receiver, m_member );

    addContainer( toolBar, id );

    connect( toolBar, SIGNAL( destroyed( ) ), this, SLOT( slotDestroyed( ) ) );
    //toolBar->setItemAutoSized( id, false );

    m_spinBox = spinBox;

    emit plugged( );

    QWhatsThis::add( spinBox, whatsThis( ) );

    return containerCount( ) - 1;
예제 #4
void KAction::setToolTip( const QString& tt )
  d->setToolTip( tt );

  int len = containerCount();
  for( int i = 0; i < len; ++i )
    updateToolTip( i );
예제 #5
void KAction::setGroup( const QString& grp )
  d->m_group = grp;

  int len = containerCount();
  for( int i = 0; i < len; ++i )
    updateGroup( i );
예제 #6
void TKAction::updateLayout()
  int len = containerCount();
  for( int id = 0; id < len; ++id ) {
    QWidget* w = container( id );
    if (w->inherits("KToolBar")) {
      QWidget* r = static_cast<KToolBar*>(w)->getWidget(itemId(id));
      if (qstrcmp(r->name(),"KTToolBarLayout")==0) {
예제 #7
int PMLabelAction::plug( QWidget *widget, int index )
    //do not call the previous implementation here

    if( widget->inherits( "KToolBar" ) )
        KToolBar* tb = ( KToolBar* ) widget;

        int id = KAction::getToolButtonID( );

        m_button = new PMToolBarLabel( text( ), widget );
        tb->insertWidget( id, m_button->width( ), m_button, index );

        addContainer( tb, id );

        connect( tb, SIGNAL( destroyed( ) ), this, SLOT( slotDestroyed( ) ) );

        return containerCount( ) - 1;

    return -1;
예제 #8
int TKBaseSelectAction::plug(QWidget* widget, int index)
  if ( widget->inherits("KToolBar") )
    KToolBar* bar = static_cast<KToolBar*>( widget );
    int id_ = KAction::getToolButtonID();

    TKComboBox* cb = new TKComboBox(m_editable,bar);
    cb->setMinimumWidth( cb->sizeHint().width() );
    QWidget* base = createLayout(bar,cb);

    bar->insertWidget( id_, 100, base, index );
    addContainer( bar, id_ );

    connect( bar, SIGNAL( destroyed() ), this, SLOT( slotDestroyed() ) );


    return containerCount() - 1;
  return -1;
예제 #9
bool KAction::setShortcut( const KShortcut& cut )
  bool bChanged = (d->m_cut != cut);
  d->m_cut = cut;

  KAccel* const kaccel = kaccelCurrent();
  bool bInsertRequired = true;
  // Apply new shortcut to all existing KAccel objects

  const QValueList<KAccel*> & accelList = d->m_kaccelList;
  QValueList<KAccel*>::const_iterator itr = accelList.constBegin();
  const QValueList<KAccel*>::const_iterator itrEnd = accelList.constEnd();

  for( ; itr != itrEnd; ++itr) {
    // Check whether shortcut has already been plugged into
    //  the current kaccel object.
    if( (*itr) == kaccel )
      bInsertRequired = false;
    if( bChanged )
      updateKAccelShortcut( *itr );

  // Only insert action into KAccel if it has a valid name,
  if( kaccel && bInsertRequired && qstrcmp( name(), "unnamed" ) )
    insertKAccel( kaccel );

  if( bChanged ) {
#ifndef KDE_NO_COMPAT    // KDE 4: remove
    if ( d->m_kaccel )
      d->m_kaccel->setShortcut( name(), cut );
#endif    // KDE 4: remove end
      int len = containerCount();
      for( int i = 0; i < len; ++i )
          updateShortcut( i );
  return true;