AudioParameterChoice::AudioParameterChoice (String pid, String nm, const StringArray& c, int def)
   : AudioProcessorParameterWithID (pid, nm), choices (c),
     value ((float) def),
     defaultValue (convertTo0to1 (def))
    jassert (choices.size() > 0); // you must supply an actual set of items to choose from!
AudioParameterChoice& AudioParameterChoice::operator= (int newValue)
    if (getIndex() != newValue)
        setValueNotifyingHost (convertTo0to1 (newValue));

    return *this;
AudioParameterInt& AudioParameterInt::operator= (int newValue)
    if (get() != newValue)
        setValueNotifyingHost (convertTo0to1 (newValue));

    return *this;
AudioParameterInt::AudioParameterInt (String pid, String nm, int mn, int mx, int def)
   : AudioProcessorParameterWithID (pid, nm),
     minValue (mn), maxValue (mx),
     value ((float) def),
     defaultValue (convertTo0to1 (def))
    jassert (minValue < maxValue); // must have a non-zero range of values!
AudioParameterChoice::AudioParameterChoice (const String& idToUse, const String& nameToUse,
                                            const StringArray& c, int def, const String& labelToUse)
   : AudioProcessorParameterWithID (idToUse, nameToUse, labelToUse), choices (c),
     value ((float) def),
     defaultValue (convertTo0to1 (def))
    jassert (choices.size() > 0); // you must supply an actual set of items to choose from!
AudioParameterInt& AudioParameterInt::operator= (int newValue)
    const float normalisedValue = convertTo0to1 (newValue);

    if (value != normalisedValue)
        setValueNotifyingHost (normalisedValue);

    return *this;
AudioParameterInt::AudioParameterInt (const String& idToUse, const String& nameToUse,
                                      int mn, int mx, int def,
                                      const String& labelToUse)
   : AudioProcessorParameterWithID (idToUse, nameToUse, labelToUse),
     minValue (mn), maxValue (mx),
     value ((float) def),
     defaultValue (convertTo0to1 (def))
    jassert (minValue < maxValue); // must have a non-zero range of values!
float AudioParameterInt::getValueForText (const String& text) const      { return convertTo0to1 (text.getIntValue()); }
float AudioParameterInt::getValue() const                                { return convertTo0to1 (roundToInt (value)); }
float AudioParameterChoice::getValueForText (const String& text) const   { return convertTo0to1 (choices.indexOf (text)); }