예제 #1
/*======== struct matrix * make_rotZ() ==========
Inputs:  double theta

Returns: The rotation matrix created using theta as the 
angle of rotation and Z as the axis of rotation.
struct matrix * make_rotZ(double theta) {
  struct matrix *transform = new_matrix(4, 4);

  transform->m[0][0] = cos(convertToRadians(theta));
  transform->m[0][1] = -1 * sin(convertToRadians(theta));
  transform->m[1][1] = cos(convertToRadians(theta));
  transform->m[1][0] = sin(convertToRadians(theta));

  return transform;
예제 #2
double LocationWatcher::cut(double lat1,double lon1,double lat2,double lon2){

    const double RADIO = 6371; // Mean radius of Earth in Km

        double dlon = convertToRadians(lon1 - lon2);
        double dlat = convertToRadians(lat1 - lat2);

        double a = ( pow(sin(dlat / 2), 2) + cos(convertToRadians(lat1))) * cos(convertToRadians(lat2)) * pow(sin(dlon / 2), 2);

        double angle = 2 * asin(sqrt(a));
        double distance=angle * RADIO;
        return distance;