예제 #1
void Calcul_differerPoint2D(Calcul * This, double x, double y, ListeCouleurs * lc) {
    *message = 1000; 
    if ( !((This->xPrec)==x && (This->yPrec)==y && (This->lcPrec).equals(&(This->lcPrec), lc)) ){
        //printf("on entre");
        This->ix = convertX(x);
        if ((convertY(y) >= 0) && (convertY(y) < 1000))
            This->tabPtsY[convertY(y)] = lc->nbrCouleurs;
        This->xPrec = x;
        This->yPrec = y;
        This->lcPrec = *lc;
예제 #2
void MessageScroller::AddText(char* text) {
	if(LCD_ROWS - usedLines <= LINE_HEIGHT ) {
		ScrollScreen(LINE_HEIGHT - (LCD_ROWS-usedLines));
	oled->DrawString(text, SIDE_MARGIN,
		convertY(usedLines), textColor, bgColor);
	usedLines += LINE_HEIGHT;
예제 #3
void WidgetGL::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
    if(event->button() == Qt::RightButton)
        double px = convertX( event->x() );
        double py = convertY( event->y() );
        route->push(px, py, camera_s/50.0);
예제 #4
void WidgetGL::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
    if(event->button() == Qt::RightButton)
        double px = convertX( event->x() );
        double py = convertY( event->y() );
        route->set(px, py, camera_s/50.0);

    mouse_prev_x = event->x();
    mouse_prev_y = event->y();
    mouse_prev_b = event->button();
예제 #5
void WidgetGL::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
    if(mouse_prev_b == Qt::LeftButton)
        camera_x += 2.0 * (mouse_prev_x - event->x()) / wid * asp * camera_s;
        camera_y -= 2.0 * (mouse_prev_y - event->y()) / hei * 1.0 * camera_s;

    if(mouse_prev_b == Qt::RightButton)
        double px = convertX( event->x() );
        double py = convertY( event->y() );
        route->move(px, py);

    mouse_prev_x = event->x();
    mouse_prev_y = event->y();
glm::vec2 CoordinateTransform::convert( glm::vec2 vec, CoordinateSystem to )
    return glm::vec2( convertX( vec.x, to ), convertY( vec.y, to ) );