예제 #1
CragStackCombiner::combine(const std::vector<Crag>& crags, Crag& crag) {

			<< "combining CRAGs, "
			<< (_requireBbOverlap ? "" : " do not ")
			<< "require bounding box overlap"
			<< std::endl;

	std::map<Crag::Node, Crag::Node> prevNodeMap;
	std::map<Crag::Node, Crag::Node> nextNodeMap;

	for (unsigned int z = 1; z < crags.size(); z++) {

		LOG_USER(cragstackcombinerlog) << "linking CRAG " << (z-1) << " and " << z << std::endl;

		if (z == 1)
			prevNodeMap = copyNodes(crags[0], crag);
			prevNodeMap = nextNodeMap;

		nextNodeMap = copyNodes(crags[z], crag);

		std::vector<std::pair<Crag::Node, Crag::Node>> links = findLinks(crags[z-1], crags[z]);

		for (const auto& pair : links)
예제 #2
파일: co_tree.c 프로젝트: Strongc/proview
static tree_sTable *
cloneTree(pwr_tStatus *sts, tree_sTable *otp)
    tree_sTable		*ntp;
    ntp = (tree_sTable *) calloc(1, sizeof(*ntp));

    if (ntp == NULL)
        pwr_Return(NULL, sts, TREE__INSVIRMEM);

    ntp->keySize      = otp->keySize;
    ntp->keyOffset    = otp->keyOffset;
    ntp->recordSize   = otp->recordSize;
    ntp->allocCount   = otp->allocCount;
    ntp->null         = allocNode(ntp, NULL);
    ntp->compareFunc  = otp->compareFunc;
    ntp->key          = allocNode(ntp, NULL);
    ntp->null->bal    = 0;
    ntp->null->left   = ntp->null;
    ntp->null->right  = ntp->null;
    ntp->null->parent = ntp->null;

    ntp->root = copyNodes(ntp, ntp->null, otp, otp->root);
    ntp->nNode = otp->nNode;

    return ntp;
예제 #3
SortedList<T, Pred>::SortedList(const SortedList<T, Pred> &rhs) throw(SortedListException)
	if (rhs.shareAllocator_)
		shareAllocator_ = true;
		freeAllocator_ = false;
		objAllocator_ = rhs.objAllocator_;
		shareAllocator_ = false;
		OAConfig new_config(true); // Use CPP mem manager.
		objAllocator_ = createAllocator(new_config);

	sorter_ = rhs.sorter_;

	// Build dummy head and tail nodes.
/*	head_ = allocNode();
	tail_ = allocNode();*/

	head_ = createNode(0);
	tail_ = createNode(0);

	// Everything's good, link'em.
	head_->Prev = NULL;
	head_->Next = tail_;

	tail_->Prev = head_;
	tail_->Next = NULL;

예제 #4
// copy constructor
SortSetList::SortSetList(const SortSetList& orig) {
    if (orig.mainNodePointer == NULL) {
        this->mainNodePointer = NULL;
    } else {
        this->mainNodePointer = copyNodes(*orig.mainNodePointer);
예제 #5
파일: co_tree.c 프로젝트: Strongc/proview
static tree_sNode *
copyNodes(tree_sTable *ntp, tree_sNode *parent, tree_sTable *otp, tree_sNode *onp)
    tree_sNode	*nnp;

    if (onp == otp->null)
        return ntp->null;

    nnp = allocNode(ntp, NULL);
    memcpy(nnp, onp, ntp->recordSize);

    nnp->parent = parent;
    nnp->left  = copyNodes(ntp, nnp, otp, onp->left);
    nnp->right = copyNodes(ntp, nnp, otp, onp->right);

    return nnp;
예제 #6
Node* CompareList::copyNodes(const Node& current) {
    if (current.getNext() != NULL) {
        return new Node(new Data(*(current.getData())),
    } else {
        return new Node(new Data(*(current.getData())));
예제 #7
SortedList<T, Pred>& SortedList<T, Pred>::operator=(const SortedList &rhs) throw(SortedListException)
	// Special case, check for self-assignment and short circuit if true.
	if (this == &rhs)

	if (rhs.shareAllocator_)
		// We may have to get rid of an existing allocator.
		if (freeAllocator_)

		freeAllocator_ = false;
		shareAllocator_ = true;
		objAllocator_ = rhs.objAllocator_;
		// Well, we already have an existing allocator, so...
		// I don't think we want to create a new one.
		// So, use an old one.
		shareAllocator_ = false;
//		OAConfig new_config(true); // Use CPP mem manager.
//		objAllocator_ = createAllocator(new_config);

	sorter_ = rhs.sorter_;

	// Gank everything!
	// Build dummy head and tail nodes.
/*	head_ = allocNode();
	tail_ = allocNode();*/

	head_ = createNode(0);
	tail_ = createNode(0);

	// Everything's good, link'em.
	head_->Prev = NULL;
	head_->Next = tail_;

	tail_->Prev = head_;
	tail_->Next = NULL;

	// All done.
예제 #8
// Commit
/*virtual*/ bool FunctionCopy::Commit( NodeGraph & nodeGraph, const BFFIterator & funcStartIter ) const
    // make sure all required variables are defined
    Array< AString > sources( 16, true );
    const BFFVariable * dstFileV;
    if ( !GetStrings( funcStartIter, sources, ".Source", true ) ||
         !GetString( funcStartIter, dstFileV, ".Dest", true ) )
        return false; // GetString will have emitted errors

    // Optional
    AStackString<> sourceBasePath;
    if ( !GetString( funcStartIter, sourceBasePath, ".SourceBasePath", false ) )
        return false; // GetString will have emitted errors

    // Canonicalize the SourceBasePath
    if ( !sourceBasePath.IsEmpty() )
        AStackString<> cleanValue;
        NodeGraph::CleanPath( sourceBasePath, cleanValue );
        PathUtils::EnsureTrailingSlash( cleanValue );
        sourceBasePath = cleanValue;

    // check sources are not paths
        const AString * const end = sources.End();
        for ( const AString * it = sources.Begin(); it != end; ++it )
            const AString & srcFile( *it );

            // source must be a file, not a  path
            if ( PathUtils::IsFolderPath( srcFile ) )
                Error::Error_1105_PathNotAllowed( funcStartIter, this, ".Source", srcFile );
                return false;

    // Pre-build dependencies
    Dependencies preBuildDependencies;
    if ( !GetNodeList( nodeGraph, funcStartIter, ".PreBuildDependencies", preBuildDependencies, false ) )
        return false; // GetNodeList will have emitted an error
    Array< AString > preBuildDependencyNames( preBuildDependencies.GetSize(), false );
    for ( const auto & dep : preBuildDependencies )
        preBuildDependencyNames.Append( dep.GetNode()->GetName() );

    // get source node
    Array< Node * > srcNodes;
        const AString * const end = sources.End();
        for ( const AString * it = sources.Begin(); it != end; ++it )

            Node * srcNode = nodeGraph.FindNode( *it );
            if ( srcNode )
                if ( GetSourceNodes( funcStartIter, srcNode, srcNodes ) == false )
                    return false;
                // source file not defined by use - assume an external file
                srcNodes.Append( nodeGraph.CreateFileNode( *it ) );

    AStackString<> dstFile;
    NodeGraph::CleanPath( dstFileV->GetString(), dstFile );
    const bool dstIsFolderPath = PathUtils::IsFolderPath( dstFile );

    // make all the nodes for copies
    Dependencies copyNodes( srcNodes.GetSize(), false );
    for ( const Node * srcNode : srcNodes )
        AStackString<> dst( dstFile );

        // dest can be a file OR a path.  If it's a path, use the source filename part
        if ( dstIsFolderPath )
            // find filename part of source
            const AString & srcName = srcNode->GetName();

            // If the sourceBasePath is specified (and valid) use the name relative to that
            if ( !sourceBasePath.IsEmpty() && PathUtils::PathBeginsWith( srcName, sourceBasePath ) )
                // Use everything relative to the SourceBasePath
                dst += srcName.Get() + sourceBasePath.GetLength();
                // Use just the file name
                const char * lastSlash = srcName.FindLast( NATIVE_SLASH );
                dst += lastSlash ? ( lastSlash + 1 )    // append filename part if found
                                     : srcName.Get();   // otherwise append whole thing

        // check node doesn't already exist
        if ( nodeGraph.FindNode( dst ) )
            // TODO:C could have a specific error for multiple sources with only 1 output
            // to differentiate from two rules creating the same dst target
            Error::Error_1100_AlreadyDefined( funcStartIter, this, dst );
            return false;

        // create our node
        CopyFileNode * copyFileNode = nodeGraph.CreateCopyFileNode( dst );
        copyFileNode->m_Source = srcNode->GetName();
        copyFileNode->m_PreBuildDependencyNames = preBuildDependencyNames;
        if ( !copyFileNode->Initialize( nodeGraph, funcStartIter, this ) )
            return false; // Initialize will have emitted an error

        copyNodes.Append( Dependency( copyFileNode ) );

    // handle alias creation
    return ProcessAlias( nodeGraph, funcStartIter, copyNodes );