size_t NetSocketPosix::_set_addr_storage(struct sockaddr_storage *p_addr, const IP_Address &p_ip, uint16_t p_port, IP::Type p_ip_type) { memset(p_addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage)); if (p_ip_type == IP::TYPE_IPV6 || p_ip_type == IP::TYPE_ANY) { // IPv6 socket // IPv6 only socket with IPv4 address ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!p_ip.is_wildcard() && p_ip_type == IP::TYPE_IPV6 && p_ip.is_ipv4(), 0); struct sockaddr_in6 *addr6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)p_addr; addr6->sin6_family = AF_INET6; addr6->sin6_port = htons(p_port); if (p_ip.is_valid()) { copymem(&addr6->sin6_addr.s6_addr, p_ip.get_ipv6(), 16); } else { addr6->sin6_addr = in6addr_any; } return sizeof(sockaddr_in6); } else { // IPv4 socket // IPv4 socket with IPv6 address ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!p_ip.is_wildcard() && !p_ip.is_ipv4(), 0); struct sockaddr_in *addr4 = (struct sockaddr_in *)p_addr; addr4->sin_family = AF_INET; addr4->sin_port = htons(p_port); // short, network byte order if (p_ip.is_valid()) { copymem(&addr4->sin_addr.s_addr, p_ip.get_ipv4(), 4); } else { addr4->sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; } return sizeof(sockaddr_in); } }
int main() { //Initial setup vbDisplayOn(); //Copy tileset and tilemap into memory copymem((void*)CharSeg0, (void*)CHADJUSTMENT, 256*16); copymem((void*)BGMap(0), (void*)BGADJUSTMENT, 450*16); //Setup worlds //(This uses structs to access world data, the old method using functions is commented out) WA[31].head = (WRLD_LON|WRLD_OVR); WA[31].w = 384; WA[31].h = 224; //vbSetWorld(31, (WRLD_LON|WRLD_OVR), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 384, 224); WA[30].head = (WRLD_RON|WRLD_OVR); WA[30].my = 224; WA[30].w = 384; WA[30].h = 224; //vbSetWorld(30, (WRLD_RON|WRLD_OVR), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 224, 384, 224); WA[29].head = WRLD_END; //vbSetWorld(29, WRLD_END, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); //Set brightness registers vbDisplayShow(); //Main loop (Empty because we're done but don't want to reach the end) for (;;); return 0; }
PLUGINFUNCTIONEND PLUGINFUNCTION(Store) { TempStack *tmp; int size = ((INST_R9+1)*g_stringsize); char *command, *cmd = command = system_popstring(); while (*cmd != 0) { switch (*(cmd++)) { case 's': case 'S': // Store the whole variables range tmp = (TempStack*) GlobalAlloc(GPTR, sizeof(TempStack)+size); tmp->Next = tempstack; tempstack = tmp; // Fill with data copymem(tempstack->Data, g_variables, size); break; case 'l': case 'L': if (tempstack == NULL) break; // Fill with data copymem(g_variables, tempstack->Data, size); // Restore stack tmp = tempstack->Next; GlobalFree((HANDLE) tempstack); tempstack = tmp; break; case 'P': *cmd += 10; case 'p': GlobalFree((HANDLE) system_pushstring(system_getuservariable(*(cmd++)-'0'))); break; case 'R': *cmd += 10; case 'r': GlobalFree((HANDLE) system_setuservariable(*(cmd++)-'0', system_popstring())); break; } } GlobalFree((HANDLE) command); }
size_t NetworkedMultiplayerENet::enet_compress(void * context, const ENetBuffer * inBuffers, size_t inBufferCount, size_t inLimit, enet_uint8 * outData, size_t outLimit) { NetworkedMultiplayerENet *enet = (NetworkedMultiplayerENet*)(context); if (size_t(enet->src_compressor_mem.size())<inLimit) { enet->src_compressor_mem.resize( inLimit ); } int total = inLimit; int ofs=0; while(total) { for(size_t i=0;i<inBufferCount;i++) { int to_copy = MIN(total,int(inBuffers[i].dataLength)); copymem(&enet->src_compressor_mem[ofs],inBuffers[i].data,to_copy); ofs+=to_copy; total-=to_copy; } } Compression::Mode mode; switch(enet->compression_mode) { case COMPRESS_FASTLZ: { mode=Compression::MODE_FASTLZ; } break; case COMPRESS_ZLIB: { mode=Compression::MODE_DEFLATE; } break; default: { ERR_FAIL_V(0); } } int req_size = Compression::get_max_compressed_buffer_size(ofs,mode); if (enet->dst_compressor_mem.size()<req_size) { enet->dst_compressor_mem.resize(req_size); } int ret=Compression::compress(enet->dst_compressor_mem.ptr(),enet->src_compressor_mem.ptr(),ofs,mode); if (ret<0) return 0; if (ret>int(outLimit)) return 0; //do not bother copymem(outData,enet->dst_compressor_mem.ptr(),ret); return ret; }
int VideoStreamTheoraplayer::get_pending_frame_count() const { if (!clip) return 0; if (!frame.empty()) return 1; TheoraVideoFrame* f = clip->getNextFrame(); if (!f) return 0; float w=clip->getWidth(),h=clip->getHeight(); int imgsize = w * h * f->mBpp; int size = f->getStride() * f->getHeight() * f->mBpp; DVector<uint8_t> data; data.resize(imgsize); DVector<uint8_t>::Write wr = data.write(); uint8_t* ptr = wr.ptr(); copymem(ptr, f->getBuffer(), imgsize); /* for (int i=0; i<h; i++) { int dstofs = i * w * f->mBpp; int srcofs = i * f->getStride() * f->mBpp; copymem(ptr + dstofs, f->getBuffer() + dstofs, w * f->mBpp); }; */ frame = Image(); frame.create(w, h, 0, f->mBpp == 3 ? Image::FORMAT_RGB : Image::FORMAT_RGBA, data); clip->popFrame(); return 1; };
PLUGINFUNCTIONEND PLUGINFUNCTIONSHORT(Copy) { int size = 0; HANDLE source, dest; char *str; // Get the string if ((str = system_popstring()) == NULL) return; // Check for size option if (str[0] == '/') { size = (int) myatoi64(str+1); dest = (HANDLE) popint64(); } else dest = (HANDLE) myatoi64(str); source = (HANDLE) popint64(); // Ok, check the size if (size == 0) size = (int) GlobalSize(source); // and the destinantion if ((int) dest == 0) { dest = GlobalAlloc((GPTR), size); system_pushint((int) dest); } // COPY! copymem(dest, source, size); GlobalFree(str); }
void load_warning_scr() { copymem((void *)0x78000, (void*)font_pc, 8192); /* Clear out any leftover characters from previous BG. */ setmem((void*)BGMap(0), 0, 0x2000); WA[31].head = WRLD_ON; WA[31].gx = 0; WA[31].gp = 0; //No parallax for now. WA[31].gy = CENTER_Y(5)*8; WA[31].mx = 0; WA[31].mp = 0; WA[31].my = 0; WA[31].w = 384; WA[31].h = (5*8 - 1); WA[31].ovr = 0; WA[31].param = 0; WA[30].head = WRLD_END; print_message(msg_warn[0], 0, CENTER_X(27), 0, 0); print_message(msg_warn[1], 0, CENTER_X(23), 2, 0); print_message(msg_warn[2], 0, CENTER_X(16), 4, 0); }
void GetURLHandler::AppendDataBytes(const char* buffer, int32_t num_bytes) { if (num_bytes <= 0) return; // Make sure we don't get a buffer overrun. num_bytes = std::min(READ_BUFFER_SIZE, num_bytes); int ofs = data.size(); data.resize(ofs + num_bytes); copymem(&data[ofs], buffer, num_bytes); }
static void _write_png_data(png_structp png_ptr, png_bytep data, png_size_t p_length) { PoolVector<uint8_t> &v = *(PoolVector<uint8_t> *)png_get_io_ptr(png_ptr); int vs = v.size(); v.resize(vs + p_length); PoolVector<uint8_t>::Write w = v.write(); copymem(&w[vs], data, p_length); }
static void _write_png_data(png_structp png_ptr,png_bytep data, png_size_t p_length) { DVector<uint8_t> &v = *(DVector<uint8_t>*)png_get_io_ptr(png_ptr); int vs = v.size(); v.resize(vs+p_length); DVector<uint8_t>::Write w = v.write(); copymem(&w[vs],data,p_length); //print_line("png write: "+itos(p_length)); }
void FileAccessMemory::store_buffer(const uint8_t *p_src,int p_length) { int left = length - pos; int write = MIN(p_length, left); if (write < p_length) { WARN_PRINT("Writing less data than requested"); }; copymem(&data[pos], p_src, write); pos += p_length; };
Error PackedDataContainer::pack(const Variant &p_data) { Vector<uint8_t> tmpdata; Map<String, uint32_t> string_cache; _pack(p_data, tmpdata, string_cache); datalen = tmpdata.size(); data.resize(tmpdata.size()); PoolVector<uint8_t>::Write w = data.write(); copymem(w.ptr(), tmpdata.ptr(), tmpdata.size()); return OK; }
int main() { int i; char s1[]="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; char s2[30]; char *s3; char *s4; s3=(char *)malloc(10000); s4=(char *)malloc(10000); for(i=0;i<100000;i++) copymem(s3,s4,10000); return(0); }
//! Set up device and execute command(s). // int main(int argc, char** argv) { // read in program arguments read_arguments(argc, argv); #ifdef _DEBUG // DEBUG: list the options dump_options(); #endif // _DEBUG // help over-rides all. For options variable see cmdline.h if (options.showHelp) { printHelp(); exit(0); } // open the device or its imposter (file), see dfile.h if (options.inputFromFile == 1) { dopen(cmdFilename); } else { dopen(":usb:"); } // dump header can be executed with other commands if (options.dumpHeader == 1) { printHeader(); } // now dispatch for processing if (options.dumpMemory == 1) { // hexdump device memory dumpmemory(memoryDumpStart, memoryDumpEnd, DumpWidth); } else if (options.writeMemoryToFile == 1) { // copy device memory to a file copymem(cmdFilename); } else if (options.printRecordsSince == 1) { // list records since given date & time listRecordsSince(dateSince); } else if (options.printRecords == 1) { // list specified records (0 = current, n = oldest) if (options.untilFirstRecord == 1) { endRecordNumber = getRecordsStored(); } listRecords(startRecordNumber, endRecordNumber); } dclose(); }
void load_ipdfoc_scr() { /* Load focus screen tiles into memory. */ /* copymem((void *)0x78000, (void*)cgx_sample, 8192*2); copymem((void*)BGMap(0), (void*)scr_ipd_foc, 4096*2); */ copymem((void *)0x78000, (void*)char_cfoc, 8192*2); copymem((void*)BGMap(0), (void*)bg_vblogo_r, 4096*2); copymem((void*)BGMap(1), (void*)bg_vblogo_l, 4096*2); /* Reload the worlds to point to the appropriate. Screen. */ WA[31].head = WRLD_RON; WA[31].gx = 0; WA[31].gp = 0; WA[31].gy = 0; WA[31].mx = 0; WA[31].mp = 0; WA[31].my = 0; WA[31].w = 383; WA[31].h = 223; WA[31].ovr = 0; WA[31].param = 0; WA[30].head = WRLD_LON + 1; WA[30].gx = 0; WA[30].gp = 0; //No parallax for now. WA[30].gy = 0; WA[30].mx = 0; WA[30].mp = 0; WA[30].my = 0; WA[30].w = 383; WA[30].h = 223; WA[30].ovr = 0; WA[30].param = 0; WA[29].head = WRLD_END; }
int AudioStreamMPC::_read_file(void *p_dst,int p_bytes) { if (f) return f->get_buffer((uint8_t*)p_dst,p_bytes); DVector<uint8_t>::Read r =; if (p_bytes+data_ofs > streamlen) { p_bytes=streamlen-data_ofs; } copymem(p_dst,&r[data_ofs],p_bytes); //print_line("read file: "+itos(p_bytes)); data_ofs+=p_bytes; return p_bytes; }
Error StreamPeerBuffer::put_data(const uint8_t *p_data, int p_bytes) { if (p_bytes <= 0) return OK; if (pointer + p_bytes > data.size()) { data.resize(pointer + p_bytes); } DVector<uint8_t>::Write w = data.write(); copymem(&w[pointer], p_data, p_bytes); pointer += p_bytes; return OK; }
void EditorExportPlatformOSX::_make_icon(const Image& p_icon,Vector<uint8_t>& icon) { Ref<ImageTexture> it = memnew( ImageTexture ); int size=512; Vector<uint8_t> data; data.resize(8); data[0]='i'; data[1]='c'; data[2]='n'; data[3]='s'; const char *name[]={"ic09","ic08","ic07","icp6","icp5","icp4"}; int index=0; while(size>=16) { Image copy = p_icon; copy.convert(Image::FORMAT_RGBA); copy.resize(size,size); it->create_from_image(copy); String path = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_settings_path()+"/tmp/icon.png"; ResourceSaver::save(path,it); FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(path,FileAccess::READ); ERR_FAIL_COND(!f); int ofs = data.size(); uint32_t len = f->get_len(); data.resize(data.size()+len+8); f->get_buffer(&data[ofs+8],len); memdelete(f); len+=8; len=BSWAP32(len); copymem(&data[ofs],name[index],4); encode_uint32(len,&data[ofs+4]); index++; size/=2; } uint32_t total_len = data.size(); total_len = BSWAP32(total_len); encode_uint32(total_len,&data[4]); icon=data; }
int FileAccessMemory::get_buffer(uint8_t *p_dst,int p_length) const { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!data, -1); int left = length - pos; int read = MIN(p_length, left); if (read < p_length) { WARN_PRINT("Reading less data than requested"); }; copymem(p_dst, &data[pos], read); pos += p_length; return read; };
void EditorExportPlatformOSX::_make_icon(const Ref<Image> &p_icon, Vector<uint8_t> &p_data) { Ref<ImageTexture> it = memnew(ImageTexture); int size = 512; Vector<uint8_t> data; data.resize(8); data[0] = 'i'; data[1] = 'c'; data[2] = 'n'; data[3] = 's'; const char *name[] = { "ic09", "ic08", "ic07", "icp6", "icp5", "icp4" }; int index = 0; while (size >= 16) { Ref<Image> copy = p_icon; // does this make sense? doesn't this just increase the reference count instead of making a copy? Do we even need a copy? copy->convert(Image::FORMAT_RGBA8); copy->resize(size, size); it->create_from_image(copy); String path = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_cache_dir().plus_file("icon.png"); ResourceSaver::save(path, it); FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(path, FileAccess::READ); ERR_FAIL_COND(!f); int ofs = data.size(); uint32_t len = f->get_len(); data.resize(data.size() + len + 8); f->get_buffer(&data[ofs + 8], len); memdelete(f); len += 8; len = BSWAP32(len); copymem(&data[ofs], name[index], 4); encode_uint32(len, &data[ofs + 4]); index++; size /= 2; } uint32_t total_len = data.size(); total_len = BSWAP32(total_len); encode_uint32(total_len, &data[4]); p_data = data; }
Error StreamPeerBuffer::get_partial_data(uint8_t *p_buffer, int p_bytes, int &r_received) { if (pointer + p_bytes > data.size()) { r_received = data.size() - pointer; if (r_received <= 0) { r_received = 0; return OK; //you got 0 } } else { r_received = p_bytes; } DVector<uint8_t>::Read r =; copymem(p_buffer, r.ptr() + pointer, r_received); pointer += r_received; // FIXME: return what? OK or ERR_* }
int Compression::compress(uint8_t *p_dst, const uint8_t *p_src, int p_src_size,Mode p_mode) { switch(p_mode) { case MODE_FASTLZ: { if (p_src_size<16) { uint8_t src[16]; zeromem(&src[p_src_size],16-p_src_size); copymem(src,p_src,p_src_size); return fastlz_compress(src,16,p_dst); } else { return fastlz_compress(p_src,p_src_size,p_dst); } } break; case MODE_DEFLATE: { z_stream strm; strm.zalloc = zipio_alloc; strm.zfree = zipio_free; strm.opaque = Z_NULL; int err = deflateInit(&strm,Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION); if (err!=Z_OK) return -1; strm.avail_in=p_src_size; int aout = deflateBound(&strm,p_src_size);; /*if (aout>p_src_size) { deflateEnd(&strm); return -1; }*/ strm.avail_out=aout; strm.next_in=(Bytef*)p_src; strm.next_out=p_dst; deflate(&strm,Z_FINISH); aout = aout - strm.avail_out; deflateEnd(&strm); return aout; } break; } ERR_FAIL_V(-1); }
void *memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, size_t n) { if (n > 3) { if (!((long)dest & 1)) { if (!((long)src & 1)) { copymem_aligned(src, dest, n); return dest; } } else if ((long)src & 1) { *((char *)dest)++ = *((const char *)src)++; copymem_aligned(src, dest, n - 1); return (char *)dest - 1; } } copymem(src, dest, n); return dest; }
static void _encode_string(const String &p_string, uint8_t *&buf, int &r_len) { CharString utf8 = p_string.utf8(); if (buf) { encode_uint32(utf8.length(), buf); buf += 4; copymem(buf, utf8.get_data(), utf8.length()); buf += utf8.length(); } r_len += 4 + utf8.length(); while (r_len % 4) { r_len++; //pad if (buf) { buf++; } } }
int Compression::decompress(uint8_t *p_dst, int p_dst_max_size, const uint8_t *p_src, int p_src_size,Mode p_mode){ switch(p_mode) { case MODE_FASTLZ: { int ret_size=0; if (p_dst_max_size<16) { uint8_t dst[16]; ret_size = fastlz_decompress(p_src,p_src_size,dst,16); copymem(p_dst,dst,p_dst_max_size); } else { ret_size = fastlz_decompress(p_src,p_src_size,p_dst,p_dst_max_size); } return ret_size; } break; case MODE_DEFLATE: { z_stream strm; strm.zalloc = zipio_alloc; strm.zfree = zipio_free; strm.opaque = Z_NULL; strm.avail_in= 0; strm.next_in=Z_NULL; int err = inflateInit(&strm); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err!=Z_OK,-1); strm.avail_in=p_src_size; strm.avail_out=p_dst_max_size; strm.next_in=(Bytef*)p_src; strm.next_out=p_dst; err = inflate(&strm,Z_FINISH); int total = strm.total_out; inflateEnd(&strm); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err!=Z_STREAM_END,-1); return total; } break; } ERR_FAIL_V(-1); }
void VideoStreamTheoraplayer::pop_frame(Ref<ImageTexture> p_tex) { if (!clip) return; TheoraVideoFrame* f = clip->getNextFrame(); if (!f) { return; }; float w=clip->getWidth(),h=clip->getHeight(); int imgsize = w * h * f->mBpp; int size = f->getStride() * f->getHeight() * f->mBpp; data.resize(imgsize); { DVector<uint8_t>::Write wr = data.write(); uint8_t* ptr = wr.ptr(); copymem(ptr, f->getBuffer(), imgsize); } /* for (int i=0; i<h; i++) { int dstofs = i * w * f->mBpp; int srcofs = i * f->getStride() * f->mBpp; copymem(ptr + dstofs, f->getBuffer() + dstofs, w * f->mBpp); }; */ Image frame = Image(); frame.create(w, h, 0, f->mBpp == 3 ? Image::FORMAT_RGB : Image::FORMAT_RGBA, data); clip->popFrame(); if (p_tex->get_width() == 0) { p_tex->create(frame.get_width(),frame.get_height(),frame.get_format(),Texture::FLAG_VIDEO_SURFACE|Texture::FLAG_FILTER); p_tex->set_data(frame); } else { p_tex->set_data(frame); }; };
static PoolVector<uint8_t> _webp_lossy_pack(const Ref<Image> &p_image, float p_quality) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_image.is_null() || p_image->empty(), PoolVector<uint8_t>()); Ref<Image> img = p_image->duplicate(); if (img->detect_alpha()) img->convert(Image::FORMAT_RGBA8); else img->convert(Image::FORMAT_RGB8); Size2 s(img->get_width(), img->get_height()); PoolVector<uint8_t> data = img->get_data(); PoolVector<uint8_t>::Read r =; uint8_t *dst_buff = NULL; size_t dst_size = 0; if (img->get_format() == Image::FORMAT_RGB8) { dst_size = WebPEncodeRGB(r.ptr(), s.width, s.height, 3 * s.width, CLAMP(p_quality * 100.0, 0, 100.0), &dst_buff); } else { dst_size = WebPEncodeRGBA(r.ptr(), s.width, s.height, 4 * s.width, CLAMP(p_quality * 100.0, 0, 100.0), &dst_buff); } ERR_FAIL_COND_V(dst_size == 0, PoolVector<uint8_t>()); PoolVector<uint8_t> dst; dst.resize(4 + dst_size); PoolVector<uint8_t>::Write w = dst.write(); w[0] = 'W'; w[1] = 'E'; w[2] = 'B'; w[3] = 'P'; copymem(&w[4], dst_buff, dst_size); free(dst_buff); w = PoolVector<uint8_t>::Write(); return dst; }
void VideoStreamPlaybackTheora::set_file(const String &p_file) { ERR_FAIL_COND(playing); ogg_packet op; th_setup_info *ts = NULL; file_name = p_file; if (file) { memdelete(file); } file = FileAccess::open(p_file, FileAccess::READ); ERR_FAIL_COND(!file); #ifdef THEORA_USE_THREAD_STREAMING thread_exit = false; thread_eof = false; //pre-fill buffer int to_read = ring_buffer.space_left(); int read = file->get_buffer(read_buffer.ptr(), to_read); ring_buffer.write(read_buffer.ptr(), read); thread = Thread::create(_streaming_thread, this); #endif ogg_sync_init(&oy); /* init supporting Vorbis structures needed in header parsing */ vorbis_info_init(&vi); vorbis_comment_init(&vc); /* init supporting Theora structures needed in header parsing */ th_comment_init(&tc); th_info_init(&ti); theora_eos = false; vorbis_eos = false; /* Ogg file open; parse the headers */ /* Only interested in Vorbis/Theora streams */ int stateflag = 0; int audio_track_skip = audio_track; while (!stateflag) { int ret = buffer_data(); if (ret == 0) break; while (ogg_sync_pageout(&oy, &og) > 0) { ogg_stream_state test; /* is this a mandated initial header? If not, stop parsing */ if (!ogg_page_bos(&og)) { /* don't leak the page; get it into the appropriate stream */ queue_page(&og); stateflag = 1; break; } ogg_stream_init(&test, ogg_page_serialno(&og)); ogg_stream_pagein(&test, &og); ogg_stream_packetout(&test, &op); /* identify the codec: try theora */ if (!theora_p && th_decode_headerin(&ti, &tc, &ts, &op) >= 0) { /* it is theora */ copymem(&to, &test, sizeof(test)); theora_p = 1; } else if (!vorbis_p && vorbis_synthesis_headerin(&vi, &vc, &op) >= 0) { /* it is vorbis */ if (audio_track_skip) { vorbis_info_clear(&vi); vorbis_comment_clear(&vc); ogg_stream_clear(&test); vorbis_info_init(&vi); vorbis_comment_init(&vc); audio_track_skip--; } else { copymem(&vo, &test, sizeof(test)); vorbis_p = 1; } } else { /* whatever it is, we don't care about it */ ogg_stream_clear(&test); } } /* fall through to non-bos page parsing */ } /* we're expecting more header packets. */ while ((theora_p && theora_p < 3) || (vorbis_p && vorbis_p < 3)) { int ret; /* look for further theora headers */ while (theora_p && (theora_p < 3) && (ret = ogg_stream_packetout(&to, &op))) { if (ret < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error parsing Theora stream headers; " "corrupt stream?\n"); clear(); return; } if (!th_decode_headerin(&ti, &tc, &ts, &op)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error parsing Theora stream headers; " "corrupt stream?\n"); clear(); return; } theora_p++; } /* look for more vorbis header packets */ while (vorbis_p && (vorbis_p < 3) && (ret = ogg_stream_packetout(&vo, &op))) { if (ret < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error parsing Vorbis stream headers; corrupt stream?\n"); clear(); return; } ret = vorbis_synthesis_headerin(&vi, &vc, &op); if (ret) { fprintf(stderr, "Error parsing Vorbis stream headers; corrupt stream?\n"); clear(); return; } vorbis_p++; if (vorbis_p == 3) break; } /* The header pages/packets will arrive before anything else we care about, or the stream is not obeying spec */ if (ogg_sync_pageout(&oy, &og) > 0) { queue_page(&og); /* demux into the appropriate stream */ } else { int ret = buffer_data(); /* someone needs more data */ if (ret == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "End of file while searching for codec headers.\n"); clear(); return; } } } /* and now we have it all. initialize decoders */ if (theora_p) { td = th_decode_alloc(&ti, ts); printf("Ogg logical stream %lx is Theora %dx%d %.02f fps", to.serialno, ti.pic_width, ti.pic_height, (double)ti.fps_numerator / ti.fps_denominator); px_fmt = ti.pixel_fmt; switch (ti.pixel_fmt) { case TH_PF_420: printf(" 4:2:0 video\n"); break; case TH_PF_422: printf(" 4:2:2 video\n"); break; case TH_PF_444: printf(" 4:4:4 video\n"); break; case TH_PF_RSVD: default: printf(" video\n (UNKNOWN Chroma sampling!)\n"); break; } if (ti.pic_width != ti.frame_width || ti.pic_height != ti.frame_height) printf(" Frame content is %dx%d with offset (%d,%d).\n", ti.frame_width, ti.frame_height, ti.pic_x, ti.pic_y); th_decode_ctl(td, TH_DECCTL_GET_PPLEVEL_MAX, &pp_level_max, sizeof(pp_level_max)); pp_level = 0; th_decode_ctl(td, TH_DECCTL_SET_PPLEVEL, &pp_level, sizeof(pp_level)); pp_inc = 0; int w; int h; w = (ti.pic_x + ti.frame_width + 1 & ~1) - (ti.pic_x & ~1); h = (ti.pic_y + ti.frame_height + 1 & ~1) - (ti.pic_y & ~1); size.x = w; size.y = h; texture->create(w, h, Image::FORMAT_RGBA8, Texture::FLAG_FILTER | Texture::FLAG_VIDEO_SURFACE); } else { /* tear down the partial theora setup */ th_info_clear(&ti); th_comment_clear(&tc); } th_setup_free(ts); if (vorbis_p) { vorbis_synthesis_init(&vd, &vi); vorbis_block_init(&vd, &vb); fprintf(stderr, "Ogg logical stream %lx is Vorbis %d channel %ld Hz audio.\n", vo.serialno, vi.channels, vi.rate); //_setup(vi.channels, vi.rate); } else { /* tear down the partial vorbis setup */ vorbis_info_clear(&vi); vorbis_comment_clear(&vc); } playing = false; buffering = true; time = 0; audio_frames_wrote = 0; };
HANDLE GlobalCopy(HANDLE Old) { size_t size = GlobalSize(Old); return copymem(GlobalAlloc(GPTR, size), Old, size); }
ByteArray HTTPClient::read_response_body_chunk() { ERR_FAIL_COND_V( status !=STATUS_BODY, ByteArray() ); Error err=OK; if (chunked) { while(true) { if (chunk_left==0) { //reading len uint8_t b; int rec=0; err = connection->get_partial_data(&b,1,rec); if (rec==0) break; chunk.push_back(b); if (chunk.size()>32) { ERR_PRINT("HTTP Invalid chunk hex len"); status=STATUS_CONNECTION_ERROR; return ByteArray(); } if (chunk.size()>2 && chunk[chunk.size()-2]=='\r' && chunk[chunk.size()-1]=='\n') { int len=0; for(int i=0;i<chunk.size()-2;i++) { char c = chunk[i]; int v=0; if (c>='0' && c<='9') v=c-'0'; else if (c>='a' && c<='f') v=c-'a'+10; else if (c>='A' && c<='F') v=c-'A'+10; else { ERR_PRINT("HTTP Chunk len not in hex!!"); status=STATUS_CONNECTION_ERROR; return ByteArray(); } len<<=4; len|=v; if (len>(1<<24)) { ERR_PRINT("HTTP Chunk too big!! >16mb"); status=STATUS_CONNECTION_ERROR; return ByteArray(); } } if (len==0) { //end! status=STATUS_CONNECTED; chunk.clear(); return ByteArray(); } chunk_left=len+2; chunk.resize(chunk_left); } } else { int rec=0; err = connection->get_partial_data(&chunk[chunk.size()-chunk_left],chunk_left,rec); if (rec==0) { break; } chunk_left-=rec; if (chunk_left==0) { if (chunk[chunk.size()-2]!='\r' || chunk[chunk.size()-1]!='\n') { ERR_PRINT("HTTP Invalid chunk terminator (not \\r\\n)"); status=STATUS_CONNECTION_ERROR; return ByteArray(); } ByteArray ret; ret.resize(chunk.size()-2); { ByteArray::Write w = ret.write(); copymem(w.ptr(),chunk.ptr(),chunk.size()-2); } chunk.clear(); return ret; } break; } } } else { ByteArray ret; ret.resize(MAX(body_left,tmp_read.size())); ByteArray::Write w = ret.write(); int _offset = 0; while (body_left > 0) { ByteArray::Write r = tmp_read.write(); int rec=0; err = connection->get_partial_data(r.ptr(),MIN(body_left,tmp_read.size()),rec); if (rec>0) { copymem(w.ptr()+_offset,r.ptr(),rec); body_left-=rec; _offset += rec; } } if (body_left==0) { status=STATUS_CONNECTED; } return ret; } if (err!=OK) { close(); if (err==ERR_FILE_EOF) { status=STATUS_DISCONNECTED; //server disconnected } else { status=STATUS_CONNECTION_ERROR; } } else if (body_left==0 && !chunked) { status=STATUS_CONNECTED; } return ByteArray(); }