inline const Matrix& PiecewiseConstantCorrelation::correlation(Size i) const { const std::vector<Matrix>& results = correlations(); QL_REQUIRE(i<results.size(), "index (" << i << ") must be less than correlations vector size (" << results.size() << ")"); return results[i]; }
// Load a correlation table from file arma::Mat<float> load_correlation_file(std::string &filename) { // Used to store strings from file prior to matrix construction and other variables std::string line; std::string ele; std::stringstream line_stream; std::vector<float> correlations_vector; bool id; // Open file stream std::ifstream cor_file;; // Skip header, order SHOULD be the same as input OTU table std::getline(cor_file, line); line_stream.str(line); // Count OTUs in header if needed int otu_number = std::count(line.begin(), line.end(), '\t'); // Reserving space memory correlations_vector.reserve(otu_number * otu_number); // Process correlation elements while(std::getline(cor_file, line)) { // (Re)sets variables for loop id = true; line_stream.clear(); // Add current line to line stream and then split by tabs line_stream.str(line); while (std::getline(line_stream, ele, '\t')) { // Skip the OTU ID column if (id) { id = false; continue; } // Add current element to correlation mat after converting to float correlations_vector.push_back(std::stof(ele)); } } // Construct matrix and return it arma::Mat<float> correlations(correlations_vector); correlations.reshape(otu_number, otu_number); return correlations; }
Disposable<Matrix> exponentialCorrelations( const std::vector<Time>& rateTimes, Real longTermCorr, Real beta, Real gamma, Time time) { // preliminary checks checkIncreasingTimes(rateTimes); QL_REQUIRE(longTermCorr<=1.0 && longTermCorr>=0.0, "Long term correlation (" << longTermCorr << ") outside [0;1] interval"); QL_REQUIRE(beta>=0.0, "beta (" << beta << ") must be greater than zero"); QL_REQUIRE(gamma<=1.0 && gamma>=0.0, "gamma (" << gamma << ") outside [0;1] interval"); // Calculate correlation matrix Size nbRows = rateTimes.size()-1; Matrix correlations(nbRows, nbRows, 0.0); for (Size i=0; i<nbRows; ++i) { // correlation is defined only between // (alive) stochastic rates... if (time<=rateTimes[i]) { correlations[i][i] = 1.0; for (Size j=0; j<i; ++j) { if (time<=rateTimes[j]) { correlations[i][j] = correlations[j][i] = longTermCorr + (1.0-longTermCorr) * std::exp(-beta*std::fabs( std::pow(rateTimes[i]-time, gamma) - std::pow(rateTimes[j]-time, gamma) ) ); } } } } return correlations; }
Matrix<double> InputsSelectionAlgorithm::calculate_logistic_correlations(void) const { // Control sentence (if debug) #ifdef __OPENNN_DEBUG__ std::ostringstream buffer; if(!training_strategy_pointer) { buffer << "OpenNN Exception: InputsSelectionAlgorithm class.\n" << "void check(void) const method.\n" << "Pointer to training strategy is NULL.\n"; throw std::logic_error(buffer.str()); } // Performance functional stuff if(!training_strategy_pointer->has_performance_functional()) { buffer << "OpenNN Exception: InputsSelectionAlgorithm class.\n" << "void check(void) const method.\n" << "Pointer to performance functional is NULL.\n"; throw std::logic_error(buffer.str()); } if(!training_strategy_pointer->get_performance_functional_pointer()->has_data_set()) { buffer << "OpenNN Exception: InputsSelectionAlgorithm class.\n" << "void check(void) const method.\n" << "Pointer to data set is NULL.\n"; throw std::logic_error(buffer.str()); } #endif // Problem stuff const PerformanceFunctional* performance_functional_pointer = training_strategy_pointer->get_performance_functional_pointer(); const DataSet* data_set_pointer = performance_functional_pointer->get_data_set_pointer(); const Variables& variables = data_set_pointer->get_variables(); const size_t inputs_number = variables.count_inputs_number(); const size_t targets_number = variables.count_targets_number(); const Vector<size_t> input_indices = variables.arrange_inputs_indices(); const Vector<size_t> target_indices = variables.arrange_targets_indices(); Matrix<double> correlations(inputs_number, targets_number); for(size_t i = 0; i < inputs_number; i++) { const Vector<double> inputs = data_set_pointer->get_variable(input_indices[i]); for(size_t j = 0; j < targets_number; j++) { const Vector<double> targets = data_set_pointer->get_variable(target_indices[j]); Matrix<double> data(inputs.size(), 2); data.set_column(0, inputs); data.set_column(1, targets); DataSet data_set(data); data_set.scale_inputs("MinimumMaximum"); Instances* instances_pointer = data_set.get_instances_pointer(); instances_pointer->set_training(); NeuralNetwork neural_network(1, 1); MultilayerPerceptron* multilayer_perceptron_pointer = neural_network.get_multilayer_perceptron_pointer(); multilayer_perceptron_pointer->set_layer_activation_function(0, Perceptron::Logistic); PerformanceFunctional performance_functional(&neural_network, &data_set); performance_functional.set_objective_type(PerformanceFunctional::MEAN_SQUARED_ERROR_OBJECTIVE); TrainingStrategy training_strategy(&performance_functional); training_strategy.set_main_type(TrainingStrategy::LEVENBERG_MARQUARDT_ALGORITHM); training_strategy.get_Levenberg_Marquardt_algorithm_pointer()->set_display(false); training_strategy.get_Levenberg_Marquardt_algorithm_pointer()->set_performance_goal(0.0); training_strategy.get_Levenberg_Marquardt_algorithm_pointer()->set_gradient_norm_goal(0.0); training_strategy.get_Levenberg_Marquardt_algorithm_pointer()->set_minimum_performance_increase(0.0); training_strategy.perform_training(); const Vector<double> outputs = neural_network.calculate_output_data(inputs.to_column_matrix()).to_vector(); correlations(i,j) = targets.calculate_linear_correlation(outputs); } } return(correlations); }
vector<SubstitutionalCorrelation*> correlators_from_cuns(ChemicalUnitNode* node1,ChemicalUnitNode* node2,vector<double> corr) { int s1 = node1->chemical_units.size(); int s2 = node2->chemical_units.size(); vector<double> correlations(s1*s2); //check there are enough numbers in the matrix //fill the correlations //if full version, check the last column-row bool full_version; if(corr.size()==(s1-1)*(s2-1)) { full_version = false; //fill upper-right corner of correlation matrix for(int i=0; i<s1-1; i++) for(int j=0; j<s2-1; j++) correlations[i+s1*j] = corr[i+j*(s1-1)]; } else if(corr.size()==s1*s2) { full_version = true; correlations = corr; } else { REPORT(ERROR) << "Wrong number of joint probabilities, expected a " << (s1-1)<< "x" << (s2-1) << " or a " << s1 << "x" << s2 << " matrix. Found " << corr.size() << " values.\n"; throw "fail"; } //fill last row for(int j=0; j<s2-1; j++){ correlations[s1*j+s1-1]=node2->chemical_units[j].get_occupancy(); for(int i=0; i<s1-1; i++) correlations[s1*j+s1-1]-=correlations[i+s1*j]; } //fill last coloumn for(int i=0; i<s1; i++) { correlations[(s2-1)*s1+i]=node1->chemical_units[i].get_occupancy(); for(int j=0; j<s2-1; j++) correlations[(s2-1)*s1+i] -= correlations[i+s1*j]; } if(full_version) for(int i=0; i<correlations.size(); ++i) if(!(almost_equal(corr[i],correlations[i]))){ REPORT(ERROR) << "The joint probabilities are incompatible with the average structure.\n"; throw "fail"; } //create correlations vector<SubstitutionalCorrelation*> res; for(int j=0; j<s2; j++) { for(int i=0; i<s1; i++) { res.push_back( new SubstitutionalCorrelation(& node1->chemical_units[i],& node2->chemical_units[j], correlations[i+s1*j])); } } return res; }
void read(boost::optional<mil_msgs::VelocityMeasurements> &res, boost::optional<mil_msgs::RangeStamped> &height_res) { res = boost::none; height_res = boost::none; if (!p.is_open()) // Open serial port if closed { open(); return; } ByteVec ensemble; ensemble.resize(4); // Header ID if (!read_byte(ensemble[0])) return; if (ensemble[0] != 0x7F) return; ros::Time stamp = ros::Time::now(); // Data Source ID if (!read_byte(ensemble[1])) return; if (ensemble[1] != 0x7F) return; // Size low if (!read_byte(ensemble[2])) return; // Size high if (!read_byte(ensemble[3])) return; uint16_t ensemble_size = getu16le( + 2); ensemble.resize(ensemble_size); for (int i = 4; i < ensemble_size; i++) { if (!read_byte(ensemble[i])) return; } uint16_t checksum = 0; BOOST_FOREACH (uint16_t b, ensemble) checksum += b; uint16_t received_checksum; if (!read_short(received_checksum)) return; if (received_checksum != checksum) { ROS_ERROR_THROTTLE(0.5, "DVL: invalid ensemble checksum. received: %i calculated: %i size: %i", received_checksum, checksum, ensemble_size); return; } if (ensemble.size() < 6) return; for (int dt = 0; dt < ensemble[5]; dt++) { int offset = getu16le( + 6 + 2 * dt); if (ensemble.size() - offset < 2) continue; // Three modes, encoded by the section_id: Bottom Track High Resolution Velocity // Bottom Track, Bottom Track Range uint16_t section_id = getu16le( + offset); std::vector<double> correlations(4, nan("")); if (section_id == 0x5803) // Bottom Track High Resolution Velocity { if (ensemble.size() - offset < 2 + 4 * 4) continue; res = boost::make_optional(mil_msgs::VelocityMeasurements()); res->header.stamp = stamp; std::vector<geometry_msgs::Vector3> dirs; { double tilt = 30 * boost::math::constants::pi<double>() / 180; double x = sin(tilt); double z = cos(tilt); dirs.push_back(mil_tools::make_xyz<geometry_msgs::Vector3>(-x, 0, -z)); dirs.push_back(mil_tools::make_xyz<geometry_msgs::Vector3>(+x, 0, -z)); dirs.push_back(mil_tools::make_xyz<geometry_msgs::Vector3>(0, +x, -z)); dirs.push_back(mil_tools::make_xyz<geometry_msgs::Vector3>(0, -x, -z)); } // Keep track of which beams didn't return for logging std::vector<size_t> invalid_beams; invalid_beams.reserve(4); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { mil_msgs::VelocityMeasurement m; m.direction = dirs[i]; int32_t vel = gets32le( + offset + 2 + 4 * i); m.velocity = -vel * .01e-3; if (vel == -3276801) // -3276801 indicates no data { invalid_beams.push_back(i + 1); m.velocity = nan(""); } res->velocity_measurements.push_back(m); } // Report a list of invalid beams if (invalid_beams.size() > 0) { std::string to_log{ "DVL: didn't return bottom velocity for beam(s): " }; for (auto beam : invalid_beams) to_log += std::to_string(beam) + " "; ROS_ERROR_THROTTLE(0.5, "%s", to_log.c_str()); } } else if (section_id == 0x0600) // Bottom Track { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) correlations[i] = *( + offset + 32 + i); } else if (section_id == 0x5804) // Bottom Track Range { if (ensemble.size() - offset < 2 + 4 * 3) continue; if (gets32le( + offset + 10) <= 0) { ROS_ERROR_THROTTLE(0.5, "%s", "DVL: didn't return height over bottom"); continue; } height_res = boost::make_optional(mil_msgs::RangeStamped()); height_res->header.stamp = stamp; height_res->range = gets32le( + offset + 10) * 0.1e-3; } if (res) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { res->velocity_measurements[i].correlation = correlations[i]; } } } }