예제 #1
BubbleBase::BubbleBase(const InputParameters & parameters)
  _names(getParam<std::vector<VariableName> >("coupled_conc")),
  _atoms(getParam<std::vector<Real> >("coupled_atoms")),
  _widths(getParam<std::vector<Real> >("coupled_widths"))
	_G = coupledComponents("coupled_conc");
  if ( _G != coupledComponents("coupled_rad") )
    mooseError("From BubbleBase: The number of coupled concentrations does not match coupled radii.");
  if ( _G != _atoms.size() )
    mooseError("From BubbleBase: The number of coupled concentrations does not match atom sizes list.");

  for ( unsigned int i=0; i<_G; ++i )
    _c.push_back( &coupledValue("coupled_conc", i) );
    _r.push_back( &coupledValue("coupled_rad", i) );

  // Determine which group current kernel acts on
  _g = -1;
  for ( unsigned int i=0; i<_G; ++i )
    if ( _names[i].compare(_this_var) == 0 )
      _g = i;
  if (_g == -1)
    mooseError("From BubbleBase: Variable not found in coupled_conc list. Check the list.");

  mooseDoOnce( displayBubbleInfo() );
예제 #2
SphericalAverage::SphericalAverage(const InputParameters & parameters)
  : ElementVectorPostprocessor(parameters),
    _nbins(getParam<unsigned int>("bin_number")),
    _deltaR(_radius / _nbins),
  if (coupledComponents("variable") != 1)
    mooseError("SphericalAverage works on exactly one coupled variable");

  // Note: We associate the local variable "i" with nbins and "j" with nvals throughout.

  // couple variables initialize vectors
  for (auto j = beginIndex(_average); j < _nvals; ++j)
    _values[j] = &coupledValue("variable", j);
    _average[j] = &declareVector(getVar("variable", j)->name());

  // initialize the bin center value vector
  for (auto i = beginIndex(_counts); i < _nbins; ++i)
    _bin_center[i] = (i + 0.5) * _deltaR;
AqueousEquilibriumRxnAux::AqueousEquilibriumRxnAux(const InputParameters & parameters)
  : AuxKernel(parameters),
  const unsigned int n = coupledComponents("v");

  // Check that the correct number of stoichiometric coefficients have been provided
  if (_sto_v.size() != n)
    mooseError("The number of stoichiometric coefficients in sto_v is not equal to the number of "
               "coupled species in ",

  // Check that the correct number of activity coefficients have been provided (if applicable)
  if (isCoupled("gamma_v"))
    if (coupledComponents("gamma_v") != n)
      mooseError("The number of activity coefficients in gamma_v is not equal to the number of "
                 "coupled species in ",


  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
    _vals[i] = &coupledValue("v", i);
    // If gamma_v has been supplied, use those values, but if not, use the default value
    _gamma_v[i] = (isCoupled("gamma_v") ? &coupledValue("gamma_v", i) : &coupledValue("gamma_v"));
예제 #4
OptionallyVectorCoupledForce::OptionallyVectorCoupledForce(const InputParameters & parameters)
  : Kernel(parameters)
  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < coupledComponents("v"); ++j)
    _v_var[j] = coupled("v", j);
    _v[j] = &coupledValue("v", j);
예제 #5
ComputeInterfaceStress::ComputeInterfaceStress(const InputParameters & parameters)
  : Material(parameters),
  if (_stress.size() == 1)
    _stress.assign(_nvar, _stress[0]);
  if (_stress.size() != _nvar)
    paramError("stress", "Supply either one single stress or one per order parameter");

  if (_op_range.size() == 1)
    _op_range.assign(_nvar, _op_range[0]);
  if (_op_range.size() != _nvar)
    paramError("op_range", "Supply either one single op_range or one per order parameter");

  for (MooseIndex(_grad_v) i = 0; i < _nvar; ++i)
    _grad_v[i] = &coupledGradient("v", i);
    _stress[i] /= _op_range[i];
예제 #6
GlobalStrainUserObject::GlobalStrainUserObject(const InputParameters & parameters)
  : ElementUserObject(parameters),
    _base_name(isParamValid("base_name") ? getParam<std::string>("base_name") + "_" : ""),
    _Cijkl(getMaterialProperty<RankFourTensor>(_base_name + "elasticity_tensor")),
    _stress(getMaterialProperty<RankTwoTensor>(_base_name + "stress")),
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _ndisp; ++i)
    _disp_var[i] = coupled("displacements", i);

  for (unsigned int dir = 0; dir < _dim; ++dir)
    _periodic_dir(dir) = _mesh.isTranslatedPeriodic(_disp_var[0], dir);

    for (unsigned int i = 1; i < _ndisp; ++i)
      if (_mesh.isTranslatedPeriodic(_disp_var[i], dir) != _periodic_dir(dir))
        mooseError("All the displacement components in a particular direction should have same "

  if (isParamValid("applied_stress_tensor"))
CosseratLinearElasticMaterial::CosseratLinearElasticMaterial(const InputParameters & parameters) :
    _Bijkl_vector(getParam<std::vector<Real> >("B_ijkl")),
    _applied_strain_vector(getParam<std::vector<Real> >("applied_strain_vector")),
    if (_nrots != 3)
        mooseError("CosseratLinearElasticMaterial: This Material is only defined for 3-dimensional simulations so 3 Cosserat rotation variables are needed");
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < _nrots; ++i)
        _wc[i] = &coupledValue("Cosserat_rotations", i);
        _grad_wc[i] = &coupledGradient("Cosserat_rotations", i);

    //Initialize applied strain tensor from input vector
    if (_applied_strain_vector.size() == 6)

    _Bijkl.fillFromInputVector(_Bijkl_vector, (RankFourTensor::FillMethod)(int)_fill_method_bending);
예제 #8
RichardsPorepressureNames::RichardsPorepressureNames(const std::string & name, InputParameters parameters) :
  GeneralUserObject(name, parameters),
  Coupleable(parameters, false),

  unsigned int max_moose_var_num_seen(0);

  for (unsigned int i=0 ; i<_num_p; ++i)
      _moose_var_num[i] = coupled("porepressure_vars", i);
      max_moose_var_num_seen = (max_moose_var_num_seen > _moose_var_num[i] ? max_moose_var_num_seen : _moose_var_num[i]);
      _moose_var_value[i] = &coupledValue("porepressure_vars", i); // coupledValue returns a reference (an alias) to a VariableValue, and the & turns it into a pointer
      _moose_var_value_old[i] = (_is_transient ? &coupledValueOld("porepressure_vars", i) : &_zero);
      _moose_grad_var[i] = &coupledGradient("porepressure_vars", i);
      _moose_raw_var[i] = getVar("porepressure_vars", i);
      _the_names += getVar("porepressure_vars", i)->name() + " ";
  _the_names.erase(_the_names.end() - 1, _the_names.end()); // remove trailing space

  _pressure_var_num.resize(max_moose_var_num_seen + 1);
  for (unsigned int i=0 ; i<max_moose_var_num_seen+1 ; ++i)
    _pressure_var_num[i] = _num_p; // NOTE: indicates that i is not a porepressure variable
  for (unsigned int i=0 ; i<_num_p; ++i)
    _pressure_var_num[_moose_var_num[i]] = i;
ExternalForceDensityMaterial::ExternalForceDensityMaterial(const InputParameters & parameters)
  : DerivativeMaterialInterface<Material>(parameters),
    _c_name(getVar("c", 0)->name()),
        "etas")),   // determine number of grains from the number of names passed in.
    _vals(_op_num), // Size variable arrays
    _dFdc(declarePropertyDerivative<std::vector<RealGradient>>("force_density_ext", _c_name)),
  // Loop through grains and load coupled variables into the arrays
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _op_num; ++i)
    _vals[i] = &coupledValue("etas", i);
    _vals_name[i] = getVar("etas", i)->name();
    _dFdeta[i] =
        &declarePropertyDerivative<std::vector<RealGradient>>("force_density_ext", _vals_name[i]);
예제 #10
ComputeVariableEigenstrain::ComputeVariableEigenstrain(const InputParameters & parameters) :
  // fetch prerequisite derivatives and build elastic_strain derivatives and cross-derivatives
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _num_args; ++i)
    const VariableName & iname = getVar("args", i)->name();
    _dprefactor[i] = &getMaterialPropertyDerivative<Real>("prefactor", iname);
    _delastic_strain[i] = &declarePropertyDerivative<RankTwoTensor>(_base_name + "elastic_strain", iname);


    for (unsigned int j = i; j < _num_args; ++j)
      const VariableName & jname = getVar("args", j)->name();
      _d2prefactor[i][j] = &getMaterialPropertyDerivative<Real>("prefactor", iname, jname);
      _d2elastic_strain[i][j] = &declarePropertyDerivative<RankTwoTensor>(_base_name + "elastic_strain", iname, jname);
NucleationLocationUserObject::NucleationLocationUserObject(const InputParameters & parameters) :
    // _counter(0),
    //make restartable
    _counter(declareRestartableData<int>("counter", 0)),
    _phase_gen_index(std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max()),
    // _nuclei(0),
    //make restartable
    _nuclei(declareRestartableData<std::vector<Nucleus> >("nuclei")),
    //make restartable
    _old_nucleus_list_size(declareRestartableData<unsigned int>("old_nucleus_list_size", 0)),
    if(_n_coupled_aux != coupledComponents("coupled_aux_vars"))
    mooseError("Please specify the correct # of coupled probabilities (NucleationLocationUserObject).");


  for(unsigned int i=0; i<_n_coupled_aux; i++)
    _coupled_probability[i] = &coupledValue("coupled_aux_vars", i);
예제 #12
PorousFlowDictator::PorousFlowDictator(const InputParameters & parameters)
  : GeneralUserObject(parameters),
    Coupleable(this, false),
    _num_phases(getParam<unsigned int>("number_fluid_phases")),
    _num_components(getParam<unsigned int>("number_fluid_components"))
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _num_variables; ++i)
    _moose_var_num[i] = coupled("porous_flow_vars", i);

                     _num_variables); // Note: the _num_variables assignment indicates that "this is
                                      // not a PorousFlow variable"
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _num_variables; ++i)
    if (_moose_var_num[i] < _pf_var_num.size())
      _pf_var_num[_moose_var_num[i]] = i;
      // should not couple AuxVariables to the Dictator (Jacobian entries are not calculated for
      // them)
      mooseError("PorousFlowDictator: AuxVariables variables must not be coupled into the Dictator "
                 "for this is against specification #1984.  Variable number ",
                 " is an AuxVariable.");
예제 #13
PorousFlowMassFraction::PorousFlowMassFraction(const InputParameters & parameters) :


    _mass_frac(declareProperty<std::vector<std::vector<Real> > >("PorousFlow_mass_frac")),
    _mass_frac_old(declarePropertyOld<std::vector<std::vector<Real> > >("PorousFlow_mass_frac")),
    _grad_mass_frac(declareProperty<std::vector<std::vector<RealGradient> > >("PorousFlow_grad_mass_frac")),
    _dmass_frac_dvar(declareProperty<std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<Real> > > >("dPorousFlow_mass_frac_dvar")),


  if (_num_phases < 1 || _num_components < 1)
    mooseError("PorousFlowMassFraction: The Dictator proclaims that the number of phases is " << _num_phases << " and the number of components is " << _num_components << ", and stipulates that you should not use PorousFlowMassFraction in this case");
  if (_num_passed_mf_vars != _num_phases*(_num_components - 1))
    mooseError("PorousFlowMassFraction: The number of mass_fraction_vars is " << _num_passed_mf_vars << " which must be equal to the Dictator's num_phases (" << _num_phases << ") multiplied by num_components-1 (" << _num_components - 1 << ")");

  for (unsigned i = 0; i < _num_passed_mf_vars; ++i)
    _mf_vars_num[i] = coupled("mass_fraction_vars", i);
    _mf_vars[i] = &coupledNodalValue("mass_fraction_vars", i);
    _grad_mf_vars[i] = &coupledGradient("mass_fraction_vars", i);
예제 #14
GlobalDisplacementAux::GlobalDisplacementAux(const InputParameters & parameters)
  : AuxKernel(parameters),
    _component(getParam<unsigned int>("component")),
  if (!isNodal())
    paramError("variable", "GlobalDisplacementAux must be used on a nodal auxiliary variable");

  if (_component >= _dim)
               "The component ",
               " does not exist for ",
               " dimensional problems");

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _ndisp; ++i)
    _disp[i] = &coupledValue("displacements", i);
SwitchingFunctionConstraintLagrange::SwitchingFunctionConstraintLagrange(const std::string & name, InputParameters parameters) :
    DerivativeMaterialInterface<Kernel>(name, parameters),
    _h_names(getParam<std::vector<std::string> >("h_names")),
    _j_eta(_number_of_nl_variables, -1),
  // parameter check. We need exactly one eta per h
  if (_num_h != coupledComponents("etas"))
    mooseError("Need to pass in as many h_names as etas in SwitchingFunctionConstraintLagrange kernel " << name);

  // fetch switching functions (for the residual) and h derivatives (for the Jacobian)
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _num_h; ++i)
    _h[i] = &getMaterialProperty<Real>(_h_names[i]);
    _dh[i] = &getMaterialPropertyDerivative<Real>(_h_names[i], getVar("etas", i)->name());

    // generate the lookup table from j_var -> eta index
    unsigned int num = coupled("etas", i);
    if (num < _number_of_nl_variables)
      _j_eta[num] = i;
예제 #16
StressDivergenceTensors::StressDivergenceTensors(const InputParameters & parameters)
  : ALEKernel(parameters),
    _base_name(isParamValid("base_name") ? getParam<std::string>("base_name") + "_" : ""),
    _stress(getMaterialPropertyByName<RankTwoTensor>(_base_name + "stress")),
    _Jacobian_mult(getMaterialPropertyByName<RankFourTensor>(_base_name + "Jacobian_mult")),
    _component(getParam<unsigned int>("component")),
    _temp_var(_temp_coupled ? coupled("temperature") : 0),
    _avg_grad_test(_test.size(), std::vector<Real>(3, 0.0)),
    _avg_grad_phi(_phi.size(), std::vector<Real>(3, 0.0)),
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _ndisp; ++i)
    _disp_var[i] = coupled("displacements", i);

  // Checking for consistency between mesh size and length of the provided displacements vector
  if (_ndisp != _mesh.dimension())
    mooseError("The number of displacement variables supplied must match the mesh dimension.");

  if (_use_finite_deform_jacobian)
    _deformation_gradient =
        &getMaterialProperty<RankTwoTensor>(_base_name + "deformation_gradient");
    _deformation_gradient_old =
        &getMaterialPropertyOld<RankTwoTensor>(_base_name + "deformation_gradient");
    _rotation_increment = &getMaterialProperty<RankTwoTensor>(_base_name + "rotation_increment");

  // Error if volumetic locking correction is turned on for 1D problems
  if (_ndisp == 1 && _volumetric_locking_correction)
    mooseError("Volumetric locking correction should be set to false for 1-D problems.");
CHPrecipMatrixElasticity::CHPrecipMatrixElasticity(const InputParameters & parameters)
    : SplitCHCRes(parameters),
      _dn_elasticity_tensor(getMaterialProperty<std::vector<RankFourTensor> >("dn_elasticity_tensor")),
      _dn_misfit_strain(getMaterialProperty<std::vector<RankTwoTensor> >("dn_misfit_strain")),
      _dcdn_misfit_strain(getMaterialProperty<std::vector<RankTwoTensor> >("dcdn_misfit_strain")),
  if(_n_OP_vars != coupledComponents("OP_var_names"))
    mooseError("Please match the number of orientation variants to coupled OPs (ACCoupledCalphad).");


  for (unsigned int i=0; i<_n_OP_vars; i++)
    _n_var[i] = coupled("OP_var_names", i);
    _OP[i] = &coupledValue("OP_var_names", i);
예제 #18
CoupledConvectionReactionSub::CoupledConvectionReactionSub(const std::string & name, InputParameters parameters)

    // You must call the constructor of the base class first

    // coupledGradient will give us a reference to the gradient of another
    // variable in the computation.  We are going to use the gradient of p
    // to calculate our velocity vector.
   _log_k (getParam<Real>("log_k")),
   _sto_v(getParam<std::vector<Real> >("sto_v")),
  int n = coupledComponents("v");

  for (unsigned int i=0; i<_vals.size(); ++i)
    _vars[i] = coupled("v", i);
    _vals[i] = &coupledValue("v", i);
    _grad_vals[i] = &coupledGradient("v", i);

PorousFlowAqueousPreDisMineral::PorousFlowAqueousPreDisMineral(const InputParameters & parameters)
  : PorousFlowMaterialVectorBase(parameters),
                  ? declareProperty<std::vector<Real>>("PorousFlow_mineral_concentration_nodal")
                  : declareProperty<std::vector<Real>>("PorousFlow_mineral_concentration_qp")),

    _porosity_old(_nodal_material ? getMaterialPropertyOld<Real>("PorousFlow_porosity_nodal")
                                  : getMaterialPropertyOld<Real>("PorousFlow_porosity_qp")),
            ? getMaterialPropertyOld<std::vector<Real>>("PorousFlow_mineral_concentration_nodal")
            : getMaterialPropertyOld<std::vector<Real>>("PorousFlow_mineral_concentration_qp")),
            ? getMaterialProperty<std::vector<Real>>("PorousFlow_mineral_reaction_rate_nodal")
            : getMaterialProperty<std::vector<Real>>("PorousFlow_mineral_reaction_rate_qp")),

    _num_initial_conc(_initial_conc_supplied ? coupledComponents("initial_concentrations")
                                             : _num_reactions)
  if (_num_initial_conc != _dictator.numAqueousKinetic())
    mooseError("PorousFlowAqueousPreDisMineral: The number of initial concentrations is ",
               " but the Dictator knows that the number of aqueous kinetic "
               "(precipitation-dissolution) reactions is ",

  if (_initial_conc_supplied)
    for (unsigned r = 0; r < _num_reactions; ++r)
      _initial_conc[r] = (_nodal_material ? &coupledNodalValue("initial_concentrations", r)
                                          : &coupledValue("initial_concentrations", r));
예제 #20
GapHeatTransfer::GapHeatTransfer(const InputParameters & parameters)
  : IntegratedBC(parameters),
    _slave_flux(!_quadrature ? &_sys.getVector("slave_flux") : NULL),
    _gap_conductance(getMaterialProperty<Real>("gap_conductance" +
        "gap_conductance" + getParam<std::string>("appended_property_name") + "_dT")),
    _disp_vars(3, libMesh::invalid_uint),
    _gap_distance_value(_quadrature ? _zero : coupledValue("gap_distance")),
    _gap_temp_value(_quadrature ? _zero : coupledValue("gap_temp")),
        !_quadrature ? NULL
                     : &getQuadraturePenetrationLocator(
  if (isParamValid("displacements"))
    // modern parameter scheme for displacements
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < coupledComponents("displacements"); ++i)
      _disp_vars[i] = coupled("displacements", i);
    // Legacy parameter scheme for displacements
    if (isParamValid("disp_x"))
      _disp_vars[0] = coupled("disp_x");
    if (isParamValid("disp_y"))
      _disp_vars[1] = coupled("disp_y");
    if (isParamValid("disp_z"))
      _disp_vars[2] = coupled("disp_z");

    // TODO: these are only used in one Bison test. Deprecate soon!

  if (_quadrature)
    if (!parameters.isParamValid("paired_boundary"))
      mooseError(std::string("No 'paired_boundary' provided for ") + _name);
    if (!isCoupled("gap_distance"))
      mooseError(std::string("No 'gap_distance' provided for ") + _name);

    if (!isCoupled("gap_temp"))
      mooseError(std::string("No 'gap_temp' provided for ") + _name);
WaterSaturationTemperatureAux::WaterSaturationTemperatureAux(const std::string & name, InputParameters parameters)
  :AuxKernel(name, parameters),
  int n = coupledComponents("concentration");
  for (unsigned int i=0; i<_vals.size(); ++i)
    _vals[i] = & coupledValue("concentration", i);
예제 #22
파일: BndsCalcAux.C 프로젝트: laizy/moose
BndsCalcAux::BndsCalcAux(const InputParameters & parameters) :
    _ncrys = coupledComponents("v");

    for (unsigned int i=0; i < _ncrys; ++i)
        _vals[i] = &coupledValue("v", i);
예제 #23
BndsCalcAux::BndsCalcAux(const std::string & name, InputParameters parameters) :
    AuxKernel(name, AddV(parameters) )
  _ncrys = coupledComponents("v");

  for (unsigned int i=0; i < _ncrys; ++i)
    _vals[i] = &coupledValue("v", i);
예제 #24
파일: Density.C 프로젝트: mangerij/moose
Density::Density(const InputParameters & parameters)
  : Material(parameters),
    _disp_r(isCoupled("displacements") ? coupledValue("displacements", 0)
                                       : (isCoupled("disp_r") ? coupledValue("disp_r") : _zero)),
  // new parameter scheme
  if (isCoupled("displacements"))
    // get coordinate system
    _coord_system = getBlockCoordSystem();

    // get coupled gradients
    const unsigned int ndisp = coupledComponents("displacements");
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ndisp; ++i)
      _grad_disp[i] = &coupledGradient("displacements", i);

    // fill remaining components with zero
    _grad_disp.resize(3, &_grad_zero);

  // old deprecated parameters
  else if (isCoupled("disp_x") || isCoupled("disp_r"))
    // guess(!) coordinate system
    if (isCoupled("disp_r"))
      if (isCoupled("disp_z"))
        _coord_system = Moose::COORD_RZ;
        _coord_system = Moose::COORD_RSPHERICAL;
      _coord_system = Moose::COORD_XYZ;

    // couple gradients
    _grad_disp = {
        isCoupled("disp_x") ? &coupledGradient("disp_x")
                            : (isCoupled("disp_r") ? &coupledGradient("disp_r") : &_grad_zero),
        isCoupled("disp_y") ? &coupledGradient("disp_y")
                            : (isCoupled("disp_z") ? &coupledGradient("disp_z") : &_grad_zero),
        _coord_system != Moose::COORD_RZ && isCoupled("disp_z") ? &coupledGradient("disp_z")
                                                                : &_grad_zero};

  // no coupling
    _is_coupled = false;
    // TODO: We should deprecate this case and have the user use a GenericConstantMaterial for this
예제 #25
RichardsSeffAux::RichardsSeffAux(const std::string & name, InputParameters parameters) :
    AuxKernel(name, parameters),
    int n = coupledComponents("pressure_vars");

    for (int i=0 ; i<n; ++i)
        _pressure_vals[i] = &coupledValue("pressure_vars", i);
예제 #26
AqueousEquilibriumRxnAux::AqueousEquilibriumRxnAux(const InputParameters & parameters) :
  _sto_v(getParam<std::vector<Real> >("sto_v"))
  int n = coupledComponents("v");
  for (unsigned int i=0; i<_vals.size(); ++i)
    _vals[i] = &coupledValue("v", i);
예제 #27
MultipleUpdateElemAux::MultipleUpdateElemAux(const InputParameters & parameters) :
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<_n_vars; i++)
        _vars.push_back(getVar("vars", i));
        if (_vars[i]->isNodal()) mooseError("variables have to be elemental");
    if (isNodal()) mooseError("variable have to be elemental");
예제 #28
ComputeGrainCenterUserObject::ComputeGrainCenterUserObject(const InputParameters & parameters) :
    _ncrys(coupledComponents("etas")), //determine number of grains from the number of names passed in.  Note this is the actual number -1
    _vals(_ncrys), //Size variable arrays
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _ncrys; ++i)
    _vals[i] = &coupledValue("etas", i);
예제 #29
AdvectionBC::AdvectionBC(const InputParameters & parameters)
  : IntegratedBC(parameters), _dim(_mesh.dimension()), _outflow(getParam<bool>("outflow"))
  // check if # components matches mesh's dim
  if (_dim != coupledComponents("velocity_vector"))
               "Number of components of velocity_vector must match mesh dimension");

  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < _dim; ++j)
    _velocity[j] = &coupledValue("velocity_vector", j);
예제 #30
파일: ACGrGrMulti.C 프로젝트: harterj/moose
ACGrGrMulti::ACGrGrMulti(const InputParameters & parameters) :
    _gamma_names(getParam<std::vector<MaterialPropertyName> >("gamma_names")),
  // check passed in parameter vectors
  if (_num_j != coupledComponents("v") )
    mooseError("Need to pass in as many gamma_names as coupled variables in v in ACGrGrMulti" << name());

  for (unsigned int n = 0; n < _num_j; ++n)
    _prop_gammas[n] = &getMaterialPropertyByName<Real>(_gamma_names[n]);