static int start(void *d) { plugin_data_t *data = d; cp_extension_t **exts; exts = cp_get_extensions_info(data->ctx, "symuser.strings", NULL, NULL); if (exts != NULL && exts[0] != NULL) { const char *symname; symname = cp_lookup_cfg_value(exts[0]->configuration, "@string-symbol"); if (symname != NULL) { data->str = cp_resolve_symbol(data->ctx, exts[0]->plugin->identifier, symname, NULL); if (data->str == NULL) { cp_log(data->ctx, CP_LOG_ERROR, "Could not resolve symbol specified by extension."); } } else { cp_log(data->ctx, CP_LOG_ERROR, "No string-symbol attribute present in extension."); } } else { cp_log(data->ctx, CP_LOG_ERROR, "No extensions available."); } if (exts != NULL) { cp_release_info(data->ctx, exts); } if (data->str == NULL) { return CP_ERR_RUNTIME; } return cp_define_symbol(data->ctx, "used_string", (void *) data->str); }
/* make a negative map-reply */ int _request_reply_negative(void *data, struct communication_fct * fct, \ struct db_node * rn, struct prefix * pf, uint32_t ttl, uint8_t A, uint8_t act, uint8_t version ){ struct pk_req_entry *pke = data; struct pk_rpl_entry *rpk; cp_log(LDEBUG, "Send Map-Reply to ITR\n"); rpk = fct->reply_add(pke); if (rn){ fct->reply_add_record(rpk, &rn->p, ttl, 0, version, A, act); } else if(pf) { fct->reply_add_record(rpk, pf, ttl, 0, version, A, act); } else { cp_log(LDEBUG, "Not process...ignore packet\n"); return (0); } fct->reply_terminate(rpk); return (TRUE); }
int show_site_info(void *data) { struct site_info *site_data; site_data = (struct site_info *) data; cp_log(LLOG, "\nInformation of site: %s\n",site_data->name); cp_log(LLOG, "Key: %s\n",site_data->key); cp_log(LLOG, "Contact: %s\n",site_data->contact); cp_log(LLOG, "EID prefix number:: %d\n",site_data->eid->count); explore_list(site_data->eid, &show_eid_info); return 1; }
void reconfigure(int signum){ if (ms_db) ms_finish_db(ms_db); ms_db = ms_init_db(); printf("Init database ...\n\n"); cp_log(LLOG, "Init database ...\n\n"); site_db = list_init(); etr_db = list_init(); printf("Parse main configuration file ...\n\n"); cp_log(LLOG, "Parse main configuration file ...\n\n"); _parser_config(config_file[0]); }
int show_eid_info(void *data) { struct db_node *eid_data; char buf[512]; struct list_entry_t *p; struct site_info *site; assert(data); eid_data = (struct db_node *)data; bzero(buf, 512); inet_ntop(eid_data->, (void *)&eid_data->p.u.prefix, buf, 512); site = NULL; if (eid_data->flags) { if (((struct mapping_flags *)eid_data->flags)->rsvd ) { p = (struct list_entry_t *)(((struct mapping_flags *)eid_data->flags)->rsvd); site = (struct site_info *)(p->data); } } else site = NULL; cp_log(LLOG, "EID prefix::%s/%d - belong to site: %s\n", buf, eid_data->p.prefixlen, (site)?site->name:" "); return 1; }
/* make a map-reply */ int _request_reply(void *data, struct communication_fct * fct, \ struct db_node * rn, struct prefix * pf){ struct map_entry * e = NULL; struct list_entry_t * _iter; struct list_t * l = NULL; struct pk_rpl_entry *rpk; struct pk_req_entry *pke = data; struct list_t *overlap; struct list_entry_t *nptr; struct mapping_flags * mflags = (struct mapping_flags *)rn->flags; int pe=0; cp_log(LDEBUG, "Send Map-Reply to ITR\n"); rpk = fct->reply_add(pke); /*PCD */ overlap = list_init(); ms_get_tree(rn,overlap,_MAPP|_MAPP_XTR); nptr = overlap->; while(nptr != &overlap->tail){ rn = (struct db_node *)nptr->data; /* get the RLOCs */ l = (struct list_t *)db_node_get_info(rn); assert(l); _iter = l->; pe = 0; if( (_fncs & (_FNC_XTR | _FNC_MS)) && lisp_te){ while(_iter != &l->tail){ e = (struct map_entry*)_iter->data; if(e->pe) pe += e->pe->count; else pe++; _iter = _iter->next; } fct->reply_add_record(rpk, &rn->p, mflags->ttl, pe, mflags->version, mflags->A, mflags->act); } else fct->reply_add_record(rpk, &rn->p, mflags->ttl, l->count, mflags->version, mflags->A, mflags->act); _iter = l->; while(_iter != &l->tail){ e = (struct map_entry*)_iter->data; fct->reply_add_locator(rpk, e); _iter = _iter->next; } nptr = nptr->next; } fct->reply_terminate(rpk); return TRUE; }
static void logmsg_sev(cp_context_t *ctx, cp_log_severity_t severity, const char *msg) { struct log_info_t li = { -1, NULL, NULL }; check(cp_register_logger(ctx, store_logger, &li, CP_LOG_DEBUG) == CP_OK); cp_log(ctx, severity, msg); check(li.severity == severity); check(li.msg != NULL && !strcmp(li.msg, msg)); check(li.apid == NULL); free(li.msg); li.msg = NULL; cp_unregister_logger(ctx, store_logger); }
struct db_table * ms_get_db_table(const struct lisp_db *db, struct prefix *pf) { assert(pf); if (pf->family == AF_INET) { return db->lisp_db4; } else if (pf->family == AF_INET6) { return db->lisp_db6; } cp_log(LDEBUG,"AF_NOT_SUPPORT\n"); return NULL; }
complex cp_hat(complex x, complex y) { long i; complex logx; complex y_logx; complex c; if ((y.r == 2) && (y.i == 0)) { c = cp_mul(x, x); return c; } logx = cp_log(x); y_logx = cp_mul(y, logx); c = cp_exp(y_logx); return c; }
/** * Classifies a file based on file extension. This classifier uses extensions * installed at the file type extension point. Therefore we need pointer to * the plug-in context to access the extensions. A plug-in instance initializes * the classifier structure with the plug-in context pointer and registers a * virtual symbol pointing to the classifier. */ static int classify(void *d, const char *path) { cp_context_t *ctx = d; cp_extension_t **exts; const char *type = NULL; int i; // Go through all extensions registered at the extension point exts = cp_get_extensions_info(ctx, "org.c-pluff.examples.cpfile.extension.file-types", NULL, NULL); if (exts == NULL) { cp_log(ctx, CP_LOG_ERROR, "Could not resolve file type extensions."); return 0; } for (i = 0; type == NULL && exts[i] != NULL; i++) { int j; // Go through all file types provided by the extension for (j = 0; type == NULL && j < exts[i]->configuration->num_children; j++) { cp_cfg_element_t *elem = exts[i]->configuration->children + j; const char *desc = NULL; if (strcmp(elem->name, "file-type") == 0 && (desc = cp_lookup_cfg_value(elem, "@description")) != NULL && (is_of_type(path, elem))) { type = desc; } } } // Release extension information cp_release_info(ctx, exts); // Print file type if recognized, otherwise try other classifiers if (type != NULL) { fputs(type, stdout); putchar('\n'); return 1; } else { return 0; } }
void list_site(struct list_t *list) { cp_log(LLOG, "\nSite number:: %d\n",list->count); explore_list(list, &show_site_info); }
void list_db(struct db_table *db) { struct db_node *rn; static struct pool_node { int n_direct; struct db_node *link2node; } node_list[50000]; char *sref[7]; sref[1] = "NODE"; sref[2] = "MS"; sref[3] = "MS_ACK"; sref[4] = "MS_NOT_REGISTERED"; sref[5] = "DELEGATION_HOLE"; sref[6] = "NOTE_AUTHORITATIVE"; int i = 0; int j = 0; int k; int count_list = 0; int trdeep[MAX_NODES]; assert(db); assert(db->top); rn = db->top; for (i = 0; i< MAX_NODES ;i++ ) { node_list[i].link2node = NULL; } node_list[count_list++].link2node = rn; node_list[count_list].n_direct = _CENTER; for (i = 0; i< MAX_NODES; i++) trdeep[i] = 0; trdeep[count_list] = 0; while (rn != NULL) { k = trdeep[j]+1; if (rn->l_left != NULL) { node_list[count_list].link2node = rn->l_left; node_list[count_list++].n_direct = _LEFT; trdeep[count_list]=k; } if (rn->l_right != NULL) { node_list[count_list].link2node = rn->l_right; node_list[count_list++].n_direct = _RIGHT; trdeep[count_list]=k; } rn = node_list[++j].link2node; } int deep = 0; int deep_avg = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_NODES; i++) { if (trdeep[i] > 0) deep_avg += trdeep[i]; if (deep < trdeep[i]) deep = trdeep[i]; } cp_log(LDEBUG, "Max deep of tree::%d\n",deep); cp_log(LDEBUG, "Avg deep of tree::%d\n",deep_avg/count_list); cp_log(LDEBUG, "Number of Node::%d\n",count_list); char buf2[BSIZE]; struct list_t *info2; char *s_direct; char refe[50]; char buf[50]; struct list_entry_t *rl; struct map_entry *e; for (j = 0; j < count_list ; j++ ) { rn = node_list[j].link2node; if (rn == db->top) s_direct = "ROOT"; else s_direct = (node_list[j].n_direct == _LEFT ) ? "LEFT":"RIGHT"; bzero(buf2, BSIZE); inet_ntop(rn->, (void *)&rn->p.u.prefix, buf2, BSIZE); if (rn->flags && ((struct mapping_flags *)rn->flags)->referral) { sprintf(refe, "%s%s","Reference::",sref[((struct mapping_flags *)rn->flags)->referral]); } else sprintf(refe, "%s"," "); node_type2_str(rn, buf); cp_log(LLOG, "%d:: %s - %s/%d - %s - %s \n", j, s_direct, buf2, rn->p.prefixlen,buf, refe); if (ms_node_is_type(rn,_MAPP)) { assert(rn->info); info2 = (struct list_t *)rn->info; rl = info2->; while (rl != &info2->tail) { char buf[BSIZE]; bzero(buf, BSIZE); e = (struct map_entry *)rl->data; switch (e-> { case AF_INET: inet_ntop(AF_INET, (void *)&e->rloc.sin.sin_addr, buf, BSIZE); break; case AF_INET6: inet_ntop(AF_INET6, (void *)&e->rloc.sin6.sin6_addr, buf, BSIZE); break; default: cp_log(LDEBUG, "unsuported family\n"); continue; } cp_log(LDEBUG, "\t[rloc=%s, priority=%u, weight=%u, m_priority=%u, m_weight=%u, r=%d]\n", \ buf, \ e->priority, \ e->weight, \ e->m_priority, \ e->m_weight, \ e->r); rl = rl->next; } } } }
/* processing with map-request - only MS|NODE|MR function*/ int generic_process_request(void *data, struct communication_fct * fct){ struct db_table * table; struct db_node * rn = NULL; struct prefix p; int is_ddt; struct db_node *node = NULL; int rt; struct pk_req_entry *pke = data; /* look for the eid */ fct->request_get_eid(pke, &p); table = ms_get_db_table(ms_db,&p); rn = db_node_match_prefix(table, &p); fct->request_is_ddt(pke, &is_ddt); /* Received DDT request */ if(is_ddt){ /*function of {map-register-with-DDT|DDT-node}*/ if(!rn){ /*If the requested XEID did not match either a configured delegation or an authoritative XEID-prefix, then the request is dropped and a negative Map-Referral with action code NOT-AUTHORITATIVE is returned. */ if(_fncs & _FNC_NODE){ rt = _request_referral_negative(pke, fct, node, &p, 0, 0, LISP_REFERRAL_NOT_AUTHORITATIVE, 0, 1); } return (TRUE); } node = rn; if( !rn->flags || !((struct mapping_flags *)rn->flags)->range){ node = ms_get_target(rn); } /* existing mapping for request */ if (ms_node_is_type(node, _MAPP)){ /* not referral node, it must belong to MS */ if( !((struct mapping_flags *)node->flags)->referral){ /* do ms function: reply or foward to ETR */ if(_fncs & _FNC_MS){ if(ms_node_is_proxy_reply(node)){ rt = _request_reply(pke, fct, node, NULL); return (TRUE); } cp_log(LDEBUG, "Forwarding to ETR\n"); _request_referral(pke, fct, node); rt = _forward_to_etr(pke,node); return (TRUE); } /*it not be here: it is not MS but is has normal mapping */ return FALSE; } /* referral node, must belong to NODE or MR*/ if ( _fncs & _FNC_NODE){ /*Auth EID referral - return with map-referral*/ if( ((struct mapping_flags *)node->flags)->A ){ rt = _request_referral(pke, fct, node); return (TRUE); }else{ while(node != table->top && (!node->flags || !((struct mapping_flags *)node->flags)->A)) node = node->parent; if(node == table->top){ rt = _request_referral_negative(pke, fct, node, &p, 0, 0, LISP_REFERRAL_NOT_AUTHORITATIVE, 0, 1); return TRUE; } rt = _request_referral(pke, fct, node); return TRUE; } } } else{//not exist mapping if ( _fncs & _FNC_MS || _fncs & _FNC_NODE){ /* node has type */ while (node != table->top && ( !node->flags || !( ((struct mapping_flags *)node->flags)->range & (_EID | _GEID | _GREID)) )) node = node->parent; if(node == table->top){ rt = _request_referral_negative(pke, fct, node, &p, 0, 0, LISP_REFERRAL_NOT_AUTHORITATIVE, 0, 1); return TRUE; }else{ switch (((struct mapping_flags *)node->flags)->range){ case _EID: /* EID not is registered */ if ( _fncs & _FNC_MS){ rt = _request_referral_negative(pke, fct, node, &p, 60, 1, LISP_REFERRAL_MS_NOT_REGISTERED, 0, 1); return TRUE; } break; case _GEID:/* EID not assign for any ETR */ if ( _fncs & _FNC_MS){ /* in ieft, this case is same as _EID, but it think TTL must longer*/ rt = _request_referral_negative(pke, fct, node, &p, 900, 1, LISP_REFERRAL_MS_NOT_REGISTERED, 0, 1); return TRUE; } break; case _GREID:/* EID not delegated */ if ( _fncs & _FNC_NODE){ rt = _request_referral_negative(pke, fct, rn, &p, 60, 0, LISP_REFERRAL_DELEGATION_HOLE,0, 1 ); return TRUE; } break; } /*can not here or database has problem */ return FALSE; } } } cp_log(LDEBUG, "Not process...ignore packet\n"); return FALSE; } /* Received non DDT request */ else{ /*function of {map-resolver |map-register-with-no-DDD-function} */ node = rn; if(!(rn->flags) || !((struct mapping_flags *)rn->flags)->range){ node = ms_get_target(rn); } if ( ms_node_is_type(node, _MAPP)){ /* node is MAPP, must belong to MS */ if( !ms_node_is_referral(node)){ if(_fncs & _FNC_MS){ if(ms_node_is_proxy_reply(node)){ rt = _request_reply(pke, fct, node, NULL); return rt; } else{ cp_log(LDEBUG, "Forwarding to ETR\n"); rt = _forward_to_etr(pke,node); return rt; } } return FALSE; } else{ /* do MR function */ if(_fncs & _FNC_MR){ pending_request(pke, fct, node); return 1; } } } else{/*node is not mapping */ while (node != table->top && ( !node->flags || !( ((struct mapping_flags *)node->flags)->range & (_EID | _GEID)) )) node = node->parent; if(_fncs & _FNC_MS){ if(node == table->top) return FALSE; if ( ms_node_is_type(node,_EID)) rt = _request_reply_negative(pke, fct, node, &p, 60, 1, 1, 0); else rt = _request_reply_negative(pke, fct, node, &p, 900, 1, 1, 0); return TRUE; } if(_fncs & _FNC_MR){ pending_request(pke, fct, node); return TRUE; } } } cp_log(LDEBUG, "Not process...ignore packet\n"); return FALSE; }