예제 #1
// MAIN: Using keyboard to move a sprite example
void initialize() {
   u8* pvideomem;               // Pointer to video memory

   // Disable firmware to prevent it from interfering with setPalette and setVideoMode

   // Set up the hardware palette using hardware colour values
   cpct_setPalette(g_palette, 16);
   // Set video mode 0 (160x200, 16 colours)

   // Draw floor. As cpct_drawSolidBox cannot draw boxes wider than 63 bytes
   // and Screen width is 80 bytes, we draw 2 boxes of SCR_W/2 (40 bytes) each
   pvideomem = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START,       0, FLOOR_Y);
   cpct_drawSolidBox(pvideomem, FLOOR_COLOR, SCR_W/2, FLOOR_HEIGHT);
   pvideomem = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, SCR_W/2, FLOOR_Y);
   cpct_drawSolidBox(pvideomem, FLOOR_COLOR, SCR_W/2, FLOOR_HEIGHT);

   // Draw instructions
   pvideomem = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START,  0, 20);
   cpct_drawStringM0("  Sprite Flip Demo  ", pvideomem, 2, 0);   
   pvideomem = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START,  0, 34);
   cpct_drawStringM0("[Cursor]",   pvideomem, 4, 0);
   pvideomem = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, 40, 34);
   cpct_drawStringM0("Left/Right", pvideomem, 3, 0);
예제 #2
파일: main.c 프로젝트: Trewdbal/cpctelera
// MAIN: Keyboard check example
void main(void) {
    // 32 bits counter, to let it count passed 65536 (up to 4 Billions)
    u32 i;
    // Disable firmware to prevent it from interfering with setVideoMode

    // Convert palettes from firmware colour values to 
    // hardware colours (which are used by cpct_setPalette)
    cpct_fw2hw(G_banner_palette, 16);
    cpct_fw2hw(G_logo_palette, 4);

    // Set the border white, using colour 0 from G_banner_palette 
    // after converting the colours to hardware values

    // Infinite main loop
    while (1) {
        // Draw CPCtelera's Logo and wait for a while
        for(i=0; i < WAITLOOPS; ++i);

        // Draw CPCtelera's Banner and wait for a while
        for(i=0; i < WAITLOOPS; ++i);
예제 #3
// initialize
//    Initialize this application when it starts. Disable firmware,
// set the video mode and colours, and initialize map and cursor.
void initialize() {
   u8 *pmem;

   // Disable firmware to prevent it from restoring video mode or
   // interfering with our drawString functions

   // Set the video Mode to 1 (320x200, 4 colours)

   // Use default colours except for palette index 0 (background).
   // Default colours are (Blue, Yellow, Cyan, Red), let's use
   // (Black, Yellow, Cyan, Red). Change only colour 0 and border.
   cpct_setPALColour(0, 0x14);
   // Initialize Base Pointer of the map in video memory. This is 
   // the place where the map will start to be drawn (0,0). This
   // location is (MAP_START_X, MAP_START_Y) with respect to CPCT_VMEM_START.
   pmem = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, MAP_START_X, MAP_START_Y);

   // Set cursor at the top-left corner of the screen
   cursor_setLocation(0, 0);

   // Draw messages with instructions, the map and the cursor
예제 #4
파일: main.c 프로젝트: lronaldo/cpctelera
// Initialization of the CPC
//    This function will be called once at the start of the program. After
// that, it won't be required anymore. Therefore, its code will be placed at
// 0x4000 to be used once and then removed when an image is written to 
// this second video buffer (0x4000-0x7FFF)
void initializeCPC() {
   cpct_disableFirmware();          // Disable the firmware not to interfere with us
   cpct_setVideoMode(0);            // Set mode 0 (160x200, 16 colours)
   cpct_setPalette(g_palette, 16);  // Set colour palette
   cpct_setBorder(g_palette[0]);    // Set the border with same colour used for background (0)
   // Set up the main video buffer (0xC000) with a message and all colours set up
   setUpVideoBuffer(VMEM_0, 0, "Main Screen Buffer", 6, 0);
예제 #5
void initCPC() {
	cpct_setBorder (g_palette[0]);
//	cpct_akp_SFXInit (G_menu);
예제 #6
// Initialization routine
//    Disables firmware, initializes palette and video mode and
// draws the background
void initialization (){ 
   cpct_disableFirmware();          // Disable firmware to prevent it from interfering
   cpct_setPalette(g_palette, 7);   // Set palette using hardware colour values
   cpct_setBorder (g_palette[0]);   // Set border colour same as background (0)
   cpct_setVideoMode(0);            // Change to Mode 0 (160x200, 16 colours)

   // Set the internal tileset for drawing Tilemaps

   // Draw the background tilemap
   cpct_etm_drawTilemap2x4_f(MAP_WIDTH_TILES, MAP_HEIGHT_TILES, 
                             CPCT_VMEM_START, g_background);  
예제 #7
파일: main.c 프로젝트: mattl/cpctelera
// EXAMPLE: Measuring free cycles after moving an sprite
void main(void) {
   u8  i;                        // Loop index
   u8  x=0, y=0;                 // Sprite coordinates (in bytes)
   u8* pvideomem = (u8*)0xC000;  // Sprite initial video memory byte location (where it will be drawn)
   u16 avc = 0;                  // Available cycles until next VSYNC, after all main loop calculations

   // First, disable firmware to prevent it from intercepting our palette and video mode settings (and,
   // at the same time, winning some speed not having to process firmware code at every interrupt)
   // Set palette and Screen Border (transform firmware to hardware colours and then set them)
   cpct_fw2hw     (G_palette, 4);
   cpct_setPalette(G_palette, 4);
   cpct_setBorder (G_palette[1]);
   // Ensure MODE 1 is set

   // Main Loop
   while(1) {
      // First, wait VSYNC monitor signal to synchronize the loop with it. We'll start doing
      // calculations always at the same time (when VSYNC is first detected)

      // Scan Keyboard and change sprite location if cursor keys are pressed
      if      (cpct_isKeyPressed(Key_CursorRight) && x <  80 - SPR_W) { x++; pvideomem++; }
      else if (cpct_isKeyPressed(Key_CursorLeft)  && x >   0        ) { x--; pvideomem--; }
      if      (cpct_isKeyPressed(Key_CursorUp)    && y >   0        ) { pvideomem -= (y-- & 7) ? 0x0800 : 0xC850; }
      else if (cpct_isKeyPressed(Key_CursorDown)  && y < 200 - SPR_H) { pvideomem += (++y & 7) ? 0x0800 : 0xC850; }

      // Draw the sprite at its new location on screen. 
      // Sprite automatically erases previous copy of itself on the screen because it moves 
      // 1 byte at a time and has a 0x00 border that overwrites previous colours on that place
      cpct_drawSprite(G_death, pvideomem, SPR_W, SPR_H);
      // Wait to next VSYNC signal, calculating the amount of free cycles (time we wait for VSYNC)
      // As documented on <cpct_count2VSYNC>, function returns number of loop iterations (L), and 
      // cycles shall be calculated doing 22 + 34*L
      avc = 22 + 34 * cpct_count2VSYNC();

      // Print 5 digits on the upper right corner of the screen, 
      // with the amount of free cycles calculated in previous step. 
      // Digits will be printed at screen locations (0xC046, 0xC048, 0xC04A, 0xC04C, 0xC04E)
      for(i=0; i<5; i++) {
         u8 digit = '0' + (avc % 10);
         cpct_drawCharM1_f((void*)(0xC04E - 2*i), 3, 0, digit);
         avc /= 10;
예제 #8
파일: main.c 프로젝트: Davitsu/TopTop
// Initialization of the Amstrad CPC at the start of the application
void initializeCPC() {
   // Disable firmware: we dont want it to interfere with our code

   // Set the function interruptHandler to be called on each interrupt.

   // Set the hardware palette (convert firmware colour values to hardware ones and set the palette)
   cpct_fw2hw(G_palette, 16);
   cpct_setPalette(G_palette, 16);    // Descomentar estas tres lineas cuando tengamos paleta

   // Change to Mode 0 (160x200, 16 colours)

예제 #9
// MAIN: Using keyboard to move a sprite example
void main(void) {
   u8  x=10, y=10;   // Sprite coordinates
   u8* pvideomem;    // Pointer to video memory

   // Set up the screen
   // Disable firmware to prevent it from interfering with setPalette and setVideoMode

   // Set the colour palette
   cpct_fw2hw     (G_palette, 4); // Convert our palette from firmware to hardware colours 
   cpct_setPalette(G_palette, 4); // Set up the hardware palette using hardware colours
   // Set video mode 1 (320x200, 4 colours)

   // Infinite moving loop
   while(1) {
      // Scan Keyboard (fastest routine)
      // The Keyboard has to be scanned to obtain pressed / not pressed status of
      // every key before checking each individual key's status.

      // Check if user has pressed a Cursor Key and, if so, move the sprite if
      // it will still be inside screen boundaries
      if      (cpct_isKeyPressed(Key_CursorRight) && x < (SCR_W - SP_W) ) ++x; 
      else if (cpct_isKeyPressed(Key_CursorLeft)  && x > 0              ) --x; 
      if      (cpct_isKeyPressed(Key_CursorUp)    && y > 0              ) --y;
      else if (cpct_isKeyPressed(Key_CursorDown)  && y < (SCR_H - SP_H) ) ++y;
      // Get video memory byte for coordinates x, y of the sprite (in bytes)
      pvideomem = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, x, y);

      // Draw the sprite in the video memory location got from coordinates x, y
      cpct_drawSprite(G_spriteLogoCT, pvideomem, SP_W, SP_H);
예제 #10
// Main application's code
void application(void) {
   // Screen tilemap
   TScreenTilemap scr = { 0, 0, { 0, 0, MAP_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT} };

   // First show user messages

   // Initialize the application
   cpct_disableFirmware();     // Firmware must be disabled for this application to work
   cpct_setBorder(0x00);       //    Set the border colour gray and.. 
   cpct_setPALColour(0, 0x14); // ...background black

   // VERY IMPORTANT: Before using EasyTileMap functions (etm), the internal
   // pointer to the tileset must be set. 

   // Indefinitely draw the tilemap, listen to user input, 
   // do changes and draw it again
   while(1) {
      drawScreenTilemap(&scr);   // Redraws the tilemap
      readKeyboardInput(&scr);   // Waits for a user input and makes associated changes
예제 #11
// Machine initialization code
void initialize_CPC() {
   // Initialize the application
   cpct_disableFirmware();         // Firmware must be disabled for this application to work
   cpct_setVideoMode(0);           // Set Mode 0 (160x200, 16 Colours)
   cpct_setPalette(g_palette, 13); // Set Palette 
   cpct_setBorder(HW_BLACK);       // Set the border and background colours to black

   // VERY IMPORTANT: Before using EasyTileMap functions (etm), the internal
   // pointer to the tileset must be set. 

   // Clean up the screen 
   cpct_memset(CPCT_VMEM_START, 0x00, 0x4000);

   // Draw the full tilemap for the first time
   cpct_etm_drawTileBox2x4(0, 0,                       // (X, Y) upper-left corner of the tilemap
                           SCR_TILE_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT, // (Width, Height) of the Box to be drawn (all the screen)
                           MAP_WIDTH,                  // Width of the full tilemap (which is wider than the screen)
                           CPCT_VMEM_START,                   // Pointer to the start of video memory (upper-left corner of the
                                                       // ...tilemap in the screen)
                           g_tilemap);                 // Pointer to the first tile of the tilemap to be drawn (upper-left
                                                       // ... corner of the tilemap viewport window)
예제 #12
파일: main.c 프로젝트: Trewdbal/cpctelera
void main(void) {
   // Initialization

   // Main loop: filling the screen using the 4 different basic 
   //            aligned functions in turns.
   while(1) {
      u8  i;   // Loop counters
      u16 w;

      // 4 iterations of filling up the screen out of tiles using
      // the 4 different tile-drawing functions
      for (i=0; i < 6; i++) {
         // First, clear the screen and wait for a while
         for (w=0; w < WAITCLEARED; w++);

         // Then, fill up the screen with the next tile-drawing function and wait another while
         for (w=0; w < WAITPAINTED; w++);
예제 #13
// MAIN: Arkos Tracker Music Example
//    Keys:
//       * SPACE - Start / Stop Music
//       *   1   - Play a sound effect on Channel A
//       *   2   - Play a sound effect on Channel C
void main(void) {
   TKeyStatus k_space, k_0, k_1;    // Status of the 3 Keys for this example (Space, 1, 2)
   u8  playing   = 1;               // Flag to know if music is playing or not
   u8  color     = 1;               // Color to draw charactes (normal / inverse)
   u8* pvideomem = CPCT_VMEM_START; // Pointer to video memory where next character will be drawn

   // All 3 keys are considered to be released at the start of the program
   k_space = k_0 = k_1 = K_RELEASED;

   // Initialize CPC
   cpct_disableFirmware(); // Disable firmware to prevent interaction
   cpct_setVideoMode(2);   // Set Mode 2 (640x200, 2 colours)

   // Initialize the song to be played
   cpct_akp_musicInit(molusk_song);    // Initialize the music
   cpct_akp_SFXInit(molusk_song);      // Initialize instruments to be used for SFX (Same as music song)

   while (1) {
      // We have to call the play function 50 times per second (because the song is 
      // designed at 50Hz). We only have to wait for VSYNC and call the play function
      // when the song is not stopped (still playing)

      // Check if the music is playing. When it is, do all the things the music
      // requires to be done every 1/50 secs.
      if (playing) {
         cpct_akp_musicPlay();   // Play next music 1/50 step.

         // Write a new number to the screen to see something while playing. 
         // The number will be 0 when music is playing, and 1 when it finishes.
         //  -> If some SFX is playing write the channel where it is playing
         // Check if there is an instrument plaing on channel A
         if (cpct_akp_SFXGetInstrument(AY_CHANNEL_A))
            cpct_drawCharM2(pvideomem, color, 'A'); // Write an 'A' because channel A is playing
         // Check if there is an instrument plaing on channel C
         else if (cpct_akp_SFXGetInstrument(AY_CHANNEL_C))
            cpct_drawCharM2(pvideomem, color, 'C'); // Write an 'C' because channel A is playing 
         // No SFX is playing on Channels A or C, write the number of times
         // this song has looped.
            cpct_drawCharM2(pvideomem, color, '0' + cpct_akp_songLoopTimes);

         // Point to the start of the next character in video memory
         if (++pvideomem >= (u8*)0xC7D0) {
            pvideomem = CPCT_VMEM_START; // When we reach the end of the screen, we return..
            color ^= 1;                  // .. to the start, and change the colour

         // Check if music has already ended (when looptimes is > 0)
         if (cpct_akp_songLoopTimes > 0)
            cpct_akp_musicInit(molusk_song); // Song has ended, start it again and set loop to 0

      // Check keyboard to let the user play/stop the song with de Space Bar
      // and reproduce some sound effects with keys 1 and 0

      // When Space is released, stop / continue music
      if ( checkKeyEvent(Key_Space, &k_space) == K_RELEASED ) {
         // Only stop it when it was playing previously
         // No need to call "play" again when continuing, as the
         // change in "playing" status will make the program call "play"
         // again from the next cycle on
         if (playing)
         // Change it from playing to not playing and viceversa (0 to 1, 1 to 0)
         playing ^= 1;

      // Check if Key 0 has been released to reproduce a Sound effect on channel A
      } else if ( checkKeyEvent(Key_0, &k_0) == K_RELEASED ) {
         cpct_akp_SFXPlay(13, 15, 36, 20, 0, AY_CHANNEL_A);

      // Check if Key 1 has been released to reproduce a Sound effect on channel C
      } else if ( checkKeyEvent(Key_1, &k_1) == K_RELEASED ) 
         cpct_akp_SFXPlay(3, 15, 60, 0, 40, AY_CHANNEL_C);
예제 #14
파일: main.c 프로젝트: mattl/cpctelera
// Bit Arrays Example: Main
void main (void) {
  u8 i, j;       // Counters for loops
  u8 array1[10]; // Array of 10 bytes, 80 bits, to be used bit by bit
  u8 array2[20]; // Array of 20 bytes, 160 bits, 80 groups of 2 bits.
  u8 array4[40]; // Array of 40 bytes, 320 bits, 80 groups of 4 bits.

  // Disable firmware to prevent it from restoring video mode or
  // interfering with our drawChar functions

  // Set mode 2 for visual clarity on arrays printed

  // Main Loop: loop forever showing arrays
  while(1) {
    // First, erase all contents of our 3 arrays,
    // setting all their bits to 0
    cpct_memset(array1, 0, 10);
    cpct_memset(array2, 0, 20);
    cpct_memset(array4, 0, 40);

    // Test 1: Set to 1 each bit on the array1 individually (all others to 0)
    for (i = 0; i < 80; ++i) {
      // Set Bit i to 1
      cpct_setBit(array1, i, 1);

      // Print the complete array at the top of the screen
      printArray((u8*)0xC000, array1, 80, f_getbit); 
      // Reset again the bit to 0 an iterate
      cpct_setBit(array1, i, 0);

    // Test 2: Fill in the array2 with individual values from 3 to 1 
    //              (all the rest should be 0)
    for (j = 3; j > 0; --j) { 
      for (i = 0; i < 80; ++i) {
        // Set the index i to the value j (1 to 3)
        cpct_set2Bits(array2, i, j);

        // Print the complete array
        printArray((u8*)0xC0A0, array2, 80, f_get2bits);

        // Reset the value of the item to 0 again
        cpct_set2Bits(array2, i, 0);

    // Test 3: Fill in the array4 with consecutive elements from 0 to 15,
    //         16 times, rotating all the 16 elements through all the positions
    //         in the array.
    for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) { 
      for (i = 0; i < 80; ++i) {
        // Increment value using loop indexes and calculate module 16 (AND 0x0F)
        u8 value = (i + j) & 0x0F;

        // Set next 4-bits element (i) to the calculated value and print the array
        cpct_set4Bits(array4, i, value);
        printArray((u8*)0xC140, array4, 80, f_get4bits);

    // Test 4: Fill the array1 with 1's
    for (i = 0; i < 80; ++i) {
      // Set next bit i to 1  
      cpct_setBit(array1, i, 1);

      // Print the complete array1 again
      printArray((u8*)0xC000, array1, 80, f_getbit); 

    // Test 5: Fill the array2 with 3's, then with 2's and then with 1's
    for (j = 3; j > 0; --j) { 
      for (i = 0; i < 80; ++i) {
        // Set next bit i to j (3, 2, 1)  
        cpct_set2Bits(array2, i, j);

        // Print the complete array again
        printArray((u8*)0xC0A0, array2, 80, f_get2bits); 