예제 #1
static cpBB
cpPolyShapeCacheData(cpShape *shape, cpVect p, cpVect rot)
	cpPolyShape *poly = (cpPolyShape *)shape;
	cpFloat l, b, r, t;
	cpPolyShapeTransformAxes(poly, p, rot);
	cpPolyShapeTransformVerts(poly, p, rot);
	cpVect *verts = poly->tVerts;
	l = r = verts[0].x;
	b = t = verts[0].y;
	// TODO do as part of cpPolyShapeTransformVerts?
	for(int i=1; i<poly->numVerts; i++){
		cpVect v = verts[i];
		l = cpfmin(l, v.x);
		r = cpfmax(r, v.x);
		b = cpfmin(b, v.y);
		t = cpfmax(t, v.y);
	return cpBBNew(l, b, r, t);
예제 #2
cpBBClampVect(const cpBB bb, const cpVect v)
	cpFloat x = cpfmin(cpfmax(bb.l, v.x), bb.r);
	cpFloat y = cpfmin(cpfmax(bb.b, v.y), bb.t);
	return cpv(x, y);
static cpBB
cpPolyShapeCacheData(cpPolyShape *poly, cpTransform transform)
	int count = poly->count;
	struct cpSplittingPlane *dst = poly->planes;
	struct cpSplittingPlane *src = dst + count;
	cpFloat l = (cpFloat)INFINITY, r = -(cpFloat)INFINITY;
	cpFloat b = (cpFloat)INFINITY, t = -(cpFloat)INFINITY;
	for(int i=0; i<count; i++){
		cpVect v = cpTransformPoint(transform, src[i].v0);
		cpVect n = cpTransformVect(transform, src[i].n);
		dst[i].v0 = v;
		dst[i].n = n;
		l = cpfmin(l, v.x);
		r = cpfmax(r, v.x);
		b = cpfmin(b, v.y);
		t = cpfmax(t, v.y);
	cpFloat radius = poly->r;
	return (poly->shape.bb = cpBBNew(l - radius, b - radius, r + radius, t + radius));
예제 #4
파일: Sticky.c 프로젝트: Adefy/AdefyiOS
static cpBool
StickyPreSolve(cpArbiter *arb, cpSpace *space, void *data)
	// We want to fudge the collisions a bit to allow shapes to overlap more.
	// This simulates their squishy sticky surface, and more importantly
	// keeps them from separating and destroying the joint.
	// Track the deepest collision point and use that to determine if a rigid collision should occur.
	cpFloat deepest = INFINITY;
	// Grab the contact set and iterate over them.
	cpContactPointSet contacts = cpArbiterGetContactPointSet(arb);
	for(int i=0; i<contacts.count; i++){
		// Increase the distance (negative means overlaping) of the
		// collision to allow them to overlap more.
		// This value is used only for fixing the positions of overlapping shapes.
		cpFloat dist = contacts.points[i].dist + 2.0f*STICK_SENSOR_THICKNESS;
		contacts.points[i].dist = cpfmin(0.0f, dist);
		deepest = cpfmin(deepest, dist);
	// Set the new contact point data.
	cpArbiterSetContactPointSet(arb, &contacts);
	// If the shapes are overlapping enough, then create a
	// joint that sticks them together at the first contact point.
	if(!cpArbiterGetUserData(arb) && deepest <= 0.0f){
		CP_ARBITER_GET_BODIES(arb, bodyA, bodyB);
		// Create a joint at the contact point to hold the body in place.
		cpConstraint *joint = cpPivotJointNew(bodyA, bodyB, contacts.points[0].point);
		// Give it a finite force for the stickyness.
		cpConstraintSetMaxForce(joint, 3e3);
		// Schedule a post-step() callback to add the joint.
		cpSpaceAddPostStepCallback(space, PostStepAddJoint, joint, NULL);
		// Store the joint on the arbiter so we can remove it later.
		cpArbiterSetUserData(arb, joint);
	// Position correction and velocity are handled separately so changing
	// the overlap distance alone won't prevent the collision from occuring.
	// Explicitly the collision for this frame if the shapes don't overlap using the new distance.
	return (deepest <= 0.0f);
	// Lots more that you could improve upon here as well:
	// * Modify the joint over time to make it plastic.
	// * Modify the joint in the post-step to make it conditionally plastic (like clay).
	// * Track a joint for the deepest contact point instead of the first.
	// * Track a joint for each contact point. (more complicated since you only get one data pointer).
static inline cpFloat
segmentQuery(cpSpaceHash *hash, cpSpaceHashBin *bin, void *obj, cpSpaceHashSegmentQueryFunc func, void *data)
	cpFloat t = 1.0f;
	for(; bin; bin = bin->next){
		cpHandle *hand = bin->handle;
		void *other = hand->obj;
		// Skip over certain conditions
			// Have we already tried this pair in this query?
			hand->stamp == hash->stamp
			// Has other been removed since the last rehash?
			|| !other
			) continue;
		// Stamp that the handle was checked already against this object.
		hand->stamp = hash->stamp;
		t = cpfmin(t, func(obj, other, data));
	return t;
예제 #6
파일: cpArbiter.cpp 프로젝트: 0w/moai-dev
cpArbiterPreStep(cpArbiter *arb, cpFloat dt_inv)
	cpBody *a = arb->a->body;
	cpBody *b = arb->b->body;
	for(int i=0; i<arb->numContacts; i++){
		cpContact *con = &arb->contacts[i];
		// Calculate the offsets.
		con->r1 = cpvsub(con->p, a->p);
		con->r2 = cpvsub(con->p, b->p);
		// Calculate the mass normal and mass tangent.
		con->nMass = 1.0f/k_scalar(a, b, con->r1, con->r2, con->n);
		con->tMass = 1.0f/k_scalar(a, b, con->r1, con->r2, cpvperp(con->n));
		// Calculate the target bias velocity.
		con->bias = -cp_bias_coef*dt_inv*cpfmin(0.0f, con->dist + cp_collision_slop);
		con->jBias = 0.0f;
		// Calculate the target bounce velocity.
		con->bounce = normal_relative_velocity(a, b, con->r1, con->r2, con->n)*arb->e;//cpvdot(con->n, cpvsub(v2, v1))*e;
예제 #7
cpArbiterPreStep(cpArbiter *arb, cpFloat dt, cpFloat slop, cpFloat bias)
	cpBody *a = arb->body_a;
	cpBody *b = arb->body_b;

	for(int i=0; i<arb->numContacts; i++){
		cpContact *con = &arb->contacts[i];

		// Calculate the offsets.
		con->r1 = cpvsub(con->p, a->p);
		con->r2 = cpvsub(con->p, b->p);

		// Calculate the mass normal and mass tangent.
		con->nMass = 1.0f/k_scalar(a, b, con->r1, con->r2, con->n);
		con->tMass = 1.0f/k_scalar(a, b, con->r1, con->r2, cpvperp(con->n));

		// Calculate the target bias velocity.
		con->bias = -bias*cpfmin(0.0f, con->dist + slop)/dt;
		con->jBias = 0.0f;

		// Calculate the target bounce velocity.
		con->bounce = normal_relative_velocity(a, b, con->r1, con->r2, con->n)*arb->e;
예제 #8
// Like cpPolyValueOnAxis(), but for segments.
static inline cpFloat
segValueOnAxis(cpSegmentShape *seg, cpVect n, cpFloat d)
	cpFloat a = cpvdot(n, seg->ta) - seg->r;
	cpFloat b = cpvdot(n, seg->tb) - seg->r;
	return cpfmin(a, b) - d;
예제 #9
cpDampedSpring(cpBody *a, cpBody *b, cpVect anchr1, cpVect anchr2, cpFloat rlen, cpFloat k, cpFloat dmp, cpFloat dt)
	// Calculate the world space anchor coordinates.
	cpVect r1 = cpvrotate(anchr1, a->rot);
	cpVect r2 = cpvrotate(anchr2, b->rot);
	cpVect delta = cpvsub(cpvadd(b->p, r2), cpvadd(a->p, r1));
	cpFloat dist = cpvlength(delta);
	cpVect n = dist ? cpvmult(delta, 1.0f/dist) : cpvzero;
	cpFloat f_spring = (dist - rlen)*k;

	// Calculate the world relative velocities of the anchor points.
	cpVect v1 = cpvadd(a->v, cpvmult(cpvperp(r1), a->w));
	cpVect v2 = cpvadd(b->v, cpvmult(cpvperp(r2), b->w));
	// Calculate the damping force.
	// This really should be in the impulse solver and can produce problems when using large damping values.
	cpFloat vrn = cpvdot(cpvsub(v2, v1), n);
	cpFloat f_damp = vrn*cpfmin(dmp, 1.0f/(dt*(a->m_inv + b->m_inv)));
	// Apply!
	cpVect f = cpvmult(n, f_spring + f_damp);
	cpBodyApplyForce(a, f, r1);
	cpBodyApplyForce(b, cpvneg(f), r2);
예제 #10
static inline cpFloat
segmentQuery_helper(cpSpaceHash *hash, cpSpaceHashBin **bin_ptr, void *obj, cpSpatialIndexSegmentQueryFunc func, void *data)
	cpFloat t = 1.0f;
	for(cpSpaceHashBin *bin = *bin_ptr; bin; bin = bin->next){
		cpHandle *hand = bin->handle;
		void *other = hand->obj;
		// Skip over certain conditions
		if(hand->stamp == hash->stamp){
		} else if(other){
			t = cpfmin(t, func(obj, other, data));
			hand->stamp = hash->stamp;
		} else {
			// The object for this handle has been removed
			// cleanup this cell and restart the query
			remove_orphaned_handles(hash, bin_ptr);
			goto restart; // GCC not smart enough/able to tail call an inlined function.
	return t;
예제 #11
cpvslerpconst(const cpVect v1, const cpVect v2, const cpFloat a)
    cpFloat dot = cpvdot(cpvnormalize(v1), cpvnormalize(v2));
    cpFloat omega = cpfacos(cpfclamp(dot, -1.0f, 1.0f));

    return cpvslerp(v1, v2, cpfmin(a, omega)/omega);
예제 #12
static inline cpBB
GetBB(cpBBTree *tree, void *obj)
	cpBB bb = tree->spatialIndex.bbfunc(obj);
	cpBBTreeVelocityFunc velocityFunc = tree->velocityFunc;
		cpFloat coef = 0.1f;
		cpFloat x = (bb.r - bb.l)*coef;
		cpFloat y = (bb.t - bb.b)*coef;
		cpVect v = cpvmult(velocityFunc(obj), 0.1f);
		return cpBBNew(bb.l + cpfmin(-x, v.x), bb.b + cpfmin(-y, v.y), bb.r + cpfmax(x, v.x), bb.t + cpfmax(y, v.y));
	} else {
		return bb;
예제 #13
// modified from http://playtechs.blogspot.com/2007/03/raytracing-on-grid.html
cpSpaceHashSegmentQuery(cpSpaceHash *hash, void *obj, cpVect a, cpVect b, cpFloat t_exit, cpSpatialIndexSegmentQueryFunc func, void *data)
	a = cpvmult(a, 1.0f/hash->celldim);
	b = cpvmult(b, 1.0f/hash->celldim);
	int cell_x = floor_int(a.x), cell_y = floor_int(a.y);

	cpFloat t = 0;

	int x_inc, y_inc;
	cpFloat temp_v, temp_h;

	if (b.x > a.x){
		x_inc = 1;
		temp_h = (cpffloor(a.x + 1.0f) - a.x);
	} else {
		x_inc = -1;
		temp_h = (a.x - cpffloor(a.x));

	if (b.y > a.y){
		y_inc = 1;
		temp_v = (cpffloor(a.y + 1.0f) - a.y);
	} else {
		y_inc = -1;
		temp_v = (a.y - cpffloor(a.y));
	// Division by zero is *very* slow on ARM
	cpFloat dx = cpfabs(b.x - a.x), dy = cpfabs(b.y - a.y);
	cpFloat dt_dx = (dx ? 1.0f/dx : INFINITY), dt_dy = (dy ? 1.0f/dy : INFINITY);
	// fix NANs in horizontal directions
	cpFloat next_h = (temp_h ? temp_h*dt_dx : dt_dx);
	cpFloat next_v = (temp_v ? temp_v*dt_dy : dt_dy);
	int n = hash->numcells;
	cpSpaceHashBin **table = hash->table;

	while(t < t_exit){
		int idx = hash_func(cell_x, cell_y, n);
		t_exit = cpfmin(t_exit, segmentQuery_helper(hash, &table[idx], obj, func, data));

		if (next_v < next_h){
			cell_y += y_inc;
			t = next_v;
			next_v += dt_dy;
		} else {
			cell_x += x_inc;
			t = next_h;
			next_h += dt_dx;
예제 #14
cpArbiterApplyImpulse(cpArbiter *arb)
	cpBody *a = arb->a->body;
	cpBody *b = arb->b->body;

	for(int i=0; i<arb->numContacts; i++){
		cpContact *con = &arb->contacts[i];
		cpVect n = con->n;
		cpVect r1 = con->r1;
		cpVect r2 = con->r2;
		// Calculate the relative bias velocities.
		cpVect vb1 = cpvadd(a->v_bias, cpvmult(cpvperp(r1), a->w_bias));
		cpVect vb2 = cpvadd(b->v_bias, cpvmult(cpvperp(r2), b->w_bias));
		cpFloat vbn = cpvdot(cpvsub(vb2, vb1), n);
		// Calculate and clamp the bias impulse.
		cpFloat jbn = (con->bias - vbn)*con->nMass;
		cpFloat jbnOld = con->jBias;
		con->jBias = cpfmax(jbnOld + jbn, 0.0f);
		jbn = con->jBias - jbnOld;
		// Apply the bias impulse.
		cpVect jb = cpvmult(n, jbn);
		cpBodyApplyBiasImpulse(a, cpvneg(jb), r1);
		cpBodyApplyBiasImpulse(b, jb, r2);

		// Calculate the relative velocity.
		cpVect v1 = cpvadd(a->v, cpvmult(cpvperp(r1), a->w));
		cpVect v2 = cpvadd(b->v, cpvmult(cpvperp(r2), b->w));
		cpVect vr = cpvsub(v2, v1);
		cpFloat vrn = cpvdot(vr, n);
		// Calculate and clamp the normal impulse.
		cpFloat jn = -(con->bounce + vrn)*con->nMass;
		cpFloat jnOld = con->jnAcc;
		con->jnAcc = cpfmax(jnOld + jn, 0.0f);
		jn = con->jnAcc - jnOld;
		// Calculate the relative tangent velocity.
		cpVect t = cpvperp(n);
		cpFloat vrt = cpvdot(cpvadd(vr, arb->target_v), t);
		// Calculate and clamp the friction impulse.
		cpFloat jtMax = arb->u*con->jnAcc;
		cpFloat jt = -vrt*con->tMass;
		cpFloat jtOld = con->jtAcc;
		con->jtAcc = cpfmin(cpfmax(jtOld + jt, -jtMax), jtMax);
		jt = con->jtAcc - jtOld;
		// Apply the final impulse.
		cpVect j = cpvadd(cpvmult(n, jn), cpvmult(t, jt));
		cpBodyApplyImpulse(a, cpvneg(j), r1);
		cpBodyApplyImpulse(b, j, r2);
예제 #15
static cpFloat
SubtreeSegmentQuery(Node *subtree, void *obj, cpVect a, cpVect b, cpFloat t_exit, cpSpatialIndexSegmentQueryFunc func, void *data)
		return func(obj, subtree->obj, data);
	} else {
		cpFloat t_a = cpBBSegmentQuery(subtree->A->bb, a, b);
		cpFloat t_b = cpBBSegmentQuery(subtree->B->bb, a, b);
		if(t_a < t_b){
			if(t_a < t_exit) t_exit = cpfmin(t_exit, SubtreeSegmentQuery(subtree->A, obj, a, b, t_exit, func, data));
			if(t_b < t_exit) t_exit = cpfmin(t_exit, SubtreeSegmentQuery(subtree->B, obj, a, b, t_exit, func, data));
		} else {
			if(t_b < t_exit) t_exit = cpfmin(t_exit, SubtreeSegmentQuery(subtree->B, obj, a, b, t_exit, func, data));
			if(t_a < t_exit) t_exit = cpfmin(t_exit, SubtreeSegmentQuery(subtree->A, obj, a, b, t_exit, func, data));
		return t_exit;
예제 #16
파일: cpPolyShape.c 프로젝트: pes6pro/visva
static cpBB
cpPolyShapeTransformVerts(cpPolyShape *poly, cpVect p, cpVect rot)
    cpVect *src = poly->verts;
    cpVect *dst = poly->tVerts;

    cpFloat l = (cpFloat)INFINITY, r = -(cpFloat)INFINITY;
    cpFloat b = (cpFloat)INFINITY, t = -(cpFloat)INFINITY;

    for(int i=0; i<poly->numVerts; i++) {
        cpVect v = cpvadd(p, cpvrotate(src[i], rot));

        dst[i] = v;
        l = cpfmin(l, v.x);
        r = cpfmax(r, v.x);
        b = cpfmin(b, v.y);
        t = cpfmax(t, v.y);

    return cpBBNew(l, b, r, t);
예제 #17
cpArbiterPreStep(cpArbiter *arb, cpFloat dt_inv)
	cpShape *shapea = arb->a;
	cpShape *shapeb = arb->b;
	arb->e = shapea->e * shapeb->e;
	arb->u = shapea->u * shapeb->u;
	arb->target_v = cpvsub(shapeb->surface_v, shapea->surface_v);

	cpBody *a = shapea->body;
	cpBody *b = shapeb->body;
	for(int i=0; i<arb->numContacts; i++){
		cpContact *con = &arb->contacts[i];
		// Calculate the offsets.
		con->r1 = cpvsub(con->p, a->p);
		con->r2 = cpvsub(con->p, b->p);
		// Calculate the mass normal.
		cpFloat mass_sum = a->m_inv + b->m_inv;
		cpFloat r1cn = cpvcross(con->r1, con->n);
		cpFloat r2cn = cpvcross(con->r2, con->n);
		cpFloat kn = mass_sum + a->i_inv*r1cn*r1cn + b->i_inv*r2cn*r2cn;
		con->nMass = 1.0f/kn;
		// Calculate the mass tangent.
		cpVect t = cpvperp(con->n);
		cpFloat r1ct = cpvcross(con->r1, t);
		cpFloat r2ct = cpvcross(con->r2, t);
		cpFloat kt = mass_sum + a->i_inv*r1ct*r1ct + b->i_inv*r2ct*r2ct;
		con->tMass = 1.0f/kt;
		// Calculate the target bias velocity.
		con->bias = -cp_bias_coef*dt_inv*cpfmin(0.0f, con->dist + cp_collision_slop);
		con->jBias = 0.0f;
		// Calculate the target bounce velocity.
		cpVect v1 = cpvadd(a->v, cpvmult(cpvperp(con->r1), a->w));
		cpVect v2 = cpvadd(b->v, cpvmult(cpvperp(con->r2), b->w));
		con->bounce = cpvdot(con->n, cpvsub(v2, v1))*arb->e;
		// Apply the previous accumulated impulse.
		cpVect j = cpvadd(cpvmult(con->n, con->jnAcc), cpvmult(t, con->jtAcc));
		cpBodyApplyImpulse(a, cpvneg(j), con->r1);
		cpBodyApplyImpulse(b, j, con->r2);
예제 #18
static void
reshape(int width, int height)
	glViewport(0, 0, width, height);
	double scale = 0.5/cpfmin(width/640.0, height/480.0);
	double hw = width*scale;
	double hh = height*scale;
	glOrtho(-hw, hw, -hh, hh, -1.0, 1.0);
	glTranslated(0.5, 0.5, 0.0);
예제 #19
static void
reshape(int width, int height)
	glViewport(0, 0, width, height);
	double scale = cpfmin(width/640.0, height/480.0);
	double hw = width*(0.5/scale);
	double hh = height*(0.5/scale);
	ChipmunkDebugDrawPointLineScale = scale;
	glOrtho(-hw, hw, -hh, hh, -1.0, 1.0);
	glTranslated(0.5, 0.5, 0.0);
예제 #20
cpArbiterPreStep(cpArbiter *arb, cpFloat dt, cpFloat slop, cpFloat bias)
	cpBody *a = arb->body_a;
	cpBody *b = arb->body_b;
	cpVect n = arb->n;
	cpVect body_delta = cpvsub(b->p, a->p);
	for(int i=0; i<arb->count; i++){
		struct cpContact *con = &arb->contacts[i];
		// Calculate the mass normal and mass tangent.
		con->nMass = 1.0f/k_scalar(a, b, con->r1, con->r2, n);
		con->tMass = 1.0f/k_scalar(a, b, con->r1, con->r2, cpvperp(n));
		// Calculate the target bias velocity.
		cpFloat dist = cpvdot(cpvadd(cpvsub(con->r2, con->r1), body_delta), n);
		con->bias = -bias*cpfmin(0.0f, dist + slop)/dt;
		con->jBias = 0.0f;
		// Calculate the target bounce velocity.
		con->bounce = normal_relative_velocity(a, b, con->r1, con->r2, n)*arb->e;
예제 #21
파일: cpVect.c 프로젝트: csdnnet/hiygame
cpvslerpconst(const cpVect v1, const cpVect v2, const cpFloat a)
	cpFloat angle = cpfacos(cpvdot(v1, v2));
	return cpvslerp(v1, v2, cpfmin(a, angle)/angle);