int callSyncRPCDomain(const char *sockfile, const char *sendbuff, int sendbuffsize, uint16_t sendmsgid, uint16_t exprecvmsgid, SelfMaintainBuffer recvsmb) { static char dfilename[1024]; int fd = -1; int res = FUNC_RETURN_OK; AsyncCommBuffer newcommbuffer = NULL; AsyncCommMessageHandlerContext context = NULL; SyncRPCContextData userdata; /* Connect to the server side. */ res = connectToServerDomain(sockfile, 0, &fd, 0, dfilename); if ( res != FUNC_RETURN_OK ) { elog(WARNING, "Fail to connect to domain socket server %s, result %d", sockfile, res); goto exit; } initializeSyncRPContent(&userdata, recvsmb, exprecvmsgid); context = createMessageHandlerContext(&userdata); res = registerFileDesc(fd, dfilename, ASYNCCOMM_READBYTES | ASYNCCOMM_WRITEBYTES, &AsyncCommBufferHandlersMessage, context, &newcommbuffer); if ( res != FUNC_RETURN_OK ) { rm_pfree(AsyncCommContext, context); elog(WARNING, "Fail to register FD for synchronous communication. %d", res); goto exit; } buildMessageToCommBuffer(newcommbuffer, sendbuff, sendbuffsize, sendmsgid, 0, 0); context->AsyncBuffer = newcommbuffer; InitHandler_Message(newcommbuffer); /* Wait for the complete of the communication. */ while( true ) { processAllCommFileDescs(); if ( userdata.CommStatus == SYNC_RPC_COMM_IDLE ) { break; } else if ( QueryCancelPending ) { /* * We find that this QD wants to cancel the query, we don't need * to continue the communication. */ res = TRANSCANCEL_INPROGRESS; break; } } res = res == TRANSCANCEL_INPROGRESS ? res : userdata.Result; /* Close and cleanup */ closeAndRemoveAllRegisteredFileDesc(); if (res != FUNC_RETURN_OK) { elog(WARNING, "Sync RPC framework (domain) finds exception raised."); } return res; exit: closeConnectionDomain(&fd, dfilename); return res; }
int callSyncRPCRemote(const char *hostname, uint16_t port, const char *sendbuff, int sendbuffsize, uint16_t sendmsgid, uint16_t exprecvmsgid, SelfMaintainBuffer recvsmb, char *errorbuf, int errorbufsize) { int fd = -1; int res = FUNC_RETURN_OK; AsyncCommBuffer newcommbuffer = NULL; AsyncCommMessageHandlerContext context = NULL; SyncRPCContextData userdata; /* Connect to the server side. */ res = connectToServerRemote(hostname, port, &fd); if ( res != FUNC_RETURN_OK ) { snprintf(errorbuf, errorbufsize, "failed to connect to remote socket server %s:%d", hostname, port); elog(WARNING, "%s", errorbuf); goto exit; } initializeSyncRPContent(&userdata, recvsmb, exprecvmsgid); context = createMessageHandlerContext(&userdata); res = registerFileDesc(fd, NULL, ASYNCCOMM_READBYTES | ASYNCCOMM_WRITEBYTES, &AsyncCommBufferHandlersMessage, context, &newcommbuffer); if ( res != FUNC_RETURN_OK ) { rm_pfree(AsyncCommContext, context); snprintf(errorbuf, errorbufsize, "failed to register socket connection fd %d connected to %s:%d " "for resource rpc communication", fd, hostname, port); elog(WARNING, "%s", errorbuf); goto exit; } buildMessageToCommBuffer(newcommbuffer, sendbuff, sendbuffsize, sendmsgid, 0, 0); context->AsyncBuffer = newcommbuffer; InitHandler_Message(newcommbuffer); /* Wait for the complete of the communication. */ while( true ) { processAllCommFileDescs(); if ( userdata.CommStatus == SYNC_RPC_COMM_IDLE ) { break; } else if ( QueryCancelPending ) { /* * We find that this QD wants to cancel the query, we don't need * to continue the communication. */ res = TRANSCANCEL_INPROGRESS; break; } } res = res == TRANSCANCEL_INPROGRESS ? res : userdata.Result; /* Close and cleanup */ closeAndRemoveAllRegisteredFileDesc(); if (res != FUNC_RETURN_OK) { elog(WARNING, "Sync RPC framework (inet) finds exception raised."); switch(res) { case COMM2RM_CLIENT_FAIL_SEND: snprintf(errorbuf, errorbufsize, "failed to send content"); break; case COMM2RM_CLIENT_FAIL_RECV: snprintf(errorbuf, errorbufsize, "failed to receive content"); break; case REQUESTHANDLER_WRONGMESSAGE: snprintf(errorbuf, errorbufsize, "wrong message was received"); break; default: Assert(false); } } return res; exit: elog(LOG, "Close fd %d at once", fd); closeConnectionRemote(&fd); return res; }