int main(int argc, char** argv) { QApplication app(argc, argv); app.setWindowIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("plasmadiscover"))); app.setAttribute(Qt::AA_DontCreateNativeWidgetSiblings); app.setAttribute(Qt::AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps, true); KCrash::initialize(); KLocalizedString::setApplicationDomain("plasma-discover"); KAboutData about(QStringLiteral("discover"), i18n("Discover"), version, i18n("An application explorer"), KAboutLicense::GPL, i18n("© 2010-2016 Plasma Development Team")); about.addAuthor(i18n("Aleix Pol Gonzalez"), QString(), QStringLiteral("*****@*****.**")); about.addAuthor(i18n("Jonathan Thomas"), QString(), QStringLiteral("*****@*****.**")); about.setProductName("discover/discover"); KAboutData::setApplicationData(about); DiscoverMainWindow *mainWindow = nullptr; { QScopedPointer<QCommandLineParser> parser(createParser()); parser->process(app); about.processCommandLine(; DiscoverBackendsFactory::processCommandLine(, parser->isSet(QStringLiteral("test"))); if (parser->isSet(QStringLiteral("test"))) { QStandardPaths::setTestModeEnabled(true); } KDBusService* service = new KDBusService(KDBusService::Unique, &app); mainWindow = new DiscoverMainWindow(s_decodeCompactMode->value(parser->value(QStringLiteral("compact")), DiscoverMainWindow::Full)); QObject::connect(&app, &QCoreApplication::aboutToQuit, mainWindow, &DiscoverMainWindow::deleteLater); QObject::connect(service, &KDBusService::activateRequested, mainWindow, [mainWindow](const QStringList &arguments, const QString &/*workingDirectory*/){ mainWindow->rootObject()->raise(); if (arguments.isEmpty()) return; QScopedPointer<QCommandLineParser> parser(createParser()); parser->process(arguments); processArgs(, mainWindow); }); processArgs(, mainWindow); if(parser->isSet(QStringLiteral("listmodes"))) { QTextStream(stdout) << i18n("Available modes:\n"); foreach(const QString& mode, mainWindow->modes()) QTextStream(stdout) << " * " << mode << '\n'; return 0; } if (parser->isSet(QStringLiteral("test"))) { const QUrl testFile = QUrl::fromUserInput(parser->value(QStringLiteral("test")), {}, QUrl::AssumeLocalFile); Q_ASSERT(!testFile.isEmpty() && testFile.isLocalFile()); mainWindow->loadTest(testFile); } }
void startCompiler(Compiler *self) { if (!self->sourceFiles || self->sourceFiles->size == 0) { printf("not running \n"); return; } // lex file verboseModeMessage("Started lexing"); self->lexer = createLexer(self->sourceFiles); startLexingFiles(self->lexer, self->sourceFiles); if (self->lexer->failed) { return; } verboseModeMessage("Finished lexing"); // initialise parser after we tokenize verboseModeMessage("Started parsing"); self->parser = createParser(); startParsingSourceFiles(self->parser, self->sourceFiles); verboseModeMessage("Finished parsing"); // failed parsing stage if (self->parser->failed) { return; // don't do stuff after this } self->semantic = createSemanticAnalyzer(self->sourceFiles); startSemanticAnalysis(self->semantic); if (self->semantic->failed) { return; } self->generatorLLVM = createLLVMCodeGenerator(self->sourceFiles); startLLVMCodeGeneration(self->generatorLLVM); }
int main(){ initialize_All(); checkParserData(); createParser(); showParser(); parse(); freeMemory(); return 0; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void WaypointGeo::parse( const char* filename ) { // create the parser PsrParser *parser = createParser( filename ); // now parse the file readFile(parser); // cleanup delete parser; }
void Predicate::readBeginImpl() { if (!m_pythonMethod) { createParser(); } m_numPointsProcessed = m_numPointsPassed = 0; pdal::GlobalEnvironment::get().getPythonEnvironment().set_stdout(m_predicateFilter.log()->getLogStream()); return; }
IrcClient::IrcClient(QWidget* parent) : QSplitter(parent) { createParser(); createConnection(); createCompleter(); createUserList(); createLayout(); createBufferList(); // queue a command to automatically join the channel when connected connection->sendCommand(IrcCommand::createJoin(CHANNEL)); connection->open(); textEdit->append(IrcMessageFormatter::formatMessage(tr("! Welcome to the Communi %1 example client.").arg(IRC_VERSION_STR))); textEdit->append(IrcMessageFormatter::formatMessage(tr("! This example connects %1 and joins %2.").arg(SERVER, CHANNEL))); textEdit->append(IrcMessageFormatter::formatMessage(tr("! PS. Available commands: JOIN, ME, NICK, PART"))); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------// void System::setupXMLParser() { // handle creation / initialisation of XMLParser if (!d_xmlParser) { #ifndef CEGUI_STATIC setXMLParser(d_defaultXMLParserName); #else //Static Linking Call d_xmlParser = createParser(); // make sure we know to cleanup afterwards. d_ourXmlParser = true; #endif } // parser object already set, just initialise it. else d_xmlParser->initialise(); }
void* XmlBinder::initialize(int size) { void* buffer = NULL; if (!createParser()) { THROW(XmlParsingException, EXCEP_MSSG(PARSER_CREATION_ERROR)); } if (size > 0) buffer = getBuffer(size); enableHandlers( EnableElementHandlers| EnableCharacterDataHandler| EnableCdataSectionHandlers ); return buffer; }
bool EnvironmentMgr::loadSchema(const std::string &configPath, const std::string &masterConfigFile, const std::vector<std::string> &cfgParms) { bool rc = false; if (createParser()) { rc = m_pSchemaParser->parse(configPath, masterConfigFile, cfgParms); if (rc) { // unique attribure value sets are global across a schema. Allocate one here and pass it in // for use in building the necessary references and dependencies across the schema, then pass // it to the post processing for finalization. Once referencs and dependencies are built, the // attribute value sets are no longer needed. std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<SchemaValue>>> uniqueAttributeValueSets; m_pSchema->processDefinedUniqueAttributeValueSets(uniqueAttributeValueSets); // This must be done first m_pSchema->postProcessConfig(uniqueAttributeValueSets); } } return rc; }
// native SMCParser:SMC_CreateParser(); static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL SMC_CreateParser(AMX *amx, cell *params) { return createParser(); }
Parser *Parser::create(const char *arg) { return createParser(arg); }
Parser *Parser::create(int argc, char **argv) { return createParser(argc, argv); }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { uint32 format = MAX_UINT32; uint32 port = 0; PropertyHelper::PropertyInit propInit; auto_ptr<CommandlineOptionHandler> coh( new CommandlineOptionHandler( argc, argv ) ); coh->setSummary( "The TrafficServer has a listening socket that " "accepts traffic information files. Each received " "file will be processed and the resulting traffic " "situations sent to the InfoModule.\n\n" "Optionally it can be run with one or more files " "specified on the commandline. Each file will be " "read and processed in turn. When all files have " "been processed, the TrafficServer will exit. " ); coh->addOption( "-n", "--TrafficServerPort", CommandlineOptionHandler::uint32Val, 1, &port, "0", "Sets the preferred TrafficServerPort."); typedef pair< MC2String, MC2String > OptionPair; const OptionPair options[] = { make_pair( "--datexii_as", "Vägverket DatexII Accident Service" ), make_pair( "--datexii_eis", "Vägverket DatexII Emergency Info Service" ), make_pair( "--datexii_rws", "Vägverket DatexII Road Work Service" ), make_pair( "--datexii_tmx", "Vägverket DatexII Traffic Message Service" ) }; coh->addSingleChoiceOption( "-f", options, options + sizeof (options) / sizeof (*options), &format, MAX_UINT32, "Sets the type of data to read." ); coh->setTailHelp("[files]"); if ( ! coh->parse() ) { mc2log << error << "TrafficServer: Error on commandline (-h for help)" << endl; return 2; } if ( ! Properties::setPropertyFileName( coh->getPropertyFileName() ) ) { mc2log << error << "TrafficServer: No such file or directory: '" << coh->getPropertyFileName() << "'" << endl; return 3; } // Initialize the XML system XMLTool::XMLInit xmlInit; SSLCleaner sslInit; ISABThreadInitialize threadInit; TrafficParser* parser = createParser( format ); if ( parser == NULL ) { mc2log << error << "Invalid parser choice!" << endl; return 4; } TrafficFeed* feed = NULL; TrafficServerComponent trafficServer( coh.get() ); if ( port != 0 ) { feed = new TCPTrafficFeed( port, trafficServer.getShutdownPipe() ); } else { vector<MC2String> files; for ( uint32 i = 0; i < coh->getTailLength(); ++i ) { files.push_back( coh->getTail( i ) ); } feed = new FileTrafficFeed( files ); } coh.release(); ISABThreadHandle workThread = new TrafficThread( parser->getProvider(), parser, feed, trafficServer.getShutdownPipe() ); trafficServer.setWorkThread( workThread ); trafficServer.init(); trafficServer.gotoWork( threadInit ); return 0; }
/** * Create a compiler object for a given language. * @param name name of the language handled by the compiler * @return compiler object pointer */ cdk::Compiler *pipoca::CompilerFactory::createCompiler(const char *name) { cdk::syntax::Parser *parser = createParser(name); return new cdk::Compiler(name, parser); }
XmlDomDocument::XmlDomDocument(const char* xmlfile) : m_doc(NULL) { createParser(); parser->parse(xmlfile); m_doc = parser->adoptDocument(); }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { CommandlineOptionHandler coh( argc, argv ); typedef pair< MC2String, MC2String > OptionPair; uint32 format = MAX_UINT32; const OptionPair options[] = { make_pair( "--datexii_as", "Vägverket DatexII Accident Service" ), make_pair( "--datexii_eis", "Vägverket DatexII Emergency Info Service" ), make_pair( "--datexii_rws", "Vägverket DatexII Road Work Service" ), make_pair( "--datexii_tmx", "Vägverket DatexII Traffic Message Service" ), }; coh.addSingleChoiceOption( "-f", options, options + sizeof (options) / sizeof (*options), &format, MAX_UINT32, "Sets the type of data to read." ); coh.setTailHelp("[files]"); if ( ! coh.parse() ) { mc2log << error << "Failed to parse command line!" << endl; return 1; } if ( ! Properties::setPropertyFileName( coh.getPropertyFileName() ) ) { mc2log << error << "TrafficServer: No such file or directory: '" << coh.getPropertyFileName() << "'" << endl; return 2; } // Initialize the XML system XMLTool::XMLInit xmlInit; vector<MC2String> files; for ( uint32 i = 0; i < coh.getTailLength(); ++i ) { files.push_back( coh.getTail( i ) ); } FileTrafficFeed feed( files ); // we need files! if ( feed.eos() ) { mc2log << error << "No feed!" << endl; return 3; } auto_ptr<TrafficParser> parser( createParser( format ) ); if ( ! parser.get() ) { mc2log << error << "Failed to create parser" << endl; return 4; } while ( ! feed.eos() ) { // get data and parse situations TrafficFeed::Data data; if ( ! feed.getData( data ) ) { mc2log << error << "Failed to get feed." << endl; break; } TrafficParser::Situations situations; if ( ! parser->parse( data, situations ) ) { mc2log << error << "Failed to parse feed." << endl; return 5; } if ( situations.empty() ) { mc2log << error << "No situations parsed from feed." << endl; return 6; } mc2log << "Situations parsed: " << situations.size() << endl; STLUtility::deleteValues( situations ); } return 0; }