예제 #1
파일: main.cpp 프로젝트: riiko/meta
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QString title;
    title = title + "****************************************************************** \n";
    title = title + " * MySQLtoFile 1.0                                                * \n";
    title = title + " * This tool exports a table in a MySQL schema to various file    * \n";
    title = title + " * formats like STATA, SPSS, CSV (tab delimited), JSON and XML    * \n";
    title = title + " * This tool is part of CSPro Tools (c) ILRI, 2013                * \n";
    title = title + " ****************************************************************** \n";

    TCLAP::CmdLine cmd(title.toAscii().data(), ' ', "1.0 (Beta 1)");
    //Required arguments
    TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> hostArg("H","host","MySQL host. Default localhost",false,"localhost","string");
    TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> portArg("P","port","MySQL port. Default 3306.",false,"3306","string");
    TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> userArg("u","user","User to connect to MySQL",true,"","string");
    TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> passArg("p","password","Password to connect to MySQL",true,"","string");
    TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> schemaArg("s","schema","Schema in MySQL",true,"","string");
    TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> auditArg("a","audit","Target directory for the audit files. Default ./audit (created if not exists)",false,"./audit","string");

    TCLAP::SwitchArg createSwitch("c","create","Create META dictionary tables", cmd, false);
    TCLAP::SwitchArg loadSwitch("l","load","Load META dictionary tables", cmd, false);
    TCLAP::SwitchArg deleteSwitch("d","delete","Delete previous data before load", cmd, false);
    TCLAP::SwitchArg viewSwitch("v","views","Include views in dictionary tables", cmd, false);


    cmd.parse( argc, argv );

    //Getting the variables from the command

    bool createMETA;
    bool loadMETA;
    bool deldata;
    bool includeViews;
    createMETA = createSwitch.getValue();
    loadMETA = loadSwitch.getValue();
    deldata = deleteSwitch.getValue();
    includeViews = viewSwitch.getValue();

    QString host = QString::fromUtf8(hostArg.getValue().c_str());
    QString port = QString::fromUtf8(portArg.getValue().c_str());
    QString user = QString::fromUtf8(userArg.getValue().c_str());
    QString pass = QString::fromUtf8(passArg.getValue().c_str());
    QString schema = QString::fromUtf8(schemaArg.getValue().c_str());
    QString auditPath = QString::fromUtf8(auditArg.getValue().c_str());

    //Dictionary tables
    ignoreTables << "dict_grpinfo";
    ignoreTables << "dict_tblinfo";
    ignoreTables << "dict_clminfo";
    ignoreTables << "dict_relinfo";
    ignoreTables << "dict_childinfo";
    ignoreTables << "audit_log";

    //Authorisation tables Not used since 2015-03-19. Backward compatibility
    ignoreTables << "auth_group";
    ignoreTables << "auth_group_permissions";
    ignoreTables << "auth_permission";
    ignoreTables << "auth_user";
    ignoreTables << "auth_user_groups";
    ignoreTables << "auth_user_user_permissions";
    ignoreTables << "user_log";

    //Django tables Not used since 2014. Backward compatibility
    ignoreTables << "auth_message";
    ignoreTables << "django_admin_log";
    ignoreTables << "django_content_type";
    ignoreTables << "django_session";
    ignoreTables << "django_site";

    //I18N tables
    ignoreTables << "dict_iso639";
    ignoreTables << "dict_lkpiso639";
    ignoreTables << "dict_dctiso639";

        QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QMYSQL");
        bool METACreated;
        METACreated = false;
        bool METALoaded;
        METALoaded = false;
        bool deletePrevious;
        deletePrevious = false;
        QString data;
        if (db.open())
            if (createMETA)
                log("Are you sure that you want to create META's tables? This will delete any previous META information INCLUDING the audit. (Y/N): ",false);
                QTextStream createIn(stdin);
                data = createIn.readLine();
                if (data.toUpper().simplified() == "Y")
                    if (createMETATables(db) == 0)
                        METACreated = true;
                        return 1;
            if (loadMETA)
                if (deldata && !createMETA)
                    log("Are you sure that you want to delete any previous META's data? This WILL NOT delete the audit. (Y/N): ",false);
                    QTextStream deleteIn(stdin);
                    data = deleteIn.readLine();
                    if (data.toUpper().simplified() == "Y")
                        deletePrevious = true;
                if (loadMETATables(db,deletePrevious,includeViews) == 0)
                    METALoaded = true;
                    return 1;
            if (METACreated && !METALoaded)
                log("META was created but not information was loaded. Use initmeta -l to load METAS's information");
            log("Cannot connect to database");
            return 1;

    return 0;
예제 #2
void ECKeyPad::initPins( unsigned numCols )
	if ( numCols < 3 )
		numCols = 3;
	else if ( numCols > 9 )
		numCols = 9;
	if ( numCols == m_numCols )
	int w = sideLength(numCols);
	int h = sideLength(4);
	setSize( -int(w/16)*8, -int(h/16)*8, w, h, true );
	if ( numCols > m_numCols )
		// Adding columns
		for ( unsigned i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
			for ( unsigned j = m_numCols; j < numCols; j++ )
				addButton( buttonID(i,j), QRect( 0, 0, 20, 20 ), text[i][j] );
		ECNode * cols[9];
		for ( unsigned j = m_numCols; j < numCols; j++ )
			cols[j] = createPin( 0, 64, 270, "col_" + QString::number(j) );
		for ( unsigned i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
			ECNode * row = ecNodeWithID("row_"+QString::number(i));
			for ( unsigned j = m_numCols; j < numCols; j++ )
				m_switch[i][j] = createSwitch( cols[j], row, true );
		// Remove columns
		for ( unsigned i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
			for ( unsigned j = numCols; j < m_numCols; j++ )
				removeWidget( buttonID(i,j) );
		for ( unsigned j = numCols; j < m_numCols; j++ )
			removeNode( "col_" + QString::number(j) );
		for ( unsigned i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
			for ( unsigned j = m_numCols; j < numCols; j++ )
				removeSwitch( m_switch[i][j] );	
	//BEGIN Update Positions
	m_numCols = numCols;
	for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
		for ( int j = 0; j < int(m_numCols); j++ )
			widgetWithID( buttonID(i,j) )->setOriginalRect(
					QRect( offsetX() + 6 + 24*j, offsetY() + 6 + 24*i, 20, 20 ) );
	for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
		m_nodeMap["row_" + QString::number(i)].x = width()+offsetX();
	for ( int j = 0; j < int(m_numCols); j++ )
		m_nodeMap["col_" + QString::number(j)].x = 24*j+offsetX()+16;
	//END Update Positions
예제 #3
	void *NclPresentationControlParser::parseSwitch(
		    DOMElement *parentElement, void *objGrandParent) {

		void *parentObject;
		DOMNodeList *elementNodeList;
		int i, size;
		DOMNode *node;
		DOMElement *element;
		string elementTagName;
		void *elementObject;

		parentObject = createSwitch(parentElement, objGrandParent);
		if (parentObject == NULL) {
			return NULL;

		elementNodeList = parentElement->getChildNodes();
		size = elementNodeList->getLength();

		for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
			node = elementNodeList->item(i);
			if (node->getNodeType()==DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE) {
				element = (DOMElement*)node;
				elementTagName = XMLString::transcode(element->getTagName());
				if (XMLString::compareIString(elementTagName.c_str(),
					    "media") == 0) {

					elementObject = ((NclComponentsParser*)
						    	    element, parentObject);

					if (elementObject != NULL) {
						addMediaToSwitch(parentObject, elementObject);

				} else if (XMLString::compareIString(elementTagName.c_str(),
					    "context") == 0) {

					elementObject = ((NclComponentsParser*)
						    	   element, parentObject);

					if (elementObject != NULL) {
						addContextToSwitch(parentObject, elementObject);

				} else if (XMLString::compareIString(elementTagName.c_str(),
					    "switch") == 0) {

					elementObject = parseSwitch(element, parentObject);
					if (elementObject != NULL) {
						addSwitchToSwitch(parentObject, elementObject);

		for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
			node = elementNodeList->item(i);
			if (node->getNodeType() == DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE) {
				element = (DOMElement*)node;
				elementTagName = XMLString::transcode(element->getTagName());
				if (XMLString::compareIString(elementTagName.c_str(),
					    "bindRule") == 0) {

					elementObject = parseBindRule((DOMElement*)node,

					if (elementObject != NULL) {
						addBindRuleToSwitch(parentObject, elementObject);

				} else if (XMLString::compareIString(elementTagName.c_str(),
					    "defaultComponent") == 0) {

					elementObject = parseDefaultComponent((DOMElement*)node,

					if (elementObject != NULL) {
							    parentObject, elementObject);

		return parentObject;