예제 #1
파일: camera.cpp 프로젝트: fenlol/Mobile3D
    void Camera::gluLookAt() {
        GLfloat forward[3], side[3], up[3];
        GLfloat m[4][4];

        forward[0] = m_centerx - m_eyex;
        forward[1] = m_centery - m_eyey;
        forward[2] = m_centerz - m_eyez;


        up[0] = m_upx;
        up[1] = m_upy;
        up[2] = m_upz;

        crossf(forward, up, side);

        crossf(side, forward, up);

        m[0][0] = side[0];
        m[1][0] = side[1];
        m[2][0] = side[2];

        m[0][1] = up[0];
        m[1][1] = up[1];
        m[2][1] = up[2];

        m[0][2] = -forward[0];
        m[1][2] = -forward[1];
        m[2][2] = -forward[2];

        glTranslatef(-m_eyex, -m_eyey, -m_eyez);
예제 #2
파일: jkGetF0.c 프로젝트: jfsantos/SPTK
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void get_fast_cands(float *fdata, float *fdsdata, int ind, int step, int size,
                    int dec, int start, int nlags, float *engref, int *maxloc,
                    float *maxval, Cross *cp, float *peaks, int *locs,
                    int *ncand, F0_params *par)
  int decind, decstart, decnlags, decsize, i, j, *lp;
  float *corp, xp, yp, lag_wt;
  register float *pe;

  lag_wt = par->lag_weight/nlags;
  decnlags = 1 + (nlags/dec);
  if((decstart = start/dec) < 1) decstart = 1;
  decind = (ind * step)/dec;
  decsize = 1 + (size/dec);
  corp = cp->correl;

  crossf(fdsdata + decind, decsize, decstart, decnlags, engref, maxloc,
	maxval, corp);
  cp->maxloc = *maxloc;	/* location of maximum in correlation */
  cp->maxval = *maxval;	/* max. correlation value (found at maxloc) */
  cp->rms = (float) sqrt(*engref/size); /* rms in reference window */
  cp->firstlag = decstart;

  get_cand(cp,peaks,locs,decnlags,ncand,par->cand_thresh); /* return high peaks in xcorr */

  /* Interpolate to estimate peak locations and values at high sample rate. */
  for(i = *ncand, lp = locs, pe = peaks; i--; pe++, lp++) {
    j = *lp - decstart - 1;
    *lp = (*lp * dec) + (int)(0.5+(xp*dec)); /* refined lag */
    *pe = yp*(1.0f - (lag_wt* *lp)); /* refined amplitude */

  if(*ncand >= par->n_cands) {	/* need to prune candidates? */
    register int *loc, *locm, lt;
    register float smaxval, *pem;
    register int outer, inner, lim;
    for(outer=0, lim = par->n_cands-1; outer < lim; outer++)
      for(inner = *ncand - 1 - outer,
	  pe = peaks + (*ncand) -1, pem = pe-1,
	  loc = locs + (*ncand) - 1, locm = loc-1;
	if((smaxval = *pe) > *pem) {
	  *pe = *pem;
	  *pem = smaxval;
	  lt = *loc;
	  *loc = *locm;
	  *locm = lt;
    *ncand = par->n_cands-1;  /* leave room for the unvoiced hypothesis */
  crossfi(fdata + (ind * step), size, start, nlags, 7, engref, maxloc,
	  maxval, corp, locs, *ncand);

  cp->maxloc = *maxloc;	/* location of maximum in correlation */
  cp->maxval = *maxval;	/* max. correlation value (found at maxloc) */
  cp->rms = (float) sqrt(*engref/size); /* rms in reference window */
  cp->firstlag = start;
  get_cand(cp,peaks,locs,nlags,ncand,par->cand_thresh); /* return high peaks in xcorr */
    if(*ncand >= par->n_cands) {	/* need to prune candidates again? */
    register int *loc, *locm, lt;
    register float smaxval, *pe, *pem;
    register int outer, inner, lim;
    for(outer=0, lim = par->n_cands-1; outer < lim; outer++)
      for(inner = *ncand - 1 - outer,
	  pe = peaks + (*ncand) -1, pem = pe-1,
	  loc = locs + (*ncand) - 1, locm = loc-1;
	if((smaxval = *pe) > *pem) {
	  *pe = *pem;
	  *pem = smaxval;
	  lt = *loc;
	  *loc = *locm;
	  *locm = lt;
    *ncand = par->n_cands - 1;  /* leave room for the unvoiced hypothesis */