static void testKernelChecks( void ) { CRYPT_HANDLE cryptHandle; int subType; printf( "Running kernel smoke test:\n Contexts" ); for( subType = 0; subType < 500; subType++ ) { if( cryptStatusOK( cryptCreateContext( &cryptHandle, CRYPT_UNUSED, subType ) ) ) smokeTestAttributes( cryptHandle ); } printf( "\n Certs" ); for( subType = 0; subType < 500; subType++ ) { if( cryptStatusOK( cryptCreateCert( &cryptHandle, CRYPT_UNUSED, subType ) ) ) smokeTestAttributes( cryptHandle ); } printf( "\n Envelopes" ); for( subType = 0; subType < 500; subType++ ) { if( cryptStatusOK( cryptCreateEnvelope( &cryptHandle, CRYPT_UNUSED, subType ) ) ) smokeTestAttributes( cryptHandle ); } printf( "\n Sessions" ); for( subType = 0; subType < 500; subType++ ) { if( cryptStatusOK( cryptCreateSession( &cryptHandle, CRYPT_UNUSED, subType ) ) ) smokeTestAttributes( cryptHandle ); } printf( "\n" ); }
static int gen_sha2( uchar * inbufp, int bsize, uchar * outbufp) { CRYPT_CONTEXT hashContext; uchar hash[40]; int ansr; memset(hash, 0, 40); if (cryptInit() != CRYPT_OK) { FATAL(MSG_ERROR, "initializing cryptlib"); } if (cryptCreateContext(&hashContext, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_ALGO_SHA2) != CRYPT_OK) { FATAL(MSG_ERROR, "creating cryptlib hash context"); } cryptEncrypt(hashContext, inbufp, bsize); cryptEncrypt(hashContext, inbufp, 0); cryptGetAttributeString(hashContext, CRYPT_CTXINFO_HASHVALUE, hash, &ansr); cryptDestroyContext(hashContext); cryptEnd(); memcpy(outbufp, hash, ansr); return ansr; }
static int create_keypair(CRYPT_CONTEXT *pCtx, const char *label) { int status; CRYPT_CONTEXT local_context; /* create the RSA context */ status = cryptCreateContext( &local_context, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_ALGO_RSA ); if (!cryptStatusOK(status)) { fprintf(stderr, "cryptlib error %d while creating keypair context\n", status); return status; } /* set key label -- TODO make label parameter */ status = cryptSetAttributeString( local_context, CRYPT_CTXINFO_LABEL, label, strlen(label)); if (!cryptStatusOK(status)) { fprintf(stderr, "cryptlib error %d while setting privkey label\n", status); goto err_ctx_exit; } /* generate key */ status = cryptGenerateKey( local_context ); if (!cryptStatusOK(status)) { fprintf(stderr, "cryptlib error %d while generating CA keypair\n", status); goto err_ctx_exit; } /* normal (OK) exit */ *pCtx = local_context; return CRYPT_OK; err_ctx_exit: cryptDestroyContext(local_context); return status; }
int gen_hash( unsigned char *inbufp, int bsize, unsigned char *outbufp, CRYPT_ALGO_TYPE alg) { CRYPT_CONTEXT hashContext; unsigned char hash[40]; int ansr = -1; if (alg != CRYPT_ALGO_SHA1 && alg != CRYPT_ALGO_SHA2) return -1; memset(hash, 0, 40); if (cryptInit_wrapper() != CRYPT_OK) return -1; if (cryptCreateContext(&hashContext, CRYPT_UNUSED, alg) != CRYPT_OK) return -1; cryptEncrypt(hashContext, inbufp, bsize); cryptEncrypt(hashContext, inbufp, 0); if (cryptGetAttributeString( hashContext, CRYPT_CTXINFO_HASHVALUE, hash, &ansr) != CRYPT_OK) { return -1; } cryptDestroyContext(hashContext); if (ansr > 0) memcpy(outbufp, hash, ansr); return ansr; }
int main( int argc, char **argv) { CRYPT_CONTEXT privKeyContext; CRYPT_KEYSET cryptKeyset; int ksize; if (argc < 3) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s filename keysize\n", argv[0]); return 1; } if (sscanf(argv[2], "%d", &ksize) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid key size\n"); return 1; } if (ksize != STANDARD_KEY_SIZE) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: key size %d is not the standard size (%d)\n", ksize, STANDARD_KEY_SIZE); } printf("Making %s with key size %d bits \n", argv[1], ksize); if (cryptInit() != CRYPT_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open Cryptlib\n"); return 1; } if (cryptCreateContext(&privKeyContext, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_ALGO_RSA) != CRYPT_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't create cryptlib private key context\n"); return 1; } cryptSetAttributeString(privKeyContext, CRYPT_CTXINFO_LABEL, "label", 5); cryptSetAttribute(privKeyContext, CRYPT_CTXINFO_KEYSIZE, ksize / 8); if (cryptGenerateKey(privKeyContext) != CRYPT_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't generate key\n"); return 1; } if (cryptKeysetOpen(&cryptKeyset, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_KEYSET_FILE, argv[1], CRYPT_KEYOPT_CREATE) != CRYPT_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open keyset\n"); return 1; } if (cryptAddPrivateKey(cryptKeyset, privKeyContext, "password") != CRYPT_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't add key to keyset\n"); return 1; } cryptKeysetClose(cryptKeyset); cryptDestroyContext(privKeyContext); cryptEnd(); return 0; }
static void testStressObjects( void ) { CRYPT_HANDLE *handleArray = malloc( NO_OBJECTS * sizeof( CRYPT_HANDLE ) ); BYTE hash[ CRYPT_MAX_HASHSIZE ]; int i, length, status; printf( "Running object stress test." ); assert( handleArray != NULL ); for( i = 0; i < NO_OBJECTS; i++ ) { status = cryptCreateContext( &handleArray[ i ], CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_ALGO_SHA ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) printf( "cryptEncrypt() failed at %d with status %d.\n", i, status ); } printf( "." ); for( i = 0; i < NO_OBJECTS; i++ ) { status = cryptEncrypt( handleArray[ i ], "12345678", 8 ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) printf( "cryptEncrypt() failed at %d with status %d.\n", i, status ); } printf( "." ); for( i = 0; i < NO_OBJECTS; i++ ) { status = cryptEncrypt( handleArray[ i ], "", 0 ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) printf( "cryptEncrypt() failed at %d with status %d.\n", i, status ); } printf( "." ); for( i = 0; i < NO_OBJECTS; i++ ) { status = cryptGetAttributeString( handleArray[ i ], CRYPT_CTXINFO_HASHVALUE, hash, &length ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) printf( "cryptEncrypt() failed at %d with status %d.\n", i, status ); } printf( "." ); for( i = 0; i < NO_OBJECTS; i++ ) { status = cryptDestroyContext( handleArray[ i ] ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) printf( "cryptEncrypt() failed at %d with status %d.\n", i, status ); } free( handleArray ); puts( "." ); }
/* * int fatal(char *msg) { if (msg && *msg) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", msg); * exit(0); } */ int main( int argc, char **argv) { CRYPT_CONTEXT privKeyContext; CRYPT_KEYSET cryptKeyset; if (argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: Filename\n"); return 1; } printf("Making %s\n", argv[1]); #define CRYPT_CALL(f) \ do \ { \ if ((f) != CRYPT_OK) \ { \ fprintf(stderr, "Error calling %s\n", #f); \ exit(EXIT_FAILURE); \ } \ } while (false) CRYPT_CALL(cryptInit()); CRYPT_CALL(cryptCreateContext(&privKeyContext, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_ALGO_RSA)); CRYPT_CALL(cryptSetAttributeString(privKeyContext, CRYPT_CTXINFO_LABEL, "label", 5)); CRYPT_CALL(cryptSetAttribute(privKeyContext, CRYPT_CTXINFO_KEYSIZE, 1024 / 8)); CRYPT_CALL(cryptGenerateKey(privKeyContext)); CRYPT_CALL(cryptKeysetOpen(&cryptKeyset, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_KEYSET_FILE, argv[1], CRYPT_KEYOPT_CREATE)); CRYPT_CALL(cryptAddPrivateKey(cryptKeyset, privKeyContext, "password")); CRYPT_CALL(cryptKeysetClose(cryptKeyset)); CRYPT_CALL(cryptDestroyContext(privKeyContext)); CRYPT_CALL(cryptEnd()); #undef CRYPT_CALL return 0; }
unsigned __stdcall processDataThread( void *arg ) { CRYPT_CONTEXT cryptContext; BYTE buffer[ 1024 ]; int threadNo = ( int ) arg; int status; randSleep(); memset( buffer, '*', 1024 ); status = cryptCreateContext( &cryptContext, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_ALGO_3DES ); if( cryptStatusOK( status ) ) { randSleep(); status = cryptSetAttributeString( cryptContext, CRYPT_CTXINFO_KEY, "123456781234567812345678", 24 ); } if( cryptStatusOK( status ) ) { randSleep(); status = cryptEncrypt( cryptContext, buffer, 1024 ); } if( cryptStatusOK( status ) ) { randSleep(); status = cryptEncrypt( cryptContext, buffer, 0 ); } if( cryptStatusOK( status ) ) { randSleep(); status = cryptDestroyContext( cryptContext ); } if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) printf( "\nEncryption failed with status %d.\n", status ); else printf( "%d ", threadNo ); _endthreadex( 0 ); return( 0 ); }
static int testProcessing( const CRYPT_ALGO_TYPE cryptAlgo, const CRYPT_MODE_TYPE cryptMode, const CRYPT_QUERY_INFO cryptQueryInfo ) { BYTE buffer1[ DATABUFFER_SIZE ], buffer2[ DATABUFFER_SIZE ]; BYTE hash1[ CRYPT_MAX_HASHSIZE ], hash2[ CRYPT_MAX_HASHSIZE ]; const int blockSize = ( cryptMode == CRYPT_MODE_ECB || \ cryptMode == CRYPT_MODE_CBC ) ? \ cryptQueryInfo.blockSize : 1; int length1, length2, i; /* Initialise the buffers with a known data pattern */ memset( buffer1, '*', DATABUFFER_SIZE ); memcpy( buffer1, "12345678", 8 ); memcpy( buffer2, buffer1, DATABUFFER_SIZE ); /* Process the data using various block sizes */ printf( "Testing algorithm %d, mode %d, for %d-byte buffer with\n block " "count ", cryptAlgo, ( cryptMode == CRYPT_UNUSED ) ? 0 : cryptMode, DATABUFFER_SIZE ); for( i = 1; i <= MAX_BLOCKS; i++ ) { CRYPT_CONTEXT cryptContext; int status; memcpy( buffer1, buffer2, DATABUFFER_SIZE ); printf( "%d%s ", i, ( i == MAX_BLOCKS ) ? "." : "," ); /* Encrypt the data with random block sizes */ status = cryptCreateContext( &cryptContext, CRYPT_UNUSED, cryptAlgo ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) return( status ); if( cryptMode != CRYPT_UNUSED ) { status = cryptSetAttribute( cryptContext, CRYPT_CTXINFO_MODE, cryptMode ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) return( status ); if( cryptMode != CRYPT_MODE_ECB && cryptAlgo != CRYPT_ALGO_RC4 ) { status = cryptSetAttributeString( cryptContext, CRYPT_CTXINFO_IV, "1234567887654321", cryptQueryInfo.blockSize ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) return( status ); } } if( cryptQueryInfo.keySize ) { status = cryptSetAttributeString( cryptContext, CRYPT_CTXINFO_KEY, "12345678876543211234567887654321", cryptQueryInfo.keySize ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) return( status ); } status = processData( cryptContext, buffer1, i, blockSize, cryptEncrypt ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) return( status ); if( cryptAlgo >= CRYPT_ALGO_FIRST_HASH ) { status = cryptGetAttributeString( cryptContext, CRYPT_CTXINFO_HASHVALUE, hash1, &length1 ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) return( status ); } status = cryptDestroyContext( cryptContext ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) return( status ); /* Decrypt the data again with random block sizes */ status = cryptCreateContext( &cryptContext, CRYPT_UNUSED, cryptAlgo ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) return( status ); if( cryptMode != CRYPT_UNUSED ) { status = cryptSetAttribute( cryptContext, CRYPT_CTXINFO_MODE, cryptMode ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) return( status ); if( cryptMode != CRYPT_MODE_ECB && cryptAlgo != CRYPT_ALGO_RC4 ) { status = cryptSetAttributeString( cryptContext, CRYPT_CTXINFO_IV, "1234567887654321", cryptQueryInfo.blockSize ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) return( status ); } } if( cryptQueryInfo.keySize ) { status = cryptSetAttributeString( cryptContext, CRYPT_CTXINFO_KEY, "12345678876543211234567887654321", cryptQueryInfo.keySize ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) return( status ); } status = processData( cryptContext, buffer1, i, blockSize, cryptDecrypt ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) return( status ); if( cryptAlgo >= CRYPT_ALGO_FIRST_HASH ) { status = cryptGetAttributeString( cryptContext, CRYPT_CTXINFO_HASHVALUE, hash2, &length2 ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) return( status ); } status = cryptDestroyContext( cryptContext ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) return( status ); /* Make sure the values match */ if( cryptAlgo >= CRYPT_ALGO_FIRST_HASH ) { if( ( length1 != length2 ) || memcmp( hash1, hash2, length1 ) ) { puts( "Error: Hash value of identical buffers differs." ); return( -1234 ); } } else if( memcmp( buffer1, buffer2, DATABUFFER_SIZE ) ) { printf( "Decrypted data != encrypted data for algorithm %d.\n", cryptAlgo ); return( -1234 ); } } printf( "\n" ); return( CRYPT_OK ); }
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { struct passwd *pws; /* info for input user */ char *pwname; /* username */ char *pwdir; /* home directory */ char *encFile; char *encKey; int encKeyFd; //file state char *encKeyPtr; /* Pointer to encrypted data */ int encKeySize; /* Buffer bytes availble for decrypt */ struct stat fileStat; /* Struce for checking file attributes */ char *keyFile; /* GPG key ring file name */ char *gpgPrivateKeyPtr; int ret; /* Return code */ int i; /* Loop iterator */ int bytesCopied; /* Bytes output by cryptlib enc/dec ops */ int reqAttrib; /* Crypt required attributed */ CRYPT_ENVELOPE dataEnv; /* Envelope for enc/dec */ CRYPT_KEYSET keyset; /* GPG keyset */ CRYPT_CONTEXT symContext; /* Key context */ char label[100]; /* Private key label */ int labelLength; /* Length of label */ char passbuf[1024]; /* Buffer for GPG key passphrase */ struct termios ts, ots; /* Strutures for saving/modifying term attribs */ char *encDataPtr; /* Pointer to encrypted data */ int encDataSize; /* Size of encrypted data */ struct passwd *userInfo; /* Password info for input user */ int encFileFd; /* Destination (Encrypted) File Descriptor */ int encFileSize; /* Bytes of encrypted data */ char * encFilePtr; /* Pointer to enc text */ char *clrFilePtr; /* Pointer to clear text */ int clrFileSize; /* Bytes of clear text */ char *clrKeyPtr; int clrKeySize; struct stat encFileInfo; uid = getuid(); pws = getpwuid(uid); pwname = pws->pw_name;//get the user login name; pwdir = pws->pw_dir;//get the user dir path //Check arguments number if (argc!=2) { printf("slient exit\n"); exit (1); } //Get encrepted file encFile = malloc(strlen(argv[1]) + 4); strcpy(encFile, argv[1]); strcat(encFile, ".enc"); //Get gpg encrepted key name encKey = malloc(strlen(encFile) + strlen(pwname) +5 ); strcpy(encKey,encFile); strcat(encKey, "."); strcat(encKey, pwname); strcat(encKey, ".key"); //Open gpg encrepted key encKeyFd=open(encKey, O_RDONLY); if (encKeyFd<=0){perror("(2) open encKeyFd2");exit(encKeyFd);} ret=fstat(encKeyFd,&fileStat); if (ret!=0){perror("fstat encKeyFd");exit(ret);} encKeySize=fileStat.st_size; encKeyPtr=malloc(encKeySize); if (encKeyPtr==NULL){perror("malloc encData");exit(__LINE__);} ret=read(encKeyFd,encKeyPtr,encKeySize); if (ret!=encKeySize){perror("read encData");exit(ret);} close(encKeyFd); //Get the private key name gpgPrivateKeyPtr=malloc(strlen(pwdir) + strlen("/.gnupg/secring.gpg") + 1); getPrivateKeyName(gpgPrivateKeyPtr,uid); //Decrypt key cryptInit(); ret=cryptAddRandom( NULL , CRYPT_RANDOM_SLOWPOLL); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptAddRandom",__LINE__); ret=cryptKeysetOpen(&keyset, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_KEYSET_FILE, gpgPrivateKeyPtr, CRYPT_KEYOPT_READONLY); free(gpgPrivateKeyPtr); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptKeysetOpen",__LINE__); ret=cryptCreateEnvelope(&dataEnv, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_FORMAT_AUTO); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptCreateEnvelope",__LINE__); ret=cryptSetAttribute(dataEnv, CRYPT_ENVINFO_KEYSET_DECRYPT, keyset); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptSetAttribute",__LINE__); ret=cryptPushData(dataEnv,encKeyPtr,encKeySize,&bytesCopied); /* Expect non-zero return -- indicates need private key */ ret=cryptGetAttribute(dataEnv, CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_CURRENT, &reqAttrib); if (reqAttrib != CRYPT_ENVINFO_PRIVATEKEY) {printf("Decrypt error\n");exit(ret);} ret=cryptGetAttributeString(dataEnv, CRYPT_ENVINFO_PRIVATEKEY_LABEL, label, &labelLength); label[labelLength]='\0'; checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptGetAttributeString",__LINE__); /*=============================================== Get the passphrase =============================================== */ tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &ts); ots = ts; ts.c_lflag &= ~ECHO; ts.c_lflag |= ECHONL; tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &ts); tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &ts); if (ts.c_lflag & ECHO) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to turn off echo\n"); tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &ots); exit(1); } printf("Enter password for <%s>: ",label); fflush(stdout); fgets(passbuf, 1024, stdin); tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &ots); ret=cryptSetAttributeString(dataEnv, CRYPT_ENVINFO_PASSWORD, passbuf, strlen(passbuf)-1); if (ret != CRYPT_OK) { if (ret=CRYPT_ERROR_WRONGKEY) { printf("Wrong Key\n"); exit(ret); }else{ printf("cryptSetAttributeString line %d returned <%d>\n",__LINE__,ret); exit(ret); } } ret=cryptFlushData(dataEnv); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptFlushData",__LINE__); clrKeySize=KEYSIZE; clrKeyPtr=malloc(clrKeySize); if (clrKeyPtr==NULL){perror("malloc");exit(__LINE__);} bzero(clrKeyPtr,clrKeySize); ret=cryptPopData(dataEnv,clrKeyPtr,clrKeySize,&bytesCopied); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptPopData",__LINE__); ret=cryptDestroyEnvelope(dataEnv); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptDestroyEnvelope",__LINE__); cryptKeysetClose(keyset); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptKeysetClose",__LINE__); printf("Bytes decrypted <%d>\n",bytesCopied); // for (i=0;i<bytesCopied;i++){printf("%c",clrKeyPtr[i]);} ret=cryptEnd(); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptEnd",__LINE__); //read enc file encFileFd=open(encFile, O_RDONLY); if (encFileFd<=0){perror("(2) open encFileFd1");exit(encFileFd);} ret=fstat(encFileFd,&encFileInfo); if (ret!=0){perror("fstat encFileFd");exit(ret);} encFileSize=encFileInfo.st_size; encFilePtr=malloc(encFileSize); if (encFilePtr==NULL){perror("malloc encData");exit(__LINE__);} ret=read(encFileFd,encFilePtr,encFileSize); if (ret!=encFileSize){perror("read encData");exit(ret);} close(encFileFd); //Decrypt and get the content of decrepted file cryptInit(); ret=cryptAddRandom( NULL , CRYPT_RANDOM_SLOWPOLL); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptAddRandom",__LINE__); cryptCreateEnvelope(&dataEnv, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_FORMAT_AUTO); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptCreateEnvelope",__LINE__); cryptPushData(dataEnv,encFilePtr,encFileSize,&bytesCopied); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptPushData",__LINE__); cryptCreateContext(&symContext,CRYPT_UNUSED,SYMMETRIC_ALG); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptCreateContext",__LINE__); cryptSetAttributeString(symContext, CRYPT_CTXINFO_KEY,clrKeyPtr,clrKeySize); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptSetAttributeString",__LINE__); cryptSetAttribute(dataEnv,CRYPT_ENVINFO_SESSIONKEY,symContext); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptSetAttribute",__LINE__); ret=cryptDestroyContext(symContext); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptDestroyContext",__LINE__); cryptFlushData(dataEnv); clrFileSize=KEYSIZE+1028; clrFilePtr=malloc(encDataSize); ret=cryptPopData(dataEnv,clrFilePtr,clrFileSize,&bytesCopied); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptPopData",__LINE__); ret=cryptDestroyEnvelope(dataEnv); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptDestroyEnvelope",__LINE__); printf("<%d> bytes of decrypted data\n",bytesCopied); for (i=0;i<bytesCopied;i++){printf("%c",clrFilePtr[i]);} printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); ret=cryptEnd(); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptEnd",__LINE__); return 0; }
int funcion6() { int valido, tamFirma, tam, tamCert, i, status, keySize, keyMaxSize; long opcion_l; char opcion[5], *ptr, *endptr, *buffer, *rutaToCheck, *rutaFirma, *nombreFirma, *firma, *cert, *nombreCert, *rutaCert; FILE *ptrFileToCheck, *ptrFirma, *ptrCert; DIR *dir; struct dirent *ent; struct stat st; /*Reservo memoria*/ rutaToCheck=(char *)malloc(120); rutaFirma=(char *)malloc(120); nombreFirma=(char *)malloc(50); nombreCert=(char *)malloc(50); rutaCert=(char *)malloc(120); system("clear"); printf("\n ------------------------------------\n"); printf("| Verificar firma |\n"); printf(" ------------------------------------\n\n"); fflush(stdout); /*PASO 1. Ruta del archivo a verificar*/ do { valido=0; printf("PASO 1. Introduzca la ruta del archivo que desea verificar: "); scanf("%s", rutaToCheck); if((ptrFileToCheck=fopen(rutaToCheck, "rb")) == NULL ) { printf("No se encuentra el archivo. Revise la ruta :)\n\n"); valido=1; fflush(stdout); } } while(valido==1); /*Necesitamos abrir el archivo y volcarlo a memoria*/ stat(rutaToCheck, &st); tam=st.st_size; buffer=(char *)malloc(tam); fread(buffer, 1, tam, ptrFileToCheck); /*Buscamos el caracter '/' dentro de la cadena. Si está, es porque el usuario metió la ruta completa*/ if((ptr=(strrchr(rutaToCheck, '/')))!=NULL) sprintf(nombreFirma, "%s.p7s", ptr+1); //Ruta completa else sprintf(nombreFirma, "%s.p7s", rutaToCheck); //El usuario metió el nombre del archivo /*Ahora tengo que leer la firma. Primero la busco, y si no está, que la seleccione el usuario*/ dir = opendir ("./Firmas digitales/"); if (dir != NULL) { i=0; /* Vamos a buscar los archivos .p7s que correspondan*/ while ((ent = readdir (dir)) != NULL) { if((ptr=strstr(ent->d_name, nombreFirma))!=NULL) { i++; } } closedir(dir); } else { /* Problemas al abrir el directorio */ printf("¿Ha ejecutado ya la opción 5?\n"); fflush(stdout); return(-1); } if(i==0) { //Resultados = 0 printf("\nNo se ha encontrado una firma adecuada\n"); fflush(stdout); printf("Seleccione cuál de los siguientes archivos corresponde con la firma creada en la función 5:\n "); fflush(stdout); dir = opendir ("./Firmas digitales/"); /* Nos va a mostrar los archivos .p15 que haya dentro de la carpeta Claves y cert.*/ while ((ent = readdir (dir)) != NULL) { if((ptr=strstr(ent->d_name, ".p7s"))!=NULL) { i++; printf(" %d. %s\n", i, ent->d_name); } } closedir(dir); /*El usuario introduce el número que corresponde a la firma que elija*/ do{ valido=0; printf("Introduzca el número de la firma que desea usar >> "); scanf("%s", &opcion); opcion_l = strtol(opcion,&endptr,10); if(strlen(endptr)!=0 || opcion_l < 1 || opcion_l > i) { printf("Ops... tendrás que meter un número entre 1 y %d la próxima vez ;) Try again!\n", i); fflush(stdout); valido=1; } }while(valido==1); /*Guardamos el nombre del archivo correspondiente en rutaKeyset*/ dir = opendir ("./Firmas digitales/"); i=0; while ((ent = readdir (dir)) != NULL) { if((ptr=strstr(ent->d_name, ".p7s"))!=NULL) { i++; if(opcion_l==i) { sprintf(rutaFirma, "./Firmas digitales/%s", ent->d_name); } } } closedir(dir); } else if(i==1) { printf("\n-> Se ha encontrado 1 firma adecuada. Se usará la firma %s por defecto\n\n", nombreFirma); fflush(stdout); sprintf(rutaFirma, "./Firmas digitales/%s", nombreFirma); } /*Abrimos la firma*/ if((ptrFirma=fopen(rutaFirma, "rb")) < 0) { printf("Error al crear el archivo\n"); fflush(stdout); return(-1); } stat(rutaFirma, &st); tamFirma=st.st_size; firma=(char *)malloc(tamFirma); fread(firma, 1, tamFirma, ptrFirma); /*Ahora necesitamos el certificado*/ dir = opendir ("./Claves y certificados/"); if (dir != NULL) { i=0; /* Nos va a mostrar los archivos que haya dentro de la carpeta Claves y cert.*/ while ((ent = readdir (dir)) != NULL) { if((ptr=strstr(ent->d_name, ".cert"))!=NULL) { strcpy(nombreCert, ent->d_name); i++; } } closedir(dir); } else { /* Problemas al abrir el directorio */ printf("¿Ha ejecutado ya la opción 1?\n"); fflush(stdout); return(-1); } if(i==0) { printf("No se ha encontrado ningún certificado. (¿Ha ejecutado ya la opción 1?)\n"); fflush(stdout); return(-1); } else if(i==1) { printf("\n-> Se ha encontrado 1 certificado. Se usará el certificado %s por defecto\n\n", nombreCert); fflush(stdout); sprintf(rutaCert, "./Claves y certificados/%s", nombreCert); } else { printf("\n¡¡Hay %d certificados creados !!\n", i); fflush(stdout); i=0; dir = opendir ("./Claves y certificados/"); /* Nos va a mostrar los archivos que haya dentro de la carpeta Claves y cert.*/ while ((ent = readdir (dir)) != NULL) { if((ptr=strstr(ent->d_name, ".cert"))!=NULL) { i++; printf(" %d. %s\n", i, ent->d_name); } } closedir(dir); do{ valido=0; printf("Introduzca el número del certificado que desea usar >> "); scanf("%s", &opcion); opcion_l = strtol(opcion,&endptr,10); if(strlen(endptr)!=0 || opcion_l < 1 || opcion_l > i) { printf("Ops... tendrás que meter un número entre 1 y %d la próxima vez ;) Try again!\n", i); fflush(stdout); valido=1; } }while(valido==1); /*Guardamos el nombre del archivo correspondiente en rutaCert*/ dir = opendir ("./Claves y certificados/"); i=0; while ((ent = readdir (dir)) != NULL) { if((ptr=strstr(ent->d_name, ".cert"))!=NULL) { i++; if(opcion_l==i) { sprintf(rutaCert, "./Claves y certificados/%s", ent->d_name); } } } closedir(dir); } ptrCert=fopen(rutaCert, "rb"); stat(rutaCert, &st); tamCert=st.st_size; cert=(char *)malloc(tamCert); fread(cert, 1, tamCert, ptrCert); /*Importamos certificado*/ /*Creo el contexto para el hash*/ CRYPT_CONTEXT contextoHash; if((status=cryptCreateContext(&contextoHash, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_ALGO_SHA1))!=CRYPT_OK) { printf("Error al crear el contexto. Código %d\n", status); fflush(stdout); return(-1); } /*Hash*/ if((status=cryptEncrypt(contextoHash, buffer, tam))!=CRYPT_OK) { printf("Error al calcular el hash. Código %d\n", status); fflush(stdout); return(-1); } if((status=cryptEncrypt(contextoHash, buffer, 0))!=CRYPT_OK) { printf("Error al calcular el hash. Código %d\n", status); fflush(stdout); return(-1); } CRYPT_CERTIFICATE certificado; if((status=cryptImportCert(cert, tamCert, CRYPT_UNUSED, &certificado))!=CRYPT_OK) { printf("Error al importar el certificado. Código %d\n", status); fflush(stdout); return(-1); } if((status=cryptCheckSignature(firma, tamFirma, certificado, contextoHash))!=CRYPT_OK) { printf("La firma no concuerda. Código %d\n", status); fflush(stdout); return(-1); } /*Destruimos contextos y cerramos lo necesario*/ if((status=cryptDestroyContext(contextoHash))!=CRYPT_OK) { printf("Error al destruir el contexto. Código %d\n", status); fflush(stdout); return(-1); } if((status=cryptDestroyCert(certificado))!=CRYPT_OK) { printf("Error al destruir el certificado. Código %d\n", status); fflush(stdout); return(-1); } return(0); }
const char *signCMSBlob( struct CMSBlob *cms, const char *keyfilename) { bool sigKeyContext_initialized = false; CRYPT_CONTEXT sigKeyContext; CRYPT_KEYSET cryptKeyset; bool hashContext_initialized = false; CRYPT_CONTEXT hashContext; int tbs_lth; /* to-be-signed length */ unsigned char *tbsp = NULL; /* to-be-signed pointer */ unsigned char *hash[40]; /* stores sha256 message digest */ int signatureLength; /* RSA signature length */ unsigned char *signature = NULL; /* RSA signature bytes */ const char *errmsg = NULL; struct SignerInfo *signerInfop = (struct SignerInfo *)member_casn(&cms->content.signedData.signerInfos. self, 0); struct BlobEncapsulatedContentInfo *encapContentInfop = &cms->content.signedData.encapContentInfo; if (vsize_casn(&signerInfop->signedAttrs.self) == 0) { if ((tbs_lth = vsize_casn(&encapContentInfop->eContent)) < 0) { errmsg = "sizing eContent"; return errmsg; } tbsp = (unsigned char *)calloc(1, tbs_lth); if (!tbsp) { errmsg = "out of memory"; return errmsg; } tbs_lth = read_casn(&encapContentInfop->eContent, tbsp); } else { // get the size of signed attributes and allocate space for them if ((tbs_lth = size_casn(&signerInfop->signedAttrs.self)) < 0) { errmsg = "sizing SignerInfo"; return errmsg; } tbsp = (unsigned char *)calloc(1, tbs_lth); if (!tbsp) { errmsg = "out of memory"; return errmsg; } // DER-encode signedAttrs tbs_lth = encode_casn(&signerInfop->signedAttrs.self, tbsp); *tbsp = ASN_SET; /* replace ASN.1 identifier octet with ASN_SET * (0x31) */ } // compute SHA-256 of signedAttrs if (cryptCreateContext(&hashContext, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_ALGO_SHA2) < 0 || !(hashContext_initialized = true)) errmsg = "creating hash context"; else if (cryptEncrypt(hashContext, tbsp, tbs_lth) < 0 || cryptEncrypt(hashContext, tbsp, 0) < 0) errmsg = "hashing attrs"; else if (cryptGetAttributeString(hashContext, CRYPT_CTXINFO_HASHVALUE, hash, &signatureLength) < 0) errmsg = "getting attr hash"; // get the key and sign it else if (cryptKeysetOpen(&cryptKeyset, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_KEYSET_FILE, keyfilename, CRYPT_KEYOPT_READONLY) < 0) errmsg = "opening key set"; else if (cryptCreateContext(&sigKeyContext, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_ALGO_RSA) < 0 || !(sigKeyContext_initialized = true)) errmsg = "creating RSA context"; else if (cryptGetPrivateKey(cryptKeyset, &sigKeyContext, CRYPT_KEYID_NAME, "label", "password") < 0) errmsg = "getting key"; else if (cryptCreateSignature(NULL, 0, &signatureLength, sigKeyContext, hashContext) < 0) errmsg = "signing"; // compute signature else if ((signature = (unsigned char *)calloc(1, signatureLength + 20)) == 0) errmsg = "out of memory"; // second parameter is signatureMaxLength, so we allow a little more else if (cryptCreateSignature (signature, signatureLength + 20, &signatureLength, sigKeyContext, hashContext) < 0) errmsg = "signing"; // verify that the signature is right else if (cryptCheckSignature(signature, signatureLength, sigKeyContext, hashContext) < 0) errmsg = "verifying"; if (hashContext_initialized) { cryptDestroyContext(hashContext); hashContext_initialized = false; } if (sigKeyContext_initialized) { cryptDestroyContext(sigKeyContext); sigKeyContext_initialized = false; } if (!errmsg) { struct SignerInfo sigInfo; SignerInfo(&sigInfo, (ushort) 0); decode_casn(&sigInfo.self, signature); // copy the signature into the object copy_casn(&signerInfop->signature, &sigInfo.signature); delete_casn(&sigInfo.self); } if (signature) free(signature); if (tbsp) free(tbsp); return errmsg; }
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { int n; FILE *f; char *buf[8]; char *outFile; char *keyFile; char *certFile; char *certData; char *label; char *secret; struct stat st; int usage; RSA *key; EVP_PKEY *evp; CRYPT_KEYSET keyset; CRYPT_CONTEXT pKey; CRYPT_PKCINFO_RSA rsa; CRYPT_CERTIFICATE cert; CRYPT_KEYOPT_TYPE opt; if ( argc != 6 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Syntax: %s <key> <cert> <out> <label> <secret>\n", argv[0] ); exit( -1 ); } keyFile = argv[1]; certFile = argv[2]; outFile = argv[3]; label = argv[4]; secret = argv[5]; if ( ( f = fopen( keyFile, "r" ) ) == NULL || ( evp = PEM_read_PrivateKey( f, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ) == NULL || ( key = EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA( evp ) ) == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "Couldn't load private key from '%s'\n", keyFile ); if ( f ) { ERR_print_errors_fp( stderr ); fclose( f ); } if ( evp ) EVP_PKEY_free( evp ); exit( -1 ); } if ( ( f = fopen( certFile, "r" ) ) == NULL || fstat( fileno( f ), &st ) < 0 || ( certData = malloc( st.st_size ) ) == NULL || fread( certData, 1, st.st_size, f ) < st.st_size ) { fprintf( stderr, "Couldn't load certificate from '%s'\n", certFile ); if ( f ) fclose( f ); free( certData ); exit( -1 ); } /* Should we create a keyset, or append to an existing one? */ opt = CRYPT_KEYOPT_CREATE; f = fopen( outFile, "r" ); if ( f != NULL ) { opt = CRYPT_KEYOPT_NONE; fclose( f ); } cryptInit(); cryptInitComponents( &rsa, CRYPT_KEYTYPE_PRIVATE ); if ( ( buf[0] = malloc( BN_num_bytes( key->n ) ) ) != NULL && ( buf[1] = malloc( BN_num_bytes( key->e ) ) ) != NULL && ( buf[2] = malloc( BN_num_bytes( key->d ) ) ) != NULL && ( buf[3] = malloc( BN_num_bytes( key->p ) ) ) != NULL && ( buf[4] = malloc( BN_num_bytes( key->q ) ) ) != NULL && ( buf[5] = malloc( BN_num_bytes( key->iqmp ) ) ) != NULL && ( buf[6] = malloc( BN_num_bytes( key->dmp1 ) ) ) != NULL && ( buf[7] = malloc( BN_num_bytes( key->dmq1 ) ) ) != NULL ) { int i; BN_bn2bin( key->n, buf[0] ); BN_bn2bin( key->e, buf[1] ); BN_bn2bin( key->d, buf[2] ); BN_bn2bin( key->p, buf[3] ); BN_bn2bin( key->q, buf[4] ); BN_bn2bin( key->iqmp, buf[5] ); BN_bn2bin( key->dmp1, buf[6] ); BN_bn2bin( key->dmq1, buf[7] ); cryptSetComponent( (&rsa)->n, buf[0], BN_num_bits( key->n ) ); cryptSetComponent( (&rsa)->e, buf[1], BN_num_bits( key->e ) ); cryptSetComponent( (&rsa)->d, buf[2], BN_num_bits( key->d ) ); cryptSetComponent( (&rsa)->p, buf[3], BN_num_bits( key->p ) ); cryptSetComponent( (&rsa)->q, buf[4], BN_num_bits( key->q ) ); cryptSetComponent( (&rsa)->u, buf[5], BN_num_bits( key->iqmp ) ); cryptSetComponent( (&rsa)->e1, buf[6], BN_num_bits( key->dmp1 ) ); cryptSetComponent( (&rsa)->e2, buf[7], BN_num_bits( key->dmq1 ) ); i = 0; while ( i < 8 ) free( buf[i++] ); } else { fprintf( stderr, "Couldn't initialise PKCINFO_RSA data.\n" ); exit( -1 ); } n = cryptCreateContext( &pKey, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_ALGO_RSA ); check( n, pKey, "cryptCreateContext" ); n = cryptSetAttributeString( pKey, CRYPT_CTXINFO_LABEL, label, strlen( label ) ); check( n, pKey, "cryptSetAttributeString(LABEL)" ); n = cryptSetAttributeString( pKey, CRYPT_CTXINFO_KEY_COMPONENTS, &rsa, sizeof( CRYPT_PKCINFO_RSA ) ); check( n, pKey, "cryptSetAttributeString(KEY_COMPONENTS)" ); n = cryptImportCert( certData, st.st_size, CRYPT_UNUSED, &cert ); check( n, cert, "cryptImportCert" ); n = cryptGetAttribute( cert, CRYPT_CERTINFO_KEYUSAGE, &usage ); if ( n != CRYPT_OK ) { fprintf( stderr, "Warning: The certificate specifies no KEYUSAGE.\n" "Cryptlib may not permit its use. See " "<>.\n" ); } n = cryptKeysetOpen( &keyset, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_KEYSET_FILE, outFile, opt ); check( n, keyset, "cryptKeysetOpen" ); n = cryptAddPrivateKey( keyset, pKey, secret ); check( n, keyset, "cryptAddPrivateKey" ); n = cryptAddPublicKey( keyset, cert ); check( n, keyset, "cryptAddPublicKey" ); cryptKeysetClose( keyset ); cryptDestroyComponents( &rsa ); cryptDestroyContext( pKey ); cryptDestroyCert( cert ); exit( 0 ); }
main(int argc, char **argv){ int i; /* Loop iterator */ int ret; /* Return value */ int total; /* Total key bytes */ int bytesCopied; /* Bytes output by cryptlib enc/dec ops */ int urandFd; /* Pointer to /dev/urandom */ char *keyPtr; /* Pointer to key */ CRYPT_ENVELOPE dataEnv; /* Envelope for encrypt/decrypt */ CRYPT_CONTEXT symContext; /* Key context */ char *clrDataPtr; /* Pointer to clear text */ int clrDataSize; /* Bytes of clear text */ int clrDataFd; /* Pointer to clear text file */ struct stat clrDataFileInfo; /* fstat return for clear text file */ int encDataFd; /* Pointer to encrypted text file */ char *encDataPtr; /* Pointer to encrypted data */ int encDataSize; /* Buffer bytes availble for decrypt */ struct stat encDataFileInfo; /* fstat return for encrypted data file */ if (argc!=3) {printf("Wrong number of arguments\n");exit(__LINE__);} /*============================================== Cryptlib initialization ============================================== */ cryptInit(); ret=cryptAddRandom( NULL , CRYPT_RANDOM_SLOWPOLL); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptAddRandom",__LINE__); /*============================================= Open DATAFILE and get data ============================================= */ clrDataFd=open(argv[1],O_RDONLY); if (clrDataFd<=0){perror("open clrData");exit(clrDataFd);} ret=fstat(clrDataFd,&clrDataFileInfo); if (ret!=0){perror("fstat clrDataFd");exit(ret);} clrDataSize=clrDataFileInfo.st_size; clrDataPtr=malloc(clrDataFileInfo.st_size); if (clrDataPtr==NULL){perror("malloc clrData");exit(__LINE__);} ret=read(clrDataFd,clrDataPtr,clrDataSize); if (ret!=clrDataSize){perror("read clrData");exit(ret);} close(clrDataFd); /*============================================== (1) Generate the key ============================================== */ keyPtr=malloc(KEYSIZE); if (keyPtr==NULL){perror("malloc keyPtr");exit(__LINE__);} urandFd=open("/dev/urandom",O_RDONLY); if (urandFd<=0){perror("open urandFd");exit(urandFd);} total=0;ret=0; while (total<KEYSIZE){ ret=read(urandFd,&keyPtr[total],KEYSIZE-total);total+=ret; if (ret < 0){perror("read urand");exit(ret);} } close(urandFd); /*============================================== (2) Encrypt data from file with the key and write it to output file. ============================================== */ ret=cryptCreateEnvelope(&dataEnv, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_FORMAT_CRYPTLIB); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptCreateEnvelope",__LINE__); ret=cryptCreateContext(&symContext, CRYPT_UNUSED, SYMMETRIC_ALG); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptCreateContext",__LINE__); ret=cryptSetAttributeString(symContext, CRYPT_CTXINFO_KEY,keyPtr,KEYSIZE); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptSetAttributeString",__LINE__); ret=cryptSetAttribute(dataEnv, CRYPT_ENVINFO_SESSIONKEY, symContext); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptSetAttribute",__LINE__); ret=cryptDestroyContext(symContext); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptDestroyContext",__LINE__); ret=cryptSetAttribute(dataEnv, CRYPT_ENVINFO_DATASIZE, clrDataSize); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptSetAttribute",__LINE__); ret=cryptPushData(dataEnv,clrDataPtr,clrDataSize,&bytesCopied); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptAddRandom",__LINE__); cryptFlushData(dataEnv); encDataSize=clrDataFileInfo.st_size+2048; encDataPtr=malloc(encDataSize); if (encDataPtr==NULL){perror("malloc encData");exit(__LINE__);} ret=cryptPopData(dataEnv,encDataPtr,encDataSize,&bytesCopied); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptPopData",__LINE__); printf("<%d> bytes of encrypted data\n",bytesCopied); ret=cryptDestroyEnvelope(dataEnv); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptDestroyEnvelope",__LINE__); encDataFd=open(argv[2],O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC,S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR); if (encDataFd<=0){perror("open encDataFd");exit(encDataFd);} ret=write(encDataFd,encDataPtr,bytesCopied); if (ret!=bytesCopied){perror("write encData");exit(ret);} close(encDataFd); free(encDataPtr); /*====================================================== Get decrypted data from file and write to stdout ====================================================== */ encDataFd=open(argv[2],O_RDONLY); if (encDataFd<=0){perror("(2) open encDataFd");exit(encDataFd);} ret=fstat(encDataFd,&encDataFileInfo); if (ret!=0){perror("fstat encDataFd");exit(ret);} encDataSize=encDataFileInfo.st_size; encDataPtr=malloc(encDataSize); if (encDataPtr==NULL){perror("malloc encData");exit(__LINE__);} ret=read(encDataFd,encDataPtr,encDataSize); if (ret!=encDataSize){perror("read encData");exit(ret);} close(encDataFd); cryptCreateEnvelope(&dataEnv, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_FORMAT_AUTO); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptCreateEnvelope",__LINE__); cryptPushData(dataEnv,encDataPtr,encDataSize,&bytesCopied); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptPushData",__LINE__); cryptCreateContext(&symContext,CRYPT_UNUSED,SYMMETRIC_ALG); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptCreateContext",__LINE__); cryptSetAttributeString(symContext, CRYPT_CTXINFO_KEY,keyPtr,KEYSIZE); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptSetAttributeString",__LINE__); cryptSetAttribute(dataEnv,CRYPT_ENVINFO_SESSIONKEY,symContext); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptSetAttribute",__LINE__); ret=cryptDestroyContext(symContext); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptDestroyContext",__LINE__); cryptFlushData(dataEnv); ret=cryptPopData(dataEnv,clrDataPtr,clrDataSize,&bytesCopied); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptPopData",__LINE__); ret=cryptDestroyEnvelope(dataEnv); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptDestroyEnvelope",__LINE__); printf("<%d> bytes of decrypted data\n",bytesCopied); for (i=0;i<bytesCopied;i++){printf("%c",clrDataPtr[i]);} printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); ret=cryptEnd(); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptEnd",__LINE__); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int status; CRYPT_CONTEXT cryptContext; CRYPT_KEYSET cryptKeyset; printf("Initializing cryptlib\n"); status = cryptInit(); if (status != CRYPT_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Error initializing cryptlib\n"); return 1; } /* Create an RSA public/private key context, set a label for it, and generate a key into it */ status = cryptCreateContext( &cryptContext, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_ALGO_RSA ); if (status != CRYPT_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Error creating crypt_context\n"); return 1; } status = cryptSetAttributeString( cryptContext, CRYPT_CTXINFO_LABEL, "Private key", 11 ); if (status != CRYPT_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Error setting key label\n"); return 1; } fprintf(stderr, "Generating RSA key\n"); status = cryptGenerateKey( cryptContext ); if (status != CRYPT_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Error generating key\n"); return 1; } fprintf(stderr, "done!\n"); /* Save the generated public/private key pair to a keyset */ status = cryptKeysetOpen( &cryptKeyset, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_KEYSET_FILE, KEY_FILENAME, CRYPT_KEYOPT_CREATE ); if (status != CRYPT_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening keyset\n"); return 1; } status = cryptAddPrivateKey( cryptKeyset, cryptContext, PASSWORD ); if (status != CRYPT_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Error adding key to keyset\n"); return 1; } status = cryptKeysetClose( cryptKeyset ); if (status != CRYPT_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Error closing keyset\n"); return 1; } /* Create CSR */ createCSR(cryptContext); /* Create CA cert */ createCACert(cryptContext); /* Clean up */ status = cryptDestroyContext( cryptContext ); if (status != CRYPT_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Error destroying context\n"); return 1; } printf("Deinitializing cryptlib\n"); status = cryptEnd(); if (status != CRYPT_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Error deinitializing cryptlib\n"); return 1; } return 0; }
static int testTSP( const CRYPT_SESSION cryptSession, const BOOLEAN isServer, const BOOLEAN isRecycledConnection, const BOOLEAN useAltHash, const BOOLEAN localSession ) { int status; /* If we're the client, wait for the server to finish initialising */ if( localSession && !isServer && waitMutex() == CRYPT_ERROR_TIMEOUT ) { printf( "Timed out waiting for server to initialise, line %d.\n", __LINE__ ); return( FALSE ); } /* If we're the client, create a message imprint to timestamp */ if( !isServer ) { CRYPT_CONTEXT hashContext; /* Create the hash value to add to the TSP request */ status = cryptCreateContext( &hashContext, CRYPT_UNUSED, useAltHash ? CRYPT_ALGO_SHA256 : \ CRYPT_ALGO_SHA1 ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) return( FALSE ); cryptEncrypt( hashContext, "12345678", 8 ); cryptEncrypt( hashContext, "", 0 ); if( isRecycledConnection ) { /* If we're moving further data over an existing connection, delete the message imprint from the previous run */ status = cryptDeleteAttribute( cryptSession, CRYPT_SESSINFO_TSP_MSGIMPRINT ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) { printf( "cryptDeleteAttribute() failed with error code %d, " "line %d.\n", status, __LINE__ ); return( FALSE ); } } status = cryptSetAttribute( cryptSession, CRYPT_SESSINFO_TSP_MSGIMPRINT, hashContext ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) { printf( "cryptSetAttribute() failed with error code %d, line " "%d.\n", status, __LINE__ ); return( FALSE ); } cryptDestroyContext( hashContext ); /* If it's a local session, wait for the server to finish initialising */ if( localSession && waitMutex() == CRYPT_ERROR_TIMEOUT ) { printf( "Timed out waiting for server to initialise, line %d.\n", __LINE__ ); return( FALSE ); } } else { /* We're the server, if this is the first connect tell the client that we're ready to go */ if( localSession && !isRecycledConnection ) releaseMutex(); } /* Activate the session and timestamp the message */ #if TSP_SERVER_NO == 11 cryptSetAttribute( cryptSession, CRYPT_OPTION_NET_READTIMEOUT, 30 ); #endif /* Very slow TSP */ status = cryptSetAttribute( cryptSession, CRYPT_SESSINFO_ACTIVE, TRUE ); if( isServer ) printConnectInfo( cryptSession ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) { printExtError( cryptSession, isServer ? \ "SVR: Attempt to activate TSP server session" : \ "Attempt to activate TSP client session", status, __LINE__ ); if( !isServer && isServerDown( cryptSession, status ) ) { puts( " (Server could be down, faking it and continuing...)\n" ); cryptDestroySession( cryptSession ); return( CRYPT_ERROR_FAILED ); } cryptDestroySession( cryptSession ); return( FALSE ); } /* There's not much more we can do in the client at this point since the TSP data is only used internally by cryptlib, OTOH if we get to here then we've received a valid response from the TSA so all is OK */ if( !isServer ) { CRYPT_ENVELOPE cryptEnvelope; BYTE buffer[ BUFFER_SIZE ]; int bytesCopied; status = cryptGetAttribute( cryptSession, CRYPT_SESSINFO_RESPONSE, &cryptEnvelope ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) { printExtError( cryptSession, "Attempt to process returned " "timestamp", status, __LINE__ ); return( FALSE ); } status = cryptPopData( cryptEnvelope, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, &bytesCopied ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) { printf( "cryptPopData() failed with error code %d, line %d.\n", status, __LINE__ ); return( FALSE ); } printf( "Timestamp data size = %d bytes.\n", bytesCopied ); debugDump( "tstinfo", buffer, bytesCopied ); cryptDestroyEnvelope( cryptEnvelope ); } return( TRUE ); }
int funcion3() { int tam, tam2, tamRelleno, status, keySize, valido, i, tamCert, keyMaxSize; long int opcion_l2, opcion_l; char opcion[5], *claveEncrypt, *buffer, *ptr, *endptr, *rutaToEncrypt, *directorio, *rutaSim, *nombreSim, *rutaEncrypted, *cabecera1, *cabecera2, *varlocal, *varlocal2, *password, *rutaKeyset, *nombreKeyset, *busSim, *bytesRelleno, *bufferCert, *claveExportada; FILE *ptrEncrypt, *ptrSim, *ptrEncrypted, *ptrCert; DIR *dir; struct stat st; struct dirent *ent; CRYPT_CERTIFICATE certificado; /*Reservo memoria*/ nombreKeyset=(char *)malloc(50); rutaKeyset=(char *)malloc(120); password=(char *)malloc(20); rutaToEncrypt=(char *)malloc(120); directorio=(char *)malloc(120); rutaSim=(char *)malloc(120); busSim=(char *)malloc(5); nombreSim=(char *)malloc(50); rutaEncrypted=(char *)malloc(120); varlocal=(char *)malloc(3); varlocal2=(char *)malloc(3); cabecera1=(char *)malloc(3); cabecera2=(char *)malloc(3); bytesRelleno=(char *)malloc(2); system("clear"); printf("\n ------------------------------------\n"); printf("| Cifrar un archivo |\n"); printf(" ------------------------------------\n\n"); fflush(stdout); /*PASO 1. Ruta del archivo a cifrar*/ do { valido=0; printf("PASO 1. Introduzca la ruta del archivo que desea cifrar: "); scanf("%s", rutaToEncrypt); if((ptrEncrypt=fopen(rutaToEncrypt, "rb")) == NULL ) { printf("No se encuentra el archivo. Revise la ruta :)\n\n"); valido=1; fflush(stdout); } } while(valido==1); /*Buscamos el caracter '/' dentro de la cadena. Si está, es porque el usuario metió la ruta completa*/ if((ptr=(strrchr(rutaToEncrypt, '/')))!=NULL) sprintf(rutaEncrypted, "./Archivos encriptados/%s.enc", ptr+1); //Ruta completa else sprintf(rutaEncrypted, "./Archivos encriptados/%s.enc", rutaToEncrypt); //El usuario metió el nombre del archivo /*PASO 2. Algoritmo de cifrado*/ do { valido=0; printf("\nPASO 2. Seleccione el algoritmo de cifrado que desea utilizar:\n"); printf(" 1. AES (por defecto)\n"); printf(" 2. DES\n"); printf(" 3. RSA\n"); fflush(stdout); printf("Opción (Introduzca 0 para la opción por defecto) >> "); scanf ("%s", &opcion); /*Comprobacion de la validez de la selección (que sea un número) (usando strtol, si hay algun caracter no numérico, endptr apunta al primero de ellos, lo cual implica que si la cadena apuntada por endptr no tiene longitud 0 es porque se ha introducido un caracter no numérico)*/ opcion_l = strtol(opcion,&endptr,10); if(strlen(endptr)!=0 || opcion_l < 0 || opcion_l > 3) { printf("Ops... tendrás que meter un número entre 1 y 3 la próxima vez ;) Try again!\n"); fflush(stdout); valido=1; } } while(valido==1); /*Distinto tratamiento según el cifrado escogido*/ CRYPT_CONTEXT contextoEncrypt, contextoPrivado; if(opcion_l==1 || opcion_l==0) { //AES /*Vamos a comprobar que tam sea multiplo del tamaño de bloque*/ stat(rutaToEncrypt, &st); tam2=st.st_size; if(tam2%16!=0) { tam=(int)tam2/16; tam++; tam=tam*16; tamRelleno=tam-tam2; } else { tamRelleno=0; tam=tam2; } /*Creamos contextos..*/ if((status=cryptCreateContext(&contextoEncrypt, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_ALGO_AES))!=CRYPT_OK) { printf("Error al crear el contexto AES. Código %d\n", status); fflush(stdout); return(-1); } else if((status=cryptSetAttributeString(contextoEncrypt, CRYPT_CTXINFO_IV, "1234567891123456", 16))!=CRYPT_OK) { printf("Error con el vector de inicialización. Código %d\n", status); fflush(stdout); return(-1); } do { //Seleccionamos el tamaño de clave en AES valido=0; printf("\nPASO 3. Seleccione el tamaño de clave:\n"); printf(" 1. 128 bits (por defecto)\n"); printf(" 2. 192 bits\n"); printf(" 3. 256 bits\n"); fflush(stdout); printf("Opción (Introduzca 0 para la opción por defecto)>> "); scanf ("%s", &opcion); /*Comprobacion de la validez de la selección (que sea un número) (usando strtol, si hay algun caracter no numérico, endptr apunta al primero de ellos, lo cual implica que si la cadena apuntada por endptr no tiene longitud 0 es porque se ha introducido un caracter no numérico)*/ opcion_l2 = strtol(opcion,&endptr,10); if(strlen(endptr)!=0 || opcion_l2 < 0 || opcion_l2 > 3) { printf("Ops... tendrás que meter un número entre 1 y 3 la próxima vez ;) Try again!\n"); fflush(stdout); valido=1; } } while(valido==1); if(opcion_l2==2) { if((status=cryptSetAttribute(contextoEncrypt, CRYPT_CTXINFO_KEYSIZE, 192/8))!=CRYPT_OK) { //192 bits printf("Error al asignar tamaño de clave. Código %d\n", status); fflush(stdout); return(-1); } } else if(opcion_l2==3) { if((status=cryptSetAttribute(contextoEncrypt, CRYPT_CTXINFO_KEYSIZE, 256/8))!=CRYPT_OK) { //256 bits printf("Error al asignar tamaño de clave. Código %d\n", status); fflush(stdout); return(-1); } } strcpy(busSim, ".aes"); /*Será la cabecera que incluiremos al principio del archivo encriptado*/ cabecera1=cesarEncrypt("aes", 17, varlocal);/*Ciframos "aes" con cifrado césar. Número de posiciones desplazadas: 17 */ } else if(opcion_l==2) { //DES /*Vamos a comprobar que tam sea multiplo del tamaño de bloque*/ stat(rutaToEncrypt, &st); tam2=st.st_size; if(tam2%16!=0) { tam=(int)tam2/16; tam++; tam=tam*16; tamRelleno=tam-tam2; } else { tamRelleno=0; tam=tam2; } if((status=cryptCreateContext(&contextoEncrypt, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_ALGO_DES))!=CRYPT_OK) { printf("Error al crear el contexto DES. Código %d\n", status); fflush(stdout); return(-1); } else if((status=cryptSetAttributeString(contextoEncrypt, CRYPT_CTXINFO_IV, "12345678", 8))!=CRYPT_OK) { printf("Error con el vector de inicialización. Código %d\n", status); fflush(stdout); return(-1); } strcpy(busSim, ".des"); /*Será la cabecera que incluiremos al principio del ptrEncrypt encriptado*/ cabecera1=cesarEncrypt("des", 17, varlocal);/*Ciframos "des" con cifrado césar. Número de posiciones desplazadas: 17 */ } else if(opcion_l==3) { //RSA stat(rutaToEncrypt, &st); tam2=st.st_size; if(tam2%128!=0) { tam=(int)tam2/128; tam++; tam=tam*128; } else { tam=tam2; } } if(opcion_l==0 || opcion_l==1) printf("\nPASO 4. Seleccione el modo de funcionamiento:\n"); if(opcion_l==2) printf("\nPASO 3. Seleccione el modo de funcionamiento:\n"); /*Modo de funcionamiento si se seleccionó cifrado simétrico*/ if(opcion_l!=3) { do { valido=0; printf(" 1. CBC (por defecto)\n"); printf(" 2. ECB\n"); fflush(stdout); printf("Opción (Introduzca 0 para la opción por defecto) >> "); scanf ("%s", &opcion); /*Comprobacion de la validez de la selección (que sea un número) (usando strtol, si hay algun caracter no numérico, endptr apunta al primero de ellos, lo cual implica que si la cadena apuntada por endptr no tiene longitud 0 es porque se ha introducido un caracter no numérico)*/ opcion_l2 = strtol(opcion,&endptr,10); if(strlen(endptr)!=0 || opcion_l2 < 0 || opcion_l2 > 2) { printf("Ops... tendrás que meter un número entre 1 y 2 la próxima vez ;) Try again!\n"); fflush(stdout); valido=1; } } while(valido==1); if(opcion_l2==1) { //CBC if((status=cryptSetAttribute(contextoEncrypt, CRYPT_CTXINFO_MODE, CRYPT_MODE_CBC))!=CRYPT_OK) { printf("Error al asignar modo de funcionamiento\n"); fflush(stdout); return(-1); } cabecera2=cesarEncrypt("cbc", 14, varlocal2); /*Ciframos "cbc" con cifrado césar. Número de posiciones desplazadas: 14 */ } else if(opcion_l2==2) { //ECB if((status=cryptSetAttribute(contextoEncrypt, CRYPT_CTXINFO_MODE, CRYPT_MODE_ECB))!=CRYPT_OK) { printf("Error al asignar modo de funcionamiento\n"); fflush(stdout); return(-1); } cabecera2=cesarEncrypt("ecb", 14, varlocal2); /*Ciframos "ecb" con cifrado césar. Número de posiciones desplazadas: 14 */ } /*Password*/ if(opcion_l==1 || opcion_l==0) printf("\nPASO 5. Introduzca una contraseña >> "); if(opcion_l==2) printf("\nPASO 4. Introduzca una contraseña >> "); fflush(stdout); do { valido=0; scanf("%s", password); if((strlen(password))<2) { printf("La contraseña debe tener más de un caracter\n"); fflush(stdout); valido=1; } }while(valido==1); /*Necesitamos la clave simétrica adecuada*/ dir = opendir ("./Claves y certificados/"); if (dir != NULL) { i=0; /* Nos va a mostrar los archivos que haya dentro de la carpeta Claves y cert. que correspondan*/ while ((ent = readdir (dir)) != NULL) { if((ptr=strstr(ent->d_name, busSim))!=NULL) { strcpy(nombreSim, ent->d_name); i++; } } closedir(dir); } else { /* Problemas al abrir el directorio */ printf("¿Ha ejecutado ya la opción 2?\n"); fflush(stdout); return(-1); } if(i==0) { printf("No se ha encontrado ninguna clave simétrica. (¿Ha ejecutado ya la opción 2?)\n"); fflush(stdout); return(-1); } else if(i==1) { printf("\n-> Se ha encontrado 1 clave simétrica. Se usará %s por defecto\n\n", nombreSim); fflush(stdout); sprintf(rutaSim, "./Claves y certificados/%s", nombreSim); } else { printf("\n¡¡ Hay %d claves simétricas creadas !!\n", i); fflush(stdout); i=0; dir = opendir ("./Claves y certificados/"); /* Nos va a mostrar los archivos que haya dentro de la carpeta Claves y cert. adecuados*/ while ((ent = readdir (dir)) != NULL) { if((ptr=strstr(ent->d_name, busSim))!=NULL) { i++; printf(" %d. %s\n", i, ent->d_name); } } closedir(dir); do{ valido=0; printf("Introduzca el número de la clave simétrica que desea usar >> "); scanf("%s", &opcion); opcion_l2 = strtol(opcion,&endptr,10); if(strlen(endptr)!=0 || opcion_l2 < 1 || opcion_l2 > i) { printf("Ops... tendrás que meter un número entre 1 y %d la próxima vez ;) Try again!\n", i); fflush(stdout); valido=1; } }while(valido==1); /*Guardamos el nombre del archivo correspondiente en rutaSim*/ dir = opendir ("./Claves y certificados/"); i=0; while ((ent = readdir (dir)) != NULL) { if((ptr=strstr(ent->d_name, busSim))!=NULL) { i++; if(opcion_l2==i) { sprintf(rutaSim, "./Claves y certificados/%s", ent->d_name); } } } closedir(dir); } /*Recuperamos la clave privada y la guardamos en el contextoPrivado ya que la necesitamos*/ /*Abrimos el keyset*/ dir = opendir ("./Claves y certificados/"); if (dir != NULL) { i=0; /* Nos va a mostrar los archivos .p15 que haya dentro de la carpeta Claves y cert.*/ while ((ent = readdir (dir)) != NULL) { if((ptr=strstr(ent->d_name, ".p15"))!=NULL) { strcpy(nombreKeyset, ent->d_name); i++; } } closedir(dir); } else { /* Problemas al abrir el directorio */ printf("¿Ha ejecutado ya la opción 1?\n"); fflush(stdout); return(-1); } if(i==0) { printf("\nNo se ha encontrado ningún archivo keyset. (¿Ha ejecutado ya la opción 1?)\n"); fflush(stdout); return(-1); } else if(i==1) { printf("\n-> Se ha encontrado 1 archivo keyset. Se usará %s por defecto\n\n", nombreKeyset); fflush(stdout); sprintf(rutaKeyset, "./Claves y certificados/%s", nombreKeyset); } else { printf("\n¡¡ Hay %d archivos keysets creados !!\n", i); i=0; dir = opendir ("./Claves y certificados/"); /* Nos va a mostrar los archivos .p15 que haya dentro de la carpeta Claves y cert.*/ while ((ent = readdir (dir)) != NULL) { if((ptr=strstr(ent->d_name, ".p15"))!=NULL) { i++; printf(" %d. %s\n", i, ent->d_name); } } closedir(dir); /*El usuario introduce el número que corresponde al archivo keyset que elija*/ do{ valido=0; printf("Introduzca el número del archivo keyset que desea usar >> "); scanf("%s", &opcion); opcion_l2 = strtol(opcion,&endptr,10); if(strlen(endptr)!=0 || opcion_l2 < 1 || opcion_l2 > i) { printf("Ops... tendrás que meter un número entre 1 y %d la próxima vez ;) Try again!\n", i); fflush(stdout); valido=1; } }while(valido==1); /*Guardamos el nombre del archivo correspondiente en rutaKeyset*/ dir = opendir ("./Claves y certificados/"); i=0; while ((ent = readdir (dir)) != NULL) { if((ptr=strstr(ent->d_name, ".p15"))!=NULL) { i++; if(opcion_l2==i) { sprintf(rutaKeyset, "./Claves y certificados/%s", ent->d_name); } } } closedir(dir); } /*Abrimos la clave simétrica elejida anteriormente por el usuario*/ if((ptrSim=fopen(rutaSim, "rb")) == NULL) { printf("Error al abrir la clave simétrica. (¿La ha creado ya?)\n"); fflush(stdout); return(-1); } stat(rutaSim, &st); keySize=st.st_size; claveEncrypt=(char *)malloc(keySize); status=fread(claveEncrypt, 1, keySize, ptrSim); /*Abrimos keyset, creamos contextos, importamos claves...*/ CRYPT_KEYSET keyset; if((status=cryptKeysetOpen(&keyset, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_KEYSET_FILE, rutaKeyset, CRYPT_KEYOPT_READONLY))!=CRYPT_OK) { printf("Error al abrir el archivo keyset. (¿Ha ejecutado la opción 1?). Código %d\n", status); fflush(stdout); return(-1); } if((status=cryptCreateContext(&contextoPrivado, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_ALGO_RSA))!=CRYPT_OK) { printf("Error al crear el contexto. Código %d\n", status); fflush(stdout); return(-1); } if((status=cryptGetPrivateKey(keyset, &contextoPrivado, CRYPT_KEYID_NAME, "claveRSA", password))!=CRYPT_OK) { printf("Error con la clave privada. (¿Es la misma contraseña que usó en la opción 1?). Código %d\n", status); fflush(stdout); return(-1); } if((status=cryptImportKey(claveEncrypt, keySize, contextoPrivado, contextoEncrypt))!=CRYPT_OK) { printf("Error al importar la clave. Asegúrese de que se usa el mismo algoritmo. Código %d\n", status); fflush(stdout); return(-1); } /*Encriptamos*/ buffer=(char *)malloc(tam); status=fread(buffer, 1, tam, ptrEncrypt); if((status=cryptEncrypt(contextoEncrypt, buffer, tam))!=CRYPT_OK) { printf("Error al encriptar %s. Código %d\n", rutaToEncrypt, status); fflush(stdout); return(-1); } } if(opcion_l==3) { if((ptrCert=fopen("./Claves y certificados/AES.cert", "rb")) == NULL ) { printf("Compruebe que haya generado ya una clave pública\n"); fflush(stdout); return(-1); } stat("./Claves y certificados/AES.cert", &st); tamCert=st.st_size; bufferCert=(char *)malloc(tamCert); status=fread(bufferCert, 1, tamCert, ptrCert); if((status=cryptImportCert(bufferCert, tamCert, CRYPT_UNUSED, &certificado))!=CRYPT_OK) { printf("Error al importar el certificado. Código %d\n", status); fflush(stdout); return(-1); } /*Encriptamos de 128 bytes en 128 bytes. Sin embargo, no podemos hacer cryptEncrypt para el mismo certificado/contexto. Pero lo dejamos asi ya que nos dara el error -21 esperado en la primera iteracion*/ tam2=tam/128; buffer=(char *)malloc(tam); for(i=0; i<tam2; i++) { status=fread(buffer, 1, 128, ptrEncrypt); if((status=cryptEncrypt(certificado, buffer, 128))!=CRYPT_OK) { printf("Error al cifrar el archivo %s. Código %d\n", rutaToEncrypt, status); fflush(stdout); return(-1); } *ptrEncrypt=*(ptrEncrypt+128); *buffer=*(buffer+128); } } /*Guardamos el archivo encriptado.*/ /*Compruebo que exista el directorio. Si lstat devuelve 0 es que existe. Si devuelve otro valor hay que crear el directorio*/ sprintf(directorio, "./Archivos encriptados"); if (status = lstat(directorio, &st) != 0) { if(status=mkdir(directorio, 0777) != 0) { printf("Error al crear el directorio\n"); fflush(stdout); return(-1); } } /*La ruta la hemos calculado al principio del todo, cuando el usuario metio la ruta del archivo*/ if((ptrEncrypted=fopen(rutaEncrypted, "wb")) == NULL) { printf("Error al crear el archivo\n"); fflush(stdout); return(-1); } /*Vamos a incluir una cabecera en el archivo para saber después los bytes de relleno que hemos añadido*/ sprintf(bytesRelleno, "%d", tamRelleno); if((status=fwrite(bytesRelleno, 1, 2, ptrEncrypted))!=2) { printf("Error al guardar el archivo\n"); fflush(stdout); return(-1); } /*Vamos a incluir una cabecera en el archivo para saber despues que tipo de cifrado se uso*/ *(cabecera1+3)='\0'; //Nos aseguramos que solo sean 3 bytes if((status=fwrite(cabecera1, 1, strlen(cabecera1), ptrEncrypted))!=strlen(cabecera1)) { printf("Error al guardar el archivo\n"); fflush(stdout); return(-1); } /*Vamos a incluir una cabecera en el archivo para saber después el modo de funcionamiento que se uso*/ *(cabecera2+3)='\0'; //Nos aseguramos que solo sean 3 bytes if((status=fwrite(cabecera2, 1, strlen(cabecera2), ptrEncrypted))!=strlen(cabecera2)) { printf("Error al guardar el archivo\n"); fflush(stdout); return(-1); } /*Guardamos los bytes del archivo encriptado en un archivo*/ if((status=fwrite(buffer, 1, tam, ptrEncrypted))!=tam) { printf("Error al guardar el archivo\n"); fflush(stdout); return(-1); } /*Cerramos descriptores y destruimos lo que sea necesario*/ fclose(ptrEncrypted); fclose(ptrSim); fclose(ptrEncrypt); //if((status=cryptKeysetClose(keyset))!=CRYPT_OK) { // printf("Error al cerrar el keyset. Código %d\n", status); // fflush(stdout); // return(-1); //} if((status=cryptDestroyContext(contextoPrivado))!=CRYPT_OK) { printf("Error al destruir el contexto. Código %d\n", status); fflush(stdout); return(-1); } if((status=cryptDestroyContext(contextoEncrypt))!=CRYPT_OK) { printf("Error al destruir el contexto. Código %d\n", status); fflush(stdout); return(-1); } return(0); }
const char *signCMS( struct CMS *cms, const char *keyfilename, bool bad) { bool hashContext_initialized = false; CRYPT_CONTEXT hashContext; bool sigKeyContext_initialized = false; CRYPT_CONTEXT sigKeyContext; CRYPT_KEYSET cryptKeyset; int signatureLength; int tbs_lth; char *msg = (char *)0; uchar *tbsp; uchar *signature = NULL; uchar hash[40]; struct casn *sidp; struct Attribute *attrp; struct AttrTableDefined *attrtdp; struct SignerInfo *sigInfop; // signer info // firat clear out any old stuff in signerInfos that may have been put // there by old code while (num_items(&cms->content.signedData.signerInfos.self) > 0) eject_casn(&cms->content.signedData.signerInfos.self, 0); sigInfop = (struct SignerInfo *) inject_casn(&(cms->content.signedData.signerInfos.self), 0); // write the signature version (3) to the signer info write_casn_num(&sigInfop->version.self, 3); // find the SID if ((sidp = findSID(cms)) == NULL) return "finding SID"; // copy the CMS's SID over to the signature's SID copy_casn(&sigInfop->sid.subjectKeyIdentifier, sidp); // use sha256 as the algorithm write_objid(&sigInfop->digestAlgorithm.algorithm, id_sha256); // no parameters to sha256 write_casn(&sigInfop->digestAlgorithm.parameters.sha256, (uchar *) "", 0); // first attribute: content type attrp = (struct Attribute *)inject_casn(&sigInfop->signedAttrs.self, 0); write_objid(&attrp->attrType, id_contentTypeAttr); attrtdp = (struct AttrTableDefined *)inject_casn(&attrp->attrValues.self, 0); copy_casn(&attrtdp->contentType, &cms->content.signedData.encapContentInfo.eContentType); // second attribute: message digest attrp = (struct Attribute *)inject_casn(&sigInfop->signedAttrs.self, 1); write_objid(&attrp->attrType, id_messageDigestAttr); // create the hash for the content // first pull out the content if ((tbs_lth = readvsize_casn(&cms->content.signedData.encapContentInfo.eContent. self, &tbsp)) < 0) return "getting content"; // set up the context, initialize crypt memset(hash, 0, 40); if (cryptInit_wrapper() != CRYPT_OK) return "initializing cryptlib"; // the following calls function f, and if f doesn't return 0 sets // msg to m, then breaks out of the loop. Used immediately below. #define CALL(f,m) if (f != 0) { msg = m; break; } // use a "do { ... } while (0)" loop to bracket this code, so we can // bail out on failure. (Note that this construct isn't really a // loop; it's a way to use break as a more clean version of goto.) do { // first sign the body of the message // create the context CALL(cryptCreateContext(&hashContext, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_ALGO_SHA2), "creating context"); hashContext_initialized = true; // generate the hash CALL(cryptEncrypt(hashContext, tbsp, tbs_lth), "hashing"); CALL(cryptEncrypt(hashContext, tbsp, 0), "hashing"); // get the hash value. then we're done, so destroy it CALL(cryptGetAttributeString (hashContext, CRYPT_CTXINFO_HASHVALUE, hash, &signatureLength), "getting first hash"); CALL(cryptDestroyContext(hashContext), "destroying intermediate context"); // insert the hash as the first attribute attrtdp = (struct AttrTableDefined *)inject_casn(&attrp->attrValues.self, 0); write_casn(&attrtdp->messageDigest, hash, signatureLength); // create signing time attribute; mark the signing time as now if (getenv("RPKI_NO_SIGNING_TIME") == NULL) { attrp = (struct Attribute *)inject_casn(&sigInfop->signedAttrs.self, 2); write_objid(&attrp->attrType, id_signingTimeAttr); attrtdp = (struct AttrTableDefined *)inject_casn(&attrp->attrValues.self, 0); write_casn_time(&attrtdp->signingTime.utcTime, time((time_t *) 0)); } // we are all done with the content free(tbsp); // now sign the attributes // get the size of signed attributes and allocate space for them if ((tbs_lth = size_casn(&sigInfop->signedAttrs.self)) < 0) { msg = "sizing SignerInfo"; break; } tbsp = (uchar *) calloc(1, tbs_lth); encode_casn(&sigInfop->signedAttrs.self, tbsp); *tbsp = ASN_SET; // create a new, fresh hash context for hashing the attrs, and hash // them CALL(cryptCreateContext(&hashContext, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_ALGO_SHA2), "creating hash context"); CALL(cryptEncrypt(hashContext, tbsp, tbs_lth), "hashing attrs"); CALL(cryptEncrypt(hashContext, tbsp, 0), "hashing attrs"); // get the hash value CALL(cryptGetAttributeString (hashContext, CRYPT_CTXINFO_HASHVALUE, hash, &signatureLength), "getting attr hash"); // get the key and sign it CALL(cryptKeysetOpen (&cryptKeyset, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_KEYSET_FILE, keyfilename, CRYPT_KEYOPT_READONLY), "opening key set"); CALL(cryptCreateContext(&sigKeyContext, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_ALGO_RSA), "creating RSA context"); sigKeyContext_initialized = true; CALL(cryptGetPrivateKey (cryptKeyset, &sigKeyContext, CRYPT_KEYID_NAME, "label", "password"), "getting key"); CALL(cryptCreateSignature (NULL, 0, &signatureLength, sigKeyContext, hashContext), "signing"); // check the signature to make sure it's right signature = (uchar *) calloc(1, signatureLength + 20); // second parameter is signatureMaxLength, so we allow a little more CALL(cryptCreateSignature (signature, signatureLength + 20, &signatureLength, sigKeyContext, hashContext), "signing"); // verify that the signature is right CALL(cryptCheckSignature (signature, signatureLength, sigKeyContext, hashContext), "verifying"); // end of protected block } while (0); // done with cryptlib, shut it down if (hashContext_initialized) { cryptDestroyContext(hashContext); hashContext_initialized = false; } if (sigKeyContext_initialized) { cryptDestroyContext(sigKeyContext); sigKeyContext_initialized = false; } // did we have any trouble above? if so, bail if (msg != 0) { return msg; } // ok, write the signature back to the object struct SignerInfo sigInfo; SignerInfo(&sigInfo, (ushort) 0); decode_casn(&sigInfo.self, signature); // were we supposed to make a bad signature? if so, make it bad if (bad) { uchar *sig; int siz = readvsize_casn(&sigInfo.signature, &sig); sig[0]++; write_casn(&sigInfo.signature, sig, siz); free(sig); } // copy the signature into the object copy_casn(&sigInfop->signature, &sigInfo.signature); delete_casn(&sigInfo.self); // all done with it now free(signature); // Mark it as encrypted with rsa, no params. // See for // why we use id_rsadsi_rsaEncryption instead of id_sha_256WithRSAEncryption // here. write_objid(&sigInfop->signatureAlgorithm.algorithm, id_rsadsi_rsaEncryption); write_casn(&sigInfop->signatureAlgorithm.parameters.self, (uchar *) "", 0); // no errors, we return NULL return NULL; }
static int generateKey( const int keyBits, const char *certRequestFileName ) { CRYPT_KEYSET cryptKeyset; CRYPT_CERTIFICATE cryptCertRequest; CRYPT_CONTEXT cryptKey; FILE *filePtr; BYTE certBuffer[ BUFFER_SIZE ]; char filenameBuffer[ FILENAME_BUFFER_SIZE ]; void *fileNamePtr = filenameBuffer; int length, count, status; /* Generate a key to certify. We can't just reuse the built-in test key because this has already been used as the CA key and the keyset code won't allow it to be added to a keyset as both a CA key and user key, so we have to generate a new one */ status = cryptCreateContext( &cryptKey, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_ALGO_ECDSA ); if( cryptStatusOK( status ) ) status = cryptSetAttribute( cryptKey, CRYPT_CTXINFO_KEYSIZE, keyBits >> 3 ); if( cryptStatusOK( status ) ) { status = cryptSetAttributeString( cryptKey, CRYPT_CTXINFO_LABEL, USER_PRIVKEY_LABEL, paramStrlen( USER_PRIVKEY_LABEL ) ); } if( cryptStatusOK( status ) ) status = cryptGenerateKey( cryptKey ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) { printf( "Key generation failed with error code %d, line %d.\n", status, __LINE__ ); return( FALSE ); } /* Create the certificate request for the new key */ status = cryptCreateCert( &cryptCertRequest, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_CERTTYPE_CERTREQUEST ); if( cryptStatusOK( status ) ) status = cryptSetAttribute( cryptCertRequest, CRYPT_CERTINFO_SUBJECTPUBLICKEYINFO, cryptKey ); if( cryptStatusOK( status ) && \ !addCertFields( cryptCertRequest, certRequestData, __LINE__ ) ) return( FALSE ); if( cryptStatusOK( status ) ) status = cryptSignCert( cryptCertRequest, cryptKey ); if( cryptStatusOK( status ) ) { status = cryptExportCert( certBuffer, BUFFER_SIZE, &length, CRYPT_CERTFORMAT_CERTIFICATE, cryptCertRequest ); cryptDestroyCert( cryptCertRequest ); } if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) { printf( "Certificate request creation failed with error code %d, " "line %d.\n", status, __LINE__ ); return( FALSE ); } if( ( filePtr = fopen( certRequestFileName, "wb" ) ) != NULL ) { count = fwrite( certBuffer, 1, length, filePtr ); fclose( filePtr ); } if( filePtr == NULL || count < length ) { printf( "Couldn't write certificate request to disk, line %d.\n", __LINE__ ); return( FALSE ); } /* Create the keyset and add the private key to it */ filenameFromTemplate( filenameBuffer, SERVER_ECPRIVKEY_FILE_TEMPLATE, keyBits ); status = cryptKeysetOpen( &cryptKeyset, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_KEYSET_FILE, fileNamePtr, CRYPT_KEYOPT_CREATE ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) { printf( "cryptKeysetOpen() failed with error code %d, line %d.\n", status, __LINE__ ); return( FALSE ); } status = cryptAddPrivateKey( cryptKeyset, cryptKey, TEST_PRIVKEY_PASSWORD ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) { printExtError( cryptKeyset, "cryptAddPrivateKey()", status, __LINE__ ); return( FALSE ); } cryptDestroyContext( cryptKey ); cryptKeysetClose( cryptKeyset ); return( TRUE ); }