예제 #1
파일: auth5.c 프로젝트: graydon/libsodium
    size_t clen;

    for (clen = 0; clen < 1000; ++clen) {
        randombytes_buf(c, clen);
        crypto_auth(a, c, clen, key);
        if (crypto_auth_verify(a, c, clen, key) != 0) {
            printf("fail %u\n", (unsigned int) clen);
            return 100;
        if (clen > 0) {
            c[rand() % clen] += 1 + (rand() % 255);
            if (crypto_auth_verify(a, c, clen, key) == 0) {
                printf("forgery %u\n", (unsigned int) clen);
                return 100;
            a[rand() % sizeof a] += 1 + (rand() % 255);
            if (crypto_auth_verify(a, c, clen, key) == 0) {
                printf("forgery %u\n", (unsigned int) clen);
                return 100;

    crypto_auth(a, guard_page, 0U, key);
    assert(crypto_auth_verify(a, guard_page, 0U, key) == 0);

    return 0;
예제 #2
파일: measure.c 프로젝트: 0x20c24/cjdns
void measure(void)
  int i;
  int loop;
  int mlen;

  for (loop = 0;loop < LOOPS;++loop) {
    for (mlen = 0;mlen <= MAXTEST_BYTES;mlen += 1 + mlen / MGAP) {
      for (i = 0;i <= TIMINGS;++i) {
        cycles[i] = cpucycles();
      for (i = 0;i < TIMINGS;++i) cycles[i] = cycles[i + 1] - cycles[i];
      for (i = 0;i <= TIMINGS;++i) {
        cycles[i] = cpucycles();
      for (i = 0;i < TIMINGS;++i) cycles[i] = cycles[i + 1] - cycles[i];
예제 #3
파일: salt_nif.c 프로젝트: AnsonSmith/salt
static nif_term_t
salt_auth(nif_heap_t *hp, int argc, const nif_term_t argv[])
	/* salt_auth(Message, Secret_key) -> Authenticator. */
	nif_bin_t 		ms;
	nif_bin_t 		sk;
	nif_bin_t 		au;

	if (argc != 2)
		return (BADARG);

	/* Unpack arguments ensuring they're suitably typed. */
	if (! enif_inspect_iolist_as_binary(hp, argv[0], &ms))
		return (BADARG);

	if (! enif_inspect_binary(hp, argv[1], &sk))
		return (BADARG);

	/* Check constraints on size. */
	if (ms.size < 1 || ms.size > SALT_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE)
		return (BADARG);

	if (sk.size != crypto_auth_KEYBYTES)
		return (BADARG);

	/* Allocate space for authenticator. NB: Passing ENOMEM as BADARG. */
	if (! enif_alloc_binary(crypto_auth_BYTES, &au))
		return (BADARG);

	(void)crypto_auth(au.data, ms.data, ms.size, sk.data);
	return (enif_make_binary(hp, &au));
예제 #4
int crypto_auth_verify(const unsigned char *h, const unsigned char *in,
                       unsigned long long inlen, const unsigned char *k)
  unsigned char correct[32];
  return crypto_verify_32(h,correct);
int crypto_auth_verify(const unsigned char *h, const unsigned char *in,
                       unsigned long long inlen, const unsigned char *k)
  unsigned char correct[32];
  return crypto_verify_32(h,correct) | (-(h == correct)) |
예제 #6
i64 packet_sign(u8 *signed_data, u8 *key, u8 *data, i64 size) {
   if (!signed_data || !key || !data || size < IPV4_AND_UDP_HEADER_SIZE) {
      return -1;
   crypto_auth(signed_data + IPV4_AND_UDP_HEADER_SIZE, data, size, key);

   //copy original packet into new packet
   memcpy(signed_data, data, IPV4_AND_UDP_HEADER_SIZE);
   memcpy(signed_data + IPV4_AND_UDP_HEADER_SIZE + SIGN_BYTES, 
          data + IPV4_AND_UDP_HEADER_SIZE, 
          size - IPV4_AND_UDP_HEADER_SIZE);  

   return size + SIGN_BYTES;  // Return new size
예제 #7
 * Derive a message key from a chain key.
 * The chain and message keys have to be crypto_auth_BYTES long.
 * MK = HMAC-Hash(CK, 0x00)
 * (chain_key as key, 0x00 as message)
int derive_message_key(
		buffer_t * const message_key,
		const buffer_t * const chain_key) {
	//make sure assumptions about length are correct
	assert(crypto_auth_BYTES == crypto_auth_KEYBYTES);
	if ((chain_key->content_length != crypto_auth_BYTES)
			|| (message_key->buffer_length < crypto_auth_BYTES)) {
		return -6;

	message_key->content_length = crypto_auth_BYTES;

	const unsigned char input_message = 0x00;

	//message_key = HMAC-Hash(chain_key, 0x00)
	//and return status
	return crypto_auth(message_key->content, &input_message, 1, chain_key->content);
예제 #8
 * Derive the next chain key in a message chain.
 * The chain keys have to be crypto_auth_BYTES long.
 * CK_new = HMAC-Hash(CK_prev, 0x01)
 * (previous chain key as key, 0x01 as message)
int derive_chain_key(
		buffer_t * const new_chain_key,
		const buffer_t * const previous_chain_key) {
	//make sure assumptions about length are correct
	assert(crypto_auth_BYTES == crypto_auth_KEYBYTES);
	if ((previous_chain_key->content_length != crypto_auth_BYTES)
			|| (new_chain_key->buffer_length < crypto_auth_BYTES)) {
		return -6;

	new_chain_key->content_length = crypto_auth_BYTES;

	const unsigned char input_message = 0x01;

	//new_chain_key = HMAC-Hash(previous_chain_key, 0x01)
	//and return status
	return crypto_auth(new_chain_key->content, &input_message, 1, previous_chain_key->content);
예제 #9
int test_vectors()
#define MAXLEN 64
  u8 in[MAXLEN], out[8], k[16];
  int i;
  int ok = 1;

  for( i = 0; i < 16; ++i ) k[i] = i;

  for( i = 0; i < MAXLEN; ++i )
    in[i] = i;
    crypto_auth( out, in, i, k );

    if ( memcmp( out, vectors[i], 8 ) )
      printf( "test vector failed for %d bytes\n", i );
      ok = 0;

  return ok;
예제 #10
파일: try.c 프로젝트: BenTheElder/libsodium
const char *checksum_compute(void)
    long long i;
    long long j;

    for (i = 0; i < CHECKSUM_BYTES; ++i) {
        long long mlen = i;
        long long klen = crypto_auth_KEYBYTES;
        long long hlen = crypto_auth_BYTES;

        for (j = -16; j < 0; ++j) h[j] = rand();
        for (j = -16; j < 0; ++j) k[j] = rand();
        for (j = -16; j < 0; ++j) m[j] = rand();
        for (j = hlen; j < hlen + 16; ++j) h[j] = rand();
        for (j = klen; j < klen + 16; ++j) k[j] = rand();
        for (j = mlen; j < mlen + 16; ++j) m[j] = rand();
        for (j = -16; j < hlen + 16; ++j) h2[j] = h[j];
        for (j = -16; j < klen + 16; ++j) k2[j] = k[j];
        for (j = -16; j < mlen + 16; ++j) m2[j] = m[j];

        if (crypto_auth(h,m,mlen,k) != 0) return "crypto_auth returns nonzero";

        for (j = -16; j < klen + 16; ++j) if (k[j] != k2[j]) return "crypto_auth overwrites k";
        for (j = -16; j < mlen + 16; ++j) if (m[j] != m2[j]) return "crypto_auth overwrites m";
        for (j = -16; j < 0; ++j) if (h[j] != h2[j]) return "crypto_auth writes before output";
        for (j = hlen; j < hlen + 16; ++j) if (h[j] != h2[j]) return "crypto_auth writes after output";

        for (j = -16; j < 0; ++j) h[j] = rand();
        for (j = -16; j < 0; ++j) k[j] = rand();
        for (j = -16; j < 0; ++j) m[j] = rand();
        for (j = hlen; j < hlen + 16; ++j) h[j] = rand();
        for (j = klen; j < klen + 16; ++j) k[j] = rand();
        for (j = mlen; j < mlen + 16; ++j) m[j] = rand();
        for (j = -16; j < hlen + 16; ++j) h2[j] = h[j];
        for (j = -16; j < klen + 16; ++j) k2[j] = k[j];
        for (j = -16; j < mlen + 16; ++j) m2[j] = m[j];

        if (crypto_auth(m2,m2,mlen,k) != 0) return "crypto_auth returns nonzero";
        for (j = 0; j < hlen; ++j) if (m2[j] != h[j]) return "crypto_auth does not handle m overlap";
        for (j = 0; j < hlen; ++j) m2[j] = m[j];
        if (crypto_auth(k2,m2,mlen,k2) != 0) return "crypto_auth returns nonzero";
        for (j = 0; j < hlen; ++j) if (k2[j] != h[j]) return "crypto_auth does not handle k overlap";
        for (j = 0; j < hlen; ++j) k2[j] = k[j];

        if (crypto_auth_verify(h,m,mlen,k) != 0) return "crypto_auth_verify returns nonzero";

        for (j = -16; j < hlen + 16; ++j) if (h[j] != h2[j]) return "crypto_auth overwrites h";
        for (j = -16; j < klen + 16; ++j) if (k[j] != k2[j]) return "crypto_auth overwrites k";
        for (j = -16; j < mlen + 16; ++j) if (m[j] != m2[j]) return "crypto_auth overwrites m";

        for (j = 0; j < klen; ++j) k[j] ^= h2[j % 32];
        if (crypto_auth(h,m,mlen,k) != 0) return "crypto_auth returns nonzero";
        if (crypto_auth_verify(h,m,mlen,k) != 0) return "crypto_auth_verify returns nonzero";

        for (j = 0; j < mlen; ++j) m[j] ^= h2[j % 32];
        m[mlen] = h2[0];
    if (crypto_auth(h,m,CHECKSUM_BYTES,k) != 0) return "crypto_auth returns nonzero";
    if (crypto_auth_verify(h,m,CHECKSUM_BYTES,k) != 0) return "crypto_auth_verify returns nonzero";

    sodium_bin2hex(checksum, sizeof checksum, h, crypto_auth_BYTES);

    return 0;
예제 #11
파일: try.c 프로젝트: BenTheElder/libsodium
void doit(void)