bool CurvedFactory::Load (iDocumentNode* node, iSyntaxService* syn) { width = node->GetAttributeValueAsFloat ("width"); if (fabs (width) < .0001) width = 1.0; sideHeight = node->GetAttributeValueAsFloat ("sideheight"); if (fabs (sideHeight) < 0.0001f) sideHeight = 0.2f; csString materialName = node->GetAttributeValue ("material"); SetMaterial (materialName); anchorPoints.DeleteAll (); csRef<iDocumentNodeIterator> it = node->GetNodes (); while (it->HasNext ()) { csRef<iDocumentNode> child = it->Next (); if (child->GetType () != CS_NODE_ELEMENT) continue; csString value = child->GetValue (); if (value == "p") { csVector3 pos, front (0, 0, 1), up (0, 1, 0); csString vector = child->GetAttributeValue ("pos"); if (vector.Length () > 0) csScanStr ((const char*)vector, "%f %f %f", &pos.x, &pos.y, &pos.z); vector = child->GetAttributeValue ("front"); if (vector.Length () > 0) csScanStr ((const char*)vector, "%f %f %f", &front.x, &front.y, &front.z); vector = child->GetAttributeValue ("up"); if (vector.Length () > 0) csScanStr ((const char*)vector, "%f %f %f", &up.x, &up.y, &up.z); AddPoint (pos, front, up); } } return true; }
bool RoomFactory::Load (iDocumentNode* node, iSyntaxService* syn) { csString materialName = node->GetAttributeValue ("material"); SetMaterial (materialName); anchorRooms.DeleteAll (); csRef<iDocumentNodeIterator> it = node->GetNodes (); while (it->HasNext ()) { csRef<iDocumentNode> child = it->Next (); if (child->GetType () != CS_NODE_ELEMENT) continue; csString value = child->GetValue (); if (value == "r") { csVector3 tl, br; csString vector = child->GetAttributeValue ("tl"); if (vector.Length () > 0) csScanStr ((const char*)vector, "%f %f %f", &tl.x, &tl.y, &tl.z); vector = child->GetAttributeValue ("br"); if (vector.Length () > 0) csScanStr ((const char*)vector, "%f %f %f", &br.x, &br.y, &br.z); AddRoom (tl, br); } } return true; }
bool DynamicWorldLoader::ParseCurve (iDocumentNode* node, iPcDynamicWorld* dynworld) { csString name = node->GetAttributeValue ("name"); float width = 1.0f; if (node->GetAttribute ("width")) width = node->GetAttributeValueAsFloat ("width"); float sideheight = .1f; if (node->GetAttribute ("sideheight")) sideheight = node->GetAttributeValueAsFloat ("sideheight"); iCurvedFactoryTemplate* cft = curvedMeshCreator->AddCurvedFactoryTemplate (name); if (!cft) { synldr->ReportError ("dynworld.loader", node, "Could not add curved factory template '%s'!", name.GetData ()); return false; } cft->SetCharacteristics (width, sideheight); csRef<iDocumentNodeIterator> it = node->GetNodes (); while (it->HasNext ()) { csRef<iDocumentNode> child = it->Next (); if (child->GetType () != CS_NODE_ELEMENT) continue; csStringID id = xmltokens.Request (child->GetValue ()); switch (id) { case XMLTOKEN_ATTR: cft->SetAttribute (child->GetAttributeValue ("name"), child->GetAttributeValue ("value")); break; case XMLTOKEN_MATERIAL: cft->SetMaterial (child->GetAttributeValue ("name")); break; case XMLTOKEN_POINT: { csVector3 pos (0), front (0, 0, 1), up (0, 1, 0); csString vector = child->GetAttributeValue ("pos"); if (vector.Length () > 0) csScanStr ((const char*)vector, "%f %f %f", &pos.x, &pos.y, &pos.z); vector = child->GetAttributeValue ("front"); if (vector.Length () > 0) csScanStr ((const char*)vector, "%f %f %f", &front.x, &front.y, &front.z); vector = child->GetAttributeValue ("up"); if (vector.Length () > 0) csScanStr ((const char*)vector, "%f %f %f", &up.x, &up.y, &up.z); cft->AddPoint (pos, front, up); } break; default: synldr->ReportBadToken (child); return false; } } return true; }
void WalkTestLights::AddLight (const char* arg) { csVector3 dir (0,0,0); csVector3 pos = walktest->views->GetCamera ()->GetTransform ().This2Other (dir); csRef<iLight> dyn; bool rnd; float r, g, b, radius; if (arg && csScanStr (arg, "%f,%f,%f,%f", &r, &g, &b, &radius) == 4) { dyn = walktest->Engine->CreateLight ("", pos, radius, csColor (r, g, b), CS_LIGHT_DYNAMICTYPE_DYNAMIC); rnd = false; } else { dyn = walktest->Engine->CreateLight ("", pos, 6, csColor (1, 1, 1), CS_LIGHT_DYNAMICTYPE_DYNAMIC); rnd = true; } iLightList* ll = walktest->views->GetCamera ()->GetSector ()->GetLights (); ll->Add (dyn); dynamic_lights.Push (dyn); if (rnd) AttachRandomLight (dyn); walktest->Report (CS_REPORTER_SEVERITY_NOTIFY, "Dynamic light added."); }
const char* csConditionEvaluator::ResolveExpValue (const csExpressionToken& value, CondOperand& operand) { if (value.type == tokenNumber) { csString number; number.Append (value.tokenStart, value.tokenLen); bool isFloat = (strpbrk (number, ".eE") != 0); if (isFloat) { char dummy; if (csScanStr (number, "%f%c", &operand.floatVal, &dummy) != 1) { return SetLastError ("Malformed float value: %s", CS::Quote::Single (number.GetData())); } operand.type = operandFloat; } else { char dummy; if (sscanf (number, "%d%c", &operand.intVal, &dummy) != 1) { return SetLastError ("Malformed int value: %s", CS::Quote::Single (number.GetData())); } operand.type = operandInt; } return 0; } else if (value.type == tokenIdentifier) { if (TokenEquals (value.tokenStart, value.tokenLen, "true")) { operand.type = operandBoolean; operand.boolVal = true; return 0; } else if (TokenEquals (value.tokenStart, value.tokenLen, "false")) { operand.type = operandBoolean; operand.boolVal = false; return 0; } else { return SetLastError ("Unknown identifier %s", CS::Quote::Single (csExpressionToken::Extractor (value).Get ())); } } else { return SetLastError ("Value of %s of type %s", CS::Quote::Single (csExpressionToken::Extractor (value).Get ()), CS::Quote::Single (csExpressionToken::TypeDescription (value.type))); } CS_ASSERT (false); return 0; }
float csXmlReadNode::GetAttributeValueAsFloat (const char* name, float defaultValue) { TrDocumentAttribute* a = GetAttributeInternal (name); if (!a) return defaultValue; float f; csScanStr (a->Value (), "%f", &f); return f; }
float csXmlReadNode::GetContentsValueAsFloat () { const char* v = GetContentsValue (); if (!v) return 0; float val = 0.0; csScanStr (v, "%f", &val); return val; }
bool DynamicWorldLoader::ParseRoom (iDocumentNode* node, iPcDynamicWorld* dynworld) { csString name = node->GetAttributeValue ("name"); iRoomFactoryTemplate* cft = roomMeshCreator->AddRoomFactoryTemplate (name); if (!cft) { synldr->ReportError ("dynworld.loader", node, "Could not add room factory template '%s'!", name.GetData ()); return false; } csRef<iDocumentNodeIterator> it = node->GetNodes (); while (it->HasNext ()) { csRef<iDocumentNode> child = it->Next (); if (child->GetType () != CS_NODE_ELEMENT) continue; csStringID id = xmltokens.Request (child->GetValue ()); switch (id) { case XMLTOKEN_ATTR: cft->SetAttribute (child->GetAttributeValue ("name"), child->GetAttributeValue ("value")); break; case XMLTOKEN_MATERIAL: cft->SetMaterial (child->GetAttributeValue ("name")); break; case XMLTOKEN_ROOM: { csVector3 tl, br; csString vector = child->GetAttributeValue ("tl"); if (vector.Length () > 0) csScanStr ((const char*)vector, "%f %f %f", &tl.x, &tl.y, &tl.z); vector = child->GetAttributeValue ("br"); if (vector.Length () > 0) csScanStr ((const char*)vector, "%f %f %f", &br.x, &br.y, &br.z); cft->AddRoom (tl, br); } break; default: synldr->ReportBadToken (child); return false; } } return true; }
void WalkTestParticleDemos::Fountain (WalkTest* Sys, const char* arg) { char txtname[100]; int cnt = 0; int num = 0; if (arg) cnt = csScanStr (arg, "%s,%d", txtname, &num); if (cnt <= 1) num = 400; if (cnt <= 0) strcpy (txtname, "spark"); add_particles_fountain (Sys, Sys->views->GetCamera ()->GetSector (), txtname, num, Sys->views->GetCamera ()->GetTransform ().GetOrigin ()- csVector3 (0, Sys->cfg_body_height, 0)); }
void WalkTestParticleDemos::Explosion (WalkTest* Sys, const char* arg) { char txtname[100]; int cnt = 0; if (arg) cnt = csScanStr (arg, "%s", txtname); if (cnt != 1) { Sys->Report (CS_REPORTER_SEVERITY_NOTIFY, "Expected parameter 'texture'!"); } else add_particles_explosion (Sys, Sys->views->GetCamera ()->GetSector (), Sys->Engine, Sys->views->GetCamera ()->GetTransform ().GetOrigin (), txtname); }
void WalkTestParticleDemos::Snow (WalkTest* Sys, const char* arg) { char txtname[100]; int cnt = 0; /* speed and num must be preset to prevent compiler warnings * on some systems. */ int num = 0; float speed = 0; if (arg) cnt = csScanStr (arg, "%s,%d,%f", txtname, &num, &speed); if (cnt <= 2) speed = 0.3f; if (cnt <= 1) num = 500; if (cnt <= 0) strcpy (txtname, "snow"); add_particles_snow (Sys, Sys->views->GetCamera ()->GetSector (), txtname, num, speed); }
bool csShaderProgram::ProgramParamParser::ParseProgramParam ( iDocumentNode* node, ProgramParam& param, uint types) { const char* type = node->GetAttributeValue ("type"); if (type == 0) { synsrv->Report ("crystalspace.graphics3d.shader.common", CS_REPORTER_SEVERITY_WARNING, node, "No %s attribute", CS::Quote::Single ("type")); return false; } // Var for static data csRef<csShaderVariable> var; var.AttachNew (new csShaderVariable (CS::InvalidShaderVarStringID)); ProgramParamType paramType = ParamInvalid; if (strcmp (type, "shadervar") == 0) { const char* value = node->GetContentsValue(); if (!value) { synsrv->Report ("crystalspace.graphics3d.shader.common", CS_REPORTER_SEVERITY_WARNING, node, "Node has no contents"); return false; } CS::Graphics::ShaderVarNameParser nameParse (value); = stringsSvName->Request (nameParse.GetShaderVarName()); for (size_t n = 0; n < nameParse.GetIndexNum(); n++) { param.indices.Push (nameParse.GetIndexValue (n)); } param.valid = true; return true; } else if (strcmp (type, "int") == 0) { paramType = ParamInt; } else if (strcmp (type, "float") == 0) { paramType = ParamFloat; } else if (strcmp (type, "vector2") == 0) { paramType = ParamVector2; } else if (strcmp (type, "vector3") == 0) { paramType = ParamVector3; } else if (strcmp (type, "vector4") == 0) { paramType = ParamVector4; } else if (strcmp (type, "matrix") == 0) { paramType = ParamMatrix; } else if (strcmp (type, "transform") == 0) { paramType = ParamTransform; } else if ((strcmp (type, "expression") == 0) || (strcmp (type, "expr") == 0)) { // Parse exp and save it csRef<iShaderVariableAccessor> acc = synsrv->ParseShaderVarExpr (node); var->SetAccessor (acc); param.var = var; param.valid = true; return true; } else if (strcmp (type, "array") == 0) { csArray<ProgramParam> allParams; ProgramParam tmpParam; csRef<iDocumentNodeIterator> it = node->GetNodes (); while (it->HasNext ()) { csRef<iDocumentNode> child = it->Next (); ParseProgramParam (child, tmpParam, types & 0x3F); allParams.Push (tmpParam); } //Save the params var->SetType (csShaderVariable::ARRAY); var->SetArraySize (allParams.GetSize ()); for (uint i = 0; i < allParams.GetSize (); i++) { var->SetArrayElement (i, allParams[i].var); } paramType = ParamArray; } else { synsrv->Report ("crystalspace.graphics3d.shader.common", CS_REPORTER_SEVERITY_WARNING, node, "Unknown type %s", CS::Quote::Single (type)); return false; } if (!(types & paramType)) { synsrv->Report ("crystalspace.graphics3d.shader.common", CS_REPORTER_SEVERITY_WARNING, node, "Type %s not supported by this parameter", CS::Quote::Single (type)); return false; } const uint directValueTypes = ParamInt | ParamFloat | ParamVector2 | ParamVector3 | ParamVector4 | ParamMatrix | ParamTransform; switch (paramType & directValueTypes) { case ParamInvalid: return false; break; case ParamInt: { int x = node->GetContentsValueAsInt (); var->SetValue (x); } break; case ParamFloat: { float x = node->GetContentsValueAsFloat (); var->SetValue (x); } break; case ParamVector2: { float x, y; const char* value = node->GetContentsValue(); if (!value) { synsrv->Report ("crystalspace.graphics3d.shader.common", CS_REPORTER_SEVERITY_WARNING, node, "Node has no contents"); return false; } if (csScanStr (value, "%f,%f", &x, &y) != 2) { synsrv->Report ("crystalspace.graphics3d.shader.common", CS_REPORTER_SEVERITY_WARNING, node, "Couldn't parse vector2 %s", CS::Quote::Single (value)); return false; } var->SetValue (csVector2 (x,y)); } break; case ParamVector3: { float x, y, z; const char* value = node->GetContentsValue(); if (!value) { synsrv->Report ("crystalspace.graphics3d.shader.common", CS_REPORTER_SEVERITY_WARNING, node, "Node has no contents"); return false; } if (csScanStr (value, "%f,%f,%f", &x, &y, &z) != 3) { synsrv->Report ("crystalspace.graphics3d.shader.common", CS_REPORTER_SEVERITY_WARNING, node, "Couldn't parse vector3 %s", CS::Quote::Single (value)); return false; } var->SetValue (csVector3 (x,y,z)); } break; case ParamVector4: { float x, y, z, w; const char* value = node->GetContentsValue(); if (!value) { synsrv->Report ("crystalspace.graphics3d.shader.common", CS_REPORTER_SEVERITY_WARNING, node, "Node has no contents"); return false; } if (csScanStr (value, "%f,%f,%f,%f", &x, &y, &z, &w) != 4) { synsrv->Report ("crystalspace.graphics3d.shader.common", CS_REPORTER_SEVERITY_WARNING, node, "Couldn't parse vector4 %s", CS::Quote::Single (value)); return false; } var->SetValue (csVector4 (x,y,z,w)); } break; case ParamMatrix: { csMatrix3 matrix; if (!synsrv->ParseMatrix (node, matrix)) return false; var->SetValue (matrix); } break; case ParamTransform: { csReversibleTransform t; csRef<iDocumentNode> matrix_node = node->GetNode ("matrix"); if (matrix_node) { csMatrix3 m; if (!synsrv->ParseMatrix (matrix_node, m)) return false; t.SetT2O (m); } csRef<iDocumentNode> vector_node = node->GetNode ("v"); if (vector_node) { csVector3 v; if (!synsrv->ParseVector (vector_node, v)) return false; t.SetOrigin (v); } var->SetValue (t); } break; } param.var = var; param.valid = true; return true; }