예제 #1
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CodeSnippetsConfig::SettingsLoad()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // file will be saved in $HOME/codesnippets.ini

    #ifdef LOGGING
     wxString fn(__FUNCTION__, wxConvUTF8);
     LOGIT( _T("--- [%s] ---"),fn.c_str() );
     LOGIT(wxT("Loading Settings File[%s]"),SettingsSnippetsCfgPath.c_str());
    #endif //LOGGING

    wxFileConfig cfgFile(
                    wxEmptyString,              // appname
                    wxEmptyString,              // vendor
                    SettingsSnippetsCfgPath,// local filename
                    wxEmptyString,              // global file

	cfgFile.Read( wxT("ExternalEditor"),  &SettingsExternalEditor, wxEmptyString ) ;
	cfgFile.Read( wxT("SnippetFile"),     &SettingsSnippetsXmlPath, wxEmptyString ) ;
	cfgFile.Read( wxT("SnippetFolder"),   &SettingsSnippetsFolder, wxEmptyString ) ;
	cfgFile.Read( wxT("ViewSearchBox"),   &GetConfig()->SettingsSearchBox, true ) ;
	cfgFile.Read( wxT("casesensitive"),   &m_SearchConfig.caseSensitive, true ) ;
	int nScope;
	cfgFile.Read( wxT("scope"),             &nScope, SCOPE_BOTH ) ;
    m_SearchConfig.scope = (SearchScope)nScope;

    // read Editors Stay-On-Top of main window option
    cfgFile.Read( _T("EditorsStayOnTop"), &SettingsEditorsStayOnTop, true);
    // read Editors ToolTips option
    cfgFile.Read( _T("ToolTipsOption"), &SettingsToolTipsOption, true);

    // Read External App state. Launched App will see it as false because
    // plugin has not set it true yet, so if this is launched App, set it true
	cfgFile.Read( wxT("ExternalPersistentOpen"), &m_IsExternalPersistentOpen, false ) ;
	if ( IsApplication() ) SetExternalPersistentOpen(true);

    // read user specified window state (External, Floating, or Docked)
    cfgFile.Read( wxT("WindowState"), &m_SettingsWindowState, wxT("Floating") );
    #if defined(LOGGING)
     LOGIT( _T("WindowState[%s]"), GetSettingsWindowState().c_str() );
    // read last window position
    wxString winPos;
    cfgFile.Read( wxT("WindowPosition"),  &winPos, wxEmptyString) ;
    if ( not winPos.IsEmpty() )
        const wxWX2MBbuf buf = csU2C(winPos);
        std::string cstring( buf );
        std::stringstream istream(cstring);
        istream >> windowXpos ;
        istream >> windowYpos ;
        istream >> windowWidth ;
        istream >> windowHeight ;
예제 #2
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SnippetProperty::InvokeEditOnSnippetText()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        //Exec Edit Snippet Text

        wxFileName tmpFileName = wxFileName::CreateTempFileName(wxEmptyString);
        #ifdef LOGGING
         LOGIT( _T("fakename:[%s]"),tmpFileName.GetFullPath().GetData() );
        #endif //LOGGING

        wxFile tmpFile( tmpFileName.GetFullPath(), wxFile::write);
        if (not tmpFile.IsOpened() )
            //wxMessageBox(wxT("Open failed for:")+tmpFileName.GetFullPath());
            GenericMessageBox(wxT("Open failed for:")+tmpFileName.GetFullPath());
            return ;
        wxString snippetData( GetSnippet() );
        tmpFile.Write( csU2C(snippetData), snippetData.Length());
            // Invoke the external editor on the temporary file
            // file name must be surrounded with quotes when using wxExecute
        wxString externalEditor = GetConfig()->SettingsExternalEditor;
        if ( externalEditor == _T("Enter filename of external editor") )
        {   GenericMessageBox(wxT("No external editor specified.\n Check settings.\n"));
        wxString execString = GetConfig()->SettingsExternalEditor + wxT(" \"") + tmpFileName.GetFullPath() + wxT("\"");

        #ifdef LOGGING
         LOGIT( _T("Properties wxExecute[%s]"), execString.GetData() );
        #endif //LOGGING

            // Invoke the external editor and wait for its termination
        ::wxExecute( execString, wxEXEC_SYNC);
            // Read the edited data back into the snippet text
        tmpFile.Open(tmpFileName.GetFullPath(), wxFile::read);
        if (not tmpFile.IsOpened() )
        {   GenericMessageBox(wxT("Abort.Error reading temp data file."));
        unsigned long fileSize = tmpFile.Length();

        #ifdef LOGGING
         LOGIT( _T("New file length[%d]"),fileSize );
        #endif //LOGGING

            // check the data for validity
        char pBuf[fileSize+1];
        size_t nResult = tmpFile.Read( pBuf, fileSize );
        if ( wxInvalidOffset == (int)nResult )
            GenericMessageBox(wxT("InvokeEditOnSnippetText()\nError reading temp file"));
        pBuf[fileSize] = 0;

        #ifdef LOGGING
          //LOGIT( _T("pBuf[%s]"), pBuf );
        #endif //LOGGING

            // convert data back to internal format
        snippetData = csC2U( pBuf );

         #ifdef LOGGING
          //LOGIT( _T("snippetData[%s]"), snippetData.GetData() );
         #endif //LOGGING

            // delete the temporary file
        ::wxRemoveFile( tmpFileName.GetFullPath() );

            // update Tree item
        m_SnippetEditCtrl-> SetText( snippetData );