예제 #1
int calib_gimbal_data_load(calib_gimbal_data_t &data,
                           const std::string &data_dir) {
  // Load joint data
  const std::string joint_filepath = data_dir + "/joint.csv";
  if (csv2mat(joint_filepath, false, data.joint_data) != 0) {
    LOG_ERROR("Failed to load joint data [%s]!", joint_filepath.c_str());
    return -1;

  // Load data
  data.nb_measurements = data.joint_data.rows();
  for (int i = 0; i < data.nb_measurements; i++) {
    const std::string set_path = data_dir + "/set" + std::to_string(i);
    std::cout << "Loading measurement set " << i << " ";
    std::cout << "[" << set_path << "]" << std::endl;

    // P_s_i
    matx_t P_s_i;
    const std::string P_s_fp = set_path + "/P_s";
    if (csv2mat(P_s_fp, false, P_s_i) != 0) {
      LOG_ERROR("Failed to P_s data [%s]!", P_s_fp.c_str());
      return -1;

    // P_d_i
    matx_t P_d_i;
    const std::string P_d_fp = set_path + "/P_d";
    if (csv2mat(P_d_fp, false, P_d_i) != 0) {
      LOG_ERROR("Failed to P_d data [%s]!", P_d_fp.c_str());
      return -1;

    // Q_s_i
    matx_t Q_s_i;
    const std::string Q_s_fp = set_path + "/Q_s";
    if (csv2mat(Q_s_fp, false, Q_s_i) != 0) {
      LOG_ERROR("Failed to Q_s data [%s]!", Q_s_fp.c_str());
      return -1;

    // Q_d_i
    matx_t Q_d_i;
    const std::string Q_d_fp = set_path + "/Q_d";
    if (csv2mat(Q_d_fp, false, Q_d_i) != 0) {
      LOG_ERROR("Failed to Q_d data [%s]!", Q_d_fp.c_str());
      return -1;

    // Store it

  data.ok = true;
  return 0;
예제 #2
int calib_gimbal_params_load(calib_gimbal_params_t &data,
                             const std::string &camchain_file,
                             const std::string &joint_file) {
  // Parse camchain file
  // if (this->camchain.load(3, camchain_file) != 0) {
  //   LOG_ERROR("Failed to load camchain file [%s]!", camchain_file.c_str());
  //   return -1;
  // }

  // Load joint angles file
  matx_t joint_data;
  if (csv2mat(joint_file, false, joint_data) != 0) {
    LOG_ERROR("Failed to load joint angles file [%s]!", joint_file.c_str());
    return -1;
  data.nb_measurements = joint_data.rows();

  // Initialize optimization params
  // data.tau_s = vec2array(data.camchain.tau_s);
  // data.tau_d = vec2array(data.camchain.tau_d);
  // data.w1 = vec2array(data.camchain.w1);
  // data.w2 = vec2array(data.camchain.w2);

  data.theta1_offset = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * 1);
  data.theta2_offset = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * 1);
  // *data.theta1_offset = data.camchain.theta1_offset;
  // *data.theta2_offset = data.camchain.theta2_offset;

  data.Lambda1 = vec2array(joint_data.col(0));
  data.Lambda2 = vec2array(joint_data.col(1));

  return 0;
예제 #3
ColorCloud::Ptr TokyoCreator::createPointCloud(
			const std::string &jpgPath, const std::string &csvPath) {

	cv::Mat colorImg = cv::imread(jpgPath, -1);
	cv::Mat spaceImg = csv2mat(csvPath);

	if( !colorImg.data )
		throw std::runtime_error("Cloud not read image " + jpgPath);
	if( !spaceImg.data )
		throw std::runtime_error("Cloud not read image " + csvPath);

	int height = spaceImg.rows;
	int width = spaceImg.cols;
	if( spaceImg.rows != colorImg.rows || spaceImg.cols != colorImg.cols )
		throw std::runtime_error("Images have different dimensions");

	ColorCloud::Ptr cloud( new ColorCloud() );
	cloud->height = height;
	cloud->width = width;
	cloud->reserve(height * width);
	cloud->is_dense = false;
	pcl::PointXYZRGB newPoint;
	for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {

		cv::Vec3b *spacePtr = spaceImg.ptr<cv::Vec3b>(i);
		cv::Vec3b *colorPtr = colorImg.ptr<cv::Vec3b>(i);

		for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {

				cv::Vec3b colorVec = colorPtr[j];
				cv::Vec3b spaceVec = spacePtr[j];

				newPoint.x = spaceVec[0];
				newPoint.y = spaceVec[1];
				newPoint.z = spaceVec[2];

				newPoint.r = colorVec[2];
				newPoint.g = colorVec[1];
				newPoint.b = colorVec[0];

	std::vector<int> vec;
	pcl::removeNaNFromPointCloud( *cloud, *cloud, vec );
	return cloud;
예제 #4
int calib_gimbal_calc_reprojection_errors(calib_gimbal_t &calib) {
  // Form gimbal model
  gimbal_model_t gimbal_model;
  gimbal_model.tau_s = vec6_t{calib.params.tau_s};
  gimbal_model.tau_d = vec6_t{calib.params.tau_d};
  gimbal_model.w1 = vec3_t{calib.params.w1};
  gimbal_model.w2 = vec3_t{calib.params.w2};
  gimbal_model.theta1_offset = *calib.params.theta1_offset;
  gimbal_model.theta2_offset = *calib.params.theta2_offset;

  // Load joint data
  matx_t joint_data;
  const std::string joint_filepath = calib.data_dir + "/joint.csv";
  if (csv2mat(joint_filepath, false, joint_data) != 0) {
    LOG_ERROR("Failed to load joint data [%s]!", joint_filepath.c_str());
    return -1;

  // // Camera matrix for both static and dynamic camera
  // const mat3_t K_s = calib.params.camchain.cam[0].K();
  // const mat3_t K_d = calib.params.camchain.cam[2].K();

  //   // Calculate reprojection error
  //   double sse_s = 0.0;
  //   double sse_d = 0.0;
  //   int points = 0;
  //   for (int i = 0; i < calib.data.nb_measurements; i++) {
  //     for (int j = 0; j < calib.data.P_s[i].rows(); j++) {
  //       // Get 3D point from static and dyanmic camera
  //       const vec3_t P_s = calib.data.P_s[i].row(j);
  //       const vec3_t P_d = calib.data.P_d[i].row(j);
  //       // Undistort pixel measurements from static camera
  //       const vec2_t p_s = calib.data.Q_s[i].row(j);
  //       cv::Point2f pt_s(p_s(0), p_s(1));
  //       pt_s = calib.params.camchain.cam[0].undistortPoint(pt_s);
  //       vec3_t x_s{pt_s.x, pt_s.y, 1.0};
  //       x_s = calib.params.camchain.cam[0].K() * x_s;
  //       const vec2_t Q_s{x_s(0), x_s(1)};
  //       // Undistort pixel measurements from dynamic camera
  //       const vec2_t p_d = calib.data.Q_d[i].row(j);
  //       cv::Point2f pt_d(p_d(0), p_d(1));
  //       pt_d = calib.params.camchain.cam[2].undistortPoint(pt_d);
  //       vec3_t x_d{pt_d.x, pt_d.y, 1.0};
  //       x_d = calib.params.camchain.cam[2].K() * x_d;
  //       const vec2_t Q_d{x_d(0), x_d(1)};
  //       // Get gimbal roll and pitch angles then form T_ds transform
  //       const double joint_roll = calib.params.Lambda1[i];
  //       const double joint_pitch = calib.params.Lambda2[i];
  //       // std::cout << joint_roll << " " << joint_pitch << std::endl;
  //       // std::cout << joint_data(i, 0) << " " << joint_data(i, 1) <<
  //       std::endl;
  //       // std::cout << "Roll Error: " << joint_roll - joint_data(i, 0) <<
  //       std::endl;
  //       // std::cout << "Pitch Error: " << joint_pitch - joint_data(i, 1) <<
  //       std::endl;
  //       // // exit(0);
  //       // std::cout << std::endl;
  //       // std::cout << std::endl;
  //       gimbal_model.setAttitude(joint_roll, joint_pitch);
  //       const mat4_t T_ds = gimbal_model.T_ds();
  //       // Project 3D point observed from static to dynamic camera
  //       const vec3_t P_d_cal = (T_ds * P_s.homogeneous()).head(3);
  //       const vec3_t X{P_d_cal(0) / P_d_cal(2), P_d_cal(1) /
  //       P_d_cal(2), 1.0}; const vec2_t Q_d_cal = (K_d * X).head(2);
  //       // Project 3D point observed from dynamic to static camera
  //       const vec3_t P_s_cal = (T_ds.inverse() * P_d.homogeneous()).head(3);
  //       const vec3_t X_s{P_s_cal(0) / P_s_cal(2), P_s_cal(1) /
  //       P_s_cal(2), 1.0}; const vec2_t Q_s_cal = (K_s * X_s).head(2);
  //       // Calculate reprojection error in static camera
  //       const vec2_t diff_s = Q_s_cal - Q_s;
  //       const double squared_error_s = diff_s.norm();
  //       sse_s += squared_error_s;
  //       // Calculate reprojection error in dynamic camera
  //       const vec2_t diff_d = Q_d_cal - Q_d;
  //       const double squared_error_d = diff_d.norm();
  //       sse_d += squared_error_d;
  //       points++;
  //     }
  //   }
  //   // Print reprojection errors
  //   std::cout << "Static camera RMSE: " << sqrt(sse_s / points) << std::endl;
  //   std::cout << "Dynamic camera RMSE: " << sqrt(sse_d / points) <<
  //   std::endl;

  return 0;