예제 #1
int main (void)

    /* ====================================================================== */
    /* input matrix A definition */
    /* ====================================================================== */

    int A [ALEN] = {

    	0, 1, 4,		/* row indices of nonzeros in column 0 */
	2, 4,			/* row indices of nonzeros in column 1 */
	0, 1, 2, 3,		/* row indices of nonzeros in column 2 */
	1, 3} ;			/* row indices of nonzeros in column 3 */

    int p [ ] = {

    	0,			/* column 0 is in A [0..2] */
	3,			/* column 1 is in A [3..4] */ 
	5,			/* column 2 is in A [5..8] */
	9,			/* column 3 is in A [9..10] */
	A_NNZ} ;		/* number of nonzeros in A */

    /* ====================================================================== */
    /* input matrix B definition */
    /* ====================================================================== */

    int B [ ] = {		/* Note: only strictly lower triangular part */
    				/* is included, since symamd ignores the */
				/* diagonal and upper triangular part of B. */

    	1,			/* row indices of nonzeros in column 0 */
    	2, 3,			/* row indices of nonzeros in column 1 */
    				/* row indices of nonzeros in column 2 (none) */
    	4			/* row indices of nonzeros in column 3 */
    	} ;			/* row indices of nonzeros in column 4 (none) */

    int q [ ] = {

    	0,			/* column 0 is in B [0] */
	1,			/* column 1 is in B [1..2] */ 
	3,			/* column 2 is empty */
	3,			/* column 3 is in B [3] */
	4,			/* column 4 is empty */
	B_NNZ} ;		/* number of nonzeros in strictly lower B */

    /* ====================================================================== */
    /* other variable definitions */
    /* ====================================================================== */

    int perm [B_N+1] ;		/* note the size is N+1 */
    int stats [CCOLAMD_STATS] ;	/* for ccolamd and csymamd output statistics */

    int row, col, pp, length, ok ;

    /* ====================================================================== */
    /* dump the input matrix A */
    /* ====================================================================== */

    printf ("ccolamd %d-by-%d input matrix:\n", A_NROW, A_NCOL) ;
    for (col = 0 ; col < A_NCOL ; col++)
	length = p [col+1] - p [col] ;
    	printf ("Column %d, with %d entries:\n", col, length) ;
	for (pp = p [col] ; pp < p [col+1] ; pp++)
	    row = A [pp] ;
	    printf ("    row %d\n", row) ;

    /* ====================================================================== */
    /* order the matrix.  Note that this destroys A and overwrites p */
    /* ====================================================================== */

    ok = ccolamd (A_NROW, A_NCOL, ALEN, A, p, (double *) NULL, stats, NULL) ;
    ccolamd_report (stats) ;

    if (!ok)
	printf ("ccolamd error!\n") ;
	exit (1) ;

    /* ====================================================================== */
    /* print the column ordering */
    /* ====================================================================== */

    printf ("ccolamd column ordering:\n") ;
    printf ("1st column: %d\n", p [0]) ;
    printf ("2nd column: %d\n", p [1]) ;
    printf ("3rd column: %d\n", p [2]) ;
    printf ("4th column: %d\n", p [3]) ;

    /* ====================================================================== */
    /* dump the strictly lower triangular part of symmetric input matrix B */
    /* ====================================================================== */

    printf ("\n\ncsymamd %d-by-%d input matrix:\n", B_N, B_N) ;
    printf ("Entries in strictly lower triangular part:\n") ;
    for (col = 0 ; col < B_N ; col++)
	length = q [col+1] - q [col] ;
    	printf ("Column %d, with %d entries:\n", col, length) ;
	for (pp = q [col] ; pp < q [col+1] ; pp++)
	    row = B [pp] ;
	    printf ("    row %d\n", row) ;

    /* ====================================================================== */
    /* order the matrix B.  Note that this does not modify B or q. */
    /* ====================================================================== */

    ok = csymamd (B_N, B, q, perm, (double *) NULL, stats, &calloc, &free,
	    NULL, -1) ;
    csymamd_report (stats) ;

    if (!ok)
	printf ("csymamd error!\n") ;
	exit (1) ;

    /* ====================================================================== */
    /* print the symmetric ordering */
    /* ====================================================================== */

    printf ("csymamd column ordering:\n") ;
    printf ("1st row/column: %d\n", perm [0]) ;
    printf ("2nd row/column: %d\n", perm [1]) ;
    printf ("3rd row/column: %d\n", perm [2]) ;
    printf ("4th row/column: %d\n", perm [3]) ;
    printf ("5th row/column: %d\n", perm [4]) ;

    return (0) ;
예제 #2
int CHOLMOD(csymamd)
    /* ---- input ---- */
    cholmod_sparse *A,	/* matrix to order */
    /* ---- output --- */
    Int *Cmember,	/* size nrow.  see cholmod_ccolamd.c for description */
    Int *Perm,		/* size A->nrow, output permutation */
    /* --------------- */
    cholmod_common *Common
    double knobs [CCOLAMD_KNOBS] ;
    Int *perm, *Head ;
    Int ok, i, nrow, stats [CCOLAMD_STATS] ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* check inputs */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    Common->status = CHOLMOD_OK ;

    if (A->nrow != A->ncol || !(A->packed))
	ERROR (CHOLMOD_INVALID, "matrix must be square and packed") ;
	return (FALSE) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* get inputs */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    nrow = A->nrow ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* allocate workspace */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    CHOLMOD(allocate_work) (nrow, 0, 0, Common) ;
    if (Common->status < CHOLMOD_OK)
	return (FALSE) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* order the matrix (does not affect A->p or A->i) */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    perm = Common->Head ;	/* size nrow+1 (i/l/l) */

    /* get parameters */
#ifdef LONG
    ccolamd_l_set_defaults (knobs) ;
    ccolamd_set_defaults (knobs) ;
    if (Common->current >= 0 && Common->current < CHOLMOD_MAXMETHODS)
	/* get the knobs from the Common parameters */
	knobs [CCOLAMD_DENSE_ROW] =Common->method[Common->current].prune_dense ;
	knobs [CCOLAMD_AGGRESSIVE]=Common->method[Common->current].aggressive ;

#ifdef LONG
	csymamd_l (nrow, A->i, A->p, perm, knobs, stats, Common->calloc_memory,
		Common->free_memory, Cmember, A->stype) ;
	csymamd (nrow, A->i, A->p, perm, knobs, stats, Common->calloc_memory,
		Common->free_memory, Cmember, A->stype) ;
	ok = stats [CCOLAMD_STATUS] ;

    if (ok == CCOLAMD_ERROR_out_of_memory)
	ERROR (CHOLMOD_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "out of memory") ; 
    ok = (ok == CCOLAMD_OK || ok == CCOLAMD_OK_BUT_JUMBLED) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* free the workspace and return result */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    /* permutation returned in perm [0..n-1] */
    for (i = 0 ; i < nrow ; i++)
	Perm [i] = perm [i] ;

    /* clear Head workspace (used for perm, in csymamd): */
    Head = Common->Head ;
    for (i = 0 ; i <= nrow ; i++)
	Head [i] = EMPTY ;

    return (ok) ;