CAMLprim value spoc_cublasSrotg (value host_sa, value host_sb, value host_sc, value host_ss){ CAMLparam4(host_sa, host_sb, host_sc, host_ss); CAMLlocal2(bigArray, gi); int id; enum cudaError_enum cuda_error = 0; cublasStatus cublas_error = CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS; float* h_A; float* h_B; float* h_C; float* h_D; float result; GET_HOST_VEC(host_sa, h_A); GET_HOST_VEC(host_sb, h_B); GET_HOST_VEC(host_sc, h_C); GET_HOST_VEC(host_ss, h_D); cublasSrotg(h_A, h_B, h_C, h_D); CUBLAS_CHECK_CALL(cublasGetError()); CAMLreturn(Val_unit); }
// // Overloaded function for dispatching to // * CUBLAS backend, and // * float value-type. // inline void rotg( float& a, float& b, float& c, float& s ) { cublasSrotg( &a, &b, &c, &s ); }