예제 #1
int CatalogManager::getAllIndex(vector<IndexInfo> *indexes)
    int num,ttype;
    string fname = "indexes.txt";
    FILE *fp;
    fp = fopen(fname.c_str(),"r");
    for(int i=0; i<num; i++)
        IndexInfo curindex(tindex,ttable,tattr,ttype);
    return num;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void AdaptiveAlignmentMutualInformation::find_shifts(std::vector<int64_t>& xshifts, std::vector<int64_t>& yshifts, std::vector<float>& xneedshifts, std::vector<float>& yneedshifts)
	DataContainer::Pointer m = getDataContainerArray()->getDataContainer(getDataContainerName());

	int64_t totalPoints = m->getAttributeMatrix(getCellAttributeMatrixName())->getNumTuples();
	m_MIFeaturesPtr = Int32ArrayType::CreateArray((totalPoints * 1), "_INTERNAL_USE_ONLY_MIFeatureIds");
	int32_t* miFeatureIds = m_MIFeaturesPtr->getPointer(0);

	size_t udims[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };

	uint64_t dims[3] =

	uint64_t maxstoredshifts = 1;
	if (xneedshifts.size() > 0) maxstoredshifts = 20;

	float disorientation = 0.0f;

	std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>>  newxshift(dims[2]);
	std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>>  newyshift(dims[2]);
	std::vector<std::vector<float>>  mindisorientation(dims[2]);
	for (uint64_t a = 1; a < dims[2]; a++)
		newxshift[a].resize(maxstoredshifts, 0);
		newyshift[a].resize(maxstoredshifts, 0);
		mindisorientation[a].resize(maxstoredshifts, std::numeric_limits<float>::max());

	float** mutualinfo12 = NULL;
	float* mutualinfo1 = NULL;
	float* mutualinfo2 = NULL;
	int32_t featurecount1 = 0, featurecount2 = 0;
	int64_t oldxshift = 0;
	int64_t oldyshift = 0;
	float count = 0.0f;
	uint64_t slice = 0;

	int32_t refgnum = 0, curgnum = 0;
	uint64_t refposition = 0;
	uint64_t curposition = 0;


	// Allocate a 2D Array which will be reused from slice to slice
	// second dimension is assigned in each cycle separately
	std::vector<std::vector<bool> >  misorients(dims[0]);

	const uint64_t halfDim0 = static_cast<uint64_t>(dims[0] * 0.5f);
	const uint64_t halfDim1 = static_cast<uint64_t>(dims[1] * 0.5f);
	uint64_t progInt = 0;

	for (uint64_t iter = 1; iter < dims[2]; iter++)
		progInt = static_cast<uint64_t>(iter * 100 / static_cast<float>(dims[2]));
		QString ss = QObject::tr("Aligning Anisotropic Sections || Determining Shifts || %1% Complete").arg(progInt);
		notifyStatusMessage(getMessagePrefix(), getHumanLabel(), ss);

		slice = (dims[2] - 1) - iter;
		featurecount1 = featurecounts[slice];
		featurecount2 = featurecounts[slice + 1];
		mutualinfo12 = new float *[featurecount1];
		mutualinfo1 = new float[featurecount1];
		mutualinfo2 = new float[featurecount2];

		for (int32_t a = 0; a < featurecount1; a++)
			mutualinfo1[a] = 0.0f;
			mutualinfo12[a] = new float[featurecount2];
			for (int32_t b = 0; b < featurecount2; b++)
				mutualinfo12[a][b] = 0.0f;
				mutualinfo2[b] = 0.0f;
		oldxshift = -1;
		oldyshift = -1;

		for (uint64_t i = 0; i < dims[0]; i++)
			misorients[i].assign(dims[1], false);

		while (newxshift[iter][0] != oldxshift || newyshift[iter][0] != oldyshift)
			oldxshift = newxshift[iter][0];
			oldyshift = newyshift[iter][0];

			for (int32_t j = -3; j < 4; j++)
				for (int32_t k = -3; k < 4; k++)
					disorientation = 0;
					count = 0;
					if (llabs(k + oldxshift) < halfDim0 && llabs(j + oldyshift) < halfDim1 && misorients[k + oldxshift + halfDim0][j + oldyshift + halfDim1] == false)
						for (uint64_t l = 0; l < dims[1]; l = l + 4)
							for (uint64_t n = 0; n < dims[0]; n = n + 4)
								if ((l + j + oldyshift) >= 0 && (l + j + oldyshift) < dims[1] && (n + k + oldxshift) >= 0 && (n + k + oldxshift) < dims[0])
									refposition = ((slice + 1) * dims[0] * dims[1]) + (l * dims[0]) + n;
									curposition = (slice * dims[0] * dims[1]) + ((l + j + oldyshift) * dims[0]) + (n + k + oldxshift);
									refgnum = miFeatureIds[refposition];
									curgnum = miFeatureIds[curposition];
									if (curgnum >= 0 && refgnum >= 0)
						float ha = 0.0f;
						float hb = 0.0f;
						float hab = 0.0f;
						for (int32_t b = 0; b < featurecount1; b++)
							mutualinfo1[b] = mutualinfo1[b] / count;
							if (mutualinfo1[b] != 0) { ha = ha + mutualinfo1[b] * logf(mutualinfo1[b]); }
						for (int32_t c = 0; c < featurecount2; c++)
							mutualinfo2[c] = mutualinfo2[c] / float(count);
							if (mutualinfo2[c] != 0) { hb = hb + mutualinfo2[c] * logf(mutualinfo2[c]); }
						for (int32_t b = 0; b < featurecount1; b++)
							for (int32_t c = 0; c < featurecount2; c++)
								mutualinfo12[b][c] = mutualinfo12[b][c] / count;
								if (mutualinfo12[b][c] != 0) { hab = hab + mutualinfo12[b][c] * logf(mutualinfo12[b][c]); }
								float value = 0.0f;
								if (mutualinfo1[b] > 0 && mutualinfo2[c] > 0) { value = (mutualinfo12[b][c] / (mutualinfo1[b] * mutualinfo2[c])); }
								if (value != 0) { disorientation = disorientation + (mutualinfo12[b][c] * logf(value)); }
						for (int32_t b = 0; b < featurecount1; b++)
							for (int32_t c = 0; c < featurecount2; c++)
								mutualinfo12[b][c] = 0.0f;
								mutualinfo1[b] = 0.0f;
								mutualinfo2[c] = 0.0f;
						disorientation = 1.0f / disorientation;
						misorients[k + oldxshift + halfDim0][j + oldyshift + halfDim1] = true;

						// compare the new shift with currently stored ones
						int64_t s = maxstoredshifts;
						while (s - 1 >= 0 && disorientation < mindisorientation[iter][s - 1])

						// new shift is stored with index 's' in the arrays
						if (s < maxstoredshifts)
							// lag the shifts already stored
							for (int64_t t = maxstoredshifts - 1; t > s; t--)
								newxshift[iter][t] = newxshift[iter][t - 1];
								newyshift[iter][t] = newyshift[iter][t - 1];
								mindisorientation[iter][t] = mindisorientation[iter][t - 1];
							// store the new shift
							newxshift[iter][s] = k + oldxshift;
							newyshift[iter][s] = j + oldyshift;
							mindisorientation[iter][s] = disorientation;
		xshifts[iter] = xshifts[iter - 1] + newxshift[iter][0];
		yshifts[iter] = yshifts[iter - 1] + newyshift[iter][0];

		delete[] mutualinfo1;
		delete[] mutualinfo2;
		for (int32_t i = 0; i < featurecount1; i++)
			delete mutualinfo12[i];
		delete[] mutualinfo12;
		mutualinfo1 = NULL;
		mutualinfo2 = NULL;
		mutualinfo12 = NULL;

	std::vector<uint64_t> curindex(dims[2], 0);

	// find corrected shifts
	if (xneedshifts.size() > 0)
		QString ss = QObject::tr("Aligning Anisotropic Sections || Correcting shifts");
		notifyStatusMessage(getMessagePrefix(), getHumanLabel(), ss);

		std::vector<float> changedisorientation(dims[2], 0);
		std::vector<uint64_t> changeindex(dims[2], 0);
		std::vector<float> changeerror(dims[2], 0);

		std::vector<float> xshiftsest;	// cumulative x-shifts estimated from SEM images
		std::vector<float> yshiftsest;	// cumulative y-shifts estimated from SEM images

		float curerror = 0;
		float tolerance = 1.0f / static_cast<float>(dims[2]);

		// evaluate error between current shifts and desired shifts
		if (xneedshifts.size() == 1)      // error is computed as misagreement between slopes
			curerror = compute_error1(dims[2], 0, xneedshifts[0], yneedshifts[0], newxshift, newyshift, curindex);
		else if (xneedshifts.size() > 1)  // error is computed as misagreement with shifts estimated from SEM images
			xshiftsest.resize(dims[2], 0);
			yshiftsest.resize(dims[2], 0);
			for (uint64_t iter = 1; iter < dims[2]; iter++)
				xshiftsest[iter] = xshiftsest[iter - 1] + xneedshifts[iter - 1];
				yshiftsest[iter] = yshiftsest[iter - 1] + yneedshifts[iter - 1];
			curerror = compute_error2(dims[2], 0, xshiftsest, yshiftsest, newxshift, newyshift, curindex);

		// iterative selection of a candidate shift, recomputing of current candidates, evaluation of error
		if (curerror > tolerance)
			float minchangedisorientation = 0;
			float minchangeerror = 0;
			int64_t minchangeindex = 0;
			int64_t minchangeiter = 0;
			float olderror = 0;
			float newerror = 0;
			uint64_t progInt = 0;

				QString ss = QObject::tr("Aligning Anisotropic Sections || Correcting Shifts || Iteration %1").arg(++progInt);;
				notifyStatusMessage(getMessagePrefix(), getHumanLabel(), ss);
				if (getCancel() == true)

				olderror = curerror;
				for (uint64_t iter = 1; iter < dims[2]; iter++)
					float newminerror = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
					float newmindisorientation = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
					uint64_t newminindex = 0;
					for (uint64_t index = curindex[iter] + 1; index < maxstoredshifts; index++)
						// recompute error for the configuration with this candidate changed
						if (xneedshifts.size() == 1)
							newerror = compute_error1(iter, index, xneedshifts[0], yneedshifts[0], newxshift, newyshift, curindex);
						else if (xneedshifts.size() > 1)
							newerror = compute_error2(iter, index, xshiftsest, yshiftsest, newxshift, newyshift, curindex);

						// compare the new error with the best current error
						if (newerror < curerror &&
							mindisorientation[iter][index] / mindisorientation[iter][0] < newmindisorientation)
							newminerror = newerror;
							newminindex = index;
							newmindisorientation = mindisorientation[iter][index] / mindisorientation[iter][0];
					// assign best error, corresponding index and disorientation value for this slice
					changeerror[iter] = newminerror;
					changeindex[iter] = newminindex;
					changedisorientation[iter] = newmindisorientation;

				// among all slices, find the best candidate (with minimum disorientation change)
				minchangedisorientation = std::numeric_limits<float>::max() - 1;
				minchangeerror = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
				minchangeindex = 0;
				minchangeiter = 0;
				for (uint64_t iter = 1; iter < dims[2]; iter++)
					if (changeerror[iter] < curerror &&
						(changedisorientation[iter] < minchangedisorientation ||
						(changedisorientation[iter] == minchangedisorientation &&
						llabs(newxshift[iter][changeindex[iter]]) + llabs(newyshift[iter][changeindex[iter]]) < llabs(newxshift[iter][minchangeindex]) + llabs(newyshift[iter][minchangeindex]))))
						minchangeiter = iter;
						minchangeindex = changeindex[iter];
						minchangedisorientation = changedisorientation[iter];
						minchangeerror = changeerror[iter];

				if (minchangeerror < curerror && minchangeerror >= tolerance)
					// assign the best candidate
					changedisorientation[minchangeiter] = minchangedisorientation;
					curindex[minchangeiter] = minchangeindex;
					// reassign current error
					curerror = minchangeerror;

			} while (minchangedisorientation < std::numeric_limits<float>::max() - 1 && curerror < olderror && curerror > tolerance);

	if (getWriteAlignmentShifts() == true)
		std::ofstream outFile;
		for (uint64_t iter = 1; iter < dims[2]; iter++)
			slice = (dims[2] - 1) - iter;
			xshifts[iter] = xshifts[iter - 1] + newxshift[iter][curindex[iter]];
			yshifts[iter] = yshifts[iter - 1] + newyshift[iter][curindex[iter]];
			outFile << slice << "	" << slice + 1 << "	" << newxshift[iter][curindex[iter]] << "	" << newyshift[iter][curindex[iter]] << "	" << xshifts[iter] << "	" << yshifts[iter] << "\n";

