예제 #1
// part:headers(t)
static int lcurl_mime_part_headers(lua_State *L){
  lcurl_mime_part_t *p = lcurl_getmimepart(L);
  struct curl_slist *list;
  CURLcode ret;

  if(IS_FALSE(L, 2)){
    list = NULL;
    list = lcurl_util_to_slist(L, 2);
    luaL_argcheck(L, list || IS_TABLE(L, 2), 2, "array or null expected");

  ret = curl_mime_headers(p->part, list, 1);

  if(ret != CURLE_OK){
    if(list) curl_slist_free_all(list);
    return lcurl_fail_ex(L, p->err_mode, LCURL_ERROR_EASY, ret);

  lua_settop(L, 1);
  return 1;
예제 #2
파일: smtp.c 프로젝트: vszakats/curl
 * smtp_perform_mail()
 * Sends an MAIL command to initiate the upload of a message.
static CURLcode smtp_perform_mail(struct connectdata *conn)
  char *from = NULL;
  char *auth = NULL;
  char *size = NULL;
  CURLcode result = CURLE_OK;
  struct Curl_easy *data = conn->data;

  /* Calculate the FROM parameter */
    /* Null reverse-path, RFC-5321, sect. 3.6.3 */
    from = strdup("<>");
  else if(data->set.str[STRING_MAIL_FROM][0] == '<')
    from = aprintf("%s", data->set.str[STRING_MAIL_FROM]);
    from = aprintf("<%s>", data->set.str[STRING_MAIL_FROM]);


  /* Calculate the optional AUTH parameter */
  if(data->set.str[STRING_MAIL_AUTH] && conn->proto.smtpc.sasl.authused) {
    if(data->set.str[STRING_MAIL_AUTH][0] != '\0')
      auth = aprintf("%s", data->set.str[STRING_MAIL_AUTH]);
      /* Empty AUTH, RFC-2554, sect. 5 */
      auth = strdup("<>");

    if(!auth) {

      return CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

  /* Prepare the mime data if some. */
  if(data->set.mimepost.kind != MIMEKIND_NONE) {
    /* Use the whole structure as data. */
    data->set.mimepost.flags &= ~MIME_BODY_ONLY;

    /* Add external headers and mime version. */
    curl_mime_headers(&data->set.mimepost, data->set.headers, 0);
    result = Curl_mime_prepare_headers(&data->set.mimepost, NULL,
                                       NULL, MIMESTRATEGY_MAIL);

      if(!Curl_checkheaders(conn, "Mime-Version"))
        result = Curl_mime_add_header(&data->set.mimepost.curlheaders,
                                      "Mime-Version: 1.0");

    /* Make sure we will read the entire mime structure. */
      result = Curl_mime_rewind(&data->set.mimepost);

    if(result) {
      return result;

    data->state.infilesize = Curl_mime_size(&data->set.mimepost);

    /* Read from mime structure. */
    data->state.fread_func = (curl_read_callback) Curl_mime_read;
    data->state.in = (void *) &data->set.mimepost;

  /* Calculate the optional SIZE parameter */
  if(conn->proto.smtpc.size_supported && data->state.infilesize > 0) {
    size = aprintf("%" CURL_FORMAT_CURL_OFF_T, data->state.infilesize);

    if(!size) {

      return CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

  /* Send the MAIL command */
  if(!auth && !size)
    result = Curl_pp_sendf(&conn->proto.smtpc.pp,
                           "MAIL FROM:%s", from);
  else if(auth && !size)
    result = Curl_pp_sendf(&conn->proto.smtpc.pp,
                           "MAIL FROM:%s AUTH=%s", from, auth);
  else if(auth && size)
    result = Curl_pp_sendf(&conn->proto.smtpc.pp,
                           "MAIL FROM:%s AUTH=%s SIZE=%s", from, auth, size);
    result = Curl_pp_sendf(&conn->proto.smtpc.pp,
                           "MAIL FROM:%s SIZE=%s", from, size);


    state(conn, SMTP_MAIL);

  return result;
예제 #3
int main(void)
  CURL *curl;
  CURLcode res = CURLE_OK;
  struct curl_slist *headers = NULL;
  struct curl_slist *recipients = NULL;
  struct curl_slist *slist = NULL;
  curl_mime *mime;
  curl_mime *alt;
  curl_mimepart *part;
  const char **cpp;

  curl = curl_easy_init();
  if(curl) {
    /* This is the URL for your mailserver */
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, "smtp://mail.example.com");

    /* Note that this option isn't strictly required, omitting it will result
     * in libcurl sending the MAIL FROM command with empty sender data. All
     * autoresponses should have an empty reverse-path, and should be directed
     * to the address in the reverse-path which triggered them. Otherwise,
     * they could cause an endless loop. See RFC 5321 Section 4.5.5 for more
     * details.
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_MAIL_FROM, FROM);

    /* Add two recipients, in this particular case they correspond to the
     * To: and Cc: addressees in the header, but they could be any kind of
     * recipient. */
    recipients = curl_slist_append(recipients, TO);
    recipients = curl_slist_append(recipients, CC);
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_MAIL_RCPT, recipients);

    /* Build and set the message header list. */
    for(cpp = headers_text; *cpp; cpp++)
      headers = curl_slist_append(headers, *cpp);
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, headers);

    /* Build the mime message. */
    mime = curl_mime_init(curl);

    /* The inline part is an alternative proposing the html and the text
       versions of the e-mail. */
    alt = curl_mime_init(curl);

    /* HTML message. */
    part = curl_mime_addpart(alt);
    curl_mime_data(part, inline_html, CURL_ZERO_TERMINATED);
    curl_mime_type(part, "text/html");

    /* Text message. */
    part = curl_mime_addpart(alt);
    curl_mime_data(part, inline_text, CURL_ZERO_TERMINATED);

    /* Create the inline part. */
    part = curl_mime_addpart(mime);
    curl_mime_subparts(part, alt);
    curl_mime_type(part, "multipart/alternative");
    slist = curl_slist_append(NULL, "Content-Disposition: inline");
    curl_mime_headers(part, slist, 1);

    /* Add the current source program as an attachment. */
    part = curl_mime_addpart(mime);
    curl_mime_filedata(part, "smtp-mime.c");
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_MIMEPOST, mime);

    /* Send the message */
    res = curl_easy_perform(curl);

    /* Check for errors */
    if(res != CURLE_OK)
      fprintf(stderr, "curl_easy_perform() failed: %s\n",

    /* Free lists. */

    /* curl won't send the QUIT command until you call cleanup, so you should
     * be able to re-use this connection for additional messages (setting
     * CURLOPT_MAIL_FROM and CURLOPT_MAIL_RCPT as required, and calling
     * curl_easy_perform() again. It may not be a good idea to keep the
     * connection open for a very long time though (more than a few minutes
     * may result in the server timing out the connection), and you do want to
     * clean up in the end.

    /* Free multipart message. */

  return (int)res;
예제 #4
static int lcurl_mime_part_assing_ext(lua_State *L, int part, int i){
#define UNSET_VALUE (const char*)-1

  const char *mime_type = NULL, *mime_name = NULL, *mime_fname = NULL;
  int headers = 0;
  CURLcode ret;
  lcurl_mime_part_t *p = lcurl_getmimepart_at(L, part);

  if(IS_TABLE(L, i)) headers = i;
  else if (IS_OPTSTR(L, i)) {
    mime_type = IS_FALSE(L, i) ? UNSET_VALUE : lua_tostring(L, i);
    if(IS_TABLE(L, i+1)) headers = i+1;
    else if(IS_OPTSTR(L, i+1)){
      mime_name = IS_FALSE(L, i+1) ? UNSET_VALUE : lua_tostring(L, i+1);
      if(IS_TABLE(L, i+2)) headers = i+2;
      else if(IS_OPTSTR(L, i+2)){
        mime_fname = IS_FALSE(L, i+2) ? UNSET_VALUE : lua_tostring(L, i+2);
        if(IS_TABLE(L, i+3)) headers = i+3;
        else if(IS_FALSE(L, i+3)){
          headers = -1;

    ret = curl_mime_type(p->part, mime_type == UNSET_VALUE ? NULL : mime_type);
    if(ret != CURLE_OK){
      return lcurl_fail_ex(L, p->err_mode, LCURL_ERROR_EASY, ret);

    ret = curl_mime_name(p->part, mime_name == UNSET_VALUE ? NULL : mime_name);
    if(ret != CURLE_OK){
      return lcurl_fail_ex(L, p->err_mode, LCURL_ERROR_EASY, ret);

    ret = curl_mime_filename(p->part, mime_fname == UNSET_VALUE ? NULL : mime_fname);
    if(ret != CURLE_OK){
      return lcurl_fail_ex(L, p->err_mode, LCURL_ERROR_EASY, ret);

    if(-1 == headers){
      ret = curl_mime_headers(p->part, NULL, 0);
      if(ret != CURLE_OK){
        return lcurl_fail_ex(L, p->err_mode, LCURL_ERROR_EASY, ret);
      return lcurl_mime_part_assing_table(L, part, headers);

  return 0;
