예제 #1
InvocationResult WebPage::invokeCapybaraFunction(const char *name, const QStringList &arguments) {
  QString qname(name);
  JavascriptInvocation invocation(qname, arguments, this);
  return invocation.invoke(currentFrame());
예제 #2
PassRefPtr<NativeImageSkia> BitmapImage::nativeImageForCurrentFrame()
    return frameAtIndex(currentFrame());
예제 #3
ImageOrientation BitmapImage::currentFrameOrientation()
    return frameOrientationAtIndex(currentFrame());
예제 #4
ShortAxisFitting::ShortAxisFitting(std::vector<std::string> mesh, std::vector<std::vector<Point3D> > markers) :
		inputMesh(mesh), saxMarkers(markers) {
	numberOfModelFrames_ = mesh.size();
	//Load the mesh
	//Initialise cmgui and get context
	context_ = Cmiss_context_create("saxfit");
	//This required for using the cmiss_context_execute_command
	Cmiss_context_enable_user_interface(context_, NULL);

	/**< Handle to the context */
	Cmiss_region_id root_region = Cmiss_context_get_default_region(context_);

	std::string region_name = "heart";
	// Create a heart region

	Cmiss_region_id heart_region = Cmiss_region_create_child(root_region, region_name.c_str());

	// Read in the heart model spaced over the number of model frames
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numberOfModelFrames_ - 1; i++)
		double time = static_cast<double>(i) / numberOfModelFrames_;
		Cmiss_stream_information_id stream_information = Cmiss_region_create_stream_information(root_region);
		Cmiss_stream_information_region_id stream_information_region = Cmiss_stream_information_cast_region(stream_information);
		Cmiss_stream_resource_id stream_resource = Cmiss_stream_information_create_resource_memory_buffer(stream_information, mesh[i].c_str(), mesh[i].length());
		Cmiss_stream_information_region_set_resource_attribute_real(stream_information_region, stream_resource, CMISS_STREAM_INFORMATION_REGION_ATTRIBUTE_TIME, time);

		Cmiss_region_read(root_region, stream_information);


	// Wrap the end point add another set of nodes at time 1.0
		Cmiss_stream_information_id stream_information = Cmiss_region_create_stream_information(root_region);
		Cmiss_stream_information_region_id stream_information_region = Cmiss_stream_information_cast_region(stream_information);
		Cmiss_stream_resource_id stream_resource = Cmiss_stream_information_create_resource_memory_buffer(stream_information, mesh[0].c_str(), mesh[0].length());
		int r = Cmiss_stream_information_region_set_resource_attribute_real(stream_information_region, stream_resource, CMISS_STREAM_INFORMATION_REGION_ATTRIBUTE_TIME, 1.0);

		Cmiss_region_read(root_region, stream_information);


	//Cmiss_region_id heart_region = Cmiss_region_find_child_by_name(root_region, region_name.c_str());
	//Get the field module of the heart region
	field_module_ = Cmiss_region_get_field_module(heart_region);

	if (field_module_ != 0)

		// 'coordinates' is an assumed field in
		// a rc coordinate system.
		coordinates_rc_ = Cmiss_field_module_find_field_by_name(field_module_, "coordinates");
		//Create the cache
		cache = Cmiss_field_module_create_cache(field_module_);

		//Get node handles
		Cmiss_nodeset_id nodeset = Cmiss_field_module_find_nodeset_by_name(field_module_, "cmiss_nodes");
		Cmiss_node_iterator_id nodeIterator = Cmiss_nodeset_create_node_iterator(nodeset);

		Cmiss_node_id node = Cmiss_node_iterator_next(nodeIterator);
		if (node != 0)
			while (node)
				int node_id = Cmiss_node_get_identifier(node);
				cmiss_nodes[node_id - 1] = node;
				node = Cmiss_node_iterator_next(nodeIterator);

		int endo[] =
		{ 55, 57, 71, 73, 66, 67, 69, 60, 61, 63, 52, 53, 54, 56, 70, 72, 64, 65, 68, 58, 59, 62, 50, 51, 77, 84, 85, 81, 82, 83, 78, 79, 80, 74, 75, 76, 89, 96, 97, 93, 94, 95,
			90, 91, 92, 86, 87, 88, 98 };
		memcpy(endoNodeIds, endo, sizeof(int) * 49);

		//int sax[] =	{ 73, 74, 75, 76, 83, 84, 80, 81, 82, 77, 78, 79 };
		//int sax[] =		{ 79, 78, 77, 82, 81, 80, 84, 83, 76, 75, 74, 73 };
		int sax[] =	{ 80, 81, 82, 77, 78, 79, 73, 74, 75, 76, 83, 84 };

		memcpy(saxNodes, sax, sizeof(int) * NUMBER_OF_SAX_NODES);

		segmentNodes = new double*[24];
		for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
			segmentNodes[i] = new double[2];
		//Store the initial endo coordinates

		const int NUMBER_OF_ENDO_NODES = 48; //Skip apex
		double coord[3];
		for(int frame = 0;frame<numberOfModelFrames_;frame++){
			std::vector<Point3D> frameCoords;
				double time = ((double) frame) / ((double) numberOfModelFrames_);
				if (frame == (numberOfModelFrames_ - 1))
					time = 1.0;
				Cmiss_field_cache_set_time(cache, time);
				for (int nc = 0; nc < NUMBER_OF_ENDO_NODES; nc++)
					Cmiss_field_cache_set_node(cache, cmiss_nodes[endoNodeIds[nc] - 1]);
					Cmiss_field_evaluate_real(coordinates_rc_, cache, 3, coord);
					Point3D start(coord);

		//Set the segment node ids
		segmentNodes[0][0] = aplaxNodes0;
		segmentNodes[0][1] = aplaxNodes1;
		segmentNodes[1][0] = aplaxNodes1;
		segmentNodes[1][1] = aplaxNodes2;
		segmentNodes[2][0] = aplaxNodes2;
		segmentNodes[2][1] = aplaxNodes3;
		segmentNodes[3][0] = aplaxNodes3;
		segmentNodes[3][1] = aplaxNodes4;
		segmentNodes[4][0] = aplaxNodes4;
		segmentNodes[4][1] = aplaxNodes5;
		segmentNodes[5][0] = aplaxNodes5;
		segmentNodes[5][1] = aplaxNodes6;
		segmentNodes[6][0] = aplaxNodes6;
		segmentNodes[6][1] = aplaxNodes7;
		segmentNodes[7][0] = aplaxNodes7;
		segmentNodes[7][1] = aplaxNodes8;
		segmentNodes[8][0] = tchNodes0;
		segmentNodes[8][1] = tchNodes1;
		segmentNodes[9][0] = tchNodes1;
		segmentNodes[9][1] = tchNodes2;
		segmentNodes[10][0] = tchNodes2;
		segmentNodes[10][1] = tchNodes3;
		segmentNodes[11][0] = tchNodes3;
		segmentNodes[11][1] = tchNodes4;
		segmentNodes[12][0] = tchNodes4;
		segmentNodes[12][1] = tchNodes5;
		segmentNodes[13][0] = tchNodes5;
		segmentNodes[13][1] = tchNodes6;
		segmentNodes[14][0] = tchNodes6;
		segmentNodes[14][1] = tchNodes7;
		segmentNodes[15][0] = tchNodes7;
		segmentNodes[15][1] = tchNodes8;
		segmentNodes[16][0] = fchNodes0;
		segmentNodes[16][1] = fchNodes1;
		segmentNodes[17][0] = fchNodes1;
		segmentNodes[17][1] = fchNodes2;
		segmentNodes[18][0] = fchNodes2;
		segmentNodes[18][1] = fchNodes3;
		segmentNodes[19][0] = fchNodes3;
		segmentNodes[19][1] = fchNodes4;
		segmentNodes[20][0] = fchNodes4;
		segmentNodes[20][1] = fchNodes5;
		segmentNodes[21][0] = fchNodes5;
		segmentNodes[21][1] = fchNodes6;
		segmentNodes[22][0] = fchNodes6;
		segmentNodes[22][1] = fchNodes7;
		segmentNodes[23][0] = fchNodes7;
		segmentNodes[23][1] = fchNodes8;

		//Compute the segment lengths
		initialSegmentLengths = new double[NUMBER_OF_SEGMENTS * numberOfModelFrames_];

		ShortAxisOptimizationInput input;
		input.cache = cache;
		input.cmiss_nodes = &cmiss_nodes;
		input.coordinates_rc = coordinates_rc_;
		input.result = &initialSegmentLengths;
		input.numberOfModelFrames = numberOfModelFrames_;
		input.initialSegmentLengths = NULL;
		input.segmentNodes = segmentNodes;

		//Compute the average rotation that of the sax markers
		std::vector<Point3D>& iptCoord(saxMarkers[0]);
		unsigned int numSaxMarkers = iptCoord.size();
		Point3D saxCentroid(0, 0, 0);
		for (int i = 0; i < numSaxMarkers; i++)
			saxCentroid += iptCoord[i];
		saxCentroid = saxCentroid*(-1.0/numSaxMarkers);
		initFrame = iptCoord;
		for (int i = 0; i < numSaxMarkers; i++)

		for(int frame = 0;frame<numberOfModelFrames_;frame++){
			std::vector<Point3D>& ipCoord(saxMarkers[frame]);
			unsigned int numSaxMarkers = ipCoord.size();
			Point3D saxcentroid(0, 0, 0);
			for (int i = 0; i < numSaxMarkers; i++)
				saxcentroid += ipCoord[i];
			saxcentroid = saxcentroid*(-1.0/numSaxMarkers);
			std::vector<Point3D> currentFrame(ipCoord);
			for (int i = 0; i < numSaxMarkers; i++)
			double avgAngle = 0.0;
			for (int i = 0; i < numSaxMarkers; i++)
				avgAngle += (atan2(currentFrame[i].z-initFrame[i].z,currentFrame[i].x-initFrame[i].x));
			avgAngle /=numSaxMarkers;
		//The initFrame markers should correspond to the initFrame of the mesh as that is what is used in the comparisons

		Point3D sax_centroid(0, 0, 0);
		for (int seg = 0; seg < NUMBER_OF_SAX_NODES; seg++)
			Cmiss_field_cache_set_node(cache, cmiss_nodes[saxNodes[seg]]);
			Cmiss_field_evaluate_real(coordinates_rc_, cache, 3, coord);
			Point3D start(coord);
			sax_centroid += start;
		sax_centroid = sax_centroid * (-1.0 / NUMBER_OF_SAX_NODES);
		for (int seg = 0; seg < NUMBER_OF_SAX_NODES; seg++)
			initFrame[seg] += sax_centroid;

		std::cout << "--- No field module for heart region!!! (Short Axis Fitting)";
		std::cout << "No field module " << std::endl;
		throw -1;

예제 #5
GdkPixbuf* BitmapImage::getGdkPixbuf()
    return cairoImageSurfaceToGdkPixbuf(frameAtIndex(currentFrame()));
예제 #6
v8::Handle<v8::Value> V8AudioContext::constructorCallback(const v8::Arguments& args)

    if (!args.IsConstructCall())
        return throwTypeError("AudioContext constructor cannot be called as a function.", args.GetIsolate());

    if (ConstructorMode::current() == ConstructorMode::WrapExistingObject)
        return args.Holder();

    Frame* frame = currentFrame(BindingState::instance());
    if (!frame)
        return throwError(ReferenceError, "AudioContext constructor associated frame is unavailable", args.GetIsolate());

    Document* document = frame->document();
    if (!document)
        return throwError(ReferenceError, "AudioContext constructor associated document is unavailable", args.GetIsolate());

    RefPtr<AudioContext> audioContext;
    if (!args.Length()) {
        // Constructor for default AudioContext which talks to audio hardware.
        ExceptionCode ec = 0;
        audioContext = AudioContext::create(document, ec);
        if (ec)
            return setDOMException(ec, args.GetIsolate());
        if (!audioContext.get())
            return throwError(SyntaxError, "audio resources unavailable for AudioContext construction", args.GetIsolate());
    } else {
        // Constructor for offline (render-target) AudioContext which renders into an AudioBuffer.
        // new AudioContext(in unsigned long numberOfChannels, in unsigned long numberOfFrames, in float sampleRate);
        if (args.Length() < 3)
            return throwNotEnoughArgumentsError(args.GetIsolate());

        bool ok = false;

        int32_t numberOfChannels = toInt32(args[0], ok);
        if (!ok || numberOfChannels <= 0 || numberOfChannels > 10)
            return throwError(SyntaxError, "Invalid number of channels", args.GetIsolate());

        int32_t numberOfFrames = toInt32(args[1], ok);
        if (!ok || numberOfFrames <= 0)
            return throwError(SyntaxError, "Invalid number of frames", args.GetIsolate());

        float sampleRate = toFloat(args[2]);
        if (sampleRate <= 0)
            return throwError(SyntaxError, "Invalid sample rate", args.GetIsolate());

        ExceptionCode ec = 0;
        audioContext = AudioContext::createOfflineContext(document, numberOfChannels, numberOfFrames, sampleRate, ec);
        if (ec)
            return setDOMException(ec, args.GetIsolate());

    if (!audioContext.get())
        return throwError(SyntaxError, "Error creating AudioContext", args.GetIsolate());
    // Transform the holder into a wrapper object for the audio context.
    V8DOMWrapper::setDOMWrapper(args.Holder(), &info, audioContext.get());
    return args.Holder();
예제 #7
 QPoint scrollPosition() const
     QWebFrame* frame = currentFrame();
     return frame ? frame->scrollPosition() : QPoint();
예제 #8
파일: nodestool.cpp 프로젝트: xtingray/tupi
void NodesTool::itemResponse(const TupItemResponse *response)
    #ifdef K_DEBUG
        #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
            qDebug() << "[NodesTool::itemResponse()]";

    QGraphicsItem *item = 0;

    if (response->action() != TupProjectRequest::Remove) {
        TupFrame *frame = currentFrame();
        if (response->action() == TupProjectRequest::Ungroup) {
            QPointF point = response->position();
            item = k->scene->itemAt(point, QTransform());
        } else {
            item = frame->item(response->itemIndex());

    switch (response->action()) {
            case TupProjectRequest::Convert:
                 if (item) {
                     k->nodeGroup = new TNodeGroup(item, k->scene, TNodeGroup::LineSelection, k->baseZValue);
                 } else {
                     #ifdef K_DEBUG
                         QString msg = "NodesTool::itemResponse() - Fatal Error: No item was found";
                         #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
                             qDebug() << msg;
                             tError() << msg;
            case TupProjectRequest::EditNodes:
                 if (item) {
                     if (k->activeSelection) {
                         if (qgraphicsitem_cast<QGraphicsPathItem *>(k->nodeGroup->parentItem()) == item) {
                     } else {
                         k->nodeGroup = new TNodeGroup(item, k->scene, TNodeGroup::LineSelection, k->baseZValue);
                         k->activeSelection = true;
                 } else {
                     #ifdef K_DEBUG
                         QString msg = "NodesTool::itemResponse() - Fatal Error: No item was found";
                         #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
                             qDebug() << msg;
                             tError() << msg;
            case TupProjectRequest::Remove:
            case TupProjectRequest::Ungroup:
                 // reset(k->scene);
                 if (item) {
                     k->nodeGroup = new TNodeGroup(item, k->scene, TNodeGroup::LineSelection, k->baseZValue);
                     k->activeSelection = true;
                 } else {
                     #ifdef K_DEBUG
                         QString msg = "NodesTool::itemResponse() - Fatal error: No item was found";
                         #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
                             qDebug() << msg;
                             tError() << msg;

                 #ifdef K_DEBUG
                     qDebug() << "NodesTool::itemResponse() - default action"; 

                 if (k->activeSelection) {
                     if (k->nodeGroup->parentItem()) {
예제 #9
파일: nodestool.cpp 프로젝트: xtingray/tupi
void NodesTool::release(const TupInputDeviceInformation *input, TupBrushManager *brushManager, TupGraphicsScene *scene)
    #ifdef K_DEBUG
        #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
            qDebug() << "[NodesTool::release()]";


    QList<QGraphicsItem *> currentSelection = scene->selectedItems();
    if (!currentSelection.isEmpty()) {
        QGraphicsItem *selectedItem = currentSelection.at(0);
        TupFrame *frame = currentFrame();
        int itemIndex = frame->indexOf(selectedItem);

        if (qgraphicsitem_cast<TupSvgItem *>(selectedItem)) {
            TOsd::self()->display(tr("Error"), tr("SVG objects cannot be edited!"), TOsd::Error);

        if (TupGraphicLibraryItem *libraryItem = qgraphicsitem_cast<TupGraphicLibraryItem *>(selectedItem)) {
            if (libraryItem->itemType() == TupLibraryObject::Image) {
                TOsd::self()->display(tr("Error"), tr("Images have no nodes!"), TOsd::Error);

        if (qgraphicsitem_cast<TupItemGroup *>(selectedItem)) {
            if (k->activeSelection)
            QPointF coord = input->pos();

            if (itemIndex >= 0) {
                TupProjectRequest event = TupRequestBuilder::createItemRequest(
                                          k->currentLayer, k->currentFrame,
                                          itemIndex, coord,
                                          scene->spaceContext(), TupLibraryObject::Item,
                emit requested(&event);

        if (!qgraphicsitem_cast<TControlNode*>(selectedItem)) {
            if (!qgraphicsitem_cast<TupPathItem *>(selectedItem)) {
                TOsd::self()->display(tr("Error"), tr("Only pencil/ink lines can be edited!"), TOsd::Error);

        if (itemIndex == -1) {
            if (qgraphicsitem_cast<TControlNode*>(selectedItem)) {
                QGraphicsItem *item = k->nodeGroup->parentItem();
                int position = frame->indexOf(item);
                if (position >= 0) {
                    // if (qgraphicsitem_cast<QGraphicsPathItem *>(item)) {
                        QString path = qgraphicsitem_cast<TupPathItem *>(item)->pathToString();
                        TupProjectRequest event = TupRequestBuilder::createItemRequest(scene->currentSceneIndex(),
                                                  k->currentLayer, k->currentFrame, position,
                                                  QPointF(), scene->spaceContext(), TupLibraryObject::Item,
                                                  TupProjectRequest::EditNodes, path);
                        emit requested(&event);
                    // }
                } else {
                    #ifdef K_DEBUG
                        QString msg = "NodesTool::release() - Fatal Error: Invalid position [ " + QString::number(position) + " ]";
                        #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
                            qDebug() << msg;
                            tError() << msg;
            } else {
                #ifdef K_DEBUG
                    QString msg = "NodesTool::release() - Invalid selected item index: " + QString::number(itemIndex);
                    #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
                       qDebug() << msg;
                       tWarning() << msg;


        // Avoiding to select the same item twice 
        if (k->activeSelection) { 
            TupFrame *frame = currentFrame();
            int oldIndex = frame->indexOf(k->nodeGroup->parentItem());
            if (oldIndex != itemIndex) {
                k->nodeGroup = new TNodeGroup(selectedItem, scene, TNodeGroup::LineSelection, k->baseZValue);
                if (TupPathItem *path = qgraphicsitem_cast<TupPathItem *>(selectedItem)) {
                    if (path->isNotEdited()) 
            } else {
                if (k->nodeGroup->hasChangedNodes()) {
                    QGraphicsItem *item = k->nodeGroup->parentItem();
                    int position = frame->indexOf(item);
                    if (position >= 0) {
                        QString path = qgraphicsitem_cast<TupPathItem *>(item)->pathToString();
                        TupProjectRequest event = TupRequestBuilder::createItemRequest(scene->currentSceneIndex(),
                                                  k->currentLayer, k->currentFrame, position,
                                                  QPointF(), scene->spaceContext(), TupLibraryObject::Item,
                                                  TupProjectRequest::EditNodes, path);
                        emit requested(&event);
                    } else {
                        #ifdef K_DEBUG
                            QString msg = "NodesTool::release() - Fatal Error: Invalid position [ " + QString::number(position) + " ]";
                            #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
                                qDebug() << msg;
                                tError() << msg;
                } else {
                    #ifdef K_DEBUG
                        QString msg = "NodesTool::release() - Node group has NO changes!";
                        #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
                            qDebug() << msg;
                            tWarning() << msg;
        } else {
            k->nodeGroup = new TNodeGroup(selectedItem, scene, TNodeGroup::LineSelection, k->baseZValue);
            k->activeSelection = true;

            if (TupPathItem *path = qgraphicsitem_cast<TupPathItem *>(selectedItem)) {
                if (path->isNotEdited())
    } else {
        if (k->activeSelection) {
            #ifdef K_DEBUG
                QString msg = "NodesTool::release() - Empty selection! Removing nodes...";
                #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
                    qDebug() << msg;
                    tWarning() << msg;
            k->nodeGroup = 0;
            k->activeSelection = false;
예제 #10
QByteArray WebPage::body() {
  return currentFrame()->property("body").toByteArray();
예제 #11
QString WebPage::contentType() {
  return currentFrame()->property("contentType").toString();
예제 #12
QStringList WebPage::pageHeaders() {
  return currentFrame()->property("headers").toStringList();
예제 #13
int WebPage::getLastStatus() {
  return currentFrame()->property("statusCode").toInt();
예제 #14
QStringList WebPage::getAttachedFileNames() {
  return currentFrame()->evaluateJavaScript(QString("Capybara.attachedFiles")).toStringList();
예제 #15
bool BitmapImage::bitmapForCurrentFrame(SkBitmap* bitmap)
    return frameAtIndex(currentFrame(), bitmap);
예제 #16
void Editor::backup(int backupLayer, int backupFrame, QString undoText)
    while (mBackupList.size() - 1 > mBackupIndex && mBackupList.size() > 0)
        delete mBackupList.takeLast();
    while (mBackupList.size() > 19)   // we authorize only 20 levels of cancellation
        delete mBackupList.takeFirst();

    Layer* layer = mObject->getLayer(backupLayer);
    if (layer != nullptr)
        if (layer->type() == Layer::BITMAP)
            BitmapImage* bitmapImage = static_cast<LayerBitmap*>(layer)->getLastBitmapImageAtFrame(backupFrame, 0);
            if (currentFrame() == 1) {
                int previous = layer->getPreviousKeyFramePosition(backupFrame);
                bitmapImage = static_cast<LayerBitmap*>(layer)->getBitmapImageAtFrame(previous);
            if (bitmapImage != nullptr)
                BackupBitmapElement* element = new BackupBitmapElement(bitmapImage);
                element->layer = backupLayer;
                element->frame = backupFrame;
                element->undoText = undoText;
                element->somethingSelected = getScribbleArea()->isSomethingSelected();
                element->mySelection = getScribbleArea()->mySelection;
                element->myTransformedSelection = getScribbleArea()->myTransformedSelection;
                element->myTempTransformedSelection = getScribbleArea()->myTempTransformedSelection;
        else if (layer->type() == Layer::VECTOR)
            VectorImage* vectorImage = static_cast<LayerVector*>(layer)->getLastVectorImageAtFrame(backupFrame, 0);
            if (vectorImage != nullptr)
                BackupVectorElement* element = new BackupVectorElement(vectorImage);
                element->layer = backupLayer;
                element->frame = backupFrame;
                element->undoText = undoText;
                element->somethingSelected = getScribbleArea()->isSomethingSelected();
                element->mySelection = getScribbleArea()->mySelection;
                element->myTransformedSelection = getScribbleArea()->myTransformedSelection;
                element->myTempTransformedSelection = getScribbleArea()->myTempTransformedSelection;
        else if (layer->type() == Layer::SOUND)
            int previous = layer->getPreviousKeyFramePosition(backupFrame);
            KeyFrame* key = layer->getLastKeyFrameAtPosition(backupFrame);

            // in case tracks overlap, get previous frame
            if (key == nullptr)
                KeyFrame* previousKey = layer->getKeyFrameAt(previous);
                key = previousKey;
            if (key != nullptr) {
                SoundClip* clip = static_cast<SoundClip*>(key);
                if (clip)
                    BackupSoundElement* element = new BackupSoundElement(clip);
                    element->layer = backupLayer;
                    element->frame = backupFrame;
                    element->undoText = undoText;
                    element->fileName = clip->fileName();


    emit updateBackup();
예제 #17
파일: MBASE.cpp 프로젝트: eriser/RTcmix-1
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ run --- */
int MBASE::run()
	const int totalSamps = insamps + tapcount;
	int thisFrame = currentFrame();
	const int outChans = outputChannels();
	DBG1(printf("%s::run(): totalSamps = %d\n", name(), totalSamps));

	// this will return chunksamps' worth of input, even if we have
	// passed the end of the input (will produce zeros)

	getInput(thisFrame, framesToRun());

	DBG1(printf("getInput(%d, %d) called\n", thisFrame, framesToRun()));
	int bufsamps = getBufferSize();
	const int outputOffset = this->output_offset;
	// loop for required number of output samples
	const int frameCount = framesToRun();
	memset(this->outbuf, 0, frameCount * outChans * sizeof(BUFTYPE));
	int frame = 0;
	while (frame < frameCount) {
		// limit buffer size to end of current pull (chunksamps)
		if (frameCount - frame < bufsamps)
            bufsamps = max(0, frameCount - frame);

		thisFrame = currentFrame();	// store this locally for efficiency

		DBG1(printf("top of main loop: frame = %d  thisFrame = %d  bufsamps = %d\n",
                   frame, thisFrame, bufsamps));
		DBG(printf("input signal:\n"));
		DBG(PrintInput(&in[frame], bufsamps));
		// add signal to delay
		put_tap(thisFrame, &in[frame], bufsamps);

		// if processing input signal or flushing delay lines ... 

		if (thisFrame < totalSamps) {
			// limit buffer size of end of input data
			if (totalSamps - thisFrame < bufsamps)
				bufsamps = max(0, totalSamps - thisFrame);

			if ((tapcount = updatePosition(thisFrame)) < 0)

			DBG1(printf("  vector loop: bufsamps = %d\n", bufsamps));
			for (int ch = 0; ch < 2; ch++) {
				for (int path = 0; path < m_paths; path++) {
					Vector *vec = &m_vectors[ch][path];
					/* get delayed samps */
					get_tap(thisFrame, ch, path, bufsamps);
#if 0				
                    DBG(printf("signal [%d][%d] before filters:\n", ch, path));
					DBG(PrintSig(vec->Sig, bufsamps));
					/* air absorpt. filters */
         			air(vec->Sig, bufsamps, vec->Airdata);			
					/* wall absorpt. filters */
					if (path > 0)	// no filtering of direct signal
         				wall(vec->Sig, bufsamps, vec->Walldata);
					/* do binaural angle filters if necessary*/
					if (m_binaural)	{					
						fir(vec->Sig, thisFrame, g_Nterms[path], 
					    	vec->Fircoeffs, vec->Firtaps, bufsamps);
                    DBG(printf("signal [%d][%d] before rvb:\n", ch, path));
                    DBG(PrintSig(vec->Sig, bufsamps));
//                    DBG(PrintSig(vec->Sig, bufsamps, SIG_THRESH));
			DBG(printf("summing vectors\n"));
			Vector *vec;
			register float *outptr = &this->outbuf[frame*outChans];
			// sum unscaled reflected paths as global input for RVB.
			for (int path = 0; path < m_paths; path++) {
				vec = &m_vectors[0][path];
				addScaleBufToOut(&outptr[2], vec->Sig, bufsamps, outChans, 1.0);
				vec = &m_vectors[1][path];
				addScaleBufToOut(&outptr[3], vec->Sig, bufsamps, outChans, 1.0);
			if (!m_binaural) {
				// now do cardioid mike effect 
				// add scaled reflected paths to output as early response
				for (int path = 1; path < m_paths; path++) {
					vec = &m_vectors[0][path];
					addScaleBufToOut(&outptr[0], vec->Sig, bufsamps, outChans, vec->MikeAmp);
					vec = &m_vectors[1][path];
					addScaleBufToOut(&outptr[1], vec->Sig, bufsamps, outChans, vec->MikeAmp);
#if 0
					DBG(printf("early response L and R:\n"));
					DBG(PrintOutput(&outptr[0], bufsamps, outChans, SIG_THRESH));
					DBG(PrintOutput(&outptr[1], bufsamps, outChans, SIG_THRESH));
			else {
           		// copy scaled, filtered reflected paths (reverb input) as the early reponse
				// to the output
				for (int ch = 0; ch < 2; ++ch) {
					float *dest = &outptr[ch];
					float *src = &outptr[ch+2];
					for (int n=0; n<bufsamps; ++n) {
						*dest = *src;
						dest += outChans;
						src += outChans;
			/* add the direct signal into the output bus  */
			for (int n = 0; n < bufsamps; n++) {
				outptr[0] += m_vectors[0][0].Sig[n];
				outptr[1] += m_vectors[1][0].Sig[n];
				outptr += outChans;
			DBG(printf("FINAL MIX LEFT CHAN:\n"));
			DBG(PrintOutput(&this->outbuf[frame*outChans], bufsamps, outChans));
		frame += bufsamps;
		bufsamps = getBufferSize();		// update
		DBG1(printf("\tmain loop done.  thisFrame now %d\n", currentFrame()));
	DBG1(printf("%s::run done\n\n", name()));
	return frame;
예제 #18
void Editor::scrubForward()
    scrubTo(currentFrame() + 1);
예제 #19
 QPoint maximumScrollPosition() const
     QWebFrame* frame = currentFrame();
     QSize s = frame ? frame->contentsSize() - frame->geometry().size() : QSize(0, 0);
     return QPoint(qMax(0, s.width()), qMax(0, s.height()));
예제 #20
KeyFrame* Editor::addNewKey()
    return addKeyFrame(layers()->currentLayerIndex(), currentFrame());
예제 #21
 void setScrollPosition(const QPoint& point, const QPoint& /* overShootDelta */)
     QWebFrame* frame = currentFrame();
     if (frame)
int STGRANR::run()
        long i,attacksamps,j,thechunksamp,waitsamps,left,ngrains,rsamps;
        float *outp;
	float loc, ampfac, interval;
        double    frac;
	const int frameCount = framesToRun();
	if (in == NULL)        /* first time, so allocate it */
		in = new float [RTBUFSAMPS * inputChannels()];

//        if ( (durhi*(float)SR) > frameCount())
//		rtcmix_advise("STGRANR", "Grain duration larger than buffer.");
    outp = outbuf;               /* point to inst private out buffer */

	// figure out how many grains are in this chunk 
	ngrains = (int)((float)frameCount/(rate*(float)SR));	
	if ( ngrains  < 1 ) {
                if ( grainoverlap ) 
                    ngrains = 1;
                else {
					if ( (rrand()*.5+.5) < ((float)frameCount/(rate*(float)SR)) )
                        ngrains = 1;
                         ngrains = 0;
        thechunksamp = 0;
        if ( ngrains ) {  
             for (i = 0; i < ngrains; i++) {
				attacksamps = frameCount/ngrains; // no grainoverlap yet
                transp = (float)prob(transplo, transpmid, transphi, transpti);
                interval = octpch(transp);
                increment = (double) cpsoct(10.0 + interval) / cpsoct(10.0);
                gdur = (float)prob(durlo,durmid,durhi,durti);
                grainsamps = (long)(gdur*(float)SR);    
                if ( grainsamps > attacksamps) {
                    overlapsample = grainsamps - attacksamps; // where to start in next attacksamps in envelop
                    grainoverlap = 1;
                    grainsamps = attacksamps;
		ratevar = (float)prob(ratevarlo, ratevarmid, ratevarhi, ratevarti);
                waitsamps = (long)(ratevar*(float)(attacksamps - grainsamps));
		spread = (float)prob(loclo,locmid,lochi,locti);
		tableset(SR, gdur, grlen, tabg); 
		for ( j = 0; j < attacksamps; j++ ) {
			if (--branch < 0) { 
				aamp = tablei(currentFrame(), amptable, tabs) * amp;
				branch = skip;
                        while (get_frame) {
                            if (inframe >= attacksamps) {
                                rtgetin(in, this, attacksamps * inputChannels());
                                inframe = 0;
                            oldersig[0] = oldsig[0];
                            oldsig[0] = newsig[0];
                            newsig[0] = in[(inframe * inputChannels())/* + inchan*/];
                            if ( inputChannels() == 2 ) {
                                oldersig[1] = oldsig[1];
                                oldsig[1] = newsig[1];
                                newsig[1] = in[(inframe * inputChannels())+1];
                            if (counter - (double) incount < 0.5)
                                get_frame = 0;
                        if(( j < grainsamps + waitsamps) && ( j > waitsamps )) { 
                            ampfac = tablei(j-waitsamps,grenvtable,tabg);
                            frac = (counter - (double) incount) + 2.0;
                            outp[0] = interp(oldersig[0], oldsig[0], newsig[0], frac) * ampfac;
                            if (inputChannels() == 2 && outputChannels() == 2)  // split stereo files between the channels 
                                outp[1] = interp(oldersig[1], oldsig[1], newsig[1], frac) * ampfac;
                            outp[0] = 0.0;
                        if (outputChannels() == 2 ) {  // split stereo files between the channels 
                            outp[1] = (1.0 - spread) * outp[0];
                            outp[0] *= spread;
						Instrument::increment(); // sample of whole note
                        thechunksamp++; // sample within chunk
                        outp += outputChannels();  
                        counter += increment;         /* keeps track of interp pointer */
                        if (counter - (double) incount >= -0.5)
                            get_frame = 1;
        else { // ngrains = 0
			for ( j = 0; j < frameCount; j++ ) {
                outp[0] = 0.0;
                if (outputChannels() == 2) outp[1] = 0.0;
                outp += outputChannels();
				Instrument::increment(); // sample of whole note
                thechunksamp++; // sample within chunk
 //       rtcmix_advise("STGRANR", "totalgrains: %ld\n",totalgrains);
        return thechunksamp;        
예제 #23
NativeImagePtr BitmapImage::nativeImageForCurrentFrame()
    return frameAtIndex(currentFrame());
/* Called by the scheduler for every time slice in which this instrument
   should run. This is where the real work of the instrument is done.
int LPCPLAY::run()
	int   n = 0;
	float out[2];        /* Space for only 2 output chans! */

#if 0

	// Samples may have been left over from end of previous run's block
	if (_leftOver > 0)
		int toAdd = min(_leftOver, framesToRun());
#ifdef debug
		printf("using %d leftover samps starting at offset %d\n",
			   _leftOver, _savedOffset);
		rtbaddout(&_alpvals[_savedOffset], toAdd);
		n += toAdd;
		_leftOver -= toAdd;
		_savedOffset += toAdd;
	/* framesToRun() returns the number of sample frames -- 1 sample for each
	  channel -- that we have to write during this scheduler time slice.
	for (; n < framesToRun(); n += _counter) {
		double p[12];
		update(p, 12);
		_amp = p[2];
		_pitch = p[3];
		_transposition = ABS(_pitch);
		_warpFactor = p[6];
		_reson_is_on = p[7] ? true : false;
		_cf_fact = p[7];
		_bw_fact = p[8];
		int loc;
		if ( _unvoiced_rate && !_voiced )
			++_frameno;	/* if unvoiced set to normal rate */
			_frameno = _frame1 + ((float)(currentFrame())/nSamps()) * _frames;
#if 0
		printf("frame %g\n", _frameno);
		if (_dataSet->getFrame(_frameno,_coeffs) == -1)
		// If requested, stabilize this frame before using
		if (_autoCorrect)
			stabilize(_coeffs, _nPoles);
		float buzamp = getVoicedAmp(_coeffs[THRESH]);
		_voiced = (buzamp > 0.1); /* voiced = 0 for 10:1 noise */
		float noisamp = (1.0 - buzamp) * _randamp;	/* for now */
		_ampmlt = _amp * _coeffs[RESIDAMP];
		if (_coeffs[RMSAMP] < _cutoff)
			_ampmlt = 0;
		float cps = tablei(currentFrame(),_pchvals,_tblvals);
		float newpch = cps;

		// If input pitch was specified as -X.YZ, use this as actual pitch
		if ((_pitch < 0) && (ABS(_pitch) >= 1))
			newpch = _transposition;

		if (_reson_is_on) {
			/* If _cf_fact is greater than 20, treat as absolute freq.
			   Else treat as factor.
			   If _bw_fact is greater than 20, treat as absolute freq.
			   Else treat as factor (i.e., cf * factor == bw).
			float cf = (_cf_fact < 20.0) ? _cf_fact*cps : _cf_fact;
			float bw = (_bw_fact < 20.0) ? cf * _bw_fact : _bw_fact;
			rszset(SR, cf, bw, 1., _rsnetc);
#ifdef debug
			printf("cf %g bw %g cps %g\n", cf, bw,cps);
		float si = newpch * _magic;

		float *cpoint = _coeffs + 4;
		if (_warpFactor != 0.0)
			float warp = (_warpFactor > 1.) ? .0001 : _warpFactor;
			_ampmlt *= _warpPole.set(warp, cpoint, _nPoles);
		if (_hnfactor < 1.0)
			buzamp *= _hnfactor;	/* compensate for gain increase */
		float hn = (_hnfactor <= 1.0) ? (int)(_hnfactor*_srd2/newpch)-2 : _hnfactor;
		_counter = int(((float)SR/(newpch * _perperiod) ) * .5);
		_counter = (_counter > (nSamps() - currentFrame())) ? nSamps() - currentFrame() : _counter;
#ifdef debug
		printf("fr: %g err: %g bzamp: %g noisamp: %g pch: %g ctr: %d\n",
        if (_counter <= 0)
		// Catch bad pitches which generate array overruns
		else if (_counter > _arrayLen) {
			rtcmix_warn("LPCPLAY", "Counter exceeded array size -- limiting.  Frame pitch: %f", newpch);
			_counter = _arrayLen;

#ifdef debug
		printf("\t _buzvals[0] = %g\n", _buzvals[0]);
		l_brrand(_ampmlt*noisamp,_noisvals,_counter);	/* TEMPORARY */
#ifdef debug
		printf("\t _noisvals[0] = %g\n", _noisvals[0]);
		for (loc=0; loc<_counter; loc++) {
			_buzvals[loc] += _noisvals[loc];	/* add voiced and unvoiced */
		if (_warpFactor) {
			float warp = (_warpFactor > 1.) ? shift(_coeffs[PITCH],newpch,(float)SR) : _warpFactor;
#ifdef debug
			printf("\tpch: %f newpch: %f d: %f\n",_coeffs[PITCH], newpch, warp);
			warp = ABS(warp) > .2 ? SIGN(warp) * .15 : warp;
			_warpPole.run(_buzvals, warp, cpoint, _alpvals, _counter);
#ifdef debug
		{ int x; float maxamp=0; for (x=0;x<_counter;x++) { if (ABS(_alpvals[x]) > ABS(maxamp)) maxamp = _alpvals[x]; }
			printf("\t maxamp = %g\n", maxamp);
		if (_reson_is_on)

		// Apply envelope last

		float envelope = evp(currentFrame(),_envFun,_envFun,_evals);
		bmultf(_alpvals, envelope, _counter);

		int sampsToAdd = min(_counter, framesToRun() - n);

		/* Write this block to the output buffer. */
		rtbaddout(_alpvals, sampsToAdd);
		/* Keep track of how many sample frames this instrument has generated. */
	// Handle case where last synthesized block extended beyond framesToRun()
	if (n > framesToRun())
		_leftOver = n - framesToRun();
		_savedOffset = _counter - _leftOver;
#ifdef debug
		printf("saving %d samples left over at offset %d\n", _leftOver, _savedOffset);

	return framesToRun();
예제 #25
void GameCritterObject::onMovementAnimationEnded(Event* event)
    auto hexagon = movementQueue()->back();
    Game::getInstance()->locationState()->moveObjectToHexagon(this, hexagon);
    auto animation = dynamic_cast<Animation*>(ui());

    if (movementQueue()->size() == 0)
        _moving = false;

    auto newHexagon = movementQueue()->back();
    auto newOrientation = this->hexagon()->orientationTo(newHexagon);
    if (event->name() == "animationEnded" || (int)newOrientation != orientation())
        _orientation = newOrientation;
        auto newAnimation = _generateMovementAnimation();
        if (event->name() == "actionFrame") 
            newAnimation->setActionFrame(_running ? 2 : 4);
        newAnimation->addEventHandler("actionFrame",    std::bind(&GameCritterObject::onMovementAnimationEnded, this, std::placeholders::_1));
        newAnimation->addEventHandler("animationEnded", std::bind(&GameCritterObject::onMovementAnimationEnded, this, std::placeholders::_1));
        delete _ui;
        _ui = animation = newAnimation;

    if (event->name() == "actionFrame")
        // at each action frame critter switches to the next hex and frame positions are offset relative to the action frame offsets
        auto actionFrame = animation->frames()->at(animation->actionFrame());
        for (auto it = animation->frames()->rbegin(); it != animation->frames()->rend(); ++it)
            auto frame = (*it);
            frame->setXOffset(frame->xOffset() - actionFrame->xOffset());
            frame->setYOffset(frame->yOffset() - actionFrame->yOffset());
            if (frame == actionFrame) break;

        if (_running)
            switch (animation->actionFrame())
                // those frame numbers were guessed to make seamless running animation
                case 2:
                case 4:
                case 5:
int LPCIN::run()
	int   n = 0;
	float out[2];        /* Space for only 2 output chans! */
	const int inchans = inputChannels();

	// Samples may have been left over from end of previous run's block
	if (_leftOver > 0)
		int toAdd = min(_leftOver, framesToRun());
#ifdef debug
		printf("using %d leftover samps starting at offset %d\n",
			   _leftOver, _savedOffset);
		bmultf(&_alpvals[_savedOffset], _ampmlt, toAdd);	// Scale signal
		rtbaddout(&_alpvals[_savedOffset], toAdd);
		n += toAdd;
		_leftOver -= toAdd;
		_savedOffset += toAdd;
	/* framesToRun() returns the number of sample frames -- 1 sample for each
	  channel -- that we have to write during this scheduler time slice.
	for (; n < framesToRun(); n += _counter) {
		double p[10];
		update(p, LPCIN_bw + 1);
		_amp = p[LPCIN_amp];
		_warpFactor = p[LPCIN_warp];
		_reson_is_on = p[LPCIN_cf] ? true : false;
		_cf_fact = p[LPCIN_cf];
		_bw_fact = p[LPCIN_bw];

		int loc;
		_frameno = _frame1 + ((float)(currentFrame())/nSamps()) * _frames;

#ifdef debug
		printf("\tgetting frame %g of %d (%d out of %d signal samps)\n",
			   _frameno, (int)_frames, currentFrame(), nSamps());
		if (_dataSet->getFrame(_frameno,_coeffs) == -1)

		// If requested, stabilize this frame before using
		if (_autoCorrect)
			stabilize(_coeffs, _nPoles);

		_ampmlt = _amp * _coeffs[RESIDAMP] / 10000.0;	// XXX normalize this!
		float newpch = (_coeffs[PITCH] > 0.0) ? _coeffs[PITCH] : 64.0;

		if (_coeffs[RMSAMP] < _cutoff)
			_ampmlt = 0;
		if (_reson_is_on) {
			/* Treat _cf_fact as absolute freq.
			   If _bw_fact is greater than 20, treat as absolute freq.
			   Else treat as factor (i.e., cf * factor == bw).
			float cf = _cf_fact;
			float bw = (_bw_fact < 20.0) ? cf * _bw_fact : _bw_fact;
			rszset(SR, cf, bw, 1., _rsnetc);
			/* printf("%f %f %f %f\n",_cf_fact*cps,
				_bw_fact*_cf_fact*cps,_cf_fact,_bw_fact,cps); */

		float *cpoint = _coeffs + 4;
		if (_warpFactor != 0.0)
			float warp = (_warpFactor > 1.) ? .0001 : _warpFactor;
			_ampmlt *= _warpPole.set(warp, cpoint, _nPoles);
		_counter = int(((float)SR/(newpch * /*_perperiod*/ 1.0) ) * .5);
//		_counter = (_counter > (nSamps() - currentFrame())) ? nSamps() - currentFrame() : _counter;
		_counter = min(_counter, framesToRun() - n);
        if (_counter <= 0)

		rtgetin(_inbuf, this, _counter);
		// Deinterleave input
		for (int from=_inChannel, to=0; to < _counter; from += inchans, ++to)
			_buzvals[to] = _inbuf[from];

#ifdef debug
		printf("\t _buzvals[0] = %g\n", _buzvals[0]);
		if (_warpFactor) {
//			float warp = (_warpFactor > 1.) ? shift(_coeffs[PITCH],newpch,(float)SR) : _warpFactor;
			float warp = _warpFactor;
#ifdef debug
			printf("\tpch: %f newpch: %f d: %f\n",_coeffs[PITCH], newpch, warp);
			warp = ABS(warp) > .2 ? SIGN(warp) * .15 : warp;
			_warpPole.run(_buzvals, warp, cpoint, _alpvals, _counter);
#ifdef debug
		{ int x; float maxamp=0; for (x=0;x<_counter;x++) { if (ABS(_alpvals[x]) > ABS(maxamp)) maxamp = _alpvals[x]; }
			printf("\t maxamp = %g\n", maxamp);
		if (_reson_is_on)

		int sampsToAdd = min(_counter, framesToRun() - n);
//		printf("\tscaling %d samples by %g\n", sampsToAdd, _ampmlt);

		bmultf(_alpvals, _ampmlt, sampsToAdd);	// Scale signal
		/* Write this block to the output buffer. */
		rtbaddout(_alpvals, sampsToAdd);
		/* Keep track of how many sample frames this instrument has generated. */
	// Handle case where last synthesized block extended beyond framesToRun()
	if (n > framesToRun())
		_leftOver = n - framesToRun();
		_savedOffset = _counter - _leftOver;
#ifdef debug
		printf("saving %d samples left over at offset %d\n", _leftOver, _savedOffset);

	return framesToRun();
예제 #27
bool BitmapImage::currentFrameKnownToBeOpaque()
    return !frameHasAlphaAtIndex(currentFrame());
예제 #28
void JGRAN :: doupdate()
   double p[19];
   update(p, 19);

   amp = p[2];
   if (amp_table)
      amp *= amp_table->tick(currentFrame(), 1.0);

   // Get new random values.
   double randur = fabs(durnoi->tick());          // [0, 1]
   double ranfreq = fabs(freqnoi->tick());
   double ranamp = fabs(ampnoi->tick());
   if (randomize_phase)
      ranphase = fabs(phasenoi->tick()) * TWO_PI;

   // Read pfields or tables, depending on number of args to inst.  All this
   // nargs testing is for backwards compatibility with pre-v4 scores.

   double minfreq, maxfreq;
   if (nargs > 10)
      minfreq = p[10];
      minfreq = minfreq_table->tick(currentFrame(), 1.0);
   if (nargs > 11)
      maxfreq = p[11];
      maxfreq = maxfreq_table->tick(currentFrame(), 1.0);

   double minspeed, maxspeed;
   if (nargs > 12)
      minspeed = p[12];
      minspeed = minspeed_table->tick(currentFrame(), 1.0);
   if (nargs > 13)
      maxspeed = p[13];
      maxspeed = maxspeed_table->tick(currentFrame(), 1.0);

   double minintens, maxintens;
   if (nargs > 14)
      minintens = p[14];
      minintens = minintens_table->tick(currentFrame(), 1.0);
   if (nargs > 15)
      maxintens = p[15];
      maxintens = maxintens_table->tick(currentFrame(), 1.0);

   double density;
   if (nargs > 16)
      density = p[16];
      density = density_table->tick(currentFrame(), 1.0);

   // Compute next grain duration.
   double logminspeed = log(minspeed);
   double speeddiff = fabs(log(maxspeed) - logminspeed);
   int tmp = (int) ((double) krate / exp(logminspeed + (randur * speeddiff)));
   next_graindur = ((double) tmp / (double) krate) + (1.0 / (double) krate);

   // Compute next grain amplitude multiplier.
   if (ranamp < density) {
      double intens = minintens + ((maxintens - minintens) * ranamp);
      next_grainamp = ampdb(intens);
      next_grainamp = 0.0;

   // Compute next carrier frequency.
   double logminfreq = log(minfreq);
   double freqdiff = fabs(log(maxfreq) - logminfreq);
   next_carfreq = exp(logminfreq + (ranfreq * freqdiff));

   // Compute next modulator frequency and depth, if we're doing FM.
   if (osctype == FM) {
      double modmult, index;
      if (nargs > 8)
         modmult = p[8];
         modmult = modmult_table->tick(currentFrame(), 1.0);
      if (nargs > 9)
         index = p[9];
         index = modindex_table->tick(currentFrame(), 1.0);

      next_modfreq = next_carfreq * modmult;
      next_moddepth = index * next_modfreq;

   // Compute next pan.
   if (outputChannels() == 2) {
      double pan, panvar;
      if (nargs > 17)
         pan = p[17];
         pan = pan_table->tick(currentFrame(), 1.0);
      if (nargs > 18)
         panvar = p[18];
         panvar = panvar_table->tick(currentFrame(), 1.0);

      next_grainpan = pan;
      double ranpan = pannoi->tick();                     // [-1, 1]
      ranpan *= panvar;
      next_grainpan += ranpan;
      if (next_grainpan > 1.0)
         next_grainpan = 1.0;
      else if (next_grainpan < 0.0)
         next_grainpan = 0.0;
예제 #29
파일: MROOM.cpp 프로젝트: RTcmix/RTcmix
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ run --- */
int MROOM::run()
   const int samps = framesToRun() * inputChannels();

   rtgetin(in, this, samps);

   for (int i = 0; i < samps; i += inputChannels()) {
      float insig, delval = 0.0, rvbsig = 0.0;

      if (currentFrame() < insamps) {        /* still taking input */
         if (--branch <= 0) {
            if (amparray)
               aamp = tablei(currentFrame(), amparray, amptabs) * ovamp;
            branch = skip;
         if (--quantbranch <= 0) {
            float xposit = tablei(currentFrame(), xpos, xpostabs);
            float yposit = tablei(currentFrame(), ypos, ypostabs);
            distndelset(xposit, yposit, xdim, ydim, innerwidth, reflect);
            quantbranch = quantskip;

         if (inchan == AVERAGE_CHANS) {
            insig = 0.0;
            for (int n = 0; n < inputChannels(); n++)
               insig += in[i + n];
            insig /= (float)inputChannels();
            insig = in[i + inchan];
         insig *= aamp;
      else                                   /* in ring-down phase */
         insig = 0.0;

      DELPUT(insig, delayline, deltabs);

      float rout = 0.0;
      for (int m = 1; m < NTAPS; m += 2) {
         DLIGET(delayline, del[m], deltabs, delval);
         DELGET(delayline, del[m], deltabs, delval);
         rout += delval * amp[m];
         if (m < 2)
            rvbsig = -rout;
      rvbsig += rout;

      float out[2];
      out[0] = rout + reverb(rvbsig, rvbarrayr);

      float lout = 0.0;
      for (int m = 0; m < NTAPS; m += 2) {
         DLIGET(delayline, del[m], deltabs, delval);
         DELGET(delayline, del[m], deltabs, delval);
         lout += delval * amp[m];
         if (m < 2)
            rvbsig = -lout;
      rvbsig += lout;
      out[1] = lout + reverb(rvbsig, rvbarrayl);


   return framesToRun();
예제 #30
QVariantMap WebPage::pageHeaders() {
  return currentFrame()->property("headers").toMap();