main() { register got; request(KBD|MOUSE|RCV|SEND); newlnsz=defont.height; init(); strzero(&snarfbuf); waitunix(&diagdone); /* when menu is loaded */ for(got=0; ; got=wait(MOUSE|KBD|RCV)){ if(P->state&RESHAPED){ rectf(&display, Drect, F_CLR); closeall(); init(); P->state&=~RESHAPED; } /* NOTE: cursor is OFF at all times... */ if((got&RCV) && rcv()){ curse(current->frame); (void)message(); curse(current->frame); } if((got&MOUSE) && bttn123() && ptinrect(mouse.xy, display.rect)){ curse(current->frame); buttonhit(mouse.xy, mouse.buttons); curse(current->frame); } if((got&KBD) && current) /* ...except in type */ type(current); /* manages cursor itself */ } }
/* drop one object taken from a (possibly dead) monster's inventory */ static void mdrop_obj(struct monst *mon, struct obj *obj, boolean verbosely) { int omx = mon->mx, omy = mon->my; if (obj->owornmask) { /* perform worn item handling if the monster is still alive */ if (mon->mhp > 0) { mon->misc_worn_check &= ~obj->owornmask; update_mon_intrinsics(mon, obj, FALSE, TRUE); /* obj_no_longer_held(obj); -- done by place_object */ if (obj->owornmask & W_WEP) setmnotwielded(mon, obj); /* don't charge for an owned saddle on dead steed */ } else if (mon->mtame && (obj->owornmask & W_SADDLE) && !obj->unpaid && costly_spot(omx, omy)) { obj->no_charge = 1; } obj->owornmask = 0L; } if (!DEADMONSTER(mon) && obj->otyp == LOADSTONE && !obj->cursed) curse(obj); if (verbosely && cansee(omx, omy)) pline("%s drops %s.", Monnam(mon), distant_name(obj, doname)); if (!flooreffects(obj, omx, omy, "fall")) { place_object(obj, level, omx, omy); stackobj(obj); } }
int main (void) { pid_t mypeed = 0; printf("\nActivate random_oops: %d\n", curse(ACTIVATE, "random_oops", getpid(),0,NULL )); printf("\nCast random_oops on self: %d\n", curse(CAST, "random_oops", getpid(),0, NULL)); fork_again: mypeed=fork(); if (mypeed<0) printf("Error forking.\n"); else if (mypeed==0) exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); else goto fork_again; printf("\nLift random_oops from self: %d\n", curse(LIFT, "random_oops", getpid(),0, NULL)); return 0; }
void TuneCommand::process(std::vector<std::string> args) { Curse curse(this); curse.values = shell->getPool(args); if (curse.values.size()) { = shell;; } else { throw std::runtime_error("Nothing to tune"); } }
void blessorcurse(struct obj *otmp, int chance) { if (otmp->blessed || otmp->cursed) return; if (!rn2(chance)) { if (!rn2(2)) { curse(otmp); } else { bless(otmp); } } return; }
void makerogueghost(struct level *lev) { struct monst *ghost; struct obj *ghostobj; struct mkroom *croom; int x,y; if (!lev->nroom) return; /* Should never happen */ croom = &lev->rooms[rn2(lev->nroom)]; x = somex(croom); y = somey(croom); if (!(ghost = makemon(&mons[PM_GHOST], lev, x, y, NO_MM_FLAGS))) return; ghost->msleeping = 1; christen_monst(ghost, roguename()); if (rn2(4)) { ghostobj = mksobj_at(FOOD_RATION, lev, x, y, FALSE, FALSE); ghostobj->quan = (long) rnd(7); ghostobj->owt = weight(ghostobj); } if (rn2(2)) { ghostobj = mksobj_at(MACE, lev, x, y, FALSE, FALSE); ghostobj->spe = rnd(3); if (rn2(4)) curse(ghostobj); } else { ghostobj = mksobj_at(TWO_HANDED_SWORD, lev, x, y, FALSE, FALSE); ghostobj->spe = rnd(5) - 2; if (rn2(4)) curse(ghostobj); } ghostobj = mksobj_at(BOW, lev, x, y, FALSE, FALSE); ghostobj->spe = 1; if (rn2(4)) curse(ghostobj); ghostobj = mksobj_at(ARROW, lev, x, y, FALSE, FALSE); ghostobj->spe = 0; ghostobj->quan = (long) rn1(10,25); ghostobj->owt = weight(ghostobj); if (rn2(4)) curse(ghostobj); if (rn2(2)) { ghostobj = mksobj_at(RING_MAIL, lev, x, y, FALSE, FALSE); ghostobj->spe = rn2(3); if (!rn2(3)) ghostobj->oerodeproof = TRUE; if (rn2(4)) curse(ghostobj); } else { ghostobj = mksobj_at(PLATE_MAIL, lev, x, y, FALSE, FALSE); ghostobj->spe = rnd(5) - 2; if (!rn2(3)) ghostobj->oerodeproof = TRUE; if (rn2(4)) curse(ghostobj); } if (rn2(2)) { ghostobj = mksobj_at(FAKE_AMULET_OF_YENDOR, lev, x, y, TRUE, FALSE); ghostobj->known = TRUE; } }
void rndcurse() /* curse a few inventory items at random! */ { int nobj = 0; int cnt, onum; struct obj *otmp; static const char *mal_aura = "feel a malignant aura surround %s."; if (uwep && (uwep->oartifact == ART_MAGICBANE) && rn2(20)) { You(mal_aura, "the magic-absorbing blade"); return; } if(Antimagic) { shieldeff(u.ux,; You(mal_aura, "you"); } for (otmp = invent; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj) nobj++; if (nobj) for (cnt = rnd(6/((!!Antimagic) + (!!Half_spell_damage) + 1)); cnt > 0; cnt--) { onum = rn2(nobj); for(otmp = invent; onum != 0; onum--) otmp = otmp->nobj; if(otmp->oartifact && spec_ability(otmp, SPFX_INTEL) && rn2(10) < 8) { pline("%s resists!", The(xname(otmp))); continue; } if(otmp->blessed) unbless(otmp); else curse(otmp); } }
void rndcurse() /* curse a few inventory items at random! */ { int nobj = 0; int cnt, onum; struct obj *otmp; static const char mal_aura[] = "VERB_SPUEREN eine bösartige Aura um OBJECT %s."; /* EN static const char mal_aura[] = "feel a malignant aura surround %s."; */ if (uwep && (uwep->oartifact == ART_MAGICBANE) && rn2(20)) { You(mal_aura, "ARTIKEL_BESTIMMTER ADJEKTIV_MAGIE_ABSORBIEREND NOUN_KLINGE"); /* EN You(mal_aura, "the magic-absorbing blade"); */ return; } if(Antimagic) { shieldeff(u.ux,; You(mal_aura, "PRONOMEN_PERSONAL"); /* EN You(mal_aura, "you"); */ } for (otmp = invent; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj) { #ifdef GOLDOBJ /* gold isn't subject to being cursed or blessed */ if (otmp->oclass == COIN_CLASS) continue; #endif nobj++; } if (nobj) { for (cnt = rnd(6/((!!Antimagic) + (!!Half_spell_damage) + 1)); cnt > 0; cnt--) { onum = rnd(nobj); for (otmp = invent; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj) { #ifdef GOLDOBJ /* as above */ if (otmp->oclass == COIN_CLASS) continue; #endif if (--onum == 0) break; /* found the target */ } /* the !otmp case should never happen; picking an already cursed item happens--avoid "resists" message in that case */ if (!otmp || otmp->cursed) continue; /* next target */ if(otmp->oartifact && spec_ability(otmp, SPFX_INTEL) && rn2(10) < 8) { pline("%s!", Tobjnam(otmp, "VERB_WIDERSTEHEN")); /* EN pline("%s!", Tobjnam(otmp, "resist")); */ continue; } if(otmp->blessed) unbless(otmp); else curse(otmp); } update_inventory(); } #ifdef STEED /* treat steed's saddle as extended part of hero's inventory */ if (u.usteed && !rn2(4) && (otmp = which_armor(u.usteed, W_SADDLE)) != 0 && !otmp->cursed) { /* skip if already cursed */ if (otmp->blessed) unbless(otmp); else curse(otmp); if (!Blind) { pline("SUBJECT %s %s %s.", /* EN pline("%s %s %s.", */ genitivattribut_zu_wort(y_monnam(u.usteed), /* EN s_suffix(upstart(y_monnam(u.usteed))), */ cxname(otmp)), "VERB_LEUCHTEN", /* EN aobjnam(otmp, "glow"), */ hcolor(otmp->cursed ? NH_BLACK : (const char *)"ADJEKTIV_FARBE_BRAUN")); /* EN hcolor(otmp->cursed ? NH_BLACK : (const char *)"brown")); */ otmp->bknown = TRUE; } } #endif /*STEED*/ }
void rndcurse() /* curse a few inventory items at random! */ { int nobj = 0; int cnt, onum; struct obj *otmp; static const char mal_aura[] = "feel a malignant aura surround %s."; if (uwep && (uwep->oartifact == ART_MAGICBANE) && rn2(20)) { You(mal_aura, "the magic-absorbing blade"); return; } if(Antimagic) { shieldeff(u.ux,; You(mal_aura, "you"); } for (otmp = invent; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj) { #ifdef GOLDOBJ /* gold isn't subject to being cursed or blessed */ if (otmp->oclass == COIN_CLASS) continue; #endif nobj++; } if (nobj) { for (cnt = rnd(6/((!!Antimagic) + (!!Half_spell_damage) + 1)); cnt > 0; cnt--) { onum = rnd(nobj); for (otmp = invent; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj) { #ifdef GOLDOBJ /* as above */ if (otmp->oclass == COIN_CLASS) continue; #endif if (--onum == 0) break; /* found the target */ } /* the !otmp case should never happen; picking an already cursed item happens--avoid "resists" message in that case */ if (!otmp || otmp->cursed) continue; /* next target */ if(otmp->oartifact && spec_ability(otmp, SPFX_INTEL) && rn2(10) < 8) { pline("%s!", Tobjnam(otmp, "resist")); continue; } if(otmp->blessed) unbless(otmp); else curse(otmp); } update_inventory(); } #ifdef STEED /* treat steed's saddle as extended part of hero's inventory */ if (u.usteed && !rn2(4) && (otmp = which_armor(u.usteed, W_SADDLE)) != 0 && !otmp->cursed) { /* skip if already cursed */ if (otmp->blessed) unbless(otmp); else curse(otmp); if (!Blind) { pline("%s %s %s.", s_suffix(upstart(y_monnam(u.usteed))), aobjnam(otmp, "glow"), hcolor(otmp->cursed ? NH_BLACK : (const char *)"brown")); otmp->bknown = TRUE; } } #endif /*STEED*/ }
struct obj * mksobj(int otyp, boolean init, boolean artif) { int mndx, tryct; struct obj *otmp; char let = objects[otyp].oc_class; otmp = newobj(0); *otmp = zeroobj; otmp->age = monstermoves; otmp->o_id = flags.ident++; if (!otmp->o_id) otmp->o_id = flags.ident++; /* ident overflowed */ otmp->quan = 1L; otmp->oclass = let; otmp->otyp = otyp; otmp->where = OBJ_FREE; otmp->dknown = index(dknowns, let) ? 0 : 1; if (otmp->otyp == AMULET_OF_YENDOR) otmp->orecursive = FALSE; if ((otmp->otyp >= ELVEN_SHIELD && otmp->otyp <= ORCISH_SHIELD) || otmp->otyp == SHIELD_OF_REFLECTION) otmp->dknown = 0; if (!objects[otmp->otyp].oc_uses_known) otmp->known = 1; if (is_rustprone(otmp) || is_corrodeable(otmp) || is_flammable(otmp)) otmp->rknown = 1; #ifdef INVISIBLE_OBJECTS otmp->oinvis = !rn2(1250); #endif if (init) switch (let) { case WEAPON_CLASS: otmp->quan = is_multigen(otmp) ? (long) rn1(6,6) : 1L; if(!rn2(11)) { otmp->spe = rne(3); otmp->blessed = rn2(2); } else if(!rn2(10)) { curse(otmp); otmp->spe = -rne(3); } else blessorcurse(otmp, 10); if (is_poisonable(otmp) && !rn2(100)) otmp->opoisoned = 1; if (artif && !rn2(20)) otmp = mk_artifact(otmp, (aligntyp)A_NONE); break; case FOOD_CLASS: otmp->odrained = 0; otmp->oeaten = 0; switch(otmp->otyp) { case CORPSE: /* possibly overridden by mkcorpstat() */ tryct = 50; do otmp->corpsenm = undead_to_corpse(rndmonnum()); while ((mvitals[otmp->corpsenm].mvflags & G_NOCORPSE) && (--tryct > 0)); if (tryct == 0) { /* perhaps rndmonnum() only wants to make G_NOCORPSE monsters on this level; let's create an adventurer's corpse instead, then */ otmp->corpsenm = PM_HUMAN; } /* timer set below */ break; case EGG: otmp->corpsenm = NON_PM; /* generic egg */ if (!rn2(3)) for (tryct = 200; tryct > 0; --tryct) { mndx = can_be_hatched(rndmonnum()); if (mndx != NON_PM && !dead_species(mndx, TRUE)) { otmp->corpsenm = mndx; /* typed egg */ attach_egg_hatch_timeout(otmp); break; } } break; case TIN: otmp->corpsenm = NON_PM; /* empty (so far) */ if (!rn2(6)) otmp->spe = 1; /* spinach */ else for (tryct = 200; tryct > 0; --tryct) { mndx = undead_to_corpse(rndmonnum()); if (mons[mndx].cnutrit && !(mvitals[mndx].mvflags & G_NOCORPSE)) { otmp->corpsenm = mndx; break; } } blessorcurse(otmp, 10); break; case SLIME_MOLD: otmp->spe = current_fruit; break; case KELP_FROND: otmp->quan = (long) rnd(2); break; } if (otmp->otyp == CORPSE || otmp->otyp == MEAT_RING || otmp->otyp == KELP_FROND) break; /* fall into next case */ case GEM_CLASS: if (otmp->otyp == LOADSTONE) curse(otmp); else if (otmp->otyp == ROCK) otmp->quan = (long) rn1(6,6); else if (otmp->otyp != LUCKSTONE && !rn2(6)) otmp->quan = 2L; else otmp->quan = 1L; break; case TOOL_CLASS: switch(otmp->otyp) { case TALLOW_CANDLE: case WAX_CANDLE: otmp->spe = 1; otmp->age = 20L * /* 400 or 200 */ (long)objects[otmp->otyp].oc_cost; otmp->lamplit = 0; otmp->quan = 1L + (long)(rn2(2) ? rn2(7) : 0); blessorcurse(otmp, 5); break; case BRASS_LANTERN: case OIL_LAMP: otmp->spe = 1; otmp->age = (long) rn1(500,1000); otmp->lamplit = 0; blessorcurse(otmp, 5); break; case MAGIC_LAMP: otmp->spe = 1; otmp->lamplit = 0; blessorcurse(otmp, 2); break; case IRON_SAFE: otmp->olocked = 1; case CHEST: case LARGE_BOX: if (otmp->otyp != IRON_SAFE) { otmp->olocked = !!(rn2(5)); /* clumsy tweak */ } otmp->otrapped = !(rn2(10)); case ICE_BOX: case SACK: case OILSKIN_SACK: case BAG_OF_HOLDING: mkbox_cnts(otmp); break; #ifdef TOURIST case EXPENSIVE_CAMERA: #endif case TINNING_KIT: case MAGIC_MARKER: otmp->spe = rn1(60,20); break; case CAN_OF_GREASE: otmp->spe = rnd(25); blessorcurse(otmp, 10); break; case CRYSTAL_BALL: otmp->spe = rnd(5); blessorcurse(otmp, 2); break; case HORN_OF_PLENTY: case BAG_OF_TRICKS: otmp->spe = rnd(20); break; case FIGURINE: { int tryct2 = 0; do otmp->corpsenm = rndmonnum(); while(is_human(&mons[otmp->corpsenm]) && tryct2++ < 30); blessorcurse(otmp, 4); break; } case BELL_OF_OPENING: otmp->spe = 3; break; case MAGIC_FLUTE: case MAGIC_HARP: case FROST_HORN: case FIRE_HORN: case DRUM_OF_EARTHQUAKE: otmp->spe = rn1(5,4); break; } break; case AMULET_CLASS: if (otmp->otyp == AMULET_OF_YENDOR) flags.made_amulet = TRUE; if(rn2(10) && (otmp->otyp == AMULET_OF_STRANGULATION || otmp->otyp == AMULET_OF_CHANGE || otmp->otyp == AMULET_OF_RESTFUL_SLEEP)) { curse(otmp); } else blessorcurse(otmp, 10); case VENOM_CLASS: case CHAIN_CLASS: case BALL_CLASS: break; case POTION_CLASS: if (otmp->otyp == POT_OIL) otmp->age = MAX_OIL_IN_FLASK; /* amount of oil */ /* fall through */ case SCROLL_CLASS: #ifdef MAIL if (otmp->otyp != SCR_MAIL) #endif blessorcurse(otmp, 4); break; case SPBOOK_CLASS: blessorcurse(otmp, 17); break; case ARMOR_CLASS: if(rn2(10) && (otmp->otyp == FUMBLE_BOOTS || otmp->otyp == LEVITATION_BOOTS || otmp->otyp == HELM_OF_OPPOSITE_ALIGNMENT || otmp->otyp == GAUNTLETS_OF_FUMBLING || otmp->otyp == TINFOIL_HAT || !rn2(11))) { curse(otmp); otmp->spe = -rne(3); } else if(!rn2(10)) { otmp->blessed = rn2(2); otmp->spe = rne(3); } else blessorcurse(otmp, 10); if (artif && !rn2(40)) otmp = mk_artifact(otmp, (aligntyp)A_NONE); /* simulate lacquered armor for samurai */ if (Role_if(PM_SAMURAI) && otmp->otyp == SPLINT_MAIL && (moves <= 1 || In_quest(& { #ifdef UNIXPC /* optimizer bitfield bug */ otmp->oerodeproof = 1; otmp->rknown = 1; #else otmp->oerodeproof = otmp->rknown = 1; #endif } break; case WAND_CLASS: if (otmp->otyp == WAN_WISHING) { otmp->spe = (rnf(2,3) ? 1 : rnf(1,2) ? 0 : 2); otmp->recharged = 1; } else { otmp->spe = rn1(5, (objects[otmp->otyp].oc_dir == NODIR) ? 11 : 4); otmp->recharged = 0; /* used to control recharging */ } blessorcurse(otmp, 17); break; case RING_CLASS: if(objects[otmp->otyp].oc_charged) { blessorcurse(otmp, 3); if(rn2(10)) { if(rn2(10) && bcsign(otmp)) otmp->spe = bcsign(otmp) * rne(3); else otmp->spe = rn2(2) ? rne(3) : -rne(3); } /* make useless +0 rings much less common */ if (otmp->spe == 0) otmp->spe = rn2(4) - rn2(3); /* negative rings are usually cursed */ if (otmp->spe < 0 && rn2(5)) curse(otmp); } else if(rn2(10) && (otmp->otyp == RIN_TELEPORTATION || otmp->otyp == RIN_POLYMORPH || otmp->otyp == RIN_AGGRAVATE_MONSTER || otmp->otyp == RIN_HUNGER || !rn2(9))) { curse(otmp); } break; case ROCK_CLASS: switch (otmp->otyp) { case STATUE: /* possibly overridden by mkcorpstat() */ otmp->corpsenm = rndmonnum(); if (!verysmall(&mons[otmp->corpsenm]) && rn2(level_difficulty()/2 + 10) > 10) (void) add_to_container(otmp, mkobj(SPBOOK_CLASS,FALSE)); } break; case COIN_CLASS: break; /* do nothing */ default: warning("impossible mkobj %d, sym '%c'.", otmp->otyp, objects[otmp->otyp].oc_class); return (struct obj *)0; } /* Some things must get done (timers) even if init = 0 */ switch (otmp->otyp) { case CORPSE: start_corpse_timeout(otmp); break; } /* unique objects may have an associated artifact entry */ if (objects[otyp].oc_unique && !otmp->oartifact) otmp = mk_artifact(otmp, (aligntyp)A_NONE); otmp->owt = weight(otmp); return(otmp); }
/* exclusively for mktemple(); uses level creation RNG */ void priestini(struct level *lev, struct mkroom *sroom, int sx, int sy, boolean sanctum) { /* is it the seat of the high priest? */ struct monst *priest = NULL; struct obj *otmp; int cnt; coord *priest_pos, pos_array[] = { { sx + 1, sy }, { sx - 1, sy }, { sx, sy + 1 }, { sx, sy - 1 }, { sx, sy }, { COLNO, ROWNO }, }; /* Search for a good position for the priest. The -1 in the array bound is * to ensure that we stop on the { COLNO, ROWNO } entry which is not ok. Do * not pass a monster to goodpos(), because we will move any monster later. */ for (priest_pos = pos_array; !goodpos(lev, priest_pos->x, priest_pos->y, NULL, 0) && (priest_pos < pos_array + ARRAY_SIZE(pos_array) - 1); ++priest_pos) {} if (!isok(priest_pos->x, priest_pos->y)) { impossible("Unable to find location for priest in shrine"); } else { if (MON_AT(lev, priest_pos->x, priest_pos->y)) rloc(m_at(lev, priest_pos->x, priest_pos->y), FALSE); priest = makemon(&mons[sanctum ? PM_HIGH_PRIEST : PM_ALIGNED_PRIEST], lev, priest_pos->x, priest_pos->y, MM_ALLLEVRNG); } if (priest) { EPRI(priest)->shroom = (sroom - lev->rooms) + ROOMOFFSET; EPRI(priest)->shralign = Amask2align(lev->locations[sx][sy].altarmask); EPRI(priest)->shrpos.x = sx; EPRI(priest)->shrpos.y = sy; assign_level(&(EPRI(priest)->shrlevel), &lev->z); priest->mtrapseen = ~0; /* traps are known */ priest->mpeaceful = 1; priest->ispriest = 1; priest->msleeping = 0; set_malign(priest); /* mpeaceful may have changed */ /* now his/her goodies... */ if (sanctum && CONST_EPRI(priest)->shralign == A_NONE && on_level(&sanctum_level, &lev->z)) { mongets(priest, AMULET_OF_YENDOR, rng_for_level(&lev->z)); } /* 2 to 4 spellbooks */ for (cnt = rn1(3, 2); cnt > 0; --cnt) { mpickobj(priest, mkobj(level, SPBOOK_CLASS, FALSE, rng_for_level(&lev->z))); } /* robe [via makemon()] */ if (mklev_rn2(2, lev) && (otmp = which_armor(priest, os_armc)) != 0) { if (p_coaligned(priest)) uncurse(otmp); else curse(otmp); } } }
/* curse a few inventory items at random! */ void rndcurse() { int nobj = 0; int cnt, onum; struct obj *otmp; /*JP static const char mal_aura[] = "feel a malignant aura surround %s."; */ static const char mal_aura[] = "邪悪なオーラを%sの回りに感じた."; if (uwep && (uwep->oartifact == ART_MAGICBANE) && rn2(20)) { /*JP You(mal_aura, "the magic-absorbing blade"); */ You(mal_aura, "魔力を吸いとる刀"); return; } if (Antimagic) { shieldeff(u.ux,; /*JP You(mal_aura, "you"); */ You(mal_aura, "あなた"); } for (otmp = invent; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj) { /* gold isn't subject to being cursed or blessed */ if (otmp->oclass == COIN_CLASS) continue; nobj++; } if (nobj) { for (cnt = rnd(6 / ((!!Antimagic) + (!!Half_spell_damage) + 1)); cnt > 0; cnt--) { onum = rnd(nobj); for (otmp = invent; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj) { /* as above */ if (otmp->oclass == COIN_CLASS) continue; if (--onum == 0) break; /* found the target */ } /* the !otmp case should never happen; picking an already cursed item happens--avoid "resists" message in that case */ if (!otmp || otmp->cursed) continue; /* next target */ if (otmp->oartifact && spec_ability(otmp, SPFX_INTEL) && rn2(10) < 8) { /*JP pline("%s!", Tobjnam(otmp, "resist")); */ pline("%sは影響を受けない!", xname(otmp)); continue; } if (otmp->blessed) unbless(otmp); else curse(otmp); } update_inventory(); } /* treat steed's saddle as extended part of hero's inventory */ if (u.usteed && !rn2(4) && (otmp = which_armor(u.usteed, W_SADDLE)) != 0 && !otmp->cursed) { /* skip if already cursed */ if (otmp->blessed) unbless(otmp); else curse(otmp); if (!Blind) { #if 0 /*JP*/ pline("%s %s.", Yobjnam2(otmp, "glow"), hcolor(otmp->cursed ? NH_BLACK : (const char *) "brown")); #else pline("%sは%s輝いた.", xname(otmp), jconj_adj(hcolor(otmp->cursed ? NH_BLACK : (const char *)"茶色の"))); #endif otmp->bknown = TRUE; } } }