// 7. 종료 함수 int saveCheck(void) // 종료 전 파일 저장 유무를 질문 (반환값: 입력여부) { int errorcheck = 0; while (1){ if (errorcheck != -1){ cursorOff(); textColor(16 * 10); gotoxy(0, 24); printf(" 수정한 내용을 저장하시겠습니까? 예 [→] 아니요 [←] "); textColor(7); errorcheck = checkSaveValue(); cursorOn(); if (errorcheck != -1) break; } else if (errorcheck == -1){ cursorOff(); textColor(16 * 10); gotoxy(0, 24); printf(" 수정한 내용을 저장하시겠습니까? 예 [→] 아니요 [←] "); warningYesOrNo(); textColor(7); errorcheck = checkSaveValue(); cursorOn(); if (errorcheck != -1) break; } } return errorcheck; }
int inputInfoYesOrNo(int i) // 입력정보 선택 여부 확인 (입력값 i: 검색 or 수정 선택 변수) { int choice; // key: Yes or No 선택 변수 char input[2][5] = { "검색", "수정" }; while (1){ cursorOff(); textColor(16 * 10); gotoxy(0, 26); printf(" 위 정보로 %s하시겠습니까? 예 [→] 아니요 [←] ", input[i]); textColor(0); gotoxy(0, 27); choice = getche(); textColor(7); if (choice == 224){ choice = getch(); if (choice == 77){ gotoxy(43, 26); textColor(16 * 14 + 10); printf(" 예 [→] "); textColor(7); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); cursorOn(); return 0; } else if (choice == 75){ gotoxy(55, 26); textColor(16 * 14 + 10); printf(" 아니요 [←] "); textColor(7); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); cursorOn(); return -1; } else warningYesOrNo(); } else warningYesOrNo(); } return 0; }
void searchCancel(void) { cursorOff(); textColor(16 * 10); gotoxy(0, 26); printf(" < 회원정보 수정이 취소 되었습니다 > 아무 키나 누르세요 "); textColor(7); getch(); cursorOn(); }
void ParallaxLCD::setup(boolean startEmpty ) { pinMode(_bv[PINOUT], OUTPUT); delay(_bv[BOUNCE]); begin(19200); delay(_bv[BOUNCE]); if (startEmpty) { empty(); } cursorOff(); }
void adjustInfoInputCellphone(Member_t *id, int i) { cursorOff(); textColor(16 * 10); gotoxy(0, 26); printf(" < 전화번호 수정이 완료 되었습니다 > 아무 키나 누르세요 "); textColor(7); getch(); cursorOn(); gotoxy(0, 16); lineClear(); gotoxy(0, 17); lineClear(); gotoxy(0, 18); lineClear(); gotoxy(0, 26); lineClear(); gotoxy(0, 28); lineClear(); case4PrintInfo(id, i); }
void adjustInfoInputStudentID(Member_t *id, int IDnum, int i) { id[i].Studentnum = IDnum; cursorOff(); textColor(16 * 10); gotoxy(0, 26); printf(" < 학번 수정이 완료 되었습니다 > 아무 키나 누르세요 "); textColor(7); getch(); cursorOn(); gotoxy(0, 16); lineClear(); gotoxy(0, 17); lineClear(); gotoxy(0, 18); lineClear(); gotoxy(0, 26); lineClear(); gotoxy(0, 28); lineClear(); case4PrintInfo(id, i); }
void Wturnoff_buttons() { PFI tempFunc; TPRINT0("Wturnoff_buttons: beginning\n"); #ifndef VNMRJ clearFuncs(); #endif linelength = 80; /* Mark that Wturnoff_buttons have been called. After the main routine that called Wturnoff_buttons finished, the buttons should be cleared if Wactivate_buttons has not been called. The main routine can either be initiated with a button click or by entering a command in the command window. */ Wturnoff_buttonsCalled = ON; /****** Do not erase existing buttons here anymore ********/ /* *#ifdef SUN * if (Wissun()) * { for (i=0; i<8 ;i++) * { panel_set(but[i], PANEL_SHOW_ITEM, FALSE,0); * } * } * else *#endif * { Wclearpos(1,1,1,80); * header[0] = NULL; * } * end of commented out section */ buttons_active = 0; help_name[0] = '\0'; if (returnFunc) /* if it exists */ { tempFunc = returnFunc; TPRINT1("Wturnoff_buttons:calling return function 0x%x\n",tempFunc); returnFunc = NULL; /* Null out return function */ (*tempFunc)(); } #ifndef VNMRJ cursorOff(BUTTONS); resetButtonPushed(); /* clear button pushed, so not reinversed video */ #endif TPRINT0("\nWturnoff_buttons: ending\n"); }
void case4PrintInfo(Member_t *id, int i) { if (i == -1){ textColor(12); gotoxy(21, 7); printf("검색한 정보가 존재하지 않습니다!"); cursorOff(); textColor(12 * 16); gotoxy(0, 28); printf(" Warning: 존재하지 않는 회원정보를 검색했습니다 (아무키나 누르세요) "); textColor(7); getch(); cursorOn(); } else{ textColor(15); gotoxy(12, 5); printf("① 학번 : %d", id[i].Studentnum); gotoxy(12, 7); printf("② 이름 : %s", id[i].Name); gotoxy(12, 9); printf("③ 주소 : %s", id[i].Address); gotoxy(12, 11); printf("④ 전화번호 : %s", id[i].Cellphone); textColor(7); } }
void Wturnoff_mouse() { int (*tempFunc)(); aspMouse = 0; mouseIsActive = 0; mouseMove = NULL; mouseButton = NULL; mouseGeneral = NULL; mouseClick = NULL; isJMouse = 0; if (mouseReturn) /* if it exists */ { tempFunc = mouseReturn; mouseReturn = NULL; /* Null out return function */ (*tempFunc)(); } #ifdef VNMRJ writelineToVnmrJ("mouse", "off"); #else cursorOff(MOUSE); /* turn cursor Off */ #endif }
int repeatStudentIDCheck(Member_t *id, int IDnum) { int i; // for 문을 위한 변수 i for (i = 1; id[i].Studentnum != 0; i++){ if (id[i].Studentnum == IDnum){ cursorOff(); textColor(12 * 16); gotoxy(0, 28); printf(" Warning: 기존 회원과 중복되는 학번입니다 (아무키나 누르세요) "); textColor(7); getch(); cursorOn(); gotoxy(0, 16); lineClear(); gotoxy(0, 17); lineClear(); gotoxy(0, 18); lineClear(); gotoxy(0, 26); lineClear(); gotoxy(0, 28); lineClear(); IDnum = -1; break; } } return IDnum; }
void SerialLCD::init () { delay(500); switch (g_interface) { case RS232: LCD_SERIAL.begin(g_baudrate); break; case I2C: Wire.begin(); break; case SPI: pinMode(g_sspin, OUTPUT); pinMode(g_sclk, OUTPUT); pinMode(g_mosi, OUTPUT); pinMode(g_miso, INPUT); digitalWrite(g_sspin, HIGH); break; } on(); clear(); blinkOff(); cursorOff(); home(); }
void programCloseUI(void) // 프로그램 종료 UI { cursorOff(); system("cls"); textColor(16 * 14); printf(" < 프로그램 종료 > "); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); textColor(15); printf(" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\n"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf(" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\n"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf(" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@***.....*@@@@@@*@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\n"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf(" @@@@@@@@@@@***... ..****@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\n"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf(" *@*@@@@@@@*.... .**. *@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\n"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf(" @@@@@@*.... ........... .@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\n"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf(" *@@@@@@*.. ..*********...... .*@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\n"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf(" ****@@@@@@*.. .... .@@@@@@@**. ..@@@\n"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf(" @@******.. ...*.****.. .@@@@*. ..@@\n"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf(" ***.*..** ..*..***. .*@@*.. ... ..@@\n"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf(" ***.****. .. .*@*. .. *@@\n"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf(" ***...** .**. . .@@@\n"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf(" *....** .*. *@@@@\n"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf(" *..** ... .. ..@@@@@\n"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf(" **@@*. . ..........@@@@\n"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf(" @***@. . ... ....***@\n"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf(" @*@*.... ... ...........\n"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf(" @*@@*.***...* ............ .\n"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf(" @@@*.*... .... ....... .\n"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf(" @@*.... ..... . .\n"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf(" *@.. ........... .\n"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf(" .@*.. ...****.......... .. .\n"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf(" ........ .@@****......... .\n"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf(" *******...** .\n"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf(" .*@@**@@@* . ..\n"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf(" ..........................................@@@@@@@@* . ..\n"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); textColor(7); gotoxy(4, 25); printf(" made by YG & Kyung"); textColor(14); gotoxy(4, 17); printf("G"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf("O"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf("O"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf("D"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); gotoxy(9, 17); printf("B"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf("Y"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf("E"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); gotoxy(4, 18); printf("S"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf("E"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf("E"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); gotoxy(8, 18); printf("Y"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf("O"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf("U"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); gotoxy(12, 18); printf("L"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf("A"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf("T"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf("E"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf("R"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); gotoxy(31, 18); textColor(12); printf("♡"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY * 3); textColor(15); gotoxy(31, 18); printf("*."); textColor(12); gotoxy(25, 18); printf("\b\b♥"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf("\b\b\b♥"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf("\b\b\b♥"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf("\b\b\b♥"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf("\b\b\b♥"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf("\b\b\b♥"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); printf("\b\b\b♥"); Sleep(TIME_OF_DELAY); textColor(7); gotoxy(4, 28); }