예제 #1
inline RC TPCCTxnManager::run_payment_4(uint64_t w_id, uint64_t d_id,uint64_t c_id,uint64_t c_w_id, uint64_t c_d_id, char * c_last, double h_amount, bool by_last_name, row_t *& r_cust_local) { 
		EXEC SQL SELECT d_street_1, d_street_2, d_city, d_state, d_zip, d_name
		INTO :d_street_1, :d_street_2, :d_city, :d_state, :d_zip, :d_name
		FROM district
		WHERE d_w_id=:w_id AND d_id=:d_id;

	itemid_t * item;
	uint64_t key;
	row_t * r_cust;
	if (by_last_name) { 
			EXEC SQL SELECT count(c_id) INTO :namecnt
			FROM customer
			WHERE c_last=:c_last AND c_d_id=:c_d_id AND c_w_id=:c_w_id;
			SELECT c_first, c_middle, c_id, c_street_1, c_street_2, c_city, c_state,
			c_zip, c_phone, c_credit, c_credit_lim, c_discount, c_balance, c_since
			FROM customer
			WHERE c_w_id=:c_w_id AND c_d_id=:c_d_id AND c_last=:c_last
			ORDER BY c_first;
			EXEC SQL OPEN c_byname;

		key = custNPKey(c_last, c_d_id, c_w_id);
		// XXX: the list is not sorted. But let's assume it's sorted... 
		// The performance won't be much different.
		INDEX * index = _wl->i_customer_last;
		item = index_read(index, key, wh_to_part(c_w_id));
		assert(item != NULL);
		int cnt = 0;
		itemid_t * it = item;
		itemid_t * mid = item;
		while (it != NULL) {
			cnt ++;
			it = it->next;
			if (cnt % 2 == 0)
				mid = mid->next;
		r_cust = ((row_t *)mid->location);
			for (n=0; n<namecnt/2; n++) {
				EXEC SQL FETCH c_byname
				INTO :c_first, :c_middle, :c_id,
					 :c_street_1, :c_street_2, :c_city, :c_state, :c_zip,
					 :c_phone, :c_credit, :c_credit_lim, :c_discount, :c_balance, :c_since;
			EXEC SQL CLOSE c_byname;
		// XXX: we don't retrieve all the info, just the tuple we are interested in

	else { // search customers by cust_id
			EXEC SQL SELECT c_first, c_middle, c_last, c_street_1, c_street_2,
			c_city, c_state, c_zip, c_phone, c_credit, c_credit_lim,
			c_discount, c_balance, c_since
			INTO :c_first, :c_middle, :c_last, :c_street_1, :c_street_2,
			:c_city, :c_state, :c_zip, :c_phone, :c_credit, :c_credit_lim,
			:c_discount, :c_balance, :c_since
			FROM customer
			WHERE c_w_id=:c_w_id AND c_d_id=:c_d_id AND c_id=:c_id;
		key = custKey(c_id, c_d_id, c_w_id);
		INDEX * index = _wl->i_customer_id;
		item = index_read(index, key, wh_to_part(c_w_id));
		assert(item != NULL);
		r_cust = (row_t *) item->location;

	   	EXEC SQL UPDATE customer SET c_balance = :c_balance, c_data = :c_new_data
   		WHERE c_w_id = :c_w_id AND c_d_id = :c_d_id AND c_id = :c_id;
	RC rc  = get_row(r_cust, WR, r_cust_local);

  return rc;
예제 #2
RC tpcc_txn_man::run_payment(tpcc_query * query) {
	RC rc = RCOK;
	uint64_t key;
	itemid_t * item;
	uint64_t w_id = query->w_id;
    uint64_t d_id = query->d_id;
    uint64_t c_w_id = query->c_w_id;
    uint64_t c_d_id = query->c_d_id;
    uint64_t c_id = query->c_id;
    double h_amount = query->h_amount;

	row_t * r_cust;
	if (query->by_last_name) { 
			EXEC SQL SELECT count(c_id) INTO :namecnt
			FROM customer
			WHERE c_last=:c_last AND c_d_id=:c_d_id AND c_w_id=:c_w_id;
			SELECT c_first, c_middle, c_id, c_street_1, c_street_2, c_city, c_state,
			c_zip, c_phone, c_credit, c_credit_lim, c_discount, c_balance, c_since
			FROM customer
			WHERE c_w_id=:c_w_id AND c_d_id=:c_d_id AND c_last=:c_last
			ORDER BY c_first;
			EXEC SQL OPEN c_byname;

		uint64_t key = custNPKey(query->c_last, query->c_d_id, query->c_w_id);
		// XXX: the list is not sorted. But let's assume it's sorted... 
		// The performance won't be much different.
		INDEX * index = _wl->i_customer_last;
		item = index_read(index, key, wh_to_part(c_w_id));
		assert(item != NULL);
		int cnt = 0;
		itemid_t * it = item;
		itemid_t * mid = item;
		while (it != NULL) {
			cnt ++;
			it = it->next;
			if (cnt % 2 == 0)
				mid = mid->next;
		r_cust = ((row_t *)mid->location);
			for (n=0; n<namecnt/2; n++) {
				EXEC SQL FETCH c_byname
				INTO :c_first, :c_middle, :c_id,
					 :c_street_1, :c_street_2, :c_city, :c_state, :c_zip,
					 :c_phone, :c_credit, :c_credit_lim, :c_discount, :c_balance, :c_since;
			EXEC SQL CLOSE c_byname;
		// XXX: we don't retrieve all the info, just the tuple we are interested in
	else { // search customers by cust_id
			EXEC SQL SELECT c_first, c_middle, c_last, c_street_1, c_street_2,
			c_city, c_state, c_zip, c_phone, c_credit, c_credit_lim,
			c_discount, c_balance, c_since
			INTO :c_first, :c_middle, :c_last, :c_street_1, :c_street_2,
			:c_city, :c_state, :c_zip, :c_phone, :c_credit, :c_credit_lim,
			:c_discount, :c_balance, :c_since
			FROM customer
			WHERE c_w_id=:c_w_id AND c_d_id=:c_d_id AND c_id=:c_id;
		key = custKey(query->c_id, query->c_d_id, query->c_w_id);
		INDEX * index = _wl->i_customer_id;
		item = index_read(index, key, wh_to_part(c_w_id));
		assert(item != NULL);
//		rc = index->index_read(key, item, wh_to_part(c_w_id));
//		assert(rc == RCOK);
		r_cust = (row_t *) item->location;

	   	EXEC SQL UPDATE customer SET c_balance = :c_balance, c_data = :c_new_data
   		WHERE c_w_id = :c_w_id AND c_d_id = :c_d_id AND c_id = :c_id;
	row_t * r_cust_local = get_row(r_cust, WR);
	if (r_cust_local == NULL) {
		return finish(Abort);
	double c_balance;
	double c_ytd_payment;
	double c_payment_cnt;

	r_cust_local->get_value(C_BALANCE, c_balance);
	r_cust_local->set_value(C_BALANCE, c_balance - query->h_amount);
	r_cust_local->get_value(C_YTD_PAYMENT, c_ytd_payment);
	r_cust_local->set_value(C_YTD_PAYMENT, c_ytd_payment + query->h_amount);
	r_cust_local->get_value(C_PAYMENT_CNT, c_payment_cnt);
	r_cust_local->set_value(C_PAYMENT_CNT, c_payment_cnt + 1);

	char * c_credit = r_cust_local->get_value(C_CREDIT);

	if ( strstr(c_credit, "BC") ) {
		    EXEC SQL SELECT c_data
			INTO :c_data
			FROM customer
			WHERE c_w_id=:c_w_id AND c_d_id=:c_d_id AND c_id=:c_id;
//	  	char c_new_data[501];
//	  	sprintf(c_new_data,"| %4d %2d %4d %2d %4d $%7.2f",
//	      	c_id, c_d_id, c_w_id, d_id, w_id, query->h_amount);
//		char * c_data = r_cust->get_value("C_DATA");
//	  	strncat(c_new_data, c_data, 500 - strlen(c_new_data));
//		r_cust->set_value("C_DATA", c_new_data);

		EXEC SQL UPDATE district SET d_ytd = d_ytd + :h_amount
		WHERE d_w_id=:w_id AND d_id=:d_id;
uint64_t t3 = get_sys_clock();
	key = distKey(query->d_id, query->d_w_id);
	item = index_read(_wl->i_district, key, wh_to_part(w_id));
	assert(item != NULL);
//	rc = _wl->i_district->index_read(key, item, wh_to_part(w_id));
//	assert(rc == RCOK);
	row_t * r_dist = ((row_t *)item->location);
	row_t * r_dist_local = get_row(r_dist, WR);
	if (r_dist_local == NULL) {
		return finish(Abort);
uint64_t tt3 = get_sys_clock() - t3;
INC_STATS(get_thd_id(), debug3, tt3);

	double d_ytd;
	r_dist_local->get_value(D_YTD, d_ytd);
	r_dist_local->set_value(D_YTD, d_ytd + query->h_amount);

    	EXEC SQL UPDATE warehouse SET w_ytd = w_ytd + :h_amount
		WHERE w_id=:w_id;
		EXEC SQL SELECT w_street_1, w_street_2, w_city, w_state, w_zip, w_name
		INTO :w_street_1, :w_street_2, :w_city, :w_state, :w_zip, :w_name
		FROM warehouse
		WHERE w_id=:w_id;

	key = query->w_id;
	INDEX * index = _wl->i_warehouse; 
	item = index_read(index, key, wh_to_part(w_id));
	assert(item != NULL);
//	rc = index->index_read(key, item, wh_to_part(w_id));
//	assert(rc == RCOK);
	row_t * r_wh = ((row_t *)item->location);
	row_t * r_wh_local;
uint64_t t5 = get_sys_clock();
	if (g_wh_update)
		r_wh_local = get_row(r_wh, WR);
		r_wh_local = get_row(r_wh, RD);
uint64_t tt5 = get_sys_clock() - t5;
INC_STATS(get_thd_id(), debug5, tt5);

	if (r_wh_local == NULL) {
		return finish(Abort);
	double w_ytd;
uint64_t t1 = get_sys_clock();
	r_wh_local->get_value(W_YTD, w_ytd);

	  history (h_c_d_id, h_c_w_id, h_c_id, h_d_id, h_w_id, h_date, h_amount, h_data)
	  VALUES (:c_d_id, :c_w_id, :c_id, :d_id, :w_id, :datetime, :h_amount, :h_data);

	row_t * r_hist;
	uint64_t row_id;
	_wl->t_history->get_new_row(r_hist, 0, row_id);
	r_hist->set_value(H_C_ID, c_id);
	r_hist->set_value(H_C_D_ID, c_d_id);
	r_hist->set_value(H_C_W_ID, c_w_id);
	r_hist->set_value(H_D_ID, d_id);
	r_hist->set_value(H_W_ID, w_id);
	int64_t date = 2013;		
	r_hist->set_value(H_DATE, date);
	r_hist->set_value(H_AMOUNT, h_amount);
	insert_row(r_hist, _wl->t_history);

	if (g_wh_update) {
		r_wh_local->set_value(W_YTD, w_ytd + query->h_amount);
uint64_t tt1 = get_sys_clock() - t1;
INC_STATS(get_thd_id(), debug1, tt1);

	assert( rc == RCOK );
	return finish(rc);
예제 #3
RC TPCCTxnManager::acquire_locks() {
  uint64_t starttime = get_sys_clock();
  assert(CC_ALG == CALVIN);
  locking_done = false;
  RC rc = RCOK;
  RC rc2;
  INDEX * index;
  itemid_t * item;
  row_t* row;
  uint64_t key;
  TPCCQuery* tpcc_query = (TPCCQuery*) query;

	uint64_t w_id = tpcc_query->w_id;
  uint64_t d_id = tpcc_query->d_id;
  uint64_t c_id = tpcc_query->c_id;
  uint64_t d_w_id = tpcc_query->d_w_id;
  uint64_t c_w_id = tpcc_query->c_w_id;
  uint64_t c_d_id = tpcc_query->c_d_id;
	char * c_last = tpcc_query->c_last;
  uint64_t part_id_w = wh_to_part(w_id);
  uint64_t part_id_c_w = wh_to_part(c_w_id);
  switch(tpcc_query->txn_type) {
    case TPCC_PAYMENT:
      if(GET_NODE_ID(part_id_w) == g_node_id) {
      // WH
        index = _wl->i_warehouse;
        item = index_read(index, w_id, part_id_w);
        row_t * row = ((row_t *)item->location);
        rc2 = get_lock(row,g_wh_update? WR:RD);
        if(rc2 != RCOK)
          rc = rc2;

      // Dist
        key = distKey(d_id, d_w_id);
        item = index_read(_wl->i_district, key, part_id_w);
        row = ((row_t *)item->location);
        rc2 = get_lock(row, WR);
        if(rc2 != RCOK)
          rc = rc2;
      if(GET_NODE_ID(part_id_c_w) == g_node_id) {
      // Cust
        if (tpcc_query->by_last_name) { 

          key = custNPKey(c_last, c_d_id, c_w_id);
          index = _wl->i_customer_last;
          item = index_read(index, key, part_id_c_w);
          int cnt = 0;
          itemid_t * it = item;
          itemid_t * mid = item;
          while (it != NULL) {
            cnt ++;
            it = it->next;
            if (cnt % 2 == 0)
              mid = mid->next;
          row = ((row_t *)mid->location);
        else { 
          key = custKey(c_id, c_d_id, c_w_id);
          index = _wl->i_customer_id;
          item = index_read(index, key, part_id_c_w);
          row = (row_t *) item->location;
        rc2  = get_lock(row, WR);
        if(rc2 != RCOK)
          rc = rc2;
    case TPCC_NEW_ORDER:
      if(GET_NODE_ID(part_id_w) == g_node_id) {
      // WH
        index = _wl->i_warehouse;
        item = index_read(index, w_id, part_id_w);
        row_t * row = ((row_t *)item->location);
        rc2 = get_lock(row,RD);
        if(rc2 != RCOK)
          rc = rc2;
      // Cust
        index = _wl->i_customer_id;
        key = custKey(c_id, d_id, w_id);
        item = index_read(index, key, wh_to_part(w_id));
        row = (row_t *) item->location;
        rc2 = get_lock(row, RD);
        if(rc2 != RCOK)
          rc = rc2;
      // Dist
        key = distKey(d_id, w_id);
        item = index_read(_wl->i_district, key, wh_to_part(w_id));
        row = ((row_t *)item->location);
        rc2 = get_lock(row, WR);
        if(rc2 != RCOK)
          rc = rc2;
      // Items
        for(uint64_t i = 0; i < tpcc_query->ol_cnt; i++) {
          if(GET_NODE_ID(wh_to_part(tpcc_query->items[i]->ol_supply_w_id)) != g_node_id) 

          key = tpcc_query->items[i]->ol_i_id;
          item = index_read(_wl->i_item, key, 0);
          row = ((row_t *)item->location);
          rc2 = get_lock(row, RD);
          if(rc2 != RCOK)
            rc = rc2;
          key = stockKey(tpcc_query->items[i]->ol_i_id, tpcc_query->items[i]->ol_supply_w_id);
          index = _wl->i_stock;
          item = index_read(index, key, wh_to_part(tpcc_query->items[i]->ol_supply_w_id));
          row = ((row_t *)item->location);
          rc2 = get_lock(row, WR);
          if(rc2 != RCOK)
            rc = rc2;
    default: assert(false);
  if(decr_lr() == 0) {
      rc = RCOK;
  txn_stats.wait_starttime = get_sys_clock();
  locking_done = true;
  INC_STATS(get_thd_id(),calvin_sched_time,get_sys_clock() - starttime);
  return rc;
예제 #4
void tpcc_wl::init_tab_cust(uint64_t did, uint64_t wid) {
	assert(g_cust_per_dist >= 1000);
	for (UInt32 cid = 1; cid <= g_cust_per_dist; cid++) {
		row_t * row;
		uint64_t row_id;
		t_customer->get_new_row(row, 0, row_id);

		row->set_value(C_ID, cid);		
		row->set_value(C_D_ID, did);
		row->set_value(C_W_ID, wid);
		char c_last[LASTNAME_LEN];
		if (cid <= 1000)
			Lastname(cid - 1, c_last);
			Lastname(NURand(255,0,999), c_last);
		row->set_value(C_LAST, c_last);
		char * tmp = "OE";
		row->set_value(C_MIDDLE, tmp);
		char c_first[FIRSTNAME_LEN];
		MakeAlphaString(FIRSTNAME_MINLEN, sizeof(c_first), c_first);
		row->set_value(C_FIRST, c_first);
		char street[20];
        MakeAlphaString(10, 20, street);
		row->set_value(C_STREET_1, street);
        MakeAlphaString(10, 20, street);
		row->set_value(C_STREET_2, street);
        MakeAlphaString(10, 20, street);
		row->set_value(C_CITY, street); 
		char state[2];
		MakeAlphaString(2, 2, state); /* State */
		row->set_value(C_STATE, state);
		char zip[9];
    	MakeNumberString(9, 9, zip); /* Zip */
		row->set_value(C_ZIP, zip);
		char phone[16];
  		MakeNumberString(16, 16, phone); /* Zip */
		row->set_value(C_PHONE, phone);
		row->set_value(C_SINCE, 0);
		row->set_value(C_CREDIT_LIM, 50000);
		row->set_value(C_DELIVERY_CNT, 0);
		char c_data[500];
        MakeAlphaString(300, 500, c_data);
		row->set_value(C_DATA, c_data);

		if (RAND(10) == 0) {
			char tmp[] = "GC";
			row->set_value(C_CREDIT, tmp);
		} else {
			char tmp[] = "BC";
			row->set_value(C_CREDIT, tmp);
		row->set_value(C_DISCOUNT, (double)RAND(5000) / 10000);
		row->set_value(C_BALANCE, -10.0);
		row->set_value(C_YTD_PAYMENT, 10.0);
		row->set_value(C_PAYMENT_CNT, 1);
		uint64_t key;
		key = custNPKey(c_last, did, wid);
		index_insert(i_customer_last, key, row, wh_to_part(wid));
		key = custKey(cid, did, wid);
		index_insert(i_customer_id, key, row, wh_to_part(wid));