void SoLineEdit::setCustId(int pId) { if (pId == _custid) return; _custid=pId; setNumber(_number); emit custidChanged(_custid); }
void SoLineEdit::setId(int pId) { if (pId == _id) return; XSqlQuery sohead; sohead.prepare( "SELECT cohead_number, cohead_cust_id, cohead_billtoname " "FROM cohead, cust " "WHERE ( (cohead_cust_id=cust_id)" " AND (cohead_id=:sohead_id) );" ); sohead.bindValue(":sohead_id", pId); sohead.exec(); if (sohead.first()) { _id = pId; _number = sohead.value("cohead_number").toInt(); _custid = sohead.value("cohead_cust_id").toInt(); _valid = TRUE; emit numberChanged(sohead.value("cohead_number").toString()); emit custNameChanged(sohead.value("cohead_billtoname").toString()); setText(sohead.value("cohead_number").toString()); } else { _id = -1; _number = -1; _custid = -1; _valid = FALSE; emit numberChanged(""); emit custNameChanged(""); setText(""); } emit newId(_id); emit custidChanged(_custid); emit numberChanged(_number); emit valid(_valid); _parsed = TRUE; }
void SoLineEdit::setId(int pId) { if (pId == _id) return; if ((_x_preferences) && (pId != -1) && (_sitePrivs)) { if (_x_preferences->boolean("selectedSites")) { QString sql("SELECT coitem_id " "FROM coitem, itemsite " "WHERE ((coitem_cohead_id=<? value(\"sohead_id\") ?>) " " AND (coitem_itemsite_id=itemsite_id) " " AND (itemsite_warehous_id NOT IN (" " SELECT usrsite_warehous_id " " FROM usrsite " " WHERE (usrsite_username=current_user)))) " "UNION " "SELECT cohead_warehous_id " "FROM cohead " "WHERE ((cohead_id=<? value(\"sohead_id\") ?>) " " AND (cohead_warehous_id NOT IN (" " SELECT usrsite_warehous_id " " FROM usrsite " " WHERE (usrsite_username=current_user))));"); MetaSQLQuery mql(sql); ParameterList params; params.append("sohead_id", pId); XSqlQuery chk = mql.toQuery(params); if (chk.first()) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Access Denied"), tr("You may not view or edit this Sales Order as it references " "a warehouse for which you have not been granted privileges.")) ; setId(-1); return; } } } XSqlQuery sohead; sohead.prepare( "SELECT cohead_number, cohead_cust_id, cohead_billtoname " "FROM cohead, cust " "WHERE ( (cohead_cust_id=cust_id)" " AND (cohead_id=:sohead_id) );" ); sohead.bindValue(":sohead_id", pId); sohead.exec(); if (sohead.first()) { _id = pId; _number = sohead.value("cohead_number").toInt(); _custid = sohead.value("cohead_cust_id").toInt(); _valid = TRUE; emit numberChanged(sohead.value("cohead_number").toString()); emit custNameChanged(sohead.value("cohead_billtoname").toString()); setText(sohead.value("cohead_number").toString()); if (_mapper->model() && _mapper->model()->data(_mapper->model()->index(_mapper->currentIndex(),_mapper->mappedSection(this))).toString() != text()) _mapper->model()->setData(_mapper->model()->index(_mapper->currentIndex(),_mapper->mappedSection(this)), text()); } else { _id = -1; _number = -1; _custid = -1; _valid = FALSE; emit numberChanged(""); emit custNameChanged(""); setText(""); } emit newId(_id); emit custidChanged(_custid); emit numberChanged(_number); emit valid(_valid); _parsed = TRUE; }