예제 #1
파일: AAM_CAM.cpp 프로젝트: timedcy/face
void AAM_CAM::DoPCA(const CvMat* AllAppearances, double percentage)
	printf("Doing PCA of appearance datas...");

	int nSamples = AllAppearances->rows;
	int nfeatures = AllAppearances->cols;
    int nEigenAtMost = MIN(nSamples, nfeatures);

    CvMat* tmpEigenValues = cvCreateMat(1, nEigenAtMost, CV_64FC1);
    CvMat* tmpEigenVectors = cvCreateMat(nEigenAtMost, nfeatures, CV_64FC1);
    __MeanAppearance = cvCreateMat(1, nfeatures, CV_64FC1 );

    cvCalcPCA(AllAppearances, __MeanAppearance, 
        tmpEigenValues, tmpEigenVectors, CV_PCA_DATA_AS_ROW);

	double allSum = cvSum(tmpEigenValues).val[0];
	double partSum = 0.0;
    int nTruncated = 0;
    double largesteigval = cvmGet(tmpEigenValues, 0, 0);
	for(int i = 0; i < nEigenAtMost; i++)
		double thiseigval = cvmGet(tmpEigenValues, 0, i);
        if(thiseigval / largesteigval < 0.0001) break; // firstly check
		partSum += thiseigval;
		++ nTruncated;
        if(partSum/allSum >= percentage)	break;    //secondly check

	__AppearanceEigenValues = cvCreateMat(1, nTruncated, CV_64FC1);
	__AppearanceEigenVectors = cvCreateMat(nTruncated, nfeatures, CV_64FC1);
	CvMat G;
	cvGetCols(tmpEigenValues, &G, 0, nTruncated);
	cvCopy(&G, __AppearanceEigenValues);

	cvGetRows(tmpEigenVectors, &G, 0, nTruncated);
	cvCopy(&G, __AppearanceEigenVectors);

	printf("Done (%d/%d)\n", nTruncated, nEigenAtMost);
static int build_nbayes_classifier( char* data_filename, CvNormalBayesClassifier **nbayes){
    const int var_count = 51;
    CvMat* data = 0;
    CvMat train_data;
    CvMat* responses;

    int ok = read_num_class_data( data_filename, 51, &data, &responses );
    int nsamples_all = 0;
    int i, j;
    double train_hr = 0, test_hr = 0;
    CvANN_MLP mlp;

    if( !ok ){
        printf( "No se pudo leer la información de entrenamiento %s\n", data_filename );
        return -1;

    printf( "La base de datos %s está siendo cargada...\n", data_filename );
    nsamples_all = data->rows;

    printf( "Entrenando el clasificador...\n");
	// 1. unroll the responses
    cvGetRows( data, &train_data, 0, nsamples_all);
    // 2. train classifier
    CvMat* train_resp = cvCreateMat( nsamples_all, 1, CV_32FC1);
    for (int i = 0; i < nsamples_all; i++)
        train_resp->data.fl[i] = responses->data.fl[i];
	*nbayes = new CvNormalBayesClassifier(&train_data, train_resp);

		std::cout << "Train_data = "<< std::endl << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Train_resp = "<< std::endl << " "  << train_resp << std::endl << std::endl;
    cvReleaseMat( &train_resp );
    cvReleaseMat( &data );
    cvReleaseMat( &responses );
    return 0;
int build_mlp_classifier( char* data_filename,
    char* filename_to_save, char* filename_to_load )
    const int class_count = 26;
    CvMat* data = 0;
    CvMat train_data;
    CvMat* responses = 0;
    CvMat* mlp_response = 0;

    int ok = read_num_class_data( data_filename, 16, &data, &responses );
    int nsamples_all = 0, ntrain_samples = 0;
    int i, j;
    double train_hr = 0, test_hr = 0;
    CvANN_MLP mlp;

    if( !ok )
        printf( "Could not read the database %s\n", data_filename );
        return -1;

    printf( "The database %s is loaded.\n", data_filename );
    nsamples_all = data->rows;
    ntrain_samples = (int)(nsamples_all*0.8);

    // Create or load MLP classifier
    if( filename_to_load )
        // load classifier from the specified file
        mlp.load( filename_to_load );
        ntrain_samples = 0;
        if( !mlp.get_layer_count() )
            printf( "Could not read the classifier %s\n", filename_to_load );
            return -1;
        printf( "The classifier %s is loaded.\n", data_filename );
        // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        // MLP does not support categorical variables by explicitly.
        // So, instead of the output class label, we will use
        // a binary vector of <class_count> components for training and,
        // therefore, MLP will give us a vector of "probabilities" at the
        // prediction stage
        // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        CvMat* new_responses = cvCreateMat( ntrain_samples, class_count, CV_32F );

        // 1. unroll the responses
        printf( "Unrolling the responses...\n");
        for( i = 0; i < ntrain_samples; i++ )
            int cls_label = cvRound(responses->data.fl[i]) - 'A';
            float* bit_vec = (float*)(new_responses->data.ptr + i*new_responses->step);
            for( j = 0; j < class_count; j++ )
                bit_vec[j] = 0.f;
            bit_vec[cls_label] = 1.f;
        cvGetRows( data, &train_data, 0, ntrain_samples );

        // 2. train classifier
        int layer_sz[] = { data->cols, 100, 100, class_count };
        CvMat layer_sizes =
            cvMat( 1, (int)(sizeof(layer_sz)/sizeof(layer_sz[0])), CV_32S, layer_sz );
        mlp.create( &layer_sizes );
        printf( "Training the classifier (may take a few minutes)...\n");
        mlp.train( &train_data, new_responses, 0, 0,
#if 1
        cvReleaseMat( &new_responses );

    mlp_response = cvCreateMat( 1, class_count, CV_32F );

    // compute prediction error on train and test data
    for( i = 0; i < nsamples_all; i++ )
        int best_class;
        CvMat sample;
        cvGetRow( data, &sample, i );
        CvPoint max_loc = {0,0};
        mlp.predict( &sample, mlp_response );
        cvMinMaxLoc( mlp_response, 0, 0, 0, &max_loc, 0 );
        best_class = max_loc.x + 'A';

        int r = fabs((double)best_class - responses->data.fl[i]) < FLT_EPSILON ? 1 : 0;

        if( i < ntrain_samples )
            train_hr += r;
            test_hr += r;

    test_hr /= (double)(nsamples_all-ntrain_samples);
    train_hr /= (double)ntrain_samples;
    printf( "Recognition rate: train = %.1f%%, test = %.1f%%\n",
            train_hr*100., test_hr*100. );

    // Save classifier to file if needed
    if( filename_to_save )
        mlp.save( filename_to_save );

    cvReleaseMat( &mlp_response );
    cvReleaseMat( &data );
    cvReleaseMat( &responses );

    return 0;
예제 #4
bool COpenCV_NNet::On_Execute(void)
	bool					b_updateWeights, b_noInputScale, b_noOutputScale, b_NoData;
	int						i_matType, i_layers, i_maxIter, i_neurons, i_areasClassId, i_trainFeatTotalCount, *i_outputFeatureIdxs, i_outputFeatureCount, i_Grid, x, y, i_evalOut, i_winner;
	double					d_alpha, d_beta, d_eps;
	DATA_TYPE				e_dataType;
	TRAINING_METHOD			e_trainMet;
	CSG_Table				*t_Weights, *t_Indices, *t_TrainInput, *t_EvalInput, *t_EvalOutput;
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*gl_TrainInputs;
	CSG_Grid				*g_EvalOutput, *g_EvalOutputCert;
	CSG_Shapes				*s_TrainInputAreas;
	CSG_Parameters			*p_TrainFeatures;
	TSG_Point				p;
	CvMat					*mat_Weights, *mat_Indices, **mat_data, *mat_neuralLayers, mat_layerSizesSub, *mat_EvalInput, *mat_EvalOutput;	// todo: mat_indices to respect input indices, mat_weights for initialization
	CvANN_MLP_TrainParams	tp_trainParams;
	CvANN_MLP				model;

	b_updateWeights		= Parameters("UPDATE_WEIGHTS"							)->asBool();
	b_noInputScale		= Parameters("NO_INPUT_SCALE"							)->asBool();
	b_noOutputScale		= Parameters("NO_OUTPUT_SCALE"							)->asBool();
	i_layers			= Parameters("NNET_LAYER"								)->asInt();
	i_neurons			= Parameters("NNET_NEURONS"								)->asInt();
	i_maxIter			= Parameters("MAX_ITER"									)->asInt();
	i_areasClassId		= Parameters("TRAIN_INPUT_AREAS_CLASS_FIELD"			)->asInt();
	e_dataType			= (DATA_TYPE)Parameters("DATA_TYPE"						)->asInt();
	e_trainMet			= (TRAINING_METHOD)Parameters("TRAINING_METHOD"			)->asInt();
	e_actFunc			= (ACTIVATION_FUNCTION)Parameters("ACTIVATION_FUNCTION"	)->asInt();
	d_alpha				= Parameters("ALPHA"									)->asDouble();
	d_beta				= Parameters("BETA"										)->asDouble();
	d_eps				= Parameters("EPSILON"									)->asDouble();
	t_Weights			= Parameters("WEIGHTS"									)->asTable();
	t_Indices			= Parameters("INDICES"									)->asTable();
	t_TrainInput		= Parameters("TRAIN_INPUT_TABLE"						)->asTable();
	t_EvalInput			= Parameters("EVAL_INPUT_TABLE"							)->asTable();
	t_EvalOutput		= Parameters("EVAL_OUTPUT_TABLE"						)->asTable();
	p_TrainFeatures		= Parameters("TRAIN_FEATURES_TABLE"						)->asParameters();
	gl_TrainInputs		= Parameters("TRAIN_INPUT_GRIDS"						)->asGridList();
	g_EvalOutput		= Parameters("EVAL_OUTPUT_GRID_CLASSES"					)->asGrid();
	g_EvalOutputCert	= Parameters("EVAL_OUTPUT_GRID_CERTAINTY"				)->asGrid();
	s_TrainInputAreas	= Parameters("TRAIN_INPUT_AREAS"						)->asShapes();

	// Fixed matrix type (TODO: Analyze what to do for other types of data (i.e. images))
	i_matType = CV_32FC1;

	if (e_dataType == TABLE)
		// We are working with TABLE data
		if( t_TrainInput->Get_Count() == 0 || p_TrainFeatures->Get_Count() == 0 )
			Error_Set(_TL("Select an input table and at least one output feature!"));
			return( false );

		// Count the total number of available features
		i_trainFeatTotalCount = t_TrainInput->Get_Field_Count();

		// Count the number of selected output features
		i_outputFeatureIdxs = (int *)SG_Calloc(i_trainFeatTotalCount, sizeof(int));
		i_outputFeatureCount = 0;
		for(int i=0; i<p_TrainFeatures->Get_Count(); i++)
			if( p_TrainFeatures->Get_Parameter(i)->asBool() )
				i_outputFeatureIdxs[i_outputFeatureCount++] = CSG_String(p_TrainFeatures->Get_Parameter(i)->Get_Identifier()).asInt();

		// Update the number of training features
		i_trainFeatTotalCount = i_trainFeatTotalCount-i_outputFeatureCount;

		if( i_outputFeatureCount <= 0 )
			Error_Set(_TL("Select at least one output feature!"));
			return( false );

		// Now convert the input and output training data into a OpenCV matrix objects
		mat_data = GetTrainAndOutputMatrix(t_TrainInput, i_matType, i_outputFeatureIdxs, i_outputFeatureCount);
		// TODO: Add some grid validation logic
		i_trainFeatTotalCount = gl_TrainInputs->Get_Count();
		i_outputFeatureCount = s_TrainInputAreas->Get_Count();

		// Convert the data from the grid into the matrix from
		mat_data = GetTrainAndOutputMatrix(gl_TrainInputs, i_matType, s_TrainInputAreas, i_areasClassId, g_EvalOutput, g_EvalOutputCert);

	// Add two additional layer to the network topology (0-th layer for input and the last as the output)
	i_layers = i_layers + 2;
	mat_neuralLayers = cvCreateMat(i_layers, 1, CV_32SC1);
	cvGetRows(mat_neuralLayers, &mat_layerSizesSub, 0, i_layers);
	//Setting the number of neurons on each layer
	for (int i = 0; i < i_layers; i++)
		if (i == 0)
			// The first layer needs the same size (number of nerons) as the number of columns in the training data
			cvSet1D(&mat_layerSizesSub, i, cvScalar(i_trainFeatTotalCount));
		else if (i == i_layers-1)
			// The last layer needs the same size (number of neurons) as the number of output columns
			cvSet1D(&mat_layerSizesSub, i, cvScalar(i_outputFeatureCount));
			// On every other layer set the layer size selected by the user
			cvSet1D(&mat_layerSizesSub, i, cvScalar(i_neurons));	

	// Create the training params object
	tp_trainParams = CvANN_MLP_TrainParams();
	tp_trainParams.term_crit = cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER + CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, i_maxIter, d_eps);

	// Check which training method was selected and set corresponding params
	if(e_trainMet == RPROP)
		// Set all RPROP specific params
		tp_trainParams.train_method = CvANN_MLP_TrainParams::RPROP;
		tp_trainParams.rp_dw0 = Parameters("RP_DW0"				)->asDouble();
		tp_trainParams.rp_dw_plus = Parameters("RP_DW_PLUS"		)->asDouble();
		tp_trainParams.rp_dw_minus = Parameters("RP_DW_MINUS"	)->asDouble();
		tp_trainParams.rp_dw_min = Parameters("RP_DW_MIN"		)->asDouble();
		tp_trainParams.rp_dw_max = Parameters("RP_DW_MAX"		)->asDouble();
		// Set all BPROP specific params
		tp_trainParams.train_method = CvANN_MLP_TrainParams::BACKPROP;
		tp_trainParams.bp_dw_scale = Parameters("BP_DW_SCALE"			)->asDouble();
		tp_trainParams.bp_moment_scale = Parameters("BP_MOMENT_SCALE"	)->asInt();
	// Create the model (depending on the activation function)
	if(e_actFunc == SIGMOID)
		model.create(mat_neuralLayers, CvANN_MLP::GAUSSIAN, d_alpha, d_beta);

	// Now train the network

	// TODO: Integrate init weights and indicies for record selection
	// mat_Weights  = GetMatrix(t_Weights, i_matType);
	// mat_Indices = GetMatrix(t_Indices, i_matType);
	//model.train(mat_TrainInput, mat_TrainOutput, NULL, NULL, tp_trainParams);
	model.train(mat_data[0], mat_data[1], NULL, NULL, tp_trainParams);

	// Predict data
	if (e_dataType == TABLE)
		// Get the eavaluation/test matrix from the eval table
		mat_EvalInput = GetEvalMatrix(t_EvalInput, i_matType);
		// Train and eval data overlap in grid mode
		mat_EvalInput = GetEvalMatrix(gl_TrainInputs, i_matType);

	// Prepare output matrix
	mat_EvalOutput = cvCreateMat(mat_EvalInput->rows, i_outputFeatureCount, i_matType);

	// Start prediction
	model.predict(mat_EvalInput, mat_EvalOutput);

	Message_Add(_TL("Successfully trained the network and predicted the values. Here comes the output."));
	// Save and print results
	if (e_dataType == TABLE)
		// DEBUG -> Save results to output table and print results
		for (int i = 0; i < i_outputFeatureCount; i++)
			t_EvalOutput->Add_Field(CSG_String(t_TrainInput->Get_Field_Name(i_outputFeatureIdxs[i])), SG_DATATYPE_Float);
		for (int i = 0; i < mat_EvalOutput->rows; i++)
			CSG_Table_Record* tr_record = t_EvalOutput->Add_Record();

			for (int j = 0; j < i_outputFeatureCount; j++)
				float f_targetValue = mat_EvalOutput->data.fl[i*i_outputFeatureCount+j];
				tr_record->Set_Value(j, f_targetValue);
		// Fill the output table output
		for (int i = 0; i < i_outputFeatureCount; i++)
			// TODO: Get the class name
			t_EvalOutput->Add_Field(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("CLASS_%d"), i), SG_DATATYPE_Float);
		for (int i = 0; i < mat_EvalOutput->rows; i++)
			CSG_Table_Record* tr_record = t_EvalOutput->Add_Record();

			for (int j = 0; j < i_outputFeatureCount; j++)
				float f_targetValue = mat_EvalOutput->data.fl[i*i_outputFeatureCount+j];
				tr_record->Set_Value(j, f_targetValue);

		i_evalOut = 0;

		// Fill the output grid
		for(y=0, p.y=Get_YMin(); y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++, p.y+=Get_Cellsize())
			for(x=0, p.x=Get_XMin(); x<Get_NX(); x++, p.x+=Get_Cellsize())
				for(i_Grid=0, b_NoData=false; i_Grid<gl_TrainInputs->Get_Count() && !b_NoData; i_Grid++)
					// If there is one grid that has no data in this point p, then set the no data flag
					if( gl_TrainInputs->asGrid(i_Grid)->is_NoData(x, y) )
						b_NoData = true;

				if (!b_NoData)
					// We have data in all grids, so this is a point that was predicted
					// Get the winner class for this point and set it to the output grid
					float f_targetValue = 0;

					for (int j = 0; j < i_outputFeatureCount; j++)
						if (mat_EvalOutput->data.fl[i_evalOut*i_outputFeatureCount+j] > f_targetValue)
							// The current value is higher than the last one, so lets memorize the current class
							f_targetValue = mat_EvalOutput->data.fl[i_evalOut*i_outputFeatureCount+j];
							i_winner = j;

					// Now finally set the values to the grids
					g_EvalOutput->Set_Value(x, y, i_winner);
					g_EvalOutputCert->Set_Value(x, y, f_targetValue);


	return( true );
예제 #5
파일: calib.cpp 프로젝트: fkanehiro/etc
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  int i, j, k;
  int corner_count, found;
  int p_count[IMAGE_NUM];
  IplImage *src_img[IMAGE_NUM];
  CvSize pattern_size = cvSize (PAT_COL, PAT_ROW);
  CvPoint3D32f objects[ALL_POINTS];
  CvPoint2D32f *corners = (CvPoint2D32f *) cvAlloc (sizeof (CvPoint2D32f) * ALL_POINTS);
  CvMat object_points;
  CvMat image_points;
  CvMat point_counts;
  CvMat *intrinsic = cvCreateMat (3, 3, CV_32FC1);
  CvMat *rotation = cvCreateMat (1, 3, CV_32FC1);
  CvMat *translation = cvCreateMat (1, 3, CV_32FC1);
  CvMat *distortion = cvCreateMat (1, 4, CV_32FC1);

  // (1)キャリブレーション画像の読み込み
  for (i = 0; i < IMAGE_NUM; i++) {
    char buf[32];
    sprintf (buf, "calib_img/%02d.png", i);
    if ((src_img[i] = cvLoadImage (buf, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR)) == NULL) {
      fprintf (stderr, "cannot load image file : %s\n", buf);

  // (2)3次元空間座標の設定
  for (i = 0; i < IMAGE_NUM; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < PAT_ROW; j++) {
      for (k = 0; k < PAT_COL; k++) {
        objects[i * PAT_SIZE + j * PAT_COL + k].x = j * CHESS_SIZE;
        objects[i * PAT_SIZE + j * PAT_COL + k].y = k * CHESS_SIZE;
        objects[i * PAT_SIZE + j * PAT_COL + k].z = 0.0;
  cvInitMatHeader (&object_points, ALL_POINTS, 3, CV_32FC1, objects);

  // (3)チェスボード(キャリブレーションパターン)のコーナー検出
  int found_num = 0;
  cvNamedWindow ("Calibration", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
  for (i = 0; i < IMAGE_NUM; i++) {
    found = cvFindChessboardCorners (src_img[i], pattern_size, &corners[i * PAT_SIZE], &corner_count);
    fprintf (stderr, "%02d...", i);
    if (found) {
      fprintf (stderr, "ok\n");
    else {
      fprintf (stderr, "fail\n");
    // (4)コーナー位置をサブピクセル精度に修正,描画
    IplImage *src_gray = cvCreateImage (cvGetSize (src_img[i]), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
    cvCvtColor (src_img[i], src_gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
    cvFindCornerSubPix (src_gray, &corners[i * PAT_SIZE], corner_count,
                        cvSize (3, 3), cvSize (-1, -1), cvTermCriteria (CV_TERMCRIT_ITER | CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 20, 0.03));
    cvDrawChessboardCorners (src_img[i], pattern_size, &corners[i * PAT_SIZE], corner_count, found);
    p_count[i] = corner_count;
    cvShowImage ("Calibration", src_img[i]);
    cvWaitKey (0);
  cvDestroyWindow ("Calibration");

  if (found_num != IMAGE_NUM)
    return -1;
  cvInitMatHeader (&image_points, ALL_POINTS, 1, CV_32FC2, corners);
  cvInitMatHeader (&point_counts, IMAGE_NUM, 1, CV_32SC1, p_count);

  // (5)内部パラメータ,歪み係数の推定
  cvCalibrateCamera2 (&object_points, &image_points, &point_counts, cvSize (640, 480), intrinsic, distortion);

  // (6)外部パラメータの推定
  CvMat sub_image_points, sub_object_points;
  int base = 0;
  cvGetRows (&image_points, &sub_image_points, base * PAT_SIZE, (base + 1) * PAT_SIZE);
  cvGetRows (&object_points, &sub_object_points, base * PAT_SIZE, (base + 1) * PAT_SIZE);
  cvFindExtrinsicCameraParams2 (&sub_object_points, &sub_image_points, intrinsic, distortion, rotation, translation);

  // (7)XMLファイルへの書き出し
  CvFileStorage *fs;
  fs = cvOpenFileStorage ("camera.xml", 0, CV_STORAGE_WRITE);
  cvWrite (fs, "intrinsic", intrinsic);
  cvWrite (fs, "rotation", rotation);
  cvWrite (fs, "translation", translation);
  cvWrite (fs, "distortion", distortion);
  cvReleaseFileStorage (&fs);

  for (i = 0; i < IMAGE_NUM; i++) {
    cvReleaseImage (&src_img[i]);

  return 0;
예제 #6
int main()
	#define MAX_CLUSTER 5
	CvScalar color_tab[MAX_CLUSTER];
	IplImage* img = cvCreateImage(cvSize(500,500) , 8 , 3);
	CvRNG rng = cvRNG(0xffffffff);

	color_tab[0] = CV_RGB(255 ,   0 ,   0);
	color_tab[1] = CV_RGB(  0 , 255 ,   0);
	color_tab[2] = CV_RGB(100 , 100 , 255);
	color_tab[3] = CV_RGB(255 ,   0 , 255);
	color_tab[4] = CV_RGB(255 , 255 ,   0);

	cvNamedWindow("clusters" , 1);

		int cluster_count = cvRandInt(&rng)%MAX_CLUSTER + 1;
		int sample_count = cvRandInt(&rng)%1000 + 1;
		CvMat* points = cvCreateMat(sample_count , 1 , CV_32FC2);
		CvMat* clusters = cvCreateMat(sample_count , 1 ,CV_32SC1);
		int k;
		for (k = 0 ; k<cluster_count ; k++)
			CvPoint center;
			CvMat point_chunk;
			center.x = cvRandInt(&rng)%(img->width);
			center.y = cvRandInt(&rng)%(img->height);

			cvGetRows( points , &point_chunk ,
					   k*sample_count/cluster_count ,
					   (k+1)*sample_count/cluster_count ,

			cvRandArr(&rng , &point_chunk , CV_RAND_NORMAL ,
					  cvScalar(center.x , center.y , 0 , 0),
					  cvScalar(img->width/6 , img->height/6 , 0 , 0) );

		int i;
		for (i = 0; i<sample_count/2 ; i++)
		{//random find two and exchange
			CvPoint2D32f* pt1 = (CvPoint2D32f*)points->data.fl + cvRandInt(&rng)%sample_count;
			CvPoint2D32f* pt2 = (CvPoint2D32f*)points->data.fl + cvRandInt(&rng)%sample_count;
			CvPoint2D32f temp;
			CV_SWAP(*pt1 , *pt2 , temp);

		cvKMeans2(points , cluster_count , clusters ,
				  1, 0, 0, 0, 0);

		for (i = 0; i<sample_count/2 ; i++)
			CvPoint2D32f pt = ((CvPoint2D32f*)points->data.fl)[i];
			int cluster_idx = clusters->data.i[i];
			cvCircle(img , cvPointFrom32f(pt), 2, color_tab[cluster_idx] ,
					CV_FILLED, 8, 0);


		cvShowImage("clusters" , img);

		int key = cvWaitKey(0);
		if(key == 27)

	return 0;
main (int argc, char *argv[])

	if (argc < 6)
		std::cout<< "ERROR : augment is incorrect" << std::endl;
		return -1;

	//int PAT_ROW   	= atoi(argv[3]);
	//int PAT_COL   	= atoi(argv[4]);
	//int CHESS_SIZE	= atoi(argv[5]);
	char* NAME_IMG_IN		= argv[1];
	//char* NAME_XML_OUT	= argv[2];

	int i,j;
	int corner_count, found;
	IplImage *src_img;
	CvSize pattern_size = cvSize(PAT_COL, PAT_ROW);
	CvMat image_points;
	CvMat object_points;
	CvMat *intrinsic, *distortion;
	CvMat *rotation = cvCreateMat(1, 3, CV_32FC1);
	CvMat *rotationConv = cvCreateMat(3, 3, CV_32FC1);
	CvMat *translation = cvCreateMat(1, 3, CV_32FC1);
	CvPoint3D32f objects[PAT_SIZE];
	CvFileStorage *fs;
	CvFileNode *param;
	CvPoint2D32f *corners = (CvPoint2D32f *) cvAlloc (sizeof (CvPoint2D32f) * PAT_SIZE);

	// (1)�����оݤȤʤ������ɤ߹���
	if ( ( src_img = cvLoadImage(NAME_IMG_IN, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR) ) == 0)
	//if (argc < 2 || (src_img = cvLoadImage (argv[1], CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR)) == 0)
		std::cout<< "ERROR : input image is not exist  or  augment is incorrect" << std::endl;
		return -1;

	// 3�������ֺ�ɸ������
	for (i = 0; i < PAT_ROW; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < PAT_COL; j++) {
			objects[i * PAT_COL + j].x = i * CHESS_SIZE;
			objects[i * PAT_COL + j].y = j * CHESS_SIZE;
			objects[i * PAT_COL + j].z = 0.0;
	cvInitMatHeader(&object_points, PAT_SIZE, 3, CV_32FC1, objects);

	// �������ܡ��ɡʥ����֥졼�����ѥ�����ˤΥ����ʡ�����
	int found_num = 0;
//	cvNamedWindow("Calibration", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
	found = cvFindChessboardCorners(src_img, pattern_size, &corners[0], &corner_count);
	fprintf(stderr, "corner:%02d...\n", corner_count);
	if (found) {
		fprintf(stderr, "ok\n");
	} else {
		fprintf(stderr, "fail\n");

	// (4)�����ʡ����֤򥵥֥ԥ��������٤˽���������
	IplImage *src_gray = cvCreateImage (cvGetSize (src_img), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
	cvCvtColor (src_img, src_gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
	cvFindCornerSubPix (src_gray, &corners[0], corner_count,
			cvSize (3, 3), cvSize (-1, -1), cvTermCriteria (CV_TERMCRIT_ITER | CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 20, 0.03));
	cvDrawChessboardCorners (src_img, pattern_size, &corners[0], corner_count, found);

//	cvShowImage ("Calibration", src_img);
//	cvWaitKey (0);
//	cvDestroyWindow("Calibration");
	cvShowImage ("Calibration", src_img);

	cvInitMatHeader(&image_points, PAT_SIZE, 1, CV_32FC2, corners);

	// (2)�ѥ�᡼���ե�������ɤ߹���
	fs = cvOpenFileStorage ("xml/rgb.xml", 0, CV_STORAGE_READ);
	param = cvGetFileNodeByName (fs, NULL, "intrinsic");
	intrinsic = (CvMat *) cvRead (fs, param);
	param = cvGetFileNodeByName (fs, NULL, "distortion");
	distortion = (CvMat *) cvRead (fs, param);
	cvReleaseFileStorage (&fs);

	// (3) �����ѥ�᡼���ο���
	CvMat sub_image_points, sub_object_points;
	int base = 0;
	cvGetRows(&image_points, &sub_image_points, base * PAT_SIZE, (base + 1) * PAT_SIZE);
	cvGetRows(&object_points, &sub_object_points, base * PAT_SIZE, (base + 1)* PAT_SIZE);
	cvFindExtrinsicCameraParams2(&sub_object_points, &sub_image_points, intrinsic, distortion, rotation, translation);
	int ret = cvRodrigues2(rotation, rotationConv);

//	int cols = sub_object_points.rows;
//	printf("cols = %d\n", cols);
//	printf("%f\n",sub_object_points.data.fl[0]);

	// mm -> m
	for (i = 0; i < translation->cols; i++) { translation->data.fl[i] = translation->data.fl[i] / 1000;}

	// (4)XML�ե�����ؤν񤭽Ф�
	//fs = cvOpenFileStorage(argv[2], 0, CV_STORAGE_WRITE);
	fs = cvOpenFileStorage(NAME_XML_OUT, 0, CV_STORAGE_WRITE);
	cvWrite(fs, "rotation", rotationConv);
	cvWrite(fs, "translation", translation);

	// write out py
		cv::Mat ttt(translation);
		cv::Mat rrr(rotationConv);

		char data2Write[1024];
		char textFileName[256];
		sprintf( textFileName , "cbCoord/cbOneShot.py");
		std::ofstream outPy(textFileName);

		outPy << "import sys"						<<std::endl;
		outPy << "sys.path.append('../')"			<<std::endl;
		outPy << "from numpy import *"				<<std::endl;
		outPy << "from numpy.linalg import svd"	<<std::endl;
		outPy << "from numpy.linalg import inv"	<<std::endl;
		outPy << "from chessboard_points import *"<<std::endl;
		outPy << "sys.path.append('../geo')"		<<std::endl;
		outPy << "from geo import *"				<<std::endl;

		// out translation and rotation as xyzabc list
		outPy << "xyzabc = []"	<<std::endl;

		sprintf( data2Write, "xyzabc.append(%f)", ttt.at<float>(0) );
		outPy << data2Write << std::endl;
		std::cout << data2Write << std::endl;

		sprintf( data2Write, "xyzabc.append(%f)", ttt.at<float>(1) );
		outPy << data2Write << std::endl;
		std::cout << data2Write << std::endl;

		sprintf( data2Write, "xyzabc.append(%f)", ttt.at<float>(2) );
		outPy << data2Write << std::endl;
		std::cout << data2Write << std::endl;

		sprintf( data2Write, "xyzabc.append(%f)", rrr.at<float>(0) );
		outPy << data2Write << std::endl;
		std::cout << data2Write << std::endl;

		sprintf( data2Write, "xyzabc.append(%f)", rrr.at<float>(1) );
		outPy << data2Write << std::endl;
		std::cout << data2Write << std::endl;

		sprintf( data2Write, "xyzabc.append(%f)", rrr.at<float>(2) );
		outPy << data2Write << std::endl;
		std::cout << data2Write << std::endl;
		// out translation and rotation as xyzabc list

		// out translation
		outPy << "ttt = []"	<<std::endl;

		sprintf( data2Write, "ttt.append(%f)", ttt.at<float>(0) );
		outPy << data2Write << std::endl;
		std::cout << data2Write << std::endl;

		sprintf( data2Write, "ttt.append(%f)", ttt.at<float>(1) );
		outPy << data2Write << std::endl;
		std::cout << data2Write << std::endl;

		sprintf( data2Write, "ttt.append(%f)", ttt.at<float>(2) );
		outPy << data2Write << std::endl;
		std::cout << data2Write << std::endl;
		// out translation

		// out rotation
		outPy << "rrr = []"	<<std::endl;

		sprintf( data2Write, "rrr.append([%f,%f,%f])", rrr.at<float>(0), rrr.at<float>(1), rrr.at<float>(2) );
		outPy << data2Write << std::endl;
		std::cout << data2Write << std::endl;

		sprintf( data2Write, "rrr.append([%f,%f,%f])", rrr.at<float>(3), rrr.at<float>(4), rrr.at<float>(5) );
		outPy << data2Write << std::endl;
		std::cout << data2Write << std::endl;

		sprintf( data2Write, "rrr.append([%f,%f,%f])", rrr.at<float>(6), rrr.at<float>(7), rrr.at<float>(8) );
		outPy << data2Write << std::endl;
		std::cout << data2Write << std::endl;
		// out rotation

		outPy<< "_T = FRAME( vec=ttt, mat=rrr )" << std::endl;

	// write out py
	std::cout<< "press any key..."<< std::endl;
	cvWaitKey (0);


	return 0;
예제 #8
int main(int argc, char **argv)

	float priors[] = { 1.0, 10.0 };	// Edible vs poisonos weights

	CvMat *var_type;
	CvMat *data;				// jmh add
	data = cvCreateMat(20, 30, CV_8U);	// jmh add

	var_type = cvCreateMat(data->cols + 1, 1, CV_8U);
	cvSet(var_type, cvScalarAll(CV_VAR_CATEGORICAL));	// all these vars 
	// are categorical
	CvDTree *dtree;
	dtree = new CvDTree;
	dtree->train(data, CV_ROW_SAMPLE, responses, 0, 0, var_type, missing, CvDTreeParams(8,	// max depth
																						10,	// min sample count
																						0,	// regression accuracy: N/A here
																						true,	// compute surrogate split, 
																						//   as we have missing data
																						15,	// max number of categories 
																						//   (use sub-optimal algorithm for
																						//   larger numbers)
																						10,	// cross-validations 
																						true,	// use 1SE rule => smaller tree
																						true,	// throw away the pruned tree branches
																						priors	// the array of priors, the bigger 
																						//   p_weight, the more attention
																						//   to the poisonous mushrooms

	dtree->save("tree.xml", "MyTree");
	dtree->load("tree.xml", "MyTree");

#define MAX_CLUSTERS 5
	CvScalar color_tab[MAX_CLUSTERS];
	IplImage *img = cvCreateImage(cvSize(500, 500), 8, 3);
	CvRNG rng = cvRNG(0xffffffff);

	color_tab[0] = CV_RGB(255, 0, 0);
	color_tab[1] = CV_RGB(0, 255, 0);
	color_tab[2] = CV_RGB(100, 100, 255);
	color_tab[3] = CV_RGB(255, 0, 255);
	color_tab[4] = CV_RGB(255, 255, 0);

	cvNamedWindow("clusters", 1);

	for (;;) {
		int k, cluster_count = cvRandInt(&rng) % MAX_CLUSTERS + 1;
		int i, sample_count = cvRandInt(&rng) % 1000 + 1;
		CvMat *points = cvCreateMat(sample_count, 1, CV_32FC2);
		CvMat *clusters = cvCreateMat(sample_count, 1, CV_32SC1);

		/* generate random sample from multivariate 
		   Gaussian distribution */
		for (k = 0; k < cluster_count; k++) {
			CvPoint center;
			CvMat point_chunk;
			center.x = cvRandInt(&rng) % img->width;
			center.y = cvRandInt(&rng) % img->height;
			cvGetRows(points, &point_chunk,
					  k * sample_count / cluster_count,
					  k == cluster_count - 1 ? sample_count :
					  (k + 1) * sample_count / cluster_count);
			cvRandArr(&rng, &point_chunk, CV_RAND_NORMAL,
					  cvScalar(center.x, center.y, 0, 0),
					  cvScalar(img->width / 6, img->height / 6, 0, 0));

		/* shuffle samples */
		for (i = 0; i < sample_count / 2; i++) {
			CvPoint2D32f *pt1 = (CvPoint2D32f *) points->data.fl +
				cvRandInt(&rng) % sample_count;
			CvPoint2D32f *pt2 = (CvPoint2D32f *) points->data.fl +
				cvRandInt(&rng) % sample_count;
			CvPoint2D32f temp;
			CV_SWAP(*pt1, *pt2, temp);

		cvKMeans2(points, cluster_count, clusters,
				  cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_EPS + CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 10, 1.0));
		for (i = 0; i < sample_count; i++) {
			CvPoint2D32f pt = ((CvPoint2D32f *) points->data.fl)[i];
			int cluster_idx = clusters->data.i[i];
			cvCircle(img, cvPointFrom32f(pt), 2,
					 color_tab[cluster_idx], CV_FILLED);


		cvShowImage("clusters", img);

		int key = cvWaitKey(0);
		if (key == 27)			// 'ESC'
 * Transforms points from the image frame (uv-coordinates)
 * into the real world frame on the ground plane (z=-height)
 * \param inPoints input points in the image frame
 * \param outPoints output points in the world frame on the ground
 *          (z=-height)
 * \param cemaraInfo the input camera parameters
void mcvTransformImage2Ground(const CvMat *inPoints,
                              CvMat *outPoints, const CameraInfo *cameraInfo)

    //add two rows to the input points
    CvMat *inPoints4 = cvCreateMat(inPoints->rows+2, inPoints->cols,

    //copy inPoints to first two rows
    CvMat inPoints2, inPoints3, inPointsr4, inPointsr3;
    cvGetRows(inPoints4, &inPoints2, 0, 2);
    cvGetRows(inPoints4, &inPoints3, 0, 3);
    cvGetRow(inPoints4, &inPointsr3, 2);
    cvGetRow(inPoints4, &inPointsr4, 3);
    cvSet(&inPointsr3, cvRealScalar(1));
    cvCopy(inPoints, &inPoints2);
    //create the transformation matrix
    float c1 = cos(cameraInfo->pitch);
    float s1 = sin(cameraInfo->pitch);
    float c2 = cos(cameraInfo->yaw);
    float s2 = sin(cameraInfo->yaw);
    float matp[] = {
        (cameraInfo->cameraHeight *s1*s2* cameraInfo->opticalCenter.y/
        cameraInfo->focalLength.y) - cameraInfo->cameraHeight *c1*s2,

        cameraInfo->cameraHeight *s2 /cameraInfo->focalLength.x,
        cameraInfo->cameraHeight *s1*c2 /cameraInfo->focalLength.y,
        (-cameraInfo->cameraHeight *s2* cameraInfo->opticalCenter.x
        /cameraInfo->focalLength.x)-(cameraInfo->cameraHeight *s1*c2*
        cameraInfo->opticalCenter.y /cameraInfo->focalLength.y) -
        cameraInfo->cameraHeight *c1*c2,

        cameraInfo->cameraHeight *c1 /cameraInfo->focalLength.y,
        (-cameraInfo->cameraHeight *c1* cameraInfo->opticalCenter.y /
        cameraInfo->focalLength.y) + cameraInfo->cameraHeight *s1,

        -c1 /cameraInfo->focalLength.y,
        (c1* cameraInfo->opticalCenter.y /cameraInfo->focalLength.y) - s1,

    CvMat mat = cvMat(4, 3, CV_32FC1, matp);
    cvMatMul(&mat, &inPoints3, inPoints4);
    //divide by last row of inPoints4
    for (int i=0; i<inPoints->cols; i++)
        float div = CV_MAT_ELEM(inPointsr4, float, 0, i);
        CV_MAT_ELEM(*inPoints4, float, 0, i) =
                CV_MAT_ELEM(*inPoints4, float, 0, i) / div ;
        CV_MAT_ELEM(*inPoints4, float, 1, i) =
                CV_MAT_ELEM(*inPoints4, float, 1, i) / div;
    //put back the result into outPoints
    cout << "cameraInfo->cameraHeight " << cameraInfo->cameraHeight << endl;
    cvCopy(&inPoints2, outPoints);
예제 #10
파일: core_c.cpp 프로젝트: neutmute/emgucv
CvMat* cveGetRows(CvArr* arr, CvMat* submat, int startRow, int endRow, int deltaRow)
   return cvGetRows(arr, submat, startRow, endRow, deltaRow);
예제 #11
// Read the training data and train the network.
void trainMachine()
{ int i; //The number of training samples. 
    int train_sample_count;

    //The training data matrix. 
    //Note that we are limiting the number of training data samples to 1000 here.
    //The data sample consists of two inputs and an output. That's why 3.
    float td[10000][3];

    //Read the training file
       A sample file contents(say we are training the network for generating 
       the mean given two numbers) would be:

       12 16 14
       10 5  7.5
       8  10 9
       5  4  4.5
       12 6  9

    FILE *fin;
    fin = fopen("train.txt", "r");

    //Get the number of samples.
    fscanf(fin, "%d", &train_sample_count);
    printf("Found training file with %d samples...\n", train_sample_count);

    //Create the matrices

    //Input data samples. Matrix of order (train_sample_count x 2)
    CvMat* trainData = cvCreateMat(train_sample_count, 2, CV_32FC1);

    //Output data samples. Matrix of order (train_sample_count x 1)
    CvMat* trainClasses = cvCreateMat(train_sample_count, 1, CV_32FC1);

    //The weight of each training data sample. We'll later set all to equal weights.
    CvMat* sampleWts = cvCreateMat(train_sample_count, 1, CV_32FC1);

    //The matrix representation of our ANN. We'll have four layers.
    CvMat* neuralLayers = cvCreateMat(4, 1, CV_32SC1);

    CvMat trainData1, trainClasses1, neuralLayers1, sampleWts1;

    cvGetRows(trainData, &trainData1, 0, train_sample_count);
    cvGetRows(trainClasses, &trainClasses1, 0, train_sample_count);
    cvGetRows(trainClasses, &trainClasses1, 0, train_sample_count);
    cvGetRows(sampleWts, &sampleWts1, 0, train_sample_count);
    cvGetRows(neuralLayers, &neuralLayers1, 0, 4);

    //Setting the number of neurons on each layer of the ANN
       We have in Layer 1: 2 neurons (2 inputs)
       Layer 2: 3 neurons (hidden layer)
       Layer 3: 3 neurons (hidden layer)
       Layer 4: 1 neurons (1 output)
    cvSet1D(&neuralLayers1, 0, cvScalar(2));
    cvSet1D(&neuralLayers1, 1, cvScalar(3));
    cvSet1D(&neuralLayers1, 2, cvScalar(3));
    cvSet1D(&neuralLayers1, 3, cvScalar(1));

    //Read and populate the samples.
    for (i=0;i<train_sample_count;i++)
        fscanf(fin,"%f %f %f",&td[i][0],&td[i][1],&td[i][2]);


    //Assemble the ML training data.
    for (i=0; i<train_sample_count; i++)
        //Input 1
        cvSetReal2D(&trainData1, i, 0, td[i][0]);
        //Input 2
        cvSetReal2D(&trainData1, i, 1, td[i][1]);
        cvSet1D(&trainClasses1, i, cvScalar(td[i][2]));
        //Weight (setting everything to 1)
        cvSet1D(&sampleWts1, i, cvScalar(1));

    //Create our ANN.
    machineBrain.create(neuralLayers);//sigmoid 0 0(激活函数的两个参数)

    //Train it with our data.   
                0.00000001//结果的精确性 两次迭代间权值变化量
            0.01,//几个可显式调整的参数 学习速率 阿尔法
            0.05                      //惯性参数
예제 #12
float CvANN_MLP::predict( const CvMat* _inputs, CvMat* _outputs ) const
    CV_FUNCNAME( "CvANN_MLP::predict" );


    double* buf;
    int i, j, n, dn = 0, l_count, dn0, buf_sz, min_buf_sz;

    if( !layer_sizes )
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsError, "The network has not been initialized" );

    if( !CV_IS_MAT(_inputs) || !CV_IS_MAT(_outputs) ||
        !CV_ARE_TYPES_EQ(_inputs,_outputs) ||
        CV_MAT_TYPE(_inputs->type) != CV_32FC1 &&
        CV_MAT_TYPE(_inputs->type) != CV_64FC1 ||
        _inputs->rows != _outputs->rows )
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "Both input and output must be floating-point matrices "
                                "of the same type and have the same number of rows" );

    if( _inputs->cols != layer_sizes->data.i[0] )
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadSize, "input matrix must have the same number of columns as "
                                 "the number of neurons in the input layer" );

    if( _outputs->cols != layer_sizes->data.i[layer_sizes->cols - 1] )
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadSize, "output matrix must have the same number of columns as "
                                 "the number of neurons in the output layer" );
    n = dn0 = _inputs->rows;
    min_buf_sz = 2*max_count;
    buf_sz = n*min_buf_sz;

    if( buf_sz > max_buf_sz )
        dn0 = max_buf_sz/min_buf_sz;
        dn0 = MAX( dn0, 1 );
        buf_sz = dn0*min_buf_sz;

    buf = (double*)cvStackAlloc( buf_sz*sizeof(buf[0]) );
    l_count = layer_sizes->cols;

    for( i = 0; i < n; i += dn )
        CvMat hdr[2], _w, *layer_in = &hdr[0], *layer_out = &hdr[1], *temp;
        dn = MIN( dn0, n - i );

        cvGetRows( _inputs, layer_in, i, i + dn );
        cvInitMatHeader( layer_out, dn, layer_in->cols, CV_64F, buf );

        scale_input( layer_in, layer_out );
        CV_SWAP( layer_in, layer_out, temp );

        for( j = 1; j < l_count; j++ )
            double* data = buf + (j&1 ? max_count*dn0 : 0);
            int cols = layer_sizes->data.i[j];

            cvInitMatHeader( layer_out, dn, cols, CV_64F, data );
            cvInitMatHeader( &_w, layer_in->cols, layer_out->cols, CV_64F, weights[j] );
            cvGEMM( layer_in, &_w, 1, 0, 0, layer_out );
            calc_activ_func( layer_out, _w.data.db + _w.rows*_w.cols );

            CV_SWAP( layer_in, layer_out, temp );

        cvGetRows( _outputs, layer_out, i, i + dn );
        scale_output( layer_in, layer_out );


    return 0.f;
예제 #13
CvMat* vgg_X_from_xP_nonlin(CvMat* u1, CvMat** P1, CvMat* imsize1, int K)

	CvMat* u;
	CvMat** P=new CvMat* [K];
	CvMat* imsize;

	int kp;


	CvMat* X;
	CvMat* H;
	CvMat* u_2_rows;
	CvMat* W;
	CvMat* U;
	CvMat* T;
	CvMat* Y;
	CvMat** Q=new CvMat*[K];//Q is a variable not well defined
	CvMat* J;
	CvMat* e;
	CvMat* J_tr;
	CvMat* eprev;
	CvMat* JtJ;
	CvMat* Je;
	CvMat* Y_new;

	CvMat* T_2_cols;
	CvMat* T_rest_cols;
	CvMat* X_T;
	CvScalar f, inf;
	int i, mat_id;
	int u_rows = u->rows;
	int u_cols = u->cols;
	double lambda_min, lambda_max;
	CvMat* imsize_col = cvCreateMat(2, 1, CV_64FC1);

	/* K is the number of images */
	if(K < 2)
		printf("\n Cannot reconstruct 3D from 1 image");
		return 0;

	/* Create temporary matrix for the linear function */
	u_2_rows = cvCreateMat(2, u_cols, CV_64FC1);

	/* Initialize the temporary matrix by extracting the first two rows */
	u_2_rows = cvGetRows(u, u_2_rows, 0, 2, 1);

	/* Call the linear function */
	X = vgg_X_from_xP_lin(u_2_rows, P, K, imsize);

	imsize_col = cvGetCol(imsize, imsize_col, 0);
	f = cvSum(imsize_col);
	f.val[0] = 4 / f.val[0];

	/* Create and initialize H matrix */
	H = cvCreateMat(3, 3, CV_64FC1);

	H->data.db[0] = f.val[0];
	H->data.db[1] = 0;
	H->data.db[2] = ((-1) * f.val[0] * cvmGet(imsize, 0, 0)) / 2;
	H->data.db[3] = 0;
	H->data.db[4] = f.val[0];
	H->data.db[5] = ((-1) * f.val[0] * cvmGet(imsize, 1, 0)) / 2;
	H->data.db[6] = 0;
	H->data.db[7] = 0;
	H->data.db[8] = 1;

	for(mat_id = 0; mat_id < K ; mat_id++)
		cvMatMul(H, P[mat_id], P[mat_id]);
	/* u = H * u; */
	cvMatMul(H, u, u);
	CvMat_printdb(stdout,"%7.3f ",H);
	CvMat_printdb(stdout,"%7.3f ",u);

	/* Parametrize X such that X = T*[Y;1]; thus x = P*T*[Y;1] = Q*[Y;1] */
	/* Create the SVD matrices X = U*W*V'*/

	X_T = cvCreateMat(X->cols, X->rows, CV_64FC1); /* M * N */
	W = cvCreateMat(X_T->rows, X_T->cols, CV_64FC1); /* M * N */
	U = cvCreateMat(X_T->rows, X_T->rows, CV_64FC1); /* M * M */
	T = cvCreateMat(X_T->cols, X_T->cols, CV_64FC1); /* N * N */
	cvTranspose(X, X_T);
	cvSVD(X_T, W, U, T);

	/* T = T(:,[2:end 1]); */
	/* Initialize the temporary matrix by extracting the first two columns */
	/* Create temporary matrix for the linear function */
	T_2_cols    = cvCreateMat(T->rows, 2, CV_64FC1);
	T_rest_cols = cvCreateMat(T->rows, (T->cols - 2), CV_64FC1);

	/* Initialize the temporary matrix by extracting the first two columns */
	T_2_cols= sfmGetCols(T,0,0);


	for(mat_id = 0; mat_id < K ; mat_id++)
	    /* Create temporary matrix for the linear function */
	    Q[mat_id] = cvCreateMat(P[mat_id]->rows, T->cols, CV_64FC1);
		cvMatMul(P[mat_id], T, Q[mat_id]);

	CvMat_printdb(stdout,"%7.3f ",Q[0]);

	CvMat_printdb(stdout,"%7.3f ",Q[1]);
	/* Newton estimation */
	/* Create the required Y matrix for the Newton process */
	Y = cvCreateMat(3, 1, CV_64FC1);
	cvSetZero(Y); /* Y = [0;0;0] */

	/* Initialize the infinite array */
	inf.val[0] = INF;
	inf.val[1] = INF;
	inf.val[2] = INF;
	inf.val[3] = INF;
	eprev = cvCreateMat(1, 1, CV_64FC1); 
	cvSet(eprev, inf, 0);

	for(i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++)
	//	printf("i=%d....\n",i);
		int pass;
		double RCondVal;

		//initialize e,J before using.


		pass = resid(Y, u, Q, K, e, J);

		J_tr = cvCreateMat(J->cols, J->rows, CV_64FC1);
		cvTranspose(J, J_tr);

		JtJ = cvCreateMat(J->cols, J->cols, CV_64FC1);
		cvMatMul(J_tr, J, JtJ);

		//prevent memory leak;

		/* Create the SVD matrices JtJ = U*W*V'*/
		W = cvCreateMat(J->cols, J->cols, CV_64FC1); 

		cvSVD(JtJ, W); 
		CvMat_printdb(stdout,"%7.3f ",W);
		lambda_max = W->data.db[0];
		lambda_min = W->data.db[((W->rows * W->cols) - 1)];
		RCondVal   = lambda_min / lambda_max;

		if(1 - (cvNorm(e, 0, CV_L2, 0) / cvNorm(eprev, 0, CV_L2, 0)) < 1000 * EPS)
		if(RCondVal < 10 * EPS)

		eprev = cvCreateMat(e->rows, e->cols, CV_64FC1); 
		cvCopy(e, eprev);

		Je = cvCreateMat(J->cols, e->cols, CV_64FC1);
		cvMatMul(J_tr, e, Je); /* (J'*e) */

		CvMat_printdb(stdout,"%7.3f ",J_tr);

		CvMat_printdb(stdout,"%7.3f ",e);

		CvMat_printdb(stdout,"%7.3f ",JtJ);
		CvMat_printdb(stdout,"%7.3f ",Je);

		CvMat_printdb(stdout,"%7.3f ",JtJ);
		/* (J'*J)\(J'*e) */
		Je=sfmMatMul(JtJ, Je);
		CvMat_printdb(stdout,"%7.3f ",Je);
		/* Y = Y - (J'*J)\(J'*e) */
		cvSub(Y, Je, Y, 0);
		CvMat_printdb(stdout,"%7.3f ",Y);

	Y_new  = cvCreateMat(4, 1, CV_64FC1);

	CvMat_printdb(stdout,"%7.3f ",Y_new);
	CvMat_printdb(stdout,"%7.3f ",T);

	/* Obtain the new X */
    cvMatMul(T, Y_new, X);




	return X;
예제 #14
CvSVM* HoGProcessor::trainSVM(CvMat* pos_mat, CvMat* neg_mat, char *savexml, char *pos_file, char *neg_file) 
	/* Read the feature vectors for positive samples */
	if (pos_file != NULL) 
		printf("positive loading...\n");
		pos_mat = (CvMat*) cvLoad(pos_file);
		printf("positive loaded\n");

	/* Read the feature vectors for negative samples */
	if (neg_file != NULL)
		neg_mat = (CvMat*) cvLoad(neg_file);
		printf("negative loaded\n");

	int n_positive, n_negative;
	n_positive = pos_mat->rows;
	n_negative = neg_mat->rows;
	int feature_vector_length = pos_mat->cols;
	int total_samples;
	total_samples = n_positive + n_negative;

	CvMat* trainData = cvCreateMat(total_samples, feature_vector_length, CV_32FC1);

	CvMat* trainClasses = cvCreateMat(total_samples, 1, CV_32FC1 );

	CvMat trainData1, trainData2, trainClasses1, trainClasses2;

	printf("Number of positive Samples : %d\n",

	/*Copy the positive feature vectors to training
	cvGetRows(trainData, &trainData1, 0, n_positive);
	cvCopy(pos_mat, &trainData1);

	/*Copy the negative feature vectors to training
	cvGetRows(trainData, &trainData2, n_positive,total_samples);

	cvCopy(neg_mat, &trainData2);

	printf("Number of negative Samples : %d\n",	trainData2.rows);

	/*Form the training classes for positive and
	negative samples. Positive samples belong to class
	1 and negative samples belong to class 2 */
	cvGetRows(trainClasses, &trainClasses1, 0, n_positive);
	cvSet(&trainClasses1, cvScalar(1));

	cvGetRows(trainClasses, &trainClasses2, n_positive,	total_samples);
	cvSet(&trainClasses2, cvScalar(2));

	/* Train a linear support vector machine to learn from
	the training data. The parameters may played and
	experimented with to see their effects*/
	CvMat* class_weight = cvCreateMat(1, 1, CV_32FC1);
	(*(float*)CV_MAT_ELEM_PTR(*class_weight, 0, 0)) = 0;
	//(*(float*)CV_MAT_ELEM_PTR(*class_weight, 0, 1)) = 10;
	//(*(float*)CV_MAT_ELEM_PTR(*class_weight, 1, 0)) = 100;
	//(*(float*)CV_MAT_ELEM_PTR(*class_weight, 1, 1)) = 0;

	CvSVM* svm = new CvSVM(trainData, trainClasses, 0, 0,
	CvSVMParams(CvSVM::C_SVC, CvSVM::LINEAR, 0, 0, 0, 2,
	0, 0, 0, cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_EPS,0, 0.01)));	

	printf("SVM Training Complete!!\n");

	/*Save the learnt model*/
	if (savexml != NULL) 


	return svm;
int build_nbayes_classifier( char* data_filename )
    const int var_count = 16;
    CvMat* data = 0;
    CvMat train_data;
    CvMat* responses;

    int ok = read_num_class_data( data_filename, 16, &data, &responses );
    int nsamples_all = 0, ntrain_samples = 0;
    //int i, j;
    //double /*train_hr = 0, */test_hr = 0;
    CvANN_MLP mlp;

    if( !ok )
        printf( "Could not read the database %s\n", data_filename );
        return -1;

    printf( "The database %s is loaded.\n", data_filename );
    nsamples_all = data->rows;
    ntrain_samples = (int)(nsamples_all*0.5);

    // 1. unroll the responses
    printf( "Unrolling the responses...\n");
    cvGetRows( data, &train_data, 0, ntrain_samples );

    // 2. train classifier
    CvMat* train_resp = cvCreateMat( ntrain_samples, 1, CV_32FC1);
    for (int i = 0; i < ntrain_samples; i++)
        train_resp->data.fl[i] = responses->data.fl[i];
    CvNormalBayesClassifier nbayes(&train_data, train_resp);

    float* _sample = new float[var_count * (nsamples_all - ntrain_samples)];
    CvMat sample = cvMat( nsamples_all - ntrain_samples, 16, CV_32FC1, _sample );
    float* true_results = new float[nsamples_all - ntrain_samples];
    for (int j = ntrain_samples; j < nsamples_all; j++)
        float *s = data->data.fl + j * var_count;

        for (int i = 0; i < var_count; i++)
            sample.data.fl[(j - ntrain_samples) * var_count + i] = s[i];
        true_results[j - ntrain_samples] = responses->data.fl[j];
    CvMat *result = cvCreateMat(1, nsamples_all - ntrain_samples, CV_32FC1);
    nbayes.predict(&sample, result);
    int true_resp = 0;
    //int accuracy = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < nsamples_all - ntrain_samples; i++)
        if (result->data.fl[i] == true_results[i])

    printf("true_resp = %f%%\n", (float)true_resp / (nsamples_all - ntrain_samples) * 100);

    delete[] true_results;
    delete[] _sample;
    cvReleaseMat( &train_resp );
    cvReleaseMat( &result );
    cvReleaseMat( &data );
    cvReleaseMat( &responses );

    return 0;
 * Transforms points from the ground plane (z=-h) in the world frame
 * into points on the image in image frame (uv-coordinates)
 * \param inPoints 2xN array of input points on the ground in world coordinates
 * \param outPoints 2xN output points in on the image in image coordinates
 * \param cameraInfo the camera parameters
void mcvTransformGround2Image(const CvMat *inPoints,
                              CvMat *outPoints, const CameraInfo *cameraInfo)
    //add two rows to the input points
    CvMat *inPoints3 = cvCreateMat(inPoints->rows+1, inPoints->cols,
    cvSet(inPoints3, cvScalar(0));

    //copy inPoints to first two rows
    CvMat inPoints2,  inPointsr3;
    cvGetRows(inPoints3, &inPoints2, 0, 2);
    cvGetRow(inPoints3, &inPointsr3, 2);
    cvSet(&inPointsr3, cvRealScalar(-cameraInfo->cameraHeight));
    cvCopy(inPoints, &inPoints2);
    //create the transformation matrix
    float c1 = cos(cameraInfo->pitch);
    float s1 = sin(cameraInfo->pitch);
    float c2 = cos(cameraInfo->yaw);
    float s2 = sin(cameraInfo->yaw);
    float matp[] = {
        cameraInfo->focalLength.x * c2 + c1*s2* cameraInfo->opticalCenter.x,
        -cameraInfo->focalLength.x * s2 + c1*c2* cameraInfo->opticalCenter.x,
        - s1 * cameraInfo->opticalCenter.x,

        s2 * (-cameraInfo->focalLength.y * s1 + c1* cameraInfo->opticalCenter.y),
        c2 * (-cameraInfo->focalLength.y * s1 + c1* cameraInfo->opticalCenter.y),
        -cameraInfo->focalLength.y * c1 - s1* cameraInfo->opticalCenter.y,

    CvMat mat = cvMat(3, 3, FLOAT_MAT_TYPE, matp);
    //std::cout << " inPoints3.rows " << inPoints3->rows << " inPoints3.cols "<< inPoints3->cols << "\n ";

    cvMatMul(&mat, inPoints3, inPoints3);
    //divide by last row of inPoints4
    for (int i=0; i<inPoints->cols; i++)
        float div = CV_MAT_ELEM(inPointsr3, float, 0, i);

        CV_MAT_ELEM(*inPoints3, float, 0, i) =
                CV_MAT_ELEM(*inPoints3, float, 0, i) / div ;
        CV_MAT_ELEM(*inPoints3, float, 1, i) =
                CV_MAT_ELEM(*inPoints3, float, 1, i) / div;
        if(isnan(CV_MAT_ELEM(*inPoints3, float, 0, i) ) || isnan(CV_MAT_ELEM(*inPoints3, float, 1, i) ))
            cout << "cameraInfo->pitch " << cameraInfo->pitch << endl;
            cout << "cameraInfo->yaw " << cameraInfo->yaw << endl;
            cout << "opticalCenter.x " << cameraInfo->opticalCenter.x << endl;
            cout << "opticalCenter.y " << cameraInfo->opticalCenter.y << endl;
            cout << "focalLength.x " << cameraInfo->focalLength.x << endl;
            cout << "focalLength.y " << cameraInfo->focalLength.y << endl;
        //if(isnan(CV_MAT_ELEM(*inPoints3, float, 1, i) )) cout << "JAP!!!2 div " << div <<endl;
    //put back the result into outPoints
    //std::cout << " inPoints2.rows " << inPoints2.rows << " inPoints2.cols "<< inPoints2.cols << "\n ";
    // std::cout << " outPoints.rows " << outPoints->rows << " outPoints.cols "<< outPoints->cols << "\n ";
    cvCopy(&inPoints2, outPoints);
    // std::cout << " outPoints.rows " << outPoints->rows << " outPoints.cols "<< outPoints->cols << "\n ";
int build_svm_classifier( char* data_filename )
    CvMat* data = 0;
    CvMat* responses = 0;
    CvMat train_data;
    int nsamples_all = 0, ntrain_samples = 0;
    int var_count;
    CvSVM svm;

    int ok = read_num_class_data( data_filename, 16, &data, &responses );
    if( !ok )
        printf( "Could not read the database %s\n", data_filename );
        return -1;
    ////////// SVM parameters ///////////////////////////////
    CvSVMParams param;

    printf( "The database %s is loaded.\n", data_filename );
    nsamples_all = data->rows;
    ntrain_samples = (int)(nsamples_all*0.1);
    var_count = data->cols;

    // train classifier
    printf( "Training the classifier (may take a few minutes)...\n");
    cvGetRows( data, &train_data, 0, ntrain_samples );
    CvMat* train_resp = cvCreateMat( ntrain_samples, 1, CV_32FC1);
    for (int i = 0; i < ntrain_samples; i++)
        train_resp->data.fl[i] = responses->data.fl[i];
    svm.train(&train_data, train_resp, 0, 0, param);

    // classification
    std::vector<float> _sample(var_count * (nsamples_all - ntrain_samples));
    CvMat sample = cvMat( nsamples_all - ntrain_samples, 16, CV_32FC1, &_sample[0] );
    std::vector<float> true_results(nsamples_all - ntrain_samples);
    for (int j = ntrain_samples; j < nsamples_all; j++)
        float *s = data->data.fl + j * var_count;
        for (int i = 0; i < var_count; i++)
            sample.data.fl[(j - ntrain_samples) * var_count + i] = s[i];
        true_results[j - ntrain_samples] = responses->data.fl[j];
    CvMat *result = cvCreateMat(1, nsamples_all - ntrain_samples, CV_32FC1);
    printf("Classification (may take a few minutes)...\n");
    svm.predict(&sample, result);

    int true_resp = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < nsamples_all - ntrain_samples; i++)
        if (result->data.fl[i] == true_results[i])
    printf("true_resp = %f%%\n", (float)true_resp / (nsamples_all - ntrain_samples) * 100);
    cvReleaseMat( &train_resp );
    cvReleaseMat( &result );
    cvReleaseMat( &data );
    cvReleaseMat( &responses );

    return 0;
예제 #18
// Read the training data and train the network.
void trainMachine()
    int i;
    //The number of training samples.
    int train_sample_count;

    //The training data matrix.
    //Note that we are limiting the number of training data samples to 1000 here.
    //The data sample consists of two inputs and an output. That's why 3.
    //td es la matriz dinde se cargan las muestras
    float td[3000][7];

    //Read the training file
     A sample file contents(say we are training the network for generating
     the mean given two numbers) would be:

     12 16 14
     10 5  7.5
     8  10 9
     5  4  4.5
     12 6  9

    FILE *fin;
    fin = fopen("train.txt", "r");

    //Get the number of samples.
    fscanf(fin, "%d", &train_sample_count);
    printf("Found training file with %d samples...\n", train_sample_count);

    //Create the matrices

    //Input data samples. Matrix of order (train_sample_count x 2)
    CvMat* trainData = cvCreateMat(train_sample_count, 6, CV_32FC1);

    //Output data samples. Matrix of order (train_sample_count x 1)
    CvMat* trainClasses = cvCreateMat(train_sample_count, 1, CV_32FC1);

    //The weight of each training data sample. We'll later set all to equal weights.
    CvMat* sampleWts = cvCreateMat(train_sample_count, 1, CV_32FC1);

    //The matrix representation of our ANN. We'll have four layers.
    CvMat* neuralLayers = cvCreateMat(2, 1, CV_32SC1);

    CvMat trainData1, trainClasses1, neuralLayers1, sampleWts1;

    cvGetRows(trainData, &trainData1, 0, train_sample_count);
    cvGetRows(trainClasses, &trainClasses1, 0, train_sample_count);
    cvGetRows(trainClasses, &trainClasses1, 0, train_sample_count);
    cvGetRows(sampleWts, &sampleWts1, 0, train_sample_count);
    cvGetRows(neuralLayers, &neuralLayers1, 0, 2);

    //Setting the number of neurons on each layer of the ANN
     We have in Layer 1: 2 neurons (6 inputs)
                Layer 2: 3 neurons (hidden layer)
                Layer 3: 3 neurons (hidden layer)
                Layer 4: 1 neurons (1 output)
    cvSet1D(&neuralLayers1, 0, cvScalar(6));
    //cvSet1D(&neuralLayers1, 1, cvScalar(3));
    //cvSet1D(&neuralLayers1, 2, cvScalar(3));
    cvSet1D(&neuralLayers1, 1, cvScalar(1));

    //Read and populate the samples.
    for (i=0; i<train_sample_count; i++)
        fscanf(fin,"%f %f %f %f",&td[i][0],&td[i][1],&td[i][2],&td[i][3]);


    //Assemble the ML training data.
    for (i=0; i<train_sample_count; i++)
        //Input 1
        cvSetReal2D(&trainData1, i, 0, td[i][0]);
        //Input 2
        cvSetReal2D(&trainData1, i, 1, td[i][1]);
        cvSetReal2D(&trainData1, i, 2, td[i][2]);
        cvSetReal2D(&trainData1, i, 3, td[i][3]);
        cvSetReal2D(&trainData1, i, 4, td[i][4]);
        cvSetReal2D(&trainData1, i, 5, td[i][5]);
        cvSet1D(&trainClasses1, i, cvScalar(td[i][6]));
        //Weight (setting everything to 1)
        cvSet1D(&sampleWts1, i, cvScalar(1));

    //Create our ANN.

    //Train it with our data.
    //See the Machine learning reference at http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~bensapp/opencvdocs/ref/opencvref_ml.htm#ch_ann