예제 #1
파일: gbt.cpp 프로젝트: Rocky030/opencv
float CvGBTrees::predict( const cv::Mat& sample, const cv::Mat& _missing,
                          const cv::Range& slice, int k ) const
    CvMat _sample = sample, miss = _missing;
    return predict(&_sample, _missing.empty() ? 0 : &miss, 0,
                   slice==cv::Range::all() ? CV_WHOLE_SEQ : cvSlice(slice.start, slice.end), k);
예제 #2
파일: cap_vfw.cpp 프로젝트: 12rohanb/opencv
void CvCaptureAVI_VFW::init()
    avifile = 0;
    avistream = 0;
    getframe = 0;
    memset( &aviinfo, 0, sizeof(aviinfo) );
    bmih = 0;
    film_range = cvSlice(0,0);
    fps = 0;
    pos = 0;
    frame = 0;
    size = cvSize(0,0);
예제 #3
void CAviLoader::init()
    avifile = 0;
    avistream = 0;
    getframe = 0;
    memset( &aviinfo, 0, sizeof(aviinfo) );
    bmih = 0;
    film_range = cvSlice(0,0);
    fps = 0;
    pos = 0;
    data_offset = 0;
    frame = 0;
    size = cvSize(0,0);
예제 #4

 triangle attributes calculations 

static CvStatus
icvCalcTriAttr( const CvSeq * contour, CvPoint t2, CvPoint t1, int n1,
                CvPoint t3, int n3, double *s, double *s_c,
                double *h, double *a, double *b )
    double x13, y13, x12, y12, l_base, nx, ny, qq;
    double eps = 1.e-5;

    x13 = t3.x - t1.x;
    y13 = t3.y - t1.y;
    x12 = t2.x - t1.x;
    y12 = t2.y - t1.y;
    qq = x13 * x13 + y13 * y13;
    l_base = cvSqrt( (float) (qq) );
    if( l_base > eps )
        nx = y13 / l_base;
        ny = -x13 / l_base;

        *h = nx * x12 + ny * y12;

        *s = (*h) * l_base / 2.;

        *b = nx * y12 - ny * x12;

        *a = l_base;
/*   calculate interceptive area   */
        *s_c = cvContourArea( contour, cvSlice(n1, n3+1));
        *h = 0;
        *s = 0;
        *s_c = 0;
        *b = 0;
        *a = 0;

    return CV_OK;
예제 #5
 * This Function segments a worm.
 * It requires that certain information be present in the WormAnalysisData struct Worm
 * It requires Worm->Boundary be full
 * It requires that Params->NumSegments be greater than zero
int SegmentWorm(WormAnalysisData* Worm, WormAnalysisParam* Params){
	if (cvSeqExists(Worm->Boundary) == 0){
		printf("Error! No boundary found in SegmentWorm()\n");
		return -1;


	/***Clear Out any stale Segmented Information Already in the Worm Structure***/


	/*** It would be nice to check that Worm->Boundary exists ***/

	/*** Clear Out Scratch Storage ***/

	/*** Slice the boundary into left and right components ***/
	if (Worm->HeadIndex==Worm->TailIndex) printf("Error! Worm->HeadIndex==Worm->TailIndex in SegmentWorm()!\n");
	CvSeq* OrigBoundA=cvSeqSlice(Worm->Boundary,cvSlice(Worm->HeadIndex,Worm->TailIndex),Worm->MemScratchStorage,1);
	CvSeq* OrigBoundB=cvSeqSlice(Worm->Boundary,cvSlice(Worm->TailIndex,Worm->HeadIndex),Worm->MemScratchStorage,1);

	if (OrigBoundA->total < Params->NumSegments || OrigBoundB->total < Params->NumSegments ){
		printf("Error in SegmentWorm():\n\tWhen splitting  the original boundary into two, one or the other has less than the number of desired segments!\n");
		return -1; /** Andy make this return -1 **/



	/*** Resample One of the Two Boundaries so that both are the same length ***/

	//Create sequences to store the Normalized Boundaries
	CvSeq* NBoundA=	cvCreateSeq(CV_SEQ_ELTYPE_POINT,sizeof(CvSeq),sizeof(CvPoint),Worm->MemScratchStorage);
	CvSeq* NBoundB=cvCreateSeq(CV_SEQ_ELTYPE_POINT,sizeof(CvSeq),sizeof(CvPoint),Worm->MemScratchStorage);

	//Resample L&R boundary to have the same number of points as min(L,R)
	if (OrigBoundA->total > OrigBoundB->total){
		resampleSeq(OrigBoundA,NBoundA,OrigBoundB->total );
		resampleSeq(OrigBoundB,NBoundB,OrigBoundA->total );
	//Now both NBoundA and NBoundB are the same length.

	 * Now Find the Centerline

	/*** Clear out Stale Centerline Information ***/

	/*** Compute Centerline, from Head To Tail ***/

	/*** Smooth the Centerline***/
	CvSeq* SmoothUnresampledCenterline = smoothPtSequence (Worm->Centerline, 0.5*Worm->Centerline->total/Params->NumSegments, Worm->MemScratchStorage);

	/*** Note: If you wanted to you could smooth the centerline a second time here. ***/

	/*** Resample the Centerline So it has the specified Number of Points ***/


	/** Save the location of the centerOfWorm as the point halfway down the segmented centerline **/
	Worm->Segmented->centerOfWorm= CV_GET_SEQ_ELEM( CvPoint , Worm->Segmented->Centerline, Worm->Segmented->NumSegments / 2 );

	/*** Remove Repeat Points***/
	//RemoveSequentialDuplicatePoints (Worm->Segmented->Centerline);

	/*** Use Marc's Perpendicular Segmentation Algorithm
	 *   To Segment the Left and Right Boundaries and store them
	return 0;
