int main(int argc, char** argv) { char p[512]; char *server_mem; char *client_mem; int client_size; int server_size; force_net_dev_linked(); cyg_do_net_init(); SetWlanESSID("zhuna"); #ifdef MP4 sprintf(p, g_RtspServer_conf, "IMAADPCM", "Mpeg4", "Mpeg4", "IMAADPCM"); #else sprintf(p, g_RtspServer_conf, "AMR", "H263", "H263", "AMR"); #endif set_config(p); cyg_semaphore_init(&video_sem0, 0); cyg_semaphore_init(&video_sem1, 0); cyg_semaphore_init(&audio_sem0, 0); cyg_semaphore_init(&audio_sem1, 0); cyg_interrupt_disable(); cyg_interrupt_disable(); cyg_interrupt_disable(); cyg_interrupt_enable(); set_auth_id("jfyan","jfyanpass"); set_auth_id("jfyan1","jfyan1"); set_auth_id("jfyan2","jfyan2"); del_auth_id("jfyan1","jfyan1"); //set_auth_disable(); VideoPhoneInit(); fmiSetFMIReferenceClock(112000); fmiSetSDOutputClockbykHz(18000); //FTH_Init(); init_wbdevice(initlcm); set_encoderenable(set_encoderenableFunc); set_encoderdisable(set_encoderdisableFunc); init_get_video(get_back_video); init_get_audio(get_back_audio); server_size = get_server_size(); server_mem = (char*)malloc(server_size); if(server_mem == NULL) printf("memory out\n"); rtsp_server_init(server_mem, server_size); client_size = get_rtspmem_size(3); client_mem = (char*)malloc(client_size); if(client_mem == NULL) printf("memory out\n"); rtsp_mem_init(client_mem, client_size); RtspServerStart(2); }
void dbg_line_save(int line) { cyg_interrupt_disable(); dbg_line[dbg_line_pos++] = (unsigned short)line; if (dbg_line_pos >= sizeof(dbg_line) / sizeof(dbg_line[0])) dbg_line_pos = 0; cyg_interrupt_enable(); }
void vjpegInit(void) { #ifndef ECOS tt_rmutex_init(&g_vpJPEG.mtLock); tt_rmutex_init(&g_vpJPEG.mtLockEncoder); tt_rmutex_init(&g_vpJPEG.mtLockDecoder); tt_sem_init(&g_vpJPEG.semEncoder, 1); tt_sem_init(&g_vpJPEG.semDecoder, 1); tt_sem_down(&g_vpJPEG.semEncoder); tt_sem_down(&g_vpJPEG.semDecoder); #else cyg_mutex_init(&g_vpJPEG.mtLock); cyg_mutex_init(&g_vpJPEG.mtLockEncoder); cyg_mutex_init(&g_vpJPEG.mtLockDecoder); cyg_semaphore_init(&g_vpJPEG.semEncoder, 1); cyg_semaphore_init(&g_vpJPEG.semDecoder, 1); cyg_semaphore_wait(&g_vpJPEG.semEncoder); cyg_semaphore_wait(&g_vpJPEG.semDecoder); #endif g_vpJPEG.nRefCount = 0; g_vpJPEG.nRefCount_Encoder = 0; g_vpJPEG.nRefCount_Decoder = 0; g_vpJPEG.pJPEGEncodeBuffer = NULL; listInit (&g_vpJPEG.listEncodedJPEG); g_vpJPEG.nJPEGQua = 2; g_vpJPEG.bOnTheFly = TRUE; g_vpJPEG.nOnTheFlyCount = 0; #ifndef ECOS sysInstallISR(IRQ_LEVEL_1, IRQ_JPEG, (void*)jpegIntHandler); #else cyg_interrupt_disable(); cyg_interrupt_create(IRQ_JPEG, IRQ_LEVEL_1, NULL, &jpegIntHandler, &jpegIntHandler_DSR, &(g_vpJPEG.cygIntrHandle), &(g_vpJPEG.cygIntrBuffer)); cyg_interrupt_attach(g_vpJPEG.cygIntrHandle); cyg_interrupt_unmask(IRQ_JPEG); cyg_interrupt_enable(); #endif jpegSetIRQHandler(C_JPEG_CALLBACK_ENCODE_COMPLETE_INTERRUPT, vjpegEncoderCom_Callback); jpegSetIRQHandler(C_JPEG_CALLBACK_DECODE_COMPLETE_INTERRUPT, vjpegDecoderCom_Callback); jpegSetIRQHandler(C_JPEG_CALLBACK_DECODE_ERROR_INTERRUPT, vjpegDecoderErr_Callback); if(g_vpJPEG.bOnTheFly == TRUE) { jpegSetIRQHandler(C_JPEG_CALLBACK_ENCODE_SWONTHEFLY_WAIT_INTERRUPT, vjpegOnTheFlyCom_Callback); } bJPEGInit = TRUE; }
void *os_malloc(size_t size) { void *ret = malloc(size); if (ret == NULL) { diag_printf("malloc failed\n"); cyg_interrupt_disable(); while(1); } return ret; }
void capInit(BOOL bCapEngEnable, BOOL bCapIntEnable) #endif { int j; int i=sizeof(VCEInit)/sizeof(T_REG_INFO); for (j=0; j<i ;j++) outpw((CAP_BA+VCEInit[j].uAddr),VCEInit[j].uValue); if(bCapEngEnable==TRUE) { outpw(REG_CAPEngine,inpw(REG_CAPEngine)|0x01); } else { outpw(REG_CAPEngine,inpw(REG_CAPEngine)&0xfffffffe); } if(bCapIntEnable==TRUE) { #ifdef ECOS cyg_interrupt_disable(); cyg_interrupt_create(IRQ_VCE, 1, 0, capIntHandler, capIntHandlerDSR, &(t_eCos->cap_int_handle), &(t_eCos->cap_int)); cyg_interrupt_attach(t_eCos->cap_int_handle); cyg_interrupt_unmask(IRQ_VCE); cyg_interrupt_enable(); #else sysInstallISR(IRQ_LEVEL_1, IRQ_VCE, (PVOID)capIntHandler); // sysEnableInterrupt(IRQ_VCE); #endif outpw(REG_CAPFuncEnable,inpw(REG_CAPFuncEnable)|0x2); } else { #ifdef ECOS cyg_interrupt_mask(IRQ_VCE); cyg_interrupt_detach(t_eCos->cap_int_handle); cyg_interrupt_delete(t_eCos->cap_int_handle); #else sysDisableInterrupt(IRQ_VCE); #endif outpw(REG_CAPFuncEnable,inpw(REG_CAPFuncEnable)&0xfffffffd); } }
void kintr0_main( void ) { cyg_vector_t v = (CYGNUM_HAL_VSR_MIN + 11) % CYGNUM_HAL_VSR_COUNT; cyg_vector_t v1; cyg_vector_t lvl1 = CYGNUM_HAL_ISR_MIN + (1 % CYGNUM_HAL_ISR_COUNT); cyg_vector_t lvl2 = CYGNUM_HAL_ISR_MIN + (15 % CYGNUM_HAL_ISR_COUNT); int in_use; cyg_VSR_t *old_vsr, *new_vsr; CYG_TEST_INIT(); #ifdef CYGPKG_HAL_MIPS_TX39 // This can be removed when PR 17831 is fixed if ( cyg_test_is_simulator ) v1 = 12 % CYGNUM_HAL_ISR_COUNT; else /* NOTE TRAILING ELSE... */ #endif v1 = CYGNUM_HAL_ISR_MIN + ( 6 % CYGNUM_HAL_ISR_COUNT); CHECK(flash()); CHECK(flash()); // Make sure the chosen levels are not already in use. HAL_INTERRUPT_IN_USE( lvl1, in_use ); intr0 = 0; if (!in_use) cyg_interrupt_create(lvl1, PRIO_B, (cyg_addrword_t)777, isr0, dsr0, &intr0, &intr_obj[0]); HAL_INTERRUPT_IN_USE( lvl2, in_use ); intr1 = 0; if (!in_use && lvl1 != lvl2) cyg_interrupt_create(lvl2, PRIO_C, 888, isr1, dsr1, &intr1, &intr_obj[1]); // Check these functions at least exist cyg_interrupt_disable(); cyg_interrupt_enable(); if (intr0) cyg_interrupt_attach(intr0); if (intr1) cyg_interrupt_attach(intr1); if (intr0) cyg_interrupt_detach(intr0); if (intr1) cyg_interrupt_detach(intr1); // If this attaching interrupt replaces the previous interrupt // instead of adding to it we could be in a big mess if the // vector is being used by something important. cyg_interrupt_get_vsr( v, &old_vsr ); cyg_interrupt_set_vsr( v, vsr0 ); cyg_interrupt_get_vsr( v, &new_vsr ); CHECK( vsr0 == new_vsr ); new_vsr = NULL; cyg_interrupt_get_vsr( v, &new_vsr ); cyg_interrupt_set_vsr( v, old_vsr ); CHECK( new_vsr == vsr0 ); cyg_interrupt_set_vsr( v, new_vsr ); new_vsr = NULL; cyg_interrupt_get_vsr( v, &new_vsr ); CHECK( vsr0 == new_vsr ); cyg_interrupt_set_vsr( v, old_vsr ); CHECK( vsr0 == new_vsr ); new_vsr = NULL; cyg_interrupt_get_vsr( v, &new_vsr ); CHECK( old_vsr == new_vsr ); CHECK( NULL != vsr0 ); cyg_interrupt_mask(v1); cyg_interrupt_unmask(v1); cyg_interrupt_configure(v1, true, true); CYG_TEST_PASS_FINISH("Kernel C API Intr 0 OK"); }
int Config_MemDebug(HTTPCONNECTION hConnection, LIST *pParamList, int iAction, XML *pReturnXML) { switch (iAction) { case CA_AUTH: return AUTH_ADMIN; case CA_CONFIG: { UINT32 i; char acBuf[128]; UINT32 nLen = 0; static cyg_ppp_handle_t ppp_handle; const char *pcAction = httpGetString(pParamList, "action"); if(strcmp(pcAction, "net") == 0) { if(g_ptdNetDebug_stack == NULL) { g_ptdNetDebug_stack = (unsigned char *)malloc(STACKSIZE); if (g_ptdNetDebug_stack != NULL) { cyg_thread_create(PTD_PRIORITY, &NetTestThread, NULL, "ptdNetTest", g_ptdNetDebug_stack, STACKSIZE, &g_ptdNetDebug_handle, &g_ptdNetDebug); if (g_ptdNetDebug_handle == NULL) fprintf(stderr, "Thread for \"NetTest\" creation failed!\n"); else cyg_thread_resume(g_ptdNetDebug_handle); } } } else if (strcmp(pcAction, "print") == 0) { while(1) { diag_printf("random%d", rand()); if(rand()%12==0) diag_printf("\n"); } } else if (strcmp(pcAction, "pppip") == 0) { int fd; struct ifreq ifr; UINT32 ulIP = 0; UINT32 ulNetmask = 0; char acIP[16]; char acNetmask[16]; fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, "ppp0"); if (fd >= 0) { if (ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFADDR, &ifr) >= 0) ulIP = (unsigned int)(((struct sockaddr_in *)&ifr.ifr_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr); if (ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFNETMASK, &ifr) == 0) ulNetmask = (unsigned int)(((struct sockaddr_in *)&ifr.ifr_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr); close(fd); } httpIP2String(ulIP, acIP); httpIP2String(ulNetmask, acNetmask); AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "IP", acIP); AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "Netmask", acNetmask); } else if (strcmp(pcAction, "dppp") == 0) { ppot_disconnect(); } else if (strcmp(pcAction, "ppp") == 0) { bool ret; const char *pcUsername; const char *pcPassword; const char *pcServer; int iPort; pcUsername = httpGetString(pParamList, "User"); pcPassword = httpGetString(pParamList, "Pass"); pcServer = httpGetString(pParamList, "Server"); iPort = httpGetLong(pParamList, "Port"); /* u: xiaohui p: 0gogorovio0 u: xiaohui1 p: 1gogorovio1 u: xiaohui2 p: 2gogorovio2 */ //ppp user: blah password=blahing // ssh port:4239, user: xhchen, pass: aeV2ohTi // Start up PPP //ppot_connect("", 21201); //ppot_connect("", 21201); ret = ppot_connect(&pcServer, &iPort, 1, pcUsername, pcPassword); AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "ppot_connect", (ret ? "true" : "false")); #if 0 ppp_handle = cyg_ppp_up( "/dev/sert0", &options ); // Wait for it to get running if( cyg_ppp_wait_up( ppp_handle ) == 0 ) { // Make use of PPP //use_ppp(); // Bring PPP link down //cyg_ppp_down( ppp_handle ); // Wait for connection to go down. //cyg_ppp_wait_down( ppp_handle ); } #endif //cyg_thread_delay(5000); //ppot_disconnect(); //diag_printf("Disconnect=====================\n"); //while(1); } else if (strcmp(pcAction, "rtsp") == 0) { g_ntp_add = httpGetLong(pParamList, "ntp"); g_ts_video = httpGetLong(pParamList, "ts_video"); g_ts_audio = httpGetLong(pParamList, "ts_audio"); AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "ntp", g_ntp_add); AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "ts_video", g_ts_video); AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "ts_audio", g_ts_audio); AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "max_vd_ratio", (int)max_vd_ratio); AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "max_ad_ratio", (int)max_vd_ratio); } else if (strcmp(pcAction, "dir") == 0) { } else if (strcmp(pcAction, "channel") == 0) { int ch; GetWlanChannel("wlan0", &ch); AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "channel", ch); } else if (strcmp(pcAction, "upnp") == 0) { upnp_refresh(); AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "UPNP", "refresh"); } else if (strcmp(pcAction, "malloc") == 0) { static unsigned long ulTotalSize = 0; unsigned long ulSize = httpGetLong(pParamList, "size"); void *pAddr = malloc (ulSize); if (pAddr != NULL) ulTotalSize += ulSize; AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "addr", (int)pAddr); AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "total_size", ulTotalSize); } else if (strcmp(pcAction, "checkip") == 0) { DDNS_CheckIP(); } else if (strcmp(pcAction, "ddns") == 0) { BOOL bEnable = g_ConfigParam.bEnableDDNS; g_ConfigParam.bEnableDDNS = TRUE; DDNS_Update(); g_ConfigParam.bEnableDDNS = bEnable; } else if (strcmp(pcAction, "line") == 0) { int i; char name[16]; int size = sizeof(dbg_line_copy) / sizeof(dbg_line_copy[0]); cyg_interrupt_disable(); dbg_line_pos_copy = dbg_line_pos; memcpy(dbg_line_copy, dbg_line, sizeof(dbg_line)); cyg_interrupt_enable(); for (i = 0; i < size; i += 16) { int j; char str[128]; int len = 0; for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) { len += sprintf(str + len, "%5d", (int) dbg_line_copy[(i+j+dbg_line_pos)%(size)]); } sprintf(name, "%5d", i); AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, name, str); } } #if 1 //xhchen - MCU debug else if (strcmp(pcAction, "uart") == 0) { char log[128]; char name[16]; int log_pos; int i; sysDisableIRQ(); log_pos = uart_log_pos; memcpy(log, uart_log, sizeof(log)); sysEnableIRQ(); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(log); i += 16) { int j; char str[32]; int len = 0; for (j = 0; j < 16; j += 2) { char ch = log[(log_pos + i + j) % sizeof(log)]; len += sprintf(str + len, "%c", ( ch != '\0' ? ch : '-') ); ch = log[(log_pos + i + j + 1) % sizeof(log)]; len += sprintf(str + len, "%02x", (int)(unsigned char)ch); } sprintf(name, "%08x", i / 2); AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, name, str); } } else if (strcmp(pcAction, "mcu") == 0) { void mcuGetErrorStatus(UINT32 *puCmdNo, UINT32 *puCommandCount, BOOL *pbCrashedLock); UINT32 uCmdNo; UINT32 uCmdCount; BOOL bCrashedLock; mcuGetErrorStatus(&uCmdNo, &uCmdCount, &bCrashedLock); AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "CmdNo", uCmdNo); AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "LockCrashed", bCrashedLock); AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "CmdCount", uCmdCount); } else #endif if (strcmp(pcAction, "break") == 0) { test_sus(); AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "break_after", "3 seconds"); } else if (strcmp(pcAction, "ps") == 0) { outpw(REG_GPIO_IE, (inpw(REG_GPIO_IE)|0x00000010)); SetWlanPSMode("wlan0", FALSE); AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "SetWlanPSMode", "wlan0"); } else if (strcmp(pcAction, "cfg") == 0) { SetWlanHostSleepCfg("wlan0", 5); AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "SetWlanHostSleepCfg", "wlan0 5"); } else if (strcmp(pcAction, "gpiob19") == 0) { /* Set GPIOB for MCU */ outpw(REG_GPIOB_OE,inpw(REG_GPIOB_OE)&(~0x00080000)); //19 output; outpw(REG_GPIOB_DAT,inpw(REG_GPIOB_DAT)&(~0x00080000)); //19 low cyg_thread_delay(8); outpw(REG_GPIOB_OE,inpw(REG_GPIOB_OE)&(~0x00080000)); //19 output; outpw(REG_GPIOB_DAT,inpw(REG_GPIOB_DAT)|(0x00080000)); //19 high cyg_thread_delay(8); sprintf(acBuf, "%08x", inpw(REG_GPIOB_OE)); AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "REG_GPIOB_OE", acBuf); sprintf(acBuf, "%08x", inpw(REG_GPIOB_DAT)); AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "REG_GPIOB_DAT", acBuf); } else if (strcmp(pcAction, "mall") == 0) { struct mallinfo info = mallinfo(); AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "arena", info.arena); AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "ordblks", info.ordblks); AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "smblks", info.smblks); AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "hblks", info.hblks); AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "hblkhd", info.hblkhd); AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "usmblks", info.usmblks); AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "fsmblks", info.fsmblks); AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "uordblks", info.uordblks); AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "fordblks", info.fordblks); AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "keepcost", info.keepcost); AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "maxfree", info.maxfree); } else if (strcmp(pcAction, "write_mp4") == 0) { UINT32 uBitrate = httpGetLong(pParamList, "bitrate"); wb702SetVideoDynamicBitrate(uBitrate); sprintf(acBuf, "%d", uBitrate); AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "bitrate", acBuf); } else if (strcmp(pcAction, "read_flash") == 0) { UINT32 uAddr = httpGetLong(pParamList, "address"); UINT32 uSize = httpGetLong(pParamList, "size"); if (uSize == 0) uSize = 1; sprintf(acBuf, "%08x[->%08x]", uAddr, uSize); AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "read_flash", acBuf); for (i = 0; i < uSize; i += 8) { int j; char acFlash[8]; UINT32 uThisSize = uSize - i; if (uThisSize > sizeof(acFlash)) uThisSize = sizeof(acFlash); usiMyRead(uAddr + i, uThisSize, (void *)acFlash); acBuf[0] = '\0'; nLen = 0; for (j = 0; j < uThisSize; ++j) nLen += sprintf(acBuf + nLen, "%02x ", (int)(unsigned char)(acFlash[j]) ); AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "read_flash", acBuf); } return 0; } else if (strcmp(pcAction, "read_mem") == 0) { UINT32 uAddr = httpGetLong(pParamList, "address"); UINT32 uSize = httpGetLong(pParamList, "size"); if (uSize == 0) uSize = 1; sprintf(acBuf, "%08x[->%08x]", uAddr, uSize); AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "read_mem", acBuf); acBuf[0] = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < uSize; ++i) { nLen += sprintf(acBuf + nLen, "%02x ", (int)*(unsigned char *)(uAddr + i) ); if (( i + 1 ) % 8 == 0) { AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "read_mem", acBuf); nLen = 0; acBuf[0] = '\0'; } } if ( i % 8 != 0) AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "read_mem", acBuf); return 0; } else if (strcmp(pcAction, "write_mem") == 0) { UINT32 uAddr = httpGetLong(pParamList, "address"); UINT32 uValue = httpGetLong(pParamList, "value"); UINT32 uSize = httpGetLong(pParamList, "size"); if (uSize == 0) uSize = 4; memcpy((char *)uAddr, &uValue, uSize); sprintf(acBuf, "%08x[->%08x]=%08x", uAddr,uSize,uValue); AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "write_mem", acBuf); return 0; } else if (strcmp(pcAction, "write_register") == 0) { UINT32 uAddr = httpGetULong(pParamList, "address"); UINT32 uValue = httpGetULong(pParamList, "value"); UINT32 uSize = httpGetULong(pParamList, "size"); if (uSize == 0) uSize = 4; //outpw(address, value); memcpy((char *)uAddr, &uValue, uSize); sprintf(acBuf, "%08x[->%08x]=%08x", uAddr,uSize,uValue); AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "write_register", acBuf); return 0; } #if 1 else if (strcmp(pcAction, "set_oe") == 0) { UINT32 out = httpGetULong(pParamList, "out"); UINT32 dir = httpGetULong(pParamList, "dir"); UINT32 uSize = httpGetULong(pParamList, "size"); UINT32 read_oe=0; UINT32 read_dat=0; UINT32 read_sts=0; if (uSize == 0) uSize = 4; //outpw(address, value); if(out==5 || out==18|| out ==0||out==1 ) // gpio5 is out1, gpio18 is out2 { if(dir==1) outpw(REG_GPIO_OE, inpw(REG_GPIO_OE)|(1<<out)); else outpw(REG_GPIO_OE, inpw(REG_GPIO_OE)&~(1<<out)); } read_oe = inpw(REG_GPIO_OE); read_dat = inpw(REG_GPIO_DAT); read_sts = inpw(REG_GPIO_STS); sprintf(acBuf, "%08xoe[%08xdat]%08xsts", read_oe,read_dat,read_sts); AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "set_oe", acBuf); return 0; } else if (strcmp(pcAction, "set_dat") == 0) { UINT32 out = httpGetULong(pParamList, "out"); UINT32 dat = httpGetULong(pParamList, "dat"); UINT32 uSize = httpGetULong(pParamList, "size"); UINT32 read_oe=0; UINT32 read_dat=0; UINT32 read_sts=0; if (uSize == 0) uSize = 4; //outpw(address, value); if(out==5 || out==18) // gpio5 is out1, gpio18 is out2 { if(dat==1) outpw(REG_GPIO_DAT, inpw(REG_GPIO_DAT)|(1<<out)); else outpw(REG_GPIO_DAT, inpw(REG_GPIO_DAT)&~(1<<out)); } read_oe = inpw(REG_GPIO_OE); read_dat = inpw(REG_GPIO_DAT); read_sts = inpw(REG_GPIO_STS); sprintf(acBuf, "%08xoe[%08xdat]%08xsts", read_oe,read_dat,read_sts); AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "set_dat", acBuf); return 0; } else if (strcmp(pcAction, "get_oe") == 0) { UINT32 uAddr = httpGetULong(pParamList, "address"); UINT32 uValue = httpGetULong(pParamList, "value"); UINT32 uSize = httpGetULong(pParamList, "size"); UINT32 read_oe=0; UINT32 read_dat=0; UINT32 read_sts=0; if (uSize == 0) uSize = 4; read_oe = inpw(REG_GPIO_OE); read_dat = inpw(REG_GPIO_DAT); read_sts = inpw(REG_GPIO_STS); sprintf(acBuf, "%08xoe[%08xdat]%08xsts", read_oe,read_dat,read_sts); AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "get_oe", acBuf); return 0; } #endif else if (strcmp(pcAction, "read_i2c") == 0) { UINT32 uAddr = httpGetLong(pParamList, "address"); UINT32 uValue = i2cReadI2C(uAddr); sprintf(acBuf, "%08x=%08x", uAddr, uValue); AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "read_i2c", acBuf); return 0; } else if (strcmp(pcAction, "write_i2c") == 0) { UINT32 uAddr = httpGetLong(pParamList, "address"); UINT32 uValue = httpGetLong(pParamList, "value"); i2cWriteI2C (uAddr, uValue); sprintf(acBuf, "%08x=%08x", uAddr, uValue); AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "write_i2c", acBuf); return 0; } else if (strcmp(pcAction, "debug") == 0) { } else AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "action", "error"); return 0; } } return -1; }
void W99802Reboot(void) { #ifndef WLAN unsigned int iValue; iValue = *((volatile unsigned int *)0x7FF00008); iValue |= 1; *((volatile unsigned int *)0x7FF00008) = iValue; #else //vp_bitrate_control_uninit(); #if 0 DownInterface("wlan0"); wlan_cleanup_module( ); /* Reset WiFi card */ outpw(REG_GPIO_OE, inpw(REG_GPIO_OE) & 0xFFFDFFFF); /* Set GPIO17 output */ outpw(REG_GPIO_DAT, inpw(REG_GPIO_DAT) | 0x00020000); /* Set GPIO17 high */ tt_msleep(10); outpw(REG_GPIO_DAT, inpw(REG_GPIO_DAT) & 0xFFFDFFFF); /* Set GPIO17 low */ tt_msleep(10); outpw(REG_GPIO_DAT, inpw(REG_GPIO_DAT) | 0x00020000); /* Set GPIO17 high */ tt_msleep(10); #endif //cyg_thread_set_priority(cyg_thread_self(), CYGPKG_NET_FAST_THREAD_PRIORITY - 2); usiMyLock(); usiMyFlash(); cyg_interrupt_disable(); //cplu++ /* Reset WiFi card */ outpw(REG_GPIO_OE, inpw(REG_GPIO_OE) & 0xFFFDFFFF); /* Set GPIO17 output */ outpw(REG_GPIO_DAT, inpw(REG_GPIO_DAT) | 0x00020000); /* Set GPIO17 high */ //tt_msleep(10); { int volatile i; for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++); } outpw(REG_GPIO_DAT, inpw(REG_GPIO_DAT) & 0xFFFDFFFF); /* Set GPIO17 low */ //tt_msleep(10); { int volatile i; for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++); } outpw(REG_GPIO_DAT, inpw(REG_GPIO_DAT) | 0x00020000); /* Set GPIO17 high */ //tt_msleep(10); { int volatile i; for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++); } /* Set reboot flag for bootloader */ diag_printf("Now reboot w99802......."); #if defined IPCAM_CONFIG_MP4_EVB_VER_0 || defined IPCAM_CONFIG_MP4_EVB_VER_1 outpw(REG_HICBUF + 0x4, 0x03); /* HICBUF1 power ready */ #elif defined IPCAM_CONFIG_IP_CAM_VER_0 || defined IPCAM_CONFIG_IP_CAM_VER_1 || defined IPCAM_CONFIG_IP_CAM_VER_2 || defined IPCAM_CONFIG_IP_CAM_VER_3 outpw(REG_HICBUF + 0x4, 0x02); /* HICBUF1 power ready */ #else # error "No hardware config defined!" #endif /* Disable LED */ outpw(REG_GPIOB_OE,inpw(REG_GPIOB_OE) & ~(UINT32)(LED_GPIO_RED | LED_GPIO_GREEN)); //set gpiob24 and gpio25 output mode outpw(REG_GPIOB_DAT,inpw(REG_GPIOB_DAT) | (UINT32)(LED_GPIO_RED | LED_GPIO_GREEN)); // set gpiob24 and gpio25 high(not light) /* Reset W99802 */ outpw(REG_GPIO_OE, inpw(REG_GPIO_OE) & 0xFFFFFFF7); /* Set GPIO3 output */ outpw(REG_GPIO_DAT, inpw(REG_GPIO_DAT) & 0xFFFFFFF7); /* Set GPIO3 low */ { int volatile i; for (i = 0; i < 50000; i++); } outpw(REG_GPIO_DAT, inpw(REG_GPIO_DAT) | 0x00000008); /* Set GPIO3 high */ { int volatile i; for (i = 0; i < 50000; i++); } //tt_msleep(100); //outpw(REG_HICBUF + 0x4, 0x02); /* HICBUF1 reset */ //outpw(REG_GPIO_OE, inpw(REG_GPIO_OE) & 0xFFFFFFF7); /* Set GPIO3 output */ //outpw(REG_GPIO_DAT, inpw(REG_GPIO_DAT) & 0xFFFFFFF7); /* Set GPIO3 low */ //tt_msleep(10); //outpw(REG_GPIO_DAT, inpw(REG_GPIO_DAT) | 0x00000008); /* Set GPIO3 high */ #endif }
INT w5691StartPlay(AU_CB_FUNC_T *fnCallBack, INT nSamplingRate, INT nChannels, INT pcm_format) { UINT16 wTMV; UINT8 byTMB = 0; UINT8 byClockBase = 1; UINT8 eFormat = eSPEECH_FORMAT_SIGN_16BIT_PCM; INT nStatus; UINT8 byStartSpchCmd[8] = { 0x03, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 , 0x7f, 0x40 };//GFIFO start play command if (_W5691_Playing) return ERR_W5691_PLAY_ACTIVE; if (_W5691_Playing == 0) { memset((CHAR *)&_tW5691, 0, sizeof(_tW5691)); nStatus = w5691_init(); if (nStatus < 0) return nStatus; } #ifdef ECOS cyg_interrupt_disable(); sysSetInterruptType(GPIO_INT_NUM, LOW_LEVEL_SENSITIVE); cyg_interrupt_create(GPIO_INT_NUM, 1, 0, w5691_dma_isr, NULL, &_tW5691.int_handle_play, &_tW5691.int_holder_play); cyg_interrupt_attach(_tW5691.int_handle_play); cyg_interrupt_unmask(AU_PLAY_INT_NUM); cyg_interrupt_enable(); #else sysSetInterruptType(GPIO_INT_NUM, LOW_LEVEL_SENSITIVE); /* Install ISR */ sysInstallISR(IRQ_LEVEL_1, GPIO_INT_NUM, (PVOID)w5691_dma_isr); /* enable CPSR I bit */ sysSetLocalInterrupt(ENABLE_IRQ); /* Set AIC into SW mode */ // sysSetAIC2SWMode(); sysEnableInterrupt(GPIO_INT_NUM); #endif outpw(REG_GPIO_OE, inpw(REG_GPIO_OE) | (1<<USED_GPIO_NUM)); _tW5691.nPlaySamplingRate = nSamplingRate; _tW5691.fnPlayCallBack = fnCallBack; wTMV = (UINT16)(W5691_SYSTEM_CLOCK / _tW5691.nPlaySamplingRate) / byClockBase; while(wTMV > 511) { byClockBase <<= 1; wTMV >>= 1; byTMB++; } byStartSpchCmd[2] = (UINT8)eFormat | eSPEECH_FCH_PFIFO ; byStartSpchCmd[3] = (UINT8)(wTMV & 0xFF); byStartSpchCmd[4] = (UINT8)(wTMV >> 8); byStartSpchCmd[5] = byTMB; /* call back to fill DMA buffer*/ _tW5691.bPlayLastBlock = _tW5691.fnPlayCallBack((UINT8 *)_uAuPlayBuffAddr, Play_FIFO_Trigger_Length*2); /* send PCM data to w5691*/ ComDrv_SendCommandWithData(eCOMMAND_SEND_SPEECH_DATA, (UINT8 *)_uAuPlayBuffAddr, Play_FIFO_Trigger_Length*2); ComDrv_SendCommand(eCOMMAND_ENABLE_SPEECH_INTERRUPT); #ifdef SOFT_MODE ComDrv_SendFIFOData(CMD_COM_ID_GEN_FIFO,byStartSpchCmd,6); #else outpw(REG_ACTL_M80SIZE, 6+1); outpw(REG_ACTL_M80DATA0, 0x55 | byStartSpchCmd[0]<<8 | (byStartSpchCmd[1]<<16) | (byStartSpchCmd[2]<<24) ); outpw(REG_ACTL_M80DATA1, byStartSpchCmd[3] | (byStartSpchCmd[4]<<8) | (byStartSpchCmd[5]<<16)); outpw(REG_ACTL_M80ADDR, CMD_COM_ID_GEN_FIFO); outpw(REG_ACTL_M80CON, inpw(REG_ACTL_M80CON) | W_GFIFO | W_IF12_ACT); while((inpw(REG_ACTL_M80CON)&W_IF12_ACT) != 0); outpw(REG_ACTL_M80CON, inpw(REG_ACTL_M80CON) & ~W_GFIFO ); ComDrv_SendSimpleCommand(CMD_COM_ID_WAKE_UP,WAKE_UP_REG_INT); #endif Delay(0x5000); ComDrv_SetInterruptMask(1); #ifdef SOFT_MODE soft_read_status_flag_reg(); #else ComDrv_DisableInterrupt(); #endif ComDrv_EnableInterrupt(); _W5691_Playing=1; return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int fd_video,buf_len_video; int event = 0; int count = 0 ; int cnt = 0,flag=0; char *pcontent; unsigned long ulIPOldeth1 = -1, ulIPOldppp0 = -1; BOOL bIPEth1Change = FALSE, bIPPPP0Change = FALSE; //for font--> FONT_DEVICE_T fd; FONT_RECT_T rc; FONT_SIZE_T sz; cyg_interrupt_disable(); cyg_interrupt_disable(); cyg_interrupt_disable(); cyg_interrupt_enable(); VideoPhoneInit(); fontAttrInit(&font_attr); //fontGetConf(&font_attr, FONT_CONF_PATH); fontFontSet(&fd, &font_attr); //for font end<-- ControlBackLight(6, 0); wb702ConfigureLCM(320, 240, 2, 1, 3, 0, TRUE, 1); //wb702SetOSDColor(5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xF8, 0xFC, 0xF8); ControlLcmTvPower(2); ControlBackLight(6, 1); #ifdef FONT_STANDALONE //wb702SetIoctlRW(fd_video, TRUE);//select ioctl method wb702EnableMotionDetect(TRUE, CMD_MOTION_DETECT_LOW); wb702Init(fd_video); #endif drawLCDRGB(buf_video,font_attr.iScreenWidth*font_attr.iScreenHeight*2); //wb702BypassBitmap(font_attr.iScreen, buf_video, font_attr.iScreenWidth*font_attr.iScreenHeight*2); while(1) { drawLCDRGB(buf_video,font_attr.iScreenWidth*font_attr.iScreenHeight*2); //if(font_attr.bBackground == TRUE) { bmpconv(BMP_BACKGROUND_PATH, buf_video, font_attr.iScreenWidth, font_attr.iScreenHeight); } fontPrintContent(&fd, &font_attr, FONT_CONF_PATH); /* if(font_attr.bVersion == TRUE) { char versionbuf[32]; char cmd[32]; if(fontGetVersion(fd_video, versionbuf) == TRUE) { sprintf(cmd, "V%s", versionbuf); pcontent = cmd; } else pcontent = VERSION_DEFAULT; fontGetSize(&fd, (unsigned char*)pcontent, &sz); fontGetRC(&font_attr, &rc, &sz); #ifdef FONT_DEBUG printf("Size: %d %d\n", sz.nWidth, sz.nHeight); #endif fontPrint(&fd, (unsigned char*)pcontent, &rc, &sz); font_attr.rcThis.nTop += (sz.nHeight + LINE_SPACE); } */ /* if(font_attr.bIpaddress == TRUE) { unsigned long ulIPeth1, ulIPppp0; BOOL ipresult; ulIPeth1 = GetIPAddress("eth1"); if(ulIPeth1 != ulIPOldeth1) { bIPEth1Change = TRUE; ulIPOldeth1 = ulIPeth1; if(ulIPeth1 != 0) { pcontent = malloc(20); #ifdef SOCKET_BRIDGE sprintf(pcontent, "ETH1: %s", inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr*)&ulIPeth1, g_FontFuncBuffer, FONTFUNCBUFFER_SIZE)); #else sprintf(pcontent, "ETH1: %s", inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr*)&ulIPeth1)); #endif fontGetSize(&fd, (unsigned char*)pcontent, &sz); fontGetRC(&font_attr, &rc, &sz); #ifdef FONT_DEBUG printf("Size: %d %d\n", sz.nWidth, sz.nHeight); #endif fontPrint(&fd, (unsigned char*)pcontent, &rc, &sz); font_attr.rcThis.nTop += (sz.nHeight + LINE_SPACE); free(pcontent); } } ulIPppp0 = GetIPAddress("ppp0"); if(ulIPppp0 != ulIPOldppp0) { bIPPPP0Change = TRUE; ulIPOldppp0 = ulIPppp0; if(ulIPppp0 != 0) { pcontent = malloc(20); #ifdef SOCKET_BRIDGE sprintf(pcontent, "PPP: %s", inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr*)ulIPppp0, g_FontFuncBuffer, FONTFUNCBUFFER_SIZE)); #else sprintf(pcontent, "PPP: %s", inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr*)ulIPppp0)); #endif fontGetSize(&fd, (unsigned char*)pcontent, &sz); fontGetRC(&font_attr, &rc, &sz); #ifdef FONT_DEBUG printf("Size: %d %d\n", sz.nWidth, sz.nHeight); #endif fontPrint(&fd, (unsigned char*)pcontent, &rc, &sz); font_attr.rcThis.nTop += (sz.nHeight + LINE_SPACE); free(pcontent); } } } */ { bIPEth1Change = TRUE; pcontent = malloc(20); sprintf(pcontent, "ETH1: %s", ""); fontGetSize(&fd, (unsigned char*)pcontent, &sz); fontGetRC(&font_attr, &rc, &sz); fontPrint(&fd, (unsigned char*)pcontent, &rc, &sz); font_attr.rcThis.nTop += (sz.nHeight + LINE_SPACE); free(pcontent); } //if((bIPEth1Change==TRUE) || (bIPPPP0Change==TRUE)) { #ifdef FONT_DEBUG printf("wb702BypassBitmap!!!\n"); #endif memcpy(vlcmGetLCMBuffer ()->aucData, buf_video, font_attr.iScreenWidth*font_attr.iScreenHeight*2); // wb702BypassBitmap(font_attr.iScreen, buf_video, font_attr.iScreenWidth*font_attr.iScreenHeight*2); bIPEth1Change = FALSE; bIPPPP0Change = FALSE; } fontRecoverRC(&font_attr); tt_msleep(5000); } return 0; }