예제 #1
        void Solid::createGeometry(const dSpaceID& i_space)
          /// need to get the correct geometry from volume.
          std::vector< ::Ogre::Vector3> vertices ;
          std::vector<unsigned long>    indices ;
          Ogre::Vector3                 scale(1,1,1) ;        
          m_vertices = NULL ;
          m_indices = NULL ;

          InternalMessage("Physic","Physic::Implementation::Ode::Solid::createGeometry trace#0") ;
            ->getMesh().getMeshInformation(vertices,indices,scale) ;

          if (vertices.size()>0 && indices.size() > 0)
            m_vertices = new dVector3[vertices.size()];
            m_indices = new dTriIndex[indices.size()];
            for(unsigned int vertex_index = 0 ; 
                vertex_index < vertices.size() ; 
              m_vertices[vertex_index][0] = (dReal)(vertices[vertex_index].x) ;
              m_vertices[vertex_index][1] = (dReal)(vertices[vertex_index].y) ;
              m_vertices[vertex_index][2] = (dReal)(vertices[vertex_index].z) ;
              m_vertices[vertex_index][3] = 0 ;

            for(unsigned int index = 0 ; 
                index < indices.size() ; 
              m_indices[index] = (int)indices[index] ;

            m_data = dGeomTriMeshDataCreate() ;

                                        m_indices,(int)indices.size()) ;

            m_geometry1 = dCreateTriMesh(i_space,m_data,0,0,0);
            dGeomSetData(m_geometry1,m_data) ;
            dGeomSetCollideBits(m_geometry1,(unsigned long)Collideable::Solid) ;
            createApproximatedGeometry(i_space) ;
            InternalMessage("Physic","Physic::Implementation::Ode::Solid::createGeometry trace#5") ;
예제 #2
파일: ode_policies.cpp 프로젝트: mempko/ncc
 trimesh_data* create_trimesh_data(std::vector<double>& vertices_vec, std::vector<int>& indices_vec)
     trimesh_data* new_trimesh = new trimesh_data();
     //construct the verticies
     new_trimesh->vertex_count = vertices_vec.size() / 3;
         delete new_trimesh;
         return 0;
     new_trimesh->vertices = boost::shared_array<dVector3>(new dVector3[new_trimesh->vertex_count]);
     int j;
     for(int k = 0, j = 0; k < new_trimesh->vertex_count; k++, j +=3)
         new_trimesh->vertices[k][0] = vertices_vec[j + 0];
         new_trimesh->vertices[k][1] = vertices_vec[j + 1];
         new_trimesh->vertices[k][2] = vertices_vec[j + 2];
     int index_count=indices_vec.size();
         delete new_trimesh;
         return 0;
     new_trimesh->indices = boost::shared_array<dTriIndex>(new dTriIndex[index_count]);
     std::copy(indices_vec.begin(), indices_vec.end(), new_trimesh->indices.get());
       // Create TriMesh in ODE
     new_trimesh->data_id = dGeomTriMeshDataCreate();
             (const dTriIndex*)new_trimesh->indices.get(), 
    // dGeomTriMeshDataPreprocess(new_trimesh->data_id);
     return new_trimesh;
예제 #3
int main (int argc, char **argv)
  // setup pointers to drawstuff callback functions
  dsFunctions fn;
  fn.version = DS_VERSION;
  fn.start = &start;
  fn.step = &simLoop;
  fn.command = &command;
  fn.stop = 0;
  fn.path_to_textures = "../../drawstuff/textures";
        fn.path_to_textures = argv[1];

  // create world
  world = dWorldCreate();

  space = dSimpleSpaceCreate(0);
  contactgroup = dJointGroupCreate (0);
  dWorldSetGravity (world,0,0,-0.5);
  dWorldSetCFM (world,1e-5);
  //dCreatePlane (space,0,0,1,0);
  memset (obj,0,sizeof(obj));
  Size[0] = 5.0f;
  Size[1] = 5.0f;
  Size[2] = 2.5f;
  Vertices[0][0] = -Size[0];
  Vertices[0][1] = -Size[1];
  Vertices[0][2] = Size[2];
  Vertices[1][0] = Size[0];
  Vertices[1][1] = -Size[1];
  Vertices[1][2] = Size[2];
  Vertices[2][0] = Size[0];
  Vertices[2][1] = Size[1];
  Vertices[2][2] = Size[2];
  Vertices[3][0] = -Size[0];
  Vertices[3][1] = Size[1];
  Vertices[3][2] = Size[2];
  Vertices[4][0] = 0;
  Vertices[4][1] = 0;
  Vertices[4][2] = 0;
  Indices[0] = 0;
  Indices[1] = 1;
  Indices[2] = 4;
  Indices[3] = 1;
  Indices[4] = 2;
  Indices[5] = 4;
  Indices[6] = 2;
  Indices[7] = 3;
  Indices[8] = 4;
  Indices[9] = 3;
  Indices[10] = 0;
  Indices[11] = 4;

  dTriMeshDataID Data = dGeomTriMeshDataCreate();

  dGeomTriMeshDataBuildSimple(Data, (dReal*)Vertices, VertexCount, Indices, IndexCount);
  TriMesh = dCreateTriMesh(space, Data, 0, 0, 0);

  //dGeomSetPosition(TriMesh, 0, 0, 1.0);
  Ray = dCreateRay(space, 0.9);
  dVector3 Origin, Direction;
  Origin[0] = 0.0;
  Origin[1] = 0;
  Origin[2] = 0.5;
  Origin[3] = 0;
  Direction[0] = 0;
  Direction[1] = 1.1f;
  Direction[2] = -1;
  Direction[3] = 0;
  dGeomRaySet(Ray, Origin[0], Origin[1], Origin[2], Direction[0], Direction[1], Direction[2]);
  // run simulation
  dsSimulationLoop (argc,argv,352,288,&fn);

  dJointGroupDestroy (contactgroup);
  dSpaceDestroy (space);
  dWorldDestroy (world);
  return 0;
예제 #4
void start()
    world = dWorldCreate();
    dWorldSetGravity (world,0,0,-9.8);

    contact_group = dJointGroupCreate(0);

    space = dSimpleSpaceCreate (0);

    // first, the ground plane
    // it has to coincide with the plane we have in drawstuff
    ground = dCreatePlane(space, 0, 0, 1, 0);

    // now a ball
    dMass m;
    dMassSetSphere(&m, 0.1, ball_radius);

    ball1_geom = dCreateSphere(space, ball_radius);
    ball1_body = dBodyCreate(world);
    dGeomSetBody(ball1_geom, ball1_body);
    dBodySetMass(ball1_body, &m);

    ball2_geom = dCreateSphere(space, ball_radius);
    ball2_body = dBodyCreate(world);
    dGeomSetBody(ball2_geom, ball2_body);
    dBodySetMass(ball2_body, &m);

    // tracks made out of boxes
    dGeomID trk;
    dMatrix3 r1, r2, r3;
    dVector3 ro = {0, -(0.5*track_gauge + 0.5*track_width), track_elevation};
    dMatrix3 s1, s2, s3;
    dVector3 so = {0, 0.5*track_gauge + 0.5*track_width, track_elevation};

    dRFromAxisAndAngle(r1, 1, 0, 0,  track_angle);
    dRFromAxisAndAngle(r2, 0, 1, 0, -track_incl);
    dMultiply0_333(r3, r2, r1);

    dRFromAxisAndAngle(s1, 1, 0, 0, -track_angle);
    dRFromAxisAndAngle(s2, 0, 1, 0, -track_incl);
    dMultiply0_333(s3, s2, s1);

    trk = dCreateBox(space, track_len, track_width, track_height);
    dGeomSetPosition(trk, ro[0], ro[1] + balls_sep, ro[2]);
    dGeomSetRotation(trk, r3);

    trk = dCreateBox(space, track_len, track_width, track_height);
    dGeomSetPosition(trk, so[0], so[1] + balls_sep, so[2]);
    dGeomSetRotation(trk, s3);


    // tracks made out of trimesh
    for (unsigned i=0; i<n_box_verts; ++i) {
        dVector3 p;
        dMultiply0_331(p, s3, box_verts[i]);
        dAddVectors3(p, p, so);
        dCopyVector3(track_verts[i], p);
    // trimesh tracks 2, transform all vertices by s3
    for (unsigned i=0; i<n_box_verts; ++i) {
        dVector3 p;
        dMultiply0_331(p, r3, box_verts[i]);
        dAddVectors3(p, p, ro);
        dCopyVector3(track_verts[n_box_verts + i], p);

    // copy face indices
    for (unsigned i=0; i<n_box_faces; ++i)
        for (unsigned j=0; j<3; ++j) // each face index
            track_faces[3*i+j] = box_faces[3*i+j];
    for (unsigned i=0; i<n_box_faces; ++i)
        for (unsigned j=0; j<3; ++j) // each face index
            track_faces[3*(i + n_box_faces)+j] = box_faces[3*i+j] + n_box_verts;

    mesh_data = dGeomTriMeshDataCreate();
                                track_verts[0], n_track_verts,
                                track_faces, 3*n_track_faces);
    mesh_geom = dCreateTriMesh(space, mesh_data, 0, 0, 0);


    // initial camera position
    static float xyz[3] = {-5.9414,-0.4804,2.9800};
    static float hpr[3] = {32.5000,-10.0000,0.0000};
    dsSetViewpoint (xyz,hpr);
