예제 #1
파일: main.cpp 프로젝트: bmarcott/cs275
void createInvisibleHead( float* pos )
	dMatrix3 head_orientation;
	dRFromEulerAngles(head_orientation, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

	//position and orientation
	head.Body = dBodyCreate(World);
	dBodySetPosition(head.Body, pos[ 0 ], pos[ 1 ], pos[ 2 ]);
	dBodySetRotation(head.Body, head_orientation);
	dBodySetLinearVel(head.Body, 0, 0, 0);
	dBodySetData(head.Body, (void *)0);

	dMass head_mass;
	dMassSetBox(&head_mass, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	dBodySetMass(head.Body, &head_mass);

	head.Geom = dCreateBox(Space, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	dGeomSetBody(head.Geom, head.Body);

	//fixed joint
	invis_box_joint = dJointCreateFixed(World, jointgroup);
	dJointAttach(invis_box_joint, body.Body, head.Body);
예제 #2
파일: main.cpp 프로젝트: bmarcott/cs275

	Use parameters to create leg body/geom and attach to body with fixed joint
void createFixedLeg(ODEObject &leg,
	ODEObject &bodyAttachedTo,
	dJointID& joint,
	dReal xPos, dReal yPos, dReal zPos,
	dReal xRot, dReal yRot, dReal zRot,
	dReal radius,
	dReal length)
	dMatrix3 legOrient;
	dRFromEulerAngles(legOrient, xRot, yRot, zRot);

	//position and orientation
	leg.Body = dBodyCreate(World);
	dBodySetPosition(leg.Body, xPos, yPos, zPos);
	dBodySetRotation(leg.Body, legOrient);
	dBodySetLinearVel(leg.Body, 0, 0, 0);
	dBodySetData(leg.Body, (void *)0);

	dMass legMass;
	dMassSetCapsule(&legMass, 1, 3, radius, length);
	dBodySetMass(leg.Body, &legMass);

	leg.Geom = dCreateCapsule(Space, radius, length);
	dGeomSetBody(leg.Geom, leg.Body);

	//fixed joint
	joint = dJointCreateFixed(World, jointgroup);
	dJointAttach(joint, bodyAttachedTo.Body, leg.Body);
예제 #3
void CollisionMesh::Finalize()
	//create mesh data structure
	meshData = dGeomTriMeshDataCreate();

	//create indices
	int indexlist = new int[TriangleList.size()*3];
	for( int i = 0; i< TriangleList.size()*3; i++)
		indexlist[i] = i;

	//copy over vertex data into buffer
	dReal* vertices = new dReal[TriangleList.size()*9];
	int vi=0;
	for ( int i=0; i<TriangleList.size(); i++ )
		vertices[vi+0] = TriangleList[i].v1.x;
		vertices[vi+1] = TriangleList[i].v1.y;
		vertices[vi+2] = TriangleList[i].v1.z;
		vertices[vi+3] = TriangleList[i].v2.x;
		vertices[vi+4] = TriangleList[i].v2.y;
		vertices[vi+5] = TriangleList[i].v2.z;
		vertices[vi+6] = TriangleList[i].v3.x;
		vertices[vi+7] = TriangleList[i].v3.y;
		vertices[vi+8] = TriangleList[i].v3.z;
		vi += 9;


	dGeomTriMeshDataBuildSingle(meshData, vertices, sizeof(dReal)*3,
		(const int*)indexlist, 
		TriangleList.size()*3, 3*sizeof( int ));

	Geom = dCreateTriMesh(solver->GetSpaceID(true, Location.x, Location.y, Location.z), meshData, 0, 0, 0);
	dGeomSetData( Geom, &SurfaceDesc );
	dGeomSetPosition( Geom, Location.x, Location.y, Location.z );
	dMatrix3 R;
	dRFromEulerAngles (R, pitch, -yaw, roll);
	dGeomSetRotation( Geom, R );
	Initialized = true;

예제 #4
파일: main.cpp 프로젝트: bmarcott/cs275

Use parameters to create leg body/geom and attach to body with universal joint

mass is not set
void createUniversalLeg(ODEObject &leg,
	ODEObject &bodyAttachedTo,
	dJointID& joint,
	dReal xPos, dReal yPos, dReal zPos,
	dReal xRot, dReal yRot, dReal zRot,
	dReal radius, dReal length,
	dReal maxAngle,	dReal minAngle,
	dReal anchorXPos, dReal anchorYPos, dReal anchorZPos)
	dMatrix3 legOrient;
	dRFromEulerAngles(legOrient, xRot, yRot, zRot);

	//position and orientation
	leg.Body = dBodyCreate(World);
	dBodySetPosition(leg.Body, xPos, yPos, zPos);
	dBodySetRotation(leg.Body, legOrient);
	dBodySetLinearVel(leg.Body, 0, 0, 0);
	dBodySetData(leg.Body, (void *)0);

	dMass legMass;
	dMassSetCapsule(&legMass, 1, 3, radius, length);
	//dBodySetMass(leg.Body, &legMass);

	leg.Geom = dCreateCapsule(Space, radius, length);
	dGeomSetBody(leg.Geom, leg.Body);

	//universal joint
	joint = dJointCreateUniversal(World, jointgroup);

	//attach and anchor
	dJointAttach(joint, bodyAttachedTo.Body, leg.Body);
	dJointSetUniversalAnchor(joint, anchorXPos, anchorYPos, anchorZPos);

	dJointSetUniversalAxis1(joint, 0, 0, 1);
	dJointSetUniversalAxis2(joint, 0, 1, 0);

	//Max and min angles
	dJointSetUniversalParam(joint, dParamHiStop, maxAngle);
	dJointSetUniversalParam(joint, dParamLoStop, minAngle);
	dJointSetUniversalParam(joint, dParamHiStop2, maxAngle);
	dJointSetUniversalParam(joint, dParamLoStop2, minAngle);
예제 #5
IPhysicObject* CPhysicManager::AddNode(INode* node, const char* init_string){

        CPhysicAdapter* myAdapter = new CPhysicAdapter(Engine);
        myAdapter->myPhysManager = this;
        myAdapter->myNode = node;

        IModifierPack* nodeModPack = (IModifierPack*)node->GetPtrParam("ModifierPack");
        nodeModPack->AddModifier( myAdapter );

        CVector pos = node->getPos();
    	CVector rot = node->getRot();
    	CVector size = node->getSize();

    	CVector center = node->getCenterPoint();

    	CPhysicObject* myObj = new CPhysicObject(Engine);

        myAdapter->myPhysObject =myObj;

        myObj->node = node;

    	myObj->myBody = dBodyCreate(world);

        dBodySetPosition(myObj->myBody, pos.v[0], pos.v[1], pos.v[2] );
        dBodySetLinearVel(myObj->myBody, 0, 0, 0);
        dBodySetAngularVel(myObj->myBody, 0, 0, 0);

        dMassSetBox (&myObj->m,DENSITY,size.v[0],size.v[1],size.v[2]);
        dBodySetMass(myObj->myBody, &myObj->m);

    	float pitch=rot.v[0]*M_PI/180.0f;
        float yaw=rot.v[1]*M_PI/180.0f;
        float roll=rot.v[2]*M_PI/180.0f;

        //printf("%f %f %f\n", pitch,roll,yaw);

        dMatrix3 R;
		dRFromEulerAngles(R, pitch, yaw, roll );
		dBodySetRotation(myObj->myBody, R);

    	myObj->myGeom = dCreateBox(space, size.v[0], size.v[1], size.v[2] );
        dGeomSetBody(myObj->myGeom, myObj->myBody);

		//dGeomSetPosition(myObj->myGeom, pos.v[0]+center.v[0], pos.v[1]+center.v[1], pos.v[2]+center.v[2] );

        //dBodyAddTorque(myObj->myBody, 0, 0, 0);

        //dBodyAddTorque(myObj->myBody, 0, 1, 0);

        // преобразуем позицию ноды и углы поворота в матрицу
        //Matrix NodeMatrix;

        //NodeMatrix.m_data[12] = pos.v[0];
        //NodeMatrix.m_data[13] = pos.v[1];
        //NodeMatrix.m_data[14] = pos.v[2];

        //CVector	temp = CVector( NodeMatrix.m_data[12], NodeMatrix.m_data[13], NodeMatrix.m_data[14]);
        //NodeMatrix.m_data[12] = temp.v[0];
        //NodeMatrix.m_data[13] = temp.v[1];
        //NodeMatrix.m_data[14] = temp.v[2];

        dGeomSetData(myObj->myGeom, node);

        //dGeomSetRotation(myObj->myGeom, R);

//      dBodySetLinearVel(Object.Body, tempVect.x, tempVect.y, tempVect.z);

        printf("geom add node\n");

        return myObj;
        //dBodySetLinearVel(myObj->myBody, 0.0, 0.0, 5.0 );

예제 #6
파일: main.cpp 프로젝트: bmarcott/cs275
Function to perform the simulation loop for ODE.
void simulationLoop()
	//First, determine which geoms inside the space are potentially colliding.
	//The nearCallBack function will be responsible for analizing those potential collisions.
	//The second parameter indicates that no user data is being sent the callback routine.
	dSpaceCollide(Space, 0, &nearCallBack);

	//Next, advance the simulation, based on the step size given.
	dWorldStep(World, simulationStep);

	//Then, remove the temporary contact joints.

	if (animator.active)
		dMatrix3 orient;
		dRFromEulerAngles(orient, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

		const dReal sides[3] = { 1, 1, 1 };


	for (auto i = 0; i < objectsToDestroy.size(); ++i)
		const dBodyID foodParticleBodyID = objectsToDestroy[i].Body;
		const dGeomID foodParticleGeomID = objectsToDestroy[i].Geom;

	for (auto i = objectsToDestroy.size(); i > 0; --i){
		objectsToDestroy.erase(objectsToDestroy.begin() + i - 1);



	if ( animator.starving )
		//printf( "# known food particles = %d\n", animator.known_target_counter );
		//printf( "\t\ttarget = %f.3, %f.3\n\n", animator.target_position[0], animator.target_position[2] );

	//for ( const auto& e : animator.foodParticles )
	//	if ( e.known )
	//	{
	//		const dReal* position = dBodyGetPosition( e.odeObject.Body );
	//		//printf( "x: %f.2, z: %f.2\n", position[0], position[2] );
	//	}

	//At this point, all geometries have been updated, so they can be drawn from display().
예제 #7
파일: main.cpp 프로젝트: bmarcott/cs275
Function to initialize ODE.
void initODE()
	///////////////// Initializing the ODE general features ////////////////////

	dInitODE();								//Initialize library.
	World = dWorldCreate();					//Crate a new dynamics, empty world.
	Space = dSimpleSpaceCreate(0);			//Create a new space for collision (independent).
	ContactGroup = dJointGroupCreate(0);	//Create a joints container, without specifying size.

	dWorldSetGravity( World, 0.0, -9.81, 0 );	//Add gravity to this World.

	//Define error conrrection constants.
	dWorldSetERP( World, 0.2 );
	dWorldSetCFM( World, 1e-5 );

	//Set the velocity that interpenetrating objects will separate at.
	dWorldSetContactMaxCorrectingVel( World, 0.9 );

	//Set the safety area for contacts to be considered at rest.
	dWorldSetContactSurfaceLayer( World, 0.001 );

	//Automatically disable objects that have come to a rest.
	dWorldSetAutoDisableFlag( World, false );

	/////////////// Initializing the rigid bodies in the world /////////////////

	//Create a collision plane and add it to space. The next parameters are the
	//literal components of ax + by + cz = d.
	dCreatePlane( Space, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );

	const dReal xPos = 0;
	const dReal yPos = 5;
	const dReal zPos = 0;
	const dReal xRot = 0;
	const dReal yRot = 0;
	const dReal zRot = 0;
	const dReal radius = .75;
	const dReal length = 4;
	const dReal sides[3] = { 2, 2, 2 };

	//Create body
	body.Body = dBodyCreate(World);
	dBodySetPosition(body.Body, xPos, yPos, zPos);
	dMatrix3 Orient3;
	//dRFromAxisAndAngle(Orient3, 0, 0, 1, 3.14/4);
	dRFromEulerAngles(Orient3, xRot, yRot, zRot);
	//dRFromEulerAngles(Orient3, 0, 0, 0);
	dBodySetRotation(body.Body, Orient3);
	dBodySetLinearVel(body.Body, 0, 0, 0);
	dBodySetData(body.Body, (void *)0);
	dMass bodyMass;
	dMassSetCapsule(&bodyMass, 1.0, 3, radius, length);
	//dMassSetBox(&bodyMass, 10, sides[0], sides[1], sides[2]);
	dBodySetMass(body.Body, &bodyMass);
	body.Geom = dCreateCapsule(Space, radius, length);
	//body.Geom = dCreateBox(Space, sides[0], sides[1], sides[2]);
	dGeomSetBody(body.Geom, body.Body);

	float head_pos[ 3 ] = { 0.0f, 5.0f, -1.0f };
	createInvisibleHead( head_pos );

	rng_engine.seed( std::chrono::duration_cast< std::chrono::microseconds >( std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch() ).count() );

	const int foodPrize = 10;

	dReal position[3] = { 10.0f, 0.0f, -20.0f };
	addFoodParticle( position, foodPrize, &World, &Space );