예제 #1
d_sort(distance **d, int size)
  int i=0, j=0;
      if ( d_compare(d[j],d[j-1]) > 0 ) d_swap(d[j-1],d[j]);
예제 #2
void QuickSort(double *pdBufferX, double *pdBufferY, double *pdBufferComp, int left, int right) {
//  left is the lower index, right is the upper index
//  of the region of array a that is to be sorted
    int i=left, j=right;
    double pivot = pdBufferComp[(left+right)/2];

    //  partition
    while(i <= j) {    
        while (pdBufferComp[i]<pivot) i++; 
        while (pdBufferComp[j]>pivot) j--;
        if (i<=j)
            d_swap(pdBufferX[i], pdBufferX[j]);
            d_swap(pdBufferY[i], pdBufferY[j]);
            i++; j--;

    //  recursion
    if (left<j) QuickSort(pdBufferX, pdBufferY, pdBufferComp, left, j);
    if (i<right) QuickSort(pdBufferX, pdBufferY, pdBufferComp, i, right);
} // QuickSort()
예제 #3
void QuickSort(double **ppdBuffer, double *pdBufferZ, int nDimensions, int left, int right) {
//void Evidence::QuickSort(double *pdBufferX, double *pdBufferY, double *pdBufferZ, int *pnBufferI, int *pnBufferComp, int left, int right) {
//  left is the lower index, right is the upper index
//  of the region of array a that is to be sorted
  int i=left, j=right, d;
  double pivot = pdBufferZ[(left+right)/2];

  //  partition
  while(i <= j) {    
    while (double(pdBufferZ[i])<pivot) i++; 
    while (double(pdBufferZ[j])>pivot) j--;
    if (i<=j) {
      d_swap(pdBufferZ[i], pdBufferZ[j]);
      for(d=0; d<nDimensions; d++)
	d_swap(ppdBuffer[i][d], ppdBuffer[j][d]);
      i++; j--;
    } // if i<=j
  } // while i<=j

  //  recursion
  if (left<j) QuickSort(ppdBuffer, pdBufferZ, nDimensions, left, j);
  if (i<right) QuickSort(ppdBuffer, pdBufferZ, nDimensions, i, right);
} // QuickSort()