예제 #1
/* Print out just the variable that is modified */
	FastTcpAgent::traceVar(TracedVar* v) 
	double curtime;
	Scheduler& s = Scheduler::instance();
	char wrk[500];
	int n;

	curtime = &s ? s.clock() : 0;
	if (!strcmp(v->name(), "avgRTT_")
		|| !strcmp(v->name(), "baseRTT_")
		|| !strcmp(v->name(), "mi_threshold_")
		sprintf(wrk,"%-8.5f %-2d %-2d %-2d %-2d %s %-6.3f",
		curtime, addr(), port(), daddr(), dport(),
		v->name(), double(*((TracedDouble*) v))); 
	else if (!strcmp(v->name(), "avg_cwnd_last_RTT_")
		|| !strcmp(v->name(), "alpha_")
		|| !strcmp(v->name(), "beta_")
		|| !strcmp(v->name(), "high_accuracy_cwnd_" )
		sprintf(wrk,"%-8.5f %-2d %-2d %-2d %-2d %s %d",
		curtime, addr(), port(), daddr(), dport(),
		v->name(), int(*((TracedInt*) v))); 

	n = strlen(wrk);
	wrk[n] = '\n';
	wrk[n+1] = 0;
	if (channel_)
		(void)Tcl_Write(channel_, wrk, n+1);
	wrk[n] = 0;

예제 #2
파일: main.c 프로젝트: olebole/iraf
/* MEMNEED -- Increase topd by incr INT's.  Since at present the dictionary
 * is fixed in size, abort if the dictionary overflows.
char *
memneed (
  int	incr 		/* amount of space desired in ints, not bytes	*/
	memel *old;

	old = daddr (topd);
	topd += incr;

        /* Quad alignment is desirable for some architectures. */
        if (topd & 1)

	if (topd > maxd)
	    cl_error (E_IERR, "dictionary full");

	return ((char *)old);
예제 #3
파일: exec.c 프로젝트: geechee/iraf
/* RESTOR -- Restor all global variables for the given task and insure the
 *   integrity of the dictionary and control stack.
 * Go through the dictionary and properly disgard any packages, ltasks,
 *   pfiles, environments and params that may be above the new topd.
 * Write out any pfiles that are not just working copies that have been
 *   updated before discarding them.
 * Don't call error() because in trying to restor to an interactive task
 *   it might call us again and cause an inf. loop.  Instead, issue fatal error
 *   which will kill the cl for good.  This seems reasonable since we might
 *   as well die if we can't  restor back to an interactive state.
 * N.B. we assume that a pfile's params will either all lie above or all
 *   below tp->t_topd.  If this can ever happen, must add a further check
 *   of each pfile below topd and lob off any params above topd.
 *   The way posargset, et al, and call/execnewtask are now, we are safe.
restor (
  struct task *tp
	memel *topdp;
	register struct ltask *ltp;
	register struct package *pkp;
	register struct param *pp;
	register struct pfile *pfp;
	struct	param *last_pp;
	int	n;

	if (cldebug) {
	    eprintf ("restoring task `%s', tp: %d\n", tp->t_ltp->lt_lname,tp);
	    eprintf ("  topd %d/%d\n", topd, tp->t_topd);

	topd = tp->t_topd;
	pc = tp->t_pc;
	topos = tp->t_topos;
	basos = tp->t_basos;
	topcs = tp->t_topcs;
	curpack = tp->t_curpack;

	yyin = tp->t_in;
	parse_state = PARSE_FREE;

	topdp = daddr (topd);

	/* Set pachead to first package below new topd.  Then lob off any ltasks
	 *   all remaining packages might have above topd.  It is sufficient to 
	 *   stop the ltask checks for a given package once find an ltask
	 *   below topd since the dictionary always grows upward.
 	 *   (Recall that since new ltasks are always added at the top of the
	 *   dictionary, and pkp->pk_ltp always points to the most recently
	 *   added ltask, then the thread moves to lower and lower addrs.)
	 *   Thus, work downward and throw out all ltasks until find one below
	 *   the new topd.
	for (pkp = reference (package, pachead);  pkp;  pkp = pkp->pk_npk)
	    if ((memel)pkp < (memel)topdp) {
		pachead = dereference (pkp);
	if (pkp == NULL)
	    cl_error (E_FERR, "package list broken");

	for (;  pkp;  pkp = pkp->pk_npk) {
	    for (ltp = pkp->pk_ltp; ltp; ltp = ltp->lt_nlt)
		if ((memel)ltp < (memel)topdp) {
		    pkp->pk_ltp = ltp;
	    if ((memel)pkp->pk_ltp >= (memel)topdp)
		/* All ltasks in this package were above topd */
		pkp->pk_ltp = NULL;

	/* Similarly for pfiles and their params; however, since new params
	 *   are always added at the top of the dictionary and linked in at the
	 *   END of the list (at pfp->pf_lastpp), the thread off pfp->pf_pp
	 *   moves to higher and higher addrs.  Thus, we work our way up and
	 *   throw out all params above the new topd.  Also, close off any open
	 *   list files from discarded params along the way, if any.
	 * Also, see if any of the params were P_SET and set PF_UPDATE.
	 *   This avoids having to set PF_UPDATE for each assignment when the
	 *   is not always easily found.
	 * N.B. hope mode param that some t_modep is using is never disgarded..
	 * Also, guard against writing out pfiles in background.
	for (pfp = reference (pfile, parhead);  pfp;  pfp = pfp->pf_npf) {
	    /* Lob off any pfiles above new topd.  Go through their
	     * params, updating if necessary and closing any lists.
	    if ((memel)pfp < (memel)topdp) {
		parhead = dereference (pfp);

	    for (pp = pfp->pf_pp;  pp != NULL;  pp = pp->p_np) {
		/* Close if list file and enable flushing if P_SET.
		if (pp->p_type & PT_LIST)
		    closelist (pp);
		if (pp->p_flags & P_SET)
		    pfp->pf_flags |= PF_UPDATE;
	    if (((pfp->pf_flags & (PF_UPDATE|PF_COPY)) == PF_UPDATE) &&
		!(firstask->t_flags & T_BATCH))
		    pfileupdate (pfp);

	/* Discard any recently added parameters above topd, where the pfile
	 * itself is below topd.  This happens when a new parameter is added
	 * to an existing incore pfile, e.g., in a declaration.
	for (;  pfp;  pfp = pfp->pf_npf) {
	    if ((memel)(pfp->pf_lastpp) < (memel)topdp)
		continue;		/* quick check */
	    last_pp = NULL;
	    n = 0;

	    for (pp = pfp->pf_pp;  pp != NULL;  pp = pp->p_np) {
		if ((memel)pp >= (memel)topdp) {
		    if (cldebug)
			fprintf (stderr, "chop pfile for task %s at param %s\n",
			    pfp->pf_ltp->lt_lname, last_pp->p_name);
		    if (last_pp)
			last_pp->p_np = NULL;
		    pfp->pf_lastpp = last_pp;
		    pfp->pf_n = n;
		} else {
		    last_pp = pp;

	/* Delete any SET environment statements processed since this task
	 * was spawned.  If any redefs are uncovered the original values are
	 * reset in all connected subprocesses.
	if (tp->t_envp)
	    c_prenvfree (0, tp->t_envp);

	/* If the task being restored defined a package, dump all processes
	 * in the process cache spawned since the package was loaded.
	if (tp->t_pno)
	    pr_prunecache (tp->t_pno);