예제 #1
MStatus NBuddyEMPSaverNode::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data )
    MStatus status;
    if (plug == _outTrigger)
	MDataHandle outputPathHdl = data.inputValue( _empOutputPath, &status );
        NM_CheckMStatus( status, "Failed to get the output path handle");
	MString outputPath = outputPathHdl.asString();

       	// Get the input time
	MDataHandle timeHdl = data.inputValue( _time, &status );
	NM_CheckMStatus( status, "Failed to get time handle");
	MTime time = timeHdl.asTime();

        // Get the frame padding
        MDataHandle framePaddingHdl = data.inputValue( _framePadding, &status );
        NM_CheckMStatus( status, "Failed to get the framePadding handle");
        int numPad = framePaddingHdl.asInt();

      // Get the frame padding
        MDataHandle timeStepHdl = data.inputValue( _timeStep, &status );
        NM_CheckMStatus( status, "Failed to get the timeStep handle");
        int timeStep = timeStepHdl.asInt();
        // Get the time in frames
        int frameNr = (int)floor( time.as( time.uiUnit() ) );

        //Create the writer, givin it the time index in seconds
        Nb::EmpWriter* writer = 
            new Nb::EmpWriter( 
                outputPath.asChar(),       // absolute fullpath of emp
                frameNr,                   // frame
                timeStep,                  // timestep
                numPad,                    // zero-padding                
                time.as( MTime::kSeconds ) // emp timestamp

        // Then get the inputBodies
        MArrayDataHandle inBodyArrayData = data.inputArrayValue( _inBodies, &status );
        NM_CheckMStatus( status, "Failed to create get inBodyArrayData handle");

        // Loop the input in the inBody multi plug
        unsigned int numBodies = inBodyArrayData.elementCount();
        if ( numBodies > 0 )
            //Jump to the first element in the array

            //Loop all the body inputs and add them to the empWriter
            for ( unsigned int i(0); i < numBodies; ++i)
                MDataHandle bodyDataHnd = inBodyArrayData.inputValue( &status );
                MFnPluginData dataFn(bodyDataHnd.data());

                //Get naiad body from datatype
                naiadBodyData * bodyData = (naiadBodyData*)dataFn.data( &status );
                if ( bodyData && bodyData->nBody() )
                    //Add body to writer
                        Nb::String channels("*.*");
                    catch(std::exception& e) {
                        std::cerr << "NBuddyEMPSaverNode::compute() " << e.what() << std::endl;
                    std::cerr << "NBuddyEMPSaverNode::compute() :: No body in input " << inBodyArrayData.elementIndex() << std::endl;

                //Next body in the input multi

            // Get rid of the writer object
            delete writer;
        catch(std::exception& e) {
            std::cerr << "NBuddyEMPSaverNode::compute() " << e.what() << std::endl;

        //Set the output to be clean indicating that we have saved out the file
        MDataHandle outTriggerHnd = data.outputValue( _outTrigger, &status );
        data.setClean( plug );

    return status;
예제 #2
MStatus latticeNoiseNode::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data )
	MStatus returnStatus;

	float noiseAmplitude;
	float noiseFreq;
	if( plug == output )
		// Get the lattice data from the input attribute.  First get the 
		// data object, and then use the lattice data function set to extract
		// the actual lattice.

		// Get the data handle
		MDataHandle inputData = data.inputValue( input, &returnStatus );
		McheckErr( returnStatus, "ERROR getting lattice data handle\n" ); 
		// Get the data object
		MObject latticeData = inputData.data(); 
		MFnLatticeData dataFn( latticeData );
		// Get the actual geometry
		MObject lattice = dataFn.lattice();
		MFnLattice lattFn( lattice, &returnStatus );
		McheckErr( returnStatus, "ERROR getting lattice geometry\n" );  

		// Do the same for the output lattice
		MDataHandle outputData = data.outputValue( output, &returnStatus ); 
		McheckErr( returnStatus, "ERROR getting lattice data handle\n" );
		// Get the data object
		latticeData = outputData.data(); 
		if ( latticeData.isNull() ) { 
			// The data object for this attribute has not been created yet, so
			// we'll create it
			latticeData = dataFn.create();
		} else {
			// Use the data object that is already there
			dataFn.setObject( latticeData );
		// Get the actual geometry
		MObject outLattice = dataFn.lattice();
		MFnLattice outLattFn( outLattice, &returnStatus );
		McheckErr( returnStatus, "ERROR getting lattice geometry\n" );  

		// Get the amplitude and frequency
		MDataHandle ampData = data.inputValue( amplitude, &returnStatus );
		McheckErr( returnStatus, "ERROR getting amplitude\n" );
		noiseAmplitude = ampData.asFloat(); 

		MDataHandle freqData = data.inputValue( frequency, &returnStatus );
		McheckErr( returnStatus, "ERROR getting frequency\n" );
		noiseFreq = freqData.asFloat(); 

		// Get the time.  
		MDataHandle timeData = data.inputValue( time, &returnStatus ); 
		McheckErr( returnStatus, "ERROR getting time data handle\n" );
		MTime time = timeData.asTime();
		float seconds = (float)time.as( MTime::kSeconds );

		// Easiest way to modify frequency is by modifying the time
		seconds = seconds * noiseFreq;

		// We have the information we need now.  We'll apply noise to the
		// points upon the lattice
		unsigned s, t, u;
		lattFn.getDivisions( s, t, u );
		// match up the divisions in the lattices
		outLattFn.setDivisions( s, t, u );   

		for ( unsigned i = 0; i < s; i++ ) {
			for ( unsigned j = 0; j < t; j++ ) {
				for ( unsigned k = 0; k < u; k++ ) {
					MPoint & point = lattFn.point( i, j, k );
					MPoint & outPoint = outLattFn.point( i, j, k );
					pnt noisePnt = noise::atPointAndTime( (float)point.x, (float)point.y, 
														  (float)point.z, seconds );
					// Make noise between -1 and 1 instead of 0 and 1
					noisePnt.x =  ( noisePnt.x * 2.0F ) - 1.0F;
					noisePnt.y =  ( noisePnt.y * 2.0F ) - 1.0F;
					noisePnt.z =  ( noisePnt.z * 2.0F ) - 1.0F;

 					outPoint.x = point.x + ( noisePnt.x * noiseAmplitude );
 					outPoint.y = point.y + ( noisePnt.y * noiseAmplitude );
 					outPoint.z = point.z + ( noisePnt.z * noiseAmplitude );  
		outputData.set( latticeData );
	} else {
		return MS::kUnknownParameter;

	return MS::kSuccess;