void ConfigurationWindow::init() { QVBoxLayout *main_layout = new QVBoxLayout(this); configurationWidget = m_injectedFactory->makeInjected<ConfigurationWidget>(dataManager(), this); QDialogButtonBox *buttons_layout = new QDialogButtonBox(Qt::Horizontal, this); QPushButton *okButton = new QPushButton(qApp->style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_DialogOkButton), tr("Ok"), this); buttons_layout->addButton(okButton, QDialogButtonBox::AcceptRole); QPushButton *applyButton = new QPushButton(qApp->style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_DialogApplyButton), tr("Apply"), this); buttons_layout->addButton(applyButton, QDialogButtonBox::ApplyRole); QPushButton *cancelButton = new QPushButton(qApp->style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_DialogCancelButton), tr("Cancel"), this); buttons_layout->addButton(cancelButton, QDialogButtonBox::RejectRole); connect(okButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(updateAndCloseConfig())); connect(applyButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(updateConfig())); connect(cancelButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(reject())); connect(cancelButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(close())); main_layout->addWidget(configurationWidget); main_layout->addSpacing(16); main_layout->addWidget(buttons_layout); new WindowGeometryManager(new ConfigFileVariantWrapper(m_configuration, section(), name() + "_Geometry"), QRect(0, 50, 790, 580), this); }
bool SetShowQuery::doQuery() { int setlistId = 0; // Insert a new entry in SetList if( d->type == DataQueryInsert ) { Log::self()->message("Creating a new setlist"); dataManager()->executeQuery( "INSERT INTO SetList(dummy) VALUES('dummy')" ); // Get new setlist id QSqlQuery setlistIdQuery = dataManager()->executeQuery("SELECT MAX(id) FROM SetList"); if( setlistIdQuery.next() ) { int setlistId = setlistIdQuery.value(0).toInt(); SetList *tempSetList = new SetList; tempSetList->setId( setlistId ); d->show->setSetList( tempSetList ); } } QSqlQuery setShowQuery; if( d->type == DataQueryInsert ) { Log::self()->message( QString("Insert new Show %1").arg( d->show->venue() ) ); setShowQuery.prepare("INSERT INTO Show(date, venue, city_id, setlist_id) VALUES(:date, :venue, :city_id, :setlist_id)"); } else if( d->type == DataQueryUpdate ) { Log::self()->message( QString("Updating Show %1").arg( d->show->venue() ) ); setShowQuery.prepare("UPDATE Show SET date = :date, venue = :venue, city_id = :city_id WHERE id = :id"); } else { return false; } RelationalDatabaseDataSerializer::serializeShow( setShowQuery, d->show ); dataManager()->executeQuery( setShowQuery ); return true; }
bool DeleteShowQuery::doQuery() { Log::self()->message( QString("Removing Show %1 from data source.").arg( d->show->venue() ) ); QSqlQuery deleteAlbumQuery; deleteAlbumQuery.prepare( "DELETE FROM Show WHERE id = :id" ); deleteAlbumQuery.bindValue( ":id", d->show->id() ); dataManager()->executeQuery( deleteAlbumQuery ); QSqlQuery deleteSetListEntryQuery; deleteSetListEntryQuery.prepare( "DELETE FROM SetList WHERE id = :id" ); deleteSetListEntryQuery.bindValue( ":id", d->show->setList()->id() ); dataManager()->executeQuery( deleteSetListEntryQuery ); QSqlQuery deleteSetListQuery; deleteSetListQuery.prepare( "DELETE FROM Setlist_has_Song WHERE setlist_id = :setlist_id" ); deleteSetListQuery.bindValue( ":setlist_id", d->show->setList()->id() ); dataManager()->executeQuery( deleteSetListQuery ); return true; }
void MainConfigurationWindow::showLookChatAdvanced() { if (!lookChatAdvanced) { lookChatAdvanced = injectedFactory()->makeInjected<ConfigurationWindow>( "LookChatAdvanced", tr("Advanced chat's look configuration"), "General", dataManager()); lookChatAdvanced.data()->widget()->appendUiFile( m_pathsProvider->dataPath() + QStringLiteral("configuration/dialog-look-chat-advanced.ui")); } lookChatAdvanced.data()->show(); }
bool GetSongsQuery::doQuery() { Log::self()->message( "Fetching all songs from data source" ); // Get all songs from that album QSqlQuery songQuery = dataManager()->executeQuery("SELECT id, title, duration, popularity FROM Song"); while( songQuery.next() ) { Song *newSong = RelationalDatabaseDataSerializer::deserializeSong( songQuery ); d->songs.append( newSong ); } return true; }
bool GetCityQuery::doQuery() { Log::self()->message( "Fetching all cities" ); QSqlQuery cityQuery = dataManager()->executeQuery( "SELECT id, name, state, country " "FROM City" ); while( cityQuery.next() ) { City *newCity = RelationalDatabaseDataSerializer::deserializeCity( cityQuery ); d->cities.append( newCity ); } return true; }
bool GetShowsQuery::doQuery() { Log::self()->message("Fetching all shows from data source"); QSqlQuery showQuery = dataManager()->executeQuery( "SELECT Show.id, Show.date, Show.venue, Show.setlist_id, City.id, City.name, City.state, City.country " "FROM Show " "INNER JOIN City ON City.id = Show.city_id" ); while( showQuery.next() ) { Show *newShow = RelationalDatabaseDataSerializer::deserializeShow(showQuery); d->shows.append( newShow ); } return true; }
/* If you execute skp_parser with one argument, it spits out a json representation of the skp, but that's incomplete since it's missing many binary blobs (these could represent images or typefaces or just anything that doesn't currently have a json representation). Each unique blob is labeled with a string in the form "data/%d". So for example: tools/git-sync-deps bin/gn gen out/debug ninja -C out/debug dm skp_parser out/debug/dm -m grayscale -w /tmp/dm --config skp out/debug/skp_parser /tmp/dm/skp/gm/grayscalejpg.skp | less out/debug/skp_parser /tmp/dm/skp/gm/grayscalejpg.skp | grep data out/debug/skp_parser /tmp/dm/skp/gm/grayscalejpg.skp data/0 | file - out/debug/skp_parser /tmp/dm/skp/gm/grayscalejpg.skp data/0 > /tmp/data0.png "data/0" is an image that the SKP serializer has encoded as PNG. */ int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc < 2) { SkDebugf("Usage:\n %s SKP_FILE [DATA_URL]\n", argv[0]); return 1; } SkFILEStream input(argv[1]); if (!input.isValid()) { SkDebugf("Bad file: '%s'\n", argv[1]); return 2; } sk_sp<SkPicture> pic = SkPicture::MakeFromStream(&input); if (!pic) { SkDebugf("Bad skp: '%s'\n", argv[1]); return 3; } SkISize size = pic->cullRect().roundOut().size(); SkDebugCanvas debugCanvas(size.width(), size.height()); pic->playback(&debugCanvas); std::unique_ptr<SkCanvas> nullCanvas = SkMakeNullCanvas(); UrlDataManager dataManager(SkString("data")); Json::Value json = debugCanvas.toJSON( dataManager, debugCanvas.getSize(), nullCanvas.get()); if (argc > 2) { if (UrlDataManager::UrlData* data = dataManager.getDataFromUrl(SkString(argv[2]))) { SkData* skdata = data->fData.get(); SkASSERT(skdata); #ifdef SK_BUILD_FOR_WIN fflush(stdout); (void)_setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_BINARY); #endif fwrite(skdata->data(), skdata->size(), 1, stdout); } else { SkDebugf("Bad data url.\n"); return 4; } } else { Json::StyledStreamWriter(" ").write(std::cout, json); } return 0; }
bool GetSongsFromAlbumQuery::doQuery() { Log::self()->message( QString("Fetching songs from album with id %1").arg(d->albumId) ); // Get all songs from that album QSqlQuery songQuery = dataManager()->executeQuery( QString( "SELECT id, title, duration, popularity " "FROM Song " "INNER JOIN Album_has_Song ON Album_has_Song.song_id = Song.id " "WHERE Album_has_Song.album_id = %1").arg( d->albumId ) ); while( songQuery.next() ) { Song *newSong = RelationalDatabaseDataSerializer::deserializeSong( songQuery ); d->songs.append( newSong ); } return true; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- StatusCode RootHistCnv::RDirectoryCnv::fillObjRefs(IOpaqueAddress* pAddr,DataObject* pObj) { MsgStream log(msgSvc(), "RDirectoryCnv"); IRegistry* pReg = pObj->registry(); std::string full = pReg->identifier(); const std::string& fname = pAddr->par()[0]; TFile *tf; findTFile(full,tf).ignore(); // cd to TFile: setDirectory(full); TIter nextkey(gDirectory->GetListOfKeys()); while (TKey *key = (TKey*)nextkey()) { IOpaqueAddress* pA = 0; TObject *obj = key->ReadObj(); std::string title = obj->GetTitle(); std::string sid = obj->GetName(); std::string f2 = full + "/" + sid; int idh = ::strtol(sid.c_str(),NULL,10); // introduced by Grigori Rybkine std::string clname = key->GetClassName(); std::string clnm = clname.substr(0,3); TClass* isa = obj->IsA(); if (isa->InheritsFrom("TTree")) { createAddress(full, CLID_ColumnWiseTuple, idh, obj, pA).ignore(); TTree* tree = (TTree*) obj; tree->Print(); log << MSG::DEBUG << "Reg CWNT \"" << obj->GetTitle() << "\" as " << f2 << endmsg; title = "/" + sid; } else if (isa->InheritsFrom("TDirectory")) { createAddress(full,CLID_NTupleDirectory, title, obj, pA).ignore(); } else if ( isa == TProfile::Class() ) { createAddress(full,CLID_ProfileH,idh,obj,pA).ignore(); title = sid; } else if ( isa == TProfile2D::Class() ) { createAddress(full,CLID_ProfileH2,idh,obj,pA).ignore(); title = sid; } else if ( isa == TH1C::Class() ) { createAddress(full,CLID_H1D,idh,obj,pA).ignore(); title = sid; } else if ( isa == TH1S::Class() ) { createAddress(full,CLID_H1D,idh,obj,pA).ignore(); title = sid; } else if ( isa == TH1I::Class() ) { createAddress(full,CLID_H1D,idh,obj,pA).ignore(); title = sid; } else if ( isa == TH1F::Class() ) { createAddress(full,CLID_H1D,idh,obj,pA).ignore(); title = sid; } else if ( isa == TH1D::Class() ) { createAddress(full,CLID_H1D,idh,obj,pA).ignore(); title = sid; } else if ( isa == TH2C::Class() ) { createAddress(full,CLID_H2D,idh,obj,pA).ignore(); title = sid; } else if ( isa == TH2S::Class() ) { createAddress(full,CLID_H2D,idh,obj,pA).ignore(); title = sid; } else if ( isa == TH2I::Class() ) { createAddress(full,CLID_H2D,idh,obj,pA).ignore(); title = sid; } else if ( isa == TH2F::Class() ) { createAddress(full,CLID_H2D,idh,obj,pA).ignore(); title = sid; } else if ( isa == TH2D::Class() ) { createAddress(full,CLID_H2D,idh,obj,pA).ignore(); title = sid; } else if ( isa == TH3C::Class() ) { createAddress(full,CLID_H3D,idh,obj,pA).ignore(); title = sid; } else if ( isa == TH3S::Class() ) { createAddress(full,CLID_H3D,idh,obj,pA).ignore(); title = sid; } else if ( isa == TH3I::Class() ) { createAddress(full,CLID_H3D,idh,obj,pA).ignore(); title = sid; } else if ( isa == TH3F::Class() ) { createAddress(full,CLID_H3D,idh,obj,pA).ignore(); title = sid; } else if ( isa == TH3D::Class() ) { createAddress(full,CLID_H3D,idh,obj,pA).ignore(); title = sid; } else { log << MSG::ERROR << "Encountered an unknown object with key: " << obj->GetName() << " in ROOT file " << fname << endmsg; return StatusCode::FAILURE; } if ( 0 != pA ) { StatusCode sc = dataManager()->registerAddress(pReg, title, pA); if ( !sc.isSuccess() ) { log << MSG::ERROR << "Failed to register address for " << full << endmsg; return sc; } log << MSG::VERBOSE << "Created address for " << clnm << "'" << title << "' in " << full << endmsg; } } return StatusCode::SUCCESS; }