예제 #1
void db_init(gd_region *reg, sgmnt_data_ptr_t tsd)
	static boolean_t	mutex_init_done = FALSE;
	boolean_t       	is_bg, read_only;
	char            	machine_name[MAX_MCNAMELEN];
	file_control    	*fc;
	int			gethostname_res, stat_res, mm_prot;
	int4            	status, semval, dblksize, fbwsize;
	sm_long_t       	status_l;
	sgmnt_addrs     	*csa;
	sgmnt_data_ptr_t        csd;
	struct sembuf   	sop[3];
	struct stat     	stat_buf;
	union semun		semarg;
	struct semid_ds		semstat;
	struct shmid_ds         shmstat;
	struct statvfs		dbvfs;
	uint4           	sopcnt;
	unix_db_info    	*udi;
#ifdef periodic_timer_removed
	void            	periodic_flush_check();


	assert(tsd->acc_meth == dba_bg  ||  tsd->acc_meth == dba_mm);
	is_bg = (dba_bg == tsd->acc_meth);
	read_only = reg->read_only;
	new_dbinit_ipc = FALSE;	/* we did not create a new ipc resource */
	udi = FILE_INFO(reg);
	memset(machine_name, 0, sizeof(machine_name));
	if (GETHOSTNAME(machine_name, MAX_MCNAMELEN, gethostname_res))
		rts_error(VARLSTCNT(5) ERR_TEXT, 2, LEN_AND_LIT("Unable to get the hostname"), errno);
	assert(strlen(machine_name) < MAX_MCNAMELEN);
	csa = &udi->s_addrs;
	csa->db_addrs[0] = csa->db_addrs[1] = csa->lock_addrs[0] = NULL;   /* to help in dbinit_ch  and gds_rundown */
	reg->opening = TRUE;
	 * Create ftok semaphore for this region.
	 * We do not want to make ftok counter semaphore to be 2 for on mupip journal recover process.
	if (!ftok_sem_get(reg, !mupip_jnl_recover, GTM_ID, FALSE))
		rts_error(VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_DBFILERR, 2, DB_LEN_STR(reg));
	 * At this point we have ftok_semid sempahore based on ftok key.
	 * Any ftok conflicted region will block at this point.
	 * Say, a.dat and b.dat both has same ftok and we have process A to access a.dat and
	 * process B to access b.dat. In this case only one can continue to do db_init()
	fc = reg->dyn.addr->file_cntl;
	fc->file_type = reg->dyn.addr->acc_meth;
	fc->op = FC_READ;
	fc->op_buff = (sm_uc_ptr_t)tsd;
	fc->op_len = sizeof(*tsd);
	fc->op_pos = 1;
	dbfilop(fc);		/* Read file header */
	udi->shmid = tsd->shmid;
	udi->semid = tsd->semid;
	udi->sem_ctime = tsd->sem_ctime.ctime;
	udi->shm_ctime = tsd->shm_ctime.ctime;
	dbsecspc(reg, tsd); 	/* Find db segment size */
	if (!mupip_jnl_recover)
		if (INVALID_SEMID == udi->semid)
			if (0 != udi->sem_ctime || INVALID_SHMID != udi->shmid || 0 != udi->shm_ctime)
			/* We must have somthing wrong in protocol or, code, if this happens */
			 * Create new semaphore using IPC_PRIVATE. System guarantees a unique id.
			if (-1 == (udi->semid = semget(IPC_PRIVATE, FTOK_SEM_PER_ID, RWDALL | IPC_CREAT)))
				udi->semid = INVALID_SEMID;
				rts_error(VARLSTCNT(9) ERR_DBFILERR, 2, DB_LEN_STR(reg),
					ERR_TEXT, 2, LEN_AND_LIT("Error with database control semget"), errno);
			udi->shmid = INVALID_SHMID;	/* reset shmid so dbinit_ch does not get confused in case we go there */
			new_dbinit_ipc = TRUE;
			tsd->semid = udi->semid;
			semarg.val = GTM_ID;
			 * Following will set semaphore number 2 (=FTOK_SEM_PER_ID - 1)  value as GTM_ID.
			 * In case we have orphaned semaphore for some reason, mupip rundown will be
			 * able to identify GTM semaphores from the value and can remove.
			if (-1 == semctl(udi->semid, FTOK_SEM_PER_ID - 1, SETVAL, semarg))
				rts_error(VARLSTCNT(9) ERR_DBFILERR, 2, DB_LEN_STR(reg),
					ERR_TEXT, 2, LEN_AND_LIT("Error with database control semctl SETVAL"), errno);
			 * Warning: We must read the sem_ctime using IPC_STAT after SETVAL, which changes it.
			 *	    We must NOT do any more SETVAL after this. Our design is to use
			 *	    sem_ctime as creation time of semaphore.
			semarg.buf = &semstat;
			if (-1 == semctl(udi->semid, FTOK_SEM_PER_ID - 1, IPC_STAT, semarg))
				rts_error(VARLSTCNT(9) ERR_DBFILERR, 2, DB_LEN_STR(reg),
					ERR_TEXT, 2, LEN_AND_LIT("Error with database control semctl IPC_STAT"), errno);
			tsd->sem_ctime.ctime = udi->sem_ctime = semarg.buf->sem_ctime;
		} else
			if (INVALID_SHMID == udi->shmid)
				/* if mu_rndwn_file gets standalone access of this region and
				 * somehow mupip process crashes, we can have semid != -1 but shmid == -1
				rts_error(VARLSTCNT(10) ERR_REQRUNDOWN, 4, DB_LEN_STR(reg), LEN_AND_STR(tsd->machine_name),
						ERR_TEXT, 2, LEN_AND_LIT("semid is valid but shmid is invalid"));
			semarg.buf = &semstat;
			if (-1 == semctl(udi->semid, 0, IPC_STAT, semarg))
				/* file header has valid semid but semaphore does not exists */
				rts_error(VARLSTCNT(6) ERR_REQRUNDOWN, 4, DB_LEN_STR(reg), LEN_AND_STR(tsd->machine_name));
			else if (semarg.buf->sem_ctime != tsd->sem_ctime.ctime)
				rts_error(VARLSTCNT(10) ERR_REQRUNDOWN, 4, DB_LEN_STR(reg), LEN_AND_STR(tsd->machine_name),
						ERR_TEXT, 2, LEN_AND_LIT("sem_ctime does not match"));
			if (-1 == shmctl(udi->shmid, IPC_STAT, &shmstat))
				rts_error(VARLSTCNT(9) ERR_DBFILERR, 2, DB_LEN_STR(reg),
					ERR_TEXT, 2, LEN_AND_LIT("Error with database control shmctl"), errno);
			else if (shmstat.shm_ctime != tsd->shm_ctime.ctime)
				rts_error(VARLSTCNT(10) ERR_REQRUNDOWN, 4, DB_LEN_STR(reg), LEN_AND_STR(tsd->machine_name),
					ERR_TEXT, 2, LEN_AND_LIT("shm_ctime does not match"));
		/* We already have ftok semaphore of this region, so just plainly do semaphore operation */
		/* This is the database access control semaphore for any region */
		sop[0].sem_num = 0; sop[0].sem_op = 0;	/* Wait for 0 */
		sop[1].sem_num = 0; sop[1].sem_op = 1;	/* Lock */
		sopcnt = 2;
		if (!read_only)
			sop[2].sem_num = 1; sop[2].sem_op  = 1;	 /* increment r/w access counter */
			sopcnt = 3;
		sop[0].sem_flg = sop[1].sem_flg = sop[2].sem_flg = SEM_UNDO | IPC_NOWAIT;
		SEMOP(udi->semid, sop, sopcnt, status);
		if (-1 == status)
			errno_save = errno;
			gtm_putmsg(VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_CRITSEMFAIL, 2, DB_LEN_STR(reg));
			rts_error(VARLSTCNT(8) ERR_SYSCALL, 5, RTS_ERROR_LITERAL("semop()"), CALLFROM, errno_save);
	} else /* for mupip_jnl_recover we were already in mu_rndwn_file and got "semid" semaphore  */
		if (INVALID_SEMID == udi->semid || 0 == udi->sem_ctime)
			/* make sure mu_rndwn_file() has reset created semaphore for standalone access */
		if (INVALID_SHMID != udi->shmid || 0 != udi->shm_ctime)
			/* make sure mu_rndwn_file() has reset shared memory */
		udi->shmid = INVALID_SHMID;	/* reset shmid so dbinit_ch does not get confused in case we go there */
		new_dbinit_ipc = TRUE;
	sem_incremented = TRUE;
	if (new_dbinit_ipc)
		/* Create new shared memory using IPC_PRIVATE. System guarantees a unique id */
#ifdef __MVS__
		if (-1 == (status_l = udi->shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, ROUND_UP(reg->sec_size, MEGA_BOUND),
		if (-1 == (status_l = udi->shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, reg->sec_size, RWDALL | IPC_CREAT)))
			udi->shmid = status_l = INVALID_SHMID;
			rts_error(VARLSTCNT(9) ERR_DBFILERR, 2, DB_LEN_STR(reg),
				  ERR_TEXT, 2, LEN_AND_LIT("Error with database shmget"), errno);
		tsd->shmid = udi->shmid;
		if (-1 == shmctl(udi->shmid, IPC_STAT, &shmstat))
			rts_error(VARLSTCNT(9) ERR_DBFILERR, 2, DB_LEN_STR(reg),
				ERR_TEXT, 2, LEN_AND_LIT("Error with database control shmctl"), errno);
		tsd->shm_ctime.ctime = udi->shm_ctime = shmstat.shm_ctime;
#ifdef DEBUG_DB64
	status_l = (sm_long_t)(csa->db_addrs[0] = (sm_uc_ptr_t)do_shmat(udi->shmid, next_smseg, SHM_RND));
	next_smseg = (sm_uc_ptr_t)ROUND_UP((sm_long_t)(next_smseg + reg->sec_size), SHMAT_ADDR_INCS);
	status_l = (sm_long_t)(csa->db_addrs[0] = (sm_uc_ptr_t)do_shmat(udi->shmid, 0, SHM_RND));
	if (-1 == status_l)
		rts_error(VARLSTCNT(9) ERR_DBFILERR, 2, DB_LEN_STR(reg),
			  ERR_TEXT, 2, LEN_AND_LIT("Error attaching to database shared memory"), errno);
	csa->nl = (node_local_ptr_t)csa->db_addrs[0];
	csa->critical = (mutex_struct_ptr_t)(csa->db_addrs[0] + NODE_LOCAL_SIZE);
	assert(((int)csa->critical & 0xf) == 0); 			/* critical should be 16-byte aligned */
	assert(0 == ((int)csa->critical & (CACHELINE_SIZE - 1)));
	/* Note: Here we check jnl_sate from database file and its value cannot change without standalone access.
	 * The jnl_buff buffer should be initialized irrespective of read/write process */
	JNL_INIT(csa, reg, tsd);
	csa->backup_buffer = (backup_buff_ptr_t)(csa->db_addrs[0] + NODE_LOCAL_SPACE + JNL_SHARE_SIZE(tsd));
	csa->lock_addrs[0] = (sm_uc_ptr_t)csa->backup_buffer + BACKUP_BUFFER_SIZE + 1;
	csa->lock_addrs[1] = csa->lock_addrs[0] + LOCK_SPACE_SIZE(tsd) - 1;
	csa->total_blks = tsd->trans_hist.total_blks;   		/* For test to see if file has extended */
	if (new_dbinit_ipc)
		memset(csa->nl, 0, sizeof(*csa->nl));			/* We allocated shared storage -- we have to init it */
		if (JNL_ALLOWED(csa))
		{	/* initialize jb->cycle to a value different from initial value of jpc->cycle (0). although this is not
			 * necessary right now, in the future, the plan is to change jnl_ensure_open() to only do a cycle mismatch
			 * check in order to determine whether to call jnl_file_open() or not. this is in preparation for that.
			csa->jnl->jnl_buff->cycle = 1;
	if (is_bg)
		csd = csa->hdr = (sgmnt_data_ptr_t)(csa->lock_addrs[1] + 1 + CACHE_CONTROL_SIZE(tsd));
		csa->acc_meth.mm.mmblk_state = (mmblk_que_heads_ptr_t)(csa->lock_addrs[1] + 1);
		FSTAT_FILE(udi->fd, &stat_buf, stat_res);
		if (-1 == stat_res)
			rts_error(VARLSTCNT(5) ERR_DBFILERR, 2, DB_LEN_STR(reg), errno);
		mm_prot = read_only ? PROT_READ : (PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE);
#ifdef DEBUG_DB64
		if (-1 == (sm_long_t)(csa->db_addrs[0] = (sm_uc_ptr_t)mmap((caddr_t)get_mmseg((size_t)stat_buf.st_size),
									   GTM_MM_FLAGS, udi->fd, (off_t)0)))
			rts_error(VARLSTCNT(5) ERR_DBFILERR, 2, DB_LEN_STR(reg), errno);
		put_mmseg((caddr_t)(csa->db_addrs[0]), (size_t)stat_buf.st_size);
		if (-1 == (sm_long_t)(csa->db_addrs[0] = (sm_uc_ptr_t)mmap((caddr_t)NULL,
									   GTM_MM_FLAGS, udi->fd, (off_t)0)))
			rts_error(VARLSTCNT(5) ERR_DBFILERR, 2, DB_LEN_STR(reg), errno);
		csa->db_addrs[1] = csa->db_addrs[0] + stat_buf.st_size - 1;
		csd = csa->hdr = (sgmnt_data_ptr_t)csa->db_addrs[0];
	if (!csa->nl->glob_sec_init)
		if (is_bg)
			*csd = *tsd;
		if (csd->machine_name[0])                  /* crash occured */
			if (0 != memcmp(csd->machine_name, machine_name, MAX_MCNAMELEN))  /* crashed on some other node */
				rts_error(VARLSTCNT(6) ERR_CLSTCONFLICT, 4, DB_LEN_STR(reg), LEN_AND_STR(csd->machine_name));
				rts_error(VARLSTCNT(6) ERR_REQRUNDOWN, 4, DB_LEN_STR(reg), LEN_AND_STR(csd->machine_name));
		if (is_bg)
			csa->nl->cache_off = -CACHE_CONTROL_SIZE(tsd);
		strcpy(csa->nl->machine_name, machine_name);					/* machine name */
		assert(MAX_REL_NAME > gtm_release_name_len);
		memcpy(csa->nl->now_running, gtm_release_name, gtm_release_name_len + 1);	/* GT.M release name */
		memcpy(csa->nl->label, GDS_LABEL, GDS_LABEL_SZ - 1);				/* GDS label */
		memcpy(csa->nl->fname, reg->dyn.addr->fname, reg->dyn.addr->fname_len);		/* database filename */
		csa->nl->creation_date_time = csd->creation.date_time;
		csa->nl->highest_lbm_blk_changed = -1;
		csa->nl->wcs_timers = -1;
		csa->nl->nbb = BACKUP_NOT_IN_PROGRESS;
		csa->nl->unique_id.uid = FILE_INFO(reg)->fileid;            /* save what file we initialized this storage for */
		/* save pointers in csa to access shared memory */
		csa->nl->critical = (sm_off_t)((sm_uc_ptr_t)csa->critical - (sm_uc_ptr_t)csa->nl);
		if (JNL_ALLOWED(csa))
			csa->nl->jnl_buff = (sm_off_t)((sm_uc_ptr_t)csa->jnl->jnl_buff - (sm_uc_ptr_t)csa->nl);
		csa->nl->backup_buffer = (sm_off_t)((sm_uc_ptr_t)csa->backup_buffer - (sm_uc_ptr_t)csa->nl);
		csa->nl->hdr = (sm_off_t)((sm_uc_ptr_t)csd - (sm_uc_ptr_t)csa->nl);
		csa->nl->lock_addrs = (sm_off_t)((sm_uc_ptr_t)csa->lock_addrs[0] - (sm_uc_ptr_t)csa->nl);
		if (!read_only || is_bg)
			csd->trans_hist.early_tn = csd->trans_hist.curr_tn;
			csd->max_update_array_size = csd->max_non_bm_update_array_size
			/* add current db_csh counters into the cumulative counters and reset the current counters */
				csd->COUNTER.cumul_count += csd->COUNTER.curr_count;	\
				csd->COUNTER.curr_count = 0;
#include "tab_db_csh_acct_rec.h"
		if (!read_only)
			if (is_bg)
				assert(memcmp(csd, GDS_LABEL, GDS_LABEL_SZ - 1) == 0);
				LSEEKWRITE(udi->fd, (off_t)0, (sm_uc_ptr_t)csd, sizeof(sgmnt_data), errno_save);
				if (0 != errno_save)
					rts_error(VARLSTCNT(9) ERR_DBFILERR, 2, DB_LEN_STR(reg),
						  ERR_TEXT, 2, LEN_AND_LIT("Error with database write"), errno_save);
		reg->dyn.addr->ext_blk_count = csd->extension_size;
		mlk_shr_init(csa->lock_addrs[0], csd->lock_space_size, csa, (FALSE == read_only));
		DEBUG_ONLY(locknl = csa->nl;)	/* for DEBUG_ONLY LOCK_HIST macro */
예제 #2
uint4 mur_process_intrpt_recov()
	jnl_ctl_list			*jctl, *last_jctl;
	reg_ctl_list			*rctl, *rctl_top;
	int				rename_fn_len, save_name_len, idx;
	char				prev_jnl_fn[MAX_FN_LEN + 1], rename_fn[MAX_FN_LEN + 1], save_name[MAX_FN_LEN + 1];
	jnl_create_info			jnl_info;
	uint4				status, status2;
	uint4				max_autoswitchlimit, max_jnl_alq, max_jnl_deq, freeblks;
	sgmnt_data_ptr_t		csd;
	jnl_private_control		*jpc;
	jnl_buffer_ptr_t		jbp;
	boolean_t			jfh_changed;
	jnl_record			*jnlrec;
	jnl_file_header			*jfh;
	jnl_tm_t			now;

	for (rctl = mur_ctl, rctl_top = mur_ctl + murgbl.reg_total; rctl < rctl_top; rctl++)
		csd = cs_data;	/* MM logic after wcs_flu call requires this to be set */
		assert(csd == rctl->csa->hdr);
		jctl = rctl->jctl_turn_around;
		max_jnl_alq = max_jnl_deq = max_autoswitchlimit = 0;
		for (last_jctl = NULL ; (NULL != jctl); last_jctl = jctl, jctl = jctl->next_gen)
			jfh = jctl->jfh;
			if (max_autoswitchlimit < jfh->autoswitchlimit)
			{	/* Note that max_jnl_alq, max_jnl_deq are not the maximum journal allocation/extensions across
				 * generations, but rather the allocation/extension corresponding to the maximum autoswitchlimit.
				max_autoswitchlimit = jfh->autoswitchlimit;
				max_jnl_alq         = jfh->jnl_alq;
				max_jnl_deq         = jfh->jnl_deq;
			/* Until now, "rctl->blks_to_upgrd_adjust" holds the number of V4 format newly created bitmap blocks
			 * seen in INCTN records in backward processing. It is possible that backward processing might have
			 * missed out on seeing those INCTN records which are part of virtually-truncated or completely-rolled-bak
			 * journal files. The journal file-header has a separate field "prev_recov_blks_to_upgrd_adjust" which
			 * maintains exactly this count. Therefore adjust the rctl counter accordingly.
			assert(!jfh->prev_recov_blks_to_upgrd_adjust || !jfh->recover_interrupted);
			assert(!jfh->prev_recov_blks_to_upgrd_adjust || jfh->prev_recov_end_of_data);
			rctl->blks_to_upgrd_adjust += jfh->prev_recov_blks_to_upgrd_adjust;
		if (max_autoswitchlimit > last_jctl->jfh->autoswitchlimit)
			csd->jnl_alq         = max_jnl_alq;
			csd->jnl_deq         = max_jnl_deq;
			csd->autoswitchlimit = max_autoswitchlimit;
		} else
			assert(csd->jnl_alq         == last_jctl->jfh->jnl_alq);
			assert(csd->jnl_deq         == last_jctl->jfh->jnl_deq);
			assert(csd->autoswitchlimit == last_jctl->jfh->autoswitchlimit);
		jctl = rctl->jctl_turn_around;
		/* Get a pointer to the turn around point EPOCH record */
		jnlrec = rctl->mur_desc->jnlrec;
		assert(JRT_EPOCH == jnlrec->prefix.jrec_type);
		assert(jctl->turn_around_time == jnlrec->prefix.time);
		assert(jctl->turn_around_seqno == jnlrec->jrec_epoch.jnl_seqno);
		assert(jctl->turn_around_tn == jnlrec->prefix.tn);
		assert(jctl->rec_offset == jctl->turn_around_offset);
		/* Reset file-header "blks_to_upgrd" counter to the turn around point epoch value. Adjust this to include
		 * the number of new V4 format bitmaps created by post-turnaround-point db file extensions.
		 * The adjustment value is maintained in rctl->blks_to_upgrd_adjust.
		csd->blks_to_upgrd = jnlrec->jrec_epoch.blks_to_upgrd;
		csd->blks_to_upgrd += rctl->blks_to_upgrd_adjust;
#		ifdef GTM_TRIGGER
		/* online rollback can potentially take the database to a point in the past where the triggers that were
		 * previously installed are no longer a part of the current database state and so any process that restarts
		 * AFTER online rollback completes SHOULD reload triggers and the only way to do that is by incrementing the
		 * db_trigger_cycle in the file header.
		if (jgbl.onlnrlbk && (0 < csd->db_trigger_cycle))
		{	/* check for non-zero db_trigger_cycle is to prevent other processes (continuing after online rollback)
			 * to establish implicit TP (on seeing the trigger cycle mismatch) when there are actually no triggers
			 * installed in the database (because there were none at the start of online rollback).
			if (0 == csd->db_trigger_cycle)
				csd->db_trigger_cycle = 1;	/* Don't allow cycle set to 0 which means uninitialized */
#		endif
		assert((WBTEST_ALLOW_ARBITRARY_FULLY_UPGRADED == gtm_white_box_test_case_number) ||
			(FALSE == jctl->turn_around_fullyupgraded) || (TRUE == jctl->turn_around_fullyupgraded));
		/* Set csd->fully_upgraded to FALSE if:
		 * a) The turn around EPOCH had the fully_upgraded field set to FALSE
		 * OR
		 * b) If csd->blks_to_upgrd counter is non-zero. This field can be non-zero even if the turnaround EPOCH's
		 * fully_upgraded field is TRUE. This is possible if the database was downgraded to V4 (post turnaround EPOCH)
		 * format and database extensions happened causing new V4 format bitmap blocks to be written. The count of V4
		 * format bitmap blocks is maintained ONLY as part of INCTN records (with INCTN opcode SET_JNL_FILE_CLOSE_EXTEND)
		 * noted down in rctl->blks_to_upgrd_adjust counter as part of BACKWARD processing which are finally added to
		 * csd->blks_to_upgrd.
		if (!jctl->turn_around_fullyupgraded || csd->blks_to_upgrd)
			csd->fully_upgraded = FALSE;
		csd->trans_hist.early_tn = jctl->turn_around_tn;
		csd->trans_hist.curr_tn = csd->trans_hist.early_tn;	/* INCREMENT_CURR_TN macro not used but noted in comment
									 * to identify all places that set curr_tn */
		csd->jnl_eovtn = csd->trans_hist.curr_tn;
		csd->turn_around_point = TRUE;
		/* MUPIP REORG UPGRADE/DOWNGRADE stores its partially processed state in the database file header.
		 * It is difficult for recovery to restore those fields to a correct partial value.
		 * Hence reset the related fields as if the desired_db_format got set just ONE tn BEFORE the EPOCH record
		 * 	and that there was no more processing that happened.
		 * This might potentially mean some duplicate processing for MUPIP REORG UPGRADE/DOWNGRADE after the recovery.
		 * But that will only be the case as long as the database is in compatibility (mixed) mode (hopefully not long).
		if (csd->desired_db_format_tn >= jctl->turn_around_tn)
			csd->desired_db_format_tn = jctl->turn_around_tn - 1;
		if (csd->reorg_db_fmt_start_tn >= jctl->turn_around_tn)
			csd->reorg_db_fmt_start_tn = jctl->turn_around_tn - 1;
		if (csd->tn_upgrd_blks_0 > jctl->turn_around_tn)
			csd->tn_upgrd_blks_0 = (trans_num)-1;
		csd->reorg_upgrd_dwngrd_restart_block = 0;
		/* Compute current value of "free_blocks" based on the value of "free_blocks" at the turnaround point epoch
		 * record and the change in "total_blks" since that epoch to the present form of the database. Any difference
		 * in "total_blks" implies database file extensions happened since the turnaround point. A backward rollback
		 * undoes everything (including all updates) except file extensions (it does not truncate the file size).
		 * Therefore every block that was newly allocated as part of those file extensions should be considered FREE
		 * for the current calculations except for the local bitmap blocks which are BUSY the moment they are created.
		assert(jnlrec->jrec_epoch.total_blks <= csd->trans_hist.total_blks);
		csd->trans_hist.free_blocks = jnlrec->jrec_epoch.free_blocks
			+ (csd->trans_hist.total_blks - jnlrec->jrec_epoch.total_blks)
			- DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(csd->trans_hist.total_blks, BLKS_PER_LMAP)
			+ DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(jnlrec->jrec_epoch.total_blks, BLKS_PER_LMAP);
		assert(!csd->blks_to_upgrd || !csd->fully_upgraded);
		assert((freeblks = mur_blocks_free(rctl)) == csd->trans_hist.free_blocks);
		/* Update strm_reg_seqno[] in db file header to reflect the turn around point.
		 * Before updating "strm_reg_seqno", make sure value is saved into "save_strm_reg_seqno".
		 * This is relied upon by the function "mur_get_max_strm_reg_seqno" in case of interrupted rollback.
		for (idx = 0; idx < MAX_SUPPL_STRMS; idx++)
			if (!csd->save_strm_reg_seqno[idx])
				csd->save_strm_reg_seqno[idx] = csd->strm_reg_seqno[idx];
			csd->strm_reg_seqno[idx] = jnlrec->jrec_epoch.strm_seqno[idx];
		assert(cs_addrs->ti->curr_tn == jctl->turn_around_tn);
#		ifdef UNIX
		if (jgbl.onlnrlbk)
			if (dba_bg == cs_addrs->hdr->acc_meth)
			{	/* dryclean the cache (basically reset the cycle fields in all teh cache records) so as to make
				 * GT.M processes that only does 'reads' to require crit and hence realize that online rollback
				 * is in progress
				bt_refresh(cs_addrs, FALSE); /* sets earliest bt TN to be the turn around TN */
			db_csh_ref(cs_addrs, FALSE);
			assert(NULL != cs_addrs->jnl);
			jpc = cs_addrs->jnl;
			assert(NULL != jpc->jnl_buff);
			jbp = jpc->jnl_buff;
			/* Since Rollback simulates the journal record along with the timestamp at which the update was made, it
			 * sets jgbl.dont_reset_gbl_jrec_time to TRUE so that during forward processing t_end or tp_tend does not
			 * reset the gbl_jrec_time to reflect the current time. But, with Online Rollback, one can have the shared
			 * memory up and running and hence can have jbp->prev_jrec_time to be the time of the most recent journal
			 * update made. Later in t_end/tp_tend, ADJUST_GBL_JREC_TIME is invoked which ensures that if ever
			 * gbl_jrec_time (the time of the current update) is less than jbp->prev_jrec_time (time of the latest
			 * journal update), dont_reset_gbl_jrec_time better be FALSE. But, this assert will trip since Rollback
			 * sets the latter to TRUE. To fix this, set jbp->prev_jrec_time to the turn around time stamp. This way
			 * we are guaranteed that all the updates done in the forward processing will have a timestamp that is
			 * greater than the turn around timestamp
		} else if (dba_bg == csd->acc_meth)
		{	/* set earliest bt TN to be the turn-around TN (taken from bt_refresh()) */
			SET_OLDEST_HIST_TN(cs_addrs, cs_addrs->ti->curr_tn - 1);
#		else
		if (dba_bg == csd->acc_meth)
		{	/* set earliest bt TN to be the turn-around TN (taken from bt_refresh()) */
			SET_OLDEST_HIST_TN(cs_addrs, cs_addrs->ti->curr_tn - 1);
#		endif
		csd->turn_around_point = FALSE;
		assert(OLDEST_HIST_TN(cs_addrs) == (cs_addrs->ti->curr_tn - 1));
		/* In case this is MM and wcs_flu() remapped an extended database, reset rctl->csd */
		assert((dba_mm == cs_data->acc_meth) || (rctl->csd == cs_data));
		rctl->csd = cs_data;
	for (rctl = mur_ctl, rctl_top = mur_ctl + murgbl.reg_total; rctl < rctl_top; rctl++)
		if (!rctl->jfh_recov_interrupted)
			jctl = rctl->jctl_turn_around;
				for (jctl = rctl->jctl_turn_around; NULL != jctl->next_gen; jctl = jctl->next_gen)
				/* check that latest gener file name does not match db header */
				assert((rctl->csd->jnl_file_len != jctl->jnl_fn_len)
					|| (0 != memcmp(rctl->csd->jnl_file_name, jctl->jnl_fn, jctl->jnl_fn_len)));
			jctl = rctl->jctl_alt_head;
		assert(NULL != jctl);
		for ( ; NULL != jctl->next_gen; jctl = jctl->next_gen)
		assert(rctl->csd->jnl_file_len == jctl->jnl_fn_len); 			       /* latest gener file name */
		assert(0 == memcmp(rctl->csd->jnl_file_name, jctl->jnl_fn, jctl->jnl_fn_len)); /* should match db header */
		if (SS_NORMAL != (status = prepare_unique_name((char *)jctl->jnl_fn, jctl->jnl_fn_len, "", "",
								rename_fn, &rename_fn_len, now, &status2)))
			return status;
		jctl->jnl_fn_len = rename_fn_len;  /* change the name in memory to the proposed name */
		memcpy(jctl->jnl_fn, rename_fn, rename_fn_len + 1);
		/* Rename hasn't happened yet at the filesystem level. In case current recover command is interrupted,
		 * we need to update jfh->next_jnl_file_name before mur_forward(). Update jfh->next_jnl_file_name for
		 * all journal files from which PBLK records were applied. Create new journal files for forward play.
		assert(NULL != rctl->jctl_turn_around);
		jctl = rctl->jctl_turn_around; /* points to journal file which has current recover's turn around point */
		assert(0 != jctl->turn_around_offset);
		jfh = jctl->jfh;
		jfh->turn_around_offset = jctl->turn_around_offset;	/* save progress in file header for 	*/
		jfh->turn_around_time = jctl->turn_around_time;		/* possible re-issue of recover 	*/
		for (idx = 0; idx < MAX_SUPPL_STRMS; idx++)
			jfh->strm_end_seqno[idx] = csd->strm_reg_seqno[idx];
		jfh_changed = TRUE;
		/* We are about to update the journal file header of the turnaround-point journal file to store the
		 * non-zero jfh->turn_around_offset. Ensure corresponding database is considered updated.
		 * This is needed in case journal recovery/rollback terminates abnormally and we go to mur_close_files.
		 * We need to ensure csd->recov_interrupted does not get reset to FALSE even if this region did not have
		 * have any updates to the corresponding database file otherwise. (GTM-8394)
		rctl->db_updated = TRUE;
		for ( ; NULL != jctl; jctl = jctl->next_gen)
		{	/* setup the next_jnl links. note that in the case of interrupted recovery, next_jnl links
			 * would have been already set starting from the turn-around point journal file of the
			 * interrupted recovery but the new recovery MIGHT have taken us to a still previous
			 * generation journal file that needs its next_jnl link set. this is why we do the next_jnl
			 * link setup even in the case of interrupted recovery although in most cases it is unnecessary.
			jfh = jctl->jfh;
			if (NULL != jctl->next_gen)
				jfh->next_jnl_file_name_length = jctl->next_gen->jnl_fn_len;
				memcpy(jfh->next_jnl_file_name, jctl->next_gen->jnl_fn, jctl->next_gen->jnl_fn_len);
				jfh_changed = TRUE;
			} else
				assert(0 == jfh->next_jnl_file_name_length); /* null link from latest generation */
			if (jfh->turn_around_offset && (jctl != rctl->jctl_turn_around))
			{	/* It is possible that the current recovery has a turn-around-point much before the
				 * previously interrupted recovery. If it happens to be a previous generation journal
				 * file then we have to reset the original turn-around-point to be zero in the journal
				 * file header in order to ensure if this recovery gets interrupted we do interrupted
				 * recovery processing until the new turn-around-point instead of stopping incorrectly
				 * at the original turn-around-point itself. Note that there could be more than one
				 * journal file with a non-zero turn_around_offset (depending on how many previous
				 * recoveries got interrupted in this loop) that need to be reset.
				assert(rctl->recov_interrupted || rctl->jctl_apply_pblk); /* rctl->jfh_recov_interrupted can fail */
				jfh->turn_around_offset = 0;
				jfh->turn_around_time = 0;
				jfh_changed = TRUE;
			if (jfh_changed)
				/* Since overwriting the journal file header (an already allocated block
				 * in the file) should not cause ENOSPC, we dont take the trouble of
				 * passing csa or jnl_fn (first two parameters). Instead we pass NULL.
				JNL_DO_FILE_WRITE(NULL, NULL, jctl->channel, 0, jfh,
					REAL_JNL_HDR_LEN, jctl->status, jctl->status2);
				if (SS_NORMAL != jctl->status)
					if (SS_NORMAL == jctl->status2)
						gtm_putmsg_csa(CSA_ARG(rctl->csa) VARLSTCNT(5) ERR_JNLWRERR, 2, jctl->jnl_fn_len,
							jctl->jnl_fn, jctl->status);
						gtm_putmsg_csa(CSA_ARG(rctl->csa) VARLSTCNT1(6) ERR_JNLWRERR, 2, jctl->jnl_fn_len,
							jctl->jnl_fn, jctl->status, PUT_SYS_ERRNO(jctl->status2));
					return jctl->status;
				GTM_JNL_FSYNC(rctl->csa, jctl->channel, jctl->status);
				if (-1 == jctl->status)
					jctl->status2 = errno;
					gtm_putmsg_csa(CSA_ARG(rctl->csa) VARLSTCNT(9) ERR_JNLFSYNCERR, 2,
						jctl->jnl_fn_len, jctl->jnl_fn,
						ERR_TEXT, 2, RTS_ERROR_TEXT("Error with fsync"), jctl->status2);
					return ERR_JNLFSYNCERR;
			jfh_changed = FALSE;
		memset(&jnl_info, 0, SIZEOF(jnl_info));
		jnl_info.status = jnl_info.status2 = SS_NORMAL;
		jnl_info.prev_jnl = &prev_jnl_fn[0];
		set_jnl_info(rctl->gd, &jnl_info);
		jnl_info.prev_jnl_len = rctl->jctl_turn_around->jnl_fn_len;
		memcpy(jnl_info.prev_jnl, rctl->jctl_turn_around->jnl_fn, rctl->jctl_turn_around->jnl_fn_len);
		jnl_info.prev_jnl[jnl_info.prev_jnl_len] = 0;
		jnl_info.jnl_len = rctl->csd->jnl_file_len;
		memcpy(jnl_info.jnl, rctl->csd->jnl_file_name, jnl_info.jnl_len);
		jnl_info.jnl[jnl_info.jnl_len] = 0;
		assert(!mur_options.rollback || jgbl.mur_rollback);
		jnl_info.reg_seqno = rctl->jctl_turn_around->turn_around_seqno;
		jgbl.gbl_jrec_time = rctl->jctl_turn_around->turn_around_time;	/* time needed for cre_jnl_file_common() */
		if (EXIT_NRM != cre_jnl_file_common(&jnl_info, rename_fn, rename_fn_len))
			gtm_putmsg_csa(CSA_ARG(rctl->csa) VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_JNLNOCREATE, 2, jnl_info.jnl_len, jnl_info.jnl);
			return jnl_info.status;
#		ifdef UNIX
		if (jgbl.onlnrlbk)
			cs_addrs = rctl->csa;
			/* Mimic what jnl_file_close in case of cleanly a closed journal file */
			jpc = cs_addrs->jnl; /* the previous loop makes sure cs_addrs->jnl->jnl_buff is valid*/
			jpc->jnl_buff->cycle++; /* so that, all other processes knows to switch to newer journal file */
			jpc->cycle--; /* decrement cycle so jnl_ensure_open() knows to reopen the journal */
#		endif
		if (NULL != rctl->jctl_alt_head) /* remove the journal files created by last interrupted recover process */
			rctl->jctl_alt_head = NULL;
		/* From this point on, journal records are written into the newly created journal file. However, we still read
		 * from old journal files.