static void RestoreUnreadUrlAlerts(void) { CLISTEVENT cle = { sizeof(cle) }; cle.hIcon = Skin_LoadIcon(SKINICON_EVENT_URL); cle.pszService = "SRUrl/ReadUrl"; cle.flags = CLEF_TCHAR; for (MCONTACT hContact = db_find_first(); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact)) { MEVENT hDbEvent = db_event_firstUnread(hContact); while (hDbEvent) { DBEVENTINFO dbei = { sizeof(dbei) }; db_event_get(hDbEvent, &dbei); if ( !(dbei.flags&(DBEF_SENT|DBEF_READ)) && dbei.eventType == EVENTTYPE_URL) { TCHAR toolTip[256]; mir_sntprintf(toolTip, _countof(toolTip), TranslateT("URL from %s"), pcli->pfnGetContactDisplayName(hContact, 0)); cle.hContact = hContact; cle.hDbEvent = hDbEvent; cle.ptszTooltip = toolTip; CallService(MS_CLIST_ADDEVENT, 0, (LPARAM)&cle); } hDbEvent = db_event_next(hContact, hDbEvent); } } }
void CVkProto::GetServerHistoryLastNDay(MCONTACT hContact, int NDay) { debugLogA("CVkProto::SvcGetServerHistoryLastNDay %d", NDay); time_t tTime = time(NULL) - 60 * 60 * 24 * NDay; MEVENT hDBEvent = db_event_first(hContact); while (hDBEvent) { MEVENT hDBEventNext = db_event_next(hContact, hDBEvent); DBEVENTINFO dbei = { sizeof(dbei) }; db_event_get(hDBEvent, &dbei); if (dbei.timestamp > tTime) db_event_delete(hContact, hDBEvent); hDBEvent = hDBEventNext; } { mir_cslock lck(m_csLoadHistoryTask); m_iLoadHistoryTask++; if (NDay > 3) m_bNotifyForEndLoadingHistory = true; } db_unset(hContact, m_szModuleName, "lastmsgid"); GetServerHistory(hContact, 0, MAXHISTORYMIDSPERONE, tTime, 0); }
INT_PTR __cdecl CVkProto::SvcGetAllServerHistoryForContact(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM) { debugLogA("CVkProto::SvcGetAllServerHistoryForContact"); if (!IsOnline()) return 0; LPCTSTR str = TranslateT("Are you sure to reload all messages from\nLocal contact history will be deleted and reloaded from the server.\nIt may take a long time.\nDo you want to continue?"); if (IDNO == MessageBox(NULL, str, TranslateT("Attention!"), MB_ICONWARNING | MB_YESNO)) return 0; LONG userID = getDword(hContact, "ID", -1); if (userID == -1 || userID == VK_FEED_USER) return 0; MEVENT hDBEvent = db_event_first(hContact); while (hDBEvent) { MEVENT hDBEventNext = db_event_next(hContact, hDBEvent); db_event_delete(hContact, hDBEvent); hDBEvent = hDBEventNext; } m_bNotifyForEndLoadingHistory = true; db_unset(hContact, m_szModuleName, "lastmsgid"); GetServerHistory(hContact, 0, MAXHISTORYMIDSPERONE, 0, 0); return 1; }
int FillAvatarListFromDB(HWND list, MCONTACT hContact) { int max_pos = 0; BYTE blob[2048]; for (MEVENT hDbEvent = db_event_first(hContact); hDbEvent; hDbEvent = db_event_next(hContact, hDbEvent)) { DBEVENTINFO dbei = { sizeof(dbei) }; dbei.cbBlob = sizeof(blob); dbei.pBlob = blob; if (db_event_get(hDbEvent, &dbei) != 0) continue; if (dbei.eventType != EVENTTYPE_AVATAR_CHANGE) continue; // Get time TCHAR date[64]; TimeZone_ToStringT(dbei.timestamp, _T("d s"), date, _countof(date)); // Get file in disk TCHAR path[MAX_PATH]; ptrT tszStoredPath(mir_utf8decodeT((char*)dbei.pBlob)); PathToAbsoluteT(tszStoredPath, path); // Add to list ListEntry *le = new ListEntry(); le->hDbEvent = hDbEvent; le->filename = mir_tstrdup(path); max_pos = SendMessage(list,LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)date); SendMessage(list, LB_SETITEMDATA, max_pos, (LPARAM)le); } SendMessage(list, LB_SETCURSEL, max_pos, 0); // Set to first item return 0; }
void RemoveAllEvents(MCONTACT hContact) { MEVENT hDBEvent = db_event_first(hContact); while(hDBEvent) { MEVENT hDBEventNext = db_event_next(hContact, hDBEvent); db_event_delete(hContact, hDBEvent); hDBEvent = hDBEventNext; } }
void ClearNotificationContactHistory(LPCSTR acc) { MCONTACT hContact = db_get_dw(NULL, acc, PSEUDOCONTACT_LINK, 0); if (!hContact || !db_get_b(hContact, SHORT_PLUGIN_NAME, PSEUDOCONTACT_FLAG, 0)) return; for (MEVENT hEvent = db_event_first(hContact); hEvent;) { MEVENT hEvent1 = db_event_next(hContact, hEvent); db_event_delete(hContact, hEvent); hEvent = hEvent1; } }
void RestoreUnreadMessageAlerts(void) { DBEVENTINFO dbei = { sizeof(dbei) }; for (HANDLE hContact = db_find_first(); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact)) for (HANDLE hDbEvent = db_event_firstUnread(hContact); hDbEvent; hDbEvent = db_event_next(hDbEvent)) { dbei.cbBlob = 0; if (db_event_get(hDbEvent, &dbei) == 0) if ((dbei.flags & (DBEF_SENT|DBEF_READ))==0 && ((dbei.eventType==ICQEVENTTYPE_SMS) || (dbei.eventType==ICQEVENTTYPE_SMSCONFIRMATION))) if (dbei.cbBlob>MIN_SMS_DBEVENT_LEN) handleNewMessage((WPARAM)hContact,(LPARAM)hDbEvent); } for (HANDLE hDbEvent = db_event_firstUnread(NULL); hDbEvent; hDbEvent = db_event_next(hDbEvent)) { dbei.cbBlob = 0; if (db_event_get(hDbEvent, &dbei) == 0) if ((dbei.flags & (DBEF_SENT|DBEF_READ))==0 && ((dbei.eventType==ICQEVENTTYPE_SMS) || (dbei.eventType==ICQEVENTTYPE_SMSCONFIRMATION))) if (dbei.cbBlob > MIN_SMS_DBEVENT_LEN) handleNewMessage(NULL, (LPARAM)hDbEvent); } }
static void ProcessUnreadEvents(void) { for (auto &hContact : Contacts()) { for (MEVENT hDbEvent = db_event_firstUnread(hContact); hDbEvent; hDbEvent = db_event_next(hContact, hDbEvent)) { DBEVENTINFO dbei = {}; db_event_get(hDbEvent, &dbei); if (!(dbei.flags & (DBEF_SENT | DBEF_READ)) && dbei.eventType == EVENTTYPE_CONTACTS) { //process the event HookDBEventAdded(hContact, (LPARAM)hDbEvent); } } } }
static DWORD CALLBACK LogStreamInEvents(DWORD_PTR dwCookie, LPBYTE pbBuff, LONG cb, LONG * pcb) { struct LogStreamData *dat = (struct LogStreamData *) dwCookie; if (dat->buffer == NULL) { dat->bufferOffset = 0; switch (dat->stage) { case STREAMSTAGE_HEADER: dat->buffer = CreateRTFHeader(dat->dlgDat); dat->stage = STREAMSTAGE_EVENTS; break; case STREAMSTAGE_EVENTS: if (dat->eventsToInsert) { do { dat->buffer = CreateRTFFromDbEvent(dat->dlgDat, dat->hContact, dat->hDbEvent, dat); if (dat->buffer) dat->hDbEventLast = dat->hDbEvent; dat->hDbEvent = db_event_next(dat->hContact, dat->hDbEvent); if (--dat->eventsToInsert == 0) break; } while (dat->buffer == NULL && dat->hDbEvent); if (dat->buffer) { dat->isEmpty = 0; break; } } dat->stage = STREAMSTAGE_TAIL; //fall through case STREAMSTAGE_TAIL: dat->buffer = CreateRTFTail(dat->dlgDat); dat->stage = STREAMSTAGE_STOP; break; case STREAMSTAGE_STOP: *pcb = 0; return 0; } dat->bufferLen = (int)mir_strlen(dat->buffer); } *pcb = min(cb, dat->bufferLen - dat->bufferOffset); memcpy(pbBuff, dat->buffer + dat->bufferOffset, *pcb); dat->bufferOffset += *pcb; if (dat->bufferOffset == dat->bufferLen) { mir_free(dat->buffer); dat->buffer = NULL; } return 0; }
bool IsExistMyMessage(HANDLE hContact) { HANDLE hDbEvent = db_event_first(hContact); while(hDbEvent){ DBEVENTINFO dbei = { sizeof(dbei) }; if (db_event_get(hDbEvent, &dbei)) break; if (dbei.flags & DBEF_SENT){ // mark contact as Answered db_set_b(hContact, pluginName, answeredSetting, 1); // ...let the event go its way return true; } hDbEvent = db_event_next(hDbEvent); } return false; }
void CVkProto::NewsClearHistory() { debugLogA("CVkProto::NewsClearHistory"); MCONTACT hContact = FindUser(VK_FEED_USER); if (hContact == NULL || !m_bNewsAutoClearHistory) return; time_t tTime = time(NULL) - m_iNewsAutoClearHistoryInterval; MEVENT hDBEvent = db_event_first(hContact); while (hDBEvent) { MEVENT hDBEventNext = db_event_next(hContact, hDBEvent); DBEVENTINFO dbei = { sizeof(dbei) }; db_event_get(hDBEvent, &dbei); if (dbei.timestamp < tTime) db_event_delete(hContact, hDBEvent); hDBEvent = hDBEventNext; } }
static void RestoreUnreadMessageAlerts(void) { OBJLIST<MSavedEvent> arEvents(10, NumericKeySortT); for (MCONTACT hContact = db_find_first(); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact)) { for (MEVENT hDbEvent = db_event_firstUnread(hContact); hDbEvent; hDbEvent = db_event_next(hContact, hDbEvent)) { DBEVENTINFO dbei = { sizeof(dbei) }; dbei.cbBlob = 0; db_event_get(hDbEvent, &dbei); if ((dbei.flags & (DBEF_SENT | DBEF_READ)) || !DbEventIsMessageOrCustom(&dbei)) continue; int windowAlreadyExists = WindowList_Find(g_dat.hMessageWindowList, hContact) != NULL; if (windowAlreadyExists) continue; if (IsAutoPopup(hContact) && !windowAlreadyExists) { NewMessageWindowLParam newData = { 0 }; newData.hContact = hContact; newData.flags = NMWLP_INCOMING; HWND hParent = GetParentWindow(newData.hContact, FALSE); CreateDialogParam(g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_MSG), hParent, DlgProcMessage, (LPARAM)&newData); } else arEvents.insert(new MSavedEvent(hContact, hDbEvent)); } } TCHAR toolTip[256]; CLISTEVENT cle = {}; cle.hIcon = Skin_LoadIcon(SKINICON_EVENT_MESSAGE); cle.pszService = "SRMsg/ReadMessage"; cle.flags = CLEF_TCHAR; cle.ptszTooltip = toolTip; for (int i = 0; i < arEvents.getCount(); i++) { MSavedEvent &e = arEvents[i]; mir_sntprintf(toolTip, TranslateT("Message from %s"), pcli->pfnGetContactDisplayName(e.hContact, 0)); cle.hContact = e.hContact; cle.hDbEvent = e.hEvent; pcli->pfnAddEvent(&cle); } }
static void RestoreUnreadMessageAlerts(void) { TCHAR toolTip[256]; CLISTEVENT cle = { sizeof(cle) }; cle.hIcon = Skin_LoadIcon(SKINICON_EVENT_MESSAGE); cle.pszService = "SRMsg/ReadMessage"; cle.flags = CLEF_TCHAR; cle.ptszTooltip = toolTip; DBEVENTINFO dbei = { sizeof(dbei) }; for (MCONTACT hContact = db_find_first(); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact)) { for (MEVENT hDbEvent = db_event_firstUnread(hContact); hDbEvent; hDbEvent = db_event_next(hContact, hDbEvent)) { bool autoPopup = false; dbei.cbBlob = 0; db_event_get(hDbEvent, &dbei); if (!(dbei.flags & (DBEF_SENT | DBEF_READ)) && (dbei.eventType == EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE || DbEventIsForMsgWindow(&dbei))) { int windowAlreadyExists = WindowList_Find(g_dat.hMessageWindowList, hContact) != NULL; if (windowAlreadyExists) continue; char *szProto = GetContactProto(hContact); if (szProto && (g_dat.openFlags & SRMMStatusToPf2(CallProtoService(szProto, PS_GETSTATUS, 0, 0)))) autoPopup = true; if (autoPopup && !windowAlreadyExists) { NewMessageWindowLParam newData = { 0 }; newData.hContact = hContact; newData.noActivate = db_get_b(NULL, SRMMMOD, SRMSGSET_DONOTSTEALFOCUS, SRMSGDEFSET_DONOTSTEALFOCUS); CreateDialogParam(g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_MSG), NULL, DlgProcMessage, (LPARAM)& newData); } else { cle.hContact = hContact; cle.hDbEvent = hDbEvent; mir_sntprintf(toolTip, TranslateT("Message from %s"), pcli->pfnGetContactDisplayName(hContact, 0)); CallService(MS_CLIST_ADDEVENT, 0, (LPARAM)&cle); } } } } }
static int lua_EventIterator(lua_State *L) { MCONTACT hContact = luaL_checkinteger(L, lua_upvalueindex(1)); MEVENT hEvent = luaL_checkinteger(L, lua_upvalueindex(2)); hEvent = hEvent == NULL ? db_event_first(hContact) : db_event_next(hContact, hEvent); if (hEvent) { lua_pushinteger(L, hEvent); lua_pushvalue(L, -1); lua_replace(L, lua_upvalueindex(2)); } else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; }
void EventList::GetTempList(std::list<EventTempIndex>& tempList, bool noFilter, bool noExt, MCONTACT _hContact) { bool isWndLocal = isWnd; EventTempIndex ti; EventData data; EventIndex ei; ti.isExternal = false; ei.isExternal = false; MEVENT hDbEvent = db_event_first(_hContact); while (hDbEvent != NULL) { if (isWndLocal && !IsWindow(hWnd)) break; ei.hEvent = hDbEvent; if (GetEventData(ei, data)) { if (noFilter || CanShowHistory(&gdbei)) { ti.hEvent = hDbEvent; ti.timestamp = data.timestamp; tempList.push_back(ti); } } hDbEvent = db_event_next(_hContact, hDbEvent); } if (!noExt) { std::list<EventTempIndex>::iterator itL = tempList.begin(); ti.isExternal = true; for (int i = 0; i < (int)importedMessages.size(); ++i) { if (noFilter || CanShowHistory(importedMessages[i])) { DWORD ts = importedMessages[i].timestamp; while(itL != tempList.end() && itL->timestamp < ts)++itL; if (itL == tempList.end() || itL->timestamp > ts) { ti.exIdx = i; ti.timestamp = ts; tempList.insert(itL, ti); } } } } }
INT_PTR __cdecl CVkProto::SvcGetAllServerHistory(WPARAM, LPARAM) { debugLogA("CVkProto::SvcGetAllServerHistory start"); if (!IsOnline()) return 0; LPCTSTR str = TranslateT("Are you sure you want to reload all messages for all contacts from\nLocal contact history will be deleted and reloaded from the server.\nIt may take a very long time and/or corrupt Miranda database.\nWe recommend check your database before reloading messages and after it (Miranda32.exe /svc:dbchecker or Miranda64.exe /svc:dbchecker).\nDo you want to continue?"); if (IDNO == MessageBox(NULL, str, TranslateT("Attention!"), MB_ICONWARNING | MB_YESNO)) return 0; for (MCONTACT hContact = db_find_first(m_szModuleName); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact, m_szModuleName)) { LONG userID = getDword(hContact, "ID", -1); if (userID == -1 || userID == VK_FEED_USER) continue; MEVENT hDBEvent = db_event_first(hContact); while (hDBEvent) { MEVENT hDBEventNext = db_event_next(hContact, hDBEvent); db_event_delete(hContact, hDBEvent); hDBEvent = hDBEventNext; } { mir_cslock lck(m_csLoadHistoryTask); m_iLoadHistoryTask++; m_bNotifyForEndLoadingHistoryAllContact = m_bNotifyForEndLoadingHistory = true; debugLogA("CVkProto::SvcGetAllServerHistory for ID=%d m_iLoadHistoryTask=%d", userID, m_iLoadHistoryTask); } db_unset(hContact, m_szModuleName, "lastmsgid"); GetServerHistory(hContact, 0, MAXHISTORYMIDSPERONE, 0, 0); } return 1; }
// Returns TRUE if the event already exist in the database BOOL IsDuplicateEvent(MCONTACT hContact, DBEVENTINFO& dbei) { HANDLE hExistingDbEvent; DWORD dwEventTimeStamp; // get last event if (!(hExistingDbEvent = db_event_last(hContact))) return FALSE; DBEVENTINFO dbeiExisting = { sizeof(dbeiExisting) }; db_event_get(hExistingDbEvent, &dbeiExisting); dwEventTimeStamp = dbeiExisting.timestamp; // compare with last timestamp if (dbei.timestamp > dwEventTimeStamp) { // remember event hPreviousDbEvent = hExistingDbEvent; dwPreviousTimeStamp = dwEventTimeStamp; return FALSE; } if (hContact != hPreviousContact) { hPreviousContact = hContact; // remember event hPreviousDbEvent = hExistingDbEvent; dwPreviousTimeStamp = dwEventTimeStamp; // get first event if (!(hExistingDbEvent = db_event_first(hContact))) return FALSE; memset(&dbeiExisting, 0, sizeof(dbeiExisting)); dbeiExisting.cbSize = sizeof(dbeiExisting); db_event_get(hExistingDbEvent, &dbeiExisting); dwEventTimeStamp = dbeiExisting.timestamp; // compare with first timestamp if (dbei.timestamp <= dwEventTimeStamp) { // remember event dwPreviousTimeStamp = dwEventTimeStamp; hPreviousDbEvent = hExistingDbEvent; if ( dbei.timestamp != dwEventTimeStamp ) return FALSE; } } // check for equal timestamps if (dbei.timestamp == dwPreviousTimeStamp) { memset(&dbeiExisting, 0, sizeof(dbeiExisting)); dbeiExisting.cbSize = sizeof(dbeiExisting); db_event_get(hPreviousDbEvent, &dbeiExisting); if ((dbei.timestamp == dbeiExisting.timestamp) && (dbei.eventType == dbeiExisting.eventType) && (dbei.cbBlob == dbeiExisting.cbBlob) && ((dbei.flags&DBEF_SENT) == (dbeiExisting.flags&DBEF_SENT))) return TRUE; // find event with another timestamp hExistingDbEvent = db_event_next(hContact, hPreviousDbEvent); while (hExistingDbEvent != NULL) { memset(&dbeiExisting, 0, sizeof(dbeiExisting)); dbeiExisting.cbSize = sizeof(dbeiExisting); db_event_get(hExistingDbEvent, &dbeiExisting); if (dbeiExisting.timestamp != dwPreviousTimeStamp) { // use found event hPreviousDbEvent = hExistingDbEvent; dwPreviousTimeStamp = dbeiExisting.timestamp; break; } hPreviousDbEvent = hExistingDbEvent; hExistingDbEvent = db_event_next(hContact, hExistingDbEvent); } } hExistingDbEvent = hPreviousDbEvent; if (dbei.timestamp <= dwPreviousTimeStamp) { // look back while (hExistingDbEvent != NULL) { memset(&dbeiExisting, 0, sizeof(dbeiExisting)); dbeiExisting.cbSize = sizeof(dbeiExisting); db_event_get(hExistingDbEvent, &dbeiExisting); if (dbei.timestamp > dbeiExisting.timestamp) { // remember event hPreviousDbEvent = hExistingDbEvent; dwPreviousTimeStamp = dbeiExisting.timestamp; return FALSE; } // Compare event with import candidate if ((dbei.timestamp == dbeiExisting.timestamp) && (dbei.eventType == dbeiExisting.eventType) && (dbei.cbBlob == dbeiExisting.cbBlob) && ((dbei.flags & DBEF_SENT) == (dbeiExisting.flags & DBEF_SENT))) { // remember event hPreviousDbEvent = hExistingDbEvent; dwPreviousTimeStamp = dbeiExisting.timestamp; return TRUE; } // Get previous event in chain hExistingDbEvent = db_event_prev(hContact, hExistingDbEvent); } } else { // look forward while (hExistingDbEvent != NULL) { memset(&dbeiExisting, 0, sizeof(dbeiExisting)); dbeiExisting.cbSize = sizeof(dbeiExisting); db_event_get(hExistingDbEvent, &dbeiExisting); if (dbei.timestamp < dbeiExisting.timestamp) { // remember event hPreviousDbEvent = hExistingDbEvent; dwPreviousTimeStamp = dbeiExisting.timestamp; return FALSE; } // Compare event with import candidate if ((dbei.timestamp == dbeiExisting.timestamp) && (dbei.eventType == dbeiExisting.eventType) && (dbei.cbBlob == dbeiExisting.cbBlob) && ((dbei.flags&DBEF_SENT) == (dbeiExisting.flags&DBEF_SENT))) { // remember event hPreviousDbEvent = hExistingDbEvent; dwPreviousTimeStamp = dbeiExisting.timestamp; return TRUE; } // Get next event in chain hExistingDbEvent = db_event_next(hContact, hExistingDbEvent); } } // reset last event hPreviousContact = INVALID_CONTACT_ID; return FALSE; }
static MEVENT findDbEvent(MCONTACT hContact, MEVENT hDbEvent, int flags) { DBEVENTINFO dbe; BOOL bEventOk; do { memset(&dbe, 0, sizeof(DBEVENTINFO)); dbe.cbSize = sizeof(DBEVENTINFO); dbe.cbBlob = 0; dbe.pBlob = NULL; if (hContact != NULL) { if ((flags & DBE_FIRST) && (flags & DBE_UNREAD)) { hDbEvent = db_event_firstUnread(hContact); if (hDbEvent == NULL && (flags & DBE_READ)) hDbEvent = db_event_first(hContact); } else if (flags & DBE_FIRST) hDbEvent = db_event_first(hContact); else if (flags & DBE_LAST) hDbEvent = db_event_last(hContact); else if (flags & DBE_NEXT) hDbEvent = db_event_next(hContact, hDbEvent); else if (flags & DBE_PREV) hDbEvent = db_event_prev(hContact, hDbEvent); } else { MEVENT hMatchEvent = NULL, hSearchEvent = NULL; DWORD matchTimestamp = 0, priorTimestamp = 0; if (flags & DBE_FIRST) { for (MCONTACT hSearchContact = db_find_first(); hSearchContact; hSearchContact = db_find_next(hSearchContact)) { hSearchEvent = findDbEvent(hSearchContact, NULL, flags); dbe.cbBlob = 0; if (!db_event_get(hSearchEvent, &dbe)) { if ((dbe.timestamp < matchTimestamp) || (matchTimestamp == 0)) { hMatchEvent = hSearchEvent; matchTimestamp = dbe.timestamp; } } } hDbEvent = hMatchEvent; } else if (flags & DBE_LAST) { for (MCONTACT hSearchContact = db_find_first(); hSearchContact; hSearchContact = db_find_next(hSearchContact)) { hSearchEvent = findDbEvent(hSearchContact, NULL, flags); dbe.cbBlob = 0; if (!db_event_get(hSearchEvent, &dbe)) { if ((dbe.timestamp > matchTimestamp) || (matchTimestamp == 0)) { hMatchEvent = hSearchEvent; matchTimestamp = dbe.timestamp; } } } hDbEvent = hMatchEvent; } else if (flags & DBE_NEXT) { dbe.cbBlob = 0; if (!db_event_get(hDbEvent, &dbe)) { priorTimestamp = dbe.timestamp; for (MCONTACT hSearchContact = db_find_first(); hSearchContact; hSearchContact = db_find_next(hSearchContact)) { hSearchEvent = findDbEvent(hSearchContact, hDbEvent, flags); dbe.cbBlob = 0; if (!db_event_get(hSearchEvent, &dbe)) { if (((dbe.timestamp < matchTimestamp) || (matchTimestamp == 0)) && (dbe.timestamp > priorTimestamp)) { hMatchEvent = hSearchEvent; matchTimestamp = dbe.timestamp; } } } hDbEvent = hMatchEvent; } } else if (flags & DBE_PREV) { if (!db_event_get(hDbEvent, &dbe)) { priorTimestamp = dbe.timestamp; for (MCONTACT hSearchContact = db_find_first(); hSearchContact; hSearchContact = db_find_next(hSearchContact)) { hSearchEvent = findDbEvent(hSearchContact, hDbEvent, flags); dbe.cbBlob = 0; if (!db_event_get(hSearchEvent, &dbe)) { if (((dbe.timestamp > matchTimestamp) || (matchTimestamp == 0)) && (dbe.timestamp < priorTimestamp)) { hMatchEvent = hSearchEvent; matchTimestamp = dbe.timestamp; } } } hDbEvent = hMatchEvent; } } } dbe.cbBlob = 0; if (db_event_get(hDbEvent, &dbe)) bEventOk = FALSE; else bEventOk = isValidDbEvent(&dbe, flags); if (!bEventOk) { if (flags&DBE_FIRST) { flags |= DBE_NEXT; flags &= ~DBE_FIRST; } else if (flags&DBE_LAST) { flags |= DBE_PREV; flags &= ~DBE_LAST; } } } while ((!bEventOk) && (hDbEvent != NULL)); return hDbEvent; }
//Sweep history from specified contact void SweepHistoryFromContact(MCONTACT hContact, CriteriaStruct Criteria, BOOL keepUnread) { int lPolicy; if (hContact == NULL) // for system history lPolicy = db_get_b(NULL, ModuleName, "SweepSHistory", 0); else // for contact history (or "SweepHistory" - default action) lPolicy = db_get_b(hContact, ModuleName, "SweepHistory", db_get_b(NULL, ModuleName, "SweepHistory", 0)); if (lPolicy == 0) return; // nothing to do int eventsCnt = db_event_count(hContact); if (eventsCnt == 0) return; BOOL doDelete, unsafe = db_get_b(NULL, ModuleName, "UnsafeMode", 0); BEventData *books, *item, ev = { 0 }; size_t bookcnt, btshift; SetCursor(LoadCursor(0, IDC_WAIT)); // switch off SAFETYMODE if necessary if (unsafe) CallService(MS_DB_SETSAFETYMODE, 0, 0); GetBookmarks(hContact, &books, &bookcnt); // Get first event for (MEVENT hDBEvent = db_event_first(hContact); hDBEvent != NULL; ) { DBEVENTINFO dbei = { sizeof(dbei) }; db_event_get(hDBEvent, &dbei); // should we stop processing? // lPolicy == 1 - for time criterion, lPolicy == 2 - keep N last events, lPolicy == 3 - delete all events if ((lPolicy == 1 && (unsigned)Criteria.time < dbei.timestamp) || (lPolicy == 2 && Criteria.keep > --eventsCnt)) break; doDelete = TRUE; if (!(dbei.flags & (DBEF_SENT | DBEF_READ)) && keepUnread) doDelete = FALSE; // keep unread events if (bookcnt != 0) { // keep bookmarks ev.hDBEvent = hDBEvent; item = (BEventData*)bsearch(&ev, books, bookcnt, sizeof(BEventData), CompareBookmarks); if (item != NULL && item->Timestamp == dbei.timestamp) { doDelete = FALSE; btshift = (--bookcnt - (item - books))*sizeof(BEventData); if (btshift) memmove(item, item + 1, btshift); } } // find next event MEVENT hDBEventNext = db_event_next(hContact, hDBEvent); if (doDelete) db_event_delete(hContact, hDBEvent); hDBEvent = hDBEventNext; } mir_free(books); // switch ON safety mode as fast as we can to avoid DB corruption if (unsafe) CallService(MS_DB_SETSAFETYMODE, 1, 0); SetCursor(LoadCursor(0, IDC_ARROW)); }
static INT_PTR LinkList_Main(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM) { HANDLE hContact = (HANDLE)wParam; HWND hWnd = WindowList_Find(hWindowList, hContact); if ( hWnd != NULL ) { int len; SetForegroundWindow(hWnd); SetFocus(hWnd); len = GetWindowTextLength(GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_MAIN)); PostMessage(GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_MAIN), EM_SETSEL, (WPARAM)len, (LPARAM)len); return 0; } HANDLE hEvent = db_event_first(hContact); if (hEvent == NULL) { MessageBox(NULL, TXT_EMPTYHISTORY, TXT_PLUGINNAME, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION ); return 0; } int histCount = db_event_count(hContact), actCount = 0; DBEVENTINFO dbe = { sizeof(dbe) }; dbe.cbBlob = db_event_getBlobSize(hEvent); dbe.pBlob = (PBYTE)malloc(dbe.cbBlob+1); db_event_get(hEvent, &dbe); dbe.pBlob[dbe.cbBlob] = 0; RECT DesktopRect; GetWindowRect(GetDesktopWindow(), &DesktopRect); HWND hWndProgress = CreateWindow(_T("Progressbar"), TranslateT("Processing history..."), WS_OVERLAPPED, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, 350, 45, NULL, NULL, hInst, NULL); if ( hWndProgress == 0 ) { free(dbe.pBlob); MessageBox(NULL, TranslateT("Could not create window!"), TranslateT("Error"), MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION ); return -1; } SetWindowPos(hWndProgress, HWND_TOP, (int)(DesktopRect.right*0.5)-175, (int)(DesktopRect.bottom*0.5)-22, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE); ShowWindow(hWndProgress, SW_SHOW); SetForegroundWindow(hWndProgress); LISTELEMENT *listStart = (LISTELEMENT*)malloc(sizeof(LISTELEMENT)); ZeroMemory(listStart, sizeof(LISTELEMENT)); while( 1 ) { if ( dbe.eventType == EVENTTYPE_URL || dbe.eventType == EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE ) { // Call function to find URIs if ( ExtractURI(&dbe, hEvent, listStart) < 0 ) { free(dbe.pBlob); RemoveList(listStart); MessageBox(NULL, TranslateT("Could not allocate memory!"), TranslateT("Error"), MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); return -1; } } actCount++; if ( ((int)(((float)actCount/histCount)*100.00)) % 10 == 0 ) SendMessage(hWndProgress, WM_COMMAND, 100, ((int)(((float)actCount/histCount)*100.00))); hEvent = db_event_next(hEvent); if ( hEvent == NULL ) break; free(dbe.pBlob); dbe.cbBlob = db_event_getBlobSize(hEvent); dbe.pBlob = (PBYTE)malloc(dbe.cbBlob+1); db_event_get(hEvent, &dbe); dbe.pBlob[dbe.cbBlob] = 0; } free(dbe.pBlob); SendMessage(hWndProgress, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); if ( ListCount(listStart) <= 0 ) { RemoveList(listStart); MessageBox(NULL, TXT_NOLINKINHISTORY, TXT_PLUGINNAME, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION); return 0; } DIALOGPARAM *DlgParam = (DIALOGPARAM*)malloc(sizeof(DIALOGPARAM)); DlgParam->hContact = hContact; DlgParam->listStart = listStart; DlgParam->findMessage = 0; DlgParam->chrg.cpMax = -1; DlgParam->chrg.cpMin = -1; HWND hWndMain = CreateDialogParam(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_MAIN_DLG), NULL, MainDlgProc, (LPARAM)DlgParam); if (hWndMain == 0) { RemoveList(listStart); MessageBox(NULL, TranslateT("Could not create window!"), TranslateT("Error"), MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION ); return -1; } ShowWindow(hWndMain, SW_SHOW); return 0; }