예제 #1
** COMMAND: tarball*
** Usage: %fossil tarball VERSION OUTPUTFILE [--name DIRECTORYNAME] [-R|--repository REPO]
** Generate a compressed tarball for a specified version.  If the --name
** option is used, its argument becomes the name of the top-level directory
** in the resulting tarball.  If --name is omitted, the top-level directory
** named is derived from the project name, the check-in date and time, and
** the artifact ID of the check-in.
void tarball_cmd(void){
  int rid;
  Blob tarball;
  const char *zName;
  zName = find_option("name", 0, 1);
  db_find_and_open_repository(0, 0);
  if( g.argc!=4 ){
  rid = name_to_typed_rid(g.argv[2], "ci");
  if( rid==0 ){
    fossil_fatal("Checkin not found: %s", g.argv[2]);

  if( zName==0 ){
    zName = db_text("default-name",
       "SELECT replace(%Q,' ','_') "
          " || strftime('_%%Y-%%m-%%d_%%H%%M%%S_', event.mtime) "
          " || substr(blob.uuid, 1, 10)"
       "  FROM event, blob"
       " WHERE event.objid=%d"
       "   AND blob.rid=%d",
       db_get("project-name", "unnamed"), rid, rid
  tarball_of_checkin(rid, &tarball, zName);
  blob_write_to_file(&tarball, g.argv[3]);
예제 #2
파일: branch.c 프로젝트: oopos/fossil
** COMMAND: branch
** Usage: %fossil branch SUBCOMMAND ... ?OPTIONS?
** Run various subcommands to manage branches of the open repository or
** of the repository identified by the -R or --repository option.
**    %fossil branch new BRANCH-NAME BASIS ?--bgcolor COLOR? ?--private?
**        Create a new branch BRANCH-NAME off of check-in BASIS.
**        You can optionally give the branch a default color.  The
**        --private option makes the branch private.
**    %fossil branch list ?-all | --closed?
**    %fossil branch ls ?-all | --closed?
**        List all branches.  Use --all or --closed to list all branches
**        or closed branches.  The default is to show only open branches.
** Options:
**    -R|--repository FILE       Run commands on repository FILE
void branch_cmd(void){
  int n;
  const char *zCmd = "list";
  db_find_and_open_repository(0, 0);
  if( g.argc<2 ){
    usage("new|list|ls ...");
  if( g.argc>=3 ) zCmd = g.argv[2];
  n = strlen(zCmd);
  if( strncmp(zCmd,"new",n)==0 ){
  }else if( (strncmp(zCmd,"list",n)==0)||(strncmp(zCmd, "ls", n)==0) ){
    Stmt q;
    int vid;
    char *zCurrent = 0;
    int showAll = find_option("all",0,0)!=0;
    int showClosed = find_option("closed",0,0)!=0;

    if( g.localOpen ){
      vid = db_lget_int("checkout", 0);
      zCurrent = db_text(0, "SELECT value FROM tagxref"
                            " WHERE rid=%d AND tagid=%d", vid, TAG_BRANCH);
    branch_prepare_list_query(&q, showAll?1:(showClosed?-1:0));
    while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
      const char *zBr = db_column_text(&q, 0);
      int isCur = zCurrent!=0 && fossil_strcmp(zCurrent,zBr)==0;
      fossil_print("%s%s\n", (isCur ? "* " : "  "), zBr);
    fossil_panic("branch subcommand should be one of: "
                 "new list ls");
예제 #3
** COMMAND: sqlite3
** Usage: %fossil sqlite3 ?DATABASE? ?OPTIONS?
** Run the standalone sqlite3 command-line shell on DATABASE with OPTIONS.
** If DATABASE is omitted, then the repository that serves the working
** directory is opened.
** WARNING:  Careless use of this command can corrupt a Fossil repository
** in ways that are unrecoverable.  Be sure you know what you are doing before
** running any SQL commands that modifies the repository database.
void sqlite3_cmd(void){
  extern int sqlite3_shell(int, char**);
  db_find_and_open_repository(OPEN_ANY_SCHEMA, 0);
  sqlite3_shell(g.argc-1, g.argv+1);
예제 #4
** COMMAND: bundle
** Usage: %fossil bundle SUBCOMMAND ARGS...
**   fossil bundle append BUNDLE FILE...
**      Add files named on the command line to BUNDLE.  This subcommand has
**      little practical use and is mostly intended for testing.
**   fossil bundle cat BUNDLE UUID...
**      Extract one or more artifacts from the bundle and write them
**      consecutively on standard output.  This subcommand was designed
**      for testing and introspection of bundles and is not something
**      commonly used.
**   fossil bundle export BUNDLE ?OPTIONS?
**      Generate a new bundle, in the file named BUNDLE, that contains a
**      subset of the check-ins in the repository (usually a single branch)
**      described by the --branch, --from, --to, and/or --checkin options,
**      at least one of which is required.  If BUNDLE already exists, the
**      specified content is added to the bundle.
**         --branch BRANCH            Package all check-ins on BRANCH.
**         --from TAG1 --to TAG2      Package check-ins between TAG1 and TAG2.
**         --checkin TAG              Package the single check-in TAG
**         --standalone               Do no use delta-encoding against
**                                      artifacts not in the bundle
**   fossil bundle extend BUNDLE
**      The BUNDLE must already exist.  This subcommand adds to the bundle
**      any check-ins that are descendants of check-ins already in the bundle,
**      and any tags that apply to artifacts in the bundle.
**   fossil bundle import BUNDLE ?--publish?
**      Import all content from BUNDLE into the repository.  By default, the
**      imported files are private and will not sync.  Use the --publish
**      option makes the import public.
**   fossil bundle ls BUNDLE
**      List the contents of BUNDLE on standard output
**   fossil bundle purge BUNDLE
**      Remove from the repository all files that are used exclusively
**      by check-ins in BUNDLE.  This has the effect of undoing a
**      "fossil bundle import".
**   fossil bundle append BUNDLE FILE...              Add files to BUNDLE
**   fossil bundle cat BUNDLE UUID...                 Extract file from BUNDLE
**   fossil bundle export BUNDLE ?OPTIONS?            Create a new BUNDLE
**          --branch BRANCH --from TAG1 --to TAG2       Check-ins to include
**          --checkin TAG                               Use only check-in TAG
**          --standalone                                Omit dependencies
**   fossil bundle extend BUNDLE                      Update with newer content
**   fossil bundle import BUNDLE ?OPTIONS?            Import a bundle
**          --publish                                   Publish the import
**          --force                                     Cross-repo import
**   fossil bundle ls BUNDLE                          List content of a bundle
**   fossil bundle purge BUNDLE                       Undo an import
** See also: publish
void bundle_cmd(void){
  const char *zSubcmd;
  int n;
  if( g.argc<4 ) usage("SUBCOMMAND BUNDLE ?OPTIONS?");
  zSubcmd = g.argv[2];
  n = (int)strlen(zSubcmd);
  if( strncmp(zSubcmd, "append", n)==0 ){
  }else if( strncmp(zSubcmd, "cat", n)==0 ){
  }else if( strncmp(zSubcmd, "export", n)==0 ){
  }else if( strncmp(zSubcmd, "extend", n)==0 ){
    fossil_fatal("not yet implemented");
  }else if( strncmp(zSubcmd, "import", n)==0 ){
  }else if( strncmp(zSubcmd, "ls", n)==0 ){
  }else if( strncmp(zSubcmd, "purge", n)==0 ){
    fossil_fatal("unknown subcommand for bundle: %s", zSubcmd);
예제 #5
파일: branch.c 프로젝트: 3615pipou/coopy
** COMMAND: branch
** Usage: %fossil branch SUBCOMMAND ... ?-R|--repository FILE?
** Run various subcommands to manage branches of the open repository or
** of the repository identified by the -R or --repository option.
**    %fossil branch new BRANCH-NAME BASIS ?-bgcolor COLOR? 
**        Create a new branch BRANCH-NAME off of check-in BASIS.
**        You can optionally give the branch a default color.
**    %fossil branch list
**        List all branches
void branch_cmd(void){
  int n;
  if( g.argc<3 ){
    usage("new|list ...");
  n = strlen(g.argv[2]);
  if( n>=2 && strncmp(g.argv[2],"new",n)==0 ){
  }else if( n>=2 && strncmp(g.argv[2],"list",n)==0 ){
    Stmt q;
      "   AND blob.rid IN (SELECT rid FROM tagxref"
      "                     WHERE tagid=%d AND tagtype==2 AND srcid!=0)"
      " ORDER BY event.mtime DESC",
      timeline_query_for_tty(), TAG_BRANCH
    print_timeline(&q, 2000);
    fossil_panic("branch subcommand should be one of: "
                 "new list");
예제 #6
** COMMAND: test-orphans
** Search the repository for orphaned artifacts
void test_orphans(void){
  Stmt q;
  int cnt = 0;

  db_find_and_open_repository(0, 0);
    "INSERT INTO used SELECT mid FROM mlink;"  /* Manifests */
    "INSERT INTO used SELECT fid FROM mlink;"  /* Files */
    "INSERT INTO used SELECT srcid FROM tagxref WHERE srcid>0;" /* Tags */
    "INSERT INTO used SELECT rid FROM tagxref;" /* Wiki & tickets */
    "INSERT INTO used SELECT rid FROM attachment JOIN blob ON src=uuid;"
    "INSERT INTO used SELECT attachid FROM attachment;"
    "INSERT INTO used SELECT objid FROM event;"
  db_prepare(&q, "SELECT rid, uuid, size FROM blob WHERE rid NOT IN used");
  while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    fossil_print("%7d %s size: %d\n",
      db_column_int(&q, 0),
      db_column_text(&q, 1),
  fossil_print("%d orphans\n", cnt);
예제 #7
** COMMAND: test-missing
** Usage: %fossil test-missing
** Look at every artifact in the repository and verify that
** all references are satisfied.  Report any referenced artifacts
** that are missing or shunned.
** Options:
**    --notshunned          Do not report shunned artifacts
**    --quiet               Only show output if there are errors
void test_missing(void){
  Stmt q;
  Blob content;
  int nErr = 0;
  int nArtifact = 0;
  int i;
  Manifest *p;
  unsigned flags = 0;
  int quietFlag;

  if( find_option("notshunned", 0, 0)!=0 ) flags |= MISSING_SHUNNED;
  quietFlag = find_option("quiet","q",0)!=0;
  db_find_and_open_repository(OPEN_ANY_SCHEMA, 0);
     "SELECT mid FROM mlink UNION "
     "SELECT srcid FROM tagxref WHERE srcid>0 UNION "
     "SELECT rid FROM tagxref UNION "
     "SELECT rid FROM attachment JOIN blob ON src=uuid UNION "
     "SELECT objid FROM event");
  while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    int rid = db_column_int(&q, 0);
    content_get(rid, &content);
    p = manifest_parse(&content, rid, 0);
    if( p ){
      nErr += check_exists(p->zBaseline, flags, p, "baseline of", 0);
      nErr += check_exists(p->zAttachSrc, flags, p, "file of", 0);
      for(i=0; i<p->nFile; i++){
        nErr += check_exists(p->aFile[i].zUuid, flags, p, "file of", 
      for(i=0; i<p->nParent; i++){
        nErr += check_exists(p->azParent[i], flags, p, "parent of", 0);
      for(i=0; i<p->nCherrypick; i++){
        nErr +=  check_exists(p->aCherrypick[i].zCPTarget+1, flags, p,
                              "cherry-pick target of", 0);
        nErr +=  check_exists(p->aCherrypick[i].zCPBase, flags, p,
                              "cherry-pick baseline of", 0);
      for(i=0; i<p->nCChild; i++){
        nErr += check_exists(p->azCChild[i], flags, p, "in", 0);
      for(i=0; i<p->nTag; i++){
        nErr += check_exists(p->aTag[i].zUuid, flags, p, "target of", 0);
  if( nErr>0 || quietFlag==0 ){
    fossil_print("%d missing or shunned references in %d control artifacts\n",
                 nErr, nArtifact);
예제 #8
** COMMAND:  test-detach  ?REPOSITORY?
** Change the project-code and make other changes in order to prevent
** the repository from ever again pushing or pulling to other
** repositories.  Used to create a "test" repository for development
** testing by cloning a working project repository.
void test_detach_cmd(void){
  db_find_and_open_repository(0, 2);
    "DELETE FROM config WHERE name='last-sync-url';"
    "UPDATE config SET value=lower(hex(randomblob(20)))"
    " WHERE name='project-code';"
    "UPDATE config SET value='detached-' || value"
    " WHERE name='project-name' AND value NOT GLOB 'detached-*';"
예제 #9
** COMMAND: test-subtree
** Usage: %fossil test-subtree ?OPTIONS?
** Show the subset of check-ins that match the supplied options.  This
** command is used to test the subtree_from_options() subroutine in the
** implementation and does not really have any other practical use that
** we know of.
** Options:
**    --branch BRANCH           Include only check-ins on BRANCH
**    --from TAG                Start the subtree at TAG
**    --to TAG                  End the subtree at TAG
**    --checkin TAG             The subtree is the single check-in TAG
**    --all                     Include FILE and TAG artifacts
**    --exclusive               Include FILES exclusively on check-ins
void test_subtree_cmd(void){
  int bAll = find_option("all",0,0)!=0;
  int bExcl = find_option("exclusive",0,0)!=0;
  db_multi_exec("CREATE TEMP TABLE tobundle(rid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY);");
  if( bAll ) find_checkin_associates("tobundle",bExcl);
  describe_artifacts_to_stdout("IN tobundle", 0);
예제 #10
** COMMAND: leaves*
** Usage: %fossil leaves ?OPTIONS?
** Find leaves of all branches.  By default show only open leaves.
** The -a|--all flag causes all leaves (closed and open) to be shown.
** The -c|--closed flag shows only closed leaves.
** The --recompute flag causes the content of the "leaf" table in the
** repository database to be recomputed.
** Options:
**   -a|--all     show ALL leaves
**   -c|--closed  show only closed leaves
**   --bybranch   order output by branch name
**   --recompute  recompute the "leaf" table in the repository DB
** See also: descendants, finfo, info, branch
void leaves_cmd(void){
  Stmt q;
  Blob sql;
  int showAll = find_option("all", "a", 0)!=0;
  int showClosed = find_option("closed", "c", 0)!=0;
  int recomputeFlag = find_option("recompute",0,0)!=0;
  int byBranch = find_option("bybranch",0,0)!=0;
  char *zLastBr = 0;
  int n;
  char zLineNo[10];

  if( recomputeFlag ) leaf_rebuild();
  blob_append(&sql, timeline_query_for_tty(), -1);
  blob_appendf(&sql, " AND blob.rid IN leaf");
  if( showClosed ){
    blob_appendf(&sql," AND %z", leaf_is_closed_sql("blob.rid"));
  }else if( !showAll ){
    blob_appendf(&sql," AND NOT %z", leaf_is_closed_sql("blob.rid"));
  if( byBranch ){
    db_prepare(&q, "%s ORDER BY nullif(branch,'trunk') COLLATE nocase,"
                   " event.mtime DESC",
    db_prepare(&q, "%s ORDER BY event.mtime DESC", blob_str(&sql));
  n = 0;
  while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    const char *zId = db_column_text(&q, 1);
    const char *zDate = db_column_text(&q, 2);
    const char *zCom = db_column_text(&q, 3);
    const char *zBr = db_column_text(&q, 7);
    char *z;

    if( byBranch && fossil_strcmp(zBr, zLastBr)!=0 ){
      fossil_print("*** %s ***\n", zBr);
      zLastBr = fossil_strdup(zBr);
    sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zLineNo), zLineNo, "(%d)", n);
    fossil_print("%6s ", zLineNo);
    z = mprintf("%s [%.10s] %s", zDate, zId, zCom);
    comment_print(z, 7, 79);
예제 #11
** COMMAND: test-ticket-rebuild
** Usage: %fossil test-ticket-rebuild TICKETID|all
** Rebuild the TICKET and TICKETCHNG tables for the given ticket ID
** or for ALL.
void test_ticket_rebuild(void){
  db_find_and_open_repository(0, 0);
  if( g.argc!=3 ) usage("TICKETID|all");
  if( fossil_strcmp(g.argv[2], "all")==0 ){
    const char *zUuid;
    zUuid = db_text(0, "SELECT substr(tagname,5) FROM tag"
                       " WHERE tagname GLOB 'tkt-%q*'", g.argv[2]);
    if( zUuid==0 ) fossil_fatal("no such ticket: %s", g.argv[2]);
예제 #12
** COMMAND: scrub*
** %fossil scrub ?OPTIONS? ?REPOSITORY?
** The command removes sensitive information (such as passwords) from a
** repository so that the repository can be sent to an untrusted reader.
** By default, only passwords are removed.  However, if the --verily option
** is added, then private branches, concealed email addresses, IP
** addresses of correspondents, and similar privacy-sensitive fields
** are also purged.  If the --private option is used, then only private
** branches are removed and all other information is left intact.
** This command permanently deletes the scrubbed information. THE EFFECTS
** The user is prompted to confirm the scrub unless the --force option
** is used.
** Options:
**   --force     do not prompt for confirmation
**   --private   only private branches are removed from the repository
**   --verily    scrub real thoroughly (see above)
void scrub_cmd(void){
  int bVerily = find_option("verily",0,0)!=0;
  int bForce = find_option("force", "f", 0)!=0;
  int privateOnly = find_option("private",0,0)!=0;
  int bNeedRebuild = 0;
  db_find_and_open_repository(OPEN_ANY_SCHEMA, 2);
  if( !bForce ){
    Blob ans;
    char cReply;
         "Scrubbing the repository will permanently delete information.\n"
         "Changes cannot be undone.  Continue (y/N)? ", &ans);
    cReply = blob_str(&ans)[0];
    if( cReply!='y' && cReply!='Y' ){
  if( privateOnly || bVerily ){
    bNeedRebuild = db_exists("SELECT 1 FROM private");
  if( !privateOnly ){
      "UPDATE user SET pw='';"
      "DELETE FROM config WHERE name GLOB 'last-sync-*';"
      "DELETE FROM config WHERE name GLOB 'peer-*';"
      "DELETE FROM config WHERE name GLOB 'login-group-*';"
      "DELETE FROM config WHERE name GLOB 'skin:*';"
      "DELETE FROM config WHERE name GLOB 'subrepo:*';"
    if( bVerily ){
        "DELETE FROM concealed;"
        "UPDATE rcvfrom SET ipaddr='unknown';"
        "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS accesslog;"
        "UPDATE user SET photo=NULL, info='';"
  if( !bNeedRebuild ){
    rebuild_db(0, 1, 0);
예제 #13
** COMMAND: artifact*
** Usage: %fossil artifact ARTIFACT-ID ?OUTPUT-FILENAME? ?OPTIONS?
** Extract an artifact by its SHA1 hash and write the results on
** standard output, or if the optional 4th argument is given, in
** the named output file.
** Options:
**    -R|--repository FILE       Extract artifacts from repository FILE
** See also: finfo
void artifact_cmd(void){
  int rid;
  Blob content;
  const char *zFile;
  db_find_and_open_repository(OPEN_ANY_SCHEMA, 0);
  if( g.argc!=4 && g.argc!=3 ) usage("ARTIFACT-ID ?FILENAME? ?OPTIONS?");
  zFile = g.argc==4 ? g.argv[3] : "-";
  rid = name_to_rid(g.argv[2]);
  if( rid==0 ){
  content_get(rid, &content);
  blob_write_to_file(&content, zFile);
예제 #14
** COMMAND:  test-create-clusters
** Create clusters for all unclustered artifacts if the number of unclustered
** artifacts exceeds the current clustering threshold.
void test_createcluster_cmd(void){
  if( g.argc==3 ){
    db_find_and_open_repository(0, 0);
    if( g.argc!=2 ){
예제 #15
** TH1 command:     repository ?BOOLEAN?
** Return the fully qualified file name of the open repository or an empty
** string if one is not currently open.  Optionally, it will attempt to open
** the repository if the boolean argument is non-zero.
static int repositoryCmd(
  Th_Interp *interp,
  void *p, 
  int argc, 
  const char **argv, 
  int *argl
  int openRepository;

  if( argc!=1 && argc!=2 ){
    return Th_WrongNumArgs(interp, "repository ?BOOLEAN?");
  if( argc==2 ){
    if( Th_ToInt(interp, argv[1], argl[1], &openRepository) ){
      return TH_ERROR;
    if( openRepository ) db_find_and_open_repository(OPEN_OK_NOT_FOUND, 0);
  Th_SetResult(interp, g.zRepositoryName, -1);
  return TH_OK;
예제 #16
** COMMAND: descendants*
** Usage: %fossil descendants ?BASELINE-ID? ?OPTIONS?
** Find all leaf descendants of the baseline specified or if the argument
** is omitted, of the baseline currently checked out.
** Options:
**    -R|--repository FILE       Extract info from repository FILE
** See also: finfo, info, leaves
void descendants_cmd(void){
  Stmt q;
  int base;

  if( g.argc==2 ){
    base = db_lget_int("checkout", 0);
    base = name_to_typed_rid(g.argv[2], "ci");
  if( base==0 ) return;
  compute_leaves(base, 0);
    "   AND event.objid IN (SELECT rid FROM leaves)"
    " ORDER BY event.mtime DESC",
  print_timeline(&q, -20, 79, 0);
예제 #17
** COMMAND: leaves*
** Usage: %fossil leaves ?OPTIONS?
** Find leaves of all branches.  By default show only open leaves.
** The --all flag causes all leaves (closed and open) to be shown.
** The --closed flag shows only closed leaves.
** The --recompute flag causes the content of the "leaf" table in the
** repository database to be recomputed.
** Options:
**   --all        show ALL leaves
**   --closed     show only closed leaves
**   --recompute  recompute the "leaf" table in the repository DB
** See also: descendants, finfo, info, branch
void leaves_cmd(void) {
    Stmt q;
    Blob sql;
    int showAll = find_option("all", 0, 0)!=0;
    int showClosed = find_option("closed", 0, 0)!=0;
    int recomputeFlag = find_option("recompute",0,0)!=0;

    if( recomputeFlag ) leaf_rebuild();
    blob_append(&sql, timeline_query_for_tty(), -1);
    blob_appendf(&sql, " AND blob.rid IN leaf");
    if( showClosed ) {
        blob_appendf(&sql," AND %z", leaf_is_closed_sql("blob.rid"));
    } else if( !showAll ) {
        blob_appendf(&sql," AND NOT %z", leaf_is_closed_sql("blob.rid"));
    db_prepare(&q, "%s ORDER BY event.mtime DESC", blob_str(&sql));
    print_timeline(&q, 2000, 0);
예제 #18
파일: diffcmd.c 프로젝트: 3615pipou/coopy
** COMMAND: diff
** COMMAND: gdiff
** Usage: %fossil diff|gdiff ?options? ?FILE?
** Show the difference between the current version of FILE (as it
** exists on disk) and that same file as it was checked out.  Or
** if the FILE argument is omitted, show the unsaved changed currently
** in the working check-out.
** If the "--from VERSION" or "-r VERSION" option is used it specifies
** the source check-in for the diff operation.  If not specified, the 
** source check-in is the base check-in for the current check-out.
** If the "--to VERSION" option appears, it specifies the check-in from
** which the second version of the file or files is taken.  If there is
** no "--to" option then the (possibly edited) files in the current check-out
** are used.
** The "-i" command-line option forces the use of the internal diff logic
** rather than any external diff program that might be configured using
** the "setting" command.  If no external diff program is configured, then
** the "-i" option is a no-op.  The "-i" option converts "gdiff" into "diff".
void diff_cmd(void){
  int isGDiff;               /* True for gdiff.  False for normal diff */
  int isInternDiff;          /* True for internal diff */
  const char *zFrom;         /* Source version number */
  const char *zTo;           /* Target version number */
  const char *zDiffCmd = 0;  /* External diff command. NULL for internal diff */

  isGDiff = g.argv[1][0]=='g';
  isInternDiff = find_option("internal","i",0)!=0;
  zFrom = find_option("from", "r", 1);
  zTo = find_option("to", 0, 1);

  if( zTo==0 ){
    if( !isInternDiff ){
      zDiffCmd = db_get(isGDiff ? "gdiff-command" : "diff-command", 0);
    if( g.argc==3 ){
      diff_one_against_disk(zFrom, zDiffCmd, 0);
      diff_all_against_disk(zFrom, zDiffCmd, 0);
  }else if( zFrom==0 ){
    fossil_fatal("must use --from if --to is present");
    if( !isInternDiff ){
      zDiffCmd = db_get(isGDiff ? "gdiff-command" : "diff-command", 0);
    if( g.argc==3 ){
      diff_one_two_versions(zFrom, zTo, zDiffCmd, 0);
      diff_all_two_versions(zFrom, zTo, zDiffCmd, 0);
예제 #19
파일: finfo.c 프로젝트: digsrc/fossil
** COMMAND: cat
** Usage: %fossil cat FILENAME ... ?OPTIONS?
** Print on standard output the content of one or more files as they exist
** in the repository.  The version currently checked out is shown by default.
** Other versions may be specified using the -r option.
** Options:
**    -R|--repository FILE       Extract artifacts from repository FILE
**    -r VERSION                 The specific check-in containing the file
** See also: finfo
void cat_cmd(void){
  int i;
  int rc;
  Blob content, fname;
  const char *zRev;
  db_find_and_open_repository(0, 0);
  zRev = find_option("r","r",1);

  /* We should be done with options.. */

  for(i=2; i<g.argc; i++){
    file_tree_name(g.argv[i], &fname, 0, 1);
    rc = historical_version_of_file(zRev, blob_str(&fname), &content, 0,0,0,2);
    if( rc==2 ){
      fossil_fatal("no such file: %s", g.argv[i]);
    blob_write_to_file(&content, "-");
예제 #20
파일: branch.c 프로젝트: oopos/fossil
**  fossil branch new    BRANCH-NAME ?ORIGIN-CHECK-IN? ?-bgcolor COLOR?
**  argv0  argv1  argv2  argv3       argv4
void branch_new(void){
  int rootid;            /* RID of the root check-in - what we branch off of */
  int brid;              /* RID of the branch check-in */
  int noSign;            /* True if the branch is unsigned */
  int i;                 /* Loop counter */
  char *zUuid;           /* Artifact ID of origin */
  Stmt q;                /* Generic query */
  const char *zBranch;   /* Name of the new branch */
  char *zDate;           /* Date that branch was created */
  char *zComment;        /* Check-in comment for the new branch */
  const char *zColor;    /* Color of the new branch */
  Blob branch;           /* manifest for the new branch */
  Manifest *pParent;     /* Parsed parent manifest */
  Blob mcksum;           /* Self-checksum on the manifest */
  const char *zDateOvrd; /* Override date string */
  const char *zUserOvrd; /* Override user name */
  int isPrivate = 0;     /* True if the branch should be private */
  noSign = find_option("nosign","",0)!=0;
  zColor = find_option("bgcolor","c",1);
  isPrivate = find_option("private",0,0)!=0;
  zDateOvrd = find_option("date-override",0,1);
  zUserOvrd = find_option("user-override",0,1);
  if( g.argc<5 ){
    usage("new BRANCH-NAME CHECK-IN ?-bgcolor COLOR?");
  db_find_and_open_repository(0, 0);  
  noSign = db_get_int("omitsign", 0)|noSign;
  /* fossil branch new name */
  zBranch = g.argv[3];
  if( zBranch==0 || zBranch[0]==0 ){
    fossil_panic("branch name cannot be empty");
  if( db_exists(
        "SELECT 1 FROM tagxref"
        " WHERE tagtype>0"
        "   AND tagid=(SELECT tagid FROM tag WHERE tagname='sym-%s')",
        zBranch)!=0 ){
    fossil_fatal("branch \"%s\" already exists", zBranch);

  rootid = name_to_typed_rid(g.argv[4], "ci");
  if( rootid==0 ){
    fossil_fatal("unable to locate check-in off of which to branch");

  pParent = manifest_get(rootid, CFTYPE_MANIFEST);
  if( pParent==0 ){
    fossil_fatal("%s is not a valid check-in", g.argv[4]);

  /* Create a manifest for the new branch */
  if( pParent->zBaseline ){
    blob_appendf(&branch, "B %s\n", pParent->zBaseline);
  zComment = mprintf("Create new branch named \"%h\"", zBranch);
  blob_appendf(&branch, "C %F\n", zComment);
  zDate = date_in_standard_format(zDateOvrd ? zDateOvrd : "now");
  blob_appendf(&branch, "D %s\n", zDate);

  /* Copy all of the content from the parent into the branch */
  for(i=0; i<pParent->nFile; ++i){
    blob_appendf(&branch, "F %F", pParent->aFile[i].zName);
    if( pParent->aFile[i].zUuid ){
      blob_appendf(&branch, " %s", pParent->aFile[i].zUuid);
      if( pParent->aFile[i].zPerm && pParent->aFile[i].zPerm[0] ){
        blob_appendf(&branch, " %s", pParent->aFile[i].zPerm);
    blob_append(&branch, "\n", 1);
  zUuid = db_text(0, "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", rootid);
  blob_appendf(&branch, "P %s\n", zUuid);
  if( pParent->zRepoCksum ){
    blob_appendf(&branch, "R %s\n", pParent->zRepoCksum);

  /* Add the symbolic branch name and the "branch" tag to identify
  ** this as a new branch */
  if( content_is_private(rootid) ) isPrivate = 1;
  if( isPrivate && zColor==0 ) zColor = "#fec084";
  if( zColor!=0 ){
    blob_appendf(&branch, "T *bgcolor * %F\n", zColor);
  blob_appendf(&branch, "T *branch * %F\n", zBranch);
  blob_appendf(&branch, "T *sym-%F *\n", zBranch);
  if( isPrivate ){
    blob_appendf(&branch, "T +private *\n");
    noSign = 1;

  /* Cancel all other symbolic tags */
      "SELECT tagname FROM tagxref, tag"
      " WHERE tagxref.rid=%d AND tagxref.tagid=tag.tagid"
      "   AND tagtype>0 AND tagname GLOB 'sym-*'"
      " ORDER BY tagname",
  while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    const char *zTag = db_column_text(&q, 0);
    blob_appendf(&branch, "T -%F *\n", zTag);
  blob_appendf(&branch, "U %F\n", zUserOvrd ? zUserOvrd : g.zLogin);
  md5sum_blob(&branch, &mcksum);
  blob_appendf(&branch, "Z %b\n", &mcksum);
  if( !noSign && clearsign(&branch, &branch) ){
    Blob ans;
    prompt_user("unable to sign manifest.  continue (y/N)? ", &ans);
    if( blob_str(&ans)[0]!='y' ){

  brid = content_put_ex(&branch, 0, 0, 0, isPrivate);
  if( brid==0 ){
    fossil_panic("trouble committing manifest: %s", g.zErrMsg);
  db_multi_exec("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO unsent VALUES(%d)", brid);
  if( manifest_crosslink(brid, &branch)==0 ){
    fossil_panic("unable to install new manifest");
  assert( blob_is_reset(&branch) );
  content_deltify(rootid, brid, 0);
  zUuid = db_text(0, "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", brid);
  fossil_print("New branch: %s\n", zUuid);
  if( g.argc==3 ){
      "Note: the local check-out has not been updated to the new\n"
      "      branch.  To begin working on the new branch, do this:\n"
      "      %s update %s\n",
      fossil_nameofexe(), zBranch

  /* Commit */
  /* Do an autosync push, if requested */
  if( !isPrivate ) autosync(AUTOSYNC_PUSH);
예제 #21
** COMMAND: deconstruct*
** Usage %fossil deconstruct ?OPTIONS? DESTINATION
** This command exports all artifacts of a given repository and
** writes all artifacts to the file system. The DESTINATION directory
** will be populated with subdirectories AA and files AA/BBBBBBBBB.., where
** AABBBBBBBBB.. is the 40 character artifact ID, AA the first 2 characters.
** If -L|--prefixlength is given, the length (default 2) of the directory
** prefix can be set to 0,1,..,9 characters.
** Options:
**   -R|--repository REPOSITORY  deconstruct given REPOSITORY
**   -L|--prefixlength N         set the length of the names of the DESTINATION
**                               subdirectories to N
**   --private                   Include private artifacts.
** See also: rebuild, reconstruct
void deconstruct_cmd(void){
  const char *zDestDir;
  const char *zPrefixOpt;
  Stmt        s;
  int privateFlag;

  /* get and check prefix length argument and build format string */
  if( !zPrefixOpt ){
    prefixLength = 2;
    if( zPrefixOpt[0]>='0' && zPrefixOpt[0]<='9' && !zPrefixOpt[1] ){
      prefixLength = (int)(*zPrefixOpt-'0');
      fossil_fatal("N(%s) is not a valid prefix length!",zPrefixOpt);
  /* open repository and open query for all artifacts */
  db_find_and_open_repository(OPEN_ANY_SCHEMA, 0);
  privateFlag = find_option("private",0,0)!=0;
  /* check number of arguments */
  if( g.argc!=3 ){
    usage ("?OPTIONS? DESTINATION");
  /* get and check argument destination directory */
  zDestDir = g.argv[g.argc-1];
  if( !*zDestDir  || !file_isdir(zDestDir)) {
    fossil_fatal("DESTINATION(%s) is not a directory!",zDestDir);
#ifndef _WIN32
  if( file_access(zDestDir, W_OK) ){
    fossil_fatal("DESTINATION(%s) is not writeable!",zDestDir);
  /* write access on windows is not checked, errors will be
  ** detected on blob_write_to_file
  if( prefixLength ){
    zFNameFormat = mprintf("%s/%%.%ds/%%s",zDestDir,prefixLength);
    zFNameFormat = mprintf("%s/%%s",zDestDir);

  ttyOutput = 1;
  processCnt = 0;
  if (!g.fQuiet) {
    fossil_print("0 (0%%)...\r");
  totalSize = db_int(0, "SELECT count(*) FROM blob");
     "SELECT rid, size FROM blob /*scan*/"
     " WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM shun WHERE uuid=blob.uuid)"
     "   AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM delta WHERE rid=blob.rid) %s",
     privateFlag==0 ? "AND rid NOT IN private" : ""
  while( db_step(&s)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    int rid = db_column_int(&s, 0);
    int size = db_column_int(&s, 1);
    if( size>=0 ){
      Blob content;
      content_get(rid, &content);
      rebuild_step(rid, size, &content);
     "SELECT rid, size FROM blob"
     " WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM shun WHERE uuid=blob.uuid) %s",
     privateFlag==0 ? "AND rid NOT IN private" : ""
  while( db_step(&s)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    int rid = db_column_int(&s, 0);
    int size = db_column_int(&s, 1);
    if( size>=0 ){
      if( !bag_find(&bagDone, rid) ){
        Blob content;
        content_get(rid, &content);
        rebuild_step(rid, size, &content);
  if(!g.fQuiet && ttyOutput ){

  /* free filename format string */
  zFNameFormat = 0;
예제 #22
** COMMAND: test-integrity
** Verify that all content can be extracted from the BLOB table correctly.
** If the BLOB table is correct, then the repository can always be
** successfully reconstructed using "fossil rebuild".
void test_integrity(void){
  Stmt q;
  Blob content;
  Blob cksum;
  int n1 = 0;
  int n2 = 0;
  int nErr = 0;
  int total;
  db_find_and_open_repository(OPEN_ANY_SCHEMA, 2);

  /* Make sure no public artifact is a delta from a private artifact */
    "SELECT "
    "   rid, (SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=delta.rid),"
    "   srcid, (SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=delta.srcid)"
    "  FROM delta"
    " WHERE srcid in private AND rid NOT IN private"
  while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    int rid = db_column_int(&q, 0);
    const char *zId = db_column_text(&q, 1);
    int srcid = db_column_int(&q, 2);
    const char *zSrc = db_column_text(&q, 3);
      "public artifact %S (%d) is a delta from private artifact %S (%d)\n",
      zId, rid, zSrc, srcid
  db_prepare(&q, "SELECT rid, uuid, size FROM blob ORDER BY rid");
  total = db_int(0, "SELECT max(rid) FROM blob");
  while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    int rid = db_column_int(&q, 0);
    const char *zUuid = db_column_text(&q, 1);
    int size = db_column_int(&q, 2);
    fossil_print("  %d/%d\r", n1, total);
    if( size<0 ){
      fossil_print("skip phantom %d %s\n", rid, zUuid);
      continue;  /* Ignore phantoms */
    content_get(rid, &content);
    if( blob_size(&content)!=size ){
      fossil_print("size mismatch on artifact %d: wanted %d but got %d\n",
                     rid, size, blob_size(&content));
    sha1sum_blob(&content, &cksum);
    if( fossil_strcmp(blob_str(&cksum), zUuid)!=0 ){
      fossil_print("checksum mismatch on artifact %d: wanted %s but got %s\n",
                   rid, zUuid, blob_str(&cksum));
  fossil_print("%d non-phantom blobs (out of %d total) checked:  %d errors\n",
               n2, n1, nErr);
예제 #23
** COMMAND: test-clusters
** Verify that all non-private and non-shunned artifacts are accessible
** through the cluster chain.
void test_clusters_cmd(void){
  Bag pending;
  Stmt q;
  int n;
  db_find_and_open_repository(0, 2);
    "INSERT INTO xdone SELECT rid FROM unclustered;"
    "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO xdone SELECT rid FROM private;"
         " SELECT blob.rid FROM shun JOIN blob USING(uuid);"
    "SELECT rid FROM unclustered WHERE rid IN"
    " (SELECT rid FROM tagxref WHERE tagid=%d)", TAG_CLUSTER
  while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    bag_insert(&pending, db_column_int(&q, 0));
  while( bag_count(&pending)>0 ){
    Manifest *p;
    int rid = bag_first(&pending);
    int i;
    bag_remove(&pending, rid);
    p = manifest_get(rid, CFTYPE_CLUSTER, 0);
    if( p==0 ){
      fossil_fatal("bad cluster: rid=%d", rid);
    for(i=0; i<p->nCChild; i++){
      const char *zUuid = p->azCChild[i];
      int crid = name_to_rid(zUuid);
      if( crid==0 ){
         fossil_warning("cluster (rid=%d) references unknown artifact %s",
                        rid, zUuid);
      db_multi_exec("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO xdone VALUES(%d)", crid);
      if( db_exists("SELECT 1 FROM tagxref WHERE tagid=%d AND rid=%d",
                    TAG_CLUSTER, crid) ){
        bag_insert(&pending, crid);
  n = db_int(0, "SELECT count(*) FROM /*scan*/"
                "  (SELECT rid FROM blob EXCEPT SELECT x FROM xdone)");
  if( n==0 ){
    fossil_print("all artifacts reachable through clusters\n");
    fossil_print("%d unreachable artifacts:\n", n);
    db_prepare(&q, "SELECT rid, uuid FROM blob WHERE rid NOT IN xdone");
    while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
      fossil_print("  %3d %s\n", db_column_int(&q,0), db_column_text(&q,1));
예제 #24
** COMMAND: rebuild
** Usage: %fossil rebuild ?REPOSITORY? ?OPTIONS?
** Reconstruct the named repository database from the core
** records.  Run this command after updating the fossil
** executable in a way that changes the database schema.
** Options:
**   --cluster     Compute clusters for unclustered artifacts
**   --compress    Strive to make the database as small as possible
**   --force       Force the rebuild to complete even if errors are seen
**   --noverify    Skip the verification of changes to the BLOB table
**   --pagesize N  Set the database pagesize to N. (512..65536 and power of 2)
**   --randomize   Scan artifacts in a random order
**   --vacuum      Run VACUUM on the database after rebuilding
**   --deanalyze   Remove ANALYZE tables from the database
**   --analyze     Run ANALYZE on the database after rebuilding
**   --wal         Set Write-Ahead-Log journalling mode on the database
**   --stats       Show artifact statistics after rebuilding
** See also: deconstruct, reconstruct
void rebuild_database(void){
  int forceFlag;
  int randomizeFlag;
  int errCnt;
  int omitVerify;
  int doClustering;
  const char *zPagesize;
  int newPagesize = 0;
  int activateWal;
  int runVacuum;
  int runDeanalyze;
  int runAnalyze;
  int runCompress;
  int showStats;

  omitVerify = find_option("noverify",0,0)!=0;
  forceFlag = find_option("force","f",0)!=0;
  randomizeFlag = find_option("randomize", 0, 0)!=0;
  doClustering = find_option("cluster", 0, 0)!=0;
  runVacuum = find_option("vacuum",0,0)!=0;
  runDeanalyze = find_option("deanalyze",0,0)!=0;
  runAnalyze = find_option("analyze",0,0)!=0;
  runCompress = find_option("compress",0,0)!=0;
  zPagesize = find_option("pagesize",0,1);
  showStats = find_option("stats",0,0)!=0;
  if( zPagesize ){
    newPagesize = atoi(zPagesize);
    if( newPagesize<512 || newPagesize>65536
        || (newPagesize&(newPagesize-1))!=0
      fossil_fatal("page size must be a power of two between 512 and 65536");
  activateWal = find_option("wal",0,0)!=0;
  if( g.argc==3 ){
    db_find_and_open_repository(OPEN_ANY_SCHEMA, 0);
    if( g.argc!=2 ){
  ttyOutput = 1;
  errCnt = rebuild_db(randomizeFlag, 1, doClustering);
    "REPLACE INTO config(name,value,mtime) VALUES('content-schema','%s',now());"
    "REPLACE INTO config(name,value,mtime) VALUES('aux-schema','%s',now());"
    "REPLACE INTO config(name,value,mtime) VALUES('rebuilt','%s',now());",
    CONTENT_SCHEMA, AUX_SCHEMA, get_version()
  if( errCnt && !forceFlag ){
      "%d errors. Rolling back changes. Use --force to force a commit.\n",
    if( runCompress ){
      fossil_print("Extra delta compression... "); fflush(stdout);
      runVacuum = 1;
    if( omitVerify ) verify_cancel();
    if( runCompress ) fossil_print("done\n");
    if( newPagesize ){
      db_multi_exec("PRAGMA page_size=%d", newPagesize);
      runVacuum = 1;
    if( runDeanalyze ){
      db_multi_exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sqlite_stat1;"
                    "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sqlite_stat3;"
                    "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sqlite_stat4;");
    if( runAnalyze ){
      fossil_print("Analyzing the database... "); fflush(stdout);
    if( runVacuum ){
      fossil_print("Vacuuming the database... "); fflush(stdout);
    if( activateWal ){
      db_multi_exec("PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL;");
  if( showStats ){
    static struct { int idx; const char *zLabel; } aStat[] = {
       { CFTYPE_ANY,       "Artifacts:" },
       { CFTYPE_MANIFEST,  "Manifests:" },
       { CFTYPE_CLUSTER,   "Clusters:" },
       { CFTYPE_CONTROL,   "Tags:" },
       { CFTYPE_WIKI,      "Wikis:" },
       { CFTYPE_TICKET,    "Tickets:" },
       { CFTYPE_ATTACHMENT,"Attachments:" },
       { CFTYPE_EVENT,     "Events:" },
    int i;
    int subtotal = 0;
    for(i=0; i<count(aStat); i++){
      int k = aStat[i].idx;
      fossil_print("%-15s %6d\n", aStat[i].zLabel, g.parseCnt[k]);
      if( k>0 ) subtotal += g.parseCnt[k];
    fossil_print("%-15s %6d\n", "Other:", g.parseCnt[CFTYPE_ANY] - subtotal);
예제 #25
** COMMAND: whatis*
** Usage: %fossil whatis NAME
** Resolve the symbol NAME into its canonical 40-character SHA1-hash
** artifact name and provide a description of what role that artifact
** plays.
void whatis_cmd(void){
  int rid;
  const char *zName;
  int verboseFlag;
  verboseFlag = find_option("verbose","v",0)!=0;
  if( g.argc!=3 ) usage("whatis NAME");
  zName = g.argv[2];
  rid = symbolic_name_to_rid(zName, 0);
  if( rid<0 ){
    fossil_print("Ambiguous artifact name prefix: %s\n", zName);
  }else if( rid==0 ){
    fossil_print("Unknown artifact: %s\n", zName);
    Stmt q;
       "SELECT uuid, size, datetime(mtime%s), ipaddr,"
       "       (SELECT group_concat(substr(tagname,5), ', ') FROM tag, tagxref"
       "         WHERE tagname GLOB 'sym-*' AND tag.tagid=tagxref.tagid"
       "           AND tagxref.rid=blob.rid AND tagxref.tagtype>0)"
       "  FROM blob, rcvfrom"
       " WHERE rid=%d"
       "   AND rcvfrom.rcvid=blob.rcvid",
       timeline_utc(), rid);
    if( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
      const char *zTagList = db_column_text(&q, 4);
      if( verboseFlag ){
        fossil_print("artifact: %s (%d)\n", db_column_text(&q,0), rid);
        fossil_print("size:     %d bytes\n", db_column_int(&q,1));
        fossil_print("received: %s from %s\n",
           db_column_text(&q, 2),
           db_column_text(&q, 3));
        fossil_print("artifact: %s\n", db_column_text(&q,0));
        fossil_print("size:     %d bytes\n", db_column_int(&q,1));
      if( zTagList && zTagList[0] ){
        fossil_print("tags:     %s\n", zTagList);
       "SELECT type, datetime(mtime%s),"
       "       coalesce(euser,user), coalesce(ecomment,comment)"
       "  FROM event WHERE objid=%d", timeline_utc(), rid);
    if( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
      const char *zType;
      switch( db_column_text(&q,0)[0] ){
        case 'c':  zType = "Check-in";       break;
        case 'w':  zType = "Wiki-edit";      break;
        case 'e':  zType = "Event";          break;
        case 't':  zType = "Ticket-change";  break;
        case 'g':  zType = "Tag-change";     break;
        default:   zType = "Unknown";        break;
      fossil_print("type:     %s by %s on %s\n", zType, db_column_text(&q,2),
                   db_column_text(&q, 1));
      fossil_print("comment:  ");
      comment_print(db_column_text(&q,3), 10, 78);
      "SELECT filename.name, blob.uuid, datetime(event.mtime%s),"
      "       coalesce(euser,user), coalesce(ecomment,comment)"
      "  FROM mlink, filename, blob, event"
      " WHERE mlink.fid=%d"
      "   AND filename.fnid=mlink.fnid"
      "   AND event.objid=mlink.mid"
      "   AND blob.rid=mlink.mid"
      " ORDER BY event.mtime DESC /*sort*/",
      timeline_utc(), rid);
    while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
      fossil_print("file:     %s\n", db_column_text(&q,0));
      fossil_print("          part of [%.10s] by %s on %s\n",
        db_column_text(&q, 1),
        db_column_text(&q, 3),
        db_column_text(&q, 2));
      fossil_print("          ");
      comment_print(db_column_text(&q,4), 10, 78);
예제 #26
파일: user.c 프로젝트: 3615pipou/coopy
** COMMAND:  user
** Usage: %fossil user SUBCOMMAND ...  ?-R|--repository FILE?
** Run various subcommands on users of the open repository or of
** the repository identified by the -R or --repository option.
**    %fossil user capabilities USERNAME ?STRING?
**        Query or set the capabilities for user USERNAME
**    %fossil user default ?USERNAME?
**        Query or set the default user.  The default user is the
**        user for command-line interaction.
**    %fossil user list
**        List all users known to the repository
**    %fossil user new ?USERNAME? ?CONTACT-INFO? ?PASSWORD?
**        Create a new user in the repository.  Users can never be
**        deleted.  They can be denied all access but they must continue
**        to exist in the database.
**    %fossil user password USERNAME ?PASSWORD?
**        Change the web access password for a user.
void user_cmd(void){
  int n;
  if( g.argc<3 ){
    usage("capabilities|default|list|new|password ...");
  n = strlen(g.argv[2]);
  if( n>=2 && strncmp(g.argv[2],"new",n)==0 ){
    Blob passwd, login, contact;
    char *zPw;

    if( g.argc>=4 ){
      blob_init(&login, g.argv[3], -1);
      prompt_user("login: "******"SELECT 1 FROM user WHERE login=%B", &login) ){
      fossil_fatal("user %b already exists", &login);
    if( g.argc>=5 ){
      blob_init(&contact, g.argv[4], -1);
      prompt_user("contact-info: ", &contact);
    if( g.argc>=6 ){
      blob_init(&passwd, g.argv[5], -1);
      prompt_for_password("password: "******"INSERT INTO user(login,pw,cap,info)"
      &login, zPw, &contact
  }else if( n>=2 && strncmp(g.argv[2],"default",n)==0 ){
    if( g.argc==3 ){
      printf("%s\n", g.zLogin);
      if( !db_exists("SELECT 1 FROM user WHERE login=%Q", g.argv[3]) ){
        fossil_fatal("no such user: %s", g.argv[3]);
      if( g.localOpen ){
        db_lset("default-user", g.argv[3]);
        db_set("default-user", g.argv[3], 0);
  }else if( n>=2 && strncmp(g.argv[2],"list",n)==0 ){
    Stmt q;
    db_prepare(&q, "SELECT login, info FROM user ORDER BY login");
    while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
      printf("%-12s %s\n", db_column_text(&q, 0), db_column_text(&q, 1));
  }else if( n>=2 && strncmp(g.argv[2],"password",2)==0 ){
    char *zPrompt;
    int uid;
    Blob pw;
    if( g.argc!=4 && g.argc!=5 ) usage("password USERNAME ?NEW-PASSWORD?");
    uid = db_int(0, "SELECT uid FROM user WHERE login=%Q", g.argv[3]);
    if( uid==0 ){
      fossil_fatal("no such user: %s", g.argv[3]);
    if( g.argc==5 ){
      blob_init(&pw, g.argv[4], -1);
      zPrompt = mprintf("new passwd for %s: ", g.argv[3]);
      prompt_for_password(zPrompt, &pw, 1);
    if( blob_size(&pw)==0 ){
      printf("password unchanged\n");
      char *zSecret = sha1_shared_secret(blob_str(&pw), g.argv[3]);
      db_multi_exec("UPDATE user SET pw=%Q WHERE uid=%d", zSecret, uid);
  }else if( n>=2 && strncmp(g.argv[2],"capabilities",2)==0 ){
    int uid;
    if( g.argc!=4 && g.argc!=5 ){
      usage("user capabilities USERNAME ?PERMISSIONS?");
    uid = db_int(0, "SELECT uid FROM user WHERE login=%Q", g.argv[3]);
    if( uid==0 ){
      fossil_fatal("no such user: %s", g.argv[3]);
    if( g.argc==5 ){
        "UPDATE user SET cap=%Q WHERE uid=%d", g.argv[4],
    printf("%s\n", db_text(0, "SELECT cap FROM user WHERE uid=%d", uid));
    fossil_panic("user subcommand should be one of: "
                 "capabilities default list new password");
예제 #27
** COMMAND: tag
** Usage: %fossil tag SUBCOMMAND ...
** Run various subcommands to control tags and properties
**     %fossil tag add ?--raw? ?--propagate? TAGNAME CHECK-IN ?VALUE?
**         Add a new tag or property to CHECK-IN. The tag will
**         be usable instead of a CHECK-IN in commands such as
**         update and merge.  If the --propagate flag is present,
**         the tag value propages to all descendants of CHECK-IN
**     %fossil tag cancel ?--raw? TAGNAME CHECK-IN
**         Remove the tag TAGNAME from CHECK-IN, and also remove
**         the propagation of the tag to any descendants.
**     %fossil tag find ?--raw? ?--type TYPE? TAGNAME
**         List all objects that use TAGNAME.  TYPE can be "ci" for
**         checkins or "e" for events.
**     %fossil tag list ?--raw? ?CHECK-IN?
**         List all tags, or if CHECK-IN is supplied, list
**         all tags and their values for CHECK-IN.
** The option --raw allows the manipulation of all types of tags
** used for various internal purposes in fossil. It also shows
** "cancel" tags for the "find" and "list" subcommands. You should
** not use this option to make changes unless you are sure what
** you are doing.
** If you need to use a tagname that might be confused with
** a hexadecimal baseline or artifact ID, you can explicitly
** disambiguate it by prefixing it with "tag:". For instance:
**   fossil update decaf
** will be taken as an artifact or baseline ID and fossil will
** probably complain that no such revision was found. However
**   fossil update tag:decaf
** will assume that "decaf" is a tag/branch name.
** only allow --date-override and --user-override in 
**   %fossil tag add --date-override 'YYYY-MMM-DD HH:MM:SS' \\
**                   --user-override user 
** in order to import history from other scm systems
void tag_cmd(void){
  int n;
  int fRaw = find_option("raw","",0)!=0;
  int fPropagate = find_option("propagate","",0)!=0;
  const char *zPrefix = fRaw ? "" : "sym-";

  db_find_and_open_repository(0, 0);
  if( g.argc<3 ){
    goto tag_cmd_usage;
  n = strlen(g.argv[2]);
  if( n==0 ){
    goto tag_cmd_usage;

  if( strncmp(g.argv[2],"add",n)==0 ){
    char *zValue;
    const char *zDateOvrd = find_option("date-override",0,1);
    const char *zUserOvrd = find_option("user-override",0,1);
    if( g.argc!=5 && g.argc!=6 ){
      usage("add ?--raw? ?--propagate? TAGNAME CHECK-IN ?VALUE?");
    zValue = g.argc==6 ? g.argv[5] : 0;
    tag_add_artifact(zPrefix, g.argv[3], g.argv[4], zValue,

  if( strncmp(g.argv[2],"branch",n)==0 ){
    fossil_fatal("the \"fossil tag branch\" command is discontinued\n"
                 "Use the \"fossil branch new\" command instead.");

  if( strncmp(g.argv[2],"cancel",n)==0 ){
    if( g.argc!=5 ){
      usage("cancel ?--raw? TAGNAME CHECK-IN");
    tag_add_artifact(zPrefix, g.argv[3], g.argv[4], 0, 0, 0, 0);

  if( strncmp(g.argv[2],"find",n)==0 ){
    Stmt q;
    const char *zType = find_option("type","t",1);
    if( zType==0 || zType[0]==0 ) zType = "*";
    if( g.argc!=4 ){
      usage("find ?--raw? TAGNAME");
    if( fRaw ){
        "SELECT blob.uuid FROM tagxref, blob"
        " WHERE tagid=(SELECT tagid FROM tag WHERE tagname=%Q)"
        "   AND tagxref.tagtype>0"
        "   AND blob.rid=tagxref.rid",
      while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
        fossil_print("%s\n", db_column_text(&q, 0));
      int tagid = db_int(0, "SELECT tagid FROM tag WHERE tagname='sym-%q'",
      if( tagid>0 ){
          "  AND event.type GLOB '%q'"
          "  AND blob.rid IN ("
                    " SELECT rid FROM tagxref"
                    "  WHERE tagtype>0 AND tagid=%d"
          " ORDER BY event.mtime DESC",
          timeline_query_for_tty(), zType, tagid
        print_timeline(&q, 2000, 0);

  if( strncmp(g.argv[2],"list",n)==0 ){
    Stmt q;
    if( g.argc==3 ){
        "SELECT tagname FROM tag"
        " WHERE EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM tagxref"
        "               WHERE tagid=tag.tagid"
        "                 AND tagtype>0)"
        " ORDER BY tagname"
      while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
        const char *zName = db_column_text(&q, 0);
        if( fRaw ){
          fossil_print("%s\n", zName);
        }else if( strncmp(zName, "sym-", 4)==0 ){
          fossil_print("%s\n", &zName[4]);
    }else if( g.argc==4 ){
      int rid = name_to_rid(g.argv[3]);
        "SELECT tagname, value FROM tagxref, tag"
        " WHERE tagxref.rid=%d AND tagxref.tagid=tag.tagid"
        "   AND tagtype>%d"
        " ORDER BY tagname",
        fRaw ? -1 : 0
      while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
        const char *zName = db_column_text(&q, 0);
        const char *zValue = db_column_text(&q, 1);
        if( fRaw==0 ){
          if( strncmp(zName, "sym-", 4)!=0 ) continue;
          zName += 4;
        if( zValue && zValue[0] ){
          fossil_print("%s=%s\n", zName, zValue);
          fossil_print("%s\n", zName);
      usage("tag list ?CHECK-IN?");
    goto tag_cmd_usage;

  /* Cleanup */

  usage("add|cancel|find|list ...");
예제 #28
** COMMAND: test-integrity ?OPTIONS?
** Verify that all content can be extracted from the BLOB table correctly.
** If the BLOB table is correct, then the repository can always be
** successfully reconstructed using "fossil rebuild".
** Options:
**    --parse            Parse all manifests, wikis, tickets, events, and
**                       so forth, reporting any errors found.
void test_integrity(void){
  Stmt q;
  Blob content;
  Blob cksum;
  int n1 = 0;
  int n2 = 0;
  int nErr = 0;
  int total;
  int nCA = 0;
  int anCA[10];
  int bParse = find_option("parse",0,0)!=0;
  db_find_and_open_repository(OPEN_ANY_SCHEMA, 2);
  memset(anCA, 0, sizeof(anCA));

  /* Make sure no public artifact is a delta from a private artifact */
    "SELECT "
    "   rid, (SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=delta.rid),"
    "   srcid, (SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=delta.srcid)"
    "  FROM delta"
    " WHERE srcid in private AND rid NOT IN private"
  while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    int rid = db_column_int(&q, 0);
    const char *zId = db_column_text(&q, 1);
    int srcid = db_column_int(&q, 2);
    const char *zSrc = db_column_text(&q, 3);
      "public artifact %S (%d) is a delta from private artifact %S (%d)\n",
      zId, rid, zSrc, srcid
  db_prepare(&q, "SELECT rid, uuid, size FROM blob ORDER BY rid");
  total = db_int(0, "SELECT max(rid) FROM blob");
  while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    int rid = db_column_int(&q, 0);
    const char *zUuid = db_column_text(&q, 1);
    int size = db_column_int(&q, 2);
    fossil_print("  %d/%d\r", n1, total);
    if( size<0 ){
      fossil_print("skip phantom %d %s\n", rid, zUuid);
      continue;  /* Ignore phantoms */
    content_get(rid, &content);
    if( blob_size(&content)!=size ){
      fossil_print("size mismatch on artifact %d: wanted %d but got %d\n",
                     rid, size, blob_size(&content));
    sha1sum_blob(&content, &cksum);
    if( fossil_strcmp(blob_str(&cksum), zUuid)!=0 ){
      fossil_print("checksum mismatch on artifact %d: wanted %s but got %s\n",
                   rid, zUuid, blob_str(&cksum));
    if( bParse && looks_like_control_artifact(&content) ){
      Blob err;
      int i, n;
      char *z;
      Manifest *p;
      char zFirstLine[400];

      z = blob_buffer(&content);
      n = blob_size(&content);
      for(i=0; i<n && z[i] && z[i]!='\n' && i<sizeof(zFirstLine)-1; i++){}
      memcpy(zFirstLine, z, i);
      zFirstLine[i] = 0;
      p = manifest_parse(&content, 0, &err);
      if( p==0 ){
        fossil_print("manifest_parse failed for %s:\n%s\n",
               blob_str(&cksum), blob_str(&err));
        if( strncmp(blob_str(&err), "line 1:", 7)==0 ){
          fossil_print("\"%s\"\n", zFirstLine);
  fossil_print("%d non-phantom blobs (out of %d total) checked:  %d errors\n",
               n2, n1, nErr);
  if( bParse ){
    const char *azType[] = { 0, "manifest", "cluster", "control", "wiki",
                             "ticket", "attachment", "event" };
    int i;
    fossil_print("%d total control artifacts\n", nCA);
    for(i=1; i<count(azType); i++){
      if( anCA[i] ) fossil_print("  %d %ss\n", anCA[i], azType[i]);
예제 #29
** COMMAND: configuration*
** Usage: %vcs configuration METHOD ... ?OPTIONS?
** Where METHOD is one of: export import merge pull push reset.  All methods
** accept the -R or --repository option to specific a repository.
**    %vcs configuration export AREA FILENAME
**         Write to FILENAME exported configuraton information for AREA.
**         AREA can be one of:  all email project shun skin ticket user
**    %vcs configuration import FILENAME
**         Read a configuration from FILENAME, overwriting the current
**         configuration.
**    %vcs configuration merge FILENAME
**         Read a configuration from FILENAME and merge its values into
**         the current configuration.  Existing values take priority over
**         values read from FILENAME.
**    %vcs configuration pull AREA ?URL?
**         Pull and install the configuration from a different server
**         identified by URL.  If no URL is specified, then the default
**         server is used. Use the --legacy option for the older protocol
**         (when talking to servers compiled prior to 2011-04-27.)  Use
**         the --overwrite flag to completely replace local settings with
**         content received from URL.
**    %vcs configuration push AREA ?URL?
**         Push the local configuration into the remote server identified
**         by URL.  Admin privilege is required on the remote server for
**         this to work.  When the same record exists both locally and on
**         the remote end, the one that was most recently changed wins.
**         Use the --legacy flag when talking to holder servers.
**    %vcs configuration reset AREA
**         Restore the configuration to the default.  AREA as above.
**    %vcs configuration sync AREA ?URL?
**         Synchronize configuration changes in the local repository with
**         the remote repository at URL.
** Options:
**    -R|--repository FILE       Extract info from repository FILE
** See also: settings, unset
void configuration_cmd(void) {
    int n;
    const char *zMethod;
    if( g.argc<3 ) {
        usage("export|import|merge|pull|reset ...");
    db_find_and_open_repository(0, 0);
    zMethod = g.argv[2];
    n = strlen(zMethod);
    if( strncmp(zMethod, "export", n)==0 ) {
        int mask;
        const char *zSince = find_option("since",0,1);
        sqlite3_int64 iStart;
        if( g.argc!=5 ) {
            usage("export AREA FILENAME");
        mask = configure_name_to_mask(g.argv[3], 1);
        if( zSince ) {
            iStart = db_multi_exec(
                         "SELECT coalesce(strftime('%%s',%Q),strftime('%%s','now',%Q))+0",
                         zSince, zSince
        } else {
            iStart = 0;
        export_config(mask, g.argv[3], iStart, g.argv[4]);
    } else if( strncmp(zMethod, "import", n)==0
               || strncmp(zMethod, "merge", n)==0 ) {
        Blob in;
        int groupMask;
        if( g.argc!=4 ) usage(mprintf("%s FILENAME",zMethod));
        blob_read_from_file(&in, g.argv[3]);
        if( zMethod[0]=='i' ) {
        } else {
            groupMask = CONFIGSET_ALL;
        configure_receive_all(&in, groupMask);
    } else if( strncmp(zMethod, "pull", n)==0
               || strncmp(zMethod, "push", n)==0
               || strncmp(zMethod, "sync", n)==0
             ) {
        int mask;
        const char *zServer;
        const char *zPw;
        int legacyFlag = 0;
        int overwriteFlag = 0;
        if( zMethod[0]!='s' ) legacyFlag = find_option("legacy",0,0)!=0;
        if( strncmp(zMethod,"pull",n)==0 ) {
            overwriteFlag = find_option("overwrite",0,0)!=0;
        if( g.argc!=4 && g.argc!=5 ) {
            usage("pull AREA ?URL?");
        mask = configure_name_to_mask(g.argv[3], 1);
        if( g.argc==5 ) {
            zServer = g.argv[4];
            zPw = 0;
            g.dontKeepUrl = 1;
        } else {
            zServer = db_get("last-sync-url", 0);
            if( zServer==0 ) {
                vcs_fatal("no server specified");
            zPw = unobscure(db_get("last-sync-pw", 0));
        if( g.urlPasswd==0 && zPw ) g.urlPasswd = mprintf("%s", zPw);
        url_enable_proxy("via proxy: ");
        if( legacyFlag ) mask |= CONFIGSET_OLDFORMAT;
        if( overwriteFlag ) mask |= CONFIGSET_OVERWRITE;
        if( strncmp(zMethod, "push", n)==0 ) {
        } else if( strncmp(zMethod, "pull", n)==0 ) {
        } else {
    } else if( strncmp(zMethod, "reset", n)==0 ) {
        int mask, i;
        char *zBackup;
        if( g.argc!=4 ) usage("reset AREA");
        mask = configure_name_to_mask(g.argv[3], 1);
        zBackup = db_text(0,
                          "SELECT strftime('config-backup-%%Y%%m%%d%%H%%M%%f','now')");
        export_config(mask, g.argv[3], 0, zBackup);
        for(i=0; i<count(aConfig); i++) {
            const char *zName = aConfig[i].zName;
            if( (aConfig[i].groupMask & mask)==0 ) continue;
            if( zName[0]!='@' ) {
                db_multi_exec("DELETE FROM config WHERE name=%Q", zName);
            } else if( vcs_strcmp(zName,"@user")==0 ) {
                db_multi_exec("DELETE FROM user");
                db_create_default_users(0, 0);
            } else if( vcs_strcmp(zName,"@concealed")==0 ) {
                db_multi_exec("DELETE FROM concealed");
            } else if( vcs_strcmp(zName,"@shun")==0 ) {
                db_multi_exec("DELETE FROM shun");
            } else if( vcs_strcmp(zName,"@reportfmt")==0 ) {
                db_multi_exec("DELETE FROM reportfmt");
        vcs_print("Configuration reset to factory defaults.\n");
        vcs_print("To recover, use:  %s %s import %s\n",
                  vcs_nameofexe(), g.argv[1], zBackup);
    } else
        vcs_fatal("METHOD should be one of:"
                  " export import merge pull push reset");
예제 #30
** COMMAND: ticket*
** Usage: %fossil ticket SUBCOMMAND ...
** Run various subcommands to control tickets
**   %fossil ticket show (REPORTTITLE|REPORTNR) ?TICKETFILTER? ?options?
**     options can be:
**       ?-l|--limit LIMITCHAR?
**       ?-q|--quote?
**       ?-R|--repository FILE?
**     Run the ticket report, identified by the report format title
**     used in the gui. The data is written as flat file on stdout,
**     using TAB as separator. The separator can be changed using
**     the -l or --limit option.
**     If TICKETFILTER is given on the commandline, the query is
**     limited with a new WHERE-condition.
**       example:  Report lists a column # with the uuid
**                 TICKETFILTER may be [#]='uuuuuuuuu'
**       example:  Report only lists rows with status not open
**                 TICKETFILTER: status != 'open'
**     If the option -q|--quote is used, the tickets are encoded by
**     quoting special chars(space -> \\s, tab -> \\t, newline -> \\n,
**     cr -> \\r, formfeed -> \\f, vtab -> \\v, nul -> \\0, \\ -> \\\\).
**     Otherwise, the simplified encoding as on the show report raw
**     page in the gui is used. This has no effect in JSON mode.
**     Instead of the report title its possible to use the report
**     number. Using the special report number 0 list all columns,
**     defined in the ticket table.
**   %fossil ticket list fields
**     list all fields, defined for ticket in the fossil repository
**   %fossil ticket list reports
**     list all ticket reports, defined in the fossil repository
**   %fossil ticket set TICKETUUID (FIELD VALUE)+ ?-q|--quote?
**   %fossil ticket change TICKETUUID (FIELD VALUE)+ ?-q|--quote?
**     change ticket identified by TICKETUUID and set the value of
**     field FIELD to VALUE.
**     Field names as defined in the TICKET table.  By default, these
**     names include: type, status, subsystem, priority, severity, foundin,
**     resolution, title, and comment, but other field names can be added
**     or substituted in customized installations.
**     If you use +FIELD, the VALUE Is appended to the field FIELD.
**     You can use more than one field/value pair on the commandline.
**     Using -q|--quote  enables the special character decoding as
**     in "ticket show". So it's possible, to set multiline text or
**     text with special characters.
**   %fossil ticket add FIELD VALUE ?FIELD VALUE .. ? ?-q|--quote?
**     like set, but create a new ticket with the given values.
**   %fossil ticket history TICKETUUID
**     Show the complete change history for the ticket
** The values in set|add are not validated against the definitions
** given in "Ticket Common Script".
void ticket_cmd(void){
  int n;
  const char *zUser;
  const char *zDate;
  const char *zTktUuid;

  /* do some ints, we want to be inside a checkout */
  db_find_and_open_repository(0, 0);

  zUser = find_option("user-override",0,1);
  if( zUser==0 ) zUser = g.zLogin;
  zDate = find_option("date-override",0,1);
  if( zDate==0 ) zDate = "now";
  zDate = date_in_standard_format(zDate);
  zTktUuid = find_option("uuid-override",0,1);
  if( zTktUuid && (strlen(zTktUuid)!=40 || !validate16(zTktUuid,40)) ){
    fossil_fatal("invalid --uuid-override: must be 40 characters of hex");

  ** Check that the user exists.
  if( !db_exists("SELECT 1 FROM user WHERE login=%Q", zUser) ){
    fossil_fatal("no such user: %s", zUser);

  if( g.argc<3 ){
  n = strlen(g.argv[2]);
  if( n==1 && g.argv[2][0]=='s' ){
    /* set/show cannot be distinguished, so show the usage */
  if( strncmp(g.argv[2],"list",n)==0 ){
    if( g.argc==3 ){
      usage("list fields|reports");
      n = strlen(g.argv[3]);
      if( !strncmp(g.argv[3],"fields",n) ){
        /* simply show all field names */
        int i;

        /* read all available ticket fields */
        for(i=0; i<nField; i++){
      }else if( !strncmp(g.argv[3],"reports",n) ){
        fossil_fatal("unknown ticket list option '%s'!",g.argv[3]);
    /* add a new ticket or set fields on existing tickets */
    tTktShowEncoding tktEncoding;

    tktEncoding = find_option("quote","q",0) ? tktFossilize : tktNoTab;
    if( strncmp(g.argv[2],"show",n)==0 ){
      if( g.argc==3 ){
        usage("show REPORTNR");
        const char *zRep = 0;
        const char *zSep = 0;
        const char *zFilterUuid = 0;
        zSep = find_option("limit","l",1);
        zRep = g.argv[3];
        if( !strcmp(zRep,"0") ){
          zRep = 0;
        if( g.argc>4 ){
          zFilterUuid = g.argv[4];
        rptshow( zRep, zSep, zFilterUuid, tktEncoding );
      /* add a new ticket or update an existing ticket */
      enum { set,add,history,err } eCmd = err;
      int i = 0;
      Blob tktchng, cksum;

      /* get command type (set/add) and get uuid, if needed for set */
      if( strncmp(g.argv[2],"set",n)==0 || strncmp(g.argv[2],"change",n)==0 ||
         strncmp(g.argv[2],"history",n)==0 ){
        if( strncmp(g.argv[2],"history",n)==0 ){
          eCmd = history;
          eCmd = set;
        if( g.argc==3 ){
          usage("set|change|history TICKETUUID");
        zTktUuid = db_text(0, 
          "SELECT tkt_uuid FROM ticket WHERE tkt_uuid GLOB '%s*'", g.argv[3]
        if( !zTktUuid ){
          fossil_fatal("unknown ticket: '%s'!",g.argv[3]);
      }else if( strncmp(g.argv[2],"add",n)==0 ){
        eCmd = add;
        i = 3;
        if( zTktUuid==0 ){
          zTktUuid = db_text(0, "SELECT lower(hex(randomblob(20)))");
      /* none of set/add, so show the usage! */
      if( eCmd==err ){

      /* we just handle history separately here, does not get out */
      if( eCmd==history ){
        Stmt q;
        int tagid;

        if ( i != g.argc ){
          fossil_fatal("no other parameters expected to %s!",g.argv[2]);
        tagid = db_int(0, "SELECT tagid FROM tag WHERE tagname GLOB 'tkt-%q*'",
        if( tagid==0 ){
          fossil_fatal("no such ticket %h", zTktUuid);
          "SELECT datetime(mtime%s), objid, uuid, NULL, NULL, NULL"
          "  FROM event, blob"
          " WHERE objid IN (SELECT rid FROM tagxref WHERE tagid=%d)"
          "   AND blob.rid=event.objid"
          " UNION "
          "SELECT datetime(mtime%s), attachid, uuid, src, "
          "       filename, user"
          "  FROM attachment, blob"
          " WHERE target=(SELECT substr(tagname,5) FROM tag WHERE tagid=%d)"
          "   AND blob.rid=attachid"
          " ORDER BY 1 DESC",
          timeline_utc(), tagid, timeline_utc(), tagid
        while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
          Manifest *pTicket;
          char zShort[12];
          const char *zDate = db_column_text(&q, 0);
          int rid = db_column_int(&q, 1);
          const char *zChngUuid = db_column_text(&q, 2);
          const char *zFile = db_column_text(&q, 4);
          memcpy(zShort, zChngUuid, 10);
          zShort[10] = 0;
          if( zFile!=0 ){
            const char *zSrc = db_column_text(&q, 3);
            const char *zUser = db_column_text(&q, 5);
            if( zSrc==0 || zSrc[0]==0 ){
              fossil_print("Delete attachment %s\n", zFile);
              fossil_print("Add attachment %s\n", zFile);
            fossil_print(" by %s on %s\n", zUser, zDate);
            pTicket = manifest_get(rid, CFTYPE_TICKET, 0);
            if( pTicket ){
              int i;

              fossil_print("Ticket Change by %s on %s:\n",
                           pTicket->zUser, zDate);
              for(i=0; i<pTicket->nField; i++){
                Blob val;
                const char *z;
                z = pTicket->aField[i].zName;
                blob_set(&val, pTicket->aField[i].zValue);
                if( z[0]=='+' ){
                  fossil_print("  Append to ");
            fossil_print("  Change ");
          fossil_print("%h: ",z);
          if( blob_size(&val)>50 || contains_newline(&val)) {
                  fossil_print("\n    ",blob_str(&val));
      /* read all given ticket field/value pairs from command line */
      if( i==g.argc ){
        fossil_fatal("empty %s command aborted!",g.argv[2]);
      /* read commandline and assign fields in the aField[].zValue array */
      while( i<g.argc ){
        char *zFName;
        char *zFValue;
        int j;
        int append = 0;

        zFName = g.argv[i++];
        if( i==g.argc ){
          fossil_fatal("missing value for '%s'!",zFName);
        zFValue = g.argv[i++];
        if( tktEncoding == tktFossilize ){
        append = (zFName[0] == '+');
        if (append){
        j = fieldId(zFName);
        if( j == -1 ){
          fossil_fatal("unknown field name '%s'!",zFName);
          if (append) {
            aField[j].zAppend = zFValue;
          } else {
            aField[j].zValue = zFValue;

      /* now add the needed artifacts to the repository */
      /* add the time to the ticket manifest */
      blob_appendf(&tktchng, "D %s\n", zDate);
      /* append defined elements */
      for(i=0; i<nField; i++){
        char *zValue = 0;
        char *zPfx;

        if (aField[i].zAppend && aField[i].zAppend[0] ){
          zPfx = " +";
          zValue = aField[i].zAppend;
        } else if( aField[i].zValue && aField[i].zValue[0] ){
          zPfx = " ";
          zValue = aField[i].zValue;
        } else {
        if( memcmp(aField[i].zName, "private_", 8)==0 ){
          zValue = db_conceal(zValue, strlen(zValue));
          blob_appendf(&tktchng, "J%s%s %s\n", zPfx, aField[i].zName, zValue);
          blob_appendf(&tktchng, "J%s%s %#F\n", zPfx,
                       aField[i].zName, strlen(zValue), zValue);
      blob_appendf(&tktchng, "K %s\n", zTktUuid);
      blob_appendf(&tktchng, "U %F\n", zUser);
      md5sum_blob(&tktchng, &cksum);
      blob_appendf(&tktchng, "Z %b\n", &cksum);
      if( ticket_put(&tktchng, zTktUuid, 0) ){
        fossil_fatal("%s\n", g.zErrMsg);
        fossil_print("ticket %s succeeded for %s\n",