예제 #1
main( int argc, char **argv )
	int	c;
	int	errflag = 0;
	int	orb;
	int	stop = 0;
	long	nrecs;
	char	*match = ".*/pf/st";
	char	*from = 0;
	char	*statefile = 0;
	char	*pfname = "orb2rrdc";
	char	*orbname;
	char	*dbcache;
	char	*rrdtool;
	char	command[STRSZ];
	char	net[STRSZ];
	char	sta[STRSZ];
	char	rrdvar[STRSZ];
	char	key[STRSZ];
	char	path[FILENAME_MAX];
	Dbptr	db;
	Dbptr	dbt;
	Pf	*pf;
	char	*Default_network;
	Tbl	*dlslines;
	Arr	*Dls_vars_dsparams;
	Arr	*Dls_vars_rras;
	Tbl	*Dls_vars_keys;
	char	*line;
	char	*dls_var;
	char	*dsparams;
	Tbl	*rras;
	int	i;
	int	j;
	OrbreapThr *ort;
	int	pktid;
	char	srcname[ORBSRCNAME_SIZE];
	double	time = 0;
	char	*packet = 0;
	int	nbytes = 0;
	int	bufsize = 0;
	Packet	*pkt = 0;
	int	rc;
	char	*s;
	Pf	*dlspf;
	Tbl	*dlspfkeys;
	char	*element;
	Tbl	*parts;
	double	val;
	Pf	*pfval = 0;

	elog_init( argc, argv );

	while( ( c = getopt( argc, argv, "vVd:s:p:m:f:" ) ) != -1 ) {

		switch( c ) {

		case 'd':
			CacheDaemon = optarg;

		case 'f':
			from = optarg;

		case 'm':
			match = optarg;

		case 'p': 
			pfname = optarg;

		case 's':
			statefile = optarg;
		case 'v':

		case 'V':
			elog_complain( 0, "Unknown option '%c'\n", c );

	if( errflag || argc - optind != 2 ) {


	if( Verbose ) {

		elog_notify( 0, "Starting at %s (%s $Revision$ $Date$)\n", 
				zepoch2str( str2epoch( "now" ), "%D %T %Z", "" ),
				Program_Name );

	orbname = argv[optind++];
	dbcache = argv[optind++];

	pfread( pfname, &pf );

	rrdtool = pfget_string( pf, "rrdtool" );

	if( rrdtool == NULL || ! strcmp( rrdtool, "" ) ) {

		elog_die( 0, "Error: no rrdtool executable name specified in parameter file\n" );

	} else if( ( rrdtool[0] == '/' && ! is_present( rrdtool ) ) || ( rrdtool[0] != '/' && ! datafile( "PATH", rrdtool ) ) ) {

		elog_die( 0, "Error: can't find rrdtool executable by name of '%s' (check PATH environment " 
			"variable, or absolute path name if given)\n", rrdtool );

	} else if( rrdtool[0] == '/' ) {

		sprintf( command, "%s -", rrdtool );

	} else {

		sprintf( command, "rrdtool -" );

	Suppress_egrep = pfget_string( pf, "suppress_egrep" );

	if( Suppress_egrep != NULL && strcmp( Suppress_egrep, "" ) ) {
		if( ! datafile( "PATH", "egrep" ) ) {

			elog_complain( 0, "Ignoring suppress_egrep parameter: can't find egrep on path\n" ); 

		} else {

			sprintf( command, "%s 2>&1 | egrep -v '%s'", command, Suppress_egrep );

	if( VeryVerbose ) {

		elog_notify( 0, "Executing command: %s\n", command );

	Rrdfp = popen( command, "w" );

	if( Rrdfp == (FILE *) NULL ) {

		elog_die( 0, "Failed to open socket to rrdtool command\n" );

	orb = orbopen( orbname, "r&" );

	if( orb < 0 ) {

		elog_die( 0, "Failed to open orb '%s' for reading. Bye.\n", orbname );

	orbselect( orb, match );

	if( from != NULL && statefile == NULL ) {

		pktid = orbposition( orb, from );

		if( Verbose ) {

			elog_notify( 0, "Positioned to packet %d\n", pktid );

	} else if( from != NULL ) {

		elog_complain( 0, "Ignoring -f in favor of existing state file\n" );

	if( statefile != NULL ) {

		stop = 0;

		exhume( statefile, &stop, 15, 0 );

		orbresurrect( orb, &pktid, &time );

		if( Verbose ) {

			elog_notify( 0, "Resurrecting state to pktid %d, time %s\n",
				pktid, s = strtime( time ) );

			free( s );

		orbseek( orb, pktid );

	dbopen( dbcache, "r+", &db );

	if( db.database < 0 ) {
		elog_die( 0, "Failed to open cache database '%s'. Bye.\n", dbcache );

	} else {
		db = dblookup( db, "", "rrdcache", "", "" );

		if( db.table < 0 ) {

			elog_die( 0, "Failed to lookup 'rrdcache' table in '%s'. Bye.\n", dbcache );

	dbcrunch( db );

	dbt = dbsubset( db, "endtime == NULL", NULL );

	Rrd_files = newarr( 0 );

	dbquery( dbt, dbRECORD_COUNT, &nrecs );

	for( dbt.record = 0; dbt.record < nrecs; dbt.record++ ) {

		dbgetv( dbt, 0, "net", &net, "sta", &sta, "rrdvar", &rrdvar, NULL );

		dbfilename( dbt, (char *) &path );

		sprintf( key, "%s:%s:%s", net, sta, rrdvar );

		if( ! is_present( path ) ) {
			elog_complain( 0, "WARNING: rrd file '%s', listed in database, does not exist. "
				"Removing database entry.\n", path );

			dbmark( dbt );

		} else {

			setarr( Rrd_files, key, strdup( path ) );

			if( VeryVerbose ) {

				elog_notify( 0, "Re-using rrd file '%s' for '%s'\n", path, key );

	Rrdfile_pattern = pfget_string( pf, "rrdfile_pattern" );
	Status_stepsize_sec = pfget_double( pf, "status_stepsize_sec" );
	Default_network = pfget_string( pf, "default_network" );
	dlslines = pfget_tbl( pf, "dls_vars" );

	Dls_vars_dsparams = newarr( 0 );
	Dls_vars_rras = newarr( 0 );

	for( i = 0; i < maxtbl( dlslines ); i++ ) {
		line = gettbl( dlslines, i );
		strtr( line, "\t", " " );
		rras = split( line, ' ' );

		dls_var = shifttbl( rras );
		dsparams = shifttbl( rras );

		setarr( Dls_vars_dsparams, dls_var, dsparams );
		setarr( Dls_vars_rras, dls_var, rras );

	ort = orbreapthr_new( orb, -1., 0 );

	for( ; stop == 0; ) {

		orbreapthr_get( ort, &pktid, srcname, &time, &packet, &nbytes, &bufsize );

		if( statefile ) {

			rc = bury();

			if( rc < 0 ) {

				elog_complain( 0, "Unexpected failure of bury command! " 
					"(are there two orb2rrdc's running with the same state" 
					"file?)\n" );

				clear_register( 1 );

		rc = unstuffPkt( srcname, time, packet, nbytes, &pkt );

		if( rc == Pkt_pf ) {

			if( VeryVerbose ) {

				/* Parameter files generally too big for elog */

				fprintf( stderr, "Received a parameter-file '%s' at %s\n%s\n\n", 
						s = strtime( time ), 
						pf2string( pkt->pf ) );

				free( s );

			} else if( Verbose ) {

				elog_notify( 0, "Received a parameter-file '%s' at %s\n", 
						srcname, s = strtime( time ) );

				free( s );

			pfmorph( pkt->pf );

			if( VeryVerbose ) {

				fprintf( stderr, "Morphed parameter-file '%s' to interpret 'opt':\n%s\n\n", 
						pf2string( pkt->pf ) );

			pfget( pkt->pf, "dls", (void **) &dlspf );

			dlspfkeys = pfkeys( dlspf );
			Dls_vars_keys = keysarr( Dls_vars_dsparams );

			for( i = 0; i < maxtbl( dlspfkeys ); i++ ) {
			   element = gettbl( dlspfkeys, i );

			   if( strcontains( element, "_", 0, 0, 0 ) ) {

				parts = split( (s = strdup( element )), '_' );

				sprintf( net, "%s", (char *) gettbl( parts, 0 ) );
				sprintf( sta, "%s", (char *) gettbl( parts, 1 ) );

				free( s );
				freetbl( parts, 0 );

			   } else {

				sprintf( net, "%s", Default_network );

				sprintf( sta, "%s", element );

			   for( j = 0; j < maxtbl( Dls_vars_keys ); j++ ) {

			   	dls_var = gettbl( Dls_vars_keys, j );

				sprintf( key, "%s{%s}", element, dls_var );

				if( pfresolve( dlspf, key, 0, &pfval ) < 0 ) {

					elog_complain( 0, "Unable to extract variable '%s' "
						"(not present or wrong type) from element '%s' "
						"in packet from '%s', timestamped '%s'; Skipping\n",
						key, element, srcname, s = strtime( time ) );

					free( s );

					pfval = 0;


				} else if( pfval != (Pf *) NULL &&
					   pfval->value.s != (char *) NULL &&
					   ! strcmp( pfval->value.s, "-" ) ) {

					if( VeryVerbose ) {

						elog_notify( 0, "Non-floating point value '-' in variable '%s', "
							"in packet from '%s', timestamped '%s'; Skipping data point\n",
							key, srcname, s = strtime( time ) );

						free( s );


				} else {

					val = pfget_double( dlspf, key );

				archive_dlsvar( db, net, sta, dls_var, 
						(char *) getarr( Dls_vars_dsparams, dls_var ),
						(Tbl *) getarr( Dls_vars_rras, dls_var ),
						time, val );


			freetbl( dlspfkeys, 0 );
			freetbl( Dls_vars_keys, 0 );

		} else if( rc == Pkt_stash ) {

			; /* Do nothing */

		} else {

			if( Verbose ) {

				elog_notify( 0, "Received a packet that's not a parameter file " 
					"(type '%d' from unstuffPkt); skipping\n", rc );
예제 #2
int grtr_sc_create(Dbptr dbsc, char *net_expr, char *sta_expr, 
        char *chan_expr, double tstart, double tend, char *gap,
        int calib, int ir, Dbptr *trscgr)
	char time_str[100];
	char endtime_str[100];
	int ret, n, n2, i;
	double time, time2, endtime, endtime2;
	char sta[32], chan[32];
	char sta2[32], chan2[32];
	char string[1024];
	char string2[64];
	int new_view = 0;
	int is, crunch;
	Response *resp;
	Dbptr db;

	/* Subset input view */

	strcpy (string, "");
	if (sta_expr) {
		strcpy (string, "( ");
        	sprintf (string2, "sta =~ /%s/", sta_expr);
        	strcat (string, string2);
	if (chan_expr) {
		if (string[0]) strcat (string, " && ");
		else strcpy (string, "( ");
        	sprintf (string2, "chan =~ /%s/", chan_expr);
        	strcat (string, string2);
	if (string[0]) {
		strcat (string, " )");
		dbsc = dbsubset (dbsc, string, 0);
		new_view = 1;
        dbquery (dbsc, dbRECORD_COUNT, &n);
        if (n < 1) {
		register_error (0, "grtr_sc_create: No data to process.\n");
		if (new_view) dbfree (dbsc);
		return (-1);

	/* Read in data */

	if (tstart == 0.0 && tend == 0.0) {
		dbquery (dbsc, dbRECORD_COUNT, &n);
		for (dbsc.record = 0; dbsc.record < n; dbsc.record++) {
			if (dbgetv (dbsc, 0, "time", &time, "endtime", &endtime, 0) == dbINVALID) {
        			register_error (0, "grtr_sc_create: dbgetv() error.\n");
				if (new_view) dbfree (dbsc);
        			return (-1);
        		if (tstart == 0.0 && tend == 0.0) {
        			tstart = time;
        			tend = endtime;
			} else {
				if (time < tstart) tstart = time;
				if (endtime > tend) tend = endtime;
        sprintf (time_str, "(%.5f)", tstart);
        sprintf (endtime_str, "(%.5f)", tend);
	dbsc.record = dbALL;
        ret = trload_css (dbsc, time_str, endtime_str, trscgr, "wfdisc", 0);

	/* Split, splice, apply calib */

	if (gap == NULL) strcpy (string, "seg");
	else strcpy (string, gap);
	if (!strcmp(string, "leave")) {
	} else if (!strcmp(string, "seg")) {
		trsplit (*trscgr, 0, 0);
		trsplice (*trscgr, 0.5, 0, 0);
	} else if (!strcmp(string, "interp")) {
		register_error (0, "grtr_sc_create: gap value '%s' not implemented yet.\n", string);
		if (new_view) dbfree (dbsc);
		return (-1);
	} else if (!strcmp(string, "zero")) {
		register_error (0, "grtr_sc_create: gap value '%s' not implemented yet.\n", string);
		if (new_view) dbfree (dbsc);
		return (-1);
	} else if (!strcmp(string, "drop")) {
		trsplit (*trscgr, 0, 0);
		trsplice (*trscgr, 0.5, 0, 0);
		crunch = 0;
		dbquery (*trscgr, dbRECORD_COUNT, &n);
		strcpy (sta2, "");
		strcpy (chan2, "");
		n2 = 0;
		db = *trscgr;
		for (trscgr->record=0; trscgr->record<n; (trscgr->record)++) {
			if (dbgetv (*trscgr, 0, "sta", sta, "chan", chan,
					0) == dbINVALID) {
        			register_error (0, "grtr_sc_create: dbgetv() error.\n");
				if (new_view) dbfree (dbsc);
        			return (-1);
			if (strcmp(sta, sta2) || strcmp(chan, chan2)) {
				if (n2 > 1) {
        				for (db.record = is; db.record < is+n2; db.record++) {
        					trfree (db);
        					crunch = 1;
				n2 = 1;
				is = trscgr->record;
				strcpy (sta2, sta);
				strcpy (chan2, chan);
		if (n2 > 1) {
       			for (db.record = is; db.record < is+n2; db.record++) {
       				trfree (db);
       				crunch = 1;
		if (crunch) {
			dbcrunch (db);
	} else {
		register_error (0, "grtr_sc_create: Illegal gap value '%s'.\n", string);
		if (new_view) dbfree (dbsc);
		return (-1);
	if (calib) trapply_calib (*trscgr);

	/* Read in instrument responses. */

	if (ir )
	/* Run this section if instrument response is to be loaded */
	    dbsc.record = 0;
	    if (dbgetv (dbsc, 0, "instrument.inid", &i, 0) != dbINVALID && i >= 0) {
		dbquery (*trscgr, dbRECORD_COUNT, &n);
		dbquery (dbsc, dbRECORD_COUNT, &n2);
		for (trscgr->record=0; trscgr->record<n; (trscgr->record)++) {
			if (dbgetv (*trscgr, 0, "sta", sta, "chan", chan,
					"time", &time, 0) == dbINVALID) {
        			register_error (0, "grtr_sc_create: dbgetv() error.\n");
				if (new_view) dbfree (dbsc);
        			return (-1);
			for (dbsc.record=0; dbsc.record<n2; dbsc.record++) {
				if (dbgetv (dbsc, 0, "sta", sta2, "chan", chan2,
					"time", &time2, "endtime", &endtime2, 0) == dbINVALID) {
        				register_error (0, "grtr_sc_create: dbgetv() error.\n");
					if (new_view) dbfree (dbsc);
        				return (-1);
				if (strcmp(sta, sta2)) continue;
				if (strcmp(chan, chan2)) continue;
				if (time < time2) continue;
				if (time >= endtime2) continue;
				dbextfile (dbsc, "instrument", string);
				resp = (Response *) getarr (resp_arr, string);
				dbputv (*trscgr, 0, "response", resp, 0);
	clear_register (0);
	if (new_view) dbfree (dbsc);

	/* Normal exit. */

	return (0);