예제 #1
void WomatlCluster::constructor()

  _valid  = FALSE;
  _id     = -1;
  _woid   = -1;
  _type   = (Push | Pull | Mixed);

  _source = WoMaterial;
  _sourceId = -1;

  _required = 0.0;
  _issued = 0.0;

  connect(_itemNumber, SIGNAL(newID(int)), SLOT(sPopulateInfo(int)));


예제 #2
void CurrDisplay::setFormat(CurrDisplayFormats pFormat)
    if (DEBUG)
        qDebug("%s::setFormat(%d)", qPrintable(objectName()), pFormat);

    int precision = _decimals + _localScale;
    _format = pFormat;
    switch (pFormat)
    case SalesPrice:
        precision = decimalPlaces("salesprice");
    case PurchPrice:
        precision = decimalPlaces("purchprice");
    case ExtPrice:
        precision = decimalPlaces("extprice");
    case Cost:
        precision = decimalPlaces("cost");
    case Money:
        precision = decimalPlaces("curr");

    _decimals = precision - _localScale;

    if (DEBUG)
        qDebug("%s::setFormat(%d) returning with _format %d, _decimals %d",
               qPrintable(objectName()), pFormat, _format, _decimals);
예제 #3
  Gets the number of decimal places in order to report a number with the given
  number of non-zero digits.
Int_t decimalPlaces(Double_t number, Int_t nonzeroDigits = 2) 
  if (number <  0)    return decimalPlaces(-number, nonzeroDigits);
  if (number == 0)    return nonzeroDigits;

  Int_t     decimals  = nonzeroDigits - 1;
  while (number < 1) {
    number *= 10;
  return decimals;
예제 #4
bool dspItemCostsByClassCode::setParams(ParameterList &params)
  if (!display::setParams(params))
    return false;











  XSqlQuery qq;
  qq.exec("SELECT locale_cost_scale "
         "FROM locale, usr "
         "WHERE ((usr_locale_id=locale_id) AND (usr_username=getEffectiveXtUser()));");
  if (qq.first())
    params.append("costscale", qq.value("locale_cost_scale").toInt());
    params.append("costscale", decimalPlaces("cost"));

  return true;
예제 #5
updatePrices::updatePrices(QWidget* parent, const char* name, bool modal, Qt::WindowFlags fl)
    : XDialog(parent, name, modal, fl)
  XSqlQuery updateupdatePrices;

  // signals and slots connections
  connect(_byItem,             SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(sHandleBy(bool)));
  connect(_byItemGroup,        SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(sHandleBy(bool)));
  connect(_byProductCategory,  SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(sHandleBy(bool)));
  connect(_close,              SIGNAL(clicked()),     this, SLOT(close()));
  connect(_add,                SIGNAL(clicked()),     this, SLOT(sAdd()));
  connect(_addAll,             SIGNAL(clicked()),     this, SLOT(sAddAll()));
  connect(_remove,             SIGNAL(clicked()),     this, SLOT(sRemove()));
  connect(_removeAll,          SIGNAL(clicked()),     this, SLOT(sRemoveAll()));
  connect(_update,             SIGNAL(clicked()),     this, SLOT(sUpdate()));
  connect(_showEffective,      SIGNAL(clicked()),     this, SLOT(populate()));
  connect(_showExpired,        SIGNAL(clicked()),     this, SLOT(populate()));
  connect(_showCurrent,        SIGNAL(clicked()),     this, SLOT(populate()));
  connect(_value,              SIGNAL(clicked()),     this, SLOT(sHandleCharPrice()));
  connect(_percent,            SIGNAL(clicked()),     this, SLOT(sHandleCharPrice()));
  connect(_avail,              SIGNAL(itemSelected(int)), _add,    SLOT(animateClick()));
  connect(_sel,                SIGNAL(itemSelected(int)), _remove, SLOT(animateClick()));

  _updateBy->setValidator(new XDoubleValidator(-100, 9999, decimalPlaces("curr"), _updateBy));

  MetaSQLQuery mql = mqlLoad("updateprices", "createselsched");
  ParameterList params;
  updateupdatePrices = mql.toQuery(params);
  if (updateupdatePrices.lastError().type() != QSqlError::NoError)
    systemError(this, updateupdatePrices.lastError().databaseText(), __FILE__, __LINE__);

  _avail->addColumn(tr("Schedule"),      -1,          Qt::AlignLeft,  true,  "ipshead_name");
  _avail->addColumn(tr("Description"),   -1,          Qt::AlignLeft,  true,  "ipshead_descrip");
  _avail->addColumn(tr("Effective"),     -1,          Qt::AlignLeft,  true,  "ipshead_effective");
  _avail->addColumn(tr("Expires"),       -1,          Qt::AlignLeft,  true,  "ipshead_expires");

  _sel->addColumn(tr("Schedule"),        -1,          Qt::AlignLeft,  true,  "ipshead_name");
  _sel->addColumn(tr("Description"),     -1,          Qt::AlignLeft,  true,  "ipshead_descrip");

  //	_value->setChecked(true);

 CharacteristicAssignmentPrivate(characteristicAssignment *p)
   : parent(p),
   priceVal = new XDoubleValidator(0, 9999999.0, decimalPlaces("purchprice"), parent);
   if (targetTypeMap.isEmpty())
     XSqlQuery q("SELECT * FROM source WHERE source_charass != '';");
     while (q.next())
예제 #7
GUIClient::GUIClient(const QString &pDatabaseURL, const QString &pUsername)
  _menuBar = 0;
  _activeWindow = 0;
  _shown = false;

  _databaseURL = pDatabaseURL;
  _username = pUsername;
  __saveSizePositionEventFilter = new SaveSizePositionEventFilter(this);

  _splash->showMessage(tr("Initializing Internal Data"), SplashTextAlignment, SplashTextColor);

  _showTopLevel = false;
  if(_preferences->value("InterfaceWindowOption") == "TopLevel")
    _showTopLevel = true;

  __itemListSerial = 0;
  __custListSerial = 0;

  _q.exec("SELECT startOfTime() AS sot, endOfTime() AS eot;");
  if (_q.first())
    _startOfTime = _q.value("sot").toDate();
    _endOfTime = _q.value("eot").toDate();
    systemError( this, tr( "A Critical Error occurred at %1::%2.\n"
                           "Please immediately log out and contact your Systems Adminitrator." )
                       .arg(__LINE__) );

  /*  TODO: either separate validators for extprice, purchprice, and salesprice
            or replace every field that uses _moneyVal, _negMoneyVal, _priceVal, and _costVal
               with CurrCluster or CurrDisplay
  _qtyVal      = new QDoubleValidator(0,              99999999.0, decimalPlaces("qty"),     this);
  _transQtyVal = new QDoubleValidator(-99999999.0,    99999999.0, decimalPlaces("qty"),     this);
  _qtyPerVal   = new QDoubleValidator(0,              99999999.0, decimalPlaces("qtyper"),  this);
  _scrapVal    = new QDoubleValidator(0,                  9999.0, decimalPlaces("percent"), this);
  _percentVal  = new QDoubleValidator(0,                  9999.0, decimalPlaces("percent"), this);
  _moneyVal    = new QDoubleValidator(0,            9999999999.0, decimalPlaces("curr"),    this);
  _negMoneyVal = new QDoubleValidator(-9999999999.0,9999999999.0, decimalPlaces("curr"),    this);
  _priceVal    = new QDoubleValidator(0,               9999999.0, decimalPlaces("purchprice"), this);
  _costVal     = new QDoubleValidator(0,               9999999.0, decimalPlaces("cost"), this);
  _ratioVal    = new QDoubleValidator(0,            9999999999.0, decimalPlaces("uomratio"), this);
  _weightVal   = new QDoubleValidator(0,              99999999.0, decimalPlaces("weight"), this);
  _runTimeVal  = new QDoubleValidator(0,              99999999.0, 2, this);
  _orderVal    = new QIntValidator(0, 999999, this);
  _dayVal      = new QIntValidator(0, 9999, this);

#ifdef Q_WS_MACX
  _assClient = new QAssistantClient((qApp->applicationDirPath() + "/../Resources"), this);
  _assClient = new QAssistantClient(qApp->applicationDirPath(), this);

  connect(_assClient, SIGNAL(error(const QString &)), this, SLOT(sReportError(const QString &)));

  QStringList commands;
  commands //<< "-hideSidebar"
           << "-profile"
#ifdef Q_WS_MACX
           << qApp->applicationDirPath() + QString("/../Resources/helpXTupleGUIClient/XTupleGUIClient.adp");
           << qApp->applicationDirPath() + QString("/helpXTupleGUIClient/XTupleGUIClient.adp");
예제 #8
void distributeToLocation::populate()
  if (_mode == cLocation)
    q.prepare( "SELECT formatLocationName(location_id) AS locationname, COALESCE(subild.itemlocdist_qty, 0) AS qty, "
               "       qtyLocation(location_id, NULL, NULL, NULL, topild.itemlocdist_itemsite_id, topild.itemlocdist_order_type, topild.itemlocdist_order_id) AS availqty "
               "FROM location LEFT OUTER JOIN itemlocdist AS subild"
               "               ON ( (subild.itemlocdist_source_type='L')"
               "                   AND (subild.itemlocdist_source_id=location_id)"
               "                   AND (subild.itemlocdist_itemlocdist_id=:itemlocdist_id) ) "
               "     LEFT OUTER JOIN itemlocdist AS topild"
               "               ON (topild.itemlocdist_id=:itemlocdist_id) "
               "WHERE (location_id=:location_id);" );
    q.bindValue(":itemlocdist_id", _sourceItemlocdistid);
    q.bindValue(":location_id", _locationid);
  else if (_mode == cItemloc)
    q.prepare( "SELECT formatLocationName(location_id) AS locationname,"
	       "       COALESCE(itemlocdist_qty, 0) AS qty, "
	       "       itemloc_qty AS availqty "
               "FROM itemloc LEFT OUTER JOIN"
	       "     location ON (itemloc_location_id=location_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN"
	       "     itemlocdist ON ((itemlocdist_source_type='I')"
               "                 AND (itemlocdist_source_id=itemloc_id)"
               "                 AND (itemlocdist_itemlocdist_id=:itemlocdist_id) ) "
               "WHERE (itemloc_id=:itemloc_id);" );
    q.bindValue(":itemlocdist_id", _sourceItemlocdistid);
    q.bindValue(":itemloc_id", _itemlocdistid);

  if (q.first())
    _availToDistribute = q.value("availqty").toDouble();

  q.prepare( "SELECT parent.lotserial AS lotserial,"
             "       qtydistrib,"
             "       qtytagged,"
             "       (qtydistrib - qtytagged) AS qtybalance "
             "FROM ( SELECT formatlotserialnumber(itemlocdist_ls_id) AS lotserial, itemlocdist_qty AS qtydistrib"
             "       FROM itemlocdist"
             "       WHERE (itemlocdist_id=:itemlocdist_id) ) AS parent,"
             "     ( SELECT COALESCE(SUM(itemlocdist_qty), 0) AS qtytagged"
             "       FROM itemlocdist"
             "       WHERE (itemlocdist_itemlocdist_id=:itemlocdist_id) ) AS child;" );
  q.bindValue(":itemlocdist_id", _sourceItemlocdistid);
  if (q.first())
    _lotSerial = q.value("lotserial").toString();

    _balance = round(q.value("qtybalance").toDouble() * pow(10, decimalPlaces("qty"))) / pow(10, decimalPlaces("qty"));

    double locQty = _balance;
    if (_mode == cItemloc || _mode == cLocation)	// lot/serial or Location
      // if we want to take stuff away and we have stuff to take away
      if (locQty < 0 && _availToDistribute > 0)
	locQty = qMax(-_availToDistribute, locQty);
      // if we want to take stuff away but don't have anything to take away
      else if (locQty < 0)
	locQty = 0;
  else if (q.lastError().type() != QSqlError::NoError)
    systemError(this, q.lastError().databaseText(), __FILE__, __LINE__);
예제 #9
void HLTDatasets::report(const Char_t* luminosity, const Char_t* outputPrefix, const Int_t significantDigits) const
  TString           outputPath;
  outputPath.Form("%s%s_", outputPrefix ? outputPrefix : "", scenarioName.Data());
  if (outputPrefix) {
    TString         outputDir     = gSystem->DirName(outputPath);
    if (outputDir.Length() && outputDir != "." && gSystem->mkdir(outputDir, kTRUE) != 0) {
      std::cerr << "ERROR : Could not create output directory " << outputDir << std::endl;

  // Make additional compilations of samples
  std::vector<SampleDiagnostics>  diagnostics;
  const UInt_t                    numDiagnostics  = compileSamples(diagnostics);
  const UInt_t                    numSamples      = size();

  //.. Create output file .....................................................
  TString           tablesPrefix  = outputPath + "newtriggers";
  std::ofstream     tablesFile    (tablesPrefix + ".tex");
  tablesFile << "\\documentclass[amsmath,amssymb]{revtex4}" << std::endl;
  tablesFile << "\\usepackage{longtable}" << std::endl;
  tablesFile << "\\usepackage{color}" << std::endl;
  tablesFile << "\\begin{document}" << std::endl;
  tablesFile << "\\begin{center}" << std::endl;
  tablesFile << "{\\large Instantaneous Luminosity " << luminosity << "~cm$^{-2}$~s$^{-1}$}" << std::endl;
  tablesFile << "\\end{center}" << std::endl;
  tablesFile << "\\tableofcontents" << std::endl;
  tablesFile << "\\clearpage" << std::endl << std::endl << std::endl;

  // Store dataset definition
  const UInt_t      numDatasets   = datasetsConfig.size();
  if (diagnostics[1 + RATE_SAMPLE].numConstituentSamples > 0) {
  tablesFile        << "\\section{Primary Datasets}\\label{primaryDatasets}"  << std::endl;
    tablesFile      << "The ``rate'' samples are:"                            << std::endl;
    tablesFile      << "\\begin{itemize}"                                     << std::endl;
    for (UInt_t iSample = 0; iSample < numSamples; ++iSample)                  
      if (at(iSample).typeOfSample == RATE_SAMPLE)
        tablesFile  << "\\item " << latexEscape(at(iSample).name)             << std::endl;
    tablesFile      << "\\end{itemize}"                                       << std::endl;
    tablesFile      << std::endl;
  if (diagnostics[1 + PHYSICS_SAMPLE].numConstituentSamples > 0) {
    tablesFile      << "The ``physics'' samples are:"                         << std::endl;
    tablesFile      << "\\begin{itemize}"                                     << std::endl;
    for (UInt_t iSample = 0; iSample < numSamples; ++iSample)                  
      if (at(iSample).typeOfSample == PHYSICS_SAMPLE)
        tablesFile  << "\\item " << latexEscape(at(iSample).name)             << std::endl;
    tablesFile      << "\\end{itemize}"                                       << std::endl;
    tablesFile      << std::endl;
  tablesFile        << "\\begin{longtable}{|c|c|l|}"                                    << std::endl;
//  tablesFile        << "\\begin{tabular}{|c|c|l|}"                            << std::endl;
  tablesFile        << "\\hline"                                              << std::endl;
  tablesFile        << "{\\bf Primary Dataset} & {\\bf Rate in Hz ("
                    << TString(diagnostics[0].name).ReplaceAll("samples", " samples")
                    << ")} & {\\bf Triggers (OR-ed)} \\\\" << std::endl;
  tablesFile        << "\\hline"                                              << std::endl;
  tablesFile        << "\\endfirsthead"  << std::endl;
  tablesFile        << "\\hline"                                              << std::endl;
  tablesFile        << "{\\bf Primary Dataset} & {\\bf Rate in Hz ("
                    << TString(diagnostics[0].name).ReplaceAll("samples", " samples")
                    << ")} & {\\bf Triggers (OR-ed)} \\\\" << std::endl;
  tablesFile        << "\\hline"   << std::endl;
  tablesFile        << "\\endhead"  << std::endl;
  tablesFile        << "\\hline"  << std::endl;
  tablesFile        << "\\endfoot"  << std::endl;
  tablesFile        << "\\hline"    << std::endl;
  tablesFile        << "\\endlastfoot"  << std::endl;

  Double_t          overheadRate  = 0;
  for (UInt_t iSet = 0; iSet < numDatasets; ++iSet) {
    const Dataset&  dataset       = diagnostics[0][iSet];
    if (dataset.isNewTrigger)     continue;
    overheadRate   += dataset.rate;
    Double_t        rateErr       = TMath::Sqrt(dataset.rateUncertainty2);
    Int_t           decimals      = decimalPlaces(rateErr);
    tablesFile      << latexEscape(dataset.name.Data())                       << " & "
                    << TString::Format("%.*f", decimals, dataset.rate)        << " $\\pm$ "
                    << TString::Format("%.*f", decimals, rateErr)             << " & "
    const UInt_t    numTriggers   = dataset.size();
    for (UInt_t iTrig = 0; iTrig < numTriggers; ++iTrig)
      tablesFile    << (iTrig ? "          &      & " : "")
                    << latexEscape(dataset[iTrig].name) << " \\\\"            << std::endl;
    tablesFile      << "\\hline"                                              << std::endl;
  } // end loop over datasets
  overheadRate     -= diagnostics[0].passedRate;
  Double_t          passedRateErr = TMath::Sqrt(diagnostics[0].passedRateUncertainty2);
  Int_t             decimals      = decimalPlaces(passedRateErr);
  tablesFile        << "\\multicolumn{3}{l}{Total rate is (";
  tablesFile        << TString::Format("%.*f", decimals, diagnostics[0].passedRate) << " $\\pm$ "
                    << TString::Format("%.*f", decimals, passedRateErr)       << ") Hz, plus "
                    << TString::Format("%.*f", decimals, overheadRate)        
                    << " Hz of datasets storage overhead"
  tablesFile        << "} \\\\ \\hline"                                       << std::endl;
//  tablesFile        << "\\end{tabular}"                                       << std::endl;
  tablesFile        << "\\end{longtable}"                                         << std::endl;
  tablesFile        << std::endl;
  tablesFile        << "\\clearpage"                                          << std::endl;
  tablesFile        << "%================================================================================" << std::endl;
  tablesFile        << std::endl << std::endl;

  // Store one page per new trigger
  for (UInt_t iSet = 0; iSet < numDatasets; ++iSet) {
    const Dataset&  dataset       = datasetsConfig[iSet];
    if (! dataset.isNewTrigger)   continue;

    // Start of section for this trigger
    TString         title         = latexEscape(dataset.name);
    const UInt_t    numTriggers   = dataset.size();

    tablesFile      << "\\section{Contribution of " << title << "}";
    tablesFile      << "\\label{" << TString(dataset.name).ReplaceAll("_","") << "Contribution}" << std::endl;
    tablesFile      << "The rate that would be added by ";
    if (numTriggers > 1) {
      tablesFile    << title << "~$\\equiv$~(";
      for (UInt_t iTrig = 0; iTrig < numTriggers; ++iTrig)
        tablesFile  << (iTrig ? "~$\\vee$~" : "") << latexEscape(dataset[iTrig].name);
      tablesFile    << ")";
    else tablesFile << title;
    tablesFile      << " to the various primary datasets. " << std::endl;
    tablesFile      << "The ``contribution'' is the (new) rate added by " << title 
                    << " as a percent of the original dataset rate. ";
    tablesFile      << std::endl << std::endl;

    for (UInt_t iSample = 0; iSample < numDiagnostics; ++iSample) {
      const SampleDiagnostics&      sample          = diagnostics[iSample];
      ////std::cout << " +++   " << sample.name << " = " << sample.numProcessedEvents << std::endl;
      if (sample.typeOfSample == PHYSICS_SAMPLE && sample.numProcessedEvents > 0) {
        TString     errata;
        errata.Form("{\\bf %s}~:~", TString(sample.name).ReplaceAll("samples", " samples").Data());
        sample[iSet].report(tablesFile, sample, errata, significantDigits);
    } // end loop over samples

    tablesFile      << "\\clearpage" << std::endl;
    tablesFile      << "%================================================================================" << std::endl;
    tablesFile      << std::endl << std::endl;
  } // end loop over datasets

  //.. Latex it ...............................................................
  tablesFile << std::endl << std::endl << "\\end{document}" << std::endl;
  TString     pdfIt;
  pdfIt.Form("latex %s.tex ; latex %s.tex ; latex %s.tex ; dvipdf %s.dvi %s.pdf", tablesPrefix.Data(), tablesPrefix.Data(), tablesPrefix.Data(), tablesPrefix.Data(), tablesPrefix.Data());
  //pdfIt       += TString::Format(" & (rm %s.aux %s.dvi %s.tex %s.log %s.toc)", tablesPrefix.Data(), tablesPrefix.Data(), tablesPrefix.Data(), tablesPrefix.Data(), tablesPrefix.Data(), tablesPrefix.Data());
  pdfIt       += TString::Format(" ; rm %s.aux %s.dvi %s.log %s.toc", tablesPrefix.Data(), tablesPrefix.Data(), tablesPrefix.Data(), tablesPrefix.Data(), tablesPrefix.Data());
	// RR commenting the latex xompilation for now
//   if (gSystem->Exec(pdfIt) == 0)   std::clog << "  +  " << tablesPrefix << ".pdf" << std::endl;
//   else  std::clog << "  -  " << tablesPrefix << ".pdf  ---  FAILED to compile tex file!" << std::endl;
예제 #10
void Dataset::report(std::ofstream& output, const std::vector<Dataset>& datasets, const Char_t* errata, 
                     const Int_t significantDigits) const
  Double_t        rateErr     = TMath::Sqrt(rateUncertainty2);
  Int_t           decimals    = decimalPlaces(rateErr);

  //.. Table formatting .......................................................
  output << "\\begin{longtable}{|l|c|c|c|}" << std::endl;

  output << "\\multicolumn{4}{l}{";
  if (errata)     output << errata;
  output << "Stand-alone rate of " << latexEscape(name) << " is ";
  output << TString::Format("%.*f", decimals, rate)     << "~$\\pm$~";
  output << TString::Format("%.*f", decimals, rateErr)  << " Hz" << std::endl;
  output << "} \\\\" << std::endl;
  output << "\\hline " << std::endl;
  output << "{\\bf Primary Dataset} & ";
  output << "{\\bf Orig. Dataset Rate (Hz)} & ";
  output << "{\\bf Rate Added (Hz)} & ";
  output << "{\\bf Contribution (\\%)} \\\\ " << std::endl;
  output << "\\hline" << std::endl;
  output << "\\endfirsthead " << std::endl << std::endl;

  output << "\\multicolumn{4}{l}{\\bf \\bfseries -- continued from previous page --} \\\\" << std::endl;
  output << "\\hline " << std::endl;
  output << "{\\bf Primary Dataset} & ";
  output << "{\\bf Dataset Rate (Hz)} & ";
  output << "{\\bf Rate Added (Hz)} & ";
  output << "{\\bf Contribution (\\%)} \\\\ " << std::endl;
  output << "\\hline" << std::endl;  
  output << "\\endhead " << std::endl << std::endl;

  output << "\\hline \\multicolumn{4}{|r|}{{Continued on next page}} \\\\ \\hline " << std::endl;
  output << "\\endfoot " << std::endl;

  output << "\\hline " << std::endl;
  output << "\\endlastfoot " << std::endl;

  const UInt_t      numDatasets     = datasetIndices.size();
  for (UInt_t iSet = 0; iSet < numDatasets; ++iSet) {
    const Dataset&  dataset         = datasets[datasetIndices[iSet]];
    const Double_t  addedUncertainty= TMath::Sqrt(addedUncertainty2[iSet]);

    output << "\\color{blue}" << latexEscape(dataset.name)                                    << " & ";
    if (dataset.rate > 0)
      output  << TString::Format("%.*f", decimals, dataset.rate)                              << " $\\pm$ " 
              << TString::Format("%.*f", decimals, TMath::Sqrt(dataset.rateUncertainty2))     << " & ";
    else  output << " (n/a) & ";
    output    << TString::Format("%.*f", decimals, addedRate[iSet])                           << " $\\pm$ "
              << TString::Format("%.*f", decimals, addedUncertainty)                          << " & ";
    if (dataset.rate > 0)
      output  << TString::Format("%.*g", significantDigits, 100*addedRate[iSet]/dataset.rate) << " $\\pm$ " 
              << TString::Format("%.*g", significantDigits, 100*addedUncertainty/dataset.rate);
    else  output << " (n/a) ";
    output << " \\\\ ";
    output << std::endl;
  } // end loop over compared datasets

  output << "\\hline " << std::endl;
  output << "\\end{longtable}" << std::endl << std::endl;
예제 #11
파일: klocale.cpp 프로젝트: vasi/kdelibs
int KLocale::decimalPlaces() const
    return d->decimalPlaces();
예제 #12
itemPricingScheduleItem::itemPricingScheduleItem(QWidget* parent, const char* name, bool modal, Qt::WindowFlags fl)
    : XDialog(parent, name, modal, fl)
  XSqlQuery itemitemPricingScheduleItem;

  _save = _buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Save);

  connect(_buttonBox, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(reject()));
  connect(_buttonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(sSave()));
  connect(_item, SIGNAL(newId(int)), this, SLOT(sUpdateCosts(int)));
  connect(_price, SIGNAL(idChanged(int)), _actCost, SLOT(setId(int)));
  connect(_price, SIGNAL(idChanged(int)), _stdCost, SLOT(setId(int)));
  connect(_price, SIGNAL(idChanged(int)), _listPrice, SLOT(setId(int)));
  connect(_price, SIGNAL(effectiveChanged(const QDate&)), _actCost, SLOT(setEffective(const QDate&)));
  connect(_price, SIGNAL(effectiveChanged(const QDate&)), _stdCost, SLOT(setEffective(const QDate&)));
  connect(_price, SIGNAL(effectiveChanged(const QDate&)), _listPrice, SLOT(setEffective(const QDate&)));
  connect(_price, SIGNAL(valueChanged()), this, SLOT(sUpdateMargins()));
  connect(_itemSelected, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(sTypeChanged(bool)));
  connect(_discountSelected, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(sTypeChanged(bool)));
  connect(_markupSelected, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(sTypeChanged(bool)));
  connect(_freightSelected, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(sTypeChanged(bool)));
  connect(_qtyUOM, SIGNAL(newID(int)), this, SLOT(sQtyUOMChanged()));
  connect(_priceUOM, SIGNAL(newID(int)), this, SLOT(sPriceUOMChanged()));
  connect(_new, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(sNew()));
  connect(_edit, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(sEdit()));
  connect(_delete, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(sDelete()));
  connect(_dscbyItem, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(sCheckEnable()));
  connect(_dscbyprodcat, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(sCheckEnable()));
  connect(_markupbyItem, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(sCheckEnable()));
  connect(_markupbyprodcat, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(sCheckEnable()));
  connect(_item, SIGNAL(valid(bool)), this, SLOT(sCheckEnable()));
  connect(_dscitem, SIGNAL(valid(bool)), this, SLOT(sCheckEnable()));
  connect(_markupitem, SIGNAL(valid(bool)), this, SLOT(sCheckEnable()));
  connect(_prodcat, SIGNAL(valid(bool)), this, SLOT(sCheckEnable()));
  connect(_markupProdcat, SIGNAL(valid(bool)), this, SLOT(sCheckEnable()));

  _ipsheadid = -1;
  _ipsitemid = -1;
  _ipsfreightid = -1;
  _invuomid = -1;
  _listpricesched = false;
  _charprice->addColumn(tr("Characteristic"), _itemColumn, Qt::AlignLeft, true,  "char_name" );
  _charprice->addColumn(tr("Value"),          -1,          Qt::AlignLeft, true,  "ipsitemchar_value" );
  _charprice->addColumn(tr("Price"),          _priceColumn,Qt::AlignRight, true, "ipsitemchar_price" );

  _discount->setValidator(new XDoubleValidator(-999, 999, decimalPlaces("percent"), this));
  _markup->setValidator(new XDoubleValidator(-999, 999, decimalPlaces("percent"), this));
  _item->setType(ItemLineEdit::cSold | ItemLineEdit::cActive);
  itemitemPricingScheduleItem.exec("SELECT uom_name FROM uom WHERE (uom_item_weight);");
  if (itemitemPricingScheduleItem.first())
    QString uom = itemitemPricingScheduleItem.value("uom_name").toString();
    QString title (tr("Price per "));
    title += uom;

  if (_metrics->boolean("WholesalePriceCosting"))
      _markupLit->setText(tr("Markup Percent (Wholesale Price):"));
      _markupLit->setText(tr("Markup Percent (Inventory Cost):"));

/*  Not used anywhere in the code
   _rejectedMsg = tr("The application has encountered an error and must "
                    "stop editing this Pricing Schedule.\n%1");

예제 #13
QString xmoney::toDbString() const
  return QString("(%1,%2)").arg(formatNumber(amount(), decimalPlaces()),
                                currency().isEmpty() ? "\"\"" : currency());