예제 #1
bool NetscapePlugin::platformPostInitialize()
    if (!m_isWindowed) {
        m_window = 0;

        // Windowless plugins need a little help showing context menus since our containingWindow()
        // is in a different process. See <http://webkit.org/b/51063>.
        m_pluginModule->module()->installIATHook("user32.dll", "TrackPopupMenu", hookedTrackPopupMenu);
        m_contextMenuOwnerWindow = ::CreateWindowExW(0, defWndProcWindowClassName(), 0, WS_CHILD, 0, 0, 0, 0, containingWindow(), 0, instanceHandle(), 0);

        return true;


    // Start out with the window hidden. The UI process will take care of showing it once it's correctly positioned the window.
    m_window = ::CreateWindowExW(0, windowClassName, 0, WS_CHILD, 0, 0, 0, 0, containingWindow(), 0, instanceHandle(), 0);
    if (!m_window)
        return false;

    // FIXME: Do we need to pass our window to setPlatformWidget?
    // FIXME: WebCore::PluginView sets the window proc to DefWindowProcA here for Shockwave Director.

    m_npWindow.type = NPWindowTypeWindow;
    m_npWindow.window = m_window;

    return true;
bool CACFLayerTreeHost::acceleratedCompositingAvailable()
    static bool available;
    static bool tested;

    if (tested)
        return available;

    tested = true;

    // Initialize available to true since this function will be called from a 
    // propagation within createRenderer(). We want to be able to return true 
    // when that happens so that the test can continue.
    available = true;
    HMODULE library = LoadLibrary(TEXT("d3d9.dll"));
    if (!library) {
        available = false;
        return available;

#ifdef DEBUG_ALL
    library = LoadLibrary(TEXT("QuartzCore_debug.dll"));
    library = LoadLibrary(TEXT("QuartzCore.dll"));
    if (!library) {
        available = false;
        return available;


    // Make a dummy HWND.
    HWND testWindow = ::CreateWindow(defWndProcWindowClassName(), L"CoreAnimationTesterWindow", WS_POPUP, -500, -500, 20, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0);

    if (!testWindow) {
        available = false;
        return available;

    RefPtr<CACFLayerTreeHost> host = CACFLayerTreeHost::create();
    available = host->createRenderer();

    return available;