예제 #1
AgiEngine::~AgiEngine() {
	delete g_agi_music;
	delete _sprites;
	delete rnd;
	delete _console;
예제 #2
main:	This is the main entry point for the VirtualT application.
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	if (process_args(argc, argv))	/* Parse command line args */
		return 1;

	setup_working_path(argv);	/* Create a working dir path */
	setup_unix_signals();		/* Setup Unix signal handling */

	// Added by JV for prefs
	init_pref();				/* load user Menu preferences */
	check_installation();		/* Test if install needs to be performed */
	load_setup_preferences();	/* Load user Peripheral setup preferences */
	load_memory_preferences();	/* Load user Memory setup preferences */
	load_remote_preferences();  /* Load user Remote Socket preferences */
	/* Perform initialization */
	init_mem();					/* Initialize Memory */
	init_io();					/* Initialize I/O structures */
	init_sound();				/* Initialize Sound system */
	init_display();				/* Initialize the Display */
	init_cpu();					/* Initialize the CPU */
	init_throttle_timer();		/* Initialize the throttle timer */
	init_remote();				/* Initialize the remote control */
	init_lpt();					/* Initialize the printer subsystem */
	init_other_windows();		/* Initialize other windows that were opened (memedit, regs, etc. */
	get_model_time();			/* Load the emulated time for current model */

	/* Perform Emulation */
	emulate();					/* Main emulation loop */

	/* Save RAM contents after emulation */
	save_model_time();			/* Save the emulated time */

	/* Cleanup */
	deinit_io();				/* Deinitialize I/O */
	deinit_sound();				/* Deinitialize sound */
	deinit_lpt();				/* Deinitialize the printer */
	deinit_throttle_timer();	/* Deinitialize the throttle timer */
	deinit_display();			/* Deinitialze and free the main window */
	free_mem();					/* Free memory used by ReMem and/or Rampac */

	return 0;
예제 #3
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
	int ec;

	MaxApplZone ();

	game.clock_enabled = FALSE;
	game.state = STATE_INIT;

	init_machine (argc, argv);

	game.color_fg = 15;
	game.color_bg = 0;

	if ((game.sbuf = calloc (_WIDTH, _HEIGHT)) == NULL) {
		ec = err_NotEnoughMemory;
		goto bail_out;
#ifdef USE_HIRES
	if ((game.hires = calloc (_WIDTH * 2, _HEIGHT)) == NULL) {
		ec = err_NotEnoughMemory;
		goto bail_out_2;
	opt.hires = 1;

	if (init_sprites () != err_OK) {
		ec = err_NotEnoughMemory;
		goto bail_out_3;

	if (init_video () != err_OK) {
		ec = err_Unk;
		goto bail_out_4;

	console_init ();
	report ("--- Starting console ---\n\n");

	_D ("Init sound");
	init_sound ();

	game.ver = -1;		/* Disable conf file warning */

	report (" \nSarien " VERSION " is ready.\n");
	if (game.state < STATE_LOADED) {
       		console_prompt ();
		do { main_cycle (); } while (game.state < STATE_RUNNING);
		if (game.ver < 0)
			game.ver = 0;	/* Enable conf file warning */

	ec = run_game ();

	deinit_sound ();
	deinit_video ();

	deinit_sprites ();
#ifdef USE_HIRES
	free (game.hires);
	free (game.sbuf);
	if (ec == err_OK || ec == err_DoNothing) {
		deinit_machine ();
		exit (ec);

	deinit_machine ();

	return ec;