예제 #1
 void FrenchStemmer::step2b()
     static Collection<String> suffix;
     if (!suffix)
         static const wchar_t* _suffix[] = 
             L"eraIent", L"erais", L"erait", L"erai", L"eras", L"erions", L"eriez", 
             L"erons", L"eront", L"erez", L"\x00e8rent", L"era", L"\x00e9es", L"iez", L"\x00e9e", L"\x00e9s", 
             L"er", L"ez", L"\x00e9"
         suffix = Collection<String>::newInstance(_suffix, _suffix + SIZEOF_ARRAY(_suffix));
     deleteFrom(RV, suffix);
     static Collection<String> search;
     if (!search)
         static const wchar_t* _search[] = 
             L"assions", L"assiez", L"assent", L"asses", L"asse", L"aIent", L"antes", 
             L"aIent", L"Aient", L"ante", L"\x00e2mes", L"\x00e2tes", L"ants", L"ant", L"ait", 
             L"a\x00eet", L"ais", L"Ait", L"A\x00eet", L"Ais", L"\x00e2t", L"as", L"ai", L"Ai", L"a"
         search = Collection<String>::newInstance(_search, _search + SIZEOF_ARRAY(_search));
     deleteButSuffixFrom(RV, search, L"e", true);
     deleteFrom(R2, newCollection<String>(L"ions"));
예제 #2
    void FrenchStemmer::step1()
        Collection<String> suffix = newCollection<String>(L"ances", L"iqUes", L"ismes", L"ables", L"istes", L"ance", L"iqUe", L"isme", L"able", L"iste");
        deleteFrom(R2, suffix);

        replaceFrom(R2, newCollection<String>(L"logies", L"logie"), L"log");
        replaceFrom(R2, newCollection<String>(L"usions", L"utions", L"usion", L"ution"), L"u");
        replaceFrom(R2, newCollection<String>(L"ences", L"ence"), L"ent");

        Collection<String> search = newCollection<String>(L"atrices", L"ateurs", L"ations", L"atrice", L"ateur", L"ation");
        deleteButSuffixFromElseReplace(R2, search, L"ic",  true, R0, L"iqU");

        deleteButSuffixFromElseReplace(R2, newCollection<String>(L"ements", L"ement"), L"eus", false, R0, L"eux");
        deleteButSuffixFrom(R2, newCollection<String>(L"ements", L"ement"), L"ativ", false);
        deleteButSuffixFrom(R2, newCollection<String>(L"ements", L"ement"), L"iv", false);
        deleteButSuffixFrom(R2, newCollection<String>(L"ements", L"ement"), L"abl", false);
        deleteButSuffixFrom(R2, newCollection<String>(L"ements", L"ement"), L"iqU", false);

        deleteFromIfTestVowelBeforeIn(R1, newCollection<String>(L"issements", L"issement"), false, R0);
        deleteFrom(RV, newCollection<String>(L"ements", L"ement"));

        deleteButSuffixFromElseReplace(R2, newCollection<String>(L"it\x00e9s", L"it\x00e9"), L"abil", false, R0, L"abl");
        deleteButSuffixFromElseReplace(R2, newCollection<String>(L"it\x00e9s", L"it\x00e9"), L"ic", false, R0, L"iqU");
        deleteButSuffixFrom(R2, newCollection<String>(L"it\x00e9s", L"it\x00e9"), L"iv", true);

        Collection<String> autre = newCollection<String>(L"ifs", L"ives", L"if", L"ive");
        deleteButSuffixFromElseReplace(R2, autre, L"icat", false, R0, L"iqU");
        deleteButSuffixFromElseReplace(R2, autre, L"at", true, R2, L"iqU");

        replaceFrom(R0, newCollection<String>(L"eaux"), L"eau");

        replaceFrom(R1, newCollection<String>(L"aux"), L"al");

        deleteButSuffixFromElseReplace(R2, newCollection<String>(L"euses", L"euse"), L"", true, R1, L"eux");

        deleteFrom(R2, newCollection<String>(L"eux"));

        // if one of the next steps is performed, we will need to perform step2a
        if (replaceFrom(RV, newCollection<String>(L"amment"), L"ant"))
            suite = true;
        if (replaceFrom(RV, newCollection<String>(L"emment"), L"ent"))
            suite = true;
        if (deleteFromIfTestVowelBeforeIn(RV, newCollection<String>(L"ments", L"ment"), true, RV))
            suite = true;
예제 #3
 * Deletes element from a subtree.
 * @param [in,out] tree The AVL tree.
 * @param [in,out] node The root of the given subtree.
 * @param [in] key The key of the node.
static void deleteFrom(AVL_Tree *tree, AVL_Node *node, const void *key)
    int result;

    // Find the key recursively.
    if (!node) return;
    result = tree->keyComparer(key, node->key);

    if (result < 0)
        return deleteFrom(tree, node->left, key); // void functions can return void, obviously.
    else if (result > 0)
        return deleteFrom(tree, node->right, key);
    // Found the node, so remove it.
    removeNode(tree, node);
예제 #4
파일: vis.c 프로젝트: Primer42/BowdoinCS350
unsigned int process_event_list(DataSet *terrain, GridPoint start,
                                SweepEvent *event_list, size_t len,
                                DataSet *vshed)
  SweepEvent *eptr, *eend;
  RBTree *tree;
  TreeNode *node;
  TreeValue value;
  unsigned int count;
  double h0, h1;
  // retrieve height of start point
  gpHeight(terrain, start, h0);
  // initialiaze tree
  value.key = 0;
  value.gradient = SMALLEST_GRADIENT;
  tree = createTree(value);

  // process list
  count = 0;
  eptr = event_list;
  eend = event_list + len;
  while (eptr < eend) {
    if (eptr->event == ENTER_EVENT) {
      // set key to node distance
      value.key = eptr->dist;
      // calculate slope in z
      gpHeight(terrain, eptr->p, h1);
      value.gradient = (h1 - h0) / eptr->dist;
      // insert the node into the active list
      insertInto(tree, value);
    }else if (eptr->event == SIGHT_EVENT) {
      // check the active list if the current node is visible
      // query for the current node
      node = searchForNodeWithKey(tree, eptr->dist);
      h1 = findMaxGradientWithinKey(tree, eptr->dist);
      if (vshed != NULL)
        dSet(vshed, eptr->p.r, eptr->p.c, (node->value.gradient >= h1));
      count += (node->value.gradient >= h1);

    }else { // LEAVE_EVENT 
      // remove the current node
      deleteFrom(tree, eptr->dist);

  // garbage collect

  return count;
예제 #5
    void FrenchStemmer::step4()
        if (stringBuffer.length() > 1)
            wchar_t ch = stringBuffer[stringBuffer.length() - 1];
            if (ch == L's')
                wchar_t b = stringBuffer[stringBuffer.length() - 2];
                if (b != L'a' && b != L'i' && b != L'o' && b != L'u' && b != L'\x00e8' && b != L's')
                    stringBuffer.resize(stringBuffer.length() - 1);
        if (!deleteFromIfPrecededIn(R2, newCollection<String>(L"ion"), RV, L"s"))
            deleteFromIfPrecededIn(R2, newCollection<String>(L"ion"), RV, L"t");

        replaceFrom(RV, newCollection<String>(L"I\x00e8re", L"i\x00e8re", L"Ier", L"ier"), L"i");
        deleteFrom(RV, newCollection<String>(L"e"));
        deleteFromIfPrecededIn(RV, newCollection<String>(L"\x00eb"), R0, L"gu");
예제 #6
void AVL_delete(AVL_Tree *tree, const void *key)
    deleteFrom(tree, tree->rootNode, key);