void realbrklkg(int g1,int g2,int s1,int s2){ /* break link from g1 to g2 (s1 part of g2) at s2 */ /* break it even if other conns */ int i,j,ptr,ldtmp; if(g1 == g2)return; i = fdir[s2]; /* see if any g2's next to s2 */ for(ldtmp = ldir[i]; i < ldtmp; ++i) if(board[s2+nbr[i]] == g2){ /* found g2 near. */ for(j = 0; j < 4; ++j) /* are any g1's far? */ if(board[sqrbrd[s2][j]] == g1 && (dstbrd[s2][j] == 2 )){ return; } break; } for(ptr = grcnp[g1]; ptr != EOL; ptr = links[ptr]){ i = list[ptr]; if(cngr1[i] == g1 && cngr2[i] == g2 || cngr1[i] == g2 && cngr2[i] == g1){ if(!dellist(s2,&cnllptr[i])){ } else { --cnllnum[i]; } dellist(i,&llbrd[s2]); if(cnlknum[i] == 0 && cncnum[i] == 0 && cnllnum[i] == 0){ delconnrec(i); } else if(cnllnum[i] < 3) addlist(i,&cnchgd); return; } } }
void brkconns(int s){ /* break all connections through s */ int i,ptr; for(ptr = cnbrd[s]; ptr != EOL; ptr = links[ptr]){ i = list[ptr]; dellist(s,&cnptr[i]); cncnum[i]--; if(cncnum[i] == 0 && cnlknum[i] == 0 && cnllnum[i] == 0){ delconnrec(i); } else if(cncnum[i] == 1) addlist(i,&cnchgd); } for(ptr = lkbrd[s]; ptr != EOL; ptr = links[ptr]){ i = list[ptr]; dellist(s,&cnlkptr[i]); cnlknum[i]--; if(cncnum[i] == 0 && cnlknum[i] == 0 && cnllnum[i] == 0){ delconnrec(i); } } for(ptr = llbrd[s]; ptr != EOL; ptr = links[ptr]){ i = list[ptr]; dellist(s,&cnllptr[i]); cnllnum[i]--; if(cncnum[i] == 0 && cnlknum[i] == 0 && cnllnum[i] == 0){ delconnrec(i); } } killist(&llbrd[s]); killist(&cnbrd[s]); killist(&lkbrd[s]); }
void lresurrect(int g){ /* bring back group g */ int lptr,s,i,ldtmp,sn,g2,c; c = grcolor[g]; lptr = grpieces[g]; while(lptr != -1){ s = mvs[lptr]; board[s] = g; i = fdir[s]; for(ldtmp = ldir[i]; i < ldtmp; ++i ){ sn = s + nbr[i]; ++lnbf[sn][c]; --lnbn[sn]; dellist(s,&nblbp[sn]); g2 = board[sn]; if(g2 == NOGROUP)continue; if(g2 == g)continue; if(dellist(s,&grlbp[g2])){ grlibs[g2]--; } addlist(g2,&grnbp[g]); addlist(g,&grnbp[g2]); } lptr = mvnext[lptr]; } }
void delconnrec(int i){ dellist(i,&grcnp[cngr1[i]]); dellist(i,&grcnp[cngr2[i]]); adflist(i,&cnfreelist); if(grldr[NUMGROUPS+i] != EOL)kill_ldrflags(NUMGROUPS+i); if(cnprot[i] >= AJI_CONNECT){ addlist(mvs[grpieces[cngr1[i]]],&charmy); addlist(mvs[grpieces[cngr2[i]]],&charmy); } }
void sortname(File *f) { int i, cmp, w; int dupwarned; w = whichmenu(f); dupwarned = FALSE; dellist(&file, w); if(f == cmd) i = 0; else{ for(i=0; i<file.nused; i++){ cmp = Strcmp(&f->name, &file.filepptr[i]->name); if(cmp==0 && !dupwarned){ dupwarned = TRUE; warn_S(Wdupname, &f->name); }else if(cmp<0 && (i>0 || cmd==0)) break; } } inslist(&file, i, f); if(downloaded) outTsS(Hmovname, f->tag, &f->name); }
void lkilgrp(int g){ int lptr,s,i,sn,g2,ldtmp,c; c = grcolor[g]; lptr = grnbp[g]; while(lptr != EOL){ dellist(g,&grnbp[list[lptr]]); lptr = links[lptr]; } lptr = grpieces[g]; killist(&grnbp[g]); while(lptr != -1){ s = mvs[lptr]; board[s] = NOGROUP; i = fdir[s]; for(ldtmp = ldir[i]; i < ldtmp; ++i){ sn = s + nbr[i]; --lnbf[sn][c]; ++lnbn[sn]; addlist(s,&nblbp[sn]); g2 = board[sn]; if(g2 == NOGROUP)continue; if(g2 == g)continue; if(addlist(s,&grlbp[g2])){ ++grlibs[g2]; } } lptr = mvnext[lptr]; } }
void bkfree(Disc *d, int n) { Discdesc *dd = d->desc; inslist(&dd->free, dd->free.nused, d->block.blkptr[n].bnum); dellist(&d->block, n); }
int lsplit(int ptr,int j) { int lptr,lptr2,ptr2,tlist,g2,gret,c; tlist = EOL; c = grcolor[list[ptr]]; ptr2 = ptr; while(ptr2 != EOL){ g2 = list[ptr2]; if(grcolor[g2] != c)break; adflist(list[ptr2],&tlist); ptr2 = links[ptr2]; } ptr = tlist; gret = list[tlist]; killist(&grlbp[j]); lptr = grnbp[j]; while(lptr != EOL){ dellist(j,&grnbp[list[lptr]]); lptr = links[lptr]; } if(grnbp[j] != EOL) killist(&grnbp[j]); --maxgr; /* group j is gone! */ lptr = mvnext[grpieces[j]]; /* unlink pieces list */ ptr2 = ptr; g2 = list[ptr2]; ptr2 = links[ptr2]; lptr2 = grpieces[list[ptr2]]; while(lptr != -1){ board[mvs[lptr]] = g2; if(mvnext[lptr] == lptr2){ mvnext[lptr] = -1; lptr = lptr2; g2 = list[ptr2]; ptr2 = links[ptr2]; if(ptr2 == EOL) lptr2 = -2; else lptr2 = grpieces[list[ptr2]]; } else lptr = mvnext[lptr]; } ptr2 = ptr; while(ptr2 != EOL){ /* fix neighbors */ g2 = list[ptr2]; lptr = grnbp[g2]; ptr2 = links[ptr2]; while(lptr != EOL){ addlist(g2,&grnbp[list[lptr]]); lptr = links[lptr]; } } killist(&tlist); return(gret); }
void main(void) { LIST *l; puts("AmigaRobots Statistik V" VERSION); l=daten_lesen(); datendump(l); dellist(l); }
void deallocate_eye(int rn){ int ptr,i,ldtmp; for(ptr = eyeptr[rn]; ptr != EOL; ptr = links[ptr]){ eyerec[list[ptr]] = 0; i = fdir[list[ptr]]; for(ldtmp = ldiag[i]; i < ldtmp; ++i) dellist(list[ptr],&eyesdiags[list[ptr]+diags[i]]); if(grldr[NUMGROUPS+NUMCONNS+list[ptr]] != EOL) kill_ldrflags(NUMGROUPS+NUMCONNS+list[ptr]); } killist(&eyeptr[rn]); for(ptr = eyevital[rn]; ptr != EOL; ptr = links[ptr]) dellist(rn,&eyevitrec[list[ptr]]); killist(&eyevital[rn]); eyetype[rn] = NOEYE; adflist(rn,&eyefreelist); eyeval[rn] = eyepot[rn] = eyemin[rn] = 0; }
// Pre-condition: p points to a linked list. // Post-condition: All the memory for the linked list pointed to by p is // freed for use. void dellist(struct ll *p) { struct ll *temp; // Recursively free each element in the list. if (p !=NULL) { temp = p -> next; dellist(temp); free(p); } }
/* Inputs: A pointer to a priority table and a user. Outputs: Zero if user found, else 1, and priority table is modified. Effects: All occurences of <user> in the priority table will be removed. (There should only be one at most.) */ int del_user ( struct user_priority * ppri_tbl, char * user ) { int limit; for (limit = PRI_MIN; limit <= PRI_MAX; limit++) if (searchlist(user, ppri_tbl->users[limit - PRI_MIN])) { dellist (&(ppri_tbl->users[limit - PRI_MIN]), user); return (0); } return (1); }
void delfile(File *f) { int w = whichmenu(f); if(w < 0) /* e.g. x/./D */ return; if(downloaded) outTs(Hdelname, f->tag); dellist(&file, w); fileclose(f); }
void brklink(int g1,int g2,int s1,int s2){ /* break link from g1 to g2 (s1 part of g2) at s2 */ /* don'y break it if multiple links same square */ int i,j,ptr,ldtmp,cflag; if(g1 == g2)return; cflag = FALSE; i = fdir[s2]; /* see if any g2's next to s2 */ for(ldtmp = ldir[i]; i < ldtmp; ++i) if(board[s2+nbr[i]] == g2){ cflag = TRUE; break; } for(j = 0; j < 4; ++j){ if(sqrbrd[s2][j] != s1 && (board[sqrbrd[s2][j]] == g2 || (cflag && board[sqrbrd[s2][j]] == g1)) && (dstbrd[s2][j] == 1 /* || dstbrd[s2][j] == 2 */)){ return; } } for(ptr = grcnp[g1]; ptr != EOL; ptr = links[ptr]){ i = list[ptr]; if(cngr1[i] == g1 && cngr2[i] == g2 || cngr1[i] == g2 && cngr2[i] == g1){ if(!dellist(s2,&cnlkptr[i])){ } else { --cnlknum[i]; } dellist(i,&lkbrd[s2]); if(cnlknum[i] == 0 && cncnum[i] == 0 && cnllnum[i] == 0){ delconnrec(i); } else if(cnlknum[i] < 3) addlist(i,&cnchgd); return; } } }
int brconn(int g,int s){ /* break all connections to g through s */ int i,ptr,tmplist,flag; flag = FALSE; tmplist = EOL; cpylist(cnbrd[s],&tmplist); for(ptr = tmplist; ptr != EOL; ptr = links[ptr]){ i = list[ptr]; if(cngr1[i] == g || cngr2[i] == g){ --cncnum[i]; dellist(s,&cnptr[i]); dellist(i,&cnbrd[s]); if(cncnum[i] == 0 && cnlknum[i] == 0 && cnllnum[i] == 0){ delconnrec(i); } else if(cncnum[i] == 1) addlist(i,&cnchgd); } } killist(&tmplist); return(flag); }
int lcombine(int nlist,int upptr){ int lptr,g,nptr,g2; g = maxgr++; grsize[g] = 0; nptr = nlist; while(nptr != EOL){ g2 = list[nptr]; nptr = links[nptr]; grsize[g] += grsize[g2]; adflist(g2,&mvconn[upptr]); lptr = grnbp[g2]; while(lptr != EOL){ dellist(g2,&grnbp[list[lptr]]); addlist(g,&grnbp[list[lptr]]); lptr = links[lptr]; } } g2 = list[nlist]; grcolor[g] = grcolor[g2]; cpylist(grlbp[g2],&grlbp[g]); grlibs[g] = grlibs[g2]; cpylist(grnbp[g2],&grnbp[g]); grpieces[g] = grpieces[g2]; lptr = grpieces[g]; nptr = links[nlist]; while(nptr != EOL){ g2 = list[nptr]; grlibs[g] += mrglist(grlbp[g2],&grlbp[g]); mrglist(grnbp[g2],&grnbp[g]); while(mvnext[lptr] != -1){ board[mvs[lptr]] = g; lptr = mvnext[lptr]; } board[mvs[lptr]] = g; mvnext[lptr] = grpieces[g2]; lptr = grpieces[g2]; nptr = links[nptr]; } while(lptr != -1){ board[mvs[lptr]] = g; lptr = mvnext[lptr]; } return(g); }
void mydbm_close (DBM *db) { if (db->modified) { FILE *fp; fp = CVS_FOPEN (db->name, FOPEN_BINARY_WRITE); if (fp == NULL) error (1, errno, "cannot write %s", db->name); walklist (db->dbm_list, write_item, fp); if (fclose (fp) < 0) error (0, errno, "cannot close %s", db->name); } free (db->name); dellist (&db->dbm_list); free (db); }
/* The shutdown function for a multi-source buffer. */ static int ms_buffer_shutdown (struct buffer *buf) { struct ms_buffer *mb = buf->closure; Node *p; int err = 0; assert (mb->cur); err += buf_shutdown (mb->cur); buf_free (mb->cur); for (p = mb->bufs->list->next; p != mb->bufs->list; p = p->next) { assert (p); err += buf_shutdown (p->data); } dellist (&mb->bufs); return err; }
papi_status_t papiJobCommit(papi_service_t handle, char *printer, int32_t id) { papi_status_t status = PAPI_OK; service_t *svc = handle; REQUEST *r = NULL; char *metadata_file; char *dest; if ((svc == NULL) || (printer == NULL)) return (PAPI_BAD_ARGUMENT); dest = printer_name_from_uri_id(printer, id); /* tell the scheduler that we want to change the job */ status = lpsched_start_change(svc, dest, id, &metadata_file); if (status != PAPI_OK) return (status); if ((r = getrequest(metadata_file)) != NULL) { r->actions &= ~ACT_RESUME; r->actions |= ACT_RESUME; dellist(&r->file_list, DUMMY_FILE); if (putrequest(metadata_file, r) < 0) { detailed_error(svc, gettext("failed to write job: %s: %s"), metadata_file, strerror(errno)); freerequest(r); return (PAPI_DEVICE_ERROR); } } else { detailed_error(svc, gettext("failed to read job: %s: %s"), metadata_file, strerror(errno)); return (PAPI_DEVICE_ERROR); } status = lpsched_end_change(svc, dest, id); freerequest(r); return (status); }
/* A delproc for a List Node containing a List *. */ static void ls_delproc (Node *p) { dellist ((List **)&p->data); }
/* Start a recursive command. Command line arguments (ARGC, ARGV) dictate the directories and files on which we operate. In the special case of no arguments, we default to ".". */ int start_recursion (FILEPROC fileproc, FILESDONEPROC filesdoneproc, PREDIRENTPROC predirentproc, DIRENTPROC direntproc, DIRLEAVEPROC dirleaveproc, void *callerdat, int argc, char **argv, int local, /* This specifies the kind of recursion. There are several cases: 1. W_LOCAL is not set but W_REPOS is. The current directory when we are called must be the repository and recursion proceeds according to what exists in the repository. 2a. W_LOCAL is set but W_REPOS is not. The current directory when we are called must be the working directory. Recursion proceeds according to what exists in the working directory, never (I think) consulting any part of the repository which does not correspond to the working directory ("correspond" == Name_Repository). 2b. W_LOCAL is set and so is W_REPOS. This is the weird one. The current directory when we are called must be the working directory. We recurse through working directories, but we recurse into a directory if it is exists in the working directory *or* it exists in the repository. If a directory does not exist in the working directory, the direntproc must either tell us to skip it (R_SKIP_ALL), or must create it (I think those are the only two cases). */ int which, int aflag, int readlock, const char *update_preload, const char *repos_preload, int dosrcs, PERMPROC permproc, const char *tag) { int i, err = 0; List *args_to_send_when_finished = NULL; List *files_by_dir = NULL; struct recursion_frame frame; TRACE(3,"start_recursion()"); frame.fileproc = fileproc; frame.filesdoneproc = filesdoneproc; frame.predirentproc = predirentproc; frame.direntproc = direntproc; frame.dirleaveproc = dirleaveproc; frame.callerdat = callerdat; frame.flags = local ? R_SKIP_DIRS : R_PROCESS; frame.which = which; frame.aflag = aflag; frame.readlock = readlock; frame.dosrcs = dosrcs; frame.permproc = permproc; frame.tag = tag; expand_wild (argc, argv, &argc, &argv); if (update_preload == NULL) update_dir = xstrdup (""); else update_dir = xstrdup (update_preload); /* clean up from any previous calls to start_recursion */ xfree (repository); if (filelist) dellist (&filelist); /* FIXME-krp: no longer correct. */ if (dirlist) dellist (&dirlist); update_repos = xstrdup(repos_preload); for (i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { #ifdef SERVER_SUPPORT if (server_active) server_pathname_check (argv[i]); else #endif if(isabsolute(argv[i])) error(1,0,"Absolute filenames not allowed"); } if (argc == 0) { int just_subdirs = (which & W_LOCAL) && !noexec && !isdir (CVSADM); if (!just_subdirs && CVSroot_cmdline == NULL && current_parsed_root->isremote) { char *root = Name_Root (NULL, update_dir); if (root && strcmp (root, current_parsed_root->original) != 0) /* We're skipping this directory because it is for a different root. Therefore, we just want to do the subdirectories only. Processing files would cause a working directory from one repository to be processed against a different repository, which could cause all kinds of spurious conflicts and such. Question: what about the case of "cvs update foo" where we process foo/bar and not foo itself? That seems to be handled somewhere (else) but why should it be a separate case? Needs investigation... */ just_subdirs = 1; xfree (root); } /* * There were no arguments, so we'll probably just recurse. The * exception to the rule is when we are called from a directory * without any CVS administration files. That has always meant to * process each of the sub-directories, so we pretend like we were * called with the list of sub-dirs of the current dir as args */ if (just_subdirs) { dirlist = Find_Directories ((char *) NULL, W_LOCAL, (List *) NULL, NULL); /* If there are no sub-directories, there is a certain logic in favor of doing nothing, but in fact probably the user is just confused about what directory they are in, or whether they cvs add'd a new directory. In the case of at least one sub-directory, at least when we recurse into them we notice (hopefully) whether they are under CVS control. */ if (list_isempty (dirlist) && !noexec) { if (update_dir[0] == '\0') error (0, 0, "in directory .:"); else error (0, 0, "in directory %s:", update_dir); error (1, 0, "there is no version here; run '%s checkout' first", program_name); } else if (current_parsed_root->isremote && server_started) { /* In the the case "cvs update foo bar baz", a call to send_file_names in update.c will have sent the appropriate "Argument" commands to the server. In this case, that won't have happened, so we need to do it here. While this example uses "update", this generalizes to other commands. */ /* This is the same call to Find_Directories as above. FIXME: perhaps it would be better to write a function that duplicates a list. */ args_to_send_when_finished = Find_Directories ((char *) NULL, W_LOCAL, (List *) NULL, NULL); } } else { addlist (&dirlist, "."); } goto do_the_work; } /* * There were arguments, so we have to handle them by hand. To do * that, we set up the filelist and dirlist with the arguments and * call do_recursion. do_recursion recognizes the fact that the * lists are non-null when it starts and doesn't update them. * * explicitly named directories are stored in dirlist. * explicitly named files are stored in filelist. * other possibility is named entities whicha are not currently in * the working directory. */ for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { /* if this argument is a directory, then add it to the list of directories. */ if (isdir (argv[i])) { strip_trailing_slashes (argv[i]); addlist (&dirlist, argv[i]); } else { /* otherwise, split argument into directory and component names. */ char *dir; char *comp; char *file_to_try; /* Now break out argv[i] into directory part (DIR) and file part (COMP). DIR and COMP will each point to a newly malloc'd string. */ dir = xstrdup (argv[i]); comp = (char*)last_component (dir); if (comp == dir) { /* no dir component. What we have is an implied "./" */ dir = xstrdup("."); } else { char *p = comp; p[-1] = '\0'; comp = xstrdup (p); } /* if this argument exists as a file in the current working directory tree, then add it to the files list. */ if (!(which & W_LOCAL)) { /* If doing rtag, we've done a chdir to the repository. */ file_to_try = (char*)xmalloc (strlen (argv[i]) + sizeof (RCSEXT) + 5); sprintf (file_to_try, "%s%s", argv[i], RCSEXT); } else file_to_try = xstrdup (argv[i]); if (isfile (file_to_try)) { const char *tag; const char *date; int nonbranch; const char *message; const char *v_type; /* before we do anything else, see if we have any per-directory tags */ ParseTag_Dir (dir, &tag, &date, &nonbranch, NULL); if (! verify_access (frame.permproc, dir, file_to_try, update_dir,tag,&message,&v_type)) { if(tag && !quiet && !(which&W_QUIET)) error (0, 0, "User %s is unable to %s %s/%s on branch/tag %s - ignoring",CVS_Username,v_type,dir,file_to_try?file_to_try:"",tag); else if(!quiet && !(which&W_QUIET)) error (0, 0, "User %s is unable to %s %s/%s - ignoring",CVS_Username,v_type,dir,file_to_try?file_to_try:""); if(message && !quiet && !(which&W_QUIET)) error (0, 0, "%s", message); } else { addfile (&files_by_dir, dir, comp); } } else if (isdir (dir)) { if ((which & W_LOCAL) && isdir (CVSADM) && !current_parsed_root->isremote ) { /* otherwise, look for it in the repository. */ char *tmp_update_dir; char *repos; char *reposfile; tmp_update_dir = (char*)xmalloc (strlen (update_dir) + strlen (dir) + 5); strcpy (tmp_update_dir, update_dir); if (*tmp_update_dir != '\0') (void) strcat (tmp_update_dir, "/"); (void) strcat (tmp_update_dir, dir); /* look for it in the repository. */ repos = Name_Repository (dir, tmp_update_dir); reposfile = (char*)xmalloc (strlen (repos) + strlen (comp) + 5); (void) sprintf (reposfile, "%s/%s", repos, comp); xfree (repos); if (isdir (reposfile)) { addlist (&dirlist, argv[i]); } else addfile (&files_by_dir, dir, comp); xfree (tmp_update_dir); xfree (reposfile); } else addfile (&files_by_dir, dir, comp); } else { error (1, 0, "no such directory `%s'", dir); } xfree (file_to_try); xfree (dir); xfree (comp); } } /* At this point we have looped over all named arguments and built a coupla lists. Now we unroll the lists, setting up and calling do_recursion. */ err += walklist (files_by_dir, unroll_files_proc, (void *) &frame); if (files_by_dir) dellist(&files_by_dir); /* then do_recursion on the dirlist. */ if (dirlist != NULL) { do_the_work: err += do_recursion (&frame, 1); } /* Free the data which expand_wild allocated. */ free_names (&argc, argv); xfree (update_dir); xfree (update_repos); if (args_to_send_when_finished != NULL) { /* FIXME (njc): in the multiroot case, we don't want to send argument commands for those top-level directories which do not contain any subdirectories which have files checked out from current_parsed_root->original. If we do, and two repositories have a module with the same name, nasty things could happen. This is hard. Perhaps we should send the Argument commands later in this procedure, after we've had a chance to notice which directores we're using (after do_recursion has been called once). This means a _lot_ of rewriting, however. What we need to do for that to happen is descend the tree and construct a list of directories which are checked out from current_cvsroot. Now, we eliminate from the list all of those directories which are immediate subdirectories of another directory in the list. To say that the opposite way, we keep the directories which are not immediate subdirectories of any other in the list. Here's a picture: a / \ B C / \ D e / \ F G / \ H I The node in capitals are those directories which are checked out from current_cvsroot. We want the list to contain B, C, F, and G. D, H, and I are not included, because their parents are also checked out from current_cvsroot. The algorithm should be: 1) construct a tree of all directory names where each element contains a directory name and a flag which notes if that directory is checked out from current_cvsroot a0 / \ B1 C1 / \ D1 e0 / \ F1 G1 / \ H1 I1 2) Recursively descend the tree. For each node, recurse before processing the node. If the flag is zero, do nothing. If the flag is 1, check the node's parent. If the parent's flag is one, change the current entry's flag to zero. a0 / \ B1 C1 / \ D0 e0 / \ F1 G1 / \ H0 I0 3) Walk the tree and spit out "Argument" commands to tell the server which directories to munge. Yuck. It's not clear this is worth spending time on, since we might want to disable cvs commands entirely from directories that do not have CVSADM files... Anyways, the solution as it stands has modified server.c (dirswitch) to create admin files [via server.c (create_adm_p)] in all path elements for a client's "Directory xxx" command, which forces the server to descend and serve the files there. client.c (send_file_names) has also been modified to send only those arguments which are appropriate to current_parsed_root->original. */ /* Construct a fake argc/argv pair. */ int our_argc = 0, i; char **our_argv = NULL; if (! list_isempty (args_to_send_when_finished)) { Node *head, *p; head = args_to_send_when_finished->list; /* count the number of nodes */ i = 0; for (p = head->next; p != head; p = p->next) i++; our_argc = i; /* create the argument vector */ our_argv = (char **) xmalloc (sizeof (char *) * our_argc); /* populate it */ i = 0; for (p = head->next; p != head; p = p->next) our_argv[i++] = xstrdup (p->key); } /* We don't want to expand widcards, since we've just created a list of directories directly from the filesystem. */ send_file_names (our_argc, our_argv, 0); /* Free our argc/argv. */ if (our_argv != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < our_argc; i++) xfree (our_argv[i]); xfree (our_argv); } if (args_to_send_when_finished) dellist (&args_to_send_when_finished); } return (err); }
void ldndate(int dnptr){ int i,s,sn,lptr,c,g,splflag,ptr,tmp,ldtmp,g2; kosquare = kosave[dnptr]; s = mvs[dnptr]; if(s == PASS){ /* pass */ return; } g = board[s]; c = grcolor[g]; splflag = FALSE; board[s] = NOGROUP; if(mvconn[dnptr] != EOL){ ptr = mvconn[dnptr]; /* bring back combined groups */ g = lsplit(ptr,g); splflag = TRUE; } for(ptr = mvcapt[dnptr]; ptr != EOL; ptr = links[ptr]){ g2 = list[ptr]; /* bring back killed groups */ lresurrect(g2); /* resurrect enemy group */ } if(!splflag){ /* remove piece from group */ grsize[g]--; if(grsize[g] == 0){ /* only one piece in group */ --maxgr; /* delete group */ killist(&grlbp[g]); /* return liberties to free list */ lptr = grnbp[g]; while(lptr != EOL){ dellist(g,&grnbp[list[lptr]]); lptr = links[lptr]; } if(grnbp[g] != EOL) killist(&grnbp[g]); /* return neighbors to free list */ } else { /* take piece away from group */ grpieces[g] = mvnext[grpieces[g]]; ptr = lbply[dnptr]; while(ptr != EOL){ dellist(list[ptr],&grlbp[g]); --grlibs[g]; ptr = links[ptr]; } killist(&lbply[dnptr]); ptr = nbply[dnptr]; while(ptr != EOL){ tmp = list[ptr]; dellist(tmp,&grnbp[g]); dellist(g,&grnbp[tmp]); ptr = links[ptr]; } if(nbply[dnptr] != EOL) killist(&nbply[dnptr]); } if(edge[s] < 2){ i = fdir[s]; for(ldtmp = ldir[i]; i < ldtmp; ++i){ sn = s + nbr[i]; --lnbf[sn][c]; ++lnbn[sn]; addlist(s,&nblbp[sn]); g = board[sn]; if(g == NOGROUP)continue; if(addlist(s,&grlbp[g])){ ++grlibs[g]; } } } else{ --lnbf[s+1][c]; ++lnbn[s+1]; addlist(s,&nblbp[s+1]); --lnbf[s-1][c]; ++lnbn[s-1]; addlist(s,&nblbp[s-1]); --lnbf[s+boardsize][c]; ++lnbn[s+boardsize]; addlist(s,&nblbp[s+boardsize]); --lnbf[s-boardsize][c]; ++lnbn[s-boardsize]; addlist(s,&nblbp[s-boardsize]); g = board[s+1]; if(g != NOGROUP ) if(addlist(s,&grlbp[g]))++grlibs[g]; g = board[s-1]; if(g != NOGROUP ) if(addlist(s,&grlbp[g]))++grlibs[g]; g = board[s+boardsize]; if(g != NOGROUP ) if(addlist(s,&grlbp[g]))++grlibs[g]; g = board[s-boardsize]; if(g != NOGROUP ) if(addlist(s,&grlbp[g]))++grlibs[g]; } } else { if(edge[s] < 2){ i = fdir[s]; for(ldtmp = ldir[i]; i < ldtmp; ++i){ sn = s + nbr[i]; --lnbf[sn][c]; ++lnbn[sn]; addlist(s,&nblbp[sn]); g = board[sn]; if(grcolor[g] != 1-c)continue; if(addlist(s,&grlbp[g])){ ++grlibs[g]; } } } else{ --lnbf[s+1][c]; ++lnbn[s+1]; addlist(s,&nblbp[s+1]); --lnbf[s-1][c]; ++lnbn[s-1]; addlist(s,&nblbp[s-1]); --lnbf[s+boardsize][c]; ++lnbn[s+boardsize]; addlist(s,&nblbp[s+boardsize]); --lnbf[s-boardsize][c]; ++lnbn[s-boardsize]; addlist(s,&nblbp[s-boardsize]); g = board[s+1]; if(grcolor[g] == 1-c) if(addlist(s,&grlbp[g]))++grlibs[g]; g = board[s-1]; if(grcolor[g] == 1-c) if(addlist(s,&grlbp[g]))++grlibs[g]; g = board[s+boardsize]; if(grcolor[g] == 1-c) if(addlist(s,&grlbp[g]))++grlibs[g]; g = board[s-boardsize]; if(grcolor[g] == 1-c) if(addlist(s,&grlbp[g]))++grlibs[g]; } } }
static int unroll_files_proc (Node *p, void *closure) { int directory_opened = 0; Node *n; struct recursion_frame *frame = (struct recursion_frame *) closure; int err = 0; List *save_dirlist; char *save_update_dir = NULL; struct saved_cwd cwd; char *dir = p->key; /* if this dir was also an explicitly named argument, then skip it. We'll catch it later when we do dirs. */ n = findnode_fn (dirlist, dir); if (n != NULL) return (0); /* otherwise, call dorecusion for this list of files. */ filelist = (List *) p->data; p->data = NULL; save_dirlist = dirlist; dirlist = NULL; if (strcmp(dir, ".") != 0) { if (save_cwd (&cwd)) error_exit (); if ( CVS_CHDIR (dir) < 0) error (1, errno, "could not chdir to %s", dir); save_update_dir = update_dir; update_dir = (char*)xmalloc (strlen (save_update_dir) + strlen (dir) + 5); strcpy (update_dir, save_update_dir); if (*update_dir != '\0') (void) strcat (update_dir, "/"); (void) strcat (update_dir, dir); } if(frame->which&W_LOCAL) { int directory_opened_status=-1; const char *version; const char *tag; const char *date; int nonbranch; char *repository = Name_Repository(NULL,update_dir); ParseTag(&tag, &date, &nonbranch, &version); directory_opened_status=open_directory(repository,".",tag,date,nonbranch,version,current_parsed_root->isremote); if (directory_opened_status!=-1) directory_opened = 1; xfree(repository); xfree(version); xfree(tag); xfree(date); } else { int directory_opened_status=-1; /* we can't simply call Name_Repository() here, if we do we get: -> Name_Repository((null),cvsnt/src) cvs server: in directory cvsnt/src: cvs [server aborted]: CVS directory without administration files present. Cannot continue until this directory is deleted or renamed. */ directory_opened_status=open_directory(NULL,".",NULL,NULL,0,NULL,1); /* We want to open the directory anyway, so treat it as 'remote'. This only affects rlog, etc. */ if (directory_opened_status!=-1) directory_opened = 1; } err += do_recursion (frame, 1); if(directory_opened) close_directory(); if (save_update_dir != NULL) { xfree (update_dir); update_dir = save_update_dir; if (restore_cwd (&cwd, NULL)) error_exit (); free_cwd (&cwd); } dirlist = save_dirlist; if (filelist) dellist (&filelist); return(err); }
void root_allow_free (void) { dellist (&root_allow); }
/* * Implement the recursive policies on the local directory. This may be * called directly, or may be called by start_recursion */ static int do_recursion (struct recursion_frame *frame, int top_level) { int err = 0; int dodoneproc = 1; char *srepository; List *entries = NULL; int should_readlock; int process_this_directory = 1; /* do nothing if told */ if (frame->flags == R_SKIP_ALL) return (0); should_readlock = noexec ? 0 : frame->readlock; /* Check the value in CVSADM_ROOT and see if it's in the list. If not, add it to our lists of CVS/Root directories and do not process the files in this directory. Otherwise, continue as usual. THIS_ROOT might be NULL if we're doing an initial checkout -- check before using it. The default should be that we process a directory's contents and only skip those contents if a CVS/Root file exists. If we're running the server, we want to process all directories, since we're guaranteed to have only one CVSROOT -- our own. */ /* If -d was specified, it should override CVS/Root. In the single-repository case, it is long-standing CVS behavior and makes sense - the user might want another access method, another server (which mounts the same repository), &c. In the multiple-repository case, -d overrides all CVS/Root files. That is the only plausible generalization I can think of. */ if(!(frame->which&W_FAKE) && CVSroot_cmdline == NULL && ! server_active) { char *this_root = Name_Root ((char *) NULL, update_dir); if (this_root != NULL) { if (findnode_fn (root_directories, this_root) == NULL) { /* Add it to our list. */ Node *n = getnode (); n->type = NT_UNKNOWN; n->key = xstrdup (this_root); if (addnode (root_directories, n)) error (1, 0, "cannot add new CVSROOT %s", this_root); } process_this_directory = (fncmp (current_parsed_root->original, this_root) == 0); xfree (this_root); } } /* * Fill in repository with the current repository */ if (frame->which & W_LOCAL) { if (isdir (CVSADM)) repository = Name_Repository ((char *) NULL, update_dir); else repository = NULL; } else { if(update_repos) /* May have been preloaded by checkout */ repository = xstrdup(update_repos); else { repository = (char*)xmalloc(strlen(current_parsed_root->directory)+strlen(update_dir)+10); sprintf(repository,"%s/%s",current_parsed_root->directory,update_dir); } } if(repository && ISDIRSEP(repository[strlen(repository)-1])) repository[strlen(repository)-1]='\0'; srepository = repository; /* remember what to free */ if(repository && !current_parsed_root->isremote) { mapped_repository = map_repository(repository); } else { mapped_repository=xstrdup(repository); } xfree(last_repository); last_repository = xstrdup(mapped_repository); /* * Do we have access to this directory? */ /* Note that for a recursion this is done already in do_dir_proc... */ if(top_level) { if(repository && !current_parsed_root->isremote) { const char *tag; const char *message; const char *v_msg; ParseTag(&tag, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (! verify_access(frame->permproc, mapped_repository, NULL, update_dir,frame->tag?frame->tag:tag,&message, &v_msg)) { if(tag) error (0, 0, "User '%s' cannot %s %s on tag/branch %s", CVS_Username, v_msg, fn_root(repository), tag); else error (0, 0, "User '%s' cannot %s %s", CVS_Username, v_msg, fn_root(repository)); if(message) error (0, 0, "%s", message); return (1); } xfree(tag); fileattr_startdir (mapped_repository); } } /* * The filesdoneproc needs to be called for each directory where files * processed, or each directory that is processed by a call where no * directories were passed in. In fact, the only time we don't want to * call back the filesdoneproc is when we are processing directories that * were passed in on the command line (or in the special case of `.' when * we were called with no args */ if (dirlist != NULL && filelist == NULL) dodoneproc = 0; /* * If filelist or dirlist is already set, we don't look again. Otherwise, * find the files and directories */ if (filelist == NULL && dirlist == NULL) { /* both lists were NULL, so start from scratch */ if (frame->fileproc != NULL && frame->flags != R_SKIP_FILES) { int lwhich = frame->which; /* In the !(which & W_LOCAL) case, we filled in repository earlier in the function. In the (which & W_LOCAL) case, the Find_Names function is going to look through the Entries file. If we do not have a repository, that does not make sense, so we insist upon having a repository at this point. Name_Repository will give a reasonable error message. */ if (repository == NULL) repository = Name_Repository ((char *) NULL, update_dir); else if(mapped_repository == NULL) mapped_repository = map_repository(repository); /* find the files and fill in entries if appropriate */ if (process_this_directory) { filelist = Find_Names (mapped_repository, lwhich, frame->aflag, &entries, repository); if (filelist == NULL) { error (0, 0, "skipping directory %s", update_dir); /* Note that Find_Directories and the filesdoneproc in particular would do bad things ("? foo.c" in the case of some filesdoneproc's). */ goto skip_directory; } } } if (frame->flags == R_SKIP_DIRS && !(frame->which&W_LOCAL) && nonrecursive_module(repository)) frame->flags = R_SKIP_DIRS; /* find sub-directories if we will recurse */ if (frame->flags != R_SKIP_DIRS) dirlist = Find_Directories ( process_this_directory ? mapped_repository : NULL, frame->which, entries, repository); } else { /* something was passed on the command line */ if (filelist != NULL && frame->fileproc != NULL) { /* we will process files, so pre-parse entries */ if (frame->which & W_LOCAL) entries = Entries_Open (frame->aflag, NULL); } } /* process the files (if any) */ if (process_this_directory && filelist != NULL && frame->fileproc) { struct file_info finfo_struct; struct frame_and_file frfile; /* read lock it if necessary */ if (should_readlock && mapped_repository && Reader_Lock (mapped_repository) != 0) error (1, 0, "read lock failed - giving up"); /* For the server, we handle notifications in a completely different place (server_notify). For local, we can't do them here--we don't have writelocks in place, and there is no way to get writelocks here. */ if (current_parsed_root->isremote) client_notify_check (repository, update_dir); finfo_struct.repository = mapped_repository; finfo_struct.update_dir = update_dir; finfo_struct.entries = entries; finfo_struct.virtual_repository = repository; /* do_file_proc will fill in finfo_struct.file. */ frfile.finfo = &finfo_struct; frfile.frame = frame; /* process the files */ err += walklist (filelist, do_file_proc, &frfile); /* unlock it */ if (should_readlock) Lock_Cleanup_Directory(); /* clean up */ if (filelist) dellist (&filelist); } /* call-back files done proc (if any) */ if (process_this_directory && dodoneproc && frame->filesdoneproc != NULL) { err = frame->filesdoneproc (frame->callerdat, err, (char*)mapped_repository, (char*)(update_dir[0] ? update_dir : "."), entries); } skip_directory: if(repository && !current_parsed_root->isremote) { fileattr_write (); fileattr_free (); } /* process the directories (if necessary) */ if (dirlist != NULL) { // BUGME!!! /* for some reason this code path is not entered some times when it SHOULD be, eg: after a rename! This means the .direcrory_history file is not created !!!! */ struct frame_and_entries frent; frent.frame = frame; frent.entries = entries; err += walklist (dirlist, do_dir_proc, (void *) &frent); } if (dirlist) dellist (&dirlist); if (entries) { Entries_Close (entries); entries = NULL; } /* free the saved copy of the pointer if necessary */ xfree (srepository); xfree (mapped_repository); repository = NULL; return (err); }
int lupdate(int upptr){ int i,c,sn,l,m,grp[4],lnew[4],nlist; int g,gnew,ldtmp,s; int g2; if(mvconn[upptr] != EOL)killist(&mvconn[upptr]); if(mvcapt[upptr] != EOL)killist(&mvcapt[upptr]); kosave[upptr] = kosquare; kosquare = NOSQUARE; s = mvs[upptr]; if(s == PASS){ /* pass */ return(TRUE); } ++numnodes; c = mvcolor[upptr]; l = 0; m = 0; nlist = EOL; i = fdir[s]; for(ldtmp = ldir[i]; i < ldtmp; ++i){ /* look at neighbors */ sn = s + nbr[i]; ++lnbf[sn][c]; --lnbn[sn]; dellist(s,&nblbp[sn]); g = board[sn]; if(g == NOGROUP){ /* empty nbr, add a liberty */ lnew[m++] = sn; } else if(grcolor[g] != c){ /* unfriendly neighbor */ if(dellist(s,&grlbp[g])){ if(--grlibs[g] == 0){ /* killed enemy group */ lnew[m++] = sn; adflist(g,&mvcapt[upptr]); lkilgrp(g); } else grp[l++] = g; } } else addlist(g,&nlist); /* friendly neighbor */ } if(nlist == EOL){ /* create a new group */ if(maxgr > NUMGROUPS - 2){ return(FALSE); /* probably need more work here */ } gnew = maxgr++; board[s] = gnew; grsize[gnew] = 1; grcolor[gnew] = c; grlibs[gnew] = m; for(i = 0; i < l; ++i){ g = grp[i]; addlist(g,&grnbp[gnew]); addlist(gnew,&grnbp[g]); } for(i = 0; i < m; ++i)addlist(lnew[i],&grlbp[gnew]); mvnext[upptr] = -1; grpieces[gnew] = upptr; if(grlibs[gnew] == 1 && mvcapt[upptr] != EOL && grsize[list[mvcapt[upptr]]] == 1 && links[mvcapt[upptr]] == EOL) kosquare = list[grlbp[gnew]]; } else { if(links[nlist] == EOL){ /* add stone to group */ gnew = list[nlist]; for(i = 0; i < l; ++i){ g2 = grp[i]; if(addlist(g2,&grnbp[gnew])){ addlist(gnew,&grnbp[g2]); adflist(g2,&nbply[upptr]); } } for(i = 0; i < m; ++i)if(addlist(lnew[i],&grlbp[gnew])){ ++grlibs[gnew]; adflist(lnew[i],&lbply[upptr]); } } else{ /* combine groups */ gnew = lcombine(nlist,upptr); for(i = 0; i < l; ++i){ g2 = grp[i]; if(addlist(g2,&grnbp[gnew])){ addlist(gnew,&grnbp[g2]); } } for(i = 0; i < m; ++i)if(addlist(lnew[i],&grlbp[gnew])) ++grlibs[gnew]; } board[s] = gnew; ++grsize[gnew]; mvnext[upptr] = grpieces[gnew]; grpieces[gnew] = upptr; --grlibs[gnew]; dellist(s,&grlbp[gnew]); killist(&nlist); } if(grlibs[gnew] == 0)return(FALSE); /* illegal suicide */ return(TRUE); }
List *Find_Names (const char *repository, int which, int aflag, List **optentries, const char *virtual_repository) { List *entries; List *files; const char *regex = NULL; if(!current_parsed_root->isremote) regex = lookup_regex(virtual_repository); /* make a list for the files */ files = filelist = getlist (); /* look at entries (if necessary) */ if (which & W_LOCAL) { /* parse the entries file (if it exists) */ entries = Entries_Open (aflag, NULL); if (entries != NULL) { /* walk the entries file adding elements to the files list */ (void) walklist (entries, add_entries_proc, NULL); /* if our caller wanted the entries list, return it; else free it */ if (optentries != NULL) *optentries = entries; else Entries_Close (entries); } } if ((which & W_REPOS) && repository && !isreadable (CVSADM_ENTSTAT)) { /* search the repository */ if (find_rcs (repository, files, regex) != 0) { error (0, errno, "cannot open directory %s", fn_root(repository)); goto error_exit; } /* search the attic too */ { char *dir; dir = (char*)xmalloc (strlen (repository) + sizeof (CVSATTIC) + 10); (void) sprintf (dir, "%s/%s", repository, CVSATTIC); if (find_rcs (dir, files, regex) != 0 && !existence_error (errno)) /* For now keep this a fatal error, seems less useful for access control than the case above. */ error (1, errno, "cannot open directory %s", fn_root(dir)); xfree (dir); } if(find_virtual_rcs (virtual_repository, files) != 0) { error(1, errno, "find_virtual_rcs failed"); } if(find_rename_rcs(virtual_repository, files) != 0) { error(1,errno, "find_renames failed"); } } xfree(regex); /* sort the list into alphabetical order and return it */ sortlist (files, fsortcmp); return (files); error_exit: xfree(regex); dellist (&files); return NULL; }
static int ls_proc (int argc, char **argv, char *xwhere, char *mwhere, char *mfile, int shorten, int local, char *mname, char *msg) { char *repository; int err = 0; int which; char *where; int i; if (is_rls) { char *myargv[2]; if (!quiet) error (0, 0, "Listing module: `%s'", strcmp (mname, "") ? mname : "."); repository = xmalloc (strlen (current_parsed_root->directory) + strlen (argv[0]) + (mfile == NULL ? 0 : strlen (mfile) + 1) + 2); (void)sprintf (repository, "%s/%s", current_parsed_root->directory, argv[0]); where = xmalloc (strlen (argv[0]) + (mfile == NULL ? 0 : strlen (mfile) + 1) + 1); (void)strcpy (where, argv[0]); /* If mfile isn't null, we need to set up to do only part of the * module. */ if (mfile != NULL) { char *cp; char *path; /* If the portion of the module is a path, put the dir part on * repos. */ if ((cp = strrchr (mfile, '/')) != NULL) { *cp = '\0'; (void)strcat (repository, "/"); (void)strcat (repository, mfile); (void)strcat (where, "/"); (void)strcat (where, mfile); mfile = cp + 1; } /* take care of the rest */ path = Xasprintf ("%s/%s", repository, mfile); if (isdir (path)) { /* directory means repository gets the dir tacked on */ (void)strcpy (repository, path); (void)strcat (where, "/"); (void)strcat (where, mfile); } else { myargv[1] = mfile; argc = 2; argv = myargv; } free (path); } /* cd to the starting repository */ if (CVS_CHDIR (repository) < 0) { error (0, errno, "cannot chdir to %s", repository); free (repository); free (where); return 1; } which = W_REPOS; } else /* !is_rls */ { repository = NULL; where = NULL; which = W_LOCAL | W_REPOS; } if (show_tag || show_date || show_dead_revs) which |= W_ATTIC; if (show_tag != NULL && !tag_validated) { tag_check_valid (show_tag, argc - 1, argv + 1, local, 0, repository, false); tag_validated = true; } /* Loop on argc so that we are guaranteed that any directory passed to * ls_direntproc should be processed if its parent is not yet in DIRS. */ if (argc == 1) { List *dirs = getlist (); err = start_recursion (ls_fileproc, NULL, ls_direntproc, ls_dirleaveproc, dirs, 0, NULL, local, which, 0, CVS_LOCK_READ, where, 1, repository); walklist (dirs, ls_print_dir, NULL); dellist (&dirs); } else { for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { List *dirs = getlist (); err = start_recursion (ls_fileproc, NULL, ls_direntproc, NULL, dirs, 1, argv + i, local, which, 0, CVS_LOCK_READ, where, 1, repository); walklist (dirs, ls_print_dir, NULL); dellist (&dirs); } } if (!(which & W_LOCAL)) free (repository); if (where) free (where); return err; }
static COMMAND_FUNC( do_chng_one ) { Param *p; const char **pnlist; int nlist=0; int i=0; const char *s; p=theptbl; /* count the number of parameters */ while( p->p_type != NULL_P_TYPE ) { nlist++; p++; } pnlist = (const char **) getbuf( (nlist+1) * sizeof(char *) ); if( pnlist == NULL ) mem_err("do_chng_one"); #ifdef HAVE_HISTORY if( intractive(SINGLE_QSP_ARG) && IS_TRACKING_HISTORY(THIS_QSP) ){ List *lp; Node *np; lp = new_list(); for(i=0;i<nlist;i++){ pnlist[i] = theptbl[i].p_name; np = mk_node(&theptbl[i]); addTail(lp,np); } pnlist[i]="all"; np = mk_node(&pnlist[i]); addTail(lp,np); if( intractive(SINGLE_QSP_ARG) ){ char pline[LLEN]; make_prompt(QSP_ARG pline,PNAME_PMPT); new_defs(QSP_ARG pline); /* is this needed? */ init_hist_from_item_list(QSP_ARG PNAME_PMPT,lp); } dellist(lp); } #else /* ! HAVE_HISTORY */ for(i=0;i<nlist;i++) pnlist[i] = theptbl[i].p_name; #endif /* ! HAVE_HISTORY */ s=NAMEOF(PNAME_PMPT); if( !strcmp(s,"all") ){ p=theptbl; while( p->p_type != NULL_P_TYPE ) { getparm(QSP_ARG p); showparm(QSP_ARG p); p++; } return; } else if( get_pval(QSP_ARG s,theptbl) == -1 ){ sprintf(ERROR_STRING,"Unknown parameter \"%s\"",s); WARN(ERROR_STRING); } }
/* * Process the current directory, looking for files not in ILIST and * not on the global ignore list for this directory. If we find one, * call PROC passing it the name of the file and the update dir. * ENTRIES is the entries list, which is used to identify known * directories. ENTRIES may be NULL, in which case we assume that any * directory with a CVS administration directory is known. */ void ignore_files (List *ilist, List *entries, const char *update_dir, Ignore_proc proc) { int subdirs; DIR *dirp; struct dirent *dp; struct stat sb; char *file; const char *xdir; List *files; Node *p; /* Set SUBDIRS if we have subdirectory information in ENTRIES. */ if (entries == NULL) subdirs = 0; else { struct stickydirtag *sdtp = entries->list->data; subdirs = sdtp == NULL || sdtp->subdirs; } /* we get called with update_dir set to "." sometimes... strip it */ if (strcmp (update_dir, ".") == 0) xdir = ""; else xdir = update_dir; dirp = CVS_OPENDIR ("."); if (dirp == NULL) { error (0, errno, "cannot open current directory"); return; } ign_add_file (CVSDOTIGNORE, 1); wrap_add_file (CVSDOTWRAPPER, 1); /* Make a list for the files. */ files = getlist (); while (errno = 0, (dp = CVS_READDIR (dirp)) != NULL) { file = dp->d_name; if (strcmp (file, ".") == 0 || strcmp (file, "..") == 0) continue; if (findnode_fn (ilist, file) != NULL) continue; if (subdirs) { Node *node; node = findnode_fn (entries, file); if (node != NULL && ((Entnode *) node->data)->type == ENT_SUBDIR) { char *p; int dir; /* For consistency with past behaviour, we only ignore this directory if there is a CVS subdirectory. This will normally be the case, but the user may have messed up the working directory somehow. */ p = Xasprintf ("%s/%s", file, CVSADM); dir = isdir (p); free (p); if (dir) continue; } } /* We could be ignoring FIFOs and other files which are neither regular files nor directories here. */ if (ign_name (file)) continue; if ( #ifdef DT_DIR dp->d_type != DT_UNKNOWN || #endif lstat (file, &sb) != -1) { if ( #ifdef DT_DIR dp->d_type == DT_DIR || (dp->d_type == DT_UNKNOWN && S_ISDIR (sb.st_mode)) #else S_ISDIR (sb.st_mode) #endif ) { if (!subdirs) { char *temp = Xasprintf ("%s/%s", file, CVSADM); if (isdir (temp)) { free (temp); continue; } free (temp); } } #ifdef S_ISLNK else if ( #ifdef DT_DIR dp->d_type == DT_LNK || (dp->d_type == DT_UNKNOWN && S_ISLNK (sb.st_mode)) #else S_ISLNK (sb.st_mode) #endif ) { continue; } #endif } p = getnode (); p->type = FILES; p->key = xstrdup (file); (void) addnode (files, p); } if (errno != 0) error (0, errno, "error reading current directory"); (void) CVS_CLOSEDIR (dirp); sortlist (files, fsortcmp); for (p = files->list->next; p != files->list; p = p->next) (*proc) (p->key, xdir); dellist (&files); }